Snapshot: Functional Excel Functions for E-Resources

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1. Betsy Appleton St. Edwards University Austin, TX Functional Excel Functions for E- Resources 2. Coincidence? (Yes) 30 Years of Excel 30 Years of NASIG Excel for Macintosh Screenshot ca. 1986, Microsoft Sweden, 5465, Screenshot of Excel 2010 taken May 21, 2015. Screenshot of Early NASIG Logo,, Current NASIG Logo from ge_menu=308&pk_association_webpage=1181 3. Agenda Assume theres a better way Favorite Formulas and Functions 4. Assume there is a better way 5. Favorite Formulas and Functions IF, SUMIF, COUNTIF =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])=COUNTIF(Range, Criteria) 6. Favorite Formulas and Functions Sparklines- New in Excel 2010 (Data tab of the Ribbon) 5 year trend- Use 2011/ 2012 2012/2 013 2013/ 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 17% -1% 3% $0.69 $0.63 $0.73 $0.76 22% -4% 41% $3.23 $2.84 $3.16 $2.40 5 year trend- C/U 7. Favorite Formulas and Functions CONCATENATE, Text to Columns LEFT, RIGHT, MID 8. If Only I had known three hours ago