So Lets Talk...Social Acceptance and Disagreement

So lets talk. The United States is one of the most socially accepting and culturally safe countries in the entire developed world. I’ve been to England, France, Spain, Italy, the Bahamas and Haiti, countries that I think represent a wide variety of lifestyles, cultures and beliefs, and the good ole US of A trumps them all in terms of social acceptance. Another important point to make is that our country has developed in a way, socially and technologically, that gives minority groups a very large and loud voice. Now, having said that, let’s not jump to the conclusion that I believe these are bad things…in fact I believe that they’re totally and completely necessary for us to be successful as a nation and society. More people than ever are preaching tolerance and acceptance while supporting rights for minorities, women, lgbt groups and more, but I’ve noticed that other groups are being left out or even discriminated against. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I have some beliefs, beliefs that are core to who I am as a person, that conflict with some of the beliefs and actions of certain people/groups. As an American, I am constitutionally given the right to express and explain those beliefs in the public forum just as anyone else is. Unfortunately, the same people who preach acceptance and coexistence often publicly attack these beliefs. How can you defend one person’s beliefs while simultaneously attacking another’s? If you truly believe that our society should be socially accepting and progressive, then you must be prepared for the inevitable fact that people will have sharply conflicting beliefs. As the artist Lecrae says, “If what’s true for you is true for you, and what’s true for me is true for me, then what if my truth says yours is a lie?” Additionally, you have to stop being offended by people who disagree with you. The beauty of this country is that it was founded on the idea that this will happen and that we need a place where we don’t attack each other for our beliefs but where we can peacefully discuss and understand each other. Tolerance and acceptance does not mean that you only defend what is the fashionable or popular cause nor does it mean that everyone is right. What it means is that you’re willing to accept the fact that people believe differently than you and that, although you may disagree with them, you will lovingly approach the discussion rather than hatefully attacking them. Learn how to ask questions before you make statements. Learn how to understand rather than just listen. Learn how to think before you speak. I’m not asking everyone to sit down and come to a consensus on all beliefs (though I wish we could), nor am I asking everyone to simply accept every belief as true...I’m asking that we approach our disagreements with love and not anger. Of all my beliefs, the most central one, and also the one that our country most sorely lacks and desperately needs, is that we need to love one another…this is where we’ve fallen, this is where we need the most work. Daniel Keadle


A commentary on our social issue

Transcript of So Lets Talk...Social Acceptance and Disagreement

  • So lets talk. The United States is one of the most socially accepting and culturally safe countries in the entire developed world. Ive been to England, France, Spain, Italy, the Bahamas and Haiti, countries that I think represent a wide variety of lifestyles, cultures and beliefs, and the good ole US of A trumps them all in terms of social acceptance. Another important point to make is that our country has developed in a way, socially and technologically, that gives minority groups a very large and loud voice. Now, having said that, lets not jump to the conclusion that I believe these are bad thingsin fact I believe that theyre totally and completely necessary for us to be successful as a nation and society. More people than ever are preaching tolerance and acceptance while supporting rights for minorities, women, lgbt groups and more, but Ive noticed that other groups are being left out or even discriminated against. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I have some beliefs, beliefs that are core to who I am as a person, that conflict with some of the beliefs and actions of certain people/groups. As an American, I am constitutionally given the right to express and explain those beliefs in the public forum just as anyone else is. Unfortunately, the same people who preach acceptance and coexistence often publicly attack these beliefs. How can you defend one persons beliefs while simultaneously attacking anothers? If you truly believe that our society should be socially accepting and progressive, then you must be prepared for the inevitable fact that people will have sharply conflicting beliefs. As the artist Lecrae says, If whats true for you is true for you, and whats true for me is true for me, then what if my truth says yours is a lie? Additionally, you have to stop being offended by people who disagree with you. The beauty of this country is that it was founded on the idea that this will happen and that we need a place where we dont attack each other for our beliefs but where we can peacefully discuss and understand each other. Tolerance and acceptance does not mean that you only defend what is the fashionable or popular cause nor does it mean that everyone is right. What it means is that youre willing to accept the fact that people believe differently than you and that, although you may disagree with them, you will lovingly approach the discussion rather than hatefully attacking them. Learn how to ask questions before you make statements. Learn how to understand rather than just listen. Learn how to think before you speak. Im not asking everyone to sit down and come to a consensus on all beliefs (though I wish we could), nor am I asking everyone to simply accept every belief as true...Im asking that we approach our disagreements with love and not anger. Of all my beliefs, the most central one, and also the one that our country most sorely lacks and desperately needs, is that we need to love one anotherthis is where weve fallen, this is where we need the most work. -Daniel Keadle