THE WATERFORD NEWS rSTADUSUED 1617. (Alderman RKDSIOKD , Proprietor.) LMtOECT CIRCULATION IN THE SoUTlt 01 lRF.LA.Nn. Published every Friday Evening, at No. 49 King Street iorrOtslTF TriE MOVIXCIA!. BANK.] P IUCK Tiii u .K TKSCE ; YEARLY (IS AHVASCE) 13 S.; li\ POST, Y KAKLY , 15 S., I . V A DVAXCE . Agents for Sale of THE NEWS : WATF.U I'OUD—Mr.\V. K EI . LV , Little George' s-strcet TItAMORE—Miss CLANCY, Refreshment Rooms, in Strand-street. PASSAGE EAST—Tho Misses LOVE, Hotel , Square. DARKICK-OK-SUIU—Mr. J. M. JI UKPHY , Nows Agent. DUNGARYAN—Mr. EDWABD BRKXNA X, Stationor , &c, Post and Telegraph Office , Tho Square. KILMACTIIOMAS—Mr. M. DUNNK , Grocer, &c. L1SM0RE—Mr. J OHN KOONAX, Tho Moll WarchouEO NEW BOSS—Mr. P. MORAN . NCWB Agent , &c. SHIPPING WATKRFORD STEAMSHIP COMPANY STEAM COMMUNICATION UETWEKN WATERFORD and DUNGARVAN. THE STEAMER " EIUV is intended (weather permitting) to sail:— n;o>l WATEKroiin. FKOM DVXOAIIVAX . Moodiiy, Oct. fi , 7 morn Thursday, Oct. 1, b morn Wednesday, 7, 10 morn Tuesday, G, 1 aft ' n Monday, 12, 12 noon Thursday, 8 , 3 aft 'n Wednesday, 11 , 1 =iftn Tuesday , 13 , I aft' n Monday, 1'J , C aft u | Thursday, 15, 5 nft 'n Wednesday, 21, Smorn Tuesday, £0, 10 morn Monday, 2l> , II morn Thursday, 22 , 12 noon Wodnesday, 2S, 12 noon Tuesday, 27, 4 aft ' n Thursday, 29, 5 aft ' n Freiohts Moderate. For particulars app ly to WATERFORD STEAMSHIP CO., Oct. 1, Ib74. Moll . Watcrford WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY. INTENDED ORDEll o/ SAILING—OCT . , 1871. STEAMERS: GIPSY , LARA , ZEPHYR , and CLIO. *k ¦» VTOTICE . —TlieAVaterfordSteainsliip ggUJ^rV •" Company receive Goods for Shi pment «Ci^y^ffv^ p on tho following Terms onl y:—They reserve vfifiSsxb the ri ght to carry by any, not by particular Vessels, will) liberty lo Tow Ships and call ,it other l'orts nc! xill not be accountable for injuries or losses arising frum deljv accidents of the Seas, Rivers, Fire, the Queen ' s line- mics , defective Navigation , or accidents from any other cause nor for any loss which mi ght have been covered by Insurance nor for Leakage, ISreakagc, Condition , Quality, or contents of any Parcels or Packages , nuless speciall y entered and ad va- lorem Frei ght paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the risk and expense of the Consignees. WATKHFOR1) AND BRISTOL. From Waterford to Bristol : From liriftt.l to Watcrford MUKCT. WC1XT. Tut-ilar , Oct. G ... 3{ Affn Thiirnlay, Oct. 1 ... !1 Morn Tnodnv , ,, I't ... 0 Moru.Tliursdav, ,, S ... 5! Mora Tuoiluv , ' - ' 'I ... 3 Aft ' n Thursday, lo ... SJ Moru Tucalnv, J7 ... S Jlorn Thursday, ' . "2 ._ 2 Aft' n :Thursd.iy, 2U . S Jloru STEAMER CLIO. From Wntorfonl to liristol , fnm lirislol to Wntcrford , Dirrct. calling at Pembroke Dock. Friday, Oct. 2 ... 10 Mr,ru Tnc-nl.iy, Oct. li ... " V . Aft' n Friday, 1' ... S Tuesday, 1:1 ... 71 Mom Friday, !•: ... !> SI ITII Tuenby, 9) ... 1 Aft ' u Friilay, ' Si ... o\ Afi ' n Tuesday, 27 ... 7 Morn Friday , :»J ... U Moru fji ty On earl y MorningSailings , the Cabiu of tlieStearn- ers will bo Open to reccivo IVseuRcs arriving from London by the Night Mail Trail- .. Cabin Fare , 16s. Oil,; Servants and Children , 10s. Od. Return do., 25s. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin Cork , or Wexford , 31s. Sd., Steward' s fee included ; Deck 7s. 6d. Females attend the Ladies ' Cabin. WATE1! FOIU» AND LIVERPOOL. TWO SAILINGS WKEKLY. I'ROH W/a i' .KFOKH ; fliOM I.IVKI I I OOI. : Friday ('¦ t. 1 'J AIl ' u IVi-Jay, Oct. 2 1 Morn Monday ,, . ' .— I" Mi.mTn.-.lav , ,, <i 7 Moru Friilay * ,, ' ¦< 1" .Mom Friilav , 11 9 Mori; Monday li li Xn.m TiiiMhiy, 1.1 -11 Moru Friilay .. •' - AU' ii I'ri.lay, Hi ) Moru Monday ,. V.'— " Aft ' n Tui- . -iliiy t Li )—1 Aft ' u Friilav ,, S: ¦ Mi.rn l'riilnv , " ' Si S .Murn Miiiidiiy Jii IJ XI .HU Tn. -ih.y L'7 —11 Muni Friday '!' t Affn Friilay, M I Moru Oiuin Fare , 17V. - . "I ; . tenants (Travelling uith Families) and CliiMrui , V>>; Deck , 10s, Children. Ss. Ft-malcs attend ttie Lnilies 'Cabin. Goods received at Clarence Dock , Liverpool. WATEHFOIS D AND NEW ROSS. F KOM WAII . BFOKII —Dail y, .Sundays eicepted , at 3.15 r.a F KOM N RW liubs—Dailv , Sundavs eicepted , at b.-lo A . a W A 'I K K FO l;)( AND D L"N CA NNO N . F UOM \\' ATH : FI . UI . —Daily, Suudays eicepted, at 3.20 P.M. FROM DCSCAS . NON —Daily, Sundays escepted , at 8.15 A . M . IScrths secund and every information given by thcAgrnti: Bristol : I'll.' (iviiL -ritl Steam Packet Ullicc. Liverpool : Wat.rlord Shi p Company, 23, lirunswiik-fitreet , Wahhiiiiiton I.ui1diii|. ' >, and at the Cutnp.iny 'b . OHice , tlie MALI.; W ATKKFO 11D. CLYDE SIIII'PINU COMPANY. OCTOliKU , 187 J. J:.-: U " UC STEM I COHAtVXICATIOX Ictnxen WATERFORD and LONDON, Via Southainptuu and London ,an- 1 South Western Itailivaj , Pl.YMdL'Ill and SOUTHAMPTON , and SOUTH of KNOLANI) , CORK , DUUL1N , ,MELFA JiT , aud GLASGOW. ^ 'Vf lv r|"MIK new and powerful Screw Steamers , aiJ ^^ 1 SKKl:RYV01lK , CUMliltAK , SANllA ^jLgg-KUDYSTONK , AliKLOW, W1CKLOW , ^ ES BS MV ToWAltlJ , ute intended , tt* Sail its uud«.r (weathiT permitting, unless prevented by any unforeseen circamitltu. t), wilb liberty Ui Tow Vcshcla , und ty rtnder Assistance to Vessels in :— FUOM WATEKFOKD TO CiLASfiOW , Friday, £:>d Oct. 1 p.m. via Cj ik und L' cllabl. Tu^^day liih 1 p.m. via iJuhhu. WniimJuy Ttli ,, 1 p.m. via ( . ' oil. Friday, ill 1. ,, 1 p.m. via Coik and JMfast. Tuod;.y, l. 'tili ,, 1 p.m. via Dubliu , Wtilnitday 1 l' .h ,, 1 p.m. via Cork. Friday, IG'h 1 p.m. »ia O.ik and I!el(a>l. Tuesday, 'JOll. 1 p.m. via Dublin Wednesday , lil-t 1 p.m. via Cork. Friday, "J3rd 1 p.m. n< Cork and llella-t. Tundny, ' - '7tli 1 |..ui. via Dublin Wednesday, 'Jstli ,, 1 p.m. via Cork. Friday, 3 ( 'tb 1 p.m. v.a C' ji k and Uelt..,t. Tuesday, 3td Ni.v . 1 p.m. via Dublin. " FKOM ULASOOW TO WAI KKKll' .D, Every .MONDAY , WKDN KSDAY , and Fl{ll>AY , al 'J [>.in. ; Kail to (iref-i.ock , U NoiK. —Tbe Steaniirnn Fiiday K 1 "" via Cik. FliOM WA'IKlIFOliD 1O UKLFAbT , Kvtry Fl' .lDAY , Via LO1!K , ..t 1 p.m. Every MONDAY , dinrt , - at b a.m. 1SELFAST 1<) WATEUFOI1D , Kvery MONDAY , Via ti i.Ah(iOW , Every Kill DAY , direct . From WATKUI OKD, TO I J UI' .LIN .iirect , Every IL'KSDAY, - at 1 p.m. DUULIN to WATK11F0HD , Via (ilasgow , Ev«y WEUNKhliAY. FKOM WA ' TEUFOitD TO COKK. Kvery WKDNKSlJAY , - oi 1 n.iu E»cry FlilDAY , - - at 1 p.iu FltOSI LiJKK TO WATKKl'OUDdiiect , Kvery JKjNDAY. WATK11KOKD TO LONDON , Steamer to Souiluiuii.tbii , thfiice by London and Koutli- W«.ieru KaJuav to Nn.i' Kims Station , at Tbiou);h Kalis , Kvny SAlUlSllAV , :.t C |..m. LONI J ON 'JO " WA'lKliFOlMl-Kveiy 'I L' KSDAY. Ooi.ds lUci-ived at any ot tbe. K.ceivmij Ileus.» ol tbe London and s-.u:l. W.eiern Kailwjy Company, and at Nine Kim* StHiu.ii. WATKllKOIM) TO I-I.YMOUTII , di.ect , Kvny SA'l L'lilJAY. at « p.m. 1'I.YMOLill 10 WATKltFOiiD , direct. E»«y SA1UKDAY , at 1! p.m. WATi:i:K0):l> TO SOU'l llAJil'TCN , via Pl ymouth. Kv.iy SA'I L'IilUY, »t 0 p. m. &0UTI1AMHOX TO WA'l l- .ltKOliD , via I'lymoutb , E»ny WKDNKSDAY , at ]i) a.m. Tiiesu Stiamiis bavi . - excellent Hccotnmodj lion for pa?scn gers. 1'AhSAGE-MONEY : Cabin. Return, neck Waltifon! to<;!>.> IT Ili-Iliii' t 17- . (W. " o> ]0s. l . ' .ak ... I' ' 11* ui Dublin , ... I"'- Oi Plyini,utb mill Southampton -"s- 3U- . In*. " LI.III I OII , ... -"• :) ?" &I 1"- . fry JJOTK. —Tin- Cljile Shipping Company Insure all Goods Shi ppi-d by tln«i-Lines ot McauieiR , at 3s 4d. percent to Trcders l.avin;: yiarl y aijre.liinitf , and 6b per Cent to oc- ciaional Sbi ppei»—values to be declared at time of shi p, ment. Forms and all !<¦ U bad at the Ofliees. For Kales ot Kn-is lit , *<-., appl y to— CORK STEA M- IIIP COMTAKT., l' enni-i tinny, Curk ; CAK -ILIS and KOAK Eden Quay, HVI11.I S i J. < - ' PISKEI I ION, 10 Victoria St., I!ei:aat ; llnsi- T .1. WAKI . NO , Pl ymouth ; II. W. WmiUJ , LMHI I .II a"" 1 >outh-Wn.i«u l!ailw:.y Company, Enter UuildlllK' i Allbui-tlin , W.M , «ml ll.eir Keo-iving HouseB tlitoUKhbUt tb' . ' city ; Cl y de Shi pping Co., Id , U pper CKi,.s,, lt . . L,u,e,,. k , :,nd^ n|iN( . toMi|ANy > Siiulliar upton , Ijltenoik , Glasgow , ami Waterlord, Special Forms ot Hi Is or l.adiui required by the Cl yd« Sbi ppiug Company to bo 110111 the Au-enln. HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! t^m (ta)" J'0ll"J ' " c '" rc ^' r " 11 C al>< ' ') JOM rr^HV I , KITTLE OEOKCE'S ST11EET, ^¦*% X WATKKFOUD. ' J3* Hats Uoug ht in thib Establishment , DKKSSKH hoi CIIAUCE j " yl7-tf SHIPPING ^ THE IRISH BOATFJ "WHITE STAR" LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS 5.000 Tons liurtben. 3 , 000 Horse-power. j |8S|3i5^\ Liverpool for New York jgIBtt|MB | &Braxeverv Thursday from QUEENS- «^^ B B5^S**^*T0WN every Friday, fo rwarding Passengers to fill parts of the United States and Canada , Returning from New York every Saturday. By MMSIF . H ABIAICD & WOLFF , Ilcllast , sail under , From LtvEBrooi. , via QUBEHBIOWS OCEANIC ... Thnrsday, ... Oot , 22nd 11EPUBLIC... Thursday, ... Oot. 20th 1IALT1C ... Thursday, ... NOT. 5th. ADRIATIC Thursday, .. NOT. 12th CELTIC ... Thursday, ... Nov. 19th. These Steamshi ps are all uniform of the hi ghest speed , and replete with modern conveniences in every department. The saloon , ftnte-rootn ", and fnioVe-rooms are amidshi ps. Avenge Passage 8J dnya in Summer , 91 days ID Winter. Each Vessel is constructed in 7 water-ti g ht compartments. Drafts issued ou New York free of charge. Saloon , £18 18s. and 21 Guineas ; Return Tickets- 35 Guineas ; Steerage £0 0?. Tbe STEEBAOBS are unusuall y spacious, well li ghted , ventilated , und warmed , and Passengers of tbis class receive the utinont civility ami attention. An unlimited supply of Cooked Provisions. Medical comforts free of charge . Stewardesses in Steerage to attend the Women and Children Steerage fare as low ait by any other Line. For frei ght and further particular? , apply at the Offices of the Company, 19 liroadwny, New York , and 90 Market street , Chicngo; in Qncenstown , to James Scott & Co. ; or JSMAY , 1MK1K , & C0., 10 Water-street , Liverpool; and 31 Leailenball street , London , E.C. (ja6-tf T. S. HAKVliY , Little George ' s street , and JAMES HENNESSY , Great George ' s st , Wnterford. J. M. MUni'lIY , 43 , New Lm.e .Carrick-on-Kuir. NA TIONAL LINE TO NEW YORK £55* NOTICE. —This Company tokes the risk of Insur- nnce (up to ilOU . OCO) on each ol its VesBels, tbns giving Passengers tbe btsi possible guaranteo for safety and avoid- ance of danger at sea. The most southerl y route has been always adopted by tbis Company to avoid Ice and Head- lands. —— ¦aw^v LARGEST STEAMERS AFLOAT. ^^kJ£^ From Liverpool every WEDNESDAY E«£*5Eb£§»££n* } ' ro»i Qucnisiotcii every THURSDA Y. rtlULMvcinkii owii Full-Powcrcd Iron Screw L STEAM-SHIPS Shi ps. Ton* Shi pi. Ton KfiYM", nror.nn 50&» EKOLAND, Kemp 4000 Sl'AlN" , Urace 4900 THE QUKEN , linvg 4+11 ITALY. Thoinfou M02 HOLLAND , Simpson . . 3W7 VUANCK , Thompson 3. r .71 EUIX , Andrews ' . 3050 UAXADA .lWcbstcr X«0 HELVKTIA, Spencer 3974 UUKKCK , Thomas 3M) DENMARK , Sumncr 3723 Will Sail from Liverpool to New York as nnder: ERIN Wednesday, Oct. 21st EGYPT Wednesday, Oct. 28th SPAIN Wednesday, Nov. 4thJ Leaving Queenstow n the following days. TO li06T0N AS1J XEW YORK : ITALY ... « TCBSDAT, Oct. 20th 1 be Saloon accommodation i> ua iurpassed, the State-toomB inj ; unusuall y large , and open oil" tbe Baloons , situated in poop on deck Hate of passage 10 , 12 , aod lo Gjineas , according to ac- commodation iu State-room—all having same privilege in Salorn. Return Tickets , TWFNTY-F0UR GUINEAS. UR5" The COMFORT iof STEERAGE PA8SENGEHS specially considered—the accommodation being unequalled for space, li ght , and ventilation. Katos ol Passage—ns low as by Any other line—include abundance of Frrsb Provisions served up Cooked by tbe Company ' s Servants. Medical attendant Free. Steward- esses in attendance on Female Steerage PsEseDKers. Stccrago Passengers forwarded to Quebec , liostori, Phil. Adel phia , nnd Baltimore , tcithout extra charge t and booked through to Sau Francisco, aud all inland towns of United States and Canada on favourable terms. Passengers booked through to Australia , New Zealand , China , and Japan , vil tbe Eric Railway. For Frei g ht or Passage app ly to Tnx N AIIOHAL STEAM Sntr COMPART (L IHITSU ), 21 and23 , Water-street , Liverpool) SOLI: Ar.rsT FOR WATEBVOUU : JIICHAKL DOWNi'Y, Oflicc , 10, Jlcrchants's Quay. J. M. MUIU'IIY , Cnrrick-ou -Suir; R: CUARD LCHCV , Main street , do. ; K ICIIABD I' liEUS, Brown street , I'ortlaw; WM. FOUKISTAL , Grocer , New Ross j PATBICK LAKOAS , llonmabon ; or to N. and J. CcttMixa and BBOS., Queenstown. Passengers are adviwd to secure their Passages from the Loca l Agents before leaving home. SHORTEST, QUICKEST, and SAFEST ROUTE TO AMERICA. GDION LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. ^L ~ K3%i ^k^"' °^ t ' ]0 f°"owing or other First j ^tSKf 5 ^^ \_P class, full-powered Steamshi ps ^BtaEBa* will lie dcpatclicd from LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK, EVEKY WEDNESDAY: WYOMING. ...C. J , lieddoe.| MINNESOTA..,Tlios. Jones WISCONSIN T-W.FreemaniMANHATTAN - J' srsball IDAHO W. ForsylhiMONTANA J. Beverley NEVADA J. II. Price. IDAKOTA.... J AMBS G UAUD CALLING at QUEKNS70WN tbe day following, to erobaik Paetenpers. J'assengers booked tb roug h to San Fralici.s o and alliulaod towns at low rates. Itatis of l'atsigc fiom Liverpool to New York :— Cabin I' a^agc...., 12 . 10, 17, and 20 Guineas. Inteimrdiatc 8 Guineas. Steerage Passage to Nivr Yolk , Button , Portland , Phila- delphia , lialtimoie , or Quebec, at reduced rutcf , including a ph-ntilu ] >upp ly of piovisiou.n, cooked und served up by the Company ' s fctetvards These Steamers carry Surgeon and Stewardesses free. Passengers are recommended to obtain their Tickets from our agents before leaviug bcrne. Kiir 'ii-it;lit or passiige, app l y to (.TlON &. CO.. 25 WaUr-stnet , Liverpool j or to JOHN DKVKKECX, Quay, Watcrford , WM. MUNRO , 2: Soulb-street , New Hoss '1IIOMAS KAVANAGil . tbe Sijuare , Dungirvun. J. II. ML'KPllV, 43, New Lane , Carrick-ou-Suir. PATCK. O'SULI.IVAN , Auctioneer , Carrick-on-Suir THOMAS ll.CUKTIS , Potllaw. KliWAKD Ml. ' -KhLLA , Grocer , lWlercon. robl3 AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STA TES JIAIL STEAMER BETWEKN LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA. Tbe Firet-clabs Full-powered Iron Steamship) , ni "!^^ PENNSYLVANIA OHIO. <y*jr\ KV AUBOTSFOKD KENILWOItTH. 4SQSU» INDIANA. ILLINOIS , Are nppuiuted tu Sail Weekly from Livrrpoel . ILLINOIS Wednesday, Oct. 21 KENILWOKTH Wednesday, NOT. 4 INDIANA Wednesday, NOT. 11 AliliOTSFORD Wednesday, N OT . IB PENNSYLVANIA Wednesday, NOT .25. calhug at Queiiistown the lollowiug day to embark Passengers . The American Steamshi p Company is I lie onl y Trans- Allji.tic Line sailing under tbe United Stale* Flag. All tbi- . -e steameiti are fitted with Life Rafts , iu addition to au rstia nuu.bei of Life iJolits and Life l' icsei vers. Tbe uccr.uHuod'itiou fur all classo of pas>engcrs is equal in t-lfgnncc and cointorl to any ol tbe European Steamshi p Lin. -- . Every Steamer carries a surgeon find Stewardess. and pood* Hre landid at Plnladcl pbiM on tbe Wl.ait of the Pci.i.Ey lvai.ia Railroad Company, nnd aro pass.:il direct tuiiu I IIL- .Steamers into tbe Railway Ca rs , tbus olkrniB tin: vre.tctt facility for forwarding of Passengers Hii d COIAI^ inland at lowest Thrcunb Rules. Fur tbe rf>tt:ia! HccointnMlation of passtntrtis tberc ara untUrtlie ^Rua- roof , iufrebhmi'i.t Loom, Unittd Stutes Letter llux/lVliprap h Ollice, Kscbange Office, pnd llaggage Kxpies* OtKcr , , -u ttiat I'ahfengers by tbm line effect a bav- ii.K of botb time HIII I miiniy, und have everything provided wlii.l.cti. bel ptoiiiuketbeir jnuriii-y easy and pleasant. IdP* Tbe I'liiti-ylvania Itailroad is the nbottcst aud most dinct route to all places iu IlicWiitetn States. CADIS F» S « AOB , Fifteen to Twenty Guneas. Return Ticket? at ruduiea rati-j. SlEtiiAGK PASSAOK as low 8H by auy other Line , in clud- ing an ample supp ly of Provisions , cooked and served up by the Company ' s Steward*. Passengers ate forwarded to New Yoik or Kdltimoie , without additional cbargc. I MOMI-M ATK 1'ASHAGE .—Supcrioi Bccomniodation , in- cludiliK lirds , lidding, and all necisbary Utensil* »nd se- parate Table, £3 3s. txlia. No intermediate carried on voyage luarktil lbus # Apply in Philadelphia to PETEK WEIOHT A Soss, Griieml Ag. nts , 307, Waluut-strect ; in lli., to E. J. L. AiitiY , ' J , Cii. -t.iii Ilouse->quare ; in Qucenttown , to N. & J. L ' LiiMIMi & Hn.tlitr- * ; mid in Liverpoo l , to RICHARDSON , SPEXCE & CO., t( 17 mid Watei-.trct-t j or JOHN UEVEREUX , Quay, Watcrford. CARR1CK-ON-SUIR EMIGRATION OFFICE. GOVERNMENT EMIGRATION TO NEW ZEALAND AND CANADA. FREE PASSAGES to NEW ZEALAND granted to uli giblu App licants. ASSISTED PASSAGES- Granted to CANADA. 1 ' urticulars of which cuu be had on application to J. 11. Jluui'ltr . Agent. Sluiiint-rs to New York- twico a week, from Quocns- town , Liverpool , Derry, Duhliu , Glasgow, and London. Firiit-clnss Shij iH from Liverpool anil London to Aus. traliu mi'i Qucuusland once a month. Emi ginlion Ollice—AS NEW LANE, CARKICK. 0N-SL1R. fjay-tf] AGEXTS \;r llOUXSll Vs RKAVIXO and UOWlKli MACHINES , Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of Farming Implements and Machines. CO Jl SI 1 N S AND COMPANY. CG, QUAY, WATEKFOBD. n6-6m RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR OCTOBER ^ATKBVoiliVXND N LIMEi»ICIC V RXrLWAyr N Up Traint from Waitrfori. THAIM8 OH Will BI TS. » . WAtmroiiD I . WAII,./ 31AH,. I MAII, to LIMlRtci 142 14'J ! 142 1 i2 1243 1, 2, 1343 to LixiRtci. cinn. Clasi.;0laii. Clai6. Clan Clan. . A.H. ' A.M. \ p.M. (P.M. P.M. P.M. T.M. Watertord..,.rfcp. 5 40 j ._ ills " T<L I T30 ~ . ~ 8 30 ' C»rrick.or:.5< uir.. 0 25 ... 12 17 3 25 0 15 ... 9 J* Clonmel....... 7 5 , ... 12 45 4 4 10 0 ... 10 0 Tippeiary 8 15 ! 1 Sll 5 9 11 35 ... 11 35 Juncllon aritl 8 25 I ... 2 10 5 20 11 55 ... 11 55 DUBLIK... arrival 1 15 I ... 5 40 10 0 4 5 ... 4 30 CO *K . . . ...arrival 130 ... 4 35 8 15 2'0 ... 2 9 Dnblln .~.~.,.dtp ... i ... 10 30 ... .7. ... 1 4s Cork........ ... I „, 12 3D ... ,„ |0 6 JaDctlon...». | 8 38 ;12 12 2 2s 5 45 12 23 ... 13 23 Lim«rick....«rirl 3 45 ; 12 52 3 15 0 50 1 30 ... 1 30 Bourn Traint fr om Ximerici. I TRAIN! ov vrriv nlvi. I fl ' nr LIMIR ] IMAIL. MAIL. MAIL. MAIL, «w.if.Fnn 18*312*3 Ii2 123 142 1 & 8 1 2*. 0 TOUATEBFOHD. C!llM I C,,... C| a,, C)a> , ,,,„, ,.,„„ f.,,,, *I M-_ | _* ; _ M. A.M. P. M. P.M. Jf - H ^ P. M. Limerick ^dep 0 15 " J if n *n 4 0 " 10 40 ... iu 40 Junction..arr.lrt/ 7 'JO 8 20 12 20 5 16 11 55 ... Il 05 Oork..._.„.., ... 1 30 2 0 8 IS 2 0 ... 2 0 Dublin 1 15 6 15 10 0 4 6 ... 4 5 UCBLIN.........iff;) _ ... Q | | CORK .._.._.„„ ... 0 0 Junction.™ 7 30 ... 18 30 5 35 12 23 ... 13 23 Tipperary , 7 40 ... 12 40 6 45 12 50 ... 13 50 Clonmel J 9 0 ... 1 40 ff25 2 20 ... 2 20 CarrickJ | 9 15 ,„ 2 5 7 35 3 0 ,„ '] 0 Wat«ilbrd...nrii-M0 SO ... 2 4s « 15 3 45 ... " 3 48 FASCI First Clam Single Ticket, 14a 8d ; Secon.l do. 11 Od Third do, til 6d. Eeturn—Firit Clan . 81a Sil ; Second Jo, 10a 6d J. F. NICOLL, Secretary. WATKKFORD AND CtNTRAL IRELAND AND KILKENNY JUNCTION RAILWAYS. The (borteit route from Waterfoid and Kilkenny to Dublin , Alblone , P.-rtuinoa , P.rtomtown , or Neuagh , lariaMaryboro *. tZj * Improred quick aod through daily communication be* tween Maryborough and other atatiom to Waterfor<Vtbeaca Ti. tievr IMilford to London and all BtaliooB on the (ireat Wea- tern r&itwa/of Kog laod. On Sundays tho Down Trains will leave Maryborough at 4,0 p.m. w SOMJiv KI CURS I OKS DISCOKTIK UEI J . PBOH WATEEFOHD «TATinv« 1«*3. i&2 1 2 it 31 ' ti S 1 2&312 43 BTATioxi. ClaasOlaia. ClanJClasi . Clasi. Claia A.M. J |. M. P. M. I r.M. nuon _ p.«. lim hm hm tim bra hm W«terford._rffp«r/i.rc 7 15 1 0 4 0 12 (I Kilmacow __ 7 25 1 111 4 10 12 13 Mullinav nt ....7 35 4 So 11 25 Billyhalc... 1 55 1 35 4 40 12 50 ThomaiioKii 8 111 1 5(1 4 55 15 Uer.uelabtidK 8 ' . '5 2 5 5 5 1 201 Kilkenny arrhnl 8 «li 2 21' 5 ju 1 40i Do departure 6 55 2 30 3 3d 1 So Ballyragget... 0 IS i 5n 3 50 2 Id! Attanagh 9 &' > 3 0 6 0 2 IS At/hejlcix 9 50 3 IS , 6 15 ' •! 30. Marjboro " ..>...nrrirr.( | ltl 10 3 35 | fl 45 3 0 Maifborougll dei> ~.vp lU 52 4 2 ; 7 40 < *i 'Jl , Ponatlineion Junc ' D 'll It 411 ' 8 7 3 13 Dublin arriiol| 1 15 5 4(1 .10 0 5 15 - Atblone Junction nrrl: 4 45 6 30 | Maryboro '...<ie;> rfo« n ! 10 30 I 7 11 9 52 Balljbropby,.. ' 10 SO I 7 41 10 IJSl Roscrea .- 1134 8 30 I' arionjtown 12 4 . 0 0 Parlnrnoa _ 12 44 9 40 Nenogh .... , 12 23 0 20 TempJrmoro .- | _ 8 17 lo 51 Thorle -firrlvol 1 36 - 8 35 11 13 10 WATERPOBD. T>A1K> OK Wttl DiVB. I BONDAtl „,„„,, 1 2 &3 1 '2 i3 I & 2 1 * 2 1 -J 4:3 1 2 43 •TATioaa. CU. I . ' CI UM . CI JM .ICU M. CI MB . ' CI B... ! _ 1. M. ! _ A ^ M. A. M. I j^M. f.H. [ P.M . .ri m hln hmlhm hrnjhm Tliurlei .„. .departure _ 7 10 1 55 ' 2 . 2 Templeraore I _ 7 VJ 2 13 ' 2 20 Balljbropbj... ' _ 7 59 2 43 ' 2 17 Nenagh.- _ 6 30 10 i Porturana ........._... 6 II _ ! ParaoosloWD 6 40 1 20 j Rowcrea _ 7 13 1 55 Marjboro ' ...nnl...up _ 8 38 3 19 I 3 24 Athtone Junction ...«. 8 15 ] Dublin ......departure. 6 0 0 ¦ (I 1 II ! 9 30 Portarlington Juoci ' n ! 8 3 111 13 2 45 tl 31 Marylioro '..itrt>/._i/irn I 8 25 10 30 3 9 _ 11 62 DOW . K TKA1KB. I Mall IStD I Muryhoro ' ...departure. , 8 40 10 33 3 30 ! -I 0 Abbeyleix : 9 0 IU 55 3 50 ! 1 20 Altanagh _ ¦» 15 4 5 4 :|T> Ballyra|!«et ' D 25 II 15 4 19 4 45 Kilkenny .... arrival. i 9 43 11 40 4 38 5 10 Do departure 7 3) 110 |. 1\ 45 4 50 5 20 Bennetsbrldge 7 45 !io 12 I S3 5 32 Tbomaatown 8 5 110 25 '12 6 5 20 5 14 Ballyhale 8 25 U' 40 ! 12 15 S3 1 ' 0 0 Mulliosvst ...._ 8 40 -1 Ui (i 0 G 25 Kilmacow 9 5 II 10 '12 45 6 11- G 35 Water ford ...-arrival S 30 11 30 1 1 O 0 30 7 0 Special Fares are charged to Kirat and Sccood Claii l' aiaen- gets book I OK to tr.Tel by the Uxpreta MailTraioi 011 Great Southern and Western Liot. T.ckeu istued for Single Journey are .Tillable only for be Train bj utiicb Ibcj ireitiued . Return Tickets .re isiued between .ny tvo SlatlonBarailable for the date of iisue and daj fullowing ; ihoM iuued ror any distance elccediog 50 mile*, will bo available for return OD the day of i&Bne and the two followlrg da)B ; end for distances ex- ceeding 100 miles , they arc amitsblo tor return OD the day of iGioo and the three following days—Snndajs not reckoned. Return Tickets faeued ou Saturday are returnable on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. Through Tickets , at low farea , .te issued .t Mar;borough .nd Kilkenoy, via Waterford .Dd Mllford Haven , to and from Lon- doo , Dofer , Ked Hill , Aldersbot , Keadiog, liaslogBtoke , Swia- doo , Oxford , Birmingham, Worcester , Hereford, Cheltenham, Bristol , Gloucester, Newport , Mertbyr , Aberdare , Oardifi* , Ke.tb , Swinse. . IJancll/, Carmarthen , aud Oarmarlhen Junction , aDd New Mil/Old. W. WlLLliKi . Stcretarj. WATKRFORI) AXI> TRAJIORE RAILWAY. Week Da\/ Traint. mo« i l ' 2 , a ; 4 5 8,7 , 8 . 9 a m . a m i p m : _P_ rn . P in . p in ; p m m I p m h in j h m ) I. m ! 1. m ; b ra . h 11. \ h m h m ' -hm W'f«l>8 0 ' il 0 .12 IS , ' S (I ' 4 0 5 311. 7 15 0 0! ... T'mrej !l 15 i *ll HI) . 1 IS ! 3 II 4 30 •« 0 , 7 45 ! ) 30| ... Sunday Traint | 1 ' 2 3 < , 6 ; fi ' 7 [ 8 I U '*"»• imlm _p m p m ;_ P _m i p m | p m I p m I p m li m I h m ; )i m li ; h in i h m | h ra < h rr. I b ra TV/ord 8 0 |ll J5 12 15 . 1 :t0 1 a 3" i 4 30 , 5 G 30 9 0 Tmore II 15 111 45 l'J ti , 2 4 0 1 5 li, '6 0 7 15,10 30 Mail trains G. N . BAKEX , SccreUrj. KKULANI) AND SOUTH WALKS , AKD THK SOllfn OK IUKLANI) , BT ORKAT WKSTEKN RAILWAY , via MILKOW) 1IAVKN , In ccDncction with tho WAToroKD AND LIMEKICK and WATKKJOKIi AMI CEKT11AL I K ELANU LinOfl. SHORTEST K0UTE , and REDUCED FARES, ^ «vt Express Tra in s and Nnv Fast Mail M mfS [ S gW, Steamers EVERY WEEK DAY. msaL UP.—Lcavo WATKHKOKI ) at 4.30 p.m., on Arrival of 11.20 a.m. Train from Limerick , aud 10.36 Train from Mary boroug h , A RRIVING in LONDON (weather ond circumetacccB permitting) at 12.5 OD following day. DOWN. L EAVK LO. MIDN (I'addingtou) at 5.15 p.m., and AiutivK AT WATKKIOUD (weatber and cir- cumatanccs permitting) about eleven a.m., in tlmo for tho Tiuins on tho Waterford nnd Lime- rick and Central Ireland Lines. No Cargo can bo received on board after 4.15 p.m., when tho Stages will bo removed , to enable tho StcamerB to depart PUNCTUALLY at tho appointed time. F A R E S— WA TERFORD AND LONDON : SiNoi.Kb (availablo 4 Days) let Class & Saloon , 46s Od 2nd Class & Salooa , 35s Cd 3rd Clasa & Foro Cubin , 20s Od K KTIH . NS (aveiilablo forl month) 1st Cles & Saloon , 7fie ,, 2nd CI BS & Saloon , 59s Further information can bo obtained from Mr. W. RtiD , 9(1 Patrick-utrcot , Cork ; Mr. J. JI. DOM . NKV , Railway Terminus , Limerick ; Mr. W. D.M CNASIAKA , Atlcl plii Wliarf , Wutcrford ; and tho K KUUCKD FAKKO between otlicr important Stations , tho Timo Tables, and Throug h IUI CB for GoodB, 4c, or Mr. W. J. Hi's SKLL , the Oreat Western Company ' s District Agent , Adol phi Wharf , Wnterford . J. OR1KRS0N, General Manager. 1 ' axldington, June , 1874. [my28 INCOMES of £150 to £1 , 000 and rpwarda WANTKD, in WATKHFOKD ami Burrouriding Districts, AGENTS of respectability for a first.china Company fuot Insurance) of ;i popular and profitable character. Gentlemen engaged in Hanks Insurance Offices , Mercantile llousei , or any other business , may largel y increaso their Incomes without intcrfcrenco with other occupations. Terms, and all particulars , on app lication by letter , with real immo any uddrc-sn (iu confidence) , to " Secretary, " care of Mr. W. S. DANIKL , Advcrtining A gent , 77, Grace church-Btrcot , Londou , K.C. [It] 27, BAKRONSTKAN !) S TRKCT, WATEitroRU Sci'tcrnlcr 21*1, lb/2. HENRY AUDLEY & CO. Y7T71I1LE returning tliuir uinccro and grateful acknowled gments to tho public for tho exteusiro Putronago hitherto bestowed upon them , be^ to acquaint their kind patrons tlmt thoy huvo added to their Stock , u all Dopart- mCUtS , C O M I" K I 8 1 N U : GllUCKKIKS nnd OlUS , 1' EKfUMKKT. ITALIAN Goons, COLOURS , CIIASULKRV , Diao.s , COUDAGK , CANVAS , &C. which thi'y can conliiluntl y recommend. N.U. —Kot.K Ar.y.xTx in Watcrford for PKACOCK nnil H LTIIA. N ' S J'ATKNT PAINTS. 4feJ * Oi Uera executed with accuracy and dos. patch. 417, QUAY, WAIEEEOBD MICHAEL T>EG TO ANNOUNCE TIIAT THEY HEAVY HEAVY WINTER JACK33TS (Fitting to the Fi gure), IN BEAVEK, WITNEY, . AKD NAPPED CLOTHS. Particular attoDtion is direoted to their BERLIN JACKETS, which , for Perfection in Stylo, Fit and Finish , oannot bo surpassed. A SECOND PARCEL OF FRENCH SILKS rocoivod direct from tho Manufacturers , A BDIDEIIT, MO. NI . N & Co., Lyons, which are certainl y tho most beautiful ovor shown in Waterford. THE FA VOR OF AN EARLY CALL IU SOLICITED. Has been also NEW A UTUMN GOODS ! «®" OUR BUYER HAVING RETURNED FKOM VISITING THE LEADING MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS OF ENGLAND IRELAND, AND SCOTLAND, WE SHALL SHOW NEW IN ALL OUR ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 TH , 1874 Jlf. POWER cfc SONS , 2 & 3 , BROAD STREET, and 1 , LITTLE PATRICK STREET. BUTLER'S CATECHISM. TO CATHOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSELLERS, &c. On Sale at The News Office , With tho Kecommcndation of the Bishop of Waterford nod Lismore , the Ri ght Her. Dr.O'IJBIBH A Catechism for the Instruction of Children 11Y THE MOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTJ. -EB , Arr .hbishop of Cashel and Emly. RECOMMENDATION : " I approve of this Edition of tho Ri ght Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER ' S Catechism, and recommend it to the Faithful of theso Diocesea. " ?!< JOHN POWER , R.C.I). "Watcrford , Sept. lGth , 1873." Printed on Good Paper , nnd in largo clear Typo. £3?~ Ordcra from any part of tho Diocaso, sout in and directed to C. REDJIONO, Printer and Publisher Waterford News Ollice, 4i) King-street, promptl y at tended to. Tho Trado supplied on modcrato torms May bo had Retail from overy Catholic Booksoller in tho Dioccso. O'BRIEN & CO HAVE RECEIVED A SECON D CONSIGNMENT OF SHAWLS IN PLAIN COLORED WOOLS, (SCARLET, CRIMSON, and BLUE) ; TARTANS, in all tho leading Clans j and tho NEW GRAMPIAN SHAWLS, in somo bcantifnl Colorings. IKS" All tho abovo havo been procured in tho best Markota, from tho most ominont Manufacturers , and on inspection will bo found vrofl worthy of attention . THEIR DRESS DEPARTMENT Will bo found full y Stocked with llomospuns, Silk and Wool Ropps, in all colors j French Morinoea, aud Wiocios, Ac., &c, in great varieties. SHIRT S-(Fit Warranted OVR FINE FLANNEL SHIRTS (warmth with, out weight) aro well Cut , Thoroug hl y Shrunk, and modcrato in Prico. Our WHITE and COLORED LONGCLOTU and LINEN SHIRTS aro mado to Jleosuro in a superior manner. Our EVENING SHIRTS aro ready for immediate nae in all sizes. Our SOFT TWILL NIGHT SHIRTS aro worth y of special notice. V. TOBIN & SONS, 58 AND 59, QYAY, Shirt and Collar Makers , Indian and Colonial OulJiUcrs N.B.—Patterns and Estimates will bo cent or. application. To the Queen nnd Koynl Famil y; To II.K.II. tbe l'rmce of Walts (b pecial A pprotmeot), Anil to screral Indian Potentates , Korci gu GovcrumuiiU 1 and Railway Compnniea. Kutabliolitd 1710. J, W. BENSON, W ATCH AND CLOCK MAKER , GOLDSMITH , SILVERSMITH , AND AUTISTIC METAL WORKER , I'rizo MeJalifct of the Lo'.dou , Dubliu , aud Paris Exhibitions; Makar of the Chronograp h by wLicli the Derby and all other Races ond gieul events of the day ore timed. Manufactory at.d City House , 68 & CO, LUDGATE HILL , Wfst End K»toblisbrauits , 25, OLD liONDSTUKLT , aud 09, WE&TUOURNE UHOVE , LONIJON. WATCHKS CLOCKS Of all kindt , at 2 to 200 Of all kinds , at 2 to 1000 I Quintal. Quincat. Lever , Vertical , Church , Turret , Horizontal , Duplex , Currugc , Chiuie , * Chronometer , Chronognioli , Dining-room anil Drawing- Key less, Centre Seconds , room , Hal] , Sbop, Repeaters , ludian , Ac. Library , Bracket , &v. E.NGLisn OIIKOLU CLOCKS , JcaipueJ by KHR I ISII Ariists and mauufj clurtd by J. W . H KNSON , lar extctd iu beauty those manufactured nbroud. They cuu ouly be obtniucd at thia eitrblishtnent. FlME ABI liXUIIZtS A. NLI Cnlll. NEY OltHAMKHTB , cjf tho newest desi gns , from Cuutinental Ateliert ot the hi ghest reputation , at modcrato prico. AxTibTic GOLD J KWELLEBT , of the richest anJ moat ex- quisite desi gns , with Motiogrnir.H, CictlB , und Devices , Eunamelled in colours , niter desi gn* by the moot accomp lish- ed Artists in the Precious iMctnlb. Itrooches , lirateltts Necklaces, Lockets , Kings, and all kind- , of bijouterie , at supp lied to Members of the Court and other distinguished Personages. PRESENTATION PLATE . Testimonials o( different sorts. RaciDg Cups, and Jewelled and other 'Joxcs, IIN provided by Mr. HEN SO. N for the Cuiporatiou ol London and othoi public Ilodiet , to enclose documents ccnveyiiiK thu Freedom ol the City to tbe Prince of Wales , Duke ol Edinburgh , &c- f ee. SlLVtE AKD EuciKO-l' lAiKin thu most recent liiblnons and of the most durable make. In Kltctro-l'latoil u neces- sary to secure sound materials aud a sullicietit con ting of silter to rcvist daily wear and tear satisfactorily. No other is realty cl.eap at ony price , nor worth buying. \ C Watches aud Clocks repaired by hkilleil wuikiucn. Old Silver , JewelUry, Watches , &c, exchauged. Merchants Shi ppers , aud Clubs supp lied. Illustrated Pamp hlets , with full description of all kinds of Watches , Time-pieces,! Jewellery, and Electro-Pljle , with prices aiiiiixtd . bent free by pobt upon app lications to J. W. 11KNSON , at either of tho abo»e Addresses. Watches , Clocks , Jewellery, aud Plate Kent to all perta of tbo world. (dl3-ly) McLEAN & McINTOSH , PLUMBERS, LEAD MERCHANTS , S' c., BEG to iutitnuto that they havo now nddod to their business a BRASS FOUNDRY und ENGINEER- ING ESTABLISHMENT , where Brass Work of every descri ption will bo cast uud liuished off in First-cluus ity le, aud with aa littlo delay as possible, MKL KAN und MCI NTOSII also beg to tender their sincere thanks for tho kind patronage bestowed on them , and hope, by their constant attention to bum- nesB, to merit a continuance of saniu. tSJT Lead , brass , Capper , and hnn Works 3, LITTLE GEORGK' S STREET, WATISHKORD N.H. Grcen-houBCS . Conservatories, uud Public BuildingB Heatc<l on tho most improved princi p le by the circulation of hot water. (iuyl5-Cim x The British and Irish Mutual Trust , 2U, ST. SWITHIN 1 S LANK , E.C. A PROVIDENT and Financial Iumitutiou ou now and Sufo Princi ples, adap ted to all classes. Investments bear Fivo per Cent, aud liouns. Ad- vancos are mado for poriods of 20 years. Prospoc- tuses on personal or writton application. By Order of the Board. CHAS. KUTHEKFOKO , F.S.S., Aotuury and .Secretary. J^"First Class Agouts required—lusunmco AgentH especially suitable. [nuMlf] HALFPENNY POSTAGE GAUDS . All descriptions of Printing on such Cards fSS" Executes at THE WATEiironD N EWS Oiicc. GOODS DEPARTMENTS , IIENRY WIITE & CO. TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, &c, (J2f 50 and 51 QUAY, WATERFORD. Nearl y opposite tho Market House. WE beg to drrw tho public attention to tho VERY CIIOICK (STOCK OK noons which we nro now offering at our New Establishment at above address. Our No. 1 TEA nt 3s. per lb., is particularl y good value, and is giving much satisfaction. Good Black Tea as low as 2s. per lb. Fiuo Assam und Green Teas. VERY CHOICE COFFEES. Wo have also a LARGE STOCK OF WINES n bottle in great variet y, which arc equal to any offered by tho trade. Fine Old Ports from 21s. to -10s. per dozon. Shorrica (Palo and Golden) ... 24s. to 3Us. ,, FI ' DO ilarsolla ... ... .. lbs. M ClarotB 12s. to 3Ca. Light Clarets (in pints) .. Gs. to 8*. ,, Also—Bass' Palo Ale, Guinncss' s Donblo Stout , Mineral Waters, Limerick Bacon nnd Hams, &c, ic. [my22-Gm] The O Id-E stablished IRISH HOUSE -J4 , PATRICK STREET, WATERFORD. JOHN ROBINSON begs to inform his numerous Friends aud tho Public , that bo has acquired tho Proprietorshi p of tho abovo woll-kuown Establish- ment , which ho has recentl y RE-OPENED, nnd is proparcd to Supply GROCERIES , WINES , BRAN- DIES, SPIRITS, 4c, &c, which will bear comparison with any iu tho Trndo. 8SJ " Ho is SOLIi AGENT for MoHBrs. MUSOTTE and GIRARD , Wino and Brand y Exporters , Bordeaux and Cognac. Wnlerford , 1st Decombor, 1873. t( WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT STORES , 86 QUAY, oad Corner of CONDUIT LANE, WATERFORD. WILLIAM POWER Begs respectfull y to intimate to his Friends and tho Public generall y, tlmt ho has "VTOW OPEN , tho abovo STORES, whero ho hopes , .1^1 by strict attention to business , and keeping tho very BEST WINES and SPIRITS merit a slmro of patronage. H OUSEKKKI'EKS will find it their interest to patron- iso the aboven utablishmcnt. l|55" Plcassobscrvo tho address : No. 80 THE QUAY, (Corner of Conduit I.nncJ, f28 WATERFOIiU. "" FRIEND " OF ALL! Kwimi in all 1'art.i of the U' oriu 1 . Hire ' s vur l' vmnl y HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. IiU'UKiTitb of THK BLOOD.—These womlcrfu. Pills lire valued nt the humblest licurtlis as well as in the houses of comlurt nnd wraith. They woik a ihoiough pmifkatiou through tlie whole system , wilhout disordering the natural action of any organ , and eradicate those germs of comp laints which consi gn tctia of thousauds to au earl y grave. Uuoxciims , Dipi' iiEK u , Coi'oiis. ASU Coins.—No disen&cs are inure frequent , and few more dangerous than affectioiiH of the resp iratory orgim* ; nu cotidiiinn itirea rise to more fatal umlwdics Hi»n u "Htnp lc Cold." The firBt nyioptoms tnuy nlwuyu be removed ty these renowned Pills, us they quickl y remedy the . - .Uuuatioii of blood , rooderati. ' tho hurrii-il IJI uatliin^, nnd iti. -ilile the wiud-p i pe and I UIIIIH to pertorio tlieir luuctions with catie and regu- lirity. They also, b y their purify ing properties , cleanse the blood from nil impuiitics , mid thus lurtify the sy&tcm against Consumption , AKthmii , and other pulmonnry coiuplaiDtfl. DnilILITY , LOSS OF API'ETlIt , llKADACIlK , iNB LowsKSS op SPI mm.—These PilU will , in a few days , ellecL a trul y woudcrhil change iu Debilitated Constitutions (no matter their (xciting cause), as they create ;t healthy appetite , correct imbgiiition, remove excess oi bile , overcuuju g iddiucK *, cimlusioii , *ick heuduelie, :ili(l nil llinse ^louiny t' nrelxidin^s aiibitit; from it bad bioinaeh or disordered diseation. THE MxtiiciHK rots FEM ALKD , YOU. N O AKD OLD.For overcouiiiig all cilmlruclioim, nnd restoiinif aii!ii>ciiil«l secretions , them is no medicine to bo compared lo ilieas Pills. Uuiveinall y adupled as the one grand remedy for female ComplaititH , these I'illa cimnot :. <il j they strengthen tin: system, and always bring about what is required . To femahu euleriug into womanhood , or at the turn ol hie , they an: invaluable , being B perfect .saleguard anaiimt ilropsy, lieadaclus , pal pitalion ol the heart , and all ucrvuus uliiTtiuiK ollen d'stiiKieini! at those periods. COUI'LAINT S IKCIDKKTAL TO CllILLKK.N.—WhuOpill), ' cou^U , measles, bi-arliiliim, lever. ", ami all IIU CHMS ol the skin , may be immediately checked , and soon cuiiil, by llle^L' punly iuK 1'ill"- ^ u uinlhei ^inuld be withnut them. One , twn , or time (rcducsil lo powder), mBy be itiven lug lill j. with the certainly of doitiK gdml. N BKMJ L' S DI SOBII E S!' . Any ilcTaiigcmrut of thu neivm iiflicn disastrously I'ulh the body anil thu mind. To the neiviiuii invalid these Pills are of vital necessity, as they impart tolio and vigour to the internal or«BUs , aud eouse- i|uenlly to Ihu neivoUfi systi'Ui which pervudes aud cuuuecls Ihein. llciico their uiurvclloUH cults ol hy»teri« , low spirits, spasms, tits , nervous twit, hings , and other kindred coui- pluiuts. Uollotcaj 's Pills ar the bett remed y known in the world for the following diteatet : Ague FrVrr» oi all ricrufula , or Kinit ' i Kvil Antlimn kllida Suru Tliruall* JJillinu» Cum- Itoui Sloi ' .eaud liluiiiin llead-uehu Gravel llloielies nu indigestioQ Secondary Sytnptotui ilie Skin Liver (Join- Tic Douloureux Bowel Coin- plaints Ulcers plaints Lumbago Vunereal Atfcclioni Debility 1'iles Wornn ol ill kind. Dropsy llheumltltm Weakness , from Female Irregu- ICetentlon of »lial«ver cause , larlllef Urine ic., *c. The PilUand Oiulincnt arc Sold at Profesiior HDI .LOWAT ' II Klablishujctit , 533 Oxford-street , London ; also by nearly £*vty ref-iifctalili! Vendor of Atediciucs tbrou gliBUt the civili«od world , in llnxn and Pots , at Is. lj d 2s. Oil ., is.^Od., 11 *., \12-i., uud .Tts. IMI 'I). The mnullent Box ot PilU coutaius emir dozen ; ami the mnalleat Pot of Ointment one ou^ce. N.U.—Full p.iutid direction!) »ro affixed to each hoi and pot , aud can he bad; iu any language , even iu Turkish , Arabic Aruieniau, Ptibiau , or Cbiueso HOTELS DUBLIN. The European Hotel , Bolton Street. T\ WE EUROPEAN in tho largest, the best situate, JL and tho most comfortable Hotf' in tho City. All modern improvements have brvin recentl y introduced , and tho entire Honso papered, painted , and decorated. Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Draw- ing Rooms from 2«. 6d. to 5s. Sitting Rooms on tho ground floor freo of charge. 855* Soap, Fish , Joints, Fowl , and Entree in Coffeo Room and Restaurant , from Two to Sevon o 'clock dail y. Bed , including Servants, 2s. 6d., 2s. and Is. 6d. [m31-tf] J. 1I0L0NY , Propriotor. DUBLIN . Commercial & Private Lodging House 49 MARLBOfeoUG H STREET. PARTIES Visiting Dublin can be accommodated , with or or without Board , and all tho comforts of a home , on Moderate. Terms. [o25-tfj (S5-Situation central , close to Sackville-Btreet. KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, MONCK STREET, WEXFORD. THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel , in which everything can bo had o>. the most moderate termB. |JgT Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits; also Branrlieo Winos, Porter , Alo, iSc. (aulo-tf.) «23° Cars on Hiro at tho shortos t notice. IMI'OKTANT NOTifJ l JOHN RYAN & SON, BUILDERS, Beg respectfull y to give Notico that* they havo -p EMOVED their OFFICES and WORKSHOPS JL\; from the Scotch Quay and Canada street to tho moro commodious and central Premises , lately known as ilr. J OHN W ILSON ' S TIMliKK VAKD, BOLTOX STREET, Whero all orders shall rcceivo prompt attention. J. it S. tuko tbis opportunity of announcing that they arc prepared to supp ly parties about Build- ing or makiug Alterations , with WINDOW FIIAMKS, SASIIKS, DOORS , TUIMM1SGS , And overy other description of JotNKJis ' WOKK all read y for fixing, mado from tho best sea- soncd Timber , and by experienced Tradesmen , work, maushi p and materials guaranteed , aud on terms to compete with any Imported or Jlacliinc-mado work. C^}" Pr.ANs and E STI . MATKS prepared and furnished, free, ou app lication to JOHN RYAN & SON, jl: i-tf ] Jioltou street , Watcrford. RECLINING and SHOWER BATHS With an unlimited supp l y of Water , now open AT tho TURKISH HATH ESTABLISHMENT , PARK ROAD, WATEKKOKD. The Turkish Bath is pronounced by tlio hi ghest Medical nuthoritics, and by tho many thousands who havo used it , ' . o bo tho very best remed y in existence for the prevention anil cure of dU'cnso , anil lor the preservation of health. au " . GUNSMITHS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS Ol AMMUNITIONS. COMMINS AND CO., tiC, (JUAV , WATEKFORD Foil Free for Six Stamps , open en It , or 1" Stamps in an milE MKDlCAL AuVlSKi; , on |.tcinaturc JL decay ot tli< : s>stt-m , and its ^.p etdy lestrn.itutii ; eliap- t trs on certain di^oiili'is , nnd the ! -t liurms tin tli ir re* inovat ; the ii.uriu^iupe ai an aid tu ili.i^iiosi^ ; Maitia^e , it> di ^lluallflcalion^ ; rules and pr cacri pttoi.s lor a' .innl , i c. J illuslraleil uith nuineinlis r.i><- . \\\ I): . U'ailir Di lt00", Ili.lliml Iliill-r , Jluitnid S.|iian- , Li. nili.ii , U' .C. DK. UE KOO.S' cclcbraiwl GL' T'IVK \"J'Mi it r l.lKK IJUOI' .S » lur ^ p. .tiii; ai<irli<i:a f X<<clum.ti Emissions , lii'poteiicy, bi.viial II.capacity, Debility, Epilepsy, and all those ilisea^ lor uliitli Mercury, Maraii iMiilla , tcr., are too olteu en-p loyed by Knylish l'li)siciaiin t'Jlbe ultimate ruin ol the .Sullt 'i'L' r ' s health. Tim (JUT' iVE Vl 'lVE are the result of I ODK practical in- vi-hli gatioil of the n inrdies lie; l udiiulcd tur t.ioe dtseu^i-s. Their rich , Mimul.itinn, Motnaclilc qnahtio , ami , uhuvc all , their comp lete renovation of the nervuits system , rciidt- , llii'in in every ruspi-ct worth y tln:ir ti>:nitifaiit'title. The) may he taken wilhuul hindrance or lestr.iiiit ot d:et , &c, and in this rtspicl also they may claim prc-cuiiiiuice over tuust other advertisud im-dicinrs . l iy prouiijtiii^ c!igc.>tion— iiuuribrbiiit; Ihe constitution—cniichiin; without mHainin^ the lil nod hmciliK withuut stiiuulatin^ tlm in rvous systcui too viol ently— tl.ey .strenythiu tlipucnerul habit , and r estore the natural he althy I KIH : ul tin . ' nervous :unl uit^cular tibres , thus enlrVttiint* and iiivi^urali' i^ li 'ith tiudy and mind. The (JV 'l 'l 'Ai VIT/K have bun particularly Mitcesstu with young people uho have the iippratauce ¦.! u.d a^e ; who aripule anil trllt- nnnati', and who, having an uUt-l dutaste for everythi ti^, are incnparitalcd lor stud y, liusiiii>.s ut< ujuyuient. Tin unamJs ut n]ip.iri-nll\ liKpeU-s-i ca^t^, g iven i( £ ' by the fa , culty, have bmi pnliiHliL-utl y euled , and iiavc uutuu gratelui eviileiicv of the fact. (L f * l'lice IU. and IMs. ol alt Clitmi.sts , or dir ect on rrcelpt of stamps, or puM-.lla, - oidi-r addressed to Dr. br Roos, llollord House , llollnrd Sjuari" , l.oudun , W.U. Hold by Mc.M.ister .^ Co., l'Jl, Cupel-street , Dublin ; Mr, White , Vbicrrer Ollite , liullyualm ; Mr. liassett , Southern Chronicle OlUce , Liuiericl ; .Mr. l' olsou , Fermanag h Hail Oflicc, i or at The News Ollice , U'uieili.rd. Pains iu the Hack , Utavel , Luiubagn, Uheutnatisu: , Uout Flatulency , llead.ieln- , Nertnisness , lJeljilltv, Strirtun; , &c Bit. UK KUUIJ 1 CO-Ml'DUXD KKNAL I'ILLA , (as their name Uelial , or the KiJiit-^ s, in- dicates), arc Clll-Uiatcd all over tb« noild , aa the sali»l uud best Keini'dy lor the abuvc ddhgeruus cuiiip laiut> , l)ischar(jca ot any kind , aud Disease ol the Kidue)s , Uluddcr , mid Uiinary Ur>;aiis >:i:iicrall >, which , it neglected , Ireiiuentl ; cud in Stuuu in the iiUddcr , and a lingering, puintol death For depres. -iuu of Hpuits , Kicitemriit , Incapacity lor rio- ciely, Study or liusincss , LLBS ot Memory, Wntcheduess , Nervousness , and evcu Insanity itselt , when (as is oilcu the case) arising trom or coinhined with Ciin.iiy LMseasus, the} are uoeijualled. liy tluti* .salutary action ou Ijilc- mid Acidity ut the .Stomach , they putity and piumolu the Uenal bccreliotis , llit'it-hy prevrtit thu formation ot Stone , aud tbur I'ltiiblish loi lite the healthy tuuctiulis ol all the. -e urgans. Tlice Is. l' .d., 'Js. Ud., -Is. lid., 11s. uud Mi. per bol , with lull directions tlirnilK ll all clu-lliwts. Tb. ha»v Ihr «uids " Walter Ue lloos , l.uudon , " in white letters , i.ll the .Stamp nllixc -J to each In.x , l.y . -P'Cial diiccl.on ul Her 11 a- "> Honorable COIIIIIII ^ WIICI -, '" piot.ct the puWii: lion, Iraiid , and to imitate which is lelol.y and Irau-porlalluli. CAL'TIO.N .. -uiue uupiinci p li'il Vendors wlun ask.ii tor Dr. Dc Uuos " 1'ills , have atteiupu-a tu lul.l ulhw UJcl.- cims vt compound, ut their own upun lh« purcbaMT, Ir. in Which till')' obtain a lar^ pruli t , but which iuvar.jl.l y u.iai. disappointment. Ask l..r l'u. i»K lluua (Juui-ucvu I. KNAL P ILLS and do not be peisuadol mlu tiym^ anything else; but should Ihu least dlllicnlly occur , encluse lliu auiouut by po»t-utlicu order or stamps as above , ai.d they will be aeul per return. . , .Sold by McMa strr & fo., 1-1, Capel-»ticet , Dublin ; Mr. WhiU' , Observer Otlic- , 1' t.illymelia ; Mr. lla^sell , Southern Chronicle Ullice , Liini'iick ; Mi. i'olsun , Fermanag h Mail Ullicc , Kuni-killi ii; and at l' . l , Kui^-strcet , Waterlord. DK. DK KOOti' P1LUL/K VIT^K , or V KCE - TACiB Lire 1'1LI.8, ate rapidly superscilinj; casliir- oil and the old-tashiuncd disacrLcablc medicines turu.crly ad. uiuistcied by the laailly, which , it is uo»- admitied , l"u frcijuentl y rcsultiil in a C' nfiriut-d slate ut contivtucss. Th-j Pilukc ' .Vitu; , ou the cuiiti.i ry, CIIMI/SU the stomach , punfv the srcietions , remove hi'adache , indigestion , &c, uml m~lr...l ul rendering it necessary to he always swallowing medicine , a few doses only, taken occasionally, will be fuuuil all thai is required to keep up a lu-althy stale of the system. Equally adapted lor all nges , it bung mirely necessary to regulate tne accurding to the age aud strength ot tin* patii -nl; whilst for female comp laint* they are altogether unttvalli-il. I'ricc Is. 1.JJ., -J- . Ud., Is. l)d., Us., and 33^. per box. SulJ by McMastcT & Co., &c. ic , [aa .ibuvel, and at The H' aterford 2*ewi Ollice. TMJKS YOUK UAill FALL OlT , UK XJ TUUN tiUEV . &f. i If so, use KOSAL1ECOU- PKLLK'S CIUNUTKIA K , noted all over i In- woild for its miraculous propirtiin , and »s the onl y iciiied y that can be depended upun. It is guaranteed to produce whiskers , muii'lucbios , ic , in a lew wieks , and will lie loutid emin- ently mcci-M-lul in nourishing . curling, and bc.iutityiug the b.n r ' ; rlii'ckmg gr.ym-ss, ?tu-iiKthe K weak h in , puveut- inp il-. lfllinB i.ll au.l iv>t..rniK it in, li.iiu nhatcver canst'. U pwaids i»t ll"> p bvhuiin-. bafu r.c»iiiiitt-ndc.l it m tilt: iilirsciy, tur piuii.u.ini; a run- , health y li^ad ut hair , ninl uvclllliK bnMnrss III a 'lrr )i-ar*. In l".illli^ price 'Js each. (JIlSKUVK Unit a lli page p.iiiip hltl is iiicli.s. d mil. carh packa|:i- , winch has a red . stamp uu' .sid.: beaniin Hit words Kosalie in while I. lli-li- ; Ihe wur.l-. Coupelie ' t t' rinntriar are ulso nioiildcil m each buttle. " I was bald nine yraia , but 1 lind new hair cumiug r:.- piilly. " —J. II »'. " Thanks tu jour stutl , I lime «u f»- cellellt tnu'istache and wblskels. " .Majm llruiun'. " I had lost in)' h»ir in patches , but it ban rcsiotnl i' . " Mi« Hewitt. " Aller vcai ' s baldness , it has ,.cl<d uiimrul- oii-l y. "' —H. - M.iir. II IS6. II .) %0-Siihl at TllR N KWH Ollice , >Vat.rl IU HE UIVEN AWAY ! A Sew MeilicRl Wink ou llarriiiKf , the cause i.nd cure of preuiatnre decline in man , Ner?ou« lability, linpouucy, Ac, with lluli-a I'T rrmoviiiit cettaiu disqualilicatioin that destroy the happiness ot Wedded Lite , or EVKKY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR For Two Stamps luili-rvn may avoid the ncinerous illipostuis who ni'lid Ihrir bouku for nothing, publish testi- mouiaie winch they write thmj selven , fictitious uviens from imaginary Jouriial» ,profes8 toenre diseases with instrument! instead of Medicines , and other absurdities as cruel as tbey * r A p ' liysi ' ciiiii , 23 years extensifelyeng>i(cd in tbe treatment of Debility anil lliu various mental and nervous alfectiuus re. suiting therefro m , will *end free, ou recei pt of Two Penny Stamps '0 pieiiay pustaRe , a pamp hlet cntaiiiing his hig hl y Mirci sslul and onl y sale trcalinent , with all the necessaij iuescii ptiulis and by which sutlertrs may curs themselves at trifling cost. Address Mr. LAWKS , Medical I'ublislier , 14 Hand Court , llolboru , Loudou. BOYS' CLOTHING SCHOOL DRESS AND SEA-SIDE SUITS, (READY-MADE). $S" BOYS' HATS AND CAPS. ri^HE above beiDg a NEW BRANCH of onr Busi- JL ness, tho Stock will be found Large and At- tractive , its chief characteristics being E.XTKEMELV MODERATE PMCKS, combined with GOOD MATKKIAL aud FASHIO. VAIILE SITLE. LADY' S nOUESPON COSTO3IE. Thia FASHIOXAULE DUESS is mado to order iu our TAILOUING DEPARTMENT, or tho Material Sold by tho Yard at Manufacturers' Prices. (J®* Our Stock of LADIES' GLOVES is worth y of attoution. P. TOE IN SONS , QUA Y, WATERFORD. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE CECILIA STREET, DUBLIN. HMHE WINTER SESSION , 1874- 75, commences -L with Dissections ou TUESDAY , 1st OCTIIIIKU . Tho LECTUIIES will be commenced ou TUKSIIAY , N OT . the 3rd , at three o' clock , p.m., by an Inaugural Ad- dress from tho Dean of tho Fuculcy, Dr. U AYIIKN . The severa l Courses will bo as follows : ANATOMY AND PIIYSIOLOOY-Dr. HiYiiK.-. ', Dr. C KYA . N . ASATUMICA L DK3IOXSTIUTI0SS The 1' iutt .ur.- of Anatomy nuil Physiology. CHKMIfiTHY—Dr. UiMPDcr.1.. TUKO HY AMI l'RACTICK oi' SUlHiERY—Jlr. "I' VKKI.M.. THKOIIY A. NO rilAUTlUi: 0>- MKUlClNi:- Dr. l.v¦¦>> . TIIKOKY AXU I'ltACTICK ot M1DWIFKKY—Dr. IS YK . M:. 1'HACTICAL C11KMIST11Y—Dr. UAJIUJCLI.. MATKUIA .MKDIUA—Dr. (iulNUAX. .MKIJICAIi JUKIiil'KlJDKMJK—Dr. MACSWIXKV . I'ATllllI.OCY—I)r. LYONS . HOTANY—Dr. SHI KHSUX . MJI I IC— Dr. IK-. N.NK. NATL'UAL WlILOSOi'IIY-Veiy R..V. Dr. M..M. ..V . Dr. M AYKS . •} ( Dr. K II . . . AI : I : II i ¦ Dr. N IXON . {- ... DISSKUTIOSS .. i Dr. C.rss. Dr. Col'liSGKlc. J (.Mi*. Dli.i.u . v . bti romitting attention istlcvotcd to the tuachin^ <<l ' Anatomy ; uud Private Tuition in tho tcvc-nil dt-parl- mcuti of tho Medical Curriculum , prciiaralory to fi- nal Examination lor License to Practice .Medicine, Surgery, aud Obstetrics , is carefull y and astiduuti. -l y given in the School. At the termination of the Winter Session , Public Examinations will be held , when , in addition lo Privse. -i in each Claes , the Cunoll y Exhibition , ol tin; Catholic L' nivrsity, value l'20 , and the Uuiror.-ny Exhibition , value JL'20 , will be awarded for ihe , -ulj - ject a mentioned in tho School Proppectu. -:. At the termination of the Summer trc-Fsion ilio University Cold Jtcdil , value £'7 , will Lc. 'ii v. 'inkil , in addition to the usual Prizes iu each Class. The Kxaiuiuutiona consist of Three [mils:—Wiitti .n Oral , uud Piaetical or Demonstrative. For tin: Exhibitions ami (Julil Medal , thu IJxamir .atiuii^, uru conducted by printed questions exclusivel y. TKRMS OF ATTEXDA.NX'I-: Tlnco Ciuineas for each Course, I'xcui-liiig dissi.c- tions , which are live Ouinuas. A reiluclion ofi.m:- sixlli is Hindi: to Perpetual Pup iU' , pay ing the i. -i;lin: of their Foes iu advnncc, or in two instalments at tin: eomiiiciictnii-ui of thu lirsi anil s-ucoml years uf their Course. Parents ai;tl ( . iuatil.-aii.s aiu mmilcd to forward nil Fees directly, by Clai'itu or Order , In tlm J{<-i;isirar , JI AIIS , 2' J U LS I- land ]!i,\v , ur nL llu; Schcol. Acc-oiniiiotlatioti Las bot. -n |.rtiviilt:il fur the- re. -.i<!i.-iic>' of Medical Student. 1 - 1 , umiur thu tlin eiion of ui.e <»i " the Teacher. -. The Sununi-'r Session , ol ' which ilui: notici: \vil] Ir 4 g iven , will cijimneiiee' in A|ml , I. * >7" >- )l will incimlu Operations in L' lactical Clieini. -il ry, l. ' .ctuit.. - . « JII Matei ia .Meilica, Meilieal .lui isj .ruilei.t i. 1 , Uutatiy, Kalural I'hilo^op h y, ami I.i-^ ie. Thu Cc-i lificiiteA .. si-ut-d loraiu.-ialaiic' -s . ou l.cctui 'cs at this .School arc fully reco^tiizetl lccciveil by all the Licetisiug ]!ot!ic-s. Further particulars mny li: li-aineil from any t.t ' the Professors ; Irom thu M.ilical llcg iMrar , Di: . H AYK . S, "iU Westland Row , or on application at tlm School. sL' . ' i .sl.c-l SX- VINCENT'S HOSPITAL VXD DISI'K.WSAltY. .STKriIEX' .S UIIKK.N. DLULIN WIXTEK SESSION' , l"^7-l-5. The Hosp ital is Visited Dail y at Xinu (/Clock , a.m. fTIHE Hosp ital iscoiiuccic>l (by its Medical Officers ] JL with lending Medical Schools , which are situ- ated iu its iiumudi'ito vicinity . Medica l and Surg ical Cliuicul Lucturrs will beg ivi'n twicu a Week , and Operations , a'liiiittiug of delay, will bo performed on FRIDAYS , at H).:i<> . n.m. At the beg inning of each Winter and ftumni'rr Ses- sion two Resident Pupils will bu selected by Compii. titivo Examination. At the end of thu Winter Session , an E.tauiiiinti.iii will be hifid in Clinical Meilieino ami .SurL'efv , at which :i Senior and a Junior I' rizo will bu aw.u- .le.l. A portion of nil these I' .faiiiiiiatioii-i will be conducted at the liodsidt' . PHYSICIANS : rmxei.S .1. It . QI . IM.AX , M.A., M.D., Trin. Cull., l l.i ' nlin , I.. (K. & II.) l. '.IM..l:. i: .SI , l'r..l.:--..r ..f Ala i.ri.i Mi'ilk-a, (. "ii tlmlic I'niv.r-ity ; w i.f tin: M.diral Illlii r. r- of thu lM.%- t-rouii. 'lll t'ri.-.iii . s ; hit.: Kxauliuer in ^l:it. ri:i .Medici . CJllcen ' . , Clliv.l-ity . HuiiKiir L 'HVAN , 1". (K..VQ.1 C.IM..II.C.S. I., .M.I. '.I.A., l'niff. -. 'orof Anatomy and I'hy . -iuhiijy, Catli'.lii -Lni- Tt-rrily. isWIIIiKON. 'i : 1; MVAI :H D. M AIIITIIKII , ' M.D., I-Vll-m- anil l"n.f.- . -5..r ..f An»t.nnr. -inil i'liy><.). -y, llmul C"U.«i! "f Snr- . .. , lrt-liunl ; l;it.: Kx:>iuin.:r in . -sii r- _ *i:ry t QIIL-^-U ' . - tlniv.-r-il \ . WILLIAM II. D'I.KAIIY , M . I' ., Fellow im.l Kxiimiiivr Iluy. -J Clleije of SIUTIWIIIH , Irelan<l ; hiti: l.rctilr.rnu Ana- to' .oy and PhvHioliKTv , l.p»lu-it:li School of Mmlic-in-j, SUUIibil.N DENTIST : WILLI A M J. DoiiKirrr , I..D., H.It U. s.i:. AI>OIIIi:UAItY ; CllBISTOrilKl: T. II ULA. NU , L.A.U.l . TKRMS OF ATTENDANCE. Winter und Summer Scmions —Eig ht Ciuiin'as. Wiuter Session—Six Guineas. Summer Session— Three Guineas. Perpetual Pup il*—Twenty (Juinea-i. Practical Instruction in Compounding .Medicines will bo given in the 1'harmucy of thu Hosp itnl. Fiuthcrparticulars may bo learned ou application to Dr . QUM. A . V, li!J Lower Kitzwilliam-strciil ; Dr, MAI 'OTIIKK , l.S .Meirinti-square North ; Dr. O'I. KAKY , IIS York-street ; Dr. CUVAN , . ' ¦ I ltutlatiil-si|>ian: West ; or at the Hosp ital. oU. It . M [ C 11 A K L V L Y K N , ¦\7ICTUALLER , WATERFORD and NEW V ROSS. MUSIC. MR. HILTON , PROFESSOR OF MUSIC QtfTXU. , HENRIETTA STREET. Terms , UII app lication. [il-l-3iii] ALTERATION OF PREMISES. GREAT SALE OF PIANOFORTES IMPORTED di.'cclfrom thu Manufacturers, Messrs. COLL.M1I> it (JoI.I.AUU , KlKKM .VX , D.M.MAI.VK , l(lll . V>. MEAIi , \ i :., Ac , nt U. A. JONES' JIUS1C DKl'OT , I 2 ii , (iU.i V , >f A "/" A' It F (i t< /) . HARMONIUMS in greut. variety, Eng lish ami French maku; Violins , Cornets , Concertinas , Drums , Flutes , Uanjoes , Music Boxes, tie.. &<;., AT C. A. JONES' MUf il 'J I.KXIHXU LlltllA ll Y, WA TICUI-VIli: . ¦ M , IW NEW SONUS urn! PIECES , ul U XK Tumi thu Marked Price for Cash , tho eniiro STOCK IIIIW SELLING OFF AT A OKEAT REDUCTION ! previous to Alteration of Premises. C . A . JONES IMPORTER »t PIANOFORTES , HARMONI UM S , ,Vc. 120 QUAY , WATEKFOKD , AND 1UUWELL STREET , CLONMEL , Begs to call special at tent ion to his extensive TUN1N(J anil HEl'AIRING linsiuess. Hid Tunurs visit all thu Southern and Midlnmi Counties of Iiulauti (^iiarterlv. U^" Pianofortes anil Uarmoniuiu.s hiivtl l,y ifm Mouth or Ycur , with optioti ' to purchase, ami ,,n thu Threu Years' system. U. A. JONKS' MUSIC WAHKIlOUSK. Crickelting, Archery, Croijuiit , uud othur (!: UIIMS , at Ulilisuallv Low Prices. fllir-l-l! ' ! For the Uliiud it the L ife. '.Str Dc 'iidroiiomy, c l i uj i . j ii., ve rso ' SS. Clarke' s World Famed Blood Mixture , FOR CLEAXSIM! ai.d CLKAlilNli ih.: HI.OOIiii- in ALL IMl'UUITIKS , whcti' i-r nii-iup !i.,n, .joml.iu! iu.iisLri-liiili or nny otlur t' .ius.-, c.inrnt hi tiio highly m.,;,,. mi.|]ilt:il. ll cult-* Old Sores ; cuus U!fCi;il.:d S.>i. -> in UIH Nt-ck ; Ultvi-.ilt-i) Stim 1.1-/ 4 ; Ijluckheifds or Piin(ili .i u*i Face, Scurvy Sure* ; Cnncrou* Ulct-rii ; tiloud und skin Dis- «.»>w ; tllai.dular Snelhnl5»: , ni-d clt'iir-. the Uloud hum nil Impure ^iHtlt-r , Iroiu whatever chu.i: .itisiti^;. A& this iDUlutc plt-M«Hi.t tu the t.i^U' , jud wmriiuttd lit -e from mercury—which all put* m.d most luetlitunua aol.l tur the aoovo disfasi-j. couiiiin —the l'ropnulor holiciti, s.utlcri-ig to g ive it & triul to test it* v.ilne. THOUSANDS OP TE8IIUOKIA1.3 FKOM ALL I'ABT.s. Sold in Itottlcs 2i. 3d. rucli , nml in CW» , conlaiiinif; 8 Bolll-s , Us. each , sufficient lo i-Hi-cl a utrinunent rure -u hinK-sUnditig casts , l.y nil l. 'lit-iiiista and l' «tent Medn-i:.. . Vt-ndorn ; or sent to .my address on recei pt of 27 or 1JJ stnini ' .s, !>y F. J. CLARKE , Chemist , Ili gh-strctt , Lincoli.. WI10LS8ALH AOBJT8; Barclay & H on* Loudou , and all luc Whulesalv Hou»Ja

