Snowy Water Licence variation schedule...Snowy Water Licence variation schedule, 1 November 2019 1....

Snowy Water Licence Variation schedule NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment | DOC20/46557 | 1 Snowy Water Licence variation schedule, 1 November 2019 1. Definitions and interpretation Section Page number (amended agreement) Proposed variation (3) Agreed Annual Release 1 After ‘… adjusted under’, delete clause 13.1and insert instead clause 13.2to read: Agreed Annual Releasemeans the Required Annual Release for either Development in any Water Year as adjusted under clause 13.2 of Schedule Four; (43) Mowamba borrowings account 5 Delete entire definition and insert instead Not usedNew sub-clause 6 After sub-clause (55) Prescribed Event, insert new subclause: (55A) Public AWOPmeans a summary of the Annual Water Operating Plan which contains the information required under clause 8.3(6) to be prepared annually by the Licensee and approved by the Ministerial Corporation under clause 8;

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Snowy Water Licence

Variation schedule

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Snowy Water Licence variation schedule, 1 November 2019

1. Definitions and interpretation

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Proposed variation

(3) Agreed Annual Release 1 After ‘… adjusted under’, delete ‘clause 13.1’ and insert instead ‘clause 13.2’ to read:

‘Agreed Annual Release’ means the Required Annual Release for either Development in any Water Year as

adjusted under clause 13.2 of Schedule Four;

(43) Mowamba borrowings


5 Delete entire definition and insert instead ‘Not used’

New sub-clause 6 After sub-clause (55) ‘Prescribed Event’, insert new subclause:

(55A) ‘Public AWOP’ means a summary of the Annual Water Operating Plan which contains the information required

under clause 8.3(6) to be prepared annually by the Licensee and approved by the Ministerial Corporation under

clause 8;

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Proposed variation

(56) Recovery Amount 6 After ‘for each Development with respect to each Month’ insert ‘in a Water Year’, and

After ‘for that Development calculated as at the commencement of …’, delete ‘the Month immediately preceding that

Month’ and insert instead ‘March in the previous Water Year’

to read:

‘Recovery Amount’ means, for each Development with respect to each Month in a Water Year, the volume

(if any) by which the Dry Inflow Sequence Volume for that Development calculated as at the commencement

of that Month under clause 8 of Schedule Four is less than the volume of the Dry Inflow Sequence Volume

for that Development calculated as at the commencement of March in the previous Water Year under clause

8 of Schedule Four;

New sub-clause 11 After sub-clause 102 ‘Victoria’, insert new subclause:

(102A) ‘Water Access Licence Register’ means the water access licence register kept by the Minister administering

the Water Management Act 2000 (NSW), under section 71 of the Water Management Act 2000 (NSW);

6. Outlet at Tantangara Dam and Snowy Montane Rivers Works

Section Page number



Proposed variation

6.1(1)(a) Outlet at

Tantangara Dam and

Snowy Montane Rivers


16 Delete subclause (1)(a).’construction of the outlet at Tantangara Dam referred to in clause 20.1 of Schedule Three’

and insert ‘not used’.

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7. Licensee’s water rights

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Proposed variation

7.2 (2) Local Water

Extraction and Riparian


16 After ‘under the Water Act 1912 (NSW)’ insert ‘or the Water Management Act 2000 (NSW)’; and

After ‘stored by the Licensee under this Licence as set out in’, delete ‘in section 32 of the Act and listed in Schedule

Five’ and insert instead:

a) section 32 of the Act;

b) the Water Access Licence Register; and

c) in the water sharing plans for the following water sources:

i. Snowy Genoa Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources;

ii. Murrumbidgee Unregulated River Water Sources; and

iii. Murray Unregulated River Water Sources.

to read:

Each of the rights conferred on the Licensee under clause 7.1 is subject to:

1) the rights of occupiers of riparian land under section 52 of the Water Management Act 2000 (NSW); and

2) the rights of persons authorised under the Water Act 1912 (NSW) or the Water Management Act 2000 (NSW)

to take and use water that is authorised to be collected and stored by the Licensee under this Licence as set

out in:

a) section 32 of the Act;

b) the Water Access Licence Register; and

c) in the water sharing plans for the following water sources:

i. Snowy Genoa Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources;

ii. Murrumbidgee Unregulated River Water Sources; and

iii. Murray Unregulated River Water Sources.

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8. Annual water operating plans

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Proposed variation

8.3 Contents of Annual

Water Operating Plan

18 After sub-clause (1), insert new subclause to read:

1A) the expected Required Annual Release for each Development, calculated by the Licensee:

a) utilising the Snowy–Murray Development Annual Allocation or the Snowy–Tumut Development Annual

Allocation as relevant;

b) utilising any previous year’s Required Annual Release Pre-Release Volume;

c) utilising any other volumes specified in clauses 12.1 and 12.2 of Schedule Four, that the Licensee is able to

reasonably anticipate and quantify; and

d) disregarding any volumes specified in clause 12.1 and 12.2 of Schedule Four that the Licensee is unable to

reasonably anticipate and quantify.

8.3 Contents of Annual

Water Operating Plan

18 In subclause 8.3(2), after ‘details on a quarterly basis of the’, delete ‘likely range of forecast water releases’ and

insert instead ‘guaranteed minimum water releases, subject only to a Prescribed Event’ to read:

2) details on a quarterly basis of the guaranteed minimum water releases, subject only to a Prescribed Event,

from each of the Developments having regard to:

a) Required Annual Releases;

b) divertible and non-divertible Snowy Scheme inflows, taking account of likely inflow scenarios; and

c) power system operations;

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8.3 Contents of Annual

Water Operating Plan

19 After subclause 8.3(4), insert new subclauses to read:

5) any agreements by the Water Consultation and Liaison Committee regarding matters relevant to the Annual

Water Operating Plan

6) a summary of the Annual Water Operating Plan. This summary will be released to the public as the ‘Public

AWOP’ in accordance with clause 8.13B and must include:

a) the annual guaranteed minimum water release for the Water Year, subject only to a Prescribed Event,

from each of the Developments having regard to:

i. Required Annual Releases;

ii. divertible and non-divertible Snowy Scheme inflows, taking account of likely inflow scenarios;


iii. power system operations;

b) the expected Required Annual Release for each Development, calculated in accordance with clause


c) the release volumes that under Schedule Three are required to be included in the Annual Water

Operating Plan;

d) any agreements (other than those excluded by clause 8.3(7)) by the Water Consultation and Liaison

Committee regarding matters relevant to the Annual Water Operating Plan; and

e) such other information with respect to water releases and diversions as:

i. the Licensee thinks fit after consultation with the Water Consultation and Liaison Committee;


ii. (other than those excluded by clause 8.3(7)) the Ministerial Corporation determines that it

reasonably requires having regard to the purpose of this Licence.

7) The information specified in clause 8.3(6)(d) and clause 8.3(6)(e)(ii) does not include information that the

Licensee has informed the Ministerial Corporation will, if publicly released:

a) diminish the competitive commercial value of any information to any person; or

b) otherwise constitute a disclosure of commercial-in-confidence information that would not be required

to be disclosed under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW);

unless the Licensee and Ministerial Corporation have agreed that the information should be disclosed

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Proposed variation

New clause 22 After clause 8.13A Finalisation of Annual Water Operating Plan insert new clause to read:

8.13B Release of Public AWOP

As soon as reasonably practicable after the Ministerial Corporation approves the Annual Water Operating

Plan, the Licensee must make the Public AWOP publicly available on its website or as otherwise agreed by

the Licensee and the Ministerial Corporation.

8.16 Amendment of Annual

Water Operating Plan

23 After subclause 8.16(3) insert new subclause to read:

4) If under clause 8.16(2):

a) the Ministerial Corporation agrees to a proposed amendment to the Annual Water Operating Plan to

permit the release of a volume of water from either of the Developments which is less than the lower

limit referred to in subclause 8.14(2);

b) the Water Consultation and Liaison Committee advises the Licensee that the proposed amendment to

the Annual Water Operating Plan will reduce available water determinations in the relevant

downstream water supply system; and

c) the information is not information that the Licensee has informed the Ministerial Corporation will, if

publicly released:

i. diminish the competitive commercial value of any information to any person; or

ii. otherwise constitute a disclosure of commercial-in-confidence information that would not be

required to be disclosed under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW),

then the Licensee must, as soon as reasonably practicable after the Ministerial Corporation approves

the amendment to the Annual Water Operating Plan, make publicly available on its website an update

to the Public AWOP which reflects this amendment.