Transcript of · THE WATERFORD NEWS...




Published every Fr iday Evening, at No. 49 King StreetiorrOtslTF TriE MOVIXCIA!. BANK.]


Agents for Sale of THE NEWS :WATF.U I'OUD—Mr.\V. K EI.LV, Little George's-strcetTItAMORE—Miss CLANCY, Refreshment Rooms, in

Strand-street.PASSAGE EAST—Tho Misses LOVE, Hotel, Square.DARKICK-OK-SUIU—Mr. J. M. JIUKPHY, Nows Agent.DUNGARYAN—Mr. EDWABD BRKXNA X, Stationor,

&c, Post and Telegraph Office , Tho Square.KILMACTIIOMAS—Mr. M. DU N N K , Grocer, &c.L1SM0RE—Mr. JOHN KOONAX, Tho Moll WarchouEONEW BOSS—Mr. P. MORAN . NCWB Agent, &c.




permitting) to sail:—n;o>l WATEKro i in. FKOM DVXOAIIVAX .

Moodiiy, Oct. fi , 7 morn Thursday, Oct. 1, b mornWednesday, 7, 10 morn Tuesday, G, 1 aft'nMonday, 12, 12 noon Thursday, 8, 3 aft'nWednesday, 11, 1 =iftn Tuesday , 13, I aft'nMonday, 1'J, C aft u | Thursday, 15, 5 nft'nWednesday, 21, Smorn Tuesday, £0, 10 mornMonday, 2l> , II morn Thursday, 22, 12 noonWodnesday, 2S, 12 noon Tuesday, 27, 4 aft 'n

Thursday, 29, 5 aft'nFreiohts Moderate. For particulars apply to

WATERFORD STEAMSHIP CO.,Oct. 1, Ib74. Moll . Watcrford



*k ¦» VTOTICE.—Tl ieAVaterfordSteainsliipggUJ^rV •" Company receive Goods for Shi pment«Ci^y^ffv^ p on tho following Terms only:—They reservevfifiSsxb the ri ght to carry by any, not by particularVessels, will) liberty lo Tow Ships and call ,it other l'ortsnc! x il l not be accountable for injuries or losses arising frumdeljv accidents of the Seas, Rivers, Fire, the Queen 's line-mics , defective Navigation , or accidents from any other causenor for any loss which might have been covered by Insurancenor for Leakage, ISreakagc, Condition , Quality, or contents ofany Parcels or Packages, nuless specially entered and ad va-lorem Freight paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at therisk and expense of the Consignees.

W A T K H F O R 1 ) A N D B R I S T O L .From Waterford to Bristol : From liri ftt .l to Watcrford

MUKCT. WC1XT.Tut-ilar , Oct. G ... 3{ Affn Thiirnlay, Oct. 1 ... !1 MornTnodnv , ,, I't ... 0 Moru.Tliursdav, ,, S ... 5! MoraTuoiluv, „ '-''I ... 3 Aft 'n Thursday, „ lo ... SJ MoruTucalnv, „ J7 ... S Jlorn Thursday, „ '."2 ._ 2 Aft'n

:Thursd.iy, „ 2U ... S JloruSTEAMER CLIO.

From Wntorfon l to liristol , f n m lirislol to Wntcrford ,Dirrct. calling at Pembroke Dock.

Friday, Oct. 2 ... 10 Mr,ru Tnc-nl.iy, Oct. l i ..." V. Aft' nFriday, „ 1' ... S Tuesday, „ 1:1 ... 71 MomFriday, „ !•: ... !> SI ITII Tuenby, „ 9) ... 1 Aft 'uFriilay, „ 'Si ... o\ Afi'n Tuesday, „ 27 ... 7 MornFriday, „ :»J ... U Moru

f j i ty On early Morning Sailings , the Cabiu of tlieStearn-ers will bo Open to reccivo IVseuRcs arriving from Londonby the Night Mail Trail-..

Cabin Fare, 16s. Oil,; Servants and Children , 10s. Od.Return do., 25s. ; or with liberty to return from DublinCork , or Wexford , 31s. Sd., Steward's fee included ; Deck7s. 6d. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin.


I'ROH W/a i'.KFOKH ; fliOM I.IVKI I I OOI. :Friday ('¦ t. 1 — 'J AIl 'u IVi-Jay, Oct. 2 — 1 MornMonday ,, .'. — I" Mi.mTn.-.lav, ,, <i — 7 MoruFriilay * ,, '¦< — 1" .Mom Friilav , „ 11 — 9 Mori;Monday „ l i — li Xn.m TiiiMhiy, „ 1.1 -11 MoruFriilay .. •' • — - AU' ii I'ri.lay, „ Hi — ) MoruMonday ,. V.'— "• Aft 'n Tui-.-iliiy t „ Li)—1 Aft 'uFriilav ,, S: — •¦• Mi.rn l'riilnv ," „ 'Si — S .MurnMiiiidiiy „ Jii — IJ XI .HU Tn. -ih.y „ L'7 —11 MuniFriday „ •'!' — t Affn Friilay, „ M — I Moru

Oiuin Fare , 17V. -."I ; .t enants (Travellin g u i t h Families)and CliiMrui , V>>; Deck , 10s, Children. Ss. Ft-malcs attendttie Lnilies 'Cabin.

Goods received at Clarence Dock , Liverpool.W A T E H F O I S D A N D N E W R O S S .

F KOM WAII.BFOKII —Dail y, .Sundays eicepted , at 3.15 r.aFKOM N RW liubs—Dailv , Sundavs eicepted , at b.-lo A .a

W A 'I K K FO l ;) ( AND D L "N CA N N O N .FUOM \\'ATH :FI .UI .—Daily, Suudays eicepted, at 3.20 P.M.FROM DCSCAS .N ON —Daily, Sundays escepted , at 8.15 A .M .

IScrths secund and every information given by thcAgrnti:Bristol : I'll.' (iviiL -ritl Steam Packet Ullicc. Liverpool :Wat .rlord Shi p Company, 23, lirunswiik-fitreet ,Wahhiiiiiton I.ui1diii|.'>, and at the Cutnp.iny'b .OHice , tlieMALI.; W ATKKFO 11D.


J:.-:U "UC S TEM I C O H A t V X I C A T I O X Ictnxe nW A T E R F O R D and L O N D O N ,Via Southainptuu and London ,an- 1 South Western It ailivaj ,Pl .YMdL'I l l and SOUTHAMPTON , and SOUTH of


^ 'Vf lv r |"MIK new and powerful Screw Steamers ,aiJ^ 1 SKKl:RYV01lK ,CUMli l tAK ,SANl lAjLgg-KUDYSTONK , AliKLOW, W1CKLOW ,ESBSMV ToWAltlJ , ute intended , tt* Sail its uud«.r

(weathiT permitting, unless prevented by any unforeseencircamitltu . t), wilb liberty Ui Tow Vcshcla , und ty rtnderAssistance to Vessels in Distr. sb :—

FUOM WATEKFOKD TO CiLASfiOW ,Friday, £:>d Oct. 1 p.m. via Cj ik und L'cllab l.Tu^^day li ih „ 1 p.m. via iJuhhu.WniimJuy Ttli ,, 1 p.m. via (.'oil.Friday, ill 1. ,, 1 p.m. via Coik and JMfast.Tuod;.y, l.'tili ,, 1 p.m. via Dubliu ,Wtilnitday 1 l'.h ,, 1 p.m. via Cork.Friday, IG'h „ 1 p.m. »ia O.ik and I!el(a>l.Tuesday, 'JOll. „ 1 p.m. via DublinWednesday , lil-t „ 1 p.m. via Cork.Friday, "J3rd „ 1 p.m. n< Cork and llella-t.Tundny, '-'7tli „ 1 |..ui. via DublinWednesday , 'Jstli ,, 1 p.m. via Cork.Friday, 3( 'tb „ 1 p.m. v.a C'j i k and Uelt ..,t.Tuesday, 3td Ni.v . 1 p.m. via Dublin.


'J [>.in. ; Kail to (iref- i.ock , U—Tbe S tean i i rnn Fii day K 1"" via C ik .

FliOM WA'IKl IF Ol iD 1O UKLFAbT ,Kvtry Fl'.lDAY , Via LO1!K , ..t 1 p.m.Every MONDAY , dinr t , - at b a.m.

1SELFAST 1<) WATEUFOI1D ,Kvery M O N D A Y , Via ti i.Ah(iOW ,

Every Kil l DAY , direct .From WATKU I OKD, TO I J UI'.LIN .iirect ,

Every IL 'KSDAY, - at 1 p.m.DUULIN to WATK 11F0HD , Via (ilasgow ,


Kvery WKDNKSlJAY , - oi 1 n.iuE»cry F l i lDAY , - - at 1 p.iu

FltOSI LiJKK TO WATKKl 'OUDdiiect ,Kvery JKj NDAY.

WATK11 KOKD TO LONDON,Steamer to Souiluiuii.tbii , thfiice by London and Koutli-

W«.ieru KaJuav to Nn.i' Kims Station , at Tbiou);h Kalis ,Kvny SA lU l S l lA V , :.t C |..m.

LONI J ON 'JO "WA 'lKliFOlMl-Kveiy 'I L'KSDAY.Ooi.ds lUci- ived at any ot tbe. K.ceivmij Ileus.» ol tbe

London and s- .u:l. W.eiern Kai lwjy Company, and atNine Kim* StHiu.ii.

WATKllKOIM ) TO I-I.YMOUTII , di.ect ,Kvny SA'l L 'l i lJAY. at « p.m.

1'I.YMOLill 10 WATKltFOiiD , direct.E»«y SA 1UKDAY , at 1! p.m.

WATi:i:K0) :l> TO SOU'l llAJil'TCN , via Plymouth.Kv . iy SA'I L 'I i lUY, »t 0 p.m.

&0UTI1AMHOX TO WA'l l-.ltKOliD , via I ' lymoutb ,E»ny WKDNK SDAY , at ]i) a.m.

Tiiesu Stiamiis bav i .- excellent Hccotnmodj lion for pa?scngers.

1'AhSAGE-MONEY :Cabin. Return, neck

Waltifon! to< ; !>.> IT Ili -Il iii ' t 17-. (W. "o> ]0s.l .'.ak ... I'' 11* uiDublin , ... I"'- — Oi

Plyini,utb mill Southampton -"s- 3U- . In*."LI.III I OII , ... -"• • :)?" &I 1"- .

fry JJOTK.—Tin- Clj ile Shipping Company Insure allGoods Shippi-d by t ln«i-Lines ot McauieiR , at 3s 4d. percentto Trcders l.avin;: yiarl y aij re.liinitf , and 6b per Cent to oc-ciaional Sbi ppei»—values to be declared at time of shi p,ment. Forms and all n.l i . i i i . aliini !<¦ U bad at the Ofliees.

For Kales ot Kn-is lit , *<-., apply to— CORK STE A M-IIIPCOMTAKT. , l'enni-i tinny, Curk ; CA K -IL IS and KOA K

Eden Quay, HVI11.I S i J . <-'• P ISKEII ION, 10 VictoriaSt., I!ei:aat ; llnsi- T .1. W A K I .NO , Plymouth ; II. W.WmiUJ, LMH I I .II a""1 >outh-Wn.i«u l!ailw:.y Company,Enter Uuildll l K' i Allbui-tl in , W.M , «ml ll.e ir Keo-ivingHouseB tlitoUKhbUt tb' .' city ; Cl y de Shi pping Co., Id , U pperCKi,.s,,lt .. L,u,e,,. k , :,nd^

n|iN( . toMi|ANy >Siiulliar upton , Ij ltenoik , Glasgow , ami Water lord,

Special Forms ot Hi Is or l.adiui required by the Clyd«Sbippiug Company to bo 110111 the Au-enln .

HATS ! HATS ! HATS !t m (ta)"J'0ll"J'"c'"rc ^'r"11Cal><'')


•' J3* Hats Uoug ht in thib Establishment, DKK SSKH

h o i CIIAUCE j"yl7-tf



5.000 Tons liurtben. 3,000 Horse-power.

j |8S|3i5 \ Liverpool for New YorkjgIBtt|MB|&Braxeverv Thursday from QUEENS-«^ BB5^S**^*T0WN

every Friday, forwarding

Passengers to fill parts of the United States and Canada ,Returning from New York every Saturday.

By MMSIF . H ABIAICD & WOLFF, Ilcllast , sail a« under ,From LtvEBrooi., via QUBEHBIOWS

OCEANIC ... Thnrsday, ... Oot, 22nd11EPUBLIC... Thursday, ... Oot. 20th1IALT1C ... Thursday, ... NOT. 5th.ADRIATIC Thursday, .. NOT. 12thCELTIC ... Thursday, ... Nov. 19th.

These Steamships are all uniform of the hi ghest speed,and replete with modern conveniences in every department .The saloon , ftnte-rootn ", and fn ioVe-rooms are amidshi ps.

Avenge Passage 8J dnya in Summer , 91 days ID Winter.Each Vessel is constructed in 7 water-ti ght compartments .

Drafts issued ou New York free of charge. Saloon , £1818s. and 21 Guineas ; Return Tickets- 35 Guineas ; Steerage£0 0?.

Tbe STEEBAOBS are unusuall y spacious, well lighted ,ventilated , und warmed , and Passengers of tbis class receivethe utino nt civili ty ami attention. An un limited supply ofCooked Provisions. Medical comforts free of charge.Stewardesses in Steerage to attend the Women and ChildrenSteerage fare as low ait by any other Line.

For frei ght and further particular? , apply at the Officesof the Company, 19 liroadwny, New York , and 90 Marketstreet , Chicngo; in Qncenstown , to James Scott & Co. ; or

JSMAY , 1MK1K, & C0., 10 Water-street , Liverpool;and 31 Leailenball street , London , E.C. (ja6-tf

T. S. HAKVliY , Little George's street , andJAMES HENNESSY , Great George's st , Wnterford.

J. M. MUni' lIY , 43, New Lm.e.Carrick-on-Kuir.

NA TIONAL LINE TO NEW YORK£55* NOTICE.—This Company tokes the risk of Insur-

nnce (up to ilOU.OCO) on each ol its VesBels, tbns givingPassengers tbe btsi possible guaranteo for safety and avoid-ance of danger at sea. The most southerl y route has beenalways adopted by tbis Company to avoid Ice and Head-lands. ——¦aw^v LARGEST STEAMERS AFLOAT.



Liverpool every WEDNESDAYE«£*5Eb£§»££n*}'ro»i Qucnisiotcii every THURSDA Y.rtlULMvcinkiiowii Full-Powcrcd Iron ScrewL STEAM-SHIPS

Shi ps. Ton* Shipi . TonKfiYM ", nror.nn 50&» EKOLAND, Kemp 4000Sl'AlN ", Urace 4900 THE QUKEN, linvg 4+11ITALY. Thoinfou M02 HOLLAND, Simpson . . 3W7VUANCK ,Thompson 3.r.71 EUIX, Andrews '. 3050

UAXADA .lWcbstcr X «0 HELVKTIA, Spencer 3974UUKKCK , Thomas 3M) DENMARK , Sumncr 3723

Will Sail from Liverpool to New York as nnder:ERIN Wednesday, Oct. 21stEGYPT Wednesday, Oct. 28thSPAIN Wednesday, Nov. 4thJ

Leaving Queenstow n the following days.TO li06T0N AS1J XEW YORK :

ITALY ... « TCBSDAT, Oct. 20th1 be Saloon accommodation i> ua iurpassed,the State-toomBinj ; unusuall y large, and open oil" tbe Baloons, situated in

poop on deckHate of passage 10,12, aod lo Gj ineas, according to ac-

commodation iu State-room—all having same privilege inSalorn. Return Tickets , TWFNTY-F0UR GUINEAS.

UR5" The COMFORT iof STEERAGE PA8SENGEHSspecially considered—the accommodation being unequalledfor space, light , and ventilation.

Katos ol Passage—ns low as by Any other line—includeabundance of Frrsb Provisions served up Cooked by tbeCompany 's Servants. Medical attendant Free. Steward-esses in attendance on Female Steerage PsEseDKers.

Stccrago Passengers forwarded to Quebec, liostori, Phil .Adel phia , nnd Baltimore , tcithout extra charget and bookedthrough to Sau Francisco, aud all inland towns of UnitedStates and Canada on favourable terms. Passengers bookedthrough to Australia , New Zealand , China , and Japan , viltbe Eric Railway.

For Freight or Passage app ly toTnx NAIIOHAL STEAM Sntr COMPART (L IHITSU ),

21 and23, Water-street ,Liverpool)SOLI: Ar.rsT FOR WATEBVOUU :

JIICHAKL DOWNi'Y, Oflicc, 10, Jlcrchants's Quay.J. M. MUIU'IIY , Cnrrick-ou -Suir; R:CUARD LCHCV ,

Main street , do. ; K ICIIABD I'liEUS, Brown street , I'ortlaw;W M. FOUKISTAL , Grocer , New Ross j PATBICK LAKOA S,llonmabon ; or to

N. and J. CcttMixa and BBOS., Queenstown.Passengers are adviwd to secure their Passages from the

Loca l Agents before leaving home.



^L~K3%i ^k^"' ° t']0 f°"owing or

other Firstj tSKf5


\_P class, full-powered Steamships

BtaEBa* will lie dcpatclicd from LIVERPOOLTO NEW YORK, EVEKY WEDNESDAY:

WYOMING. ...C. J, lieddoe.| MINNESOTA..,Tlios. JonesWISCONSIN T-W.Freeman iMANHATTAN - J'srsballIDAHO W. ForsylhiMONTANA J. BeverleyNEVADA J. II. Price. IDAKOTA.... J AMBS G UAUD

CALLING at QUEKNS70WN tbe day following,to erobaik Paetenpers.

J'assengers booked tb roug h to San and alliulaodtowns at low rates.

I ta t i s o f l'atsigc fiom Liverpool to New York :—Cabin I'a^agc...., 12. 10, 17, and 20 Guineas.Inteimrdiatc 8 Guineas.

Steerage Passage to Nivr Yolk , Button , Portland , Phila-delphia , lialtimoie , or Quebec, at reduced rutcf , including aph-ntilu ] >upp ly of piovisiou.n, cooked und served up by theCompany 's fctetvards

These Steamers carry Surgeon and Stewardesses free.Passengers are recommended to obtain their Tickets from

our agents before leaviug bcrne.Kiir 'ii - it ;lit or passiige, app ly to

( .TlON &. CO.. 25 WaUr-stnet , Liverpool j or toJOHN DKVKKECX, Quay, Watcrford ,WM. MUNRO , 2: Soulb-street , New Hoss'1IIOMAS K A V A N A G i l .tbe Sijuare, Dungirvun.J. II. M L ' K P l l V, 43, New Lane, Carrick -ou-Suir.PATCK. O'SULI.IVAN , Auctioneer , Carrick-on-SuirTHOMAS l l .CUKTIS , Potllaw.K l i W A K D Ml.'-KhLLA , Grocer, lWlercon. robl3


LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA.Tbe Firet-clabs Full-powered Iron Steamship) ,


Are nppuiuted tu Sail Weekly from Livrrpoel .ILLINOIS Wednesday, Oct. 21KENILWOKTH Wednesday, NOT. 4INDIANA Wednesday, NOT. 11AliliOTSFORD Wednesday, NOT. IBPENNSYLVANIA Wednesday, NOT .25.

calhug at Queiiistown the lollowiug day to embarkPassengers.

The American Steamshi p Company is I lie only Trans-Allj i .t ic Line sailing under tbe United Stale* Flag. Alltbi- .-e steameiti are fitted with Life Rafts , iu addition to aurst ia nuu.bei of Life iJolits and Life l'icsei vers.

Tbe uccr.uHuod'itiou fur all classo of pas>engcrs is equalin t-lfgnncc and cointorl to any ol tbe European Steamshi pLin.-- . Every Steamer carries a surgeon find Stewardess. and pood* Hre landid at Plnladcl pbiM on tbeWl. ait of the Pci.i.Ey lvai.ia Railroad Company, nnd aropass.:il direct tuiiu I IIL- .Steamers into tbe Railway Cars, tbusolkrniB tin: tt facility for forwarding of PassengersHii d COI A I^ inland at lowest Thrcunb Rules.

Fur tbe rf>tt:ia! HccointnMlation of passtntrtis tberc arauntUrt l i e ^Rua- roof , iufrebhmi'i.t Loom, Unittd StutesLetter llux/ lVliprap h Ollice, Kscbange Office, pnd llaggageKxpies * OtKcr , ,-u ttiat I'ahfengers by tbm line effect a bav-ii.K of botb time H I I I I miiniy, und have everything providedwl i i . l . c t i . bel p t o i i i u k e t b e i r jnuriii-y easy and pleasant.

IdP* Tbe I'liiti-ylva nia Itailroad is the nbottcst aud mostdinct route to all places iu I l icWiitetn States.

CA D I S F» S«AOB , Fifteen to Twenty Guneas. ReturnTicket? at ruduiea rati-j.

SlEtiiAGK PASSAOK as low 8H by auy other Line, in clud-ing an ample supply of Provisions , cooked and served up bythe Company 's Steward*. Passengers ate forwarded to NewYoik or Kdltimoie , witho ut additional cbargc.

IMOMI-M ATK 1'A S H A G E .—Supcrioi Bccomniodation , in-cludiliK lirds , lidding, and all necisbary Utensil* »nd se-parate Table, £3 3s. tx l ia . No intermediate carried onvoyage luarktil lbus#

Apply in Philadelphia to PETEK W EIOHT A Soss,Griieml Ag. nts , 307, Waluut -strect ; in, to E. J. L.AiitiY , 'J , Cii.-t .iii Ilous e->quare ; in Qucenttown , to N. &J. L'LiiMIMi & Hn.tlitr- * ; mid in Liverpoo l, to

RICHARDSON , SPEXCE & CO.,t( 17 mid 1« Watei-.trct-t j or



FREE PASSAGES to NEW ZEALAND grantedto uli giblu App licants. ASSISTED PASSAGES-

Granted to CANADA. 1'urticulars of which cuu behad on application to J. 11. Jluui'ltr . Agent.