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Proposed variation

New clause 24 After clause 8.16 Amendment of Annual Water Operating Plan insert a new clause 8.16A to read:

8.16A Additional Information to Annual Water Operating Plan

If, at any time during a Water Year, the Ministerial Corporation requests that the Licensee provide details on a

quarterly basis of the likely maximum releases from one or both of the Developments, the Licensee must,

within 28 days:

1) calculate, for each remaining quarter in that Water Year, the likely maximum releases from each of the

Developments having regard to:

a) Required Annual Releases;

b) divertible and non-divertible Snowy Scheme inflows, taking account of likely inflow scenarios; and

c) power system operations;

2) provide details, for each remaining quarter in that Water Year, of the likely maximum releases from one or

both of the Developments (as requested by the Ministerial Corporation) to the Ministerial Corporation for

provision to each member of the Water Consultation and Liaison Committee.

10. Reviews of licensee’s obligations

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Proposed variation

10.8 Variation of Schedule


29 Delete entire clause and insert ‘Not Used’.

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Schedule Two: Water management works

2. Dams and reservoirs

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Proposed variation

Tantangara Dam 45 After ‘River Outlet Works: one 1.22 m outlet conduit’, insert ‘with intake structure and selective offtake capable of

releasing water from above the thermocline’ to read:

River Outlet Works: one 1.22 m outlet conduit with intake structure and selective offtake capable of releasing

water from above the thermocline with a capacity of 28.3 m3/s.

Jindabyne Dam 47 After ‘River Outlet Works: 0.91 m diameter pipe siphon under spillway to provide discharge up to 0.6 m3/s in the river

below the dam’, insert ‘Intake structure and selective offtake capable of releasing water from above the thermocline,

3.6 m diameter tunnel, 2 cone valves, submerged discharge valve and small hydro with a combined capacity of 58 m3/s.’

to read:

River Outlet Works: 0.91 m diameter pipe siphon under spillway to provide discharge up to 0.6 m3/s in the river

below the dam. Intake structure and selective offtake capable of releasing water from above the thermocline,

3.6 m diameter tunnel, 2 cone valves, submerged discharge valve and small hydro with a combined capacity of

58 m3/s.

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Schedule Three: Increased flow requirement

Part One: General requirements with respect to increased flows

1. Treatment of annual allocations

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Proposed variation

1.3 Licensee to Adjust

Accounts for Snowy River

Annual Allocation

50 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

3. Licensee to maintain water accounts

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Proposed variation

3.1(1) Licensee to Maintain

Water Accounts

51 Delete subclause 3.1(1) and insert instead ‘Not used;’.

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4. Ministerial Corporation to notify licensee

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Proposed variation

4.1(3) Ministerial

Corporation to Notify

Licensee of Water

Accounting Adjustment

51 Delete subclause 4.1(3) and insert instead ‘not used;’

Part Two: Snowy River Increased Flows generally

6. Licensee to construct outlet at Jindabyne Dam

Section Page




Proposed variation

6. Licensee to construct

outlet at Jindabyne Dam

52 Delete ‘Construct’ and instead insert ‘Operate’ to read:

6. Licensee to operate outlet at Jindabyne Dam

6.1 Licensee to Construct

Outlet at Jindabyne Dam

52 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

6.2 Outlet Specifications 52 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

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Proposed variation

6.3 Where Licensee Does

Not Construct Outlet by Due


53 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

6.4 Cost of Construction of

Fish Ladders

53 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

6.5 Operation of Outlet at

Jindabyne Dam

53 Delete ‘The outlet constructed by the Licensee under clause 6.1 of this Schedule 3’ and insert instead ‘The Jindabyne

Dam River Outlet Works specified in the table in clause 2 of Schedule 2’ to read:

The Jindabyne Dam River Outlet Works specified in the table in clause 2 of Schedule Two must be operated by

the Licensee to selectively withdraw water from the near surface horizon of the reservoir for the water being

released for riparian flows and Snowy River Increased Flows made under Part Two of this Schedule Three.

7. Date of commencement of Snowy River Increased Flows

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Proposed variation

7.3 Provision where Snowy

River Annual Allocation

Exceeds Balance in

Mowamba Borrowings

Account During First Three


54 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

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Part Three: Snowy River Increased flows from Mowamba River and Cobbon Creek

10. Mowamba Borrowings Account

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Proposed variations

10. Mowamba Borrowings


55 Delete ‘Mowamba Borrowings Account’ and instead insert ‘Not Used’

10.1 Debit to Mowamba

Borrowings Account

55 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

10.2 Allocation of Mowamba

Borrowings Account

Balance to the


55 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

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Part Four: Snowy River increased flows targeted from Jindabyne Dam