Sluiiint-rs to New York- twico a week, from Quocns-town , Liverpool , Derry, Duhliu , Glasgow, and London.Firiit-clnss Shij iH from Liverpool anil London to Aus.traliu mi'i Qucuusland once a month.

Emiginlion Ollice—AS NEW LANE, CARKICK.0N-SL1R. fja y-tf]

A G E X T S \;r l lOUXSl l Vs R K A V I X O and UOWlKliM A C H I N E S ,

Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds ofFarming Implements and Machines.






Up Traint from Waitrfori.THAIM8 OH Will BI TS. » P» .

WAtmroiiD I .WAII,./ 31AH,.I MAII,to LIMlRtci 1 4 2 14'J ! 142 1 i 2 1243 1, 2, 1 3 4 3to LixiRtci. cinn. Clasi.;0laii. Clai6. Clan Clan.

. A.H. ' A.M. \ p.M. ( P . M . P.M. P.M. T.M.

Watertord..,.rfcp. 5 40 j ._ ills" T<L I T30 ~

.~ 8 30'

C»rrick.or:.5<uir.. 0 25 ... 12 17 3 25 0 15 ... 9 J*Clonmel....... 7 5 , ... 12 45 4 4 10 0 ... 10 0Tippeiary 8 15 ! „ 1 Sll 5 9 11 35 ... 11 35Juncllon aritl 8 25 I ... 2 10 5 20 11 55 ... 11 55DUBLIK...arrival 1 15 I ... 5 40 10 0 4 5 ... 4 30CO *K. . . ...arrival 130 ... 4 35 8 15 2'0 ... 2 9Dnblln .~.~.,.dtp ... i ... 10 30 ... .7. ... 1 4sCork........ ... I „, 12 3D ... ,„ |0 6JaDctlon...» . „ | 8 38 ;12 12 2 2s 5 45 12 23 ... 13 23Lim«rick....«rirl 3 45 ;12 52 3 15 0 50 1 30 ... 1 30

Bourn Traint fr om Ximerici.I TRAIN! ov vrriv nlvi. I fl 'nr


«w.if.Fnn 1 8*3 1 2*3 I i 2 1 2 3 1 4 2 1 & 8 1 2*. 0TOUATE BFOHD. C!llM I C,,... C|a,, C)a>, ,,,„, ,.,„„ f.,,,,*IM-_ |_*;_M. A.M. P.M . P.M. Jf - H

P. M .Limerick dep 0 15" J if n *n 4 0" 10 40 ... iu 40Junction..arr.lrt/ 7 'JO 8 20 12 20 5 16 11 55 ... Il 05Oork..._.„.., „ ... 1 30 2 0 8 IS 2 0 ... 2 0Dublin 1 15 6 15 10 0 4 6 ... 4 5UCBLIN.........iff;) _ ... Q || CORK .._.._.„„ ... 0 0 Junction.™ 7 30 ... 18 30 5 35 12 23 ... 13 23Tipperary , 7 40 ... 12 40 6 45 12 50 ... 13 50Clonmel J 9 0 ... 1 40 ff25 2 20 ... 2 20CarrickJ | 9 15 ,„ 2 5 7 35 3 0 ,„ '] 0Wat«ilbrd...nrii-M0 SO ... 2 4s « 15 3 45 ... "3 48

FASCI — First Clam Single Ticket, 14a 8d ; Secon.l do. 11 OdThird do, til 6d. Eeturn—Firit Clan . 81a Sil ; Second Jo, 10a 6d

J. F. NICOLL, Secretary.


The (borteit route from Waterfoid and Kilkenny to Dublin ,Alblone , P.-rtuinoa , P.rtomtown ,or Neuagh , lariaMaryboro *.

tZj * Improred quick aod through daily communication be*tween Maryborough and other atatiom to Waterfor<VtbeacaTi. tievr IMilford to London and all BtaliooB on the (ireat Wea-tern r&itwa/of Kog laod.

On Sundays tho Down Trains will leave Maryborough at 4,0p.m. w SOMJiv KICU RS I OKS DISCOKTIK UEIJ .


«TATinv« 1«*3. i & 2 1 2 it 31 'ti S 1 2 & 3 1 2 43BTATioxi. ClaasOlaia. ClanJClasi . Clasi. ClaiaA.M. J|.M. P.M. I r.M. nuon _p.«.l i m h m h m t i m b r a h m

W«terford._rffp«r/i.r c 7 15 1 0 4 0 12 (I —Kilmacow __ 7 25 1 111 4 10 — 12 13 —Mullinav nt ....„ 7 35 — 4 So — 11 25 —Billyhalc... 1 55 1 35 4 40 — 12 50 —ThomaiioKii 8 111 1 5(1 4 55 — 1 5 —Uer.uelabtid K 8 '.'5 2 5 5 5 — 1 201 —Kilkenny arrhnl 8 «li 2 21' 5 ju — 1 40i —

Do departure 6 55 2 30 3 3d — 1 So —Ballyragget... 0 IS i 5n 3 50 — 2 Id! —Attanagh 9 &'> 3 0 6 0 — 2 IS —At/hejlcix 9 50 3 IS , 6 15 — '•! 30. —Marjboro " ..>...nrrirr.(|ltl 10 3 35 | fl 45 — 3 0 —Mai fborougll dei> ~.vp lU 52 4 2 ; 7 40 — <*i 'Jl, —Ponatlineion Junc 'D 'll It 4 1 1 ' 8 7 — 3 13 —Dublin arriiol| 1 15 5 4(1 .10 0 — 5 15 -Atblone Junction nrrl: 4 45 6 30 — — — | —Maryboro '...<ie;> rfo« n!10 30 — I 7 11 — 9 52 —Balljbropby,.. '10 SO — I 7 41 — 10 IJSl —Roscrea .- 1 1 3 4 — 8 30 — — —I'arionjtown 12 4 — . 0 0 — — —Parlnrnoa _ 12 44 — 9 40 — — —Nenogh.. . . , 12 23 — 0 20 — — —TempJrmoro .- — | _ 8 17 — lo 51 —Thorle -firrlvol 1 36 - 8 35 — 11 13 —


T>A1K> OK Wttl DiVB. I BON DAtl„,„„,, 1 2 &3 1 '2 i3 I & 2 1 * 2 1 -J 4:3 1 2 43•TATioaa.

CU.I . 'CI UM . CI JM .ICU M. CI MB .'CI B...!_1.M. ! _ A

^M. A. M . I j^M. f.H. [ P.M .

. r i m h l n h m l h m h r n j h mTliurlei .„. .departure _ 7 10 1 55 — ' 2. 2Templeraore I _ 7 VJ — 2 13 ' 2 20Balljbropbj... ' _ 7 59 — 2 43 — ' 2 17Nenagh.- _ 6 30 — 1 0 — i —Porturana ........._... 6 II _ ! —ParaoosloWD — 6 40 1 20 j —Rowcrea _ 7 13 — 1 55 — —Marjboro ' ...nnl...up _ 8 38 — 3 19 — I 3 24Athtone Junction ...«. 8 15 — ] —Dublin ......departure. — 6 0 0 ¦ (I 1 II — ! 9 30Portarlington Juoci 'n — ! 8 3 111 13 2 45 — tl 31Marylioro '..itrt>/._i/irn — I 8 25 10 30 3 9 _ 11 62

DOW .K TKA1 KB. — I Mall I S t D — IMuryhoro ' ...departure. — , 8 40 10 33 3 30 — ! -I 0Abbeyleix : 9 0 IU 55 3 50 — ! 1 20Altanagh _ ¦» 15 — 4 5 — 4 :|T>Ballyra|!«et — ' D 25 II 15 4 19 — 4 45Kilkenny ....arrival. — i 9 43 11 40 4 38 — 5 10

Do departure 7 3) 110 |. 1\ 45 4 50 — 5 20Bennetsbrldge 7 45 !io 12 I — S 3 — 5 32Tbomaatown 8 5 110 25 '12 6 5 20 — 5 14Ballyhale 8 25 U' 40 ! 12 15 S 3 1' — 0 0Mulliosvst ...._ 8 40 - 1 U i — (i 0 — G 25Kilmacow 9 5 II 10 '12 45 6 11- — G 35Water ford ...-arrival S 30 11 30 1 1 O 0 30 — 7 0

Special Fares are charged to Kirat and Sccood Claii l'aiaen-gets book I OK to tr.Tel by the Uxpreta MailTraioi 011 GreatSouthern and Western Liot.

T.ckeu istued for Single Journey are .Tillable only for beTrain bj utiicb Ibcj ireitiued .

Return Tickets .re isiued between .ny tvo SlatlonBarailabl efor the date of iisue and daj fullowing ; ihoM iuued ror anydistance elccediog 50 mile*, will bo available for return OD theday of i&Bne and the two followlr g da)B ; end for distances ex-ceeding 100 miles, they arc amitsblo tor return OD the day ofiGioo and the three following days—Snndajs not reckoned.Return Tickets faeued ou Saturday are returnable on Saturday,Sunday, or Monday.

Through Tickets, at low farea, .te issued .t Mar;borough .ndKilkenoy, via Waterford .Dd Mllford Haven , to and from Lon-doo, Dofer, Ked Hill , Aldersbot, Keadiog, liaslogBtoke , Swia-doo, Oxford , Birmingham, Worcester, Hereford, Cheltenham,Bristol , Gloucester, Newport , Mertbyr , Aberdare , Oardifi*, Ke.tb ,Swinse.. IJancll/, Carmarthen, aud Oarmarlhen Junction , aDdNew Mil/Old.

W. WlLLliKi . Stcretarj.


mo« i l ' 2 , a ; 4 5 8 , 7 , 8 . 9a m . a m i p m :_P_rn . P in . p in ; p m j» m I p mh in j h m ) I. m ! 1. m ; b ra . h 11. \ h m h m '- h m

W'f«l>8 0 'i l 0 .12 IS ,'S (I ' 4 0 5 311. 7 15 0 0! ...T'mrej !l 15 i *ll HI) . 1 IS ! 3 II 4 30 •« 0 , 7 45 !) 30| ...

Sunday Traint| 1 ' 2 3 < , 6 ; fi ' 7 [ 8 I U'*"»• i m l m _p m p m ;_ P_m i p m | p m I p m I p m

li m I h m ; )i m li r» ; h in i h m | h ra < h rr. I b raTV/ord 8 0 |ll J5 12 15 . 1 :t0 1 a 3" i 4 30, 5 ;» G 30 9 0Tmore II 15 111 45 l'J ti , 2 0» 4 0 1 5 li, '6 0 7 15,10 30

• Mail trains G. N . BA K E X , SccreUrj.



SHORTEST K0UTE, and REDUCED FARES, «vt Express Tra ins and Nnv Fast Mail M mfS

[SgW, Steamers EVERY WEEK DAY. msaLUP.—Lcavo WATKHKOKI ) at 4.30 p.m., on Arrival of

11.20 a.m. Train from Limerick, aud 10.36 n.ruTrain from Mary borough, A R R I V I N G in LONDON(weather ond circumetacccB permitting) at12.5 OD following day.

DOWN.—L EAVK LO.MIDN (I'addingtou) at 5.15 p.m.,and AiutivK AT WATKKIO U D (weatber and cir-cumatanccs permitting) about eleven a.m., int lmo for tho Tiuins on tho Waterford nnd Lime-rick and Central Ireland Lines.

No Cargo can bo received on board after 4.15 p.m.,when tho Stages will bo removed, to enable thoStcamerB to depart PUNCTUALLY at tho appointedtime.

F A R E S— WA TERFORD AND LONDON :SiNoi.Kb (availablo 4 Days) let Class & Saloon, 46s Od„ „ 2nd Class & Salooa, 35s Cd„ „ 3rd Clasa & Foro Cubin, 20s OdK KTIH .NS (aveiilablo forl month) 1st Cles & Saloon , 7fie

,, „ 2nd CIBS & Saloon, 59sFurther information can bo obtained from Mr.

W. Rt iD, 9(1 Patrick-utrcot, Cork ; Mr. J. JI. DOM .N K V ,Railway Terminus , Limerick ; Mr. W. D.M CNA SIAKA ,Atlcl plii Wliarf , Wutcrford ; and tho K KUUCKD FAKK Obetween otlicr important Stations, tho Timo Tables,and Throug h IUI CB for GoodB, 4c, or Mr. W. J. Hi'sSKLL , the Oreat Western Company 's District Agent,Adolphi Wharf , Wnterford .

J. OR1KRS0N, General Manager.1'axldington, June, 1874. [my28

INCOMES of £150 to £1,000 and rpwardaWANTKD, in WATKHFOKD ami Burrouriding

Districts, AGENTS of respectabil ity for afirst.china Company fuot Insurance) of ;i popular andprofitable character. Gentlemen engaged in HanksInsurance Offices , Mercantile llousei, or any otherbusiness, may largel y increaso their Incomes withoutintcrfcrenco with other occupations. Terms, and allparticulars , on application by letter , with real immoany uddrc-sn (iu confidence) , to " Secretary," care ofMr. W. S. DANIK L , Advcrti ning Agent, 77, Gracechurch-Btrcot , Londou , K.C. [It]

27, BAKRONSTKAN !) STRKCT, WAT EitroRUSci'tcrnlcr 21*1, lb/2.

H E N R Y A U D L E Y & CO.Y7T71I1LE returning tliuir uinccro and grateful• • acknowledgments to tho public for tho

exteusiro Putronago hitherto bestowed uponthem, be^ to acquaint their kind patrons tlmtthoy huvo added to their Stock, u all Dopart-mCUtS , C O M I" K I 8 1 N U :


Diao.s, COUDAG K ,CANVAS , &C.

which thi'y can conlii luntl y recommend.N.U.—Kot.K Ar.y. xTx in Watcrford for PKACOCK

nnil H LTI IA.N'S J'ATKNT PAINTS.4feJ* Oi Uera executed with accuracy and dos.




HEAVYHEAVY WINTER JACK33TS(Fitting to the Figure),


Particular attoDtion is direoted to their BERLIN JACKETS, which, for Perfection in Stylo, Fit and Finish,oannot bo surpassed.

A SECOND PARCEL OF FRENCH SILKSrocoivod direct from tho Manufacturers, A BDIDEIIT, MO.NI .N & Co., Lyons, which are

certainly tho most beautiful ovor shown in Waterford.THE FA VOR OF AN EARLY CALL IU SOLICITED.

Has been also








On Sale at The News Office ,With tho Kecommcndation of the Bishop of Waterford nod

Lismore, the Right Her. Dr.O'IJBIBHA Catechism for the Instruction of Children


MOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTJ.-EB, Arr.hbishopof Cashel and Emly.

RECOMMENDATION :" I approve of this Edition of tho Right Rev. Dr.

JAMES BUTLER'S Catechism, and recommend it to theFaithful of theso Diocesea.

"?!< JOHN POWER , R.C.I)."Watcrford, Sept. lGth , 1873."Printed on Good Paper, nnd in largo clear Typo.£3?~ Ordcra from any part of tho Diocaso, sout in

and directed to C. REDJIONO, Printer and PublisherWaterford News Ollice, 4i) King-street, promptl y attended to. Tho Trado supplied on modcrato torms

May bo had Retail from overy Catholic Booksollerin tho Dioccso.



TARTANS, in all tho leading Clans j and tho NEW GRAMPIAN SHAWLS,in somo bcantifnl Colorings.

IKS" All tho abovo havo been procured in tho best Markota, from tho most ominont Manufacturers,and on inspection will bo found vrofl worthy of attention.

THEIR DRESS DEPARTMENTWill bo found full y Stocked with llomospuns, Silk and Wool Ropps, in all colors j French Morinoea,

aud Wiocios, Ac., &c, in great varieties.

S H I R T S-(Fit Warranted

OVR FINE FLANNEL SHIRTS (warmth with,out weight) aro well Cut, Thoroug hly Shrunk,

and modcrato in Prico.Our WHITE and COLORED LONGCLOTU and

LINEN SHIRTS aro mado to Jleosuro in a superiormanner.

Our EVENING SHIRTS aro ready for immediatenae in all sizes.

Our SOFT TWILL NIGHT SHIRTS aro worth yof special notice.

V. TOBIN & SONS, 58 AND 59, QYAY,Shirt and Collar Makers , Indian and Colonial OulJ iUcrs

N.B.—Patterns and Estimates will bo cent or.application.

To the Queen nnd Koynl Family ;To II.K.II. tbe l'rmce of Walts (b pecial Approtmeot),

Anil to screral Indian Potentates , Korci gu GovcrumuiiU 1and Railway Compnniea . Kutabliolitd 1710.J , W. B E N S O N,


SILVERSMITH , AND AUTISTIC METALWORKER , I'rizo MeJalifct of the Lo'.dou ,Dubliu , aud ParisExhibitions; Makar of the Chronograp h by wLicli the Derbyand all other Races ond gieul events of the day ore timed.Manufactory at .d City House, 68 & CO, LUDGATE HILL,Wfst End K»toblisbrauits , 25, OLD liONDSTUKLT, aud09, WE&TUOURNE UHOVE , LONIJON.

WATCHKS CLOCKSOf all kindt , at 2 to 200 Of all kinds , at 2 to 1000 I

Quintal. Quincat.Lever, Vertical , Church , Turret ,Horizontal , Duplex , Currugc , Chiuie , *Chronometer , Chronognioli , Dining-room anil Drawing-Key less, Centre Seconds, room , Hal] , Sbop,Repeaters , ludian , Ac. Library , Bracket , &v.E.NGLisn OIIKOLU CLOCKS, JcaipueJ by K HR I IS I I Ariist s

and mauufj clurt d by J. W . H KNSON , lar extctd iu beautythose manu factured nbroud. They cuu ouly be obtniucd atthi a eitrblishtnent.

FlME ABI liXUIIZtS A.NLI Cnlll.NEY Olt H AMKHTB , cjf thonewest designs, from Cuutinental Ateliert ot the highestreputation , at modcrato prico.

AxTibTic GOLD J KWELLEBT , of the richest anJ moat ex-quisite desi gns , with Motiogrnir.H, Cict lB, und Devices,Eunamelled in colours, niter desi gn* by the moot accomp lish-ed Artists in the Precious iMctn lb. Itrooches , liratelttsNecklaces, Lockets, Kings, and all kind-, of bijouterie, atsupp lied to Members of the Court and other distinguishedPersonages.

PRESENTATION PLATE.—Testimonials o( different sorts.RaciDg Cups, and Jewelled and other 'Joxcs, IIN provided byMr. HEN SO.N for the Cuiporatiou ol London and othoi publicIlodiet , to enclose documents ccnveyiiiK th u Freedom ol theCity to tbe Prince of Wales , Duke ol Edinburgh , &c- f ee.

SlLVtE AKD EuciKO-l' lAiKin thu most recent liiblnonsand of the most durable make. In Kltctro - l ' latoil u neces-sary to secure sound materials aud a sullicietit con ting ofsilter to rcvist daily wear and tear satisfactorily. No otheris realty cl.eap at ony price ,nor worth buyin g .

\CJ° Watches aud Clocks repaired by hkilleil wuikiucn.Old Silver , JewelUry, Watches,&c, exchauged. MerchantsShi ppers , aud Clubs supp lied.

Illustrated Pamp hlets , with full description of all kinds ofWatches , Time-pieces,! Jewellery, and Electro-Plj le , withprices aiiiiixtd .bent free by pobt upon app lications to J. W.11KNSON , at either of tho abo»e Addresses.

Watches , Clocks , Jewellery, aud Plate Kent to all pert a oftbo world. (dl3-ly)


BEG to iutitnuto that they havo now nddod to theirbusiness a BRASS FOUNDRY und ENGINEER-

ING ESTABLISHMENT, where Brass Work of everydescription will bo cast uud liuished off in First-cluusityle, aud with aa littlo delay as possible,

M KL KAN und MCINTOSII also beg to tender theirsincere thanks for tho kind patronage bestowed onthem, and hope, by their constant attention to bum-nesB, to merit a continuance of saniu.

tSJT Lead , brass, Capper, and hnn Works3, LITTLE GEORGK ' S STREET, WATISHKORD

N.H. Grcen-houBCS. Conservatories, uud PublicBuildingB Heatc<l on tho most improved princi ple bythe circulation of hot water. (iuyl5-Cim x

The British and Irish Mutual Trust,2U, ST. SWITHIN 1 S LANK, E.C.

A PROVIDENT and Financial Iumitutiou ou nowand Sufo Principles, adap ted to all classes.

Investments bear Fivo per Cent, aud liouns. Ad-vancos are mado for poriods of 20 years. Prospoc-tuses on personal or writton application.

By Order of the Board.CHAS. KUTHEKFOKO, F.S.S.,

Aotuury and .Secretary.J^"First Class Agouts required—lusunmco AgentH

especially suitable. [nuMlf]

HALFPENNY POSTAGE GAUDS .All descriptions of Printing on such Cards

f S S " Executes at THE WATEiironD NEWS Oiicc.



(J2f 50 and 51 QUAY, WATERFORD.Nearly opposite tho Market House.

WE beg to drrw tho public attention to tho VERYCIIOICK (STOCK OK noons which we nro now

offering at our New Establishment at above address.Our No. 1 TEA nt 3s. per lb., is particularly good

value, and is giving much satisfaction.Good Black Tea as low as 2s. per lb.Fiuo Assam und Green Teas.


Wo have also a LARGE STOCK OF WINES nbottle in great variety, which arc equal to any offeredby tho trade.Fine Old Ports from 21s. to -10s. per dozon.Shorrica (Palo and Golden) ... 24s. to 3Us. ,,FI'DO ilarsolla ... ... .. lbs. MClarotB 12s. to 3Ca. „Light Clarets (in pints) .. Gs. to 8*. ,,

Also—Bass' Palo Ale, Guinncss's Donblo Stout ,Mineral Waters, Limerick Bacon nnd Hams, &c, ic.



JOHN ROBINSON begs to inform his numerousFriends aud tho Public, that bo has acquired

tho Proprietorship of tho abovo woll-kuown Establish-ment, which ho has recently RE-OPENED, nnd isproparcd to Supply GROCERIES, WINES, BRAN-DIES, SPIRITS, 4c, &c, which will bear comparisonwith any iu tho Trndo.

8SJ" Ho is SOLIi AGENT for MoHBrs. MUSOTTEand GIRARD, Wino and Brandy Exporters, Bordeauxand Cognac.

Wnlerford, 1st Decombor, 1873. t(



W I L L I A M P O W E RBegs respectfull y to intimate to his Friends and tho

Public generally, tlmt ho has"VTOW OPEN, tho abovo STORES, whero ho hopes,.1 1 by strict attention to business, and keepingtho very BEST WINES and SPIRITS merit aslmro of patronage.

H OUSEKKKI'EKS will find it their interest to patron-iso the aboven utablishmcnt.

l|55" Plcassobscrvo tho address :No. 80 THE QUAY,

(Corner of Conduit I.nnc J,f28 WATERFOIiU.


F R I E N D " OF A L L !Kwimi in all 1'art.i of the U'oriu1. Hire 's vur l' vmnl y

H O L L O W A Y' S P I L L S .IiU'UKiTitb of THK BLOOD.—These womlcrfu.

Pills lire valued nt the humblest licurtli s as well as in thehouses of comlurt nnd wraith. They woik a ihoioughpmifkatiou through tl ie whole system, wilhout disorderingthe natural action of any organ , and eradicate those germsof comp laints which consi gn tctia of thousauds to au earlygrave.

Uuoxciims, Dipi ' iiEK u , Coi'oiis. ASU Coins.—Nodisen&cs are inure frequent , and few more dangerous thanaffectio iiH of the resp iratory orgim* ; nu cotidiiinn itirearise to more fatal umlwdics Hi»n u "Htnp lc Cold." ThefirBt ny ioptoms tnuy n lwuyu be removed ty these renownedPills, us they quickl y remedy the .-.Uuuatioii of blood ,rooderati.' tho hurrii-il IJI uatliin ^ , nnd iti.-ilile the wiud -p i peand I UIIII H to per torio tlieir luuctions with catie and regu-lirity. They also, by their purify ing properties , cleanse theblood from nil impuiiti c s, mid thus lurtify the sy&tcm againstConsumption , AKthmii , and other pulmonnry coiuplaiDtfl.

DnilILITY , LOSS OF API 'ETlIt , llKADACIlK , iNBLowsKSS op SPI mm.—These PilU will , in a few days,ellecL a trul y woudcrhil change iu Debilitated Constitutions(no matter their (xcit ing cause), as they create ;t healthyappetite , correct imbgiiition, remove excess oi bile, overcuuj ug iddiucK *, cimlusioii , *ick heuduelie, :ili(l nil llinse ^louinyt'nrel xi din^s aiibiti t ; from it bad bioinaeh or


THE MxtiiciHK rots FEM ALKD , YOU.N O AKD OLD.—For overcouiiiig all cilmlruclioim, nnd restoiinif aii!ii>ciiil«lsecretions , them is no medicine to bo compared lo ilieasPills. Uuiveinall y adupled as the one grand remedy forfemale ComplaititH , these I'illa cimnot :.<il j they strengthentin: system, and always bring about what is required . Tofemahu euleriug into womanhood, or at the turn ol hie ,they an: invaluable , being B perfect .saleguard anaiimtilropsy, lieadaclus, pal pitalion ol the heart , and all ucrvuusuliiTtiuiK ollen d'stiiKieini! at those periods.

COUI'LAINT S I K C I D K K T A L TO CllILLKK.N.—WhuO pill),'cou^U , measles, bi-arliiliim, lever.", ami all IIU CHMS ol theskin , may be immediately checked , and soon cuiiil, by llle^L'punly iuK 1'ill"- ^u uinlhei ^inuld be withnut them. One ,twn, or time (rcducsil lo powder), mBy be itiven luglill j .with the certainly of doitiK gdml.

N BKMJ L'S D I SOBII E S!'.— Any ilcTaiigcmrut of thu neivmiiflicn disastrously I'ulh the body anil thu mind. To theneiviiuii invalid these Pills are of vital necessity, as theyimpart tolio and vigour to the internal or«BUs, aud eouse-i|uenlly to Ihu neivoUfi systi'Ui which pervudes aud cuuueclsIhein. llciico their uiurvclloUH cults ol hy»teri« , low spirits,spasms, tits , nervous twit, hings , and other kindred coui-pluiuts.Uollotcaj 's Pi l l s ar the bett remedy known in the world

for the following diteatet :Ague FrVrr» oi all r i cruful a, or Kin it 'i KvilAntlimn kllida Suru Tliruall*JJillinu» Cum- Itoui Sloi '.eaud

liluiiiin llead-uehu Gravelllloielies nu indigestioQ Secondary Sytnptotui

ilie Skin Liver (Join- Tic DouloureuxBowel Coin- plaints Ulcers

plaints Lumbago Vunereal AtfcclioniDebility 1'iles Wornn ol ill kind.Dropsy llheumltltm Weakness, fromFemale Irregu- ICetentlon of »lial«ver cause ,

larlllef Urine ic., *c.The PilUand Oiulincnt arc Sold at Profesiior HDI .LOWAT 'II

Klablishujctit , 533 Oxford-street , London ; also by nearly£ *vty ref-iifct alili ! Vendor of Atediciucs tbrou gliBUt thecivili«od world , in llnxn and Pots , at Is. ljd 2s. Oil ., is.^Od.,11 *., \12- i., uud .Tts. IMI 'I). The mnullent Box ot PilU coutaiusemir dozen ; ami the mnalleat Pot of Ointment one ou^ce.

N.U.—Full p.iutid direction!) »ro affixed to each hoi andpot, aud can he bad; iu any language, even iu Turkish ,Arabic Aruieniau, Ptibiau , or Cbiueso

H O T E L SD U B L I N .

The European Hotel, Bolton Street.T\ WE EUROPEAN in tho largest, the best situate,JL and tho most comfortable Hotf' in tho City. Allmodern improvements have brvin recently introduced,and tho entire Honso papered, painted, and decorated.

Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Draw-ing Rooms from 2«. 6d. to 5s. Sitting Rooms on thoground floor freo of charge.

855* Soap, Fish, Joints, Fowl, and Entree in CoffeoRoom and Restaurant , from Two to Sevon o'clockdaily. Bed , including Servants, 2s. 6d., 2s. and Is. 6d.

[m31-tf] J. 1I0L0NY , Propriotor.

D U B L I N .Commercial & Private Lodging House

49 M A R L B O f e o U G H STREET.PARTIES Visiting Dublin can be accommodated ,

with or or without Board, and all tho comfortsof a home, on Moderate. Terms. [o25-tfj

(S5-Situation central , close to Sackville-Btreet.


THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel , in whicheverything can bo had o>. the most moderate

termB.|JgT Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits; also Branrlieo

Winos, Porter, Alo, iSc. (aulo-tf.)«23° Cars on Hiro at tho shortos t notice.

I M I ' O K T A N T N O T i f J l

JOHN RYAN & SON, BUILDERS,Beg respectfull y to give Notico that* they havo

-p EMOVED their OFFICES and WORKSHOPSJL\; from the Scotch Quay and Canada street totho moro commodious and central Premises, latelyknown as ilr. JOHN W ILSON'S

TIMliKK VAKD, BOLTOX STREET,Whero all orders shall rcceivo prompt attention.J. it &¦ S. tuko tbis opportunity of announcing

that they arc prepared to supply parties about Build-ing or makiug Alterations, with

WINDOW FIIAMKS, SASIIKS, DOORS, TUIMM1SGS ,And overy other description of JotNKJis ' WOKK

all ready for fixing, mado from tho best sea-soncd Timber, and by experienced Tradesmen, work,maushi p and materials guaranteed , aud on terms tocompete with any Imported or Jlacliinc-mado work.

C }" Pr.ANs and ESTI .MATKS prepared and furnished ,free, ou application to

JOHN RYAN & SON,jl: i-tf ] Jioltou street , Watcrford.

RECLINING and SHOWER BATHSWith an unlimited supply of Water, now open


The Turkish Bath is pronounced by tlio hi ghestMedical nuthoritics, and by tho many thousands whohavo used it, '.o bo tho very best remed y in existencefor the prevention anil cure of dU'cnso, anil lor thepreservation of health. au ".



Foil Free f o r Six Stamps , open en It , or 1" Stamps in an

milE MKDlCAL AuVlSKi;, on |.tcinaturcJL decay ot tli< : s>stt-m , and its .p etdy lestrn.itutii ; eliap-

ttrs on certain di^oiili 'is , nnd the !>¦ -t liurms tin t l i ir re*inovat ; the ii.uriu^iupe ai an aid tu ili . i^iiosi ^ ; M a i t i a ^e , it>di ^lluallflcalion^ ; rules and pr cacri pttoi.s lor kul:. tn a'. i nn l ,ic. J illuslraleil u i t h nuineinl is r.i><- . \\\ I): . U'a i l i r Di

lt00", Ili. l l iml Iliill-r , J l u i t n i d S.|iian- , Li. nil i . i i , U'.C.

DK. UE KOO.S' cclcbraiwl GL 'T'IVK \"J'Miit r l . lKK IJ UOI' .S » lur ^p..tiii; ai<irli<i:a f X<<clum.ti

Emissions, lii'poteiicy, bi .viial II.capacity, Debility, Epilepsy,and all those ilisea^ lor uli it l i Mercury, M araii iMiil la , tcr.,are too olteu en-p loyed by Knyli sh l'li)siciaiin t 'Jlbe ultimateruin ol the .Sullt'i'L'r's health.

Tim (JUT'iVE Vl 'lVE are the result of IODK practical in-vi- hli gatioil of the n inrdies lie;l udiiulcd tur t.ioe dtseu^i-s.Their rich , Mimul . i t inn, Motnacli lc qnahtio , ami , uhuvc all ,their comp lete renovation of the nervuits system , rciidt-,llii'in in every ruspi-ct worth y tln:ir ti> :nitifaiit'title. The)may he taken wilhuul hindrance or lestr.iiiit ot d:et , &c,and in this rtspicl also they may claim prc-cuiiiiuice overtuust other advertisud im-dicinrs . l iy prouiijtiii^ c!igc.>tion—iiuuribrbii it; Ihe constitution—cniichiin; without mHainin^the lil nod — hmciliK withuut s t i iuulat in^ tlm in rvous systcuitoo viol ently— tl.ey . streny thiu tl ipucnerul habit , and restorethe natural healthy I KIH : ul t i n .' nervous :unl uit^cular tibres ,thus enlrVtt i int* and i i ivi^urali 'i^ li 'ith tiudy and mind.

The (JV 'l 'l 'Ai VIT/K have bun particularly Mitcesstuwi th young people uho have the iippratauce ¦.! u.d a^e ; whoaripule anil trllt-nnnati', and who, having an uUt- l dutaste foreverythi ti^,are incnparitalcd lor study, liusiiii>.s u t < ujuyuient.Tin unamJs ut n]ip.iri-nll\ liKpeU-s-i ca^t^, g iven i( £ ' by the f a ,culty, have bmi p n l i i H l i L - u t ly euled , and iiavc uutuu grateluieviileiicv of the fact.

(L f * l'lice IU. and IMs. ol alt Clitmi.sts, or dir ect onrrcelpt of stamps, or puM-.lla, - oidi- r addressed to Dr. br

Roos, llollord House , llollnrd Sjuari ", l.oudun , W.U.Hold by Mc.M.i ster . Co., l 'Jl, Cupel-street , Dublin ; Mr,

White , Vbicrrer Ollite , liullyualm ; Mr. liassett , SouthernChronicle OlUce , Liuiericl ; .Mr. l'olsou , Fermanagh Ha i lOflicc, i or at The News Ollice , U'uieili.rd.

Pains iu the Hack , Utave l , Luiubagn, Uheutnatisu:, UoutFlatulency , llead.ieln- , Nertnisness, lJelj illtv , Strirtun;, &c

Bit. UK K U U I J 1 CO-Ml'DUXD KKNALI'ILLA , (as their name Uelial , or the KiJiit - ^ s, in-

dicates), arc Clll -Uiatcd all over tb« noi ld , aa the sali»l uudbest Keini'dy lor the abuvc ddhgeruus cuiiip laiut> , l) ischar(jcaot any kind , aud Disease ol the Kidue)s , Uluddcr , midUiinary Ur>;aiis >:i:iicrall >, which , it neglected , Ireiiuentl;cud in Stuuu in the iiUddcr , and a lingering, puintol deathFor depres.-iuu of Hpuits , Kicitemriit , Incapacity lor rio-ciely, Study or liusincss, LLBS ot Memory, Wntcheduess ,Nervousness , and evcu Insanity itselt , when (as is oilcu thecase) arising trom or coinhined with Ciin.iiy LMseasus, the}are uoeijualled . liy tlu ti* .salutary action ou Ij ilc- midAcidity ut the .Stomach, they putity and piumolu the Uenalbccreliotis , llit'it-hy prevrtit thu formatio n ot Stone , aud tburI'lti iblish loi lite the healthy tuuctiulis ol all the.-e urgans.

Tlice Is. l'.d., 'Js. Ud., -Is. lid., 11s. uud Mi. per bol , withlul l directions tl irnil K ll all clu-lliwts. Tb. ha»v Ihr«uids " Walter Ue lloos, l.uudon ," in white letters , i.ll the.Stamp nllixc -J to each In.x , l.y .-P'Cial diiccl.on ul Her 11 "> Honorable COIIIIII I WIICI -, '" piot.ct the puWii: lion,

Iraiid , and to imitate which is lelol.y and Irau-porlalluli.CAL'TIO.N.— .-uiue uupiinci pli'il Vendors wlun ask. i i

tor Dr. Dc Uuos " 1'ills , have atteiupu-a tu lul.l ulhw UJcl.-cims vt compound, ut their own upun lh« purcbaMT, Ir. inWhich till')' obtain a lar^ pruli t , but which iuvar.jl .ly u.iai.disappointment. Ask l..r l'u. i»K lluua (Juui-ucvu I. K N A L

P ILLS and do not be peisuadol mlu t iym ^ anything else;but should Ihu least dlllicnlly occur , encluse lliu auiouut bypo»t-utlicu order or stamps as above, ai.d they will be aeulper return. . ,

.Sold by McMa strr & fo., 1-1, Capel-»ticet , Dublin ; Mr.WhiU ', Observer Otlic- , 1't.illymelia ; Mr. lla^sell , SouthernChronicle Ullice, Liini' iick ; Mi. i'olsun , Fermanag h MailUllicc , Kuni -k i l l i i i ; and at l'.l, Kui ^- strcet , Waterlord.

DK. DK KOOti' P1LUL/K VIT^K , or V KCE -TACiB Lire 1'1LI.8, ate rapidly superscilinj ; casliir-

oil and the old-tashiuncd disacrLcablc medicines turu.crly ad.

uiuistcied by the laailly, which , it is uo»- admitied , l"ufrcijuentl y rcsultiil in a C' nfiriut-d slate ut contivtucss. Th-j

Pilukc'.Vitu ;, ou the cuiiti.i ry, CIIMI/SU the stomach , punfv thesrcietions , remove hi'adache, indigestion , &c, uml m~lr...l ulrendering it necessary to he always swallowing medicine , afew doses only, taken occasionally, wil l be fuuuil all thai isrequired to keep up a lu-althy stale of the system. Equallyadapted lor all nges, it bung mirely necessary to regulate accurding to the age aud strength ot tin* patii -nl; whilstfor female comp laint* they are altogether untt val l i - i l . I'riccIs. 1.JJ., -J-. Ud., Is. l)d., Us., and 33^. per box.

SulJ by McMas tcT & Co., &c. ic, [aa .ibuvel, and at TheH 'aterford 2 *ewi Ollice.

TMJKS YOUK U A i l l FALL OlT, UKXJ TU UN t iUEV .&f. i If so, use KOSAL1ECOU-PKLLK 'S CIUNUTKIA K , noted all over i In- woild for itsmiraculous propirtii n , and »s the only iciiied y that can bedepended upun. It is guaranteed to produce whiskers ,muii'lucbios , ic, in a lew wieks , and will lie loutid emin-ently mcci-M-lul in nourishing .curling, and bc.iutityiug theb.n r'; rlii'ckmg gr.ym-ss, ?tu-iiKthe K weak h in , puveut -inp il-. l f l l i n B i.ll au.l iv>t . .rni K it in, l i . i iu nhatcvercanst'. U pwaids i»t ll"> pbvhuiin-. bafu r.c»iiiiitt-ndc.l it mtilt: iilirsciy, tur piuii .u.ini; a run-, health y li^ad ut hair , ninluvcl l l l iK bnMnrss III a 'lrr )i-ar*. In l".illli^ price 'Js each.

(JI lSKU VK Unit a lli page p.iiiip hltl is iiicli.s. d mil.carh packa|:i-, winch has a red .stamp uu'.sid.: beaniin Hitwords Kosalie in whi l e I. l l i-l i - ; Ihe wur.l-. Coupelie 'tt'rinntriar are ulso nioiildcil m each buttle.

" I was bald nine yrai a , but 1 lind new hair cumiug r:.-

piilly."—J. H« II »'. " Thanks tu jour stutl , I lime «u f»-cellellt tnu'istache and wblskel s."— .Majm llruiun'. " I hadlost in)' h»ir in patches , but it ban rcsiotnl i' ."— Mi«Hewitt . " Aller i» vcai 's baldness, it has ,.cl<d uiimrul-oii-l y."'— H . -M.iir. II IS6.II .)

%0-Siihl at TllR N KWH Ollice , >Vat.rl . . id.

IU HE U I V E N AWAY !A Sew MeilicRl Wink ou llarriiiKf , the cause i.nd cure of

preuiatnre decline in man , Ner?ou« labi lity, linpouucy,Ac, with lluli-a I'T rrmo vi iiit cettaiu disqualilicatioin thatdestroy the happ iness ot Wedded Lite , or

E V K K Y MAN HIS OWN D O C T O RFor Two Stamps luili -rvn may avoid the ncinerous

illipostuis who ni'lid Ihrir bouku for nothing, publish testi-mouiaie winch they write thmj selven , fictitious uvien s fromimaginary Jouriial» ,profes8 toenr e diseases with instrument!instead of Medicines , and other absurdities as cruel as tbey

*r A p'liysi'ciiiii , 23 years extensifelyeng>i(cd in tbe treatment

of Debility anil lliu various mental and nervous alfectiuus re.suiting therefro m , will *end free, ou receipt of Two PennyStamps '0 pieiiay pust aR e , a pamp hlet cntaiiiing his hig hl yMirci sslul and onl y sale trcalinent , with all the necessaijiuescii ptiulis and by which sutlertrs may cursthemselves at tri fling cost. Address Mr. LAWKS, MedicalI'ublislier, 14 Hand Court , llolboru , Loudou.



$S" B O Y S ' H A T S AND C A P S .ri^HE above beiDg a NEW BRANCH of onr Busi-JL ness, tho Stock will be found Large and At-tractive, its chief characteristics being E.XTKEME LVMODERATE PMCKS, combined with GOOD MATKKIAL audFASHIO.VAIILE SITLE.


TAILOUING DEPARTMENT, or tho Material Sold by thoYard at Manufacturers' Prices.

(J®* Our Stock of LADIES' GLOVES is worthy ofattoution.




HMHE WINTER SESSION, 1874- 75, commences-L with Dissections ou TUESDAY , 1st OCTIIIIKU .

Tho LECTUIIES will be commenced ou TUKSIIAY , N OT .the 3rd , at three o'clock, p.m., by an Inaugural Ad-dress from tho Dean of tho Fuculcy, Dr. U A Y I I KN .

The severa l Courses will bo as follows :ANATOMY AND PIIYSIOLOOY-Dr. HiYiiK.-.', Dr. C K Y A .N .ASATUMICA L DK3IOXSTIUTI0SS — The 1'iutt .ur.- of

Anatomy nuil Physiology.CHKMI fiTHY—Dr. UiMPD cr.1..TUKO HY AMI l'RACTICK oi' SUlHiERY—Jlr. "I' V K K I . M . .


Dr. M A Y K S . •} ( Dr. K I I . . . A I :I :I I i ¦

Dr. N IXON . {- ... DISSKUTIOSS .. i Dr. C.rss .Dr. Col'liSGKlc. J (.Mi*. Dli.i.u .v .

bti romitting attention ist lcvotcd to the tuachin^ <<l 'Anatomy ; uud Private Tuition in tho tcvc-nil dt-parl -mcuti of tho Medical Curriculum , prciiaralory to fi-nal Examination lor License to Practice .Medicine,Surgery, aud Obstetrics, is carefully and astiduuti.-l ygiven in the School.

At the termination of the Winter Session , PublicExaminations will be held , when , in addition loPrivse.-i in each Claes, the Cun oll y Exhibition , ol tin ;Catholic L'nivrsity, value l'20, and the Uuiror.-nyExhibition , value JL'20, will be awarded for ihe ,-u lj -ject a mentioned in tho School Proppectu.-:.

At the termination of the Summer trc-Fsion ilioUniversity Cold Jtcdil, value £'7, will Lc.'iiv.'inkil , inaddition to the usual Prizes iu each Class.

The Kxaiuiuutiona consist of Three [mils :—Wiit t i .nOral , uud Piaetical or Demonstrative. For tin:Exhibitions ami (Julil Medal , thu IJxamir .atiuii ^, uruconducted by printed questions exclusivel y.

TKRMS OF ATTEXDA.NX'I-:Tlnco Ciuineas for each Course, I'xcui-liiig dissi.c-

tions , which are live Ouinuas. A reiluclion ofi.m:-sixlli is Hindi: to Perpetual Pup iU', pay ing the i.-i;lin:of their Foes iu advnncc, or in two instalments at tin:eomiiiciictnii-ui of thu lirsi anil s-ucoml years uftheir Course. Parents ai;tl (.iua t i l .-aii.s a iu to forward nil Fees directly, by Clai ' i tu orOrder , In t lm J {<-i;isirar , Dwn. i t JI A I I S , 2'J U LS I-land ]!i,\v, ur nL llu; Schcol.

Acc-oiniiiotlatioti Las bot.-n |.rtiviilt:il fur the- re.-.i<!i.- i ic > 'of Medical Student.1-1, umiur thu tlin eiion of ui.e <» i "

the Teacher.-.The Sununi-'r Session , ol' which ilui: notic i : \ v i l ] Ir 4

given , wil l cij imneiiee' in A|ml , I .*>7">- ) l w i l l i nc imluOperations in L' lactical Clieini.-il ry, l.'.ctuit . .-. « JII

Matei ia .Meilica, Meilieal .lui isj .rui lei.t i.1, Uutati y ,Kalural I 'hilo ^op hy, ami I.i-^ ie.

Thu Cc-i l i f ici i teA loraiu.-ialaiic' -s. ou l.cctui 'csat this .School arc fully reco^tiizetl lcccive il byall the Licetisiug ]!ot!ic-s.

Further particulars mny l i : li-aine i l from any t .t'the Professors ; Irom thu M. il ical llcg iMrar , Di: .H A Y K .S, "iU West land Row, or on application at tlmSchool. sL'.'i .sl.c-l


WIXTEK SESSION', l"^7-l-5.The Hosp ital is Visited Dail y at Xinu (/Clock , a.m.

fTIHE Hosp ital iscoiiuccic>l (by its Medical Officers ]JL with lending Medical Schools, which are situ-ated iu its iiumudi'ito vicinity .

Medica l and Surg ical Cliuicul Lucturrs will beg ivi 'ntwicu a Week , and Operations , a'liiiittiug of delay,will bo performed on FR I D A Y S , at H).:i<> . n.m.

At the beginning of each Winter and f tumni 'r r Ses-sion two Resident Pupils will bu selected by Compii.titivo Examination.

At the end of thu Winter Session , an E.tauiiiinti . i i iwill be hif id in Clinical Meilieino ami .SurL'efv, atwhich :i Senior and a Junior I'rizo will bu aw.u- .le.l.A portion of nil these I' .faiiiiiiatioii - i wil l be conductedat the liodsidt'.

P H Y S I C I A N S :rmxei.S .1. It . QI.IM.AX , M.A., M.D. , Trin. Cull., l l.i 'nlin ,

I.. ( K . & I I . ) l.'.IM..l:. i: .SI , l'r..l.:--..r ..f Ala i .r i . iMi'ilk-a, (."ii tlmlic I'n iv .r - i ty ; w i.f tin: M.diral Illlii r. r-of thu lM.% - t-rouii.'lll t'ri.-.iii .s ; hit.: Kxauliuer in ^l:it. ri:i.Medici. CJllcen'., Cl l iv . l - i ty .

HuiiKiir L'H V AN , 1". ( K . . V Q . 1 C.IM..II.C.S. I., .M.I.'. I . A . ,l'niff.-.'orof Anatomy and I'hy.-iuhiijy, Catli '.lii - L n i -Tt-rrily.

i sW I I I i K O N . 'i :1; MVAI :H D. M A I I I T I I K I I , ' M.D., I-Vll-m- anil l"n.f.-.-5..r ..f

An»t.nnr.-inil i'liy><.).-y, llmul C"U.«i! "f Snr- . ..n» ,lrt-liunl ; l;it.: Kx:>iuin.:r in .-sii r-_*i:ryt QIIL- ^-U'.- tlniv.-r-i l \ .

W I L L I A M II. D'I .KAIIY , M .I'., Fellow im.l Kxiimiiivr Iluy.-JClleije of SIUTIWIIIH , Irelan<l ; hiti: l .rctilr.rnu Ana-to'.oy and PhvHiol iKTv , l.p»lu-it:li School of Mmlic-in-j,

SUUIibi l .N DENTIST :WILLIA M J. DoiiKirrr , I..D., H.It U.s.i:.


TKRMS OF ATTENDANCE.Winter und Summer Scmions —Eig ht Ciuiin'as.

Wiuter Session—Six Guineas. Summer Session—Three Guineas.

Perpetual Pup il*—Twenty (Juinea-i.Practical Instruction in Compounding .Medicines

will bo given in the 1'harmucy of thu Hosp itnl .Fiuthcrparticulars may bo learned ou application

to Dr. QUM.A .V, li!J Lower Kitzwil l iam-strcii l ; Dr ,M AI 'OTIIKK , l.S .Meirinti-square North ; Dr. O'I. K A K Y ,IIS York-street ; Dr. CU V A N , .'¦ I ltutlatiil -si|>ian: West ;or at the Hosp ital. oU. It .


M U S I C .


Terms, UII app lication. [il-l-3iii]


IMPORTED di.'cclfrom thu Manufacturers, Messrs.COLL.M1I> it (JoI .I .AUU , K l K K M .V X , D.M.MAI.V K , l ( l l l .V > .

MEAIi , \ i:., Ac , nt

U. A. JONES' JIUS1C DKl 'OT,I 2 ii , ( i U .i V , >f A "/ " A' It F (i t< / ) .

H A R M O N I U M S in greut. variety, Eng lish amiFrench maku; Violins , Cornets, Concertinas, Drums ,Flutes, Uanjoes , Music Boxes, tie.. &<;.,

AT C. A. JONES'M Uf i l 'J I . K X I H X U L l l t l l A ll Y, WA TICUI - VI l i : .¦M ,IW NEW SONUS urn! PIECES , ul U X K Tumi

thu Marked Price for Cash , tho eniiro STOCK IIIIWSELLING OFF AT A OKEAT REDUCTION !

previous to Alteration of Premises.