12. Obligations of the licensee with respect to releases from Jindabyne Dam

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Proposed variations

12.2 Assessing Compliance

by the Licensee

56 At the end of subclause 12.2(1), delete the word ‘and’,

and in subclause 12.2(2):

after ‘with respect to the obligations relating to’, delete ‘daily and’ and insert ‘the’

after ‘Monthly’, delete ‘releases’ and insert ‘and Annual Volumes’

after ‘having regard to all of the’, delete ‘daily releases and’

after ‘Monthly releases’, delete ‘respectively’

after ‘over the whole of the relevant Water Year’, insert ‘based on hydrographically corrected data; and’

insert subclause (3) to read:

3) with respect to the obligations relating to Daily Volumes: having regard to all of the daily releases made

by the Licensee from Jindabyne Dam over the whole of the relevant Water Year, based on operational data

collected by the Licensee

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Proposed variations

Assessing Compliance by

the Licensee continued

56 so that 12.2 Assessing Compliance by the Licensee reads:

Compliance by the Licensee with the obligations referred to in clause 12.1 of this Schedule Three is determined:

1) with respect to all of the obligations: once within 45 days of the conclusion of each Water Year;

2) with respect to the obligations relating to the Monthly and Annual Volumes: having regard to all of the

monthly releases made by the Licensee from Jindabyne Dam over the whole of the relevant Water Year,

based on hydrographically corrected data; and

3) with respect to the obligations relating to Daily Volumes: having regard to all of the daily releases made

by the Licensee from Jindabyne Dam over the whole of the relevant Water Year, based on operational data

collected by the Licensee.

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Part Five: Snowy Montane Rivers Increased Flows generally

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Proposed variations

20. Licensee to construct

outlet at Tantangara Dam

62 Delete ‘Construct’ and instead insert ‘Operate’ to read:

20. Licensee to operate outlet at Tantangara Dam

20.1 Licensee to Construct

Outlet at Tantangara Dam

62 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

20.2 Outlet Specifications 62 Delete entire clause and insert instead ‘Not Used’.

20.3 Operation of Outlet at

Tantangara Dam

63 Delete ‘The outlet constructed by the Licensee under clause 20.1 of this Schedule Three’ and insert instead ‘The

Tantangara Dam River Outlet Works specified in the table in clause 2 of Schedule Two to read:

The Tantangara Dam River Outlet Works specified in the table in clause 2 of Schedule Two must be operated

by the Licensee to selectively withdraw water from the near surface horizon of the reservoir for the water being

released for riparian flows and Snowy Montane Rivers Increased Flows made under Part Five of Schedule


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Part Six: Snowy Montane Rivers Increased Flows targeted from Tantangara Dam

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Proposed variations

25.2 Assessing Compliance

by the Licensee

67 In subclause 25.2(2) delete ‘releases’ after ‘with respect to the obligations relating to Monthly’ and insert ‘and Annual

Volumes’, and

In subclause 25.2(2) after ‘over the whole of the relevant Water Year’, insert ‘based on hydrographically

corrected data’

In subclause 25.2(3), delete ‘daily releases’ after ‘with respect to the obligations relating to’ and insert ‘Daily


In subclause 25.2(3) after ‘over the whole of the relevant Water Year’, insert ‘based on operational data

collected by the Licensee.’

so that 25.2 Assessing Compliance by the Licensee reads:

25.2 Assessing Compliance by the Licensee

Compliance by the Licensee with the obligations referred to in clause 25.1 of this Schedule Three is


1) with respect to all of the obligations: once within 45 days of the conclusion of each Water Year;

2) with respect to the obligations relating to Monthly and Annual Volumes: having regard to all of the

Monthly releases made by the Licensee from Tantangara Dam over the whole of the relevant Water

Year, based on hydrographically corrected data; and

3) with respect to the obligations relating to Daily Volumes: having regard to all of the daily releases

made by the Licensee from Tantangara Dam over the whole of the relevant Water Year, based on

operational data collected by the Licensee.

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Schedule Four: Water release requirements

2. The Snowy Scheme and the River Murray

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Proposed variations

2.1 Water Available to the



71 Delete ‘PLUS half of the Mowamba Borrowings Account’ and instead insert:

Plus the volume (if any) of transfers from the Snowy–Tumut Development during that Water Year under

clause 9 of this Schedule Four

Minus the volume (if any) of transfers to the Snowy–Tumut Development during that Water Year under

clause 9 of this Schedule Four

to read:

In this Schedule Four, ‘Water Available to the Snowy–Murray Development’ means:

Water of the Upper Snowy River regulated by the Snowy Scheme

Plus water of the Geehi River and Bogong Creek regulated by the Snowy Scheme

Plus any Snowy Notional Spill from the Snowy–Tumut Development to the Snowy–Murray Development

Plus the transfer from the Snowy–Tumut Development to the Snowy- Murray Development of any Snowy–

Tumut Development Annual Allocation

Plus 4.5 GL per Water Year transferred from the Snowy–Tumut Development to the Snowy–Murray


Plus the volume (if any) of transfers from the Snowy–Tumut Development during that Water Year under

clause 9 of this Schedule Four

Minus the volume (if any) of transfers to the Snowy–Tumut Development during that Water Year under

clause 9 of this Schedule Four

Minus any Snowy Notional Spill from the Snowy–Murray Development to the Snowy–Tumut Development

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3. The Snowy Scheme and the Murrumbidgee River

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Proposed variations

3.1 Water Available to the

Snowy Tumut Development

72 Delete ‘Minus half of the Mowamba Borrowings Account’ and instead insert:

Plus the volume (if any) of transfers from the Snowy–Murray Development during that Water Year under clause

9 of this Schedule Four

Minus the volume (if any) of transfers to the Snowy–Murray Development during that Water Year under clause

9 of this Schedule Four

to read:

In this Schedule Four, ‘Water Available to the Snowy–Tumut Development’ means:

Water of the Eucumbene River, the Tooma River, the Upper Murrumbidgee River and the Upper Tumut River regulated

by the Snowy Scheme

Plus any Snowy Notional Spill from the Snowy–Murray Development to the Snowy–Tumut Development

Plus the volume (if any) of transfers from the Snowy–Murray Development during that Water Year under clause

9 of this Schedule Four

Minus the volume (if any) of transfers to the Snowy–Murray Development during that Water Year under clause

9 of this Schedule Four

Minus any Snowy Notional Spill from the Snowy–Tumut Development to the Snowy–Murray Development

Minus the transfer from the Snowy–Tumut Development to the Snowy- Murray Development of the Snowy–

Tumut Development Annual Allocation

Minus 4.5 GL per Water Year transferred from the Snowy–Tumut Development to the Snowy–Murray


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7. Relaxation volume: Snowy–Tumut development

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Proposed variations

7.1 Relaxation Volume:

Snowy Tumut Development

75 After ‘where 0 ≤ RV ≤’, delete ‘262’ and instead insert ‘226’ to read:

where 0 ≤ RV ≤ 226 and

8. Dry inflow sequence volume

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Proposed variations

8.1 Dry Inflow Sequence


77 Delete:

‘IB = Half the balance in the Mowamba Borrowings Account maintained by the Licensee’

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10.1 Ministerial Corporation

May Call Out Releases in

Subsequent Water Year

79 Delete clause 10.1(1) and (2) and instead insert to read

10.1 Ministerial Corporation May Call Out Releases in Subsequent Water Year

1) With respect to the Snowy–Murray Development – if:

c. the maximum Relaxation Volume calculated in a Water Year (‘Water Year 1’) is greater than 162

GL; and

d. the SM Call Out Volume for Water Year 1 is greater than zero;

then the Ministerial Corporation may by notice in writing to the Licensee given not later than 31

August in the following Water Year (‘Water Year 2’), require the Licensee to release from the Snowy–

Murray Development a volume of water in Water Year 2 that is up to but not exceeding the SM Call

Out Volume.

For the purposes of this clause 10.1 the ‘SM Call Out Volume’ is the greater of zero and an amount

determined as follows:

MRV – 162 gigalitres – DATWR


MRV = The maximum Relaxation Volume for the Snowy–Murray Development calculated

during Water Year 1 under clause 6 of this Schedule Four

DATWR = Discretionary Above-Target Water Releases in Water Year 1, which is calculated

as follows:

aggregate releases of Above Target Water from the Snowy–Murray Development in Water Year 1

Minus: Within Year Releases: the volume (if any) of releases, in addition to any other

releases referred to in clause 12.1, that were required to ensure that the Licensee complies

with the within-year release requirements set out in clause 11 of this Schedule Four in

Water Year 1

Minus: Call Outs: the volume (if any) released under clause 10.1 of this Schedule Four in

Water Year 1

Minus: the volume (if any) of the Snowy–Murray Development Downstream Wet Sequence

Protection Volume in Water Year 1

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Minus: River Murray Drought Releases: the volume (if any) released under clause 10.2 of

this Schedule Four in Water Year 1

Minus: River Murray Increased Flows Call Out: the volume (if any) released under clause

10.4 of this Schedule Four in Water Year 1

2) with respect to the Snowy–Tumut Development – if:

a. the maximum Relaxation Volume calculated in a Water Year (‘Water Year 1’) is greater than 126 GL;


b. the ST Call Out Volume for Water Year 1 is greater than zero;

then the Ministerial Corporation may by notice in writing to the Licensee given not later than 31 August in

the following Water Year (‘Water Year 2’), require the Licensee to release from the Snowy–Tumut

Development a volume of water in Water Year 2 that is up to but not exceeding the ST Call Out Volume.