Begs to call special at tent ion to his extensive TUN1N (Janil HEl 'AIRING linsiuess. Hid Tunurs visit all thuSouthern and Midlnmi Counties of Iiulauti (^ iiar t er lv.

U^" Pianofortes anil Uarmoniuiu.s hiivtl l,y ifmMouth or Ycur , wi th optioti ' to purchase, ami ,,n thuThreu Years' system.

U. A. JONKS ' MUSIC WAHKIl OUSK.Crickelting, Archery, Croijuiit, uud othur (!:UIIMS , at

Ulil isuallv Low Prices. fl l ir - l - l ! ' !

For t h e Uliiud it the L ife. '—.Str Dc'iidroiiomy, cliuj i .j ii., ve rso 'SS .

Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture ,FOR CLEAXSIM! ai.d CLKAli lN l i ih.: H I . O O I i i i - in

ALL I M l ' U U I T I K S , whcti 'i-r ni i- iup !i.,n, .j oml.iu!iu.ii sLri-liiili or nny otlur t'.ius.-, c.inrnt hi tiio highly m.,;,,.mi.|]ilt:il. ll cult-* Old Sores ; cuus U!fCi;il.:d S.>i. -> in U IH

Nt-ck ; Ultvi-.ilt-i) Stim 1.1-/ 4 ; Ijl uckheifds or Piin(ili .i u*iFace, Scurvy Sure* ; Cnncrou* Ulct-rii ; tiloud und skin Dis-«.»>w ; tllai.dular Snelhnl5» :, ni-d clt'iir-. the Uloud hum nilImpure ^iHtlt -r , Iroiu whatever chu.i: .itisiti ^;.

A& this iDUlutc i« plt - M« H i. t tu the t.i ^U' , jud wmriiuttd lit -efrom mercury—which all pu t * m.d most luetlitunua aol.l turthe aoovo disfasi-j . couiiiin —the l'ropnulor holiciti, s.utlcri- igto give it & triul to test it* v.ilne.

THOUSANDS OP TE8I IUOKIA1.3 FKOM ALL I'ABT.s.Sold in Itottlcs 2i. 3d. rucli , nml in CW», conlaiiinif; 8

Bolll-s , Us. each , sufficient lo i-Hi-cl a utrinunent rure -uhinK-sUnditig casts, l.y nil l.'lit-iiiista and l'«tent Medn-i: .. .Vt-ndorn ; or sent to .my address on receipt of 27 or 1JJstnin i '.s, !>y

F. J. CLARKE , Chemist , Ili gh-strctt , Lincoli..WI10LS8ALH AOBJT8;

Barclay & Hon* Loudou , and all luc Whulesalv Hou»Ja



B E L L E V U E T E R R A C E .

MR. JOHN FENDERHUB recoived instructions from Mr. JIUBPHY (who

18 going to reside iu Dublin) toSELL BY P U B L I C A U C T I O N ,



HOUSEHOLD FURNITUREAnd otbor Effects, consisting chiefly :

A FULL-COMPASS COTTAGE P I A N O (byBryson), only a few years in use, a Buperior

instrmnont; Chairs aud Loungo in hair cloth ; Ma-hogany, Loo, and Occasional Tables ; Cheffonier inRosewood ; two real BruBSola Carpets, 18 x 18, notmuch used; Fendore and Irons; Brass Window Poles;Vases j a solid Spanish Mahogany three-wing Book-Case, ia good preservation, lately coat flftoon guineas;one wrought iron Safo, 2G X 18 X 16, only throeyears in use; one Gentleman's Arm Chair, nphol.stored kin drab, Mahogany Frame, Tory superior ;also two scroll-back occasional Drawing-room Chairs;one Bagatelle Table, 8 s 3, with Balls; and Cues com-plete, which also folds in contre, forming a Mahog-any Table; Eight-day Clook; Barometer-, Hall Chairs;Tables, Engravings, Oilcloth, Figaro nnd Stand, 4o.

THE BEDROOMS nro fully furnished with IronBedsteads ; Hair MottreBSCB; Feather Beds; Chevaland other Glasses ; Carpet; Dressing: Tables ; Wash-Btand. Ware, 4c.

The PANTRY and KITCHEN aro supplied withnsnal appointments. I

Sale at Twelve o'clock.JOHN PEN DER, Auctioneer.


TO BE SOLD BY A UCTION, on SfOXDA Ynext, tho 20th of OCTOBER, at our SALE -

ROOMS, tho M.U.T., n genuine Consignment (if a nnmberof valuable Uolil nnd Silver Watches, Gold Ringsand Chains, American nnd Case CIOCIEB, io., &c.

This S:ilo is well worth attention, as tho articlesaro very good. Sale at 12 o'Clock.

THOMAS WALSU & SON, Auctioneers.Tho Mall , Waturford , Oct. 13, 187 1. It

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION,On WEDNESDA Y, 21st October , at Twelve o'clock,

AT THE NEW QUAY,(y f \f \f \ YELLOW PIXE BOARDS , Superior&\J\J\J Quality, 12 to 1C feot long, 11 x 1Jinch thick. A large Lot of SCANTLING DEALS,nnd DEAL ENDS. About 500 YELLOW PINEBATTENS, 14 feot long, 7 x H inches thick, and alargo quantity of Firewood.

Tho abovo Boards are tbc best erer landed in Wa.torford , and will be most auitablafor Cabinet-makers,Builders, Carponters, and Farmers.It JAMES HENNES8Y, Auctioneer.


Rents derived from Houses and Yards bolongingthereto. Possession will bo given en or aftor 1st ofOctober, 1871.

For part iculars apply to PKJBSE KELLY, Solicitor,Little Goorgc'a street, Waterlbrd. o2>tf



M anvbrturcrs of every descriptiun of FIREARMS ,THE above Guns are made on either tho Central

o.- system , with Snap or Double Gripaction. The Five Guinea Gun is the cheapest BreechLoader ever ottered, aud warranted to be of good,sound workmanship, without ornament ; best Dam-ascus Barrels, Shooting Powers guaranteed , and isquito equal to guns usually charged threo times thoprice ; fitted in Leather Case, with 100 cartridges,cartridgo loading, rc.cnppinfr.nnd nil necessary clean-ing apparatus complete, £8 10s. The 20 Guinea Guncanuot bo KXCELLF.II by any maker at any price.Donblc Kitles for India , Express, Cape, Shelf , Seal-ing, Rook and Saloon RiOcs; Military Arms, HarpoonGun, Punt Guns, Alarm Guns, Air Canes, Revolvers,and other Pistols, Ac.

GRKKSEK &C U. being manufacturers, customers aresnpplicd at ono profit. Testimonials from all partsof tho world. Established 40 years. 8u21


KiciiARD Monmssy, 30 BEUESFOUD ST.,WATEU FOKD, begs 10 inform tho public,

that ho has opcucd an Undertaking Establishment attho above address, and baring purchased an extensivoassortment of the newest sty lo of

HEARSES, MOURNING COAC11KS ,and all other FI - N K H A L KfcQtistTCS , ho is in a positionto execute all orders with which liu may bo entrustedin a manner hitherto unequalled in thin city, on mostreasonable terms, and on tuts shortest notice.

<£3T Carriage, 1'o-itiug Cirs, Ac, always to hoobtained. (o2-lt



CIARKIAGE ? nf every description built 10 Order,' of hrnt Muli ri.i 's, anil by first-class Workmen.

A Variety nfXrw mid Second.baud Carriages , Croy-dons, &c, of 1 la* Newest Desi gns, which ho feelsassured will bear comparison with any as regardsPrice , Materials , Workmanship, aud Finish.

Jfepairs uwl Painting executed with JNuutncss, audat Moderate Charge*.

Carriages anil Cars taken in Ksehangc. ji'

JIICllAKIi DlrtVA'ai",Commmissiora, Forwarding, and Ship Agent

Oj*cc— lit , i lK UCUANTS ' QVA Y, WATHKFORD.


MUS. CAROLINE U OWAU I ) heps to announceto all pcrpund desirous of Emigrating t'» JVew

Zealand that she can be communicated with at thofollowing addr^se, where all enquiries will bo promptlyreplied to, bnt a stumped envelope , properl y ad-dressed, must enclosed in each l'-Ucr:— 'A Sheldon-street , Bishop's llnail , 1'addin^ton. [olfl.Sm

WATERFORD UNIONfT^llK Guardiansof iLis Unio n will , lit th iM'r Jfeotiug,

I to b; lielil mi WKU.VE SUA v, 'l i s t October, inst.,Ctilertain Tenders (or the Supply of FIFTY WHITEQL'll/l'S. To '": supplied aecurdin^

to Sample in my

custody, and I" h<: in eveiy respect. etiual to saidSamp le.

The Tenders, forms of whieli must be had from me,aro 10 bo addre-sed to the pre>idi»g Chairman, andendorsed " Tender for White (guilts. " Such 'finderswil l he received liy me up to 11 o'clock ou tlie abovenamed day.—Hy ord>T.

JOHN M A C K K V , Clerk <,f Vi.iiw .Clerk'* Oflicc, Oclohi-r '. llh , 1*7 1 n'J-it

WATERPORD UNIONFTV1E Guardians of this L U I O I I wil l , at ;i .Hfeiing toJL be held on WKD.VK.SDA Y, 2Sth iiiBt ., entertainT.:II.].:« for il»; Supply of K.H l'airs i. r CIHUM '.KS 'S

H IIOK ^ , in il. i - i-u si/us, aiid hi) l'airs of MEN'SHKO OUK S, in t«» H'/.I 'S. .Sainpl.H , which are ID bonailed with wroug ht iron u .i!s, tn nccoinuuiiy Ten-dew , forma of which raw l>o Imcl from mi;, nnd theyicust bo lodged in thi< Tender Itox before 11 o'Clockon tho above tiame'l day.—l lv order ,

JOHN MACKKV , Clerk of Cnion.Clerk's Offico, lath Oct., K>74. _



S T A R C H .

SZf Titc Queen's Laundress Vies no Mher .O.clf

L OA N S iMONEY TO LEND in Bums of £50 and upwards

ou pcraonul security, nt 5 per cent, interest,rejiaynblo in ono to M:TCN years. Ko CommisKioncharg<;<l. Apply to Messrs. BKVAN , No. 10, Un-cnlii'H-Inn Fields , London, W.C., persoDolly (prc-forreil) or by letter.

K.H. —Initns'- is poyuhlo half-yearly, nnd is notrttjuirrd in ndvaiu't*. [ j ll7-3m*


PHIZES : tl'o.M.II . lVM .WKl , i2ll ,WK ., J I o .OUO, £10.UK), £o,(iMJ , k>: &r ., ¦:¦ «n I" 118.—(J uj r.ntcrd by

the Imiimal An- l. i- . ' ( iofrii im m. l>rh»in<i in [ul licunder >^i>eriin< - i> .i.iv ut (,'< >>. ii.ii-u.t> .—Sl i»i»«Mrliicl. int.t ie il.i 11«--«:. ¦ in n i lmi. ie . I winning *uy nl the»bo»e I'rutf , r>u I.- I.. .I i.t i'l radi . Six M.Bir« eul.iji ng(o 0 I'l.iiicrt , ui-i 13. A|.|.l) only I" ilw Agency forI'ublie Kuiit)'1 in *»•»• v;. i Switz i -ilniid). H.ini t t>intT # ure tol ^ i i i n l Dinrl in (ii - isivj , - i .Li ru i II.,ut Noic , CI U >» PQ

CllK|U'» ,! «r I'uv l i U i . i - U.Jei« 1 :.Jt.Llf nt tl<« d't nn;ilVt-e l -h tf t i e tM t)i f !t].u/ ;>^r r , Mr . OlTO U OSK ,u Crl.fTt«liu U l . l Him n-l'l'lj 1 'i>| iclu.n. nmn, ,.„ (,ir |,»>a

Vp|lllC l l i . |l . »|.'J4I)-.

« CoinliOiitimi " <¦> '¦' n 1'onbury hoy—'' An or docs

not tnste 03 fe'""1' UJ »u •7't0r- kut !t cou rLU f oster.'



M R S . P H E L A N"1T>EGS to inform hor Friends and Cns-

tomors that ebe lias returned from

the LONDON MARKETS with a Largo and

woll.seleotea STOCK OP THE NEWEST






Ac,, Ac., ke.



D R E S S E S , M A N T L E S , &c ,


SHORTEST NOTICE.Sept. 30th, 1874. [o2-tf)


roost e^ruestly solicit l.AUNUKY WORK for theirAvy luru, na they Inive a large number of poor Mtigdalcnswhose only means of support n<e Die proccods of their work ,which is not nt all sufficient to supply their wants, nnd num.bers aro daily Reeking admission tor wLrnn the Communityhave no funiN. All who will kindly «id in any nay this»e/y loerilnrious Institution , will assuicil ly dr«w down upontbeinselrostln'spixial blessinj; ol Him who came , " not lorthe Just bnt for Sinners. ' («13-tf



(Successor to W. Lander).MR. O'REILLY begs to inform tho Nobility,

Gentry, and Publio of the County and adjoin-ing Csnntiea that BuBinoss ts RESUMED in tbo aboveold established Factory. A large varie ty of Carriages,Cars, Croydons, &c, on hands, and every descriptionof Carr/ago, Cars, &c, will be found oqual to Dublinor London Built. sl3.tfg§£" Repa<°ra done in superior sty lo, at Low Prices.



W I N T E R G O O D S .

MRS. KELLYT> ESPECTFULLY announces that sho•*-*' has returned from PARIS and LON-DON, and is now preparod to show n


NEW GOODS ,Comprising evory Novolty in Material and

Dosign for tho Soason.

DRESSES, in choice Colours and Textures ;MANTLES and COST0MES, Now and Ele-

gant Styles ;MILLINERY and FELT; BONNETS and

HATS, in all tho New and FashionableShapes ;


FUKS of every Description;LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES,


LING, aud evory description of Uouso-hold Linen;



UUAl 'EUY WAREHOUSE,&5J" 75 , Q U A Y, WA T K l l F O U D .

Oct. 3rd , 187 1. i6-tf


A LIME-KILN , with JSank attached for tbo pur-poiu of lauding Stone?, which , an usual , goes

with Kiln and Sotting.From thu excellent ttituution of abovo, and from

tbo largo number of I'ublic liuildiogd now boiugeructud iu Wuicrford, Iho4o Concerns will bo found aMosr L) K5iu.\ni.K I N V K .IT.M K N T .

Aj.ply to Mr. T. I'UHCELL, li.irrouatrand-street ,Woturtbrd . jul^-tf

STORES, YARDS, &c, at Ferrybankrj^O HE LET, from tho 2'Jih SKJJT., tho STOKKS ,I V A K I I S , A C, at jH'u.iunt iu the occupation of

MfH^ra. .Si K .i.v i iM.i.v U IIOTIIKUS . The Stores are larg oaud >;;>i>iiblu o! cuiit:iiuing 2U,()(J0 liarroU of Corn.The Yurda arc very uxtuusivu, iiml Hliiy bo U6fd forTinilwr , Ct,al , ur other purpodei. A I.J UHO will beKiTCM. App ly to ALijor SI\ VS *K L L , J.I'., b'ualiuld.Tiaindie. olB.lf


rflO HE LKT, I'AKKSW'OOD HOUSE , with Sub-_L ling, Coach Houw , Survnul Man 's Uouso, Gar-dnns , Ac, with any quantity of Grass Land required.Will be let fur the Sun-ion, or for a term of years , asmay be agrcud on. Either FURNISHED or UNFUR-NISHED. App ly to WILLIAM ROSE,

Agricultural House-, Waterford.23rd September, 1»71. o'

T R A M O R E .

TO BE LET, by the Year, Unfurnished ,QE A - V I K W H O U S E , TRAMORE , containing a© large 1'urlour , Drawing-room , six Bud-rooms,Pantry, Scullery, &o , with .Stabling, Coach-house,and Out-offices ; largo Lawn , Garden aud Paddock ,within Five .Minutes' walk ol tho Hallway Terminus.

Alao HOUSM at ST. LEGEH PLACE, fully Fur-nishuc) , which will bo Sot for tho Wiuter on reason-able Terms.

Apply to TIIOMAS POWER , No. •> , St. LegerPlace. Trumorc. oUtf


ry \O HE LKT , a most Extensive STOKK , capablo ofJL conlainiii'; fj,(XIO or J 0.00(1 Uarrels of Corn,most convenientl y mtuatud on tho yUAY. Immo-diuto J'odscsaiun will bu given.

8gT Apply to UJiOllti E UKACO. N ", Quccn-street ,Waterford.

Sept. 2!l, 1S7I. o2-t(

FURNISHED APARTMENTSA \f \STLUi , r'OO'R UOOU ROOMS, FUK.VISUED1 1 The Mall or Burodrord.rttroet. preferred.Address " Y," Ollico of this l'aper.

DWELLIKG-HOUSE WANTED.WASTKU , Inf uta 1st Sor , u our.ifortnblo Houso

in tin: City or Suburbs. Address " S. I) ."ollico o? thin paper. lit


AYOUNC J MAN wnntB n Sitsation as Waiter , or

wi.uM go ;.H footman. Can produce satisfac-tory dibcliaigis. AddrciK , " I'. Jl ," l'osl Ullico, Tia-tiinri!. o'.K'Jt


U 11 L I <: ACCOUNTAN'IS anil AUDITORS ,I i X M i and J XSI .'K A .VCK A n K S j g ,

fiiiifos—US , LUIVJi l t OHMOSl) QUA Y, DVllUlf .oy.ll!t

THANKSrpH K S1 STK15S OF JJKRCY , Dniigarraii , with uc-JL A-Mgni'i) f n i i i i tn i l t 'i hrg to ucknowli'dgR tho receipto f£5 (p''i" M' K " ¦>l " Anderson) towards Ibo clothingor tin! poor children attending their school , and £5towards tin.1 r. l icf <¦( I l in poor (if Dtingurvii n visitedliv ib. in , the annual bcjucH t of tho hitu Misa Tnllon.

M'ny >lir ciii<y clvrun) rest.

f l A l l K N UN S i'f tin- J'I I K S KN T A I I IIN CO N T EN T , D I . X.JL I ;.« K V A S , i h i u k l u l l y ucknowlcdgo tho recuipl of

£) ( ) . tbo b-iiiii^t. "f Ihu Into Mi«s Eli7.a Tallon, lorthobKiiili: of ihi) poorchildrcuattcndin? their schools.


615. QUAY.

Im'HOVKt) ;.»<! >:0ON0WIC COOKERY.

U>r I. lr.HICi lOMl 'ANY 'S KXTltACT of M EATn " S* .-4"V " lor lr> t- it -H . soupi*, mmle dit.|if< , nnd saQCPS ,uitpj fill" llavuut mill »'<¦»' ¦Irrngtli . liirarnllr adoptedin linUsrl.tiMa H ) I '7I Ui i l y tntd. Cution—Geuuine nclyui l l i lUruu Luliu's ln>nioilo ocio»« tbeluLel. n21t

Waterford aud limerick Railway Company

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that nn Extraordi-nary Meeting of tho Shareholders of the Com-

pany will be held at the IMPERIAL HOTEL, DUBLIN,on THURSDAY, tho 22nd of October, inat., at Oneo'Cloak noon, for tbo purpose of taking into oonaider-atioD anil deciding upon the following objects, thatifl fo aay:—

1st. To appoint a committee of independent share-holders—other than Directors—to investigate andreport to any adjourned meeting of shareholders asto tho present position and future prospects of theCompany, especially in connootion with, bnt not li-mited to, thoir existing agreomonts with the GreatWestern Railway Company, and soeh alterations ormodifications thereof as may be considered by Buob.meeting or committeo to be advisable.

2nd. To determine at eaoh meoting. or any adjonrn-mont thereof, or after tho receipt of snoh report, thepropriety of altering or modifying such agreementsoithor by voluntary or compulsory action, under theauthority of Parliament or othorwise, or by arbitra-tion, as snch meeting or adjourned mooting may de-termine

3rd. To enablo tho meeting to consider and deter-minn npon either at snoh meeting or any adjourn-

'•'¦roof, as tho meeting may deoide—or to. ui saoh committoo to roport npon tho manage

meut, past, present, nnd fnturo, of the Company, bytheir Board of Directors and officers.

4th. To giro genora! directions on all sabjeots aa tothe development of the Company, and the removal,election, and ro-olection of tbo present Board of Di-rectors, or of somo of them ; and tho election of othorDirectors, in tho placo and steml of any Director,and tho redaction of or increase in their presontnumber, which at saoh meeting or any adjournmentthoreof, may bo determined by tho shareholders.

Sth. To nominate at Btich meeting a legal assessorto regulate, determine, and adviso on any qncstionswhich may arise at such meeting or at any adjourn-ment thereof.

Dated this 6th day of October, 1874.By order of the Board,

J. FOWLER NICOLL, Secrotary.Boarrl.Rooro, Watcrford. o9-2t


12!& October, 1874.To the SHAREHOLDERS of the WATERFORD and

LMERICK RAILWAY COMPANY.YOU aro hereby informed that the Mooting of the

Company summoned for tho 22nd inet., at theImporial Hotel , Dublin, nodor notice signed " J. F.N ICOLL," not having been called by nathority of thisBoard, will bo illegal, and any action takon thereatwill consequently bo nnll and void.

Farthor information will be sent to you in a circu-lar from tho Board.—Signed on behalf of tho Board,

ABRAHAM STEPHENS, Chairman.M. J. KENNEDY, pro Secretory.


OCTOBER FAIRS, 1874-TIIE Ordinary Goods Trains or Special Trains will

carry Livo Stook to Liraeriot, Watorford, andtho principal intermediate Stations, fromBoher ..(for Cahirconlish Fair)...Saturday, „ 17Ennis (for Miltown Malbay Fair) Monday, „ 19Nowca.itlo (for Abbeyfealo Fair)...Monday, „ 19Killaloo Tuesday, „ 20Patrickswoll Tnesday, „ 20Caber ...Tuosday, „ 20Taam Tuesday, „ 20Tuam Wediesday ,, 21Tuam Thursday, „ 22Limerick Jan. (Templemoro Fair) Wednesdoy „ 21Killaloo (for Feak-lo Fair) Saturday, ,, 21Athonry Tuosday, „ 27Cahor • (for Cloghcen Fair)... Wednesday „ 28Limerick great MunBtor Fair ) ™. , „.

(horses and pigs) | Thursday, „ 29Liraorick great Mnnstor Fair ) r, . , „.

(cattlo and ahcep) - J Friday, „ 30

Pallas (for Hospital Fair) Friday, „ 30RATHKEALB FAIRS—On tho 15th OCTOUKK a Special

Train (with Carriages attached) will loavo Limorickfor Ratbkealo at 5 a.m.



I RELAND RAIL WAY COMPANY (for tho purposo ofREPLACING tho INSTALMENTS of tho GOVERN.MENT LOAN and BONDS falling due) aro prepared,until further Notice, to Accept LOANS ON MORT-GAGE BONDS at 4| per Cent., payable upon OnoYear's notice, or for such term of yonrs as may befixed j and for tho Debenture Stock, having equalpriority with tho Mortgago Bonds, boaring Interest at4i por Cent, in perpetuity.

They will also accept LOANS on DEPOSIT ,bearing Interest at 41 PER CENT, payablo on OnoYear's notice ; utt per Cent, payablo ou Six Months 'Notice s at 3i per Cent., payablo on Threo Months 'uotico aud at, 3 per Cent., payable onono moulh'3notice.

For the year ending iuth March, 1874, tho TrnfucRcr.t'iptis were £35,714 7a. 4d.—tho Working uniother Expenses being £:;0,50i) lGs. Gd.—leaving abulancu of £15 ,20-1103. 10(1., being more than doub|othe amount required Cor the Interest en Loans, afterthe payment ol' which thrro J H, therefore, n conjiidj-rablu surplus for dividends to Shareholders.

They will , every Half-year , send to each Creditor aStatement showing tho full particulars aud Amouatof the several Loans duo by tho Company.

Applications to bo nddro.saed to tho undersigned, attho Compuny's OiliceB, Wntcrford Terminus.

(By Order) ,WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary,

Waterford , May 2iud, 1874. mhU tf


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that tho adjour-ned Half.yuirly O B N K R M . M KKTIM I of iho

Shareholders of tho nbovo company will bo held atthu Offices of tho Company, 70, liisjhop.igatc-ati'cctWithin , in tho Cily of London , on W EII NKSI IAV , tho21st dny of October, 1H74, at, Throo o'clock iu thoafternoon, to receive the report of the Directors andBalance Sheet to 30lh June , 1M74, and tho Auditor'sreport tbcreou.

And Notico is hereby further given that tbu Share -holder* will bo aiked to conlirtn the election of JohnRiall , Esq,, of liny wood , Clonmol , County Tipperary,nn n Director of the Company, under tho provisionsof the " Southern Railway Exteusion and FurtherPowers Act , 18/ 3," and of John Jerome Ouiry, EB<|.J.I' ., of Pcppardstowu, County Tipperary, wbo isduly qualified as a Director of tho Company.

After the ordinary business of tho Meeting ,t willbo mado Special to consider, and , if approval , toadopt an ugreement between this Company acd the(¦real Southern and Western Railway Company, fortho iiso of thn Tburles .Station and Railway , dud forother purposes. — Hy order ,

R. F. M U L V A N Y , Secremry.70, Biahopsgate-st. Within , London , E.C.,

lBth Siiptcnili.-r , l«7t. oU

The Regulation of Railways Act, 1U73-WORKING AMI TRAFFIC AGREEM ENT—THE


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , pursuan: to theprovisions of " 'J'ho Jtuilway Cl.iusi's' Act ,

1HB.')," " Tho Southern Railway Act , 1805," " ThoSouthern Railway (Doriution and Branches) Act ,lhGfi ," and " The .Southern Railway (Extension amiFurther Powers) Act , 1873 ," that it 13 tho intentionof tho Southern Railway Company, tho Groiit .South'erii imd Western Railway Company, and thu Wutor-ford and Limei ick Railway Oompauy, or tivc< of tho^eCompanies , to ente r into an a^ruement or agreo.ments for tho following purposes , viz., (umong otherthings) :

1. To enable tho Smilliurn Railway (^ot.ipany iutho agreement-, and hcruiunflur Oiillcil " Thu Huuth-urn Couipauy," and tho Wuterford and LiinorickRailway Cuinpnny, in thn agrceniunt culled " TheWorking Cutnpuuy," to run ovor und use tho porliouof tho railway of thu Gloat, Southern nnd WesturnCompany, iu tho agreement nnd hereinafter called11 Tho Gitat Southern and Western Company," whic his situate bctwoen tho Thurlos Junction of Tho South-ern Company at tho Tburlus Station.

1!. To enablo thu Groat Southern and Western Cum-puny to work nt their Thurli'.s Stntiou thu truflic ofthe Southurn Company mid of thu Working Company,upon the terms specified in such agreement.

3. To provido for tin; uiilarguniuiit nnd alterationofthc Thnrlcs Stnliou of the Great Southern andWestern Company.

4, To define the tcrnn and conditions ns to themode in which tho joint truflic of tho uniil INruoCompanies shall bo conducted and carried on ut andin said Station, and tho payments to bn made thoreofand iu respect thereof , and tho mnnncr ii vrhich K U C IIpayments will bo iifccrtninwl unit lii'flnnd.

Copie< of tho said ngrcfmont ur ;i^roenn;nltf hav»been and will bo deposited in the Qllicn of thn Ruil-way Commissioncn> , at tho West Front (ioinmittco-Rooms, House of Lordu, Lonilmi ; und any. Cumjinnyor persou aggrieved hy mcli proposed imicemeniii,and dusiring to olij '.-ct then.'to, may brini; SUL-II ob-jection before tho Raid Commissioner.'!, by Bindingtho sumo (in writing), addressed to " Tho Secrotary,Railw ay Commissioner.-., House of Lordu, London,"on or before the Sccon-1 day of Noveiubei . 1-S7J , Inwhich Oflico copiM of tlio proposed nuri-'eir iiiit i:,m bosaon.

Dated this 20th Septcmbur , 1H7 KR. F. MULVANY , Suvmtary Southern

Koilway Company, 70,«[>»gale.Hlrcet (within), London.

)i. K K R N A G H A N , Solicitor: SoullipniRailway Company, 10, Lower Fitz.

oU4t willium.btrcut.Dublin.


General Meeting ol the Board of Conservatorsof tho Waterford Diitriot, will bo held at the COTJKT.HOUSE, Waterford, on TOE8DAY, the 27th ofOotober, it Ono o'clock, to receive the report of theFinance Committoo, respecting the Acooants ofMessrs. Donnv.v, OARR, and WiM for the paBtTwelve Months.

JOHN WALL Secretary.Watorford, Oct. 13, 1874. 2t

In the Court of Bankruptcy in Ireland.HENRY GRIFFITH FnossoR , of Tramore, in the County

of Watorford, Corn Merchant and CommissionAgont, was on the 6th day of Ootober, 1874, ad-judged Bankrupt.

PUBLIC SITTINGS will be held nt tho Court ofB&nkruptcy, Four Courts, Dublin , on Tuesday,

the 3rd day of November, 1874, and on Friday, the20th day of Novomber, 1874, at the boar of Eleveno'Clock in tho forenoon, whereat tho Bankrupt is toattend, and to make a fall disclosure and disoovoryof hin Estate and Effects. Creditors may prove theirDebta, and at tho first sitting choose a Creditors' As-signee. At tho last sitting tho Bankrupt ia reqniredto finish his Examination.

All persons having in thoir possession any Propertyof tho Bankrupt must deliver it, and all Debta due tr>tho Bankrupt mast bo paid, to Lucille H. DF.ERINO ,Esq., Official Assignoo, Upper Ormond-quay, DubliD,to whom Creditors may forward thoir Affidavits ofDebt.

HUGH DOYLE, Registrar.SI. A T. DELANDRE, Solicitors,

It 12 Damo-xtreet , Dablin.

Athenry and Tuam RailwayVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tbo Ad-LS jonrnod Thirty.second Half Yearly GeneralMeotiug, together with tho Thirty-third Half YearlyGcnorni Meeting, of tho Shareholder of this Companywill bo hold nt the Railway Terminus, Tuam, onSATURDAY, tho 31st day of October, instant, at thoboar of 11.30 a.m., for tbo purpose oC transacting theordinary businoss of tho Company.—By order.

J. FOWLER NICOLL, Socretary.Socrotory'a Office , Watorford, Out. 15, 1874.

Walerford District Lunatic Asylum.

rpHB BOARD OF GOVERVORS of this ASYLUMJL will , at a special meeting to bo held on THURS.DAY, tho 29th iost., rocoivo nnd consider TENDERSfor sapplying PROVISIONS and FUEL for SIXMONTHS ending 31st May, 1875; also, for supply ingCLOTHING aud CLOTHING MATERIALS, Ac.,for Twolvo Months, onding 30th Norombor, 1875.

Form of Tender, conditions to bo obsorvod, andList of Articles, aro to bo had on npplination at theAsylum daily, from olovon a.m. to tivo p.m. (Sundaysnicoptod), antil two o'Clock/p.m., on Wodnosday, tho28th inst.

Sealed Teadors to bo loft at tho Asylum at oi bo-fora four o'Clook on tho evening of the 28th, afterwhich hour no Tondor will bo rocoived. All Tondorstaken aro subject to tho approval of the Inspectors'Gonoral of Lanatio ABy lumi. Tho attention of in-tending Contractors is particularly direotod to thoPrinted Posters (to be had at Asylum) , as tho Boardhas adopted a system of Standard Samples, whichsimplifies tbo motbod of making tenders.

GEORGE J. BRISCOE, Clark.Office, 16th Ootober, 1874. It

BivtHts, ittj trrtngcj i, & ZtaitUs,Ann o uncemtnti t if Mrthl i MiTr inQ t iq Dtvt h i , mutt b e pre -paid

B I R T~U S.

At P»rk Villa, Watci .'orJ , tbc wifo of tho Ilcv. A. Durroww ,A.U., of a nm.

On tho 12tk inat., at Clnrinill\ Park, Koit, Kingstown, thewifu of Charles J. Fa/, K<q., M.I' , of n too.

At GaulBtowu , county KMbeuny, tlio wfo of Wm. llolohan,]?8'j., of a daughter.

On tho 1UU inst., at 21 , Dublin-street , Clonmcl, tho wife ofMr. It. S. Hancjr, o[ a ihiughUT.

M A R R I A G E S .October 8, at tlio parish church, II- Julc, bj tlio Ri'tlit lt.:v

thn Lord liisiiogi of Derry mil II puoe, D.D., Maiiuv'ino.DnO'cy Di^gua UMisoo. .SooU Fusilier (iuarih , to U harlottoGra xr, ouly Jnuguter o* tlio Into Jfcur? W. Da la l'oor Dcres-ford Pcir£e, KSIJ ., of Hudnli: Hall , Yorkahiro.

October 7, at the Church of tho Tl'mo I'atrons, Ilithgar. b/tUo Itcv. Abbe Kyau , P.P., Clara, uncle to tho bridegroom,John, cldcat KOII of Michael Kyiui , Esq., Thomufttown , couut yKilkuuoy, to .Mary, ou^y daughter of Joan Lyuam, K.-iq., .M.D.,UurliofrtOQ Couaty, New Juraey, U.U., America.

Oclobc-r 10th, ut tho Cathedral , C:islic(, Mr. Thorni! EdmooilsClose, to .Mi.« Kmily KiDfston, of tho Veerphrk , Cuihcl.

On the Gth innt., at the Epiacop:il Uhurch, Kilkcc, CaptainEdwin O. Acklom, lOiyat Xnvy. to itusc K., second daughter ofFr.incin ColtM, L'3(]., O.K. the Retreat, Ki"cee, Co. Cl»re.

Kept. 10th, in llrooklyn, Frank W. Latham, YM \., of SowYork, to Krumii, ilau},'hter of the late Ilichard VAughatn , Esi{ .

lrj the Chapel of CrO39ar tK, 0Q thu 13th inst., Mr. (irogoryScallau, Tlallyla, to Cathorinc , clileat ilaui/htcr of tho lato Mr.Itobert ThorntoD ,, county Wcxford.

D E A T H S .October 6th , at Joy Lodtfe, Ca"an, Bridjrot, third dtwghtir

of the lalj Mr. Henry Mnher, of Kilkenny. An officn fur thurcpoHQ of her aoul \vr< held in tho Chr *ch of St Mary 'B Conventon tlio Sth iimt. —H.I.I* .

Oct. 13, at Nowcastlo West, wh^o on Quarter Cir-cuit, John Leahy, Esq., Q.C., of South If 'I , KiK a rncy, Choir-mau of tha L'ouuty and City of Liuic 'ck , a -t-l

Qi years.

On the 5th iuitaut , ot Intertrot -chs, C'alluudvr, N'.B., theHon. Klora AuKusta , only daughter of !.ord Templemoro.

On ths fllh instant, at Fitj (-iblion street , Uuhlill . WilliamPonntfalhcr, ogcil ' 1 years, eldest son of tho lato IVi *atn Ten*nefiitUcr, Kiq., J.P., Ua 'y lani^an House, cuunty Tippuraiy.

Ou tho tith inBt.. nt her residence, 11 Grauthnm-fttreet , Dub-lin , Jan« Buchanan, widow of M. S. Small, Ksq., V.S., F.K.V. i;.,lato uf Wsterford, and third diugut.'r ot tho lati; ThomuGoinK S' mcy, K»u. % Harvest Lr.l 0, county Tipperary.

Oct iber fitli , «t Kilmorc, iMnry, bclorcd « '.fe of Capt. PatrickParlc, o -ed Id years.—May sbn riat in peace.

Ou October Cth, at Old Ittus, Mr. Ua .-ott Clone/, a»;cd 8Cyearn.

iJort flclus—|Jas5itfic,A R R I V E D .

1'Jtli—South of Irelanil , ream, Mllfonl, g c ; Ttros i riecwo,Pica , New York , wlit-at ; Zephy r, s, O'lJuuneM , Liverpool ,WuU rford, B C.

11th—Toward, f , CUc^ow, K C ; Great Western, c, Pearn ,Milfurd, f t c ; Kliza, Orndy, UiiUKai /an, ballast j Karl "1 Oh- .gow , Wi'^Mns, Duui;arTuu, batlnKt ; Cumhtae, s, Glu^KOw ,S c ; HhuUrnkc , Neuuort , eollll.

12th—Uipsy, H , Hurus , Livclfiool , g c ; Chn«au , Johnson,UU'KOW , Suau^hr *, cijals..

V.lih—KudyAtone , (ila."f;ow , jr o ; Kaperanza , Kehoc, Cardiff ,coi*ls ; (,cn(: l, DftTIS , Card'T, New Ho5B , ciaU ; Thistle, Puw^r,Uarditf, o«lt i South of Ireland , IVnro, H '- 'lurd . u c j Malcolm,Dunne, Neath, co&h ; Ueln; Miuli gau, Canliff, ooals ; ItelltiArunturo, Thompsjn, St. John's, lish ; Harmony, Wl'ito, K')«.J,Swansea, conls ; Erin, Walsh , Dunt,';u vau, x c

1 tth—Ada , Cardiff, coals ; Wicklow, (ilajijow, g c ; Cli laifli ,Foircst, Ncath , eoaN ; Charlotte, Cardiff , Oxih ; Aih.-lnido,Sc» .xirt, coaU ; Fairy, (iloucester, wit j Kinily, CardirT, c >:>I H ;Messenger , Sweet , Cardiff , cop'fl ; Ai ow , Dunne, Cardilf , iain ;Ann , Fu'^ihS, Car<*'5, noali ; Celiio Maria, Morgat, (iotteu-burtfti , deals.

lith— Ami & Mat/, Ituncoin , cria 'H.

S A I L E D .10th—I.ara , s, Live, pool, Col!ey, g c ; South of Ireland, t

Milfonl , Penr.i .i? c.JJth—Cunlbrae , s, (ila^ijow , (j c ; Krin , n, Dn^-ar/an, Walsh ,

( o ; Zephyr, « . l.ivei ,r.iol, O'DonuiHl , go ;Toward , i, (lla-VW,K c ; Wutcl.'urd, f , Milfonl , K 0.

l:ith—Amity, Canl'T, Kyuu , hallaRt ; Ili pay, llrutol , liuin* ,(I c ; K;i ici , Mordlo , Swau^^a, Mibhirlin , br'l.- i: t ; Ciu'olin.-i ,Cardiff, Gozzelia, li:il':l t ; Nnrwoi)il, Swau eji , ttrif Qtbs , oaUami hay ; Wilystout , s, Ul*.- ?s<i«, K O ; Oroat Western , H, , t; c.

14th—Sheldrake , PnrJieawl , Hurchiiuiiii , lia"aat; Shamrock ,Wrxfurd , Hayr. , malt; Kiiu , t , Duoi<arvau , Wu'sh, g c ; Southof Ireland s, Mi 'ur>l , i; c.

15th—Wicklow , r, Chugnw , It C.

I.<K'Al j KA1LWAV TRAKKK ;.Fnr the IIVe -i- fiiJin^ Fritlnu , Oct. '.) , 187-1.

Wn lfrfuril Lmi-riek At). Miry Waturl'd Kilkennyiin.l aud mid mid Kil- Jiniet 'iiii

l.iini-nrk , l-.*uiiis i.'.-t iii' keuitv(J l H*iihvu>I l l l i n n l ' - '-I! inili-.--:;ii nile.< mill's si miles

• •pi-ii|. HJH - II . .. -n. o|»-n. oii.-n.

i; >. i l . t t. d.i; n. d. U B . d. i; ». d .Pa-^i'li'.'er.*,Kiwl( , «c .HI » <¦¦ 1-i'i » «231 11 2 It J 4 2

liuiHl.', Cattle i»U (l 1 I ' D I 1UOI7 5 I l l ia O 0

Tntal ... 2 i iTi i l i 7 . . — ...SW 5 t ttM lti 11 ail -I 8corri ii'iliti!.'tru-k libity 'r. :ll> >i ii 11 J12 'J lu 'JU) In ;1 -A2t « 2


Number uf F i r k i n ) K i ig he.l a l i h t Pu bl ic nut ter Marke tf o r tt 't tk tn- tmq Frviav <l h i , ¦t 't .u) , ¦ml Price!.

Saturday. - m - \»!>- ,"•'¦ lu '••"'• 0.1.Mw iil iv — > — l l "1- "''• ">'"• "'LTiS lav' - -i - 15"-- '*'• '««*"• W.

Thurwliiy, - ••Hi - w'- '" • '•'• "• WFriday, — u — 0""-. 1*1. » "*«. lid.

Nn. < f lirkiim curresiwudini; wwk last year — WOPriee|.rrevvU - t>». ¦>'¦ IW . .AI.

IMI'ORTS OF FOREIGN (JIU.1X.Kiiiina, New York , :«W urn. maiie—Spencer 4 Sou. Paolinn ,

CataliKini New York , 21.XJ i|ttarti:M whrat-l/ulo* IVuMur.Ter..«u PiocaiMO, I'iiaill. Ntw York , ::ia"J qrs. wheat-S. Hams.Qiiinta , n, t. M' , OiVJ Hrs - wheat—I,. A. Itynn.

V I:KK .N'S UNiVEksiT t E X AM I N A T I ON— llio nnnual¦nuuiing of the Seiialo of llw Queun'u UnivvrBity inIreland was livid on Wiidnosday at St. Patrick's Hull ,Dublin Castle, Sir DOMIPK: COKHI O AS , Hurt , vice-chancellor , prosidiug, nm\ n. largo and fiuliiumibtaa'.tf.udancu being prc-nunt. Ill tho list of dcf;rouM(.¦ranted , wo notice, with tho lar«C3t nmount of satis-factiou, that arnon«8t thoso whw ubtniuod that ol"

doctor nr inedicini',wii» Mr. Arthur Itohun C.unpbell ,of thn Hclfust (.'ollefe'C, sucond sun onr mml iy , hig hl yinUllictual and must pro fmin'llv l"irao.| Iri.-n.l ,Hubert Campbell , K--'|-i 1J-A-, fornu-rl y ho-id of thoCithulic Uoiri'ivity Schuol in this city. Wn sincurlywish surx-e« to thu yiinii;,' M.D-, i» hi« Tuluro CWBT.

Ml.KTId.v Of .MKI' ICAI. Ornr-Kii. —On yrstordny :,ni lu-lii.n wim held ut Arclii iratown ofami- i l icft i ulliwrf - r i|,ni division of tlio Kothnrd diatrict in this NewHots uni< n, iii room <ii Ur. N. Swcotnmn O' l-'iti n-il ,nj ij iuihtLil to Dunmort! K :'*t- 'rll ° lollowiiijt ineinbiTaivitro in ntlripliineu : -Me.i.-.ri. I'owt'll (in ill" clmir) ;Hii ux l.tim , l .cic.iy, Ni 'iH ,- VutBii ,, ]<iicoy, J,(.'¦iijii oy, .'¦!, CIII.II")1, J- l'"nnr (h'otlinrd), Munuy, W.llrwn , J.l\ , and Mull in" . There VMIS onl y ono Jvckiii K tin: ii|>|ni i iitmi!iit , Ur, Tbunias .'."'. HuItinzcy, uf JVan-rtonl, "ml on inotiim uf .Mr. Locny,Hi!uundi.-il by Mr. NVil l, ''>¦"¦ K«nilem;iu ivns ununi-iiKinnl y tl . on.'il , to i'1'lcrmi his dutic3 on 9rd Knv .

JA J IKS ,Srt:i'iiK>», " chi« f oi'tjunuur" of thn Fonianmovouieu t, bus mrivud iu 1'uria, from Now York .

MSfcatertortr fttatitetsWaterford, October 16, 1874.

F0EEION WHEAT—Price declined about 1«. per baxrel,with a fair demand.

IRISH WHEAT-Dclirercd Bpaiingly. No change in pnoo

OATS dull, at about last week's pricos.No OWBO in BARLEY.FLODR dull, at about 1B per lack decline.


P B I O ES C U R R E N T ._ IIIISH. _ Old. : tf°w. _

WHEAT, per barrel of" 2a6lb». " s. d. s. d. s. d. »¦ 0- \Vhito- - • • ° (' 0 to0D 025 6 t o3 C 0_ n«d - - - - 0 0 0 no 023 6 2 * 3- Shipping #O - - 00 0 00 023 0 22 0

BARLEY.pef barrel o'.2241bs. ¦

- Grinding - - - 0 0 0 00 0 15 0 16 O- JWtiPJ - - - 00 0 00 018 0 19 0

OATS, perbarreio. ib,. ^ ^ Q

- White - - - 00 0 00 000 0 00 0- OW . . . 00 0 00 000 0 U 0

FL0I7R, pe.-sack, of^SOJbs.- Snporflres - - - 00 0 on 037 0 37 0_ Inferiors - - 00 0 00 0C) 0 00 0

OATMEAL, per Sack - 00 0 0.1 OoO 0 C3 0BRAN, m^Cit. - - 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 6POLLARD do - -_ _ •_ 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 6

FOKEfGN. F«K«.WHEAT, per barrel of 2301bs. »• d, ¦• i -

— American, Spring rnC Winter - -25 0 to 25 5— Jlnrianop'o 00 0 00 0— Derrlianski 00 0 00 n— Ghirku, Tnganro', am) Odcsja - - 25 0 C) 0— Ibrail - - - - - - Oil 0 00 o

ISDIAN COHN , Vollow, odensa anil Galiti • C) 0 00 0— — Ibrail and Foi-ouiau - - - 00 O 00 0— — American, - - - •-- 3 3— — French an1 Amcrcan Whito • 00 0 00 0— - E'fypt'nn . . . .00 0 00 o— - Damaijcu - - - - <*> 0 00 a

FLOUIt , Amcr'can. per barrel of ISGIhs. - - 00 0 00 o— French, per sack, ot 2S0lns. - - -W' O W 0

INDIAN' MUAL.Amo- ican.pof sack of 2S01bs. 00 0 (10 0

- - { "" Tf : I ,23 ° » •Imports $ Exports for Week ending Thurs-lay, 15th.

IMPORTS. ¦ E.XP0IIT3.Indian Corn ;I2(X1 Quarters. Indian Corn BarrelsWheat 127C3 do. .Wheat • do.Oat« - . ,lo. Oats - - 710 do.Barley- . Sacks Barley • S07 do.pi.,., j 25i do. flour- - 304 Sac'u.riour j Barrels. 'Oatmeal • do.Meal - —- Sacks. (Indian meal <Jo-

(Corrccted this day for The Watcrfiml N CKS .)rKOVISlt»\S.

BiCCW Pias, perewt. — — 5S... 01. to 00*. Od.STKAKS do. — — (I'IW. I'd. IW.1. i> i.KEKT do. — — 11s . Oil. 12s. W.Huiua do. — — Vii. Uil. 43s. Od.Sciai'3 <lo. -~ — -Ms. U.I. v<». WLmb (chandlers ) — — Mi . Od. -W». Ud,

BUTCHERS', per lh., rd 0.1 to 'M : LA MII, per ijr. , 0a od to Os 0.1

Do. steak, Od to 10a 1 V EAL , per l'i. <i<l to 7d.MUTTON, per lb 7d to Sjd. I I'O K K , per Hi. 0d to Oil

POTATOKS.Average price, old, ... Od | Sew, 5d. to Gil. per stone.

BUKAU.WHIT E, per tlb— ~<1. to 7j | Jlufsuoi.D, per Mb 7d to Oil.

WHISKEY.DUULI N, per gallon , 2I)A . Oil. I OLII COUK , gallon, 13s. OdCUUK . puncheon. lo's. 'M . I

F I S H .S'FM)LND , pr cwt, 00s. to 2i*. [ 1'KAI. — Us Od, to 0.H OilIIK K K I .NUS, per brl, i5s. Ui :*)». Sul. K , — Us 1*1. to 'II MiJAL U VS, per lb. 0U. W Oa Od. | 1'CltUO T, — Cs Od. tu IM tid

FOWL AND ECi;S.CKICKES3 per pair, :)s to Is. i;.l I Biua , pur \i) , 0s Ud lo 9l Odl^L'fifj.iNcs, 'it to -1*. ti.l coujile. |T I;I:I:KYH , U.I to Us perinir

SOAP AND CANDLE*.WUI TK , per cut. •£!». to U.<. I liuCLD , p.:r il'iz ll)i 6* Id to 03U IWIV .V, do. 20i. Od to Ui. | UlIT, (lu. j l . M . to 51 jil.

WOOii ASD lUUEJ.II OOQET WOOL,!*. *A to Is. OM It.btH , :(2a. to 31s. 0d por crtWF.TUCii&EnL.U M lul.-. Id Kirs, ail. to W. per lb.SKIX W OOL, 1J Od to Is. il CALK , OJ . to -H). od imr d'ji

X I M I l K K .It. I'I.VK per tou, 90J Oil Us ud I STAVI :9, per 1000, £100.YELLOW 1'INL , do b7s(id to O Js | LATU S, per do l'Zs. *Jd to Hid.

C O A L .S .COiis.per ton, 00s. 0,1 to Ms 0d. / COKE, per ton, 20j. 0i! to 20J

FODDKR ASD GRKKS CHOPS.H AY,per ton, new, 70i to 85s. Tunsira, per ton, 0j to 0SlftAW , WllPAtfcn, ;')S tO 5OS- .MAXOOLDS.Iiyr toil , Oi tO O*

Do. o.itcu, -15-, to 5*2d. CARUOTS. tier tou, 0i to 0s

MOOVS CHANGES.First Quitter Sumlav, 18th 1 29 p.inFull Moon Sunday, 25!h 7 21 a.inLast Quntir Sumlay, lit Nov 2 0 n.raIWrr AlffOH Monday , Oth 5 31


Three per Out. Consols — Oil —X c w 3 n e e C e n l *l a c k — OOj-1 —Bauk of Irehiml 10" — —National liank 30 08J —Munster . I.iuiilrd — — —HiWiii.n Malik — "H —Provincial Hank — HI —National <if I.ivi'rpuol Ilimitp .ll 15 — —City of J)uliliiiStc.iinl.'»in;i.iiiy...lUU — —

B A I L W A V SWnterfjrd & Central lielaiidiilOl) paid — —Great Southern and Western UlfW p.iiil — —

BAlILWAT l 'BRPBOK. SCB STOCK..Wntirfo.-J S. LVnt ial Ireland 0 per ceut ted — —WiU'i for. l ami I.imeriek , 5 percent. do —\V.ilcn id nnd Limerick H p-r c-m. — —

Ihc SSaterforb |lcbs" 1)E Jf.ST, AND lEAIl .NOT ."



Wo [(iihlisli this evening it letter from Mr. B.K KRXAGHA N , solicitor, dotniling thccirc\undtanccdof tho dissolution of partnershi p which week at the mcol 'wg of the Board of Direc-tors of the Waterford timl limerick railway . Theletter corroborates thu Tacts as wo have alreadygiven thorn, only entering more minutely intoparticulars. Wo may now add that the Boardover which Mr. IJOSIUARD presided gave theSecrotary a month's leave of absence, but it isnot true that they dismissed the assistant-secre-tary, Mr. M. J. KKSNKU V , or tho solicitor, Mr. J.A.IIBHOSB . The minutes having been signed byMr. LoiWAHli , tho rtecrclary locked up the booksin tho usual sul'e, and proceeded to take his holi-days; but, during his absence, the other Board ,under tho Chairman of tlio Uompauy, had thesafe forced, and n »<-- iy one was procured , thobooks being deposited therein. On Tuesday, aBoard meeting, to which all woro summouod.washold, but the Chairman's side of the house onlyattended. Immediately on its conclusion, theChairman and Vice Chairman proceeded to Lon-don to meet Sir 1). (Joocu , Chairman of tho GroutWestern Company, in relation to the pendingnegociations for tlio transfer of tho managementof the line.

Such is a simple narrative of the position ofaffairs al present , and we must express our con-currcncc in the general belief, that there seemsonly ono channel through which the mystilica -tion will bo cleared away—LAW ! That, indeed ,is u deplorable alternative , but wo greatly regret,to learn th»t already legal proceedings huvo booninitiated by ai least one gentleman connectedvrith the company, against the Chairman, in re-lation to tho recent occurrences in tlie board-room. We trust , however, that through thointerference of friends , better counsels will pre-vail , and thai some satisfactory arrangement maybe arrived at beibro ihey enter the meshes of tholaw .

Tho following, which ia indicative of more Ian ,has been sent to us lor publication :


" Copy Ojiiiii'ju of Serjeant Armstrong, QC , on canesubmitted tu him on btlulf of the persons namedf«crci7i."As to Mr. Sliuu-ry'a Qaalifionticm—I have road

tho CIISU Rtibinilluil to inn on bchnlf of Mossrs. Lota-har.I , AtkiuHon (.U.U.), llurko, S laucry, and Grooue,lairL-otoM; MOS.IM. Mnlcuiiiiiuii , Uiborne , Woodloclc ,O'D UDIIO II , and uthorH (ahuruholdois), aud Mr. Nicoll ,(secrotary) of ihu Watorfonl and Limoriek railvfaycompany ; RII I I upon tin) ijuory ns to Mr. .Sluttory'aporiitiuu I /mvo c.,(isi./(Jri:U llut > p.irt i>7 thu caiOwhich didcluse.i tho ^ruumU

of \\\i nllogod ilia-'(uulifiuatiuii for u ilinnHor.ship, mid tho in.iuner inwhich Ih^t diMiuulifualion was pronouucnl , I am »fopinion that liu is Niir (lisi(|UalilicJ , und th.iC ho cotiti-nueti , au<l i* uosv a ilircctur ; tiud thai tbo manner ofhia pretundi-il ri' w:n AK li i ruui Y nu'l I L LC II A I . .

" HlCIUiu) .\ U lt iiNO , 'i- St. Stophca'u Grucn ,Dublin , Oct. 15, 1H71."

By or.k-r of tho ahovo directors,J. i\ X: COLL, Secretary.

Tho follouiiig cireulur, signed by Mr. A. iiir.-l'HK .vs, Chairman , and Mr. AI. J , KESSEUy, '• proSecretary, " has been forwarded to the sharc-luililfrs :

"L A I I I K S A S H fiK >: rr.K.MKX. —It is our duty to in.lorm you ilmt thu tmtici! nt' u meeting culled by ml-VITIIVI'IIK 'H ', ni giioil J. V. Sicoll , nnd intcnduil to Imhvld at thu Imperial lloU'l, Dublin , hiu como timl.-ruur observation , iiml «'.- K uv »> liuil tlio inlvicoo f cnii.iicnt counsel us in its [r^iitity, iinif tfio porii'tum wfn'cdyour tlir ccturH should f.'ilii' in refurenco to it.

" This pi*(>j> '« l n l i i i ^ ha*, in fact, bucn pum-inoncil ut thu instance u( u minority ot' ihu bo:inl ,who aiut tiiJ5i:tlii .-r inrxu ' iirl y, enn; of thnso presentlltivin i ;;—;i3 couii^.'l ;I I MI lulvisUa —CL'a-*ri| to lin ftcliivotiir , liy ri'ii-i 'it d t ' lii.s lrivin ^ parlcil ivith hid[|U<ililic ;ilimi (iiml in wlmsn pinto Mr. Kmll was <lulyoloi'.U'.l). Thin untii:.; luu Ir. iin isduuil without om-bultiny the ninj 'iiii y nl I In. Wii.l , ami is Ki ;;::uil ,Wttii o llt ol|f an: liiii it v , Ly Mv. J . I1'. Xieoll , ivlww»•« liiiio Kiiicu sui|ii.!iiiii.i| in. III tlm ollicu of m erutary,hn having ih'|nrir.l fmiii Wutci fonl without luaviuj?US any , luckod U [i tin: bunka ofvlio c>m|mnyuud lukuu wi lh l in i ihu kuya of uafoa aud scul-boz , by

which tho bunineM of tho board has beeu aarionsly

" has adviaed as tbat it U our duty torepudiate that meeting, and that it will not bequalified to transact any baaing as » «t»«*3Smeeting under tho Acts of Parliament r<W**taVrailway oompaniai , that its act* «»*****££&niaod as of acy validity, nor should it befended bythe board or any officers of the company authorisedt7

"Ton 'will lecolleot that the regxilar »~«°e °f

the company stands adjournod until tho 20th No-vember, at which time wo hope to meet you witb. thenegotiations iu respect of the Great We.tern agree-ment, now in the hands of your chairman aud


dwurmen, in an advanced state ; :and then (even fwe were otherwise disposed, which w» ««»™ *far from the fact) tho law ensures that you shallhave ample opportunity of considering your positionwith respect to it. _ .!._ •• *>, «

"This being so. it will bo obvious to you that theproposed meeting is only calculated to harass youto depreciate your property, and to impede ouraction for your welfare ; and we beg to suggest thatyon shall, in yoar own interest, discountenance tooeff.rts of those who originated this illegal and mm-obievona movement.

" Board-room, Waterford Torminus,12th Octobor, 1874."



SIR—From tho report of tho proceedings at thoBoard of tho Watorford aud Limorick railway com-pttDy, published in your papor of 9th instant, it iaevident you havo been misinformed as regards my-

BBlf , which I ask you to afford me this opportunityof oorractiog, especially as I am awaro that tho ail-vico whioh I gavo when uskod to do so, and my ownacts iu the matter, havo been tho subject of discus-sion, and, with your permission, I shall, thoroforo,take this opportunity of Btating what did occur, audas I am not ia any way mixed up with one memberof the Board moro than another, probably the looalshareholders will placo rolianco on tho siatcraunt ofa porson filling a perfectly i ndependati position. Ishall premiso that, in represouting tbo SouthornRailway Company, and also a uumbor of gentlomouconnected with it, I ropresont a company and indi-viduals who aro very largel y interested in all that ro-tates to tho proper administration of tho affairs of thoWatorford and Limerick Company, aud tho ulToctivodovolopmonb of their traffic , and its sound, harmoniousand-commercial management.

You stato that I was " accidentally prosont," at thoBoard meoting on Tuosday, thus creating the inferencethat I was not only thuro during tho wholo of thomeoting, bat also by accident. That is not so. Iwas not presen t when tho principal occurrence towhich you refer took place, vix. : tho attempt byBomo members of tho Board to broak up the mooting;by their sudden doparturo, leaving, however , in theboard-room moro than a quorum to conduct the buai-nosB of tho day, but had I boeu there, as you supposedI was, 1 trust that by somo friendly advico I might ,if I had been appealed to, havo possibly boon abloto induce tho Chairman, Mr. Stephens, aad Buchof hiB colleagues as ho has latterly voted with , tohave doferred causing tliooicitemont which I nm awareosiets in Watorford and the whole South of Ireland,and what in Dublin iB simply designated as a scawUlia tho admiuistralion of tho affairs or a vury impur.tant commercial undertaking, inasmuch as IUM K UI KI bavo invariably found that Jlr. Stophtna was tijwnto bo influenced by reasonable arguinunt when suchbocamo necossary.

Tho following aro shortl y the facts within my OUHknowledgo, and as represented to mo by thu othersuction of tho board, who conatituto tho M nj - irit>j oftbo Watorford and Limorick Company proper , pro-vided tho two representatives of tho Ciroat, WiMturuCompany ahull not bo counted , am) who, for generaladministrative purposes, do not attend.1.—Cn Sfonday night, Sth Octobnr, instant , I loft

Dublin by niyht mail for Limorick Junction , <;nroute forClonmel aud Waterlbrd. At. thu JunciiunI accidentally met Mr.Grueue .ono of thu directors,going from Knuia , south , to attend board mtut-ing in Waterford uo.U morning. I therefore re-mainud thero instead of Koiug on to Cloumol andto Watorford.

2.—Wo travelled by first trnin on TaoEday to Witter-ford, duo thoio about 10.15 a.m., and in thu trainI told him I dosirod to have a confuronco withhis board that ufteruoon about matters connectedwith tho Southern Railway Company (uot on thnagonda for thoir day's proceedings); that I wouldromniu at Imperial Hotel until two o'clock,wlicnI would attend their boiird after tboy eliouklhavo disposed of thuir owu business , in timo toleave citbor for Cloumol at 2.45 or for Dublin at4 p.m., und I romaiutd waiting at the hotel ac-cording ly. When at breakfast shortl y after eloveu ,I received tho following loiter from tho boardroom, brought in haato by a clerk , wiih a car tobriug mo thero:—

'•' Vi'ut.iiford Terminus , Oct. C, 167-1."D BAR M H. K KII .NAHIIA .V—I will thank you tocumo

ovo r horo without delay.—Fours vory truly," J A M K S K. LO I I I I A K H ."

" To B. Kernaghan, Kscj., Imperial Hotel. "I immediatel y complied with that reiiucHt , whan I

found proBunt iu tbu board room tho si.'cn.'t:iry ;ui.lthe following directors:—Mr. Lonbiird (ill thu chair ) ;Mr. Slattery, Mr. Grueno, Dr. Alkinsou , Mr. l lu ik- .and then 1 luiirucd for tho f i rs t timu what lm.l .j ctni -red ; aud thus,you will observe , I was not " acciilrnt .ally present ," though I wish I had culled tln.-rcuti myway passing throug h tho statio n tri tliu tiolri. Thedirectors informed mo of what had occurred when Iwas not present ; llmt their own solicitor , Mr. Am-brose, had left the, and tlccliuud to romuinto adviso them on legal questions as to which theydesired to be informed, nnd thoroforo that they sentfor me temporaril y to do so. Tho first question theyaskcid mo was , whether Mr. Slattory was a legallyconstituted mumbur of tho board, or whether Mr.Riall was entitled to take his seat . 1 had no ditlicuUyin rep ly ing to 'hat ques t ion , as I hail previously boonconsulted by Mr. Slattery iu London ; hud inndt'mysolf thoroughly master of all the f:ict3 (which .irodutiiilud in writtuu documents) , aud I rep lied to tuoboard on Tuoaday, as 1 had previously dono to ilr.Slattery in I,'union , ns follows, via. :—1.—Mr. Slattury never cuaacd to be qualified by reason

of tho Into ro-arraugotnent of his " holding " inthe company—thu transfer from " sliaru" qualifi-cation to " Btock" qualification—and that assum-ing that ho wa< originally qualifiuil (which wasadmitted) he continued to be <|imlifiod , and th:ithi s nauio was nevor oft' tho ehuro register, :i ( MJ Lwhich JI ..V .--e prevented any disqualification.

2.—That tho secretary and the registrar of tho com-puny woru not only buund but cuinj»ellublu loregister Mr. Slattery instantur, cm thu recoi jil »fthe loiter which they hud received from Mr.Patterson , tho G'orojan'/s Uruker , in ri;spuci oftho Rtock which thoy, por signed '* Halo nute, "Bold to him, and that had they, as ollii.'or.s, fiiileilto do so thoy would have imposed ou their com.pany a serious responsibility.

3.—That to declare Mr. Slaltcry cli*qu:ilinVd,whi. h Iunderstood was done by Mr. .Stephens, Mr.While ,Mr. Duuny, aud .Mr. J;ic<ib, ivas im i l l cj i !ns >umi) 'lion of [luivor on thu part ot iliusu yeuilrun ii ,nnd for which they were responsible in my opiniuuin thn Court of (Queen's Bench.

4.—That , consequentiall y, tbo so-called rlcctiou (ifMr. Hiall lo fill u vacancy which did not I'.vi.stwas illcyid and innp arativ i; and that, if Mr. Uiallventured to take his seal, or art :IH a director , huwould subject hiiiioijl f to Iho unplea-iaiit andmost expensive consequences of a weli-fmiudedapplication for liberty to lile an iufiirinatioungiiiust him in tho imturo of n "'/>( • irurrunfn ,"either at tho suit of Mr. Slattery or any share-holder, to know by what authority liu claimed tobo a director. I wus glad to bo interrupted bybeing informed that Mr. Kiall had the great (jooilseuso not to ktatid on uncertain i;rouiii) , and haddeclined to act us a director , p.-ii.luig a definedsettlement of liiH position ; and lie and his friendshavo reason for congratulation on his esenrio fromtho consequences, as " i/u» uarraii.'o" piocecd-iaga are tho moit cxpeu.^ii'i*, uioH t irrilntin/,', nndmost dilatory, no far as my experience extend*,when compared with any other class of proceed-ings, iu tho Queen's lieneb.

That f i r s t question having been thus disposed of , Iwas iuforiucd of uhitncciirred, mid as euch h is beenmnde the subjt'L't of comment in the ;mblic papers,oecoriliiig to information IVom variuu.-i sourci'rt , audas tho advico given fey inu , uudiM- cirounistimce.H ?oBuddon und unexpected , lias also been made the. sub-ject of public I'uiniiiiint , it is better that the laotashould bo clearl y .stated by om; who «m jir.'S"«t fro mtho poriod lii t indicated , especially as a pnblic meet-ing has been called ou thu subject.

1 was then infoiinu.l as follows , via. : That whenthu board assembled at 1O..'IU , members present woro :

1. Aliii.ui.i M SriCHJENS , K SIJ . (iu thn ohair) ;2. Mr. D K N N Y .:i. Mr. W n i i ' K .¦I. Mr. J A CCHI ."I . Mr. LII MI I A K I I .Ii. Dr. ATKINSON .7. Mr. ( ii tKKNB.H. Mr. Mr. Sl.ATTEKT ,/>rn/c5fi"J to havo boou displaced.

10. Mr. liiALL , praf cr.-cd to have been flcWcd.'I'ho Secretary, Mr. Nicoll , and the company's soli-

oitor , Mr. Ambroso, wero also pruscut.That Mr. Stephens objoctpil to tlio presenco of Mr.

Slattery in tho room , on tho allegation that ho hadceaicd to bo n director , while Air. Lombard and tli oother gentlemen objected to the presence of Mr. Kiall ,on tho allegation that then; bavin;; been no vacancy ,his professed election ou L'2:id September wm of noeffect.

That Mr. Greeno sulmn'tleJ « pro.'i st nt'- iiu«t theBo-cnllcd election and nomin-j t io i t nl Mr. liiall .

That Mr. Stephens was s.bma J IUHM edinu1 to l,«ni-ness, chiefly by pulliuj ; to llni von: a r. -i.liuioi, i,,udjourn the iin i.1 iujj . wi tlmut doii-.jr any 'uii-ini rF.H, towhich .Mr. Lombard and his rol'e ,^u<-s ol.ji cted untilMr. Ktep hiMis (a.; chairman tif llie j iii'fliug of i"dSeptember, whou ho declared Mr. Sluuery diouuaii.

fied), read and signed tbo minutes of that meoting intho usual manner.

That Ifr. Ambrose, on being appealed to for advioe,Btated that the mooting could be opened withontreadiDg, signing, or confirming the minutes of thelast meotiog, JTr. Groeno protesting against thatopinion.

That Mr. Stephens then declared tho meeting dulyconstituted and opened, and immediately put to thovote thot resolution for adjourntnout until tbe Saturday, to which an amendment was submittedon behalf of Mr. Lombard and hia eolloagnes, to thoeffect that the minutes bo first read and signed, andthen that tho boa rd do not ndjourn bnt proceed tobusiness. That iu putting that amendment, Mr.Rial l declinod to vote, stating that , ns the roal qaoa.tion in dispute was, whether ho or Mr. Slattery WHS

a director, ho considered it to bo his doty to refrainfrom voting until tbo qnestion was Eottlcd , Dotwith.standing tbo pressuro of Mr. Stephens that ho shoulddo so.

That tho amendment for proceeding with thobusiness was then put , with tho following resolt , viz.:

fo r . .'lyamst.1. Ur. LoM KARD , 1. Mr. STKI -IIEXS ,2. Dr. ATKINSON , 2. Mr. WIIITK ,3. Mr. U L- K K K , 3. Mr. DE N N Y ,4. Mr. G UF.KNE , 4. Mr. J.K.OII .5. Jlr. SLATTEKY .

Majority in favor of amendment, one.That Mr. Stephens refused to record Mr. Slattory 's

vote, whioh mado tho numbers equal , whereupon hngave his casting voto as chairman against tho amend-ment, and declared it lost ; then ho put tho originalresolution for adjournment, when tho votes being thusame as nbovo, with a majority of one against it , hoagain rofUBed to record Mr. Slatiery 's voto , and, de-daring tbo numbers to bo equal , gavo hia casting vote ,and decided tlio resolution carried, tlmt tho nieoiin^waa ndjotirned.

That Mr. Lombard nnd his colleagues protestedagainst thc> conduct of Mr. Stephens, uud tho pro-fessed adjournment ; required him to record Mr.Slottory 's vote, and proceed wi th thu company 'sbusiness ; that Mr. Stephen?. Mr. White , Mr. Denny,and Mr. Jacob, roso nud proceeded to leave iho room,accompanied by Mr. Hiall and Mr. Ambrose , bu:boforo leaviug, tl: ¦ n"iritis nn'tubers of thu b-oar'iworo requested to n - I pr<nxu i\ with business,and wero informed :, \\vy did not do so t i tother dimtors iwiM .

That Mr. Stephens havim? ¦ vacated tho chair, thoothor directors duly proposed and sccun'li'd a resolu-tion , appointing Mr. I.umbfu'd chairman at tbni,moo t ing, and ito took tho chair in tho presence ofMr. Stephens and hia colli .'.igii.- .-s li.-f.jr.! tlmy left theroom, and proceeded with t in - busin.• .-.< , ruquustingMr. Ambroso, in tho company 's .- 'iliciiur , to remainnwl legall y adviso tho board , bar. that II: d.-c!m>.-il todo to and loft tho room ivit l i Mr. Step hens and /nscoIloagiieH ; Mr. Denny, ln-fori - li-avinir , having pro-posod that thy books o!' ih'XM ;'iiiip;iiiy, I'-j r '.be haf.-koop ing of which Lin.' .secretary, as tl i i - ir W'IM ! uu.Tiodeo,i« rvsjionsiblc, should b<j lucked up, but tl.- il propo-a-not fiuding a secoi.ilor, no rulini; on il becimu nocea-sary. Such was tho statement, of what ocoirrwlwhich wus mado to m..-.

It was under thoso circum^-latieiH (sulisniiui 'iitlvdetailed to mo as ahijvuj that 1 wa-i .- .- iir. i'.,r to mi.viso them, as Htau-d in tin* /-arl y (rn-i . ..I luti..-r,Thoailvice, therefuro, which I gave on ihai siaturacn:of facts was iho following

n i ' i \ i i » N .

1.—That Mr. fj lattery did nut ee.nsc >. -, b" >;iiatif ici ,was Sl i l l ,-v [iiernl/ fr of t in- buard , al.d that ),; ivoteH ougJit to have been recorded , and nut re-jected by Mr. Stephen*.

2.—That, the firsl duty of Mr. Step hens , I « I a quorainbeing present at. li io a]>poititcd li' i i ir , \va3 ;nhave read tlio minutes of ' 'J-cl S.-j .t ' .-mljer, con*firm them if correct , and siun tiicm ::•- tho chair-man wlio prcsid':d at tl ia « in'.-etii;^ (under % anlil Vic , cap. Ui., sec. '.)*>). Thai having (li'lilier.Htel y refrained from duing ¦-", ini failed ia hisd u t y .

J. — fJ'l;:.r .-is Mr. .Stefi|;i-ns l.:id on i i t t i - i l :t > ilo =o, tl:nr.'Solr.lions pa-seil on i'J:id H. -j i '..-mbi- .", whoti themajority of t in 1 board then jire^i-nt protV^L^l toi:li-ct Mr. Hia l l in tin: placo of Mr. Sia:;ery, wasof no effect on Tuesday hn , and i.-' lujt cow ,whei li i .T .Mr. Sl.ittery had cnse l to bo n ilirucio;or not ; aud , therefore , that, if Mr. Hiall had onTuesday, l i i l i instant , proccndevl to take his seat ,he would have acted i".- ;nll 'j whether there wasnn oxisliiii ; vacancy or not , and in .-uch caio ':;«.ivotild liar.' rendered hiui .-ulf liabli; to an aprl:-catic>n to the Queen's Bench, on tho motion of Mr.Slattery or ".. ;/ r,ih?r .ihar- 'lvA - t . -,; for liliorly tyfll'i an intVirmation in t l i 'J nature of a 7'w - L i r .rani " aijHinsL him, Lo know by \vh:U uuUiorilyhe, on that dat(> , ai.'lnd as n direciur—a .i:s-n 're.."ib!o proceeding, from which Ihu gooil gec.ioof Mr. Itial l has , most. ffjriun:ito!v, reliuved him.

4-.—That Mr. Step hens, having refrained from signicjtho.-o minutes of tin; -Jnd .Septcmbi-r, and froaiconfirminij them , so faras rolates to Mr. Slatiery ,h.-H tboreby, to tin: pwui 'iiw , ri'lioved hirn-elfand his colleagues who voted wi th him on thatday , from a similar liability, which cau'-ot takeeHW.T- H rousid'.T.'d) ';n '.lV ¦ nc:- 'na .rli o-<' f«r<«:i -<-iliu^.H ciTcciivi) by i.'.,:d:rniir.!j >hsni i i iut i ' ^ of the n--olut i f ,-ns to which tlu.-y r<.- i.v.-.',: i : i i i i 'dri '.- !v on wi i ich ti -.i in 1

si gned (if ;':io7- • . . . . : . ! l : . - n - .,r:.- r !..• *i-n. .-.l by Mr. SiCj ihe :. -. u>:• _- 1:j i ¦ ; Mr. S.":i:;!'rvj that l iabii::v will .ic-;."J^

^i- a .-n. i i - t .'i l l ih u.-ii .' ^rHtiomi'ii.^ .-™- -i ' v . !.:. .' M r' . St.'p !:riis and hi*. co!':'.'.iu''H> '!-: •

r ; ¦ ;. 1",- i l - .- i r :iet-i . : o do ;m at".. I i - i i - ^ r inn of V.f.l l . i . l ) l.y n-.i'-'ins appari .'iill y Ivgai , but .(v M-"i . . --- _• i i . :!i"_v . liy inn ."iirniiii ; t!i» minutes diliorf .n '.hr L'Jr.d S.- fiCcrrlf/ '- r <»• » :!}i Ocl'/b'.T, ijavo no:i v . i i yi i perform".I tiie cuinlit iu!i > \vi:ich wo'ilahaw lit 'i-u in cf'.9.sary to ^'ivi; i- tVecl to ihei:vvi-h ' - .- , .'Vii had their HU .M U U M I bven j'.idtitiubl-?and 1> - L;.I I : SO thai a- i- i -L*:irds 11. " proccedic^:nii 'l i . '.io.'iu ioiii- .,!' J.'nd .-' •;.:.'[i:h"r. they rt'-in.- iin- d on i;:h ( ) c t . ,!,i - r , and ih. - y s'.ill rem:iii:.[ireciselv .'H if thus. - prncfalipg.'S had nm-... -.-.. rr. •"'.

*5.—'I lint , under the cireum-l . t t i . 'HS HtaCixl , Mr.Step hens should h.-.w ..'..'.-iari-l t!:e auii-n'lmoo:to proi.'.'. d wilJi thi' hudi i it.'.-s an ¦¦¦i m:-l by :tua} , r '! i ¦¦> ' o . . ', an.I not lo-t , and in he vacau-1the chair and declihi .'d to C"i.;i::'.ii' in i:. i'. wascijmpi .'tent and rijrhi for tin- other director!prodent to appoint, i fr. l.'iuihatd as ch.lirrcai,and f or £ ii. .- mi-i.'il ,.- ! -, of th. .- board who roilllicc-ito proceed as tii . -y did wi t i i th .- busineii of thocompany, aiid piev. nt. il !a|, into a su'.'-'of chaos.

7.—That Mr . Step hi'iH an.I lu^ i -nil-iwiie.-. , by ?-'l<it :'ii:g il.e <.-.vtr:iui'i l i > i.-i.-v- ' r .j iir.-.-.' l i i . -v did , >!- 'V i!! .1/. .' . . I . ; . - ! ¦;..,, ,'. . , ,• :,. . . . , , i , .,.; j ,, doim; w,lucki l y sav d Mr. K::ul , t lu.u- i i apparenti y no:inlei i t ional ly. from ;i HIM : scriuu-* liability a:iworry ing liti gation. ;

a.—And lasti y, I c«uti.,:j, .'d Mr. I-unib::nl , tho chair- .man pr the hoard , not n,commit the error (wbicb ;Mr. Sti- |,lii!i;s did , by neiiher si^-niu,' thuiniua'.Nj(i n --'ml Si- |,i>-ui!>. .'r nor .,n >!:b WciubiT) asiv -Kards tin! iiiimui .M oi ' t l i - board over which i'was 'A ,.,, |,ri .'si<li» ^, b:;t I - I sc" iho miuu;.';ot Mich ri< >i>!utii , l:s :n l in -y miijlll pass wouM hu'li tten up, coiup l.-u- .l ami si^and 1)V their cha:-'-man l,./ - ,r..- th,.y » i ,u i , ! <,j iar:i|e , ivhicb «!¦'i h i t i i* .

WlrJii I .'I 'l i- infl tin- ho.ird :i.-( :ibov> ', my temporar;duty wan acc.nnj ili.- ii.-l ; but. 1 laiuimt conclude witn-out ealiiii},' att. .-ntior, lo [i, , .. hnv uf the caso ns regafiMr.'ery and Mr. Sii-ph. '/i.-.. Kven assuming th«'by llie ai-vi il. -nt (which miuht i-asilv h.ip|wo) f -tliirru b.-iri^ ^O I I I .' interval o.'' tifoo between It:ri' ry ol Mr. Siauei v 's salt) ol" [.reference «t«'!und ill-! ri'»is;ry of f.i S juirchase of prefere^stuck , ihuiig!, ti; ,- ¦„,/,„ ,, /,, of t (,o (jualificntion fco ':inn "as pi-. -erv, .!- wh. iiier that interval was 6'-iniuuti .'.i ur liv.- days—and that ho thereby ceased sbu qualiih'.l .,s .- , .hn-ctor, thoug h to hold such «oo:-be Miauling the inlerpn-lalion of iho net—it «self-i 'videni UI.'M; nas no in.'.'iilioii on bis part -ies.- bis qi iabl i iMii i . i i , and in such case there »*¦ito lAl i i ;; ./ r.. '.:.- .i •- ., - ,, ,,i, cl ih , r members uf tho b«.'-to (.roe.-.'.) :.L ali 10 fi l l uj , ,iny ,-asual vacincv, W:

leas with li ghtning spet-d , and iu ii hail turu«f«ul

without jii.-lilir,i;i..)i.On oili.-r boards thoucrident, if such occurreJ, *011'

atuiicc havi: been rectiliril by re-electing tho ae"f or th.j ri'sidiii . of hn linn., anil limy would oot k"'taken advantage of such an accident; but in*present i-.i-,, tii.-ro «•;« no acci-l.-nt , there in"'-;been no interval of t:m,- , Mr. Slau.-ry, with D3- :

foresight , having taken cam to have himself U}&rr-j isUrrd as ;, shaiclioid.'r beloro ho reiisterel ktraii>f. 'i- as a Mian-holder .

1 f |uit" .,-r,-,.- ,,-iih y iii i that " with saoh » <"'">>houw the > t , i K - t u : e ui ii - i u,.- v i: ;i uly come to gri«and it. is <vi ( i, t | i.j,.,^ ,„,, ,.,|11Ilu of [iroteetiog •=¦nn.- n-.- iH of i l, , ,*. | ,,.,,,,.si ,,, t iiv uuiloavoutingi "my mile nf i i . f . . . m; , r i , . , , n, prevent lhat result , b-my poimiiifj „„: j,, , ) , . . ;i|,U V) . , } K U i i l a t he laog bstfif not mo.-L ::li.-ur . l , ni..d- ,,|' procedure nttcudiog vacts ol a poit i , , , , oi u.,- ^.veniiug body, which , «!»calling public a i t f i i ; - ,,u l o i h . - m /i-»v {uWI« <JKl lr'uii y ,,r. e ../ (/,,- , . / , „ , . , . , , . t / .-/ .

*:i .i.l whieh , wheo tb

com., lo .secf il,,-i,, , , , i , ,[ , .,i h,. , , (l ti,n , may inilucu t«;to retlect ami I... coiiviurcl .tliai il i* not by tbam*uf maiiagi- iiicni a in.,,i valuable undertaking 1*liro.-p.-i- , / ,,- th... i- . ( |.,ir.'iuenis of tlio country bo of *l. l ie.l w i t h . \

¦Now tl .j. t the whole ol ' th- f.iclu aro known M tt ;"icniirri 'd ; in u|| the ^¦ ¦iiilt - iin. - i i ivferr.-d to «« F"'"•< • >• ; a- , : ! . . , . - t , , r ,. , u',,.;,- p,ot-cediug3 uro tbe sobj*nf M . , - . -„„., , . , . ! , ;,,,, ) ,,H t |lU ,,,nttcr is one of J*'I.'.T.-..- I , niuy „„(. (( ,,. question bo reasonably !>»'.*tni y to tin: nharel.ol.l. -i-s and ihepablic.but op" "to Mr. Su-phi .'iis and thoso members of the "Jj(iho toll brid gu advocates) to whoso vie** 68.;]becoini; onu of the lateiit of converts, and to *» .dnmicilo he migrated from tbo established "room of tho company. Cui lono ?

Apologising for tlio length of thin letter, I *'yours faithfully, B. KasW*j/Iii Lower Fitzwilliam-street , Dublin, Oot. '•lw'

l'.S.—Tho directors haro oxercised iiieit V0^i indortho " Companii a' Claonea Act, lW»i ° ^Seniug a special meeting of sharoholdeM lD 'jf f c

Sharolmldei a hid a:.-o tho pOW-;r to do "a"10t efnj ied. ^





Tho Right Worshipful Aid. W. K. COMMIXS, Mayor ,in tho chair.

Also prosont—Aid. P. A. Power, J.P., T. W. Jacob,J.P., »ad P. K. lioid, J.P. j Capt. P. P. Brcnan, J.P.,Messrs. II. Whito, L. Froomau, T.C., T. P. Keily.T.C.,J. Slattory, J.P., S. Harris, and Mr. A. Stophcns.J.P.,local engineer.

TILOT COMMITTEE.This committoo reportod a complaint by tho Water

Lill y, that a pilot was not put on board hor at Pas.sago. On inquiry it was found that tho vessel c'idnot signal for n pilot , and they wero put upon othorvessels requiring thorn at tho timo. Approved.

Tho following bad been received from E. U. Alcock,Esq., pilot master, Dunmoro Kasl :—

"SIB ,— I have to acquaintyou that tlm cutler pilotshare furred to divide their ca-uinj» * half mul li;ill each be-tico;n them : and, furlhsr," f.ny h.ivo nnw aiTanetnl loKII OW any Paisage cutter pilots ivlin may lio at Mint stationto remain lliere.even when on term for duty in the cutter , incase an outward bouml wwl thould Iw at l'.issj^e rt-quiriii irthe services of a se.oud-cl.15* pi'ot .it ho nj ck'irly understoodthat euch Pass.-* -e pilot cutter H nt one.! to telegraph orHead word lo Ilj iiinorf , in order nn itlier cutter manfbonld talc his phr? on liard, thereby keeping the cutti'rfully manned. You will pte.Ke inform your committc Iam a consenting party to Until."

Tbecommi'tci! c:n<idrrcil tuts nutter, and reported to theboard as follows :—" Thar , once die pilot;* (lave la-en p'iJ,Recording tc rule , thebo.ird has parted with all cnnlrnl orerthi) lnouey. Thnt , with respect to the second portion of thereport , rt'irardiii* the pilots ttikint; upon thuuwclve* theresponsibility of nlterinc fijed n-juhtinin, the cotuiuittreRte of Opinion it U a", act of iniub irdiualimi , anil , as Mich ,deserving SCTCTO punisluufut , liut thi-y are willing to supposethat it was done in ignorance, nnii iherelorc pass it over ; ifhowever , any breach nKaiti uccurs ot this or anv other fixed ,tule, the attempt to break throug h tticm will bu homo inmini, and they will be punisbeil much moro heavil y thanbus hitherto been practiced."

The committee reported that they had considered tin.1propriety uf appoint'ri'tntiui.rris for thcpub 'ic sumit1,three men and three boy*. Fourteen pris.'iited thein *flTei» ,when the fullouriu ? «>re anpasntril- Mauric i * llulttr , J.StephiMi'. nnil J. Donnell y (men) ; John Power , ThomasMill. J , ftiiJ Win. 1'itjierahl (buys).

Mr. WHITE —Have these selected joined ? Mr.K EVINS : They have.

Pilot John Uastou applied for liberty to pilotsteamers, being a^sd pilot. Tho applicationwas refnsed.

WATF.I: I U I L I F F 'S FEES.Tho Tinance Comuiiiteo reported that the water

bailiff's fees, up to tho 1st of tho mouth , had beenpaid over to tho treasurer of the Corporation , excepttho last cheque, passed on Thursday, aud now await-ing being called for. Tho arrangement for the future¦was , that those feea would bo paid over monthly.Tho Commissioners said that such nn arrangemontwould bo most satisfactory*.

TIIK EQUAL TUA fFIC CHARGES.At tho last ineecingof ilm proprietary oC the Wn-

torfurd and Limerick Kailway , mention was madu ofa proposed nrmngotnent between Hues of railway intho south of Ireland , wilh certain steamship com-panies, aud other railway companies in Eng land un-dertaking to have equal tratlio charges over theirFvstctus. At the- meeting tho Kcv. Mr. Medlycott ,James Delahunty, Esq., and others, condemned such aproposed arrangement , us ono which would bo mostinjurious to the tratlic of Wntorford . Tho subjectwas taken up by tho Corporatio n and iho HarhourHoard , aud Mr. N KVI .VS (secretary) now read a cor-respondence which lie had had with tho Hoard ofTrade upon ihis important question. The firs t wasthe subjoiued letter written by Mr. Xevins :—

" Watprlurd l lHtlxj ur C'uiuinisiioni r> ,.Sicntary 's oilier, 20lli Sept , 71.

"To till " S.'1-ret.iry, Hn.lld "1 Trade :" SIE —The W.itei lord llnrhuur Cnnnuissiotiftrs ar«: inform*

ed that tou.e motion hus been Hindi- by the i-aimu* railwaycompanies of a s<>uth line froui Dublin to (Jahvty, and railivny cuiu|M»it"< uf Kni).i inl , to enter intoan Agreement whereby < thruiieli ralet shall b-: char^eilbetween various station on thi* Mile ol thu Channel to van-ous stations in England , no in ittt - r by what ionic the goodssr« forwarded. It appeals to the Harbour (*oiiiiili:>siim i-rsthat euch hu arran^enu-iit wuuid estrtb.i sh a HI fat monopoly,aud thereby deprive thu public ot l!i* advanta ts «iri?-iti^from fair coini etuion. The couiniis siuin is , thnetun- ,direct me to :isk wlt *'.lu;r sueh a cue comes under th 1:jurisdiction of (he K.iiUviiy C-j inmissioan-, in uid.:r tint , ifit be required , iiuiui 'dla '.? aut'OU may I).- !ak II UM - l.T tlu>13th .-ecti'iti ill the ltejulaliou ol Kailivavs Aci , Ih73. Ananswer as soon as convi-ir.rut w.l l uiiicli 'i l iii A u the cj:ninis*iionerp.— 1 utn , sir, your i'bcd:ent serr:m! ,

" llroii N. XkviN n . Secretary llarlmur Couiiuission s."

Tbo following answer was received :—" Uo.;rd ot Trade , llaiUvay D-'paTtme'it ,

" London , oth October." Sin,— 1 am directed l>y the linard ol 'l'r:i!e to arknow-

lcdjte tte ncei pt (it yrmr letter *t tli.-2f:h nit ., statin- thata nioveiiieut has t-ji - :i urule by e> 'itain Iri-h a;:-l Kuitlistiraihvi»y nmtrmifs to enttr intn ana;*ir*ment whereby equtlthrou/lT ratrS wt i i l . i ! e chal(:f>l tn- twr ^u varimis stations on

either kid.: i'f th* Cli ni:iei ,iire-;i' :tive ut the loute by wh'chtbe Rouds wo'l '.d be forwaidiv l ; an 1 lurther stating, itQppciiri il lo the Wal t i lord llarluur Cominissiuners thatf.uch an n^rr ¦ineiit

^would establi-h a i:n-jt monopol y, and

thfll'l 'V dr;iriv e the public of nl t l l "ulvall l: i ;es aris li^' fiouilasri-oiiiptli !: 1'!'. In replv , the Hu id ot Trade direct melu k * . *; .L-L .•:.v;1. '' ' i1; :*< ¦ difiiuto iiifonu.iti'iiiui^on the >ul-j <-(. : nl the coui|'biut of the HaibourComuii- sioiiM- , thi-y w i l l bo prcpar- l lo coiiMdcr the pro.

prietv i I i—u:iu a c< I t fiCatl' I 'J t :nl r- iuwav C0lll|nnK-s, as

prnvi" 'nl by M-ition ;a • ( ( l ioJti ^u.'iitiiui l iai lw.iys Act , Ib73.

— I am , « T, 1 IH- , i l l . , " H K .MIY '

The hoard expressed themselves very much pleasedwith lie letter , :iud il wns marked read.

K.\'il.N'KKIl'» liKI'OKl .The following w;u reci ivud from Mr. A. Stephens ,

J.P., local eng ineer :—"(ir .MLI.MKS— 'rued rt i.'- i w i l l cmnp lcti: the MC '. IOII of

Cutt in g that *l>e i^ "-r- ^- 'LM iI on in a !e\v 'I.t }- , Hint before

rem^Tiiij : to the w « s t 'i id ( 't the tjuiy sl 1e w i l ! u-quip-

OVtlhalll "! m.'iU'J an 1 Utter war. I wnui I m:iiuiinend

li»r bmiu i . l i cd :n the h..nd- ot Mr l l- i u- , «f the Neptunt

Irou»ork> , who rxu-iit . - i l the la-t n p i u - !•• »a t i s t . ic t i j t i .

There were r.ii-fd ami removed l n i n dn- \-. i since last i t -

port , 3.C37 ton- II ! gravel aud inn .1, n h i h have bei- n pl.icij

on bank f ur l.^lla-l . The diedj i i .K .it li .ul yhaik is pi. ^nss .

iog. Th,, w i i k uiust ?oin i!>"iiit:iiU ": uii .irconiit ul the

ih.rt da>s au l w ;i .t i 'r w - M t h t r *• . : : . i .£ :n. There wett

raittJ there within the inuiiili iliW t..i.-. Tin- Lull aud

lta;es are undci^o u^ r'pa i ts c.iuikm^. l'ln? Ui ^< ;moorin? bu'iy i- ist side uf th - l.r.ds- ''•»'« h-«:i it- flsi-d wi th

two mushroom anchors instr.vl ct !•:¦•¦, and aii 'i!h- r nio- 'iiiif ;boov has been pU-o-d npj' Oait "- Joyce's firld for the purpiseof mooring the . M i l h/ t d c i t l lc - b a t s w hi u I}ji.# in tht

Illlr.Mr. KEII.V —WLril is the prubable eMimaied cost

that the rt-pairi i )• «f tht .- tlred gi- r will entail ?llr. S t K K H J N S — A .-.urvi-y wil l be necessary before

thy definito I 'S.i iimt t : can be given.The report was iippiuvi 'd of, and entiled an read.Tut: FOH .'I —A C'ISI I 'I. A IM. —A It .'tttj r was read from

Mr. W. J. l lus-i- l l , liicul ii!j fi:t. Wiittrfurd and MilfonlKteumsl.i p Cumpas.y, ct ,nt: i i i i i i i «' :> cuiiip laiiit fromCapt. ( iri 'j?-, in it. ': t tl'tet that the Hieumur ll'n 'ir.

Jh td , under hi* coimiiriii 'l , lunch' d on tin: l'otd whengoing over , thoug h drawing at tin: time but elevenlect of wai.rr.

Ml:. SlK i -HI iN V: — Then: must b»; fiomfj mistake inthat htaletniLt. Mr. Maleoui -oli 's ve.-suls tlruvv 1:1feet of water, Olid li.ey go clear uvt-r ahvays:. (-'apt.Griggs is a tit'W niiiu un thu line , and , probabl y, re-quires loca l knowieil gt:.

Mr. Wmit:—vVe eaunol have a better answer tothis letter than the fact that Mr. .Mit icouiS'Hi'sfiteamc-r.', wiiicli are much d» .'c{i ..-r v^a t-ls than thinoue, uiwavs go clear tjver.

Mr. ^I'K I I I I .NS —Kven «i t l i th' ' tide out then: is a

depth of lift) :*-'!! fuel upon the Kcrd , aiid then: U muchmore at hi gh water , of cuur.-i- .

S>— On tii " ev..-iii 'ig l l i i s viv-S ':l was g lingont, and alluded to in the h.ttt r, it wus then withinan hour of high waiur , and hi gh W .IUT was ai 15minuiea past live , p.m.

Tho board , generall y, i:Xpre?.-ed an opinion thattliero iva.-f no jjroui.d of complaint , and upon thomotion, of Mr. K K I I . V , seconded by Aid. Po»i:it , itwas resolved to inform Mr. liussell , iu rep ly, that uthigh water there were upwards of twenty feet ofwater at tho Kurd , and that ;ii low wutur vessels oflight draft , tuch as ihe out: in quciiiiou , can easil y goclear over.

The SECI :K I .\ I:V , in I'i'l y Io « question put by some-...U. IIC I'H o! tiio hoard , j-aid that lLo Milfurd comj iaiiy'were their own pilots.

,\ i- it iii KK Ari l.i '.»nox.Tiie wulchii'iiu in eharge o:' the il i ed ger iit t,ig ht ,

petitioned thu boaid for some warm clothing for I hewinter , a/Minx that his pay was loo i-mull to enablehim to procure tln tu.

Aid. J AUIH propcseJ that tho man be allowed ncoat, but. the .Si 'Cicti iry said what he would chit-flyrequirn wt-ri: flati L i ls. " in nn.wer to Mr. Keil y, Mr.XfviiiS said tl.a ; ti. i' ntlit - r waichmt- ii got a Knit ofcloth , with il.u.!, '•> , Air., and Mr. K K I I .V pni|Kisetlthai this , g it a similar gi'.ml of clothes-: toliiose iillowL tl tu 11, u other i/i '-n . Tdo mutiuii n'auagl'.fd t". ' T i l . l r .M. ATU-M 'AN * I..

J ) i . Kv uii-j , I'aii i -ic 'Juay, midical :att:iidanl to thonight waiel.iiieh , wroti: ii^lhe board stating that Co:i year, granit d lor medical atti i. tl .tnci: on , and medi-cino lo, tin- night 'iii ' :ii . w.n loo small an al-lowanc, -Mid a-king that tii" f"> bi: given for tin.'ii'.ti-i.'iancf . ih': ni 'diei i . t : to In: paid for supanm lyby tbe mtii. 'l'i.t: b' aid : .gnid that tin; ri-pn'soiitii-tioli WHJ Weil foiiii tl '-d , and .-aid that I hi: CO should huallow i d f"' Ihu at i t i idai i t i - . They wen: then aboutto rule that they (board) would pay for tho men'smedicio'*, wuen

Mr. K K I I .V , admit ling the perfect justice of doingEO, said it would not <! ¦> to ulbw the men liherly togo when they pleased for it. If thai muisn wasadopted , others bosido tho v ratciiiiii -u would b-s lik i ' l yto obtuiu il «l the cost of tho liourd , am! his opiniimwas that a certain sum forull would be tin; hi-sl tlii i . g

Finally it w«s decided lo pay Dr. Kr.-ins . t lOn yt arfor atteudauco anil medicine, passed upon muiiuii ofCapt. H K K N A N , si.couded by Aldei uiuii J .»fni:.

TIIK- I M f K O V K M K M illl.L.

Tho MAtoit su|.'g--.-t'-d tin: d.-iiab.lity t.f li,« llnrburBoard TCating llio quay and t iv i r inmp- in Il i --- t .'orpo.ration in Tiew of an nrbiiiiiti ' .-n i -ing »bout to b- haiiby tho latter to lix il..- pric. It was i,nlyasked that tins lamps siuuld li • joi iied ivii i i tin; publiclamps paid lor by tho Corpora'ion , tin* coininio=iijnvMto BUY for their owu as .it pn-suni.

Tho SSCHtTABt said that tiiu Mayor lmii Lwu

speaking to him on tho subjeot, and he (secretary)believed that thoir , doing so would saro tho boardioO a year (hoar, hear).M AVOU —I montioti the snggostion for tho purpose

or Muring you money (hear, hoar).The quay committee wero directed to take- the pro-

pusitiou in bands, with a view to its boinir carriodout. e

Tho question of mooting tho Improvement Com-mittee of tho Corporation, with a viow to promoto aclauso in tho Improvement Bill, clearly defining thocollection of tho w»ter builid's foes, was referred totho quay committeo, tho MAYOR mating emphatically,that tho Corporation had no intention, whatever, ofrunning conntor to tho Harbor Commissioners, theirnuxiou9 desiro being to obtain their hoarty co-oper-ation (hear, hear). It waa deoraod desirablo not topublish tho discussion.

Kininisn—Mr. W. O'Donnoll wroto, applying forloovo to plnco a quantity of brick, mortar, and rub-bish on tho Quay during tho repairing ofhis ostab-lishment. Mr. N EVI .VS : Mr. O'Donnoll spoko to mo,and I told him to bring tho matter before tho QuayCommittee, and they would plnce it boforo tho fallboard. Tho application was granted, and the boardadjourned.



/ "ileiinan T. W. J ACOB , J.P., V.C., untl suhsrouenOj Sir U. J.rAft., lla'.t., J.I\ , in the chni'-.

Also present—Cnpt. Tower, D.V.C., A\\. Rtdmond, McMra.J. l.eaiay, W. Hull?, M. O'KUea , J. L. Conn, P.Tcnlc, M. Bany,(!. 1. .Mnckojy, M.U., Hon. D. V. Fm Ictcuc, H. T Cnrcw, D L.,N. A. Tower, J.I'., F. 0. Kent. J. Heamo, Aid . 3Uid, J.P., J.Ulainprtt, J. F. Scott , J.I'., J. Qu'nn, J . W. Contlc", AldeijaanSt. U. yrcemnn, J.P.

VIS1TIN0 GUARDIAN 'S RETORT.(| I liavo tliis tla*- visitwtl tho entiro lionso, ami consider it to

he in a most satis actory state. The poor people Becm happynnil itint .-ntwl . with tuo children healthy.

•' Oct. 10, lm." " I; BAiinojf NEYTSLL.TrtK I'. DLIC II EALTU ACT.