For the purposes of this clause 10.2 the ‘ST Call Out Volume’ is the greater of zero and an amount

determined as follows:

MRV – 126 gigalitres – DATWR


MRV = The maximum Relaxation Volume for the Snowy–Tumut Development calculated during Water

Year 1 under clause 6 of this Schedule Four

DATWR = Discretionary Above Target Water Releases in Water Year 1, which is calculated as


aggregate releases of Above Target Water from the Snowy–Tumut Development in Water Year 1

Minus: Within Year Releases: the volume (if any) of releases, in addition to any other releases

referred to in clause 12.2, that were required to ensure that the Licensee complies with the within-

year release requirements set out in clause 11 of this Schedule Four in Water Year 1

Minus: Call Outs: the volume (if any) released under clause 10.2 of this Schedule Four in Water

Year 1

Minus: the volume (if any) of the Snowy–Tumut Development Downstream Wet Sequence Protection

Volume in Water Year 1

Page 22: Snowy Water Licence variation schedule...Snowy Water Licence variation schedule, 1 November 2019 1. Definitions and interpretation Section Page number (amended agreement) Proposed

Snowy Water Licence

Variation schedule

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Section Page




Proposed variations

Minus: Murrumbidgee River Drought Releases: the volume (if any) released under clause 10.3 of

this Schedule Four in Water Year 1

12B. Riparian releases from Eucumbene Dam

Section Page




Proposed variations

New clause 86 After clause 12A ‘Releases from Tantangara Dam’, insert a new clause to read:

12B. Riparian releases from Eucumbene Dam

12B.1 Licensee to Make Riparian Releases from Eucumbene Dam

In addition to all other releases to be made by the Licensee under this Licence, the Licensee must use

reasonable endeavours to release sufficient water to maintain a visible flow in the Eucumbene River at Nimmo.

The maximum amount that the Licensee is required to release under this clause is 2.4ML/day.

Page 23: Snowy Water Licence variation schedule...Snowy Water Licence variation schedule, 1 November 2019 1. Definitions and interpretation Section Page number (amended agreement) Proposed

Snowy Water Licence

Variation schedule

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12C. Riparian releases from Mowamba Weir

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Proposed variations

New clause 87 After clause 12B ‘Riparian releases from Eucumbene Dam’, insert a new clause to read:

12C. Riparian releases from Mowamba Weir

12C.1 Licensee to Make Riparian Releases from Mowamba Weir

1. In addition to all other releases to be made by the Licensee under this Licence, the Licensee must use

reasonable endeavours to continuously release 1.4ML/day (0.5 gigalitres per annum) of water from Mowamba

River at the Mowamba Weir.

2. Water released by the Licensee under clause 12C.1 of this Schedule Four is to be accounted as Base

Passing Flow into the Snowy River.

Schedule Five: Licensed extractive users within Snowy Water catchment

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Proposed variations

Schedule Five: licenced

extractive users within

Snowy Water catchment

104 Delete ‘Licensed extractive users within Snowy Water catchment’ and instead insert ‘Not Used’ to read:

Schedule Five Not Used

Table 1: Within Kosciusko

National Park

104 Delete entire table.

Page 24: Snowy Water Licence variation schedule...Snowy Water Licence variation schedule, 1 November 2019 1. Definitions and interpretation Section Page number (amended agreement) Proposed

Snowy Water Licence

Variation schedule

NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment | DOC20/46557 | 24

Section Page




Proposed variations

Table 2: Within Kosciusko

National Park—Unlicensed

105 Delete entire table.

Table 3: Caravan Parks—


106 Delete entire table.

Table 4: Caravan Parks—


106 Delete entire table.

Table 5: Other Private

Licence Holders—Licensed

106 Delete entire table.

Table 6: Private Holdings—


107 Delete entire table.

Table 7: Snowy River Shire


108 Delete entire table.