The appcuded circular was road from tho LocalGovernment Board :—

" Local GoTcinmcnt Board, Sth October, 1874." Sin—The various Sanitary Authorities c~>Liblislic<l by tha

Pul.lic Health (Irelan.l) Act, 1871, lmriny now hold their firstim-ctiti2s and many of them haviug czpressci A dc:iro to learnthe views of thu Local tloTcrnment rcgariliog tho futrronalarics of these officer? who have be«n , or may bo, in7e»'«.2dwith sauitary offices iu a Mition to tUeir prCTioiu duties, I amdire cted to ncquaint you, for the information of tho SanitaryAuthority of which you aro tho orfrau,tbat tlio fo"o»lDK TiewsrcjNinliuff tho amount ot tbo r Mitioun 1. salaries are to bo sub-mitted br tho lineal Gore) iimeut Boixnt to tho Lords Commis*eioncrs of Her Jlajcsty's Ticasury, for their approval, undersection 10 :—'" I. Th:it the addition to tho Fatal/ of tho Ktecativo Sftni-

t.i;/ Officer tlo not escectl onc-foiu -h of the cxistinir s?"arjr ofth« fiffi:tr npjoiuteil."

" * :!. Th-it the ndditiou to tlio Ea'a'.y of tlio Consp't:nfj Sani-tary Ufliccr do not not exceed ous-third of tho existing Ealary ofthe M«l Officers appointot!.'

'" .'! That tho additions 11 tho salaries of tho Sanitaryrind Sanitnry irub Officci» do not exceed one-fourth of tho exist-ing fnl.iriw* resji'ctitely of the officers r.ppoinlcd.'

*• Sdmo finuit nry autlioritics hare exnrtxn' I a preference forremunerating tho attendance of their Consulting SanitaryOfficer , when required, by fee?, to which proposal tho Locul(tovernmciit Jl jard have uot ohjectcd ; but they arc of opinionthat , unikr the terms of tho lOlh section , they cop'd noi ripplyto Her Majesty « Trea-:uvy for tho reimbi'rscmcnt of part ofauy sum exnt-nd' tl iu fees or othcrwiso. th.vj I y way of nowfta'iu.-or iuMitiuBal eala./. Should their l.ordsh:ps approte itsn mai -.iniiu the scale or r-id'ilional rnlai ',<* nt jvc-ircntioncd, itwill Ftill be open to tho respective saiitarj authorities todetermmi', suujcct to tho approval of tho Loci-1. GovoraincntHoard , upon .-ild Llo'ialfalnriis, jear'-1« dilereut propor.ioasto the cj istnn- talarlo, provitleil they do not exceed tbo pro-protinns approved by their Lordshijis ; but in tloiog so, it v.i".he eimvi-uicit for tin: proposcil increase to be stated, not vn afix - 1 sun), but as a fixed proportion to the existing irlc:/. ThomcdicaU'lIioTs 0, n't dispcns.r.Irs throuehont Ireland ha\inghie:; connitntri] by the Act Fan:ta:y otticcw, such of them ruto.iieistc in thu td» .is which are uot i-uder tho jurisdiction ofHoards of Guardians wiltLavo additions to the r salaries liketl* "s nvt j mil rastnaca pi Mtcli officers nrc np' lint.i by tbot, iiardians, as their sut :e*EOrs also will l>c, and the salaries aresubjected to liiipl adjustment by tho Ijocal Ciove: ament Board,it :- not the prexnt intcntiou uf tho Uof d to cauec the a-idi-tion:il palj ry to lie chanrcd o.i any othe»- fand than tho Poor-rati 1. on which the existing salaries are chariretl."

Upon (his subject was tho following roport ,adoptedat a meeting on Friday, at which wero

" Prwnt-Sir. R. J. PAUL, Bart., J.P., in tbo chai- j Capt.Powi r, I) .\.C, K. l'owcr, J.P., Captaiu Ai jislrontr, J.P., Dr.«. -Ma .kes.v, J. C], M. O'.Shea, Aid. It Imond. and<v.'i rs, .1.1'., with Mr. W. J. Ilamiltoii , L.C.r. :

" lt t- .-nlvcil—We reconmend that the |sa'nry of £10 each bopaid t i the mttlicM oflicvrs of tho disj 2 isai/ districts (exceptDr.-*. Pelandrc a*id Hrov. Je), for t ':cchari:iuf; tho duty imposedujmn them by the Public Health Act ; w.. r commeml tho cuar-¦lian-i tn caniniuniciiti: to tho Local (iorcrnment Hoard theirt.pii-'-in that if it be determined that Hi.) additional sr'ai/ paidto the sanitary ..Ulcers fur the urliau dL-trict shall bo paid bythe lluanlnf (Suanliaiis, tlicy (thc fuaiViaas) ahovld hnrc thol^'hl- t-> ti.v DIP anior'it of siirh ndditioua] s?».itj.

" Wo postpom- the eomideration of the amount of additionalsp'aiy fur l)n». Delatidro u'jd Brown for the Ural distllctf , un-til tin- Local (tovrrnment Boa; J shal l decide the matter of thepr.Aious resolution. That tho present sanitary •'•lspcctors,>lp?"r». Itoney, Power, Mc'iweeney, Mackcy, and Cm •o"1, benppoiut^l fub-oOieera at a. salary of x*15 ptr annum ; that wercci.tumi-ud the sanitary authority to reimestthe Loc*1 Cavern-nit:Ht Hoanl not to insist upon tho appointment of a consr 'tiogBanitaty oftici'r iu this union , as wo believe such an officer is notni|i nd ut-ru , and that tho clerk ol ths union I o appointedcsi-cutivu sanitary officer , at a jp'ary of JCiOper aunum."

Jl r. CONN said the present was tho Crat intimat ionwhich they had received of tho purpott of that re-port upon so important a subject, and that boing thocase ho would recommend to tbo board a courto ofaction ho was suro they would ondorse—a coursethey alwaya followed whero an incrcaso of salai/ wasconcerned, and that waa to allow tho report to lioupon tho tiiblo for a cortnin timo, arid ap :ially notifyto each guardian a ditto when it would bo taken intoconsideration lie had conversed with sovera l mem-bers of the committee, aud they quite agreed in thatcouree, whereas , if they went UOTT hastily to decidothu question,; they would bojreudering themselvosliable lo the animadversions of tho public, that thoyhad not taken it up iu a proper spirit—indeed, homight say, iu a spirit of fair play. Tho representa-tives of the people- in that room had a right to hareproper notice of this report, and havo a reasonabletimo to consider it. Tliero wero Eeveral guardi.-us onthe committee on whose opinion ho placed every re-liance , but a postponement waa the judicious course,and he was the more inclined to propose such actionfrom tho fact of there being men upon tho committeowho supported him in his opposition to tho motion o(Capt. Armstrong latel y voting an iucreaso of salaryto tho doctor--. He would proposo that tho subjectbe deferred to this day week , that tbe clerk bo di-rected to fummon tbo board specially to considor it,and that the report of tho committeo bo printed andsent to each guardian. Ho would not now givo anyopinion on tbo subject.

Aid. R KI .MO .VO said ho would second tho motion ,with tho addition that tbo important document fromthe Local floverument Hoard be also printed and cir.culaled (no, no) . As Aid. K KDUO ND was speak tag,Mr. O'SI I K A asked Jlr. CoNX if his motion includedIlia second aud third paragraphs of the report , askingwho wcru l ie parties to pay, aud if it was thu board,then that the guardians bo allowed to fix tho salary ?Those paragraphs could bo passed at that moment.

Mr. CONN replied that ho was tjuito satisfied tohavt: those paragraphs passed thon if such was thowill of the board .

Aid. KiM.MDXii—If you postponoono portion of thoreport you must defur all (hear, hear). I wouldpn:.y.s the sending out of tho Govommeut Board'sletter ; that id a moat important documeut, and onolecrived since tho committee drew up its report (hear.

Jlr. CONN—There is no necessity. The wholoquestion is left to us, aud besides the letter is full ofverbiage quite unnecessary to be published (hear) .

Aid. U KII .MU \-I I — I deuy that the letter is full ofverbiage. It comes from gentlemen who well kuowhtiw to write , mid you will find tin's letter of a mostimportant character aa regards this question (hear,hear) .

Mr. I.K A M I — In justice to tho medical oflicerE , Ithink we hhi.uld circulato thai letter amorjgst tbol/iiunliu-tis (ht'iir , hear).

C I I A I I I M A N — I would suggest to Mr. Conn to post-pom: tin- qui- .-t i i / i i for a fortni ght.

Mr. C».v .\ — Take plenty of time, Mr. Chairman.i»aj" f i r three weeks , as I will not bo ublo to bo herethis day foitiik'ht.

Mr. O S I I K A —It M necoEsary to bavo those para-graphs to which I havo alluded dealt with ut once,because during tlio timu of our postponement thuCorporation , us tho nruau tauitury authority, will bodealing with ealarii -M , some of tlicm affecting thishoard, und ii wtiultl bu dos'rublu to hare n resolutionupou tin: Hubjuul in limo beforo tho GovernmentHoard.

AM. K H.MIIMI — This board is entirely loo small totleal with thu subject, aud J will certainly object toour taking up any poiliun o.f iho report to.d:»y . IBccond Mr. Conn's motion , iiud will add thttl thulcltei from Dublin bu prntcd along with it. Thatletter was not bufuio tho committee , anil I thiukpublicity should bo given tu it. Why should woKuck to Kuppr.s * anything (hear, hear) ? Why notdo as we nro bound to do ? ukt: up everything iu auopen, impartial spirit, ami a duiormiiiuiiou to givoall parlies fair play (bear , hear) . 1 urn informedtlut the doctors are quite dissatislied with what thecommittee piopus.; tu givo them, uud that they willnot accept il.

Ci iAiUMAX—We are not called upon to ask thoopinion of the doctors.

Aid. JtKi i M o .M i—Our bebt course i« to let the publicknow everything bearing upon tho subject, aud thatis why 1 ask you to prim and circulate this letterfrom Dublin. We cannot go iuto tho question to-day (hear , lioni). Tliero uro but about a dozenguardians hero now ; there are uixty members of tl.obtiurtl , and they cannot clearly uuderatand the exuelposition of thu quedtiou if you tlo not give themevery iii ftMiii u li ' iu upou it. 1 tibj :t tu any portiouof that report l.ei'ig a'JoJitt .1 if you do not pass thoentire (hear , hear) .

Capt. I'l iUKi;—TliD chairman (Aid. Jacob) is forpostponing all . Mr. O'S IIKA : Iu the meantime theCoi|ioratioii wi l l In; taking actiuu.

Aid. l!i:n.MoM '—Then: is no sigu of their doingHO - l-v- n xo, cannot you do your bu?iuess withoutn- i k i i i g t l i ' .- H- .siiiiiii iL-u Kl' thecorporatiou ? Mr. O'.SHEA :V,V ilo iii. t intend imitating tbo corporation , I Can tell\o:i. Aid. l i i i ' M o M i : Then why alludo to thorn at

Dr. M AI .- K I -:-, ! — I iimst fay that I think JtlOentirel ytoo Muail an increasi* (lu::ir , hear).

Aid. II K II M IIMI — Jt ii but Kixpeno: a day ; barel ycii 'iug b to givo one tlrit k in tin: day to Iho doctor'ahorsu (hear , h. ar, and laughter) .

(J i iA ikMA. v—Tbu whole thing will come on for dis-lussion this day three week*. AM. U KOMOXO : XI now thu ductora will refudo ouch pay.

Mr. Co.vN.with vory considerable apparent warmth,said ho would protest against this system of increas-ing tho pay of tho dootors at evory moment. Wasthoro to bo no consideration for the ratepayers ?Wero thoy to go on, and " rob" the ratepayers in thismannei(ories of oh! oh !) ? He would proteatagainsttho system, and if it was porsovcrod in ho would re-sign altogether, and stato his roasons through thopress.

Jlr. O'SilEA—According to this systom wo aro thorepresentatives of tho doctors, not of tho ratepayers.

Mr. CONK —And enly three weeks ago you increasedtho salaries of the dootors by £20.

Aid. K EDMOND —You jnet did whatwaBJreasonablo!you made all the salaries equal.

Mr. CONN'S motion, without tbo addition proposedby Aid. Redmond, was here put and passed.

Aid. REDMOND thon moved that the letter from thoLocal Govornmont Board should bo printed, and oir-oulatcd amongst tho guardians. This lotter was notbefore the committeo, and tboy sbculd tako care, ifthey did not aot very carefully, that the GovernmentBoard might not rofaso them the half of tho expenses(hear, hear). It waa boat to givo the fnllost circula-tion to everything bearing upon tha question, andwhy shonld they scok to suppress any dooument fMr. CONN : We aro not suppressing anything. I pro-tost against the word "supproBs." Aid. BEDMOND :Ton are suppressing it when you do not circalate itI now movo that the lottor be printed and circulated.

Aid. J ACOR (Sir ROBERT PAUL, now occupying thochair)—I object to that propositioD,bocauso tho Bond-ing out of tho letter might give riso to undueexpectations, that wo are about to give an incroasoof ono-third, and that oourso I am suro tho board isnot disposed to tako,

Dr. MAC K ESY—I beg to second the motion of Aid.Redmond, because I regard tbo p reposition as a j ustono (hear, hear).

Mr. CONX— I riao to protest against it. Wo aro notbound to publish letters from tho Government Board ;such a thing is without precedent, and I am surowo will not givo any increase liko what is mentioned,aa tho maximum in that lottor. It has not bocngiven anywhere.

Aid. K EDM OND —I bog your pardon, it has beengiven elsewhere. Capt. POWER : It has been givenin unions whero tho salaries were already small.

lion. Mr. FORTESCUE—I confess I do not see anyreasou why we should not agree to tho motion. Ithiok tbo lotter ought to bo placed i*2 tho hands ofthe guardians, and I do not so any ground ofobjection to onr doing so (hear, hear) .

Dr. MACKXSY—It is quito clear from tho lotter thattho Local Government Board do not consider an in-creaao of ode-fonrt'i too much to givo lor tho per-formance of thoso duties (hear, hear).

Sir R. PAUL (Chairman)—I object to sending outtho lotter attached to our report, scorning as if wopanctioned anything but what the corumittco has putforward . Aid. REDMOND : I havo no objection to itsbeing sent out separately. Tho CHAIUUAN put Aid.Redmond's motion, and declared tho " noes " in thomajority. Tho mover called for a poll , whoa thevoting was as follows:

For—Fortescuo, Redmond , Leomy, Mackesy— i.Agaist —Jacob, Power, D.V.C., Carow, N.A. Powor,

Armstrong, Conn, Quinn, Condell, O'Shea, Vealo,Barry, Ually—12.

Deciincc'.-'Olampett—1.Tho motion was declared lost. Tho othor gnardianB

named wero not prosont at tho voting.Mr. O'SH E A ibeo tried to haro passed a resolution

upon tho paragraphs which ho referred to in tho re-port of tbo committee, but was mot by

Aid. REDMOND submitting, on a point of order, thathaving formally passed a motion postponing tho ou-tiro of tho report, thoy oould not now, in fivo min-utC9 afterwards, pass a resolution npon portions ofit. This view mot tho acquiescence of tho Chairmanand of tho board generally, but it was finally agreedto, upon tho suggestion of Dr. SCOTT, to ask tho L. G.Board who wero tho prrtios to pay tho increasedsalaries of tho doctors, Aid. ST. G. FKEKMAN observ-ing that thcro could bo no doubt about the cost in thourban district falling upon tho borough fund, rid intho rural districts upon the rates. Tbo board brokoup FOOU afterwards.

SIATI: or tui: HotSE. —Htmainin K on Saturday, Oct. 3,810 ; atlmiltsil .52 ; born, 1 ; diseharvetl, 31 ; ilieil .O ; rr-inainingiu the bouso Oct. 10, Nil ; inure than this day 12 months, 1G;able-bodied mules, 4 ; tlitto, feinalcn, 4 ; infirmary, 'A '.l j feverhospiuil , \H j provisions received, £2SJ IGa. L'd. ; consumed,£134 l:tg. 7il, ; nTtTngu co*t of an inmate, 2s. Hid ; infir-mary do., "¦-. 4<1. ; fever hospital Jo., Gs CO.; (liniofr hall,2a. 4d ;IVo. on out-relief , 1,1 8; • ost, £11 Ga. 10d.; do. Ia6t year,1,120; coat. £ tills. S.

COLLECTED. UXCOLLtCTIDPitKtcrnld...iin I t 4 ... JKJ .MO la 3Oib^on 3 ( 1 1 1 8 ... 1,200 13 3Hally 210 8 5 ... f-JG 10 8l'owcr 175 II 0 ... 1,-iM 7 7Uarron 200 1J 9 ... 2.175 12 2

tlLKJ8 13 2 ... £9,003 4 11Balance against, £1,723 7a. Od.

MICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS.His Worship tho Chairman, Georgo WaterB, Esq.,

Q.C., opened court on Tuesday morning, preparatoryto going into tho business of tho Quarter Sessions,for tho revision of tho parliamentary voters' andjurors' lists for tho rural ?nd urban portions of theWatorford sessions' division. In tho County Court,tho Chairman was assisted by W. J. Dcnnehy, Esq.,Clerk of tho Peace, Messrs. J. Mackey, clerk of thisunion ; J. Mullins , Carrick-on-Suir j W. Hunt, Kilmac-thotnas, with McsBrs. T. Power, M. Barron, and J.Daily, collectors. Thero was nothing of any momentiu the proceedings ; somo parties wero removed fromthe jurors' list, boing over age, and aomo double on-tries upon tho other made right, and nothing origina-ting a discussion. In the* city, tho Chairman wasaided by J. W. Howard, Esq., Town Clerk , K. Cooke,Esq., Clerk of tho Pcaco, with Messrs. J. Mackcy,clerk of tho union, Fitzgerald and Gibson , collectors,aud Mr. J. Eonnessy, T.C., in tho Liberal interest asto tho parliamentary voters. Tho procecdingH herewero of a mere routine character, tho onlv varietyafforded being an application by the chief of the Kx-cbange-strcet journal asking to bo changr j on tbolist from " proprietor" to that of " printer," and thislast of tho chameleon journalistic tint was put on.His Worship open 1 tho county civil business nt twoo'clock, and went through tho undefended processesup to half-past four, when ho adjourned.

WEDNESDAY.The court nat at ten tbiB morning, and resumed the.

CIVIL JILSI.VESS.Brown v. Morton and Dmyer.—This was a suit by

Mr. ThomaB Brown , marine-dealer, Ncw-Htroet ,againstMrs. Bridget Uorton and John Di\ycr ,Stcphon.istreut,to recover iil'J, amount of alleged damage- sustainedby reason of offennivo scwago flowing from Mrs.llnrton'n premises, through Dwyer 's, into his yard.Mr. Howard for plaintiff ; Mr. Strango for defendant.

Plaintiff doposetl that Mrs. llorton's premises werothe highest of tho throe, and this euweraga camodirect from Romo cottages which wero built by hernext to his premises ; ho mado several compluint3 toMrs. Uorion, but to no purpose ; ho suflorcd more in.jury from this nuisance than £10 from each of thodefendants , but bo brought this suit upon publicgrounds, for ho found that no place in Watorford wasproperly kept. On cross-oiaminatiou by Mr. Strange,Mr. Brown stated that those cottages wero bnilt overtwenty years ; Binco thon ho had lowered hia pre-mises somo tbroo or four feet; ho had no complaintto make of this nnieance until ho had lowered thopremises. To Court : This is a buck (auo whero thosohouses Rtund.

Chairman^-Mr. Howard, how can you Bustaiu thisaction ngainBt Mrs. Hortou ?

Mr. liowaid—As tho landlord of tho premises.Chairman-—Xo. If there in any duty between Mrs.

Hortoti and Browne with respect lo this nuisance,which shu hue not discharged , that would bu a diffe-rent thing, but I do not seo how uny action can bosustained iu thu ubuenco of such proof.

Mr. Howa rd—Tbo Sanitary Act gives powor, I sub-mit your worshi p.

Chairman—Tho Sanitary Act imposes penaltiesupou a party himself for allowing a nuisance to oiistupon bis promisos ; but it does not givo uuy right toau individual to bring an action ugainst any suchparty . If Mr. Browne takes tho propor courso hocan put a btop to this nuimucc, which is cortninly nvery bad ono. 1 thiuk 1 must dismiss the couoagainst Mm. Uorton.

Tho process was dismissed upou tho merits ugainstMrs. Horton, and, by consent , wiled agaiust Dwyerupon tho eaino ground uf non-liability.

Coff eij v. Vojf vy.—This was a process for £10 foralleged breach of agreement. Tho parties live atGlendoloug heii.ueur Clouinol ,and plain tiff alleged thatdefendant , Janien Coll'ey, her nun, refused lo fulfi l anagreement by which , upon his marriage, ho under-took to givo her JKld , u cow, half an ucro of land , andto maintain bor, sho giving him up the farm. Plain-tilf , a very old woman, lor a long limo persisted intolling her story iu irish, but her younger son, statiugshe uuderstood Knglisb , tho Cliuhinnu insisted uponhaving English evidence, and plaintiff gavo iu. Shuswore that ho (dofonduuU agreed to givu her n cow ,and a half acre, but be did noi givo her either. Heagreed to pay her £10, but K IIO onl y got £U out ofthat amount. Ho did not either give her proper food.Tbo defencu di:post:d to by James ColToy was, that bowas ready to givo his mother the bnlauco of tbo £10due, but ho never promised her a cow; us to thu diethuulwaya gavo bur tho sumo us what he UBcd himself.Tho case Wua extremely cloudy, and ended iu thoChairman giving u decree for £7, balance- of thu £10,and £2 KJu, for the half aero, with £1 travelling ox-pensc-K for pluiutilf' t wittie.ises. Mr. .Sargent, li .Ij .,instructed by Mr. Vowcll , Clonmol , for plaintiff; Mr.llurke , B.L., instructed by Mr. T. JJolaudro, for du.fandaut.

It being now twulvo o'clock , W. J. Deuoohy, Kaq.,Clerk of tho Peace, impannullod tho following

(, 11AM) Jt.'KV .Mcsssru. Pt rKK WALL , Jiall yquiu , foreman ; Kit.

0. Peot , Pickardbtown ; Peter Quealy, liall ymaclodo ;Michae l lialier, Kuoi.-keen ; DavU Shanahau , WhiteH-town ; William Shannon , liullygunner; Richardllarron , Willinmslown ; John Cnrroll , Uisliopatowii ;Nicholas Ilally , Kilbarry ; Thomas Konnedy, Kil-cannouj Jumes Nugent, Ballinacurra ; David 1'erry ,Can iglong; Kduiond Hockuli , Whituntown j DavidWalsh, Purkbeg ; TuumiiH Barron, Kuockeon j DuvidCusoy , Hall ydulT ; .Michael Uouly, Knockadurry ;¦llicliuol Fiugoruld, Bally vollicou ; OarroC Uartry,

Kilbarry ; Thomas Rockott, Killovren j EbenezerLodge, Ballvmacaiv.

His Worship briefly charged tho :;rand jury, in-forming them thoy had but two bills to go boforothorn, and they wore both for potty Jaroeny, not ro.quiring any direotion from him. Addrossing Mr.Porry, one of tho grand jury, a gentleman who, if bigown statement is correct, is over sixty, but oertainlyon tho brillian t side- of it, said he hid received hislotter stating he was over sixty, ths period of ex-emption as a juror, bat ho (chairman) regretted tosay ho could not now afford him any relief as tholists wero revised by him tho day bofo::o. Mr. Porrystated ho was over sixty ; looking at him cow ho(chairman) felt it would bo a difficult thing to makosomo young lodios credit such a statomont (laugbtor),but if ho (Mr. P.) would oommunicato with the olerkof tho nnion, Mr. Mackoy, who mado out the, lists, howas quite saro he would not return again, and,in tho meantimo, bo would not find it vory difficultto act occasionally for a few months as a juror.

Tho grand jury retired and disposed, of thoir bnsi-noss in a short time, when thoy wore discharged.

In the meantime tbo following nagistratos satwith his «•• r;bip:—Sir R. J. Paul, Bart., Capt. Arm-strong, Messrs. C. RogorB, E. Power, G. I. Goold,R.M., F. Malcomson, James Powor, E. Roborta, nndCapt. Slacko, E.M., Carrick.on.Su-'r.

LICENSES.Thoro wore bnt thrco applications for 3pirit licenses.

Tho first did not appear, and the Beoond was JamesGalvau, Mothill, whr> aBked a transfer from tho nameof his decoased brother, as trustee for tho (hroochildren of tho said deceased.

Mr. J. W. Howard, solr., appeared to seo to thointerest of tho children, and tho transfer waa granted,tho license to be retained for tho bencGt of the or-phans.

Andrew Hurloy, Drominn, frequently beforo thocourt as an applicant, sought a general liconso, hoholding a beer liconso for somo years back, and howns rofusod, tbe statutory notice in a nowspapor notforthcoming,

CRIMINAL HUSINESS.Hicliacl Koaliny ploadod guilty to having stolon n

donkoy at Portlaw, tho property of a man namedGrndy, and was sentenced to six months' imprison-ment.

ilary Kinncall y, n. woman with very illegal untoco-donts, pleaded guilty to stealing a blanket at Carrick-beg, and was sontonoed to twelvo months' imprison-ment at hard labor. Tho petty jury woio disohargodwithout entoring tho box.

AITEAL.John and William Power, II. feoy/ian, J. Holly, J.

Hunt , J. Q'Brie tx , and W. Ryan, appellants ; Waterfordand Tramorc Railway Company, respo:\dents.—Thisnas an appeal against a ruling by tho magistrates atTramoro petty sessions, imposing penalties of £5 and£3 upon appellants, according to tho nature of thoevidenco against each, for riot, assault, and obstruc-tion upon tho Tramoro torminus, on the; evenings ofSunday and Monday,: Jaly 26 and 27. Mr. Strangoappeared for appellants ; Mr. Thornton, ia tho absoncoof Mr. J. Atnbroso, for lospondonts. Respondents,who woro plaintiffs bclow,oponci tho case by produc-ing Thomas Foley, who deposed, throng! Mr. Thorn,ton—Was on duty ia uniform on that da j ; was stand-ing at tho door to kcop quietness ; I ordered tolet in decent, rcsp :tablo pcoplo who bad not tickots;four othor mon wero with mo; wo woro nil in uni-form ; there was a rush of people, and i! was pushedin on tho platform. To tbo Chairman : It was beforotho leaving of the train. To Mr. Thornton : I cannotswear to any of tho men ; I cannot identify nuy ofthem. What happened on Monday ? Mr. Strangoobjected to any ovidenco as to tho Monday, us thorowas not a soparato summons.

Tho Chairman said Mr. E. Power would not act aaho was a railway diroctor, and as tho othor magis.tratcs, Mr. Rogors and Mr. Goold, had a roady acted ,thoy would not tako part, and he was acting nlono.

Mr. Strango contended that tho prosecution shouldshow that it was legal to put two offences into onoBummons. Tho law nnthoritiVi had directed thoClorks of tho Pcaco not to includo two olfenccs in onoBummons. Tho Chairmac asked tho witjioss whethertho premises wero cleare d out and leaked up for tb-3night ? Thoy woro cleared out and locked up. ThoChairman ruled that it was not a continuing offcuco ;thoy wero two severa l acts on two separato transac-tions, and should bo put into two scpar.ito fiummon-Bes. Ho thcreforo would re<juiro Mr. Thornton tocloct on which ho should go. Mr. Thornton electedto go on for Monday , Witness then said four menIlally, Uayden, Ut'ut, and O'Brien, camo up ; toldthem it waa not their placo to go in; thoy forcedthoir way in; after tboy went in no otb 3r men camein; did not eco thorn on tho platform. To tho Chair,man : All I say is, thnt they forced their way in;that was at oigbt o'clock ; thoy camo for tho half-postnino train. To Mr. Strango : I stopped, others, butthoy went in j I didn't summons any c-f thorn. Totbo Chairman : I did not eoo auy disorderly conducton tbo platform that night.

John Bcrgm oxamined by Mr. Thornton—Was nlsoon Iho door; John Byruo asked them for tickots ;thoy bad nono ; thoy pushed their waj' in. To theChairman : They did not raiso thoir hnndn; told tbomto koep qniot. To Mr. Thornton: Did not hoar thorncheer for Homo Kulo. To tho Cburrnai: Tho lourmen wero on tho ono door; the other door was closed.

Joseph Magairo examined—Wes on ;ho platformon Monday night, and saw Hunt, Ilally, nud Brion.Tho Chairman said ho would tako cvitfoniio as to whatbad taken placo on Sunday night lo show tbe inten-tion of tho parties. Witness : Ono of tho partiesshook bands with mo on tho platform on account of n,former row; tho Powers struck mo after tho trainwent ; wout ti put out Powor, and tho Cvo or sixtangled in mo; a cruah camo and shovod in all tbupcoplo from tho door j ono of them shook: hands withmo, aud said, ' ho hoped I bad no aniiaosity ;' sawHunt, Uayden, Ually, and Brieu burst in; did nottell them to go; did not soo thorn on tho platform ;they woro walking up and down. To llr. Strnugo :Thoro was a band thore, and they woro playing jPowor was blowing on ono of tho instruments ; toldhim not to make a uoisc ; did uot heai; of any onecomplaining them. To tho Chairman : Wo often letthem in before.

Michael Ryan deposed—Wns on duty on Sunday ;saw William Power, John Power, Uaydou , andKcoghan, at fivo o'clock ; saw John iUaguiro andthoBO fuur meu fighting ; told them to louvo it . uatho SJ.20 train wns coming iu; hoard a uoiso on thoplatform, but I had go to tho points ; when I camoback I saw nothiug ; on Monduy eveoing I sawUally, Uayden, Hunt , and O'Hrion , on llje platform ;thoy wero wuro walking up und down ; thoy weroshouting for Homo Rulo; asked them to leave, andthey said they had as much right to bo thoro u.i unyouo elso ; did not dosiro them to leave ; Mr. Hua didso; thoy conducted thomHolvos quiotlv ; Mr. IkaBajd for them to keep thcmsolvcs quiot, or ho shouldget them put out. To Mr. Strango s A;iiguiro andPower wero tang led ; I told Maguiro net to make arow. Mr. Kca {.reduced a noticu forbidding nu entryon tho plulform to ihoso uot having ticktits. To thoChairman : These rauu wero thero ol'leu beforo.Witness : Mr. Rca hurried down tho platform; sawJIull y, Hunt , Uuydon, aud O'Brien, on tho platform ;thinks they wero shouting ; thero were over a huti .dred peoplo on the platform ; askud thorn to boquiet , and advised them to leavo ; they said thoy hadas much right to bo thero as any ono; thoywalked up and down tho plotform, followed by thojuvonilos. To Mr. Strango : I think 1 licard thornshouting; I beard Ilally shouting ; also Uayden andUuut ; gavo thorn advico ; thoy said thuy had asgood u right to bo thero an unyoiio elno.

Mr. btruugo intimiited ho would call no witness. IloBuid bo thought ilium was imported into tho casobelow it good dual of feeling which wai now diu.ui putod. Thu plulform had been thrown open for sipluco of resort , nud it was culculutod to fuiso a pro.judico when four or fi?o porno!]* wero selected whohad thought they had a right lo ho ihoro. Ho urgodthut thero wan nu rvunun to hold they woro tres-passers, and ihero WH .I neit liur .ili .itrucliou of thurailway ofliciuln c.r t<y..|<p:u>K. Mr. Hua o;ily advisedtbom to go, and thoy K:IIII thuy had an much right tobo thero us any onu H I M-. H O did not order thorn out,but udviuud Lhuin to go.

Tho Clmirmau dulivurod judgment. Ilo consideredthoro was no obstruction of iho railway ollicials, butthat tho refusal to loaru, ivliou advised ID do so byJlr. Hea, was u trespass. As ho considered theru waano cviduncu against Wm. and John IWer nnk It.Keoghuu, ho would ruiluco tho penalties an follows :llully, Hunt , O'lSrieu , and Ryan , to 5.i. e;n:li.

The court rose in letter C at fivo o'clock.YKB TKHDAY.

Tho Chairman sal ill ten o'clock this morning audcontinued I I I K C I V I L nfsi.VEss.

Thu processes iu tbo Intturs from C. to II . woro notof any magnitude, and wore of but nligl t, iatoreslexcept to the parties immediately concerned. Intetter U thu following wero heard :

I l ickey v 7f yau.—This was a suit by Mr. Jumi-slliukuy, lirown-strcet , Carlow, for £:iTi, ngmnst Mr.J. T. ltyau , T.C., the eminent builder , Wniwford midliimerick , remitted from tho court above , alleged dueupon a supply of brick lo tho Carlow nsy luiii , nt whichiustilutiou defendant had a contract in the past year.Mr. Straugo for pluimilf ; Mr. J. W. Howard for du-fendaut, Tho c:inu was principall y one t ,l proof ofdelivery of tho bricks, with the paymunti made uponthem, pluinliirs contention being that ho supplied -Its.UI2 brick , at. Tin. a thousand, amounting with hire ofcura for delivery, ic. to £70, out of which amount hoacknowledged receiving £&1 17s., and ho now suedfor £25, portico of tho balance remaining duo. Du-fetidaut'd case waa that tho bricks were , by verbalagreement , in presenco of his foreman, to bit nupp lietlnl 20*. n 1O0O ; they wero so delivered up to n dittoin May, when plaiutiff, socing tho defendant pressedfor tho bricks raise! tho prico from 2()s. to li.'ls. per1000. Defendant alleged bin accounts showed , ai.dho produced recei pts from phintifl * proving tho nllo-gat ion, that he paid him, on tho (l ay of tho agreement,£3, thut ho paid him u sum of £ I'J, and unothcr sumof £1, for which amounts plaintiff had not gi?>m himany credit ; that ho wu» entitled to deduct £L 10s.dilfureuio in the prico of the kind of brick supp lied ;th*t hu paid for tho carringo of tho briel: Irnm thoplaintiU ' a yurd to tho asy lum, u work whi!;h Hickoyshould huvu douu by stipulation. jt'O odd, and that bo

oharged, or deducted 22s. for bad briok, which ho thoy ihonld go on with tbe works or abandon them,(defendant) conld not receive, because of its rery j nnd saorifico the money they had already expendedbad qoality | in fact, instead of defendant owing the, npon it. Tho analysis of Dr. Cameron showed themplaintiff anything, plaintiff was indebtod to him in: that thoy had bnt one pump in tho city giving good,the Bam of £6 4a. 6d. Defendant prodnoed his over- pare, water, whilst a first rate supply could b» had atseer, Mr. W. Stanners, who proved delivery of briok', Knockaderry (hear, hoar) . It was a great pity tothe oartage of it at hU employer's expense, the re- sio tho poor people goiug about nsking for enniljeotion of the bad briok, &o., all of which items ho water—[Aid. MANNING : And can't got it.]—andean tshowed by entries in his book. The recoipts for the get it. If his worship would call another meeting£19 and. £4 wore handed down by tho Chairman ; to they could thon decile whether they would contiuneMr. Strange, whose client admitted them, and on the to bo poisoned, as they aro at present (hoar, hear,whole hearing bis worship w :' i' ~*" "'¦••"¦ 'hutplaintiff waa under & vory gu ¦¦and it waB equally plain that d«i.. .i .i •bis olaim to the amoants he 8ooght,aod tnu LO* . L~ Jentire would very mnoh ont-woigh tho claim broughtby plaintiff. Ho shonld dismiss the proceBS.and uponthe merits.

Harding v. ileeltan.—This was a proooss by a Mr.John Harding, lodging at prosont nt Thomns's-hill ,against Mr. James Moohan, grocer, 4c., King-stroet,for £19, damages from an alleged assanlt. Mr. Dc-landro for plaintiff j Mr. T. P. Strange for dofondant.Plaintiff, with a strong Cork oocent, deposed that up-on tho evening of tho 2nd September be was passingdown King-street, when Mr. Meohan ran across tohim, nnd struck him several times upon tho bead ;tho defendant had a .stiok in his hand at tho timo butbe did not hit him with it; gavo him no provocationwhatever. Cross-exnmined by Mr. Strango : Was notturned out of my lodgings daring tho past month ;lodges now st Thomns's-hill ; knew Mr. Meehan be-foro ; was in company with somo boys whon this as-sault took place ; they wero young Hennossy, andyoung Maguire ; all ho said to defendant when howas assaulting him was, " Mr. Meehan, what is thomatter ) " This occurred near tho Savings' Bank.Master John Hennossy doposod tbat upou tho eveningin quostion , ho wan in King-Btrout , and saw Mr.Meehan following somo porsons with a stick ; Mr.Harding wout over to him, and said, " Mr. Moehan ,koop quiot" ; Mr. Meehan's answer way, " keop outfrom me" ; Harding did not koop out, and Meohanthon struck him.

Mr. James Meohan, doposod ho know plaintiff fortho past two years ; he had frequently to turn himout of his ahop ; on this evening two bad characters,were leaning against his shop window, talking, an dwhat they said could bo heard insido; ho went ou *.to roraovo them, which ho Bucccedcdin doing withouta policoman, as bo could not soo ono, but not withoutthose women abusing him and calling him names ;as they did so Harding cumo over to him, and saidthey had as gcod a right to bo thoro as ho bad ;defendant told him to go about his business, that howanted to havo nothing to say to him ; dofendantnevor laid a finger upon tho man ; that little (Hen-nossy) waa not present at tho timo. In reply to thoohairman, Master Honncssy repeated his testimony,and in answer to Mr. Strango, said it was with hisopen hand ho mado tho blow at Harding, and hocould not say if he struck him. Tho Chairman saidthero was no doubt an assault was committed, but itwas of a trivial charactor ; thcro was no injury donotho plaintiff, and ho thought tho justieo of t'io casowould bo sufficiently met by giving a decree for halfa crown, with costs. The amount created muchmirth, and Ibo court adiouruod soon afterwards.

CITY COURT—Tuis DAY.Tho Chairmau oponcd tho City Court this morning

at ton o'clock. His Worship tho Mayor (Aid. W. K.Coratniua) iu his robos, wearing tho Urbs Intactachain, attendod by Mr. Mahony, high constable ; Mr.Thomas, sword-bearer, and Mr. Jamos Mahony, jun.,sat with tho Chairman, with tho following magis-trates :—Mr. John Slattory, Aid. T. W. Jacob, Aid.St. G. Freuman, Mr. P. D. Wnlsh, Capt. W. Johnson,Capt. P. P. Brcuau, Dr. J. F. Scott, Aid. Roid, Aid.P. A. Power, Mr. U. Denny, Mr. T. B. Prosaor.

oiiAND Junr.Tho graud jury panel took two callings, tho sccon d

time on a finu of £5. Tho following, suppliod by P.F. Caurahnu, Esq., Sub-sheriff, wero thon impannollcdby John Wall , Esq., Acting Clork of tho Peace:—

J AMKS 0. Cox, tho Mall , foreman ; Georgo Deacon,Queon-strcot ; Robert A. Kgon, Barronstrand-.ilrcet ;John Kelly, liakohoiiso.lnuo ; Patrick Lalor, Patrick-strcot ; Walter A. O'Donuoll , tho l^uuy; JamesMoslcy, tlo. ; James Powor, Barronstrand-strcut;Thomus Quinn , tho Quay ; Aluxnudcr Thompson,Fruncis-streut; Thomas Bowo, tho Glen ; JamesDohcrty, liridgc.strcot ; Loughhn Freeman, Kcyzer 'H-Btrcot; Benjamin Graham, thu Quay ; David Kent ,Gcorgo's-strcot; Robert Locke, the Quay ; RichardMurp hy, do.; Luurenco A. Ryan , Queen-street ;Joseph K. Tobiu , tho Qvay ; Uenry Boll , do.; SamuelHarris, Qucou-titruet; Jonathan Riohardaou , Ulen ;Goorgo Wal polo, tho Quay .

TIIK M ARKET J UKI .—Tho first twolvo of tho foro-going wero impanuollcd on tho morkot jnry.

The Chairman briefly addrossed tho grand jury,and congratulated them on having but three- bills togo boforo them.

Thoro woro uino applications of Iiccnsos disposedof; tho following wero grantod for six days:—JosephFitzpatriok , Ferry bank ;' Catherine Hopkins , Bar-rack-strcut , transfer from Ellen Stacy ; John Kent ,transfer from Cuthcrino Dowling, IU William.street ;Sarah Iiobinson, transfer of namo from that of horlate husband " Irish-House" Patrick.street, ; W. M.Runciman, Mall (late W. Mason) , and Messrs Stra in;-man, wiuo , tho Mall , both to closo at 10 o'clock.

CRIMINAL 1IUSINE3S.S T E A L I X O .—Jama l'helan wos found guilty of

stealing a sovcroign, tho property of M. Ooidauich ,and was sentenced to ono mouth.

FHALU .—John L. Hickoy, aii'as Capt. Blake ,pleaded guilty to^obtain 'ag a suit of clothes from Mr.Thomas JIcKonnu, clothier , Parado Quay. Prisonerasked that iho fact of bin having sulferrud nlru'idy alengbtcned imprisonment in Cork would bo tnkuninto account in tho passing of Bontenco. His Wor-ship took into account that ho wout throug h nycar'riimprisonmont for a similar olfenoo, also that ho wasnino weeks in jail hore,aud now sentenced him to ouomonth ut hard labour.

I.NDECKNT ASSAULT.—John Chccvors, an old nhoc-maker, living iu Whcolbarrow-lane, was found guiltyof au indecout assault upou tho 15th of last August,npon a littlo girl named Cathorinc Lnni gan, agedabout ton, nnd was Boiituuccd to six caloud&r monthsat bard labor. Tho business hero ended,

THE CORPORATION.A special meeting of this body wns held yesterday,

lo concludo tho business left over from tho Council ontho previous Thursday. Owiug to tho pelty Hussionstaking placo at thu samo timo, iho City QuarterSessions opening to day, tho Mayor wai uuablo toattend beforo half-past twelve. At thai hour thechair was tukeu by Hid Woitrti tii', and tberu wcrunlso present:—

Alil'Tim-ui : W. JoliUMjn , J.I' ., C , ]'. A. JV.w. -r ,.U\, 1'. Utinulliir , St. (1. I'°n:»uiun , J .I" ., It. i'-nv. r, T. W.Jiicuti , J.I'. Coiinrillur.- : T. I'nroJI, -M. (/.M.-.-ir.i, J 1. H,,li-,n (J . Ili uinc^y, .1. Fi sht-r, O. Wultml*, II . Uv. I I . CaUwi-y, J .I ' ,1\ II iK key, M. J. O>x , K. Fielili iis, J . O 'Kullly, J. (:i;iui|».-tl ,D. K'-«n,'!i, J - T . Kyitu , It. W. Ch.rrry, fiolr., I.. ; I-LI-IIL- III, wltiiMr, ltyjin , superitituu.l< --ut of wurk«, mul Mr. K. S. Ki'iintw ,major's fwntiry. Mr. J. Mull-illy, Dt-pul.' Tnwn i:|. r'k , in thu ausciu-u of thu Towu Clerk , J . U'. ifmrar.J , K-'i-

Tilt WATER WORKS.A report was read from iho Watur Works' com.

mitteo, to tho effect that tho supp ly of Kuocka.lenyhaving beun reported ou favorably by Dr. Cameron ,tho council obtain the money and proceed with iheworku at once.

Mr. PfHCKLL—I will movo that that report bu re-coived and adopted.

Mr. H KXNKSSV —I am opposed to that course.Aid. M A N N I M : iurju ircd if theru was utty action

takou , or to bo taUen upou .Mr. Turraut's report , andthu M A Y O R replietl that tho wholo question was nowbeforo them ?

Aid. K KIIMUNU said that even if Mr. Tunant's planworo carried out , it would not tlo away wilh thepresent pumps and conduit supplius, which werepronoauccd by Dr. Camerou as so impure (hear,hear). Moroover, Mr. lluwkaloy had said tbat purnwater could not bo had from laud near WaictTord,which is so highly inuuurod with thu filth of thoyards aud privies of tho city (hear, hoar). If theyget thu mouuy from govorumout ut yj per cunt, thoyshould ut ouco go ou with tho right works, or givothorn up altogether (hear, hear) .

Aid. P. A. POWER —Wo will not, of course, tako tholoan unless wo got tho inonuy in I1J por ceut.

M AVOR —That is my idea, certainly.Mr. PUHCKLL —Wti uro all ngrued npon that ques-

tion.Mr. FISHER Kiid as this report hud como upou

them for tbe liidt time, ho would suggest thai il bureceived now , and connidurcd ut a future council.

M AYOR —Acling under tho instruction of tho coun-cil 1 wrote to tho Treasury as to thu borrowing of themoney at Ui per cunt., but I then found that thoLocul Goveinmout Hoard was tho body to whom Ishould huvo applied. 1 did HO, mid received n replyfrom thu Local Government Board , asking that wowould forward to them iho corre.Hpoudenco whichhail passed between the Watur Works' Committee andthe Hoard of Works on this subject ; also asking ifany portion ol' thu works bad been constructed, andinquiring what inonuy would bu required lo be bor.rowod under iho Public Health Act? By that actyou cau obtain iho money at ',i \ per cent., upon tin:security of tho works, uutl you need not mortgngoany portion of your property for tlio requisite BH.curity (bear, hear) .

Mr. FI S I I K K —Our dilllculty is that our WaterWorks' Act is not a sanitary act. Wo nro tuking pow-cm iu our Improvement Bill to mako it BO, nnd untilllicn wo vanuot put it into action. 1 do think it isbelter to adjourn our disuuidiou oil this report.

M A Y O R —1 ngruu with you us to the postponement ,and I thiuk tins letter from tho Local Govornmtiii tBourd is another ruaaou why wo should postpotio it.

Captain J OH .NBOM said liu would bo inclined to se-cond Mr. J'urccH' H motiou. Constituted us tliopresent council wus , ho tlid not think they could doany moro than receivo tho report. From tho letterjust read it would pecm that Ihoy would bo in n kiudof a bitch with thu Locul Government lioartl hiulihoy bad uny portion of tho works now constructed,but ns thuy had not done so, it seemed lo him thattho Local Government Bourd wns disposed lo grantthem thu money ut Hi por cent. If Mr. Purcell wouldmovn that iho repurl bu recoivud they could discussit at u futuro council, nud tbou dutvrm:uo whether

and laughter), or procure a pure supply as soon as•vjSBible. He would desire to say that ho mot Mr.

• -rant tho other day, and, speaking to him on thesabjeot, ho told him ho was called on to furnish areport, »nd ho had mado it, but ho by no meansrecommended it, adding that if tbu pcoplo of Water-ford wanted a supply of good water they should goat onco to Knockodorry (hear, hear) .

Mr. GALLWEY Baid bo would be for inquiring ofthe Local Government Board if the monuy cou d bohad at 3fr per cent, und that question ho would askin tho first iustauce. If thoy oould got tbo money atthat rate ho would go in for the largo Rchome (hear).

Mr. PURCELL cbungud his moti m to reoeiving theroport and seconded by Capt . JOHN-SON, it paBSed intbat shape. W I D E STREETS.

Tho next business waB a motion, ia tho Mayor'sname,upou tho notico paper, " to consider the advisa-bility of widening tho eastorn ond of High.street,and appoint a wido street commission therefor."

His WORSHIP, explaining this proposition, said hohad received a communication fro m Mr. Harty, onoof tho agents of tho housos involved in tho intendedimprovement, showing ho was disposod to noil th-jinterest ho represented npon reasonable torms. Thoothor poraons concerned rol'usod to soil , nnd worogoing on with building ; that was tho reason why ho(Mayor) drew tho attention of the Council to thomatter in order to havo action taken boforo iccreasedvaluo would bo put upon this properly.

Mr. PURCELL Baid that no ono could prevent tboowners thoro building if thoy thoug ht proper to doso (hoar, hoar) .

MAVOR —Aud that is tho reason wh y I havo putthis motion upon tho paper.

Mr. FISHER Baid ho wus going to movo for a widostreet commission, and ho would proposo that theoperation of tho motion shonld extent to Poter-streot.

Capt. JoiiNSO.Nsaid ho felt disposed to second thomotion, becauso ho felt that the work would bo ofgreat advantage to tho public , ns, when done, itwould form a portion of tbo sito of tho marketswhich wero in contemplation. lo passing this motionho would suggest, as a moat important addition totho proposition , that notice bo sorved upon thoownors that, tbo corporation intended taking thiscourse of action.

Mr. HENNESSY —You do not fix any particular timowhon you are to go on with this work ? MAI ou: No,wo do uot. Mr. U K.V .\::*SY : Wo havo resolved on ox-ponding £3000 for tho widening of Great Georgo's-st.,and that resolutiou iH remaining a dead lulti:r. Youaro now putting forward othor projects, au im-portant one ly ing over, and wo havo no means ofcarry ing out any of them.

M AYOR —As I havo said already, lam only drawingyour attention to tho matter to prevent increasedvaluo being put upon this property.

Aid. K KD .MOXD said ho was disposed to agreti withMr. Hi;iiniwsy . Ho objected to going into any oilierwork uf tho kind so long as tho widening of GreatGeorgo's-street , of so much public importance , re-mained undone They left that work without ;inymovo being mado in it, and now nai l to « dirty littlocorner, and all the time were without funds to carryon nuy of them. Il was a kind of deceiving the .'pub-lie for them to start a proposition which lu> fuaredthey had no intentio n of curry ing out.

Mr. II K N X K S S Y — I don't agie'i in thnl view. When Isen thu project t:i«en up by his Worshi p, aud sup-ported by Captain Johnson , I have no doubt of tliointoutioti to ean-7 it out. M.vvuK : Thank you , Mr.Ilonnes^y.

Mr. Pcm.'KU.— I know that Conk.lano ought to bocooked out i.f iho wm- at oucu (laug hter).

Capl. Jonxsn.v wiiifbi -'l 'iiu thuy would appoint thoWido-Streol CuiumisM iiii ho desired to slate that, voryconsiderable blaino attached to thu ui"inhi .'i-« «f ihoWide-Street Commission appointed for f i ie . i t Iit .-ur<;o'.istroot. Ouiof tho number appointed on dial com-mission it was necessary to hiivt: four or live pre.suntto form a quorum. During thu entiro linns thati:otn-mis^ion lasted it wns impossible to get a lull meeting,and the probability was that , owing to ih;il eause.tlioloan of the requisite money was not oblniualilu (hear,hear) . 11 was likel y that had they alienduil lo theduly thev would havu got ihe money from thu trea-sury . Ho was a member of thnt eommis.-iuu , andoften waited thcro :lcs»ly for a quorum.

M AYOR — 1 was a member of that committee- also,and I enn say wo never could get a full meeting.

Capt. J OHNSON —Xn ono should cousunt to sit uponthis commission who is not disposed to discharge theduties (hear, hear) .

The folllowing were then selected us thu Wide-Street Commission :—Mr. fisher, Captain Johnson ,Messrs. Wu'.pole , 1'iircjli , nod Ilenuessy.

MA YOR —A few words respecting thu Greul George's.Street Commission. About a week after 1 had ihohonor of being placed iu this chair, I put mysulf iucommunication wit h the treasury as to obtaining ihopower of borrowing this sum of £11,000. Thu answer1 received was that power wruhl be given on unrdepositing f,'";0-> it year un a .sinking fund , and thatrep lv 1 put bi.'foru llio Council . H was not my faultif the money was not obtained (hear , heat). Thatbeiug so no gontlemnn has a li ght to gi:t up hero amicharge deceiving whrn ihrro is no appearance what-ever of any such thing. Wo did not neglect to lookfor thu money, and we huvu sti l l hopes of obuiuiug it.

Aid. K K I I M O M I —I know , Mr. Mayor , that you didyour best in tbe matler (hear, hear) .

Tbo motion then passed.F I N A N C I A L .

Mr. FI S I I K U moved for a report of the specialcommittee upon thu finances of tho Corporation. Themover entered iuto a lengthened figurutivu st ate-ment in support , tho burthen of which dis.-turluliunseemed to bu tn show how impiovud u return of thofinances would look if prepared as hu suggested.

Tho M A Y O R said that n spocial commitieo waaextinct ; Aid. Jacob had refused to act upon it , audso had Mr. Fisher himself (hear, hear) .

Jlr . GALI .WK V —If anything liko a discrepancy canbo found iu any part of llio uccounts you haro only locall upon -Mr. Dulnhuuty, poiut it out , rind huvnit reciitied til unco (hear, hear) .

Tho M AY OR , speaking on tho subject, said that annrrangornuiii was mado with thu secretary of thullnrbur Hoard , wlien.-by tlio Waiur liuilil fa Feudworu lo be paid ever each momli to tho Boroug hT reasurer.dpi. .li) iis<c)N—That is vory satisfactory.Mr. C'l .AMi ' Kir argued in favor of having Llio report

uski:<l liwn llio (¦¦(I'.'i-ial cimiinitlee, aii .i a -anui apropo.siiiim uiKiit! thai lh« duly should bu sum to theFinaiicu Committee. Thill comuiiiteo hud alreadymo much tu do. In tho eoursu of his remarks, Mr.Ci.AMi'i - . rr complained thai Alderman Jacob wadprevented lasi duy sialing certain facts cuuuecU.'dwith their finances, whereupon

Tho MAYOR said ho was ihu guntlutiiau who hadstoppod Alderman Jucob, ami hu would full y slatuhis reason for doing so, n-grulting that AldermanJacob was not prosunt to hear his statement. At ihumeeting ol' ihu linuuco committee , Mr. Delahunlywas aske.l whut would hu ihuir prubuhlu outlay forthe current year , :md hu g:ivu what can only bocalloJ a rough usliai;iiu. Ho put down .C-IUU for lawcosts in '7^ ; sumu for '7;s >t '7 1, but tbosu tigurus didnot tally wilh wlml appeared upon thu fucu of ihuaccounts, uud they said to Mr. Delaliunty that thidthing would require explanation. Uu thai occasionAid. J ACOB was ihu very man who saitl llial ihosoestimates, nui buing touched , should not be broughtboforo iho Council , and, cousuqueiitly, tlio public(hear, hutir) . That was why ho interrupted Aid.Jacob. .

Aid. ST. G. FR K K M A N —Thoau estimatos of Mr. Du-laliunty 's wero uuly npproiiui.itu estimutos, nnd woronot to bu taken us correci (l:oir , heur). As to thomanlier in which thu Finance Cummittuu dues itsbusiness, 1 cau onl y say that every member is sincerelyanxious lo bavu unch sing le ilum beforo thuni fullynnd clearl y examiuud into, and ilo what thoy cuo for

tlio benefit, of tho Corporation (hear, huur).

Mr. HtNSE nsv—lustoa t l of n special comniillcu

eaving tho labor ol ihe !iii:incu comiiiilteu, il wi l l onlybe nu iiicuinbrancu, nnd a himliaiieu lo iliu tluing ol

tbo business of tlio Corporation (hear, ho:ir).

AM. l lKl iMuMi—T heru ia no duuljl thai ihu liiianc'i

committeu hiisagiuiil tlual of work , nud 1 would not

huvu any objection in guntluuiuii outside lukiug aomo

of il lo themselves , gi-ulluinuii wliu think they CIUI

Iiud what wu cannot di.-cuvt.-r , ;\ minu of wealth iu

ibo samu cominiltee.Mr. F I SHER moved ,soci:ided by -Mr. G'l . A M I K I T , that

the duty of lurni.ibiug lliis repoii bo imposed uprn

thu linunco coinmitl' .-f , tin: Jliiuii assuring ibc

mover that lliin body was luruing their attention ttillmt parliculur 1'iiiii liuii.

TIIK M.UO Il'S SALARY — IIIK 1 ItKAsL'HKlt.Stl l 1*.AM. K KI IMO NH naked lu have lu.i u.ticu upon thu

p:ip.-r Sitve d lit nuxl meeting, rescinding tho .reductionot ihu Muyur 'a salary from L'iiUU lo JL'^OO, sis hu wasbound to bu ul nil appointment by a cer'.aiu hour,aud as this di-ousaiou miulU occupy noinu time. Thoapplication wsis granted.

Mr. FI S I I K R then proposed that the borough trea-surer bo puid a salary iusicnd ol buiug paid by feud.Iu support ot his motion Mi- . I'lsiiER said thnt iuDublin iho treasurer was paid .CliOO uyear , but then ,Komulhiug like £4J ,0UU a year ptissud throug h Inshands ; Ihu rental of the WalerlorJ Corpor.moii was£1 t,OU0 a year, aud hu thought u salary or £300 aliberal ono to give to lheir tiensuicr.

.Mr. O'llKi'-i- if accondud ihu motion.Capt. J OHNSON — Mr. Mayor , us proprietors of a

largo and vnluablo properly, if wo want to have thatestute ndvautageouuly managed wo will pay properlyfor doing "o (hear, hear). This id n paliry anm tooffer for tloing thu busies* (hear, hear) . Look al uuya"ency through tho country, uud seu how tho agontsaro paid , not one of them rucuiviug lens than fivo percenl for tlio collection of thu rents ; and then com-paro ihu holdings on tboso ualulcs with somo of thosebuloDij iug to tho corporation, many of them wock ly

tenants at lid. (hear). 8eo all tho work Mr. Dela-hnnty must hnvo in collecting rents from suoh poorpeople, and otherwise lobkimj after oar property. Itis n sbabhy thing to offor him less than three per cent,for snoh a duty (warm cries cf hear, hear). If yourednco his salary, Mr. Delahnuty will not bo able togivo his entire time to this duty, nnd if you do yonwill certainly lose the valuable services of a, mostenergetic officer—aye , a man who, when you nadn ticyourselves, camo forward and advanced you £2,000to help you, as a corporation, out of your difficulties(hear, hear). I move, na un aruoudment, that thosalary of the treasurer romain as at prosont (cries of" meet it with a negative").

Aid. J ACOII —I would just liko to flay that, know-ing a good deal of the duties of tbe treasurer frombeing many years npon tho finance committoo, I donot think ho is overpaid at thrco per cent, upon hiBcollection (hoar, hoar).

Mr. R. W. CHERRY —I would just dosiro to say alsothat it is most injudicious economy to rodnce thosalary of snch an officer as oar treasurer (hear).

Mr. H ENNESSY — I ih'nk £500 a year would bolittle enough to givo our treasurer, and I believe itto bo most mi3orablo economy to corno down to £300a year (hear, hear). Why even at this momout thcroaro many skilled laborers making £300 a year, andare wo to jjivo our trea«urer no more (hear, hear) rIt is nothiug less than a miserable cheese-paringeconomy (warm applause).

Aid. R EDMOND — Wo havu tested Mr- Delahnuty forover a quarter of a century , and we havo never foundhim wanting (hear , hear). Surely then tliero is nogood reason for our making a chungo (hear, hear).When wo roquiro mousy Mr. Delaliunty .ilwayhonors onr cheques, and any ouo who will say thathroo per cont i9 too much for such a man know-vory littlo about it (near, hear) . If all that is want-ed ia to raako a piltrv a.itl an injudicious saving inmoney, tburu is no doubt, whatever , wu would findplenty of volunteers in Watorford liborr l enough totako tho ofJico for nothing, for tho more sake ofhandling tho money(bear, hear;nud hearty laujf luer) .I cannot Beo any reasou for tho motion, and I wil lmost strongly oppose it (hear, hear)

Mr. Cl.AMi'ETT argued in favor of a fixed salary ,andasked iu what merchant's ofrieo in town, wln:rnthousands of pounds were turner! in tho year, farmoro than was dono by tho Corporation, was thochief clerk paid £300.

Aid. P. A. POWER — If you give a fixed silary youwill onl y impede the energy ofynur tru isurer (I I -NU -).Tho more ho receives tho better will ho discharge llioduties (hear, hear) .

Aid. ST. G. FR K K M A N —To compare the position ofour treasuror with that of a managing cl» :i- k in :imerchant's office is simply absured (hear.hear) . Mr.Delabnnty is really tho agent to a largo csta'o, andis paid , as all such aro , by fees upon his collection ,but thero is this groat difference, that other landagents nro uniformly paid fivo per cent, upon theircollection , whilst the remun'.-iotion given to our ngentis only at tho rate of Ihrco per rent , a very smallscale indcod (hear, hear) . I quite 3grco with Aid.(P. A) Power that to givo a Used salary, and lint iismall one, would only impedo tho energy of ourtreasurer (hear; hear) . i

Aid. MAS*INI;—It is dun to Mr. Delahunty that allwho know him should say a few word s as to hi*ability and worth (hear, hmr). I know him thus"many years , aud I feel we could not havo a butteroffic-r ( , !t ln» hen n«t i t!tl . 'lofs lir- C'Vi : Imwlltil.- t imi ! ti . i i .- . l i i 'ii-i nl ' hi t nllit -v ? Tin' , I " , is

not Ihe rjii-sli' .ii l.ffor. : u * fh . -nr , i iparl . The iit i-siiim l« ,dot's he lu l l y ili-i-harsi! I If d u t i " »< i l l i i < nlficc, nn'l I s;iy, tun -

pliA 'tol'y, t i i it hi: 1I11.M 'In s >, heir) .Mr. K KOI ;II — ' V- s t l i- s I I I Q I I U I I , ami yon « i ll in f i r I •

ivnnl- l.juY'iiii.: th.: «f - i '«« "I th - c i ly ti - .-.ivir.-.- ( l i-- .tr . In 1 i r : ,

Ktf.luci' l h» ^alut y to fj.'l'XJ a yi-ar , ^. iiil , I -nv , >ir , t!i il •-vii t ' i i .

uv»r it - lul l p|.-a-c D.viii.: I'r'.vilc. C-: ^ ' i r i ' l ! M r . I •• •' ' !t '3!lt V

awiiv h'-'i- , yii will h:iv- T D"-k , »'ri liury, "¦" '.I t|'iilifl' :i! In .km_- I-.; ill- |.' "I vourt re . -urnr ( l i- i r , li.:trj . At llirpo ;.pr i;.:nt. tht: try 1-y .-rv <iu4l l , :.II <1 I -'— ir. r- -:ivm, wli.»:fVL -r, why ivo sh.j ill .1inalre it :mv I'tw .-r (I r , lit-arj.

.Mr. K l - i r K R r.-;.li-.l , mil .11 I I OMI ? «¦> . -fli 'l h o s t W th r r eMM- no 11 -H 111 hi* t>Ts verim-. .m iht: mil u- .ull b- lio.i ' f t i ,nml h.: '.VM U M 1: intent luin-fIf u i t h h- .irins th; quettion w lt i ithr- ini l . i i f . A' :i S'lb-pq'i.-ir. -ti i .'i'. Mr. F C- II I :K <-'i'l , •<<r. .lir»c , lii-. m"t ' :ll w-.ll!d _--i il '-m til' ! m't l 'l t '1-. hill til ' :dopu'v ' r'erli -ai'l nu, lh-» nil-- .-xi-lii.l-il inoti-ins brim:inirrt

'i-l ¦• jt- .-p l tlm-" im ivlii. -h Ih-rp -h:ill havr- bt- .-n a <1 I T I -

S OII . Th r. 111 mi , Mr. F I S I I K R i:.illr.l fur :t p»ll , and hi: It—iioun ^^ lul l.iw-: -

For-C..iuiii-" . Kii v l i i .R , i:. I'.m-er, l-'i-her , O'l!" i;-. — •'..A;ai, ,t t - Ch riy, « al |. .1-. 1'. A . l'..>v.-r . .1 . T. K.- .V, ,

K CI !»!I , I - . I'm 111.111 , Pu. t vll . C.n . M i i i - i i i : , IMmi i , l i- i l lw . -y ,

J-ir-t b. O'M.Mr.-i , Ma k.-y, i:...l ui'.iiii . H-mrH-i - . l. iv, (,'un-

lililK (M nor) , l.'.ipt . J .bus n, <t. (!. K-v. - .11:111 — -JO.Tin- uiiiti. 'ii «<- tliclirfl lost .FoKKln .v f i l tM.v . —We perciiivn that Messrs. R p'in-

ccr and Bon , hnvo received Il .iOD quart'.'M of ludiitncorn, from New York ; nnd Mnasrs. Colo and Pro.-wr2 ,1)01) qrs., wheat from same city.

OR.t A M K M A T I O N .Mr. K l i r t K S ninv.:il ib:il ;i unv of tre *-- , M'j i i lt r to llin-"1

on tho Tluunei Kinh.inkin. 'ii :. l-c |.l>nii:il .tl in; tbe Quay amiMall . Mr. J. I' . U V A N -.coili'l'-.l ills 111 1li1.11.

M i . h. FR K K M A N ohi- i:tfil on the s;rouu>l iliat tln-y trmiM

intt-rfciv with thu tMllic up-.u the q-i:iy> , AM. .I» I M D

fnllnwi'il , -t.vini ; h- »• - i i i f . irm. 'l In- :ui anci' in tvt -z. -n ,ve.iis •ii", 1I1-1 - .1 r- . '-t of in- s iilon,- the M.ill wre cut II T V I I

IIH a iiuis.inrc.The im-ti-m vvfiit to a ilivi-i-M. Tin1 v.itin/ «.n pq" tl ,

whrn tile M.iwir , h. it . l ie v n t - i l I'nr it "II Hit: tluft :t , i!«ff In-

cii- 'in^ v- it" "¦> t in - * .1 11" M'lt- , :in 1 it wan tltfclau-.l c.irri'.-.l.

Ti'l! - :tll!i; lll":i « l l l . -:|.


TO THE El l i rOR UT TIIK !V ITKI1KOHI ) EEWS .niingarvaii , Weclue.-ilay, Oct. W, 1S7-I.

SI R —Seldom have I been more astonished thanwhen looking yustcrday at :ho uomiuatiun p:t[iur f'.ithe election of four commissioners for this town , U:observo my own niinic umougst thosu propoaetl.

It wns tho first intimation I had that I waa to b'Jnominate 1; tho gonllomon proposing and secondingmy nomination having done so without my sanctionor knowled ge. I thank thosu gontlcmen Oir thukindness intonded me. I regret that , even if ulertu.lI could not ai:t. 1 am noi unwil l ing to bu.irrny shamof the bujdeu in promotiui: tho prospesity of Dun-garviin , bill ni'ither in justice in the ratepayors , mybusiness (and especially as I havo a partner), or my-self , could I accept the ru.sponaiblo position in w!:i i-hsoino independent gentlemen desiro to seo meplaced.—I am, sir , your obedient servant ,

J AMKS T. Ut nn.


K I K —I si ,, timt ihu inte l l i geul Cairiek guardian*think tin; union .-11 clean anil nice llmt • hey don'twi.ul llie nuw Health Act. Thu clergy and m>:dica!men , who hiive to visil sci-nes of lillh , wi.ultl not irn.ilorfo this stntenifnt. In Carrick , ami vil lav j fH in tin:union , there aro cabins w i t h lamilie.s l iving in on. 1

room—wilh pi 1.,'* and p. n|.le living pretty nearl y to-gothei'—with human l i i l h in the pa-su^i'S—with ma.nurii lieup^ and .siav'ii .tul p-mls up f l . > - " tn :ln- tl 'mr.- .And y i i llio union is 1..1. rlfai: ! -no!hiii ',' wani. -d !Wlitii; iluiiK-ln-aps ni-t-up ii- d r ¦ ¦ •• n i t i - of t in- now pivt iylittlo jiark , yiiu wt-m t in: first, tiulciiounee i l iem ; ;• 1thai time, I I M I , I heard Carrick prais' .1 foi its cb::n-liue.HS. Tiiu ihiiig-lifafia were ruinu^e.l, yd a gn::itdual tif work remains for tll 'J new Acl—tho till'!broom whicl. l'arliaiiieii l ha.- givnn us for sweepingout the hot-beds of fever , rfuarUtina, sinull-pov , amiall other ki l l ing and cosil y scourgi'.s to ihu hiiniaiirace is to bo lull in tin: corner. 1 a.'k tho LocalGovt'runiLnt Ijoard lo put the Act in forco at orict:.

Carrick, Weiluesilny. Lov Kit ur HEALTH .

NKW COL'STV we..-k iilii.ut thrre milns of tho IJ uki) of Di 'vi .n-

shim's luinl , at ll ii n sido of Lismoro, woro given up tntho COCtnictor 's of tin: new County Waturl'ord llail -way. We understand tin: contractor -says hu canhavi) that patl of tlut lino between Lismoro and Dim-garvan finished iu about one year and a half.

Oi:lt -MAItKin.S THIS WKKK.IlU TTlK—Ti n- Mij ij ity this wrok w:i< f.lir, nn'i tin: III-IIKHI I

Komi. .Sntunby last priciM oi»-up. l at I IJ.1. t.. I Ki- . ; WY.In. .-tiny 1 UU. to 1 ISii- ; Tliur.-tlny, lUi. to l Wl Sum-: luil il-n:ilti-.lbuttt-r broujght l.Vi. t<. lot!.-.

W'MF.AT—The su|ililr.«if fiiruiers wheat tin- wi-.-K wa< rtm ^U .:w farmers ciii*i't"r tbe prico low. rritnn whit.-wbi'iil subl ut£'i* l!.l to 'Ji>* : priull- rt il, -N 0.1 »n *Jh 'M ; iiift-rior , * i-. 1 11\vh"at rlown from 'S>< to -3H I M I.

(I AT5 Xbc iupplv fr..iQ fanni-ra w:es also f-uia ll. lllack oatsRU III lit I t s Oil. t-'l ' iltniil hunt iiafc. , 1 Ii !M to 1."M. A-I wu huvuBoinu arrii'il- '¦! n-.-.-t- l* . sliippi'i-.-' wi.y buy uinp< frc-ly.

l l tm.r .T—llarky in ^-oo>l il.uminl ; tu :.ltiu^, 1-i 1.1 I1.'-.; j riiul -ini;, l-rw to IU-.

On: t/ i:.\liin: SKS - H I N S .- ¦ Kv t- ry Kiu i-i-i -iling quar-ter Hussions iinpri - .-M-s it j tl.n public tin t vi gilant ,pains-takiui ,', unit thoroug hl y iinpurti il clriirmau theylinvn tbi.1 gtiuil lortune lo ptiis:.-.-i in thu person nl(Juorgu Wiit.:r.s, Ksq., l* .C. In tin: apiii'.-il case fromTramore, although tho magistrate* noted with per-fect reason in fining thu accused , «ln> wero guilty »fvery rough conduct , tho reduction of Ihe linos by tin:chairman from £5 uud £)! to five shillings inch upontho appellants , has giv. 'ii cans * for much praise outho part of the public, 'generall y. Hi * dut:Hi'ins illland cased, especiall y, ham also m.t with approval.

THE Coi'Nn WATKRIOUII UAII.WAV .—Tho operation011 this n*'w line ham bi-i-n cnmincncoil nt ihu west ofthiSL-ounty aboti l l i lOm™ beingemploycd at a point itinilo from Cappoqtiin , under llio direction of Mr.Frasur, eii}:ini'ui' lo the contractor , J. W. Stunford ,Kiij., fur the tlnr.l division. Wo uudorjtuud thecontract for the other division will bo completed in afew davn , when tho wholn work will bo rapidl ypushed forward.


ltoiiUK iiv. —At Queonstown petty sessions, last week ,it retnrtictl American wus charged with highwayrobbery on Tuesday night. A workman employed ntFotft was returning homo through tho Fot» groundswith a small parcel in his hnml , wheo a sirnugor ac-costed him, mado him lay down thu parcel , andwalked iiway with part of its contents , which con.Bisted onl y of broad nud meal. Tlio prosecutorstated Iho prisoner was not tho mau, aud Malloy,who is from Waterford , anil bus just returned fromAmorica, haviug accounted for himself, was din-charged.

A Chicago coroner makes no charge for silting nntho bodies of young men who part their hair iu tliocentre. Tho personal satisfaction bu derives is hoe»y8, HuQiciout payment.



THE WORLD."Deur Woman is the dream of life.

Adorned with every winning «rf •As mother, d*nirbt«r, stater, wlh-,8be molts the aou], she charnw the hart.

Without her, what were lordly man P—A rainless cloud—* fruitless tree—

A trorld without a sun—a planTb*k ever Incomplete must bo,

Her fostfring cans, deration, love,Seem inspirations from aboro.In childhood's honn, beside her chair

She caU« each fragile form ;Bhe olaapa oar tin; bands in prajer,

Safe-sh&lterod from the storm.Yet man, ungrateful man, too dart

Of falsehood hurls with sluU ;.And when he's won a woman's heart

He seeks it's loro to kill.Her lot is to bo tried : though pure.To sigh, to suffer, and endure,Oh, Mothers of a race unborn,

'Tis yours to ppcak thoso grand decreesThat herald in too Promiaod Morn,

The waiting world's Hesperidos.Ya aro the moulds of heroes strong

Who guard and glorify our istci ;The sou in song shall roll along

UcncV.u the splendour of your Etnilei.The Ba&utiful and Good shall reign.And Sinless Eden bloom again.

A CHILD'S EYESBlue eyei. big evtj , that open wide

With wealth of lovo aod vision clear,What may thoso loving eyes betido

Bcforo thoy sco their latest year t

Bow much they yot may hold of pain 1How much of crief mar darken sight I

A soul's whole life m«y thiougli them strainOh 1 may they show a eoul's .wholo lijbt 1

Oh I sunny, smiling, soft, blue eyes,Shut up within each curt ing rim ;

Oar dome of blua hides in tba*o BjesAll morning's bright, all twilights dim.

Tbo dawn's sweet smiles ore there all bid-There sleeps tho sunset's rosy glow—

Tfiero rest nvon'8 heats beneath each lid—There night's dark shadow Ucth low.

Oh I shut tip, skiefl—prophetic cycti,How can I gaioin each deep well,

Whrro truth smiles clear w ithout disgniso,Without my heart-tides ewiftlj swell:

And ebb and flow in pulses wild ;For all these eyes may yet mo tell :

" Oh ! Father, sare my darling child I"ne answers, " With tho child 'tis well !"

Slgrieulturc(From the Irish Farmers' Gazette.)

CONCRETE FLOOR .—"ASsvr SubBciibor"—I intondusing concrete or coroont for flooring a oow-honse.Which would you reeommond ? Stat o ingredients,and how yon would recommend; it to bo laid down.

Ccmont is nsed in tho formation of a concretefloor. Mir Portland cement with wntor, and threeparts of coarse gravel to one of oement, thoroughlymixed np to the consistency of mortar. No morecemont must bo wetted thou is tobolaid immediately,us it so6a quickly. A bottoming, Biz inches thick,Df broken stones or round metal is first laid on thoground , beaten hard down , uud levelled to threoinches below tho future surface ; then levelling rod!—that is, slips of wood with u lovol uppor Burfnci—are laid parallelled nt six feet spurt, ur any distanceyou please, and temporarily fixed at the proper lovel¦with a liltlo mortar. Tho mortar is then throwndown in hodsfuls in tho space betweon tho rods ; aboard with a perfectly smooth, straight edge, stretch-ing across from one Ievollin K rod to the other, andresting on both , is then drawn slowly forward ovorthe mortar, which <B thus brought to a uniform level ,and after about no iiuur may bo made bountifullysmooth with a plasterer's steel Boat , and a little un-mixed cement, wetted to tho consistency of cream.

SODA ASII. — "< Shamrock" — Referring to youianswer to " Querist " in last week's issuo, will sodaash act as a manuro as well na destroy tho wiro.¦worm ? or must artificial manures bo used to producea good crop. Soda-ash , which is a very impurevariety of carbonate of Boda , contains variablo quan <titiea of common salt, glnubor suit, carbonate of limo,4c, and theso substances bavo a certain degree ofeffect ; but , of course , it cannot bo depended npon asa specific manure.

BA7) FKKUIXO Pin.—" Subscriber"—Stato if givinga small quantity of Eoihi to a pig would prevent orinjnro its salo ; it is a bad feeder, and I havo beentold that soda might improve, it in this rospeot. Ifnot, pleaso give something tlmt will. A smallquantity of carbonate of 9od,i will not do either mncbgood or much harm. The disinclination to feed is inconseqnenco of something being wrong ; bat whatthat is wo cannot tell. Try tho effect of ono or twoBmall doses of Ep-om salts, eny 2 to I ounces, with alittle powdered ginger mixed , and you may then mixSomo of LI'Mastcr's cattlo spice-, or Simpson's spice,with iho food cacti feeding time, bat first cloar onttho bowels.

AKT inciA t . FEKD IM ; von I.V-CALF IlKirEiw ' —" ASubscribe r"—Kiudl y stato tho best food , artificial orotherwise , to ftittcu -i ycur.old heifers in calf, but¦which will not citlvo till 2'Jth. Juno, 1875, and thequantity per day per head . In-calf heifers shouldnot bo fattened, bat kept in fresh condition ; andgood hny, with 2 to 3 tbs. pur day of decorticatedcotton cake, or good cocoa-nut cake, is sufficient forthe purpOBO.

DfcEi" l'LOVGHi si;.—" A Subscriber!' —I plougheda grass field last year and took a crop of oats. I amabout to plough the stubblo, and want to givo thofield a good deep ploughing. Tho subsoil is not good.I purpose to yoko tbrco horses, and plough twelveinches deep. My steward say.-) it would bo better toonly ploug h sii or seven inches, nud havo a necondplough following tho first , uml only to stir tho sub.soil. Which plsn would you recommend ? As thosubsoil is not good wo prefer your steward's plan.By taking the mould-board off the second you willconvert it into a subsoiler.

V EUKTATION ON W KT L ASH .—" A SubRcribcr "—1bavo four acres of old meadow, aow becomo uselessby tho growth of a wild species of wate r lil y, com-monly called Se^gaiis : let mo know the means olgetting rid of them without breaking up thu laud.The raeudow is subject to fresh water floods. Woolda compound of gas lime, and g:>s water with cluy bo ugood top-dressing for aamo ? Thorough Hmiuageis tho oul y remedy iu a cuso of tho kiud. Thu top-dressing *vill be useful after thu laud has beendrained but not till then.

SCAII IN SIIKKC .—As at tin's period of tho yearlarge numb er of fcheep change hand *, for breeding orfeeding purposes, wu tako the opportunity to refer toa kindred subject of much importance. Sheep mayleave the farm on which they have been grazedduring tho p.iat year perl ixt ly free fruni tkj n .iisuasii ,utidyet show the wull -Ltiown Hyi 'iptom a of t-cab, or uheumc call it, mange, twin after they havo beu/i placedin their new quarters. This couug iou in cases ofthis kind has been derived fioui iidiso:i£od animal withwhich ihe sheep have come in contact on the road orin fairs, or it may buvu originated iu the uhecp hav-ing been placed , evi:u for u. ni ght , where, diseasedanimalH had preceded them, leaving tho means oliufe.'Ction un gate-posls, trees, iVc, against whichthey have rubbed themselves. It is null , therefore ,to guard ;i£,';.i»at ;i |)i)isilj le milbrciik of Bej ib in nflock which has paused throu gh the ordeal of fairsand tr ansit by "<ad or ruil ; and this will bo effectedby having tin) -sheep dipped or otherwise dressedwith Kui tuhi '.- pieventutivcH , as fiuun as posHiblo afterthey bavo been broug ht to theii- new ruii. Theruare various well-k nown di ps in thu market , und wuneed nut emunetalu thorn in detail ; but this muchwe may state, that wv are nut favourable to murcu -rial d ressings ; '"r> althuug h very cli'ectuul remedios ,they are exceeding ly dangerous, being liahlo to boabsorbed into tho system, uud so to produco mercu-rial |Mj isoniiig. Corro.-ivu siibliiiiati ' ,wu may observe,is a preparation of mercury. .Sheep which huvu beenmuch driven occasionally »ho\v ti heat iu tho »kiu ;nn'l althoug h this atl'eciiou is not the true scab urin.'iDgo, it is n* well to treat it as if it were that dis-oase. Thu following letter ltom iho agent (if thi ;.MarchionesM of Westminster appeared recentl y intho 'i'iw-i :—''When the I'uol-und-inoulli diseuHubrokoout iu May last iiinong thu dairy COWM OH BOIIIO of tboMarchioness ol Westminster 's Motcombu farms, 1received her lj nl y .shi|>'« directions to givo tho tenantsevery assistance in ihu nhapo of veturinnry nid andmedicine. This 1 did , and , among other mctlicinu.i,1 procured a supply of French medicine , called KauAntiaphteus, discovered anil patented by M. Hrunel ,veterinary uurgeou. Thu application ol the mediciuoonablea thfc animal to eat within a few hours after-wards, and it also allevintcs tho lumcnuss. I amvery glad to say that in somethiug liko 100 casoswithin mf knowledge, whero tho tho medicine hasboon used, great liunelit has beun derived from it ,and as tho matter is of KO muoh itnportuncu toonttlo owners, t think it my duty to call their attou-tion to tho remedy through tbo Time,."

" Quite a hailstorm lust night ," renmrkod « guestto a California landlord, ae ho camo down stairs thoothor morniug. " No i unly u fuw of tho boyB shoot-ing 0. Chiuauian , oud tho balls rattled against thob°Hei" noses aro lighthouse * lo mini voyagers on the80S of Me off tho coasts of Malaga, Jamaica, SantaCrui, and Holland Oiu.

A Buffalo paper onuounces that by tho recentburning of an ice-hotiso there, twouty thousand tonsof ice wero " reduced to ushes."

The log cabin which Mr. Liucoln made when eixtccnyesrs old, stands in neveu different countios in tllinoiH.and they haven 't got throug h counting yet.

Nothiug U rurer than a Bolitory he: for lies breedliko Surinam to ids ; you cannot tell ono but out itcomes with n huudrod young onos on its track.

Why i« ono dollar greenback better than a silverdollar ? When you fold it you double it, and whuj iyou open it you find it in creases.

Never deal with an undertaker if you can avoid it.They are a mean lot , always wanting to screw youdown. . .""why' isn't a fishmonger a nico acquaintance ?Because he is sure to be u;neU.nsh man.

What is tho diifcienco between a church organistand tho Influenza?— Ouu kuowa tha stops and thoother stops tbo " e.


THE PARISH Of KlLMACO W(By the Very Rev S. Brennan P.P.)

The pre8ont pariih of Kilmacow is not at all aalarge us it was formerly. Up to 1842, it wasmade np of the districts of Kilmaoow, MullinaT»tt,and Bigwood. In the beginning of that year, theMost Bev: Dr. Kinsella, then Bishop of OBSory, tookfrom it the townlands of Killaapy, Ballynamono,and Boms others, and added them to the parish ofSlieveruo. At the same time, moreover, he dividedtho remaining part, mnkiDg of it two distinot par-ishos, that is to say, the proaont pariBh of Kilroacow,and that of llullinavatt and Bigwood. I prooeod tospeak of the different old churohos which we know,either from strongest tradition or from remains stillexisting, once to have been in tho parish. Firstlyand naturally, I montion tho chuich built by thopooplo, as soon as they could, after they had beendeprived by tho Protestants of thoir old Church ,which stood in Lower Kilmacow. They built it aboutn quarter of a mile to tho West, at your left, as y


go' from Kiltoaoow to Aglisb.' No traco of thisohnrch, BO built , now romains i bat tradition pointsout tho placo beyond all doubt. In this connection,tho following incident may not bo unworthy of men-tion. It appears thero was a Rev. Mr. Cuffo, a !' •testant parson, living in tbo pariBh somotimo u....the church had fallen into rains, who, I Bnpposo, had,or thought ho h&d, rights over tho graveyard appor-taining thereto. Accordioglj, bo planted trees there-in. Tho people thought differently, and thereforewont ono night and simply cnt thorn down. Ofcourso thoro was law. Mr. Cuffe claimed £5 a treefor damages j but Mr. Greene, of Greenville, (abontwhoso family raoro horeafter), oamo to Kilkenny, and,owing principally to his camo about thattho £5 a trco waa reduced to tho rather miserableBum of four-ponce half-ponny oach—tho half.ponnyboing added , ono can ourmiso, to show tho mnthoma-tioal accuracy obaorvod on tho occasion . Tho pooplawere so thankful to Mr. Greono that a song was com-]>osed in his praiso ; but it is to bo foared that pos-tority muBt continue to latnont tbo IOBS of that song—somewhat as somo people lament tho lost plays ofllonandor—for no remains of it oan bo found.

DUNKITT.—This was Ono of tho old parishes—itslength and breadth being each about two milee. Thochurch is in ruins, somo of the walls, however, stillstanding. Tboro is a gravoyard attaohed , in whiohmany, particularly of tho old inhabitants, are stillinterrod. Tbo ruins of tho old ohurch conBist of twoparts ; ooo making evidently tho prinoipal part, 62feet in length, and 27 in breadth ; the other, a sort ofprojootion , 16 feet in length , and 22 in breadth. Inthe church yard aro interred tho father , uncles, andanoestorB of tho lamented John 0'Donovan , the omi-nent Irish scholar. Tho father, it is eaid, at his deathrequested to bo bnricd " with tho good men of Dun-kitt , bnt not under tho largo tombstono"—roferringto tho family vault. HIB son, John, orootod a monu-inont in memory of him and his ancestors, on whichthe following opitaph is inscribed:—

" Foatcris Blmundt O'Donoran , _de Gaulntown, O»U' d« Burgo Ronori,

Tina rcro boncati* flc piis,.Mentis, corpof i« cjuo vi pollentibiu,nuornm corpora Uio jaccut sopulta !

no prauprtlm patri EdmunUidc Aui-tcmorii

tiui oblit 29lh die Julii , i.V. 1817 ictavuncalia (iuliclmo ot 1'atricio

Joanurs O'DonoxanHoc monutuentum ponuit."

Hero also near tho south-wall of tho old churc h aroburied tho (at least locally colebrated) John of Bally-nearl, nnd his threo sons, tho Uev. Kdmoud O'Douo-VBD, P.P., Kilmaeow ,- Dominick and William. John ,the father, was usually called " Sbano-ua -Korunn ,"that is to Bay, "John of the Treos," as, it wonldappeur, bo had a peculiar propousity for planting.Uo lived nt Bal lynearl , near Kilmaeow, iu tho baronyof Iverk , and died in 1735, ngod 03 years, as appearsfrom his tombstone. Uo was a man not withoutincidents in his lifo. Ono notably is this. Traditiondescribes him as of rathor a hot tomporament, and soon ono occasion, ho spoko Buvagoly and possiblyrightl y, of tho glnring injustice of tho " Act of Settle-ment." IIo was taken up, of coara, and committedto be tried for troason. But John WOB not withoutfriends. Tho Fitzpatricks of Upper Ossory, theKavanaghs of Carlow, and others aro said to .bavoflocked into Kilkenny, resolved upon rescuing him ifnecessary. Nay more, twenty-four youths, it is told ,drosscd in their sisters' clothos, with swords con.coaled , waited but tho word of condemnation to boginiuaido the court ; but as John was ncquittcd , thorocould be, to tho groat disgust, no doubt, of tho aforo-Baid youths, no dooent protext for figh ting.

(>AI-I.SKIU., or GAU.SKUL.—Thia was anothor oftho old parishes—longlh nnd breadth about lialf-amile each. Tho walls of tho old church still stand,but in a very ra-uod condition. Longtb, 77 feot by27 feet. Thcro is ono part of tho ruin s, howevor, ofabout iifi feet in longili , the breadth of which is onlyabout 25 feot. There is hero too, a largo burialground, attached, in which, as in Duukitt, many ofthe old inhabitants still continuo to bo buriod. UaalBurke is said lo bo interred here. Somo remains ofbis castlo still can bo soon in a field betweon tho roodwhich leads from Gaulstown to Cbarlestown , aud ihostream fro m Holly Lake, which flows betwoon bothplaces, nearer to tho road than thu stream. In thiscastlo tho first of the O'Donovans who tied fromHawnlah nn , Cc. Cork , took shelter. Ho aftorwatdBmarried tho daug hter of Caul iiurlco. Hirrisoli andhis father-in- law wero killed in tbo batllo betweenGeneral 1'roston and tho Duko of Ormond , iu 1612.I>aicr on a now natn o aud a new owner awaitedCaulskill. One Johu Hishoppes, an officer iu Crom-well's army, who is nlso buried in this church yard ,took a liking, according to tho familiar phrase, to thoplace (not without reason) and of courso got it.After him it is commonly called Ilishoppo's Hall, tothe present, clay. At a short digtanco from tho rainsof the old Church woa erected iu lfiOO, a l'rolostau thou*c of worship. In IS S t-, accordiMfj to tho Parlia-mentary (iazettecr , tho number of l'rotestants , at-tending— when they all did attend—amounted tofour, ami the number" has not bceu on tho increase.After th e; passing of tho Irish Church Disestablish-ment Ki ll , the parson lelt for Eng land and tho build-ii)t» is now closed up—wh y it was ever open beingIbe wonder.'

Ut.i.iii on Ii.i.i n.—This too was ono ol tho oldparishes ; l'atron , St. David , Ut Ma-xli ; length two-and-a-half miles by oue-nnd-a-lmlf. Somo parts ofthe wall s of the old church—'!l foist in length by 12—aro yet standing, having, as iu tho other cases, agraveyard surrounding. According to tho Purlia .mentnry (iiuclleer, ail tho iiarishioncrH, withoutexception , wero Catholics in 18X1, and it may bendclud , am so mill in 1N7I. In tho churchyard ofUlli 'l «ri! somo graves which certainl y deservenotice ; graves, which , «t ntty rate, nru looked uponwith veneration by tbo peo[>lu to tho presen t day.All of us have heard of what in styled iho " Uattlo ofNewmark et ," September 2!)th , 17<!3. 11 ous wantedto exp lain all about this " iiatilu " he should , I ima-gine , «-;i-te tnoru time and space than can well bespared ju ^t now. Itu should strive to .statu that manylandlord s iK-gan , notabl y then , to encroach on thurig hts of the pi-up lu by appropriating "Commons ;"he i-hwil 'l npi 'iik , not in wea k words, of Protestantper secutions, particularly us developed in tbo formof ' church tatra ;' linil finally hliould hhow thu out-cimio ul all , in tliis:—that whoii , according to a no-table authority, " tho gibbets wcru groauiuj; uud thegaols bur stinp i" as xocioty was unfortunntely formed—call it Whitcboyism or what you please—whosemembers resolved to oppose themselves , for lifo anddeath , to the infamous system under which thoy weroinakin fj nn effort to live. Seven or eight of thoBOmembers were takon in nno ol their wild attempts toadniinisl 'T a do.»r of their own ideas of justice ; wurotried in Piltciwu , and of course found guilty. Theneivs Fprc ad rapidl y. They weio to bo lodged inKilkenny t;aol. Tho excitement caused by tbo mat-ter did not blow itself olf ill talk . A large body ofmen from Kilmaeow and tho surrounding parishesiss'.mbled , uiiion ^'it whi.m wero Walsh of Dangau ,Scurry of Kiiocd'HOimr-, Kelly and 'J'obin of Ballyua-bol y, Ay lwanl , liuckstown , and Ourmod y, Croball y |all rcsoived to rescuu tho prisoners. To effect the irend, they maihi of .1 stratagem, which has 'leeiisince frrc-ly mado use of by fourteenth-rate storywriters. They got u coflin—nailed on -the lid—and8eemwljineimi.ol.iblo for tbn deceased. Tho deceasedwas a lather wei ghty limestone , wrapped in straw.Tim funeral procession proceeded on its way gravelyand solemnly. Tho procession to tho gaol proceededon its wuy loo. There were, it appears, nbout fortyor fifty men to guard the prisoners . IJolh proces-Bions met nt Newmarket—got mixed up, as wu*natural—and then , bcfoni tho military people knewexactly what the whole- thing meant , tho deur de.ceased disappeared , and they (the military) foundthemselves disarmed , and tho prisoners liberated.Uenoe tho name of " Liberators," which thoso of Ihomock funeinl still got. Then ciunu a sceno whi chono can Fcarcely ppeak ubout calmly 'and dispnssion-ituly. The military, outwitted nnd disarmed, beggedmd besought most abjectl y, that their arm.i bo re-stored—that if they returned without them , uu-utturablo ruin would bo tho consequence—and so onThe leaders of the " Liberators" bcliuu'd this whin ,ing, thoug ht that having succeeded in their purposethey might afford to bo generous—and HO gave badthu arms. Thu church yard of Ullid tells tho result.Tho BCOUIi drela fired on tho peoplo! Scurry waskilled on the ppot , but soinu friends of his fromNoivraarkct contrived to bring him tho nine night toUllid anil buried him there. Kell y died from hiswounds, on the way home, and in buried in tho »amochurc hyard. Tobin nnd very maay others weruwounJed. Tobin was liroug lit to tho hospital inKilkrouy in a dying stato—waa tried nevertheless attho March, and sentenced to bo hanged nndcjuartorcd , and iu a genera l way, mang led and but-cheruil , according to the estimable method of thetime. Hi) (Tobin) sleeps in Ullid with his comradus ,nnd has on bis tomb iuscrilied the datu 17(i l , wheroustho other " liiborators" bnvu ¦ 17(i:t . Iu face of allthis, ono may well wonder why the Irish peasantrydidn 't havo fervent devotion to their rulers, and fur-vent belief in their word !

About tho othor old churches, trices of which Jfind , I shall Bay but a few words. There is Ki llkrouy

now called Greenville—in which thero Hero achurch and churchyard, DO romains of which , how-

ever, now exist. The locality is called Greenville—the old name Kilkrony is itill preserved iu leases, <to.—beoanse of tho Greenes Bottling there. The greatgrandfathor of " Honest John Greene," lato M.P. forour county, and a John Greeno himself, livod thoro.His son, commonly called tho •' Captain," built tbopresent houBe. There is KilmasVilloge—now Charles-town—aad here, too, we havo no trace ot ohnrch OTohurohyard, except,' perhaps, a very largo stone,commonly believed to bo for Holy. Water, whiohBtanda near tho supposed site of tho ohuroh. It issaid that tbe stone is never without water resting iuit. There is again Kilphipoe—now Uilltown—wherecertainly there were a ohuroh. and ohnrohynrd, thoughnot the sligbteBtjtraces now]remain. They wore situateas far as I can jud ge from the statements ot thepeople, between what is called tho New Line of roadto Waterford , and the old road in tho townland afore,said.

REGISTBAK-GENERAI/S STATISTICS.Tho Registrar-Generul, Mr. W. Donnelly, C.B., lately

issuod his statistics for marriagoa for tho quarterending in March, and for births and deaths for tbatterminating in Juno, 1874. Taking tho last quarterfirst, wo find that the registered birthB for thati-nod wore 38,580 and 24,128 deaths j 34,317 persona

i a ted, showing a decrease in tbo population of- J ,M O, leaving tho total of inhabitants at 5,314,.844. There wore 9,481 marriages registered tor thofirst quarter, 7,701 boing Catholio, and 1,781 Pro-tostant. Tho highest birth-rate was in Manstor,being 32.3 per 1,000 of tho population ; Loinster ,28.2 ; Ulster the same, and Connaught, 26.8. Thedeath* of IS persons who aro stated to havo attainedthe age 100 yoarB and upwarda wore roportod. Oftbeao seven are said to havo exceeded 100 years,their respective ages being 101, 104, 105, 106, 107,108, and 108; tho last death took place in the Broad,ford district of tho Newoastlo union, tho registrargiving tho following particulars :—"Amongst thodentha registered during thp past quarter was thatof a man named William Long, who Hvod to the ad-vanced ago of 108 years, a tenant on the estate ofLord Lismore, at Fenhanagh. As far aa I couldascertain from his family, his habita wore tomperato ,ho noilber amokod nor took snuff ; his gonoral healthwas good ; ho walked about to within a fortnightbefore his death, and waa a farmer by occupation ,and a widower."

Upon tho vitally important subjoct of sanitaryprecautions, wo find the rcgistrar.gonoral statingthat tho registrar of tbe Drogbeda distriet reports :—" Tho district is very healthy at prosont, dae, Ishould say, iu a great measure to tho oompulsorysanitary arrangements enforcod on tho town, audwhich wero rocommonded in a conjoint report fur-nished to tho Local Government Board Inspector bymy colleagno, Dr. Kelly, and myeolf. Thia report, Imay mention, had referonco to tho absonco of sowersin eomo of tho principal strcots, and to tho deficionoyof tho water supply." Tbo registrar cf tho Termon-feckin district, Droghcda union , roporta that thosanitary condition of his district haa boeu improved.Tho registrar of tho Ballyhooly district, Fermoyunion , states tbat—" Tho villages havo been cleauedBinco my last report ;" ho adds, howover, " the waterof Ballyhooly is vory bad still," Thorough drainagohas boon complotcd in Drogbcda-row, Monasterevan,and with benefi cial results. Bnt if somo few districtshave boon rondorod moro hoaltbful by sanitary im-pro vements, many others remain in a wrotchod con-dition. Among those may bo instanced Banbridgo.The registrar of this district, roforring to an outbreakof typhoid lovor, obsorvea—"Tho oocurrenco of thiscpidumio naturally drew attention to tho water supply,and the Town Commissioners had the water analysedby Dr. Cameron, analyst to tho city of Dublin. Hisroport was simply appalling, Of tho Bovon toenpumps not ono yiolded pnro wator, aud four werocontaminated so much as to bo actually dan-garous." Tho drainago, ho adds, ia mostimperfect, many bouses having no yards; tho rcfusois thrown out upon the public strcots, and " whentbo rain comos, all is washed into tho drains , and aportion oozos into tho adjoining wolls, so tbat anopidomic of obolora or typboid fever moans, in plainlanguage, that peoplo aro drinking a solution ofhuman excromont." Tho water Buppl y and tho sew-erage are both bad in Uownpatrick. Tho registrarof No. 2 district , Cork, in dospair, says—" My dia.trict has beon in a vory bad sanitary condition fromtho timo that I first took charge of it up to thopresent , and I haro coma to tho conclnsion that it issheer wasto of timo to trouble myaol f writing anymoro sanitary reports."

ReferrinR to tho prices of provisions and pauperism)tho report says : — "Tho averago prico of a 4 lb.loa f for tho quarter ending 30th Juno was 8id., whichwas a half-ponny higher than the averago prico fortho corresponding period of 1873 ; in tho secondquartor of 1SG4 tho avorago prico waa Gd. Tho aver-ogo prico of oatmeal was 21a. per cwt. ; during thesecond quarter of last yenr it was 17s. Sd. In thocorresponding peaiod of 1SB-1 was only 10s. Gd. Thoavorago pricos of potatoes ranged from 4s. 4d. to 7B.por cwt., against 4s. Sd. to 10s. Id. in tliocorrespond-ing quarter of last year; tho averago for iho secondquarter of 18G4 wero onl y 2s. lid . to 3s. 8d. Thoaverage prices of beef at the Dublin cattlo markotwero S7B. to 81B. per cwt., ngainst G"s. to 89s. in thecorresponding period of last year; for tbu secondquarter of 18G4 tho averago prices wero 53s. G5B. Gd.Tho nvorago number of pcrsous receiving in-doorrelief on Saturdays during tho second quarter oftho presnnt year was 47,9Kfi, against 47,818 for thocorresponding poriod of 1H73. Tho iiverago numberreceiving out-dood relief during Iho quarter was31,091, against 31,152 during tho second quarter of1173."

Analysing tbo marriages , births , and deaths, wofind tho following as affecting Waterford district,with a population of 130,531 : Jtarriuges , 287 j births ,1,023, and deaths, 702, tho latter being 158 overClaro, with a population of 138,71)5. Tho populationnf Ireland this year is estimated at 5,314,KI4, hoing2,573,5-13 mu <es, nnd 2,711,301 females. In 1801 thepopulation wna 5,21fi,52'J. It wen', on gradually in-creisiug until 1»13, when it stowl nt (5,110,008.Still increasing, in 1H24 it was G,G7H,722, and in 1S37it stood at its maximum point , 8,025,995. With someflig ht variations it remained no dowu to 1818, thegbomy period of 't7-M8, when it waa 7,d"3y,>>UO ; ia1H5U it was (1,877,542—emigration was now doing itswork—in Bix yoars after it was 5,972,851, and iu thisyear wo stand 5,314,811, a few hundreds over 1801,an interval of 73 years. Tho figures toll their owntvofu) tnlo.

In tho district-registrar 's roport wu find but tworeferring to this union. We quote , them. Tho firstin ns to Kilmacovoguo. Tho reg istrar says—" Feverand iscarlatiua wero prevalent iu n part of this dis-trict , whero Iho cabins of the poor aro small , damp,and badly ventilated ; aud it is noteworth y that wheresuitable dwellings Imvo been erected thero has beenan immunity from opiilcmic. Sanitary arrangementsaro satisfactory ." The registrar thus reports o(Woodstown , under the caro of n tery attentivo sani-tary ollicer, Mr. J. Power, as are, indeed, tho othoroDicers—" Iu tho caso of choleraic diarrhcoa , a womanuf miOiilo ngo WOB suddenly take n ill on tho road,seized with pains, dinrrhcoa , and vomiting, and diutitwenty-six hours aUnr. I did not see her till afterdcalli. Nothing that 1 could glean from her re.Julions would account for tins symptoms j and thucoroner , who was communicate d with , did uot thinkfit to hold un inquest." The following from Kml y 'Tipperary union , conveys HO iuiporiau t a lesson thatwe foel bound to quote ; i t— " I have had some cuscgof scorlatina of a in iiligniuil type. I should like ti.say u word nbout them , as it might lead to rcsultiwhich would beneli', the community at large. Thefirst caso was that of a child who took thu diseaseirum another pemm n sidiu^' mnoy miles out of thtdistrict , and both ended Intnll y: There was a publicwuko held over the remains of tho (,'irl whom J hadboon attending, uud it lasted for n day and two nights.Threo out of those, who attended tho wako broughtthe specific infection hoinu with them , whero ditl'erentmembers of theso respective , families took ill , causingtwo deaths iu ono house, and one. in auolhur. lie-sides these, others, wero taken ill , but did not din .Tho moral of this iit that iho Inn shouhl einjiowurthe medical man to prevent such crowded meetingsor wakes in tho liuunci of thusu who )mvu fallenvictims to coulugioutf diseases, and yet , iu this coun-try, this is tho most fertile of Iho Bpreivl of in-fectiouB diseases, aud one that might bo onsil y reino-died." As is well knowu tho.iu most importantstatistics aro admirabl y compiled , under thu SUJKT -vision of tho rog istrar.general.

TUB A KCIIBISHOP or YouK. — Hi * lirar» , ih« Archhill top of Votlc. hav ing , i.n Tornl.iy, i'l|»Ti^M-il a tlt^ itc tulet- onu uf tin; White Sla' Tr.un;illuht:u .MiMmur-', tin*Britlannic, N < tin1 ).irx>-!tl :nrl tiifiit recent .uldilnm , \vnbi-U-cled fur that liunour . Migh t's Inuiay, I iunc & Co., <ii iItu liiace'i* wiab b -i i i jr ruinumutcHlei l to I l i rn i , *t onctiiuile nrrii l lgeinenlii lur tin rt -u-uti ' in < JII horf iil. TheBrittannie ".t-* >fj ,urtu .l ull Ibt! p'irl eiul y on Ttl«?->i )iytnuruiu tc , HII I I only m n v n l iu t l in rivt -r uh « iut - p.m. Mi ort lyn l t f c r 3 u 'uluck Ihd Ar> hhi^hnp, iicc.itn|i ;iuii:tl b) Mr. lUl iihIliocklebauk , jour., l.'ul . KJv» ;inl« , «mi Mi. l> y, li lt tin :north eml nf the I'lm u- 'i rjtii j t e by » »|>i'cinl i rndrr , a r r i v i n gnl 'ihgin le tin up euihri t lun'.ohich I IHI I ju andim ull thel'rmcu'g I'uer) an NOIIII > lour huti i lr tvl iia su'iixeri wc-it: leuv-iinc their occHti hull).- . IIi -t ( irii cc w«s much iilcisirtl ulirlalrucli by the vz< -ui'i lititnx* »' 11'" iirittannic ; hu UID JC,ipt-cml enquiry, ainl uiiipi -ch- il , wi th much iuteri ' .il audcvij ent DutiB fuctioh , th, : v. ry cr ) u i l i ) i tHhle Brcutlillli i' latiotiprurii leJ fur lh>! L- ini^r4ti l ^ vvtin \v.\t<i our

sh -nni , HU <! wi l l ,duHl ftK 'i-sl)* , lunt c r t t i i i i i H p l« s i - t i i t rrcol' t -cliiM "f t l i isiucili -n t o l Ills VI'M'I In t hu l |<ui I.BitEAKfAM—Ki 'F.s's COCOA—U HATKKL'I.AND COM-

rOHTl.NO— " Hy •> l ln>r<niKli knowlt-il ^e ol tbe mttuial lawiwhich icovrrli I lie cij n -i »lnn,^ >.t ih ^R ^t iun

uud nulr i t iut i , and

by a caie lu l i ipp hcHliim nl t iie tun- prnpeitu -n ol well-selectedrucuu , Mr. Kpp < IMS puKnhd our bruaklu st tables with aJi'liCiitcly tl. )turi 'd l,i:vi-rii |e,r IY I MI^I m.iy ^ .ive u* many heavydncltiri ' bllN . l l is by th> ) JIII I.CI UUH U ,I: uf i-uch ai t iclen utdii:t t lul II cinst i tvu.i l i in.iy I,.: ^r.Klll.illy bui l t np un t i lbtioiii t rnou^ ll to Heist t-vi ry it ut l i -t ir) i<, .li-i -u-c . lluni lrcd.1ol HibUc inulu difa H I C tluf cni^ iiiuiillil US rtvily t<: attackwheiever there is a iio int . Wu m;iy mcrtpe tunny aMid slmll hy kri pilllf cu r . i r l f . s nt -l l l .nti t i i ' i l wi th purehlooil end H ptopcrly lKMiri ^htd llan.e ."— Civil ServiceGazette. (sM-ly)

AlASUFACTUltU Or" COCOA.—" Wt! Will HOW giveiin account nl' the piucc'-.s luluptul hy .MI-MIS. J.iiuts ivp|Mk Cu., mauulactuiL-i :* ut Uh - iutic ittticlc , at tbtir worksin tho Ku-.luii lluail , IJUII J UII ."—SCO Aiticlu iu Canell 'lUounkold Ouidt.

L I T E R A T V R E , •The Irish MontlUy.—Dublin: MCGLABHIN and Gtit.

This little work !¦ proving itself not only highlyinteresting but roost usoful from the amount of in-formation it oonveya through its pages. The ex-traordinary . dootrine, tho " atomio" doctrine taughtby Professor Tyndall, president of tho British, Associ-ation, at Belf ast this year, is handled with so abilitywhioh leaves nothing wanting, and at one sweep isdispelled a doctrine which , as the writer traly «ay»,¦will "ndd little to his fame, and will detract muohfrom his popularity." Tho " Rotations of the Churohto 8ooiety" i8 continued through some valuableobaptors, and wo really find ample reason to praisethe " Irish Monthly" very highly.

The Victoria Jfojoiine. — London : Praed-street.The October number of this ably conducted magazineia woll op to the high standard of excellence it baalong onjoyed aa a work of great literary merit.Tbo reader, analyser of.the topios of the day, is enp-plied iri'snbjccts of a grave obaraoter in snch articlesas " Magnetism ," " A Contribution towards MedioalJteform," or " The Cry of t^o Poor," whilst tho loversof light literature have thoir favorite in the continu-ation, of " Whioh is his Wife ?" continued throughoomo additional ohaptora. " A Plea for the Peou-niary Indopondenoo of Daughters" is a very inter-esting papor, and by no means nncalled for at thopresent day.

Tinsky's Magazine. — London : Cathcrine.streot,Tinsloy this month seoras moro interesting, morotaking than over. "Jossio Trim" compete! with" Linley ltochford ," and both with " Fairer than aFairy" for pubiio favor. We Tory much inolino totho latter. Tho advonturea , tho encapeB , the daringof Captain Rudkiu in " Fairer than a Fairy," arehandlod with tho ability of a master writor of story." Androy'a Christmas Horning " is; vory pretty, vorypathetic. " Pioturea in Paria " speak highly of whattho world knows of tho Parisians as an art-lovingpeople, and tho root of tho issue fa quito in keepingwith what wo havo noticed. " The Tinsloy" cannotbe moro praised than it merits.

Novi-a.Da.ys.—Dublin: MCGLASHI .V and GILL. Thisserial, young in lifo, is fast assuming a prominentplaco in its litorary mission. Tho present nnmbercontains mnoh interesting matter suited to all classes." Living Dead" is now at a period when tho deBiro ofthe render to study events and to arrive at the isfuo,is fairly aroused. The concluding portion Of thapreaont chapters is a thrilling piece of novel writing." Bishop Berkeloy nB a Politioinn" gives muoh in-sight into tho IriBh history of his day, and must beperused with profit. No. II. of "Adventures inSouth Africa" form interesting- reading, and " AVisit to the Caves of Mitchelstown" reoommendsitself highly. " Renewing onr Acquaintance," ftstory in two parts, is vividly told, and " Loan Kino"is continued, up to chapter XII. The publication andits management reQoct every crodit npon the spiritedpublishers, the Messrs. McGlaahin and Gill.

The Accountant—London : Basinghall-Btreot—"TheAccountant" is tho name of a publication broughtout in this, its first number, by Alfred W. Gee, of S9Basinghall-street, London. As its namo implies, itwill bo (lovotod to all matters of commercial interest,notably everything connected with acoouatancy. Avory able article, upon tho Bankruptcy Laws ushorsin tho preBOnt numbor, followed iby anothor upon tholeading aim of the journal. Under ablo m&nagoraont,of whioh gnidanco tho present issue is a vory fairspeoimon, "Tho Acoountant" ennnot fail to attain awido circulation.

The Medical Press awl Circular.—Dublin. Woregularly recoivo this oxcollent papor, whioh containsa vorioty of vory important matter of great intorostto tbo mcd/icnl profession. In consoquonce of thenow Banitary laws, it is of more yaluo now than c-vor.No modical man iu Ireland should , wo think, bo with-out " Tho Medical 1'ross." It is edited by a veryclovor man, Dr. A. H. Jacob, Ely Place.


TO THE KniTOR Of TilK IRISH TI1IES.Silt—Boards of Guard ians nppcar to bo at a loss to

know what salaries thoy should nflbr medical officersof health under tho new Act. I am informed thatfor similar duties in Eng land tho payment haahithorto beon at tho rato of £100 for ovory 13,000inhabitants in tbo district. Tha duties will bo diffi -cult nnd irksome, nud will frequently bring thoofficersjinto opposition with their clients whon thoybovo to roport unfavourably on tbo stato of theirpromiaos. A B tho pubiio aro ilocply interested inaoeing that tho provisions of tho act bo not ovndod ,wo must pay thoro well whoso duty it will bo to scoto this. It wonld be perfectl y nbsurd to expect thata medical gcutlomnu will, for n trifling salary of afow pounds , run tho risk of alienating his oliouU byfinding fault with their Banitary arrangements, orothorwiiio opposing their wishes. This is a for moreimportant point than tho guardians appear to think ,for on it will turn whether tho act is to bo a deadlettor, or its provision s bo onforccd ; whothor or notwo may hopo to ruduco that fearfu l death roll fromprovontablo disoaso whioh annuall y risos up to nppalus by its ravngeB, and condemns us for our mndneglect.—Truly yours, X. Y. Z.


Sin ,—Vory much obliged for your excellent artiololast week on this subject. Tho Act is a most essen-tial ono. I na auro you tho nbodes of tho poor aro ina frig htful ntatu. I havo seen threo families living (!)in one small , filthy room , and tho owners of thosowretched places don 't caro so that they can drag afew pence per week out of them. Tho clergy andmodical officers can toll—and bivvo good reason to do•o—tho fri ghtful condition of tbo homes of tho poorworking classes in this country. To cbango thisatato of things nlono, tho Act i.i most valuable. But ,sir, public bodies aro unnecessarily alarmed nt tbeexponsc. Thoy forgot half tho expense—and it can'tbo much altogether , not worth a thought—will bepaid out of tlxs national pnrfio , and tho other halfwill be, in many cases, moro tlmn made np out off ines to l.o levied under tho Act. All thoso Rues ,from £20 dowmvunl.i, must bo banded over to thopublic bod ies working tbo Act. (Seo clauso OV.)As to salaries , I hope the Local Government Boardwill arra nge this matter.—I dm, sir,

A LOVEK or H EALT H.Wuterford , October 9, 1S74.


Si«—Thcj want of pubiio markets was seldom Beenmore oloarl y than on Tuoaday morning, when u num-ber of industrious farmers' horsos nud curs, with loadsof corn, wore dri pp ing with w«t on tho quays. Werethere propor murkots iu town , tbcsu peop le would beall under sheds, and if thoy did uot wish to .sell theirgoodfl, they could lot them remain safe and dry mideicover , till next day or tho day after.



DKAU HIU—I BUO by loukiug over ouo of yourpapers , dated Feb., 1S7-I , that tho Nationa l Hankshares werci then but 5<>—now thoy aro over (Jlj —that in , £U) rise iu leas lliau .eight mouths. It neuinsto me , as tu morit Millers , that thu lato trial haa puttho National un the " pig's buck ," fairly crownod it.



D KAH Sill—I <M.e by tho papers that u motion wasmadii at the last meeting of tho corporation to extendtho liouwh uf tlw cit.y taxation , into tho country ,Now , Kir , are nut ratepayers tired , sickened , of hear,infj of corf mmlc mismanagemen t, nnd hero is moreof it asked fur—to extend tho bounds of mismiiuuge.meul—nay, robbery ! Wh y »;ivo tbo corporationmoro ruu m for .such work ?' Tho country will noverStand this. U'orso still —I think it u wrong movo BOfar aa Watorfurd is concerned—it will throw thocountry tunes c.n the city, and it will not givo thocitizens thu power of dividing theso taxes bctwcienlundlord and tenant , ns under the poor laws. It willthrow nil t int sanitary expenses, and the ropairs ofroade , Ac., at once upun the city, which must causeu borough ram of no onu knows how much. Is itnot helter lei well enoug h nlono—lut tho country dotlieir onu ivorfc , and pay l) >eir OWM rates—let thecity do tho saino ? However , thu change must bosanctioned by Parliament, which will never bu «ivonto a corporation who can't—aa thu mover repents—inauagu thoir own affairs.

Wntcr ford , Wednesday. U ATW 'AYKK.


Sin—An uneasy sort of man , who uatd tu Iruublothis town long ago, and obstruct its progress , whenhu was II Tury, has been here lately, und hna wrilleumime , rubbliali about us in his little , dirty pupor inWalerford , from which I encloso a fow extracts. Ithink you will say no one ever read such uiimeiuniiBstuir. 1« the first placo hu says Duugarvan in im.proving, and in tho oud of samo sontenco , ho statesthat it ia deauj iuj ! Which iB corrocl '< " Grain ," which used to bo the priucipal article of commorco ," has almost passed out /)f thu list or articles o[" trai lo ; thu murkets uru disused—the stores empty—and thu ships unemp loyed." This nil untrue.Next comes u bit uf confusion :—" Tho new buttermarket, thoug h all its nppoiutmonts havu uot beencomp letel y oirricd out , ban stimulated iho trud.i iuthis inij ioriuiit article , but aorao complaiutB are inaduni)J it is uniil that butter from tho neighbourhood ufDunguivan goes to Lismore, inasmuch as the inaifce tregulations aro not coii^ 'eti-, aud thereforu theyj ught to bo carried 'Alt."

Hero is another morcca it of wrilinj f , worth y ofthu old man who never tires of Houndi ng his ownhum :— " Thu Towu-ltull is a line 1 ir^'i nmu, i.mlwas badl y wanted in Dungarvun ; lull Ihi! •lur.y . rplut furiii is at thu wroug eiul, and the Cmniissionersought either to transfer tho siage to th.» lar thm - ,-,.•(from thu htuirc;iso, or inoviitho stuir to tho other < ¦»</of the roiim. Tho former would bo by fur tho cheaper.These remarks do uot exlmust tho subject , and weshall return to it on a fuluro occasion." I hupu thulearned edilur will lull moro trath , und n'rito butlurKfi fclial i whon ho nex t " returns" to tho subject.

Duugarvuu , Woduosday. DC.NUAKVAM MAN .

FISHERY CONSERVATORS.The conservators of thia district mot on Monday

in the City Grand Jury Room, commencing at balf-pa«t one. Thoro were prosont:—

Mr. ROBCKI COOK. J.P., Kiitin&ne Custlc ¦¦¦ H>" «™»r-MfMn. B. Roberts, J.P., E. A. Byrne, J .P., New Row ; JameiPrendergast, ArdSnnan CosUs; J. L. Conn, E. Carr, BOU >ewEOM ; A°N. O'NcUl, K. MorruwoT, O. Thompson ; A. CoUes, J.White, Ciipt. Kellr, P«B«ag»; 8. Perry, with Mr. J. Wall, tee.,and Mr, Carr, assistant Bocretary at Boss.l

BILL OT COSTS.A letter was read from Mr. A. Boyd, solicitor, Kil-

kenny, asking payment of £40 in lull of ft largor aum ,for costB inourred in conducting prosccutione for theboard from time to time. Mr. Boyd wrote that theproseoutiona wore ontered on by him by directionsof the conservators of the diatrict, and the amountwas now so long due, originally closing £70, that hewas satisfied to tako tbe sum named ia fnll of bisolaim. During the disoussion that ensued, Mr. Connsupported the jnstioe of paying tho claim at once.The prosecutions were conducted by Mr. Boyd, andhe (Mr. C.) considered that the directions of the con-aervatorB Jof the distriot concerned wero sufficientauthority for him to proceed with them. In thoir in-dividual oapacity, the conservators would not wiahto allow just claims against them to remain unsettled,and ho would propose tbat, as tho aome fcoling shouldactnate a pubiio board , the amount be paid.

UessrB. Roberts and Collos, whilst admitting thatMr. Boyd had been instructed to nndortakotbiadnty,as stated, expressed their desire that, before paymeut,the matter ahould bo inquired into. The length oftime for whioh tho matter lay over waa a strong roa-aon wby such a courso ahould bo followed.

Mr. Conn consented to this view being adoptod,and , npon his motion , it was agreed to ask Messrs.Collea nnd: Staples to mako inquiry into tho claim,and to report to the general meoting of tho board,taking placo on tho 27th inst.

THE FINANCES .—Mr. Wall , secrotary, Bnid : I amhappy to bo in tho position of informing tho boardthat the state of onr funds is much hotter than tboyworo for tbo past five years. In 1870 our grossreoeipts woro £9 H; in 1871 thore wore £1,038 ; in1872, £1,022 ; in 1873 £1,078 ; aud for thia year£1,200. I might say that wo have £1,290 in bank ,but we havo out of that to pay somo bills duo at thiaond of tho year, which will leave us after aii is paid£1,200 to allocato. Mr. Byrno : In what partioularbranch has this increaso takon place, or ia it thorosnlt of improved oconomy ? Mr. Wall : It haaarisen , in tho firat instance, in tho eolo of Iicunsoa,Mr. Dobbyn sold £1,119, worth of licenses, against£957 last year, and then ho had £90 in fiuea.

ALLOCATION Or THE VL'.NOS.Mr. Carr brought forward tho subject of tho allo-

cation of tho funds to the sevoral divisions with aview to an alteration. By tho present aystotn thefunds woro allotted in tho proportion of two-sovonthato tho tidal divisions, and of fivo-sevonths to the freBhwator proportions , a system giving riso to consider-able trouble, and also loaving Bomo of tho divisionswithont a sufficiency of funds. What ho would pro-poso wonld bo that tho funds bo allocated in g lobo toeach division .

Mr. Roberts aaid that tho prosont system waaadopted after motnro consideration , and ho saw noreason why thoy should chango it.

Mr. Carr observed that the system was one pro-posed upon thu motion of ono who took a great into-roat iu tho fisheries, Mr. Maguiro, but ho (Mr. C.)was convinced tho timo had come for u change-, andbo had no hesitatiou in proposing tho conrso ho mon-tionod. Under tho present modo ho fouud thia seasonbat £61 allocated to tho tidal divisions.

Mr. Morriasoy—I know that tho C division did notrecoivo enough of tho funds. What was tho amountroccived for licenses in that division for tho season ?

Mr. Carr—Tho amount for licenses was £213.Mr. Morrisscy^I know that thoro ia any amount

of poaching upon tho Kilmaeow liver , and that rivorforms a portion of thu C division.

Mr. Prondergnnt—That poachiug will noon bo pntan end to, bocausu tho police aro exercising groat vi-gilance in its repression.

Mr. Morrissey~-No!i long sinco I hoard somo menin my district boasting that thoy had killod fifty-ninofish thoro iu two nights.

Secrotiuy—Tho divisiou had upwarda of £100 toits credit on the Season.

Mr. Carr—The I! division had upwards of £90, andtho F division £M1, being, in that division , but £10nndcr what it had tho year before.

Mr. Collea moved, seoonded by Mr. Trendorgnst,that tho system remain .is nt present. This motionpasaod , Mr. Carr stating lio would bnug thu questionbcforo tho meeting.

INCKKA SK Or SALARIES.Mr. Prondcrgast requested that Mr . Wal l and Mr.

Carr (sees) would withdraw. When thoy had retired ,Mr. Prcndcrgast stated ho waa awaro that Mr. Wall'sduties as secretary hud of latn very much increased ,and Mr. Wall had intimated to him that he could notdovoto his timo to the duties for tho sum ho received.Mr. Wall was appointed ak £100 a year originally.After n time he was reduced to £75, but since thenbis labors had incroised very much , nnd thero wasovory reason wh y ho should bo restored to his formersalary. Ho (Mr. P.) had given Mr. Wall much to doin tho way of correspondence ; ho had used him vorymuch in tho way of inspection, aud had always foundhifn most willing (hear , hear). Mr. Carr, too, was,in Ross, most uUentivo to his duties , and his pay wasbut £25 a tear. Ho would now proposo that tfo sa-lary or Mr. Wall bu fixed at. £100, and of Mr. Carr at£-10 a year. Tho fnnds of tho board could well affordtho increaso.

Tho motion was taken up by Mr. Roberts, who in-creased M r. Curr'a salary to £50, and necouded byMr. Prondergnst , the motion passed in that shipo.

A DEFECTIVE WKIIl .A letter was read from tbu inspectors, Stating that

tho Turtulla . weir , near Thurles , was without a fishgap. Tho subject was referred for inspection to Mr.Thompson , assisted by Mr. Wall.

1'OACIIING.Mr. l'renderg .vit proposed that tho resolution passed

nbout a year Hince, upon iho motion of Sir K. Paul,seconded by Mr. Kearney, c'llling upon thu Govern-ment lo direct iho ;>olieu to assist in pulling downpouching, bo again sent forward. Tho police were ,oven /io«', doing1 griw t servico in that way, but asHomo of that body wero not as cnergotic aa others,the doing as he proposed would bo productivo ofmuch good. Mr. I'rendergnst showed some of thoweapons used in his district for poaching; nnd , in-deed, they wero of a very dangeroua looking fashion.IIo observed , as ho did sn , it was useless to oxpectany but policu to face men armod with such implc-mnntn . Tho motion passed unanimousl y, and thesitting ended .

/' 0 I, I C F . O F F I C E .M OXI IAV .— Bc-fiir t ) thu llight Worshipful Alderman

Cummin.", Mayor ; Aldermen St. (J. Freoman and P.A. Power , and Mr . (1. I. lloulil , H.M.. A I'tctlmricDoffc.—Tin: dock this morning was chock full ; flies (ifvarious hup s weru cancel , numbers woro in tho backsunt-", and many moro wero called upon their word o(honor. Tin- ollicial fj i iders showed heavy Vj uaincsK,and conBeqiiciitly there was now an air uf importancenbout their movements oxlivmnl y becoming. MauricePower was drunk at tho Kind's Terraco on Saturdaynight ; Michael Kl ymi , and Kilwnnl Leary wero en-gaged alleriny th eir pru lilo in Michael-street on -Sun-dnv nig hl , as well-urdercd jieoplo enmo from prayers ;Thomas Cuddiliy w:u Hat in Stephon-stroot ou samonielli ; Thomas (j iiinn matched him in H/irraek .street ;William \Vul>li was at a wako on Saturday night , anilwas imp ersonating thn corpse at full length inHurrack-HtP' i 'l when tho constitutiona l sack-ein-ur.camo ncrosn him ; Michael Flaherty was supportiii(.;tho toepnth in Xr wtown at two o'clock on Sumlaymornin K, ami Micha '.'l had been looking at a deadman also ; Maurice F/nbuvnn took up his quartersi f\ tho channel in tho Manor on Saturday evening ;Michael lla lly , tho litora ry knight of tho paste,selected Hroad-htrent for his meet with eapiivily,and ono nnd all handed over 2s. (!<). with costs to thejnecessities uf (lovtriiment. Josep h Walah got stucknt tbo Collejj ii-road on Saturday night, and boing nnolovated party, hu landed over his crown , bnt hiswas out ilono by one who ovidcntl y know tho way,ono Michael Fleming who was called on to hand overtwo , becauso hu was fined ou Saturday morning, andmis again in n spirituous lutlmrgy that night; how-over , tho ancient Fleming hail to give in for BOVOIIJays ; John I?ay, n Heel, whoa " KCOII O of openitious isubout Huttermilk-lam 1, was mad e to |my oithcr 5s. intho pockot , or -IN hours in tho fl«sh , for striving toknock the blackthorn prop from undor a poor cri pplenamed John Collins , whilst Harry Tyler and JohnHickey were remanded ou un agricultural statemontby " Farmer" Rigney, that at about half-past eighton Sunday night ho found thorn in tho Mauor, ouowith o Htonn of potatoes , tho other with threo ciiinr-tern , nicel y planted insido their Bhins, their handsshowing clearly tho marks of tho native beds of thepurloined Murp hy 's. Thn " fatmer" can seo throughyou. Mr. Patrick Mulmii tried n little blood lullingupun a -Mr. .Michael MaUnth , with his hammer, oiltho forehead , Meliratli venturing to remonatrute withMedian , who belongs to tho outor bar of St. Crisp in,in vul gar phrasu, n cobbler , nnd got leave to tako ugovernment situution for a week.

AniAt'lol' K. —Patrick Durnn , a compositor nnd amilitiaman, was put forwnrd, having boon arrested ona warrant, nt one o'clock on Sunday morning, at n" wake " in New street , by tho vigilant ConstableIti guey, ehiuged with having, on Saturday owning,at Tut: N KWM ullieo, King street, commiltod maliciousinjury, and used threatening language. Mr. JohnIj oughlin deposed that ho had chargo of tho printingoffice , nuii sumo licim ntier Rro o'clock iu tliu ovunicyibu priacner and auolhor came into tho office, nnd upsiairs tu tl o composing room ; ho said thu mini withhim was a *' tramp," and deponent said when hewould gir 1. |iai-l h-- would Jiivo him Homo help ; it wasiiftrrwur -K ili ^C '-viT . il i hat linn person was not ul i . iu i p a ' :i :¦ , Inn .i MI .n ilom the (juay ; Doraii al-luoal iuinieili.ilel y aildrd that hu (deponent) waskeeping tight ur nine compositors idlo in the towii ,and that ho would do daina^'o in tho otlico ; deponentcautioned him nut , hut he tried to throw tho news-Muiim- " ibrmcd" fmm e<H ' iho MOW .1 ; ivitli soino difli--•ulty hu wus prcveiiied ; he then rail aud upset a:uso of ty|H: ; hii comiiaiiion ^ai<l that ho (Doran)ivould not du any lnoro damage whilst ho was withuim , but bo said hu wuuld do it on hia way down

stairs -s as Doran went down stairs he tore standingjobs from off tho if alls where they were hnng, andthrew them ot hia feet, and was finally got ont afterdoing damage to tho amount of a pound at least,, andthreatening those who were then >» the place. If hehad knocked down tho newspaper " forme, thodamage would have been fearful. The prisoner at-tempted no defence, and pleaded guilty. Ho wasfined fl compensation, ono pound penalty andcostaor go to jail for one month at hard labor. He wasremoved. , .

TUESDAY.—The Mayor presided, ond dispoaea ot afow oasea of ordinary drunkenness by imposing fineBof 2a. 6d. or 24 hours, ,

IVEDWKSDAT.— Beforo tbe Mayor. Joseph Dal tondrnnk and disorderly at Petor-atreet, and eight timoaup thia jeur before, waa sent to jail for ono month ,and William Connolly, drnnk at aam o place, followedfor a fortnight. Constable Doyle Baid tbat rotor-etroefc was fast becoming impassable from rowdies.Miohael Callaghan and William Carey wero oaohfined 2s. 6d. for being drank, and thoso fines theyPaid- ._ _ . . . __ , ,,i ir

OCT. 12.—Before tho Right Worshipful Aid. W. K.Commins, Mayor; Mr. J. Slattory, and Mr. G. I. Goold ,R.M. A Bare iliiseum—Tho "Royal" Barnums badroally a vory fall and interesting display of ro-am-matod nature this morning, aod were quite on tbosmart in doing fnll justico to tho several (do) meritsof the "enriositiea" aa thoy came tojbe judicially ana-alysed. Tho first of tho lot was a peculiar specimenof tbo gorilla, indigenous to Alexander-street, (pro-nounced by tho exhibitor cf most combative propen -Bitios for its ago, and known by tho appellation ofPat Gallaghor. On Sunday ovening this gorilla ,withaomo others of tho same genus, ran rnging throughtheir lair, and, armod with sticks ond a pokor, at-tacked two of tbo samo species, of tho Russell branch ,known to bo of moro ruminating habits, and speedilyloft their marks upon them. Tho Barnums of Poter slano wero out immediately on hearing tho uproar, andcaptured this beautiful animal, tho rest succeedingin'Oy iug to their lair. Tho court thought it a pity,Bvid'ontly, to allow this robust gorilla to ovor-cxertitsolf , and, with mnch consideration , it was orderedto foe caged for a month ; tho noxt time it will bo fora qunrtor. In succession waB a femalo of tho snetiontribo, ono of tho enlarged snipo species, labol/od Mar-garet Connors, and sho was caught taking the earthin John-streot on Saturday night. Hulf-a-crown , withsixpenco for a rooord, and tho Bnipo flow away toother scones. Tho next wore two grubbers, labelledHarry Ty ler and John Browne, anared by " Farmer"Rignoy tho previous week-,with stone9 of "Murphies"under thoir feathers, with which provender they weroabout hibernating, when tho keen hunter pouncedupon thorn. They woro then caged , and woio nowexhibited for a good viow boforo enlargement , as noono could bo found to claim tho spuds. Tho grubbersvanished. Tho next in turn wero two of tho " litt lebuBy boo" speciea , Danny Brien and Billy Sclamlore,who borrowed tho plumago (vest and trowscr-s) of ;ilittle bird at Mr. Spencer's, of Killuro , and wencaught by that admirablo Crichton , officer Seolleuand tho energetic naturalist, Sub-conaUblo DixonA certain portion of thoir history was wanting, amithoy woro ro-cnged, to bnvo tho omission suppliedThen camo a most extraordinary littlo animal , whosegonus could not well be named by ovon the most ex.porionced present, buL ono feature was clearly definedia tho antics of Master Paddy Goro, and that was,that ho had the most superlative propensity for mis-chief. On Sunday evening this mischievous little in-soct tied oao ond of n string to the knocker of a haddoor in Barronstrand-streot; tho other end ho fastenedto a lamp-post opposite, leaving tho ci:ntro so taut ,and just closo enough to thu ground ns not to beminded by tho unconscious passers-by, bring ingincvitablo grief to any unfortannto wight. " C'TOSsini;tho line." Ouo or two did so, and immediately kissedtho flugs , but tho sport was quickl y cat short byofficer 7G, who speedily had tho littlo wasp Hafu iu thePotor-strcot collection , and its maturna.1 had now tr,pay half a crown , with sixpeuco to get it restored tctho nest. Repeated calls woro inadu for absouteo.-but without avail, and pressing circulars wero orderedto issno for a gonoral caucus on Thursday. To turnto customary purasoology,^ his Worship the Mnyor,referring to tho Aloxanilcr -struet case, said therewas not enough of polico there at all to keep thepublic pcaco with such rowdy characters as iheprisoner, but lie, and all of his class, might dependupon it thoy wo a Id not rcceivo any leniency whenconvicted in that dock boforo him. Alluding 'o th *Btring business iu Barronstrand-stroot , his worshi pBaid ho waa passing up Barroustrand-strect on Satur-day night, and fouud upward s of n hundred youngblackguards putting tho wholo placo into a sttuo oftho moat fearful coutusion. llo could not seo »policeman , and ho remonstrated with tho ruflUns tokeep quiet , but , iustcad uf doing what ho requested ,thoy shouted him und turned him into ovory kind ofridiculo. It may bo addu'l here that it is now thofashion to collect at the corners of certain street.":,and, iu the day light, shout out this names of respectablo peopJo going past, and that in a fashion , tooaB if certain of doing so with impunity.

OCTOIIKK 13.—Tho .Mayor, Captain P. P. Bren.innnd Mr. P. D. Wulsh , presided. Ttikiii 'j Down aSlack.—This ia . 'ho seasonTor threshing, and stacksaro taken dowu and brought iuto tho barn for thepurpoao. Tho Waterford and Limerick JfailnayCompany, nmongat thoir many other possessions, hasat this ond of their iiuo a Stack , with the- prefix ofPnt, and ou Monday evening :i fanner namu 'l JohnBrien, who cses glasses very frequently, pulled himdown nnd gavo him n threshing at, iho terminus , forno reason, whatever, beyond a strong desiro for in-dustry. Brien expressed contrition for his unseason-able agricultural operations, and was sentenced lo¦JO?., or a mouth. When > '.r»:k Mf t . i litn'tc , S 'c.—Mnrgurut Brien and Anne Humphries aro membersof a tribu who walk as others sleep, antl , certainl y,if auy board of naturalists would give a prize furugliness , thero would boa fierce competition betweentho two—it would in fuct be a drawn baitlu. Theymet on Monday ni ght iu ihe vicinity of thn Manor ,and Madame Humphries macadamised Margaret'.-profile to such an extent as to necussitato a supplyol stick-ins ji lastor, and to evaporate a laryu amoiiutof sanguinary boor. Margaret was not idlo—as whyshould she ?—she, too, tried tho virtue of Hint ,and .sue.ceeded iu yiviug Auno's upper li p llm appearance ofu very red, ovor ri pe mangold , besides disarrang ingher capillary ornamentation very considerabl y,Misses Brid get Ford and Bridget Hopkins , also lunarprofessionals , gavo it dead against ihe Humphrieswho was broug ht up by Constable Sheeh y, tu whomtho Amazons told ihuir talo uf strife the night before,uud thu accused waa sent to jail for a month , at hanilabor. Thero was onu additional case of drunkenness ,tho offender being a farmer named -Martin Mannin g ,who wits not fnvorably known to Constable l) ^vle,t hi:arbiter ck jonfiar um of Peter-street , and he was ad.judged to payi,'!, with ccMjy, or gu tajuil f ur .•"¦midays. Thu latter waa taken.

W KUNKS D AY .—The Mayor and Cap:. Ifren.iri ['iv.sided. (l oinj at lliuvhnu. —Anui t Murp hy, a juni i i imember of the lunar tribu patronising our city vi - rymuch against our will , was disorderly in Colbcek.street on Tuesday night. Anne 's iuneuedi-nts wennot very bad, haviug got but two months this yi-ur .and .sho was now lurtuuaiu enmi^h tu escape withseven days. Uridgel Klliott ami l-'it/ .;ia'.ru:k ,two prominent members ul' the sain. - sucii.-I y, wer.drunk on tho if all at eleven o'clock rli.? nhj ii before,aud having undergone seven days twioe alread y, theywere tiuw sent up for [uurtcmi tt:iy.i. li- iinj I' .W-/.y.—A laborer, named Owen Power, and uoi an old cj neeither , win broug ht up fur havin g liivn drnuL mi the3nth Jul y. Constable Doy le then iiil 'm-ined the euurithat in this year Power got two months fur as.-ault ;threo weeks for drunki .nuesn; one month for do. ;10s. or seven days, and summoned again lor drunk ,euuerts on Jul y ilf , nnd was invisible unt i l last ni ^ht.This iudustnous inebriato waa cuiuunt.ed for sevendays. AVii'l—Patrick .Sinnott WiU broug ht un (urhaving been drunk tho evoiiiug before, ami withhaving abused Capl. lfreuau , J.I' . Aecu.seJ expressedsorro w for whut he said tu Cupt. Itrenau , and thatgeiillumaii vory kindl y lot him olf unpunished , liutwith u caution.

FANXlNli 'S 1ST1TUTK--Ti MIMV .Tho Ri ght Uov. Ur. U AY iu tin ; chair .

Also present—-Messrs. J. Strauginan , I PJU . treasuriTA. P. Miihcr , M. Slauuy, J.P., 'ami Aid. rfl tieorgiFreoman, J.P.

CoxriiAirt.-".—Tho committee reported that ihcjhud accepted tho tundur of Mr. Juhn .\dair , Lad ylane, for bread at 5Jd. per Hbn ., and of Mr. j .Regan, Kiug-strcet , fur beef at 7d. per II).

DEATHS.—Tho deaths of Richard Tobin , asj eJ 72 ,and of Mr. Richard Free, lato court-keeper , ngeil 1) 1 ,wero reported sincu last meetiug.

CoRiiKsi 'OM iKNi .'K.—The onl y other business wasthe read ing ut' a h.-tler from tho Commissioners ufCharitable l)ouat iuns and Ituquct-i leferrr iug tu theiu vest ing by tho governors of £500, thu donation totho iustitutiou uf tho late Jushua W. Strangiuan ,Ksq., iu thu fi ve por cum. stock of tho Grea t .Southernaud Western Railway Company. Tho commissioners ,throug h their secretary , .Mr. Uernon , objected thatthiiir consent was not asked previously . Mr. Strang-ni.m produced a. letter from ll;o commissioners stac-iug they had no objection to tako chnr f>u of thu fund.A resolution was noiv pasied iihkinj; iho consent , asrequired , and iho meeting separated.


SIR —They say that ono iniKht as well kill n duyas Iu mive him a bad name. In liko manner , >vh:utrader eould ufford to bo constantl y re|ioi-nil :IH I I .- H- -itij ; his ultairs misruiinnged ? A niembcr of ibu cor-poration , with a littlu nasty paper at his back , i*constantly giving tho corpuraiiuu a bad u.inie, nudSiirin K tl is nunrly bankrupt. Tho report is wholl yunlruo ; but still the Lords of tho Treasury l,avi:heard it , and others have heard it a!-o, and L I I .: m.suit is, that Hi" ri- |>ori—thoug h a lie—is lining i hi:ecqioiation's credit , and therelbro thu citi/.i u - , verygrcml harm. It has tvivikrncU lliu :slabilitv uf I heb.idy, and what can bu wur.-o than this ? Wh. -n aman's credit is sliafc'- 'i , l iko a publir body, u-iiat i-liu ? Dou'i nations , like individuals , depcu-l onJiuir credit I Tin. in.

Waterford , Oct. 7, Ib7 1.

PBBOVIAN GUANOTJsiOBTUSATBLf—or it raiiy be fortunately for th«

gro«tb of tbespirit of euterprisein the Angh-Snion raw—in this country there is no river Nile which , by its prriodicalrising, re-enriches the exhausted soil , and by it« boneScentioSaenccs ensure? , with bat little expenditure or foresight ,the bonntifnl ond i»lmoatj>rouVul productiuu o/ these crop*which furnish food (or man aud bet^t . lloie, on th« cou-tr»ry, man has to fight against all the disadvantages of avariable and treacherous climate, and , in somo cssej , astcr -lsoil. He «ow», 'tin true, in hope, bat the greater part of bi«time is spent iu fears and anjieiie s, while, too frcquautly attho very moment when he is looking for the harvest whichshall repay him fur months of toil snd recoup the largoeipeoditore be haa been most likely with great difficultyable to make, some unlooked-for blight , or frost , or flood , orsome nrtuy of novioui insects rftt .icks his fields with OD

irresistible force, and leaves him nil but uvenvbehn ed andhopelcsB. Under such circmnstnii cM ii in not at all surpris -ing that tbe cultivator of the soil should he ready to listento »ny suggestionmind ivillin R to avail himself of any rocaniwhich science or experience may sugieit to ksjun the il s orovercome the disadv;intos» s iinder which he snfTcrs. Datingthe past thirty year*, and in H more marked manner withintbe latter half of this period , many and varied htirabeen the improvement* IUIU I" holli iu the mechanicalcontri vances ivliicli buve been iii»eiili. il lor til-! Ulinimi singlabour and timo in the culture nf the soil nnd in the appli-cation of chtMmciil science to the production ami ronoinicaluse of natural mid artificial manure-*, ivllich , hy their action ,not only increase tho weight of the crop, V.nt, hy securing itsripening iu a shorter period ,lessen tic chance-* of its dev.ibta*tion or deterioration by the adverse inlW-nc.ii to which wnhave alrf.idy nlludnl. At the present time it is inor« tha:iever iuportant to the agriculturist that hu rihoulil secure th-}best value for his outlay, n.nd th:ii his iiurcha*^ •> f mtuur >• *should bo confined to those who am willin g to ^'uarauUctheir coni-titueiits :ts ascertained hy th? aual ysiB nf chemi-tsof repute. Unilnii 'itedly the manure most ivi'k-ly knownand ju-lly appreciated is l'eruviin Government ,, <i .Since its tir$l introductiun no other manure ha-, li'v-n fouirieo completely in all rc-fpecls tu suppl y tin: reiiuircinrnt- ofthe agriculturist. Wo refer now p.iuialLirly In the ilipMHon the Chiucha liland- , the cotnpo-.iti- 'ii i<f which vari t i i <•}klighll y that no oll'i-'r KUnr aului! than that pur i t y was atany lime i:i-ce*s.iry. 'f'ticsi.1 di-po-JU fi.ive now unlorf 'jn. i l t'Jybccnmij exhausted- Thn imports uf 1' liuvcriunetitguauo since: the year l«7i have 1,,-i -n almost i-nt rely (rumthe Gualliipc and Macubl i-iliilttU , uml :ihli',u^b iu nn,s*. rr>-pects tho ci/iupo sition of the Ruano frnm tliesu i- .'aiid, i- ,similar to that Iroin ihe Chinrh.i - , it d lT-ri rouM^ erably it -.per crn 'aiifot moisture, anil con^eq '.l -Mitly m Oiii'ht i ' .ii , b-ingfor tin- must p.trt in day-like lii inp- r i rr . -in-l y diilicuh t iwork , anil contrast!:. i f .n' .ur.ihl y iviili thv t'ii:ibl <and ilry state in w 1 .. ':;::i h i l iua in l I I M .ll -«ay <arrived. C.iinpl.iiuls ¦¦*< ¦¦> I!.- cli.m/wl i i - i tnic of !luinauuri: having rt-ai:lii;il l i i ' - I' lT i i c iu i ( inVJrulii i ..:it , Ilieyhavi: l.iti ly ma'l.: arr.mjj- uu -nt s fur lb' : j ,r<r| * .'irti (Jlt ot " \l:-.solved roruvian CioverniuiMi v I'm m- ," m t l n s t M u u t r y hy tinsame pmc1" so -iir.c-.sfully worti I in licno.K y lij* MvS-.r-.Ohlcndorff i t' .'.). dur ing tin' l i i t i u n ;e i r - . U ¦• I I I I I I I - CI !.I:. 1that the raw guano i-> IPMI - ' I >»;;h -iil |> .;iiirii: mr sii , !#y iriia-::ineaiH the aininouia jiv:viou-iy i-\:- ',ini: m :\ vt ii.iiii.: an I ,llierirtorc , -'vani^a-nt turm is J i \ - - .l , ;n. 'l »I J . - |.)j ,.-;»IJ I ( M

reii 'lercd snlublc. The proce^ i..|ii[.!ii}vil ,iUo cmverts il.cclayey, lumpy raw &:u;ino iuln a tin- ilry, \> 'vv j ,-ry :.,-wlnli: st i l l l u r t l n - i - in l.ivmir nf th- ¦ ! :—ilvrl cm ti l l ':i s :•.:¦:fact tha t it lst iMil of Ilie f . i ru if r pure.'i;i-in^ at nn rij tin l p-.. ;guillin ot' v.llyiirz ut ility a ^u . i r i l i t ' 1': is i:' .w ior,.:i '.! imi i i imuin t.l \lf p,.-r cont. fn*'.'l anitnoin.i , 'JO ]n-r ivi :t. fsoluble , and V p-r cent, in-olnb li ' ^u in r » pl i 'i.-pli.i!e. 1 ¦,*disrolvfd t'U-in .> vv.w tir -t I n o l t ' . .,r, »|i;tri-ct:ilj l- : i-x!c:i '. ::ithis country *. y.'.ii ', aii'l j '.i'L'iti^ f u n n Uir ]• un ;»H !¦-*. ."'te-timoni.ils on it s n-o puhiislnvl Uy Mo-rs. < ) lili - :i -l > : '.!' •:- 1Co., .ui.l ll.<: rep ots of tin: rh:»f .IN i.'yf ic . i l c; ¦• ¦: u:-r:- . '

¦-.:!: •.thi- e(;untry ami on t la1 1 *-, ri '.ii. c-i;I , VAV i:i i,i ir JI ,-¦,.-.-: .;s i;is ilistini ' .l t ., a t t a in :.n l |,'.--; ' I v -urp.i -s th - ].¦.-:¦.¦ >•:foruit .-rlv ln-lil liy th- old t ' i i i i i ih . , _"ii:. 'i. In !.u; r , :> , i - r .-po=iti'in am! (;.)tiilui ,n a;i;i :ir t . !,- slU:!i ;i- tn-.l- " at l l 'Mni l i 1 tllrt -l l l l :it t t; i t ¦ .tl Ol i - V r l V I mill 7 llii ',wi-hi' S to .i-ci-rt. -m lor hi:t '.- - l t A .,1 ' i s i t i i i y li . .. i ; ; i : .urul)i-3l siiit-J tu his w.inl - i .— y -rki 'iir.: U-tVt,r 'l' .ist.

l-'OHTlfCOMIXf ; .ACIJICI. 'l/l' L 'KAf , Sl.'ijV,'.!Ocr'ii:l:n -S — KM.l ir.: Agr:c ;!i- :rd S -•-• v . , - \:b<

Mr. \\\ .l..hns. ,ri , r i , rui i ip |i-li,»-:i l|. ,u-. ', Cil- .w , I f - ,:;. - '

XOVE.Ml lKB i'i all I '^7.—' "liip|.-iili.ini A< '.n:,i '. > c •¦•—Show at Oii ppi'nii.iut. K:i *. t ivs ci-i-o X-*v e i:ib-..- J - > . .'.!M. I.ittlo , I.aulull , Ciupp onhara , si-cretary.

N'o v r . M l i K i : 'J.-!, .'In. -ui' l I 'i:cr.-. . M H K U 1, -', •'). —l lirm: A_'ricu!tur.ii Kxhi ' ' l l '.' 't l—Cit : l - ri iiow. I\ :ilr:i: > c.-.sNnv iMnii '.-r '.'. Mr. .1. Ii. l.y '.lnll , l i i cmiu ^ h i tu , ..-:...;:, rv .

I i K C K M i n . i t I. *J, :(.— Vijrkshn * ! Society 's t c- ^:.,.-; i ;,, » .;:all'l r.'O- -!i'»vv .it Vork. l- i i iri irs clo-e .Vov- tiii ,. r IJ . ,\I:.1. \V.its .,n , U'lid il l i l i l .-e, York , «i - i i -t i rv .

UrcKM i '.KR. —K ' lyaf (lun.'ni >,,i:;.:ty 's I '.,-. <.' i -:;- ..Hoot Sh-w VV. !•:. S:e>.;l.-, K-u.. -i-cr.-laty.

D K C F M I I K I : 7. S. '.i . I", an I 11.—-Siu:t i ; i i - r £ r!-;:, f,; c ,:::-khoiv , al .\srii:u itu r - i l If »II , I -h le .'t ' in. Iv: ' ; -.- . i ; ..-. ii inp lcuKir - . I ) ,:!..I.T I : Inr HMCK . '.Vuv ii r -. .Mr. !:. T](r.n..l. .:li (ii!,!,. ami Mr. 1) . 1'x ';. :i , II nf. V-, a -^ - .c: , 1V:»ddl y, l.,n.l.,:i , -..c:i.t.irii:s .

F A x ii i o \ A :; i. K >; i: v: - .Tim Mi t r i | i i i . -. ol' OniMnil . ; iiml l.., i - .U Arih-r

iui.1 'r in -nlialil I!:I :!T I f : Ki:k -:uiv l . i- : !? -i .- .-- . rd iT , i -l in r r i ' Hull.— , on :i v i . i t tu M r . Kuv'.i:i:i_ :, , M.I '., ¦.:. I r irr.-lon Muii 'lay t v.-tti:: !;.

The Karl ;nnl l.',,ui:to ,-- i,f ». -si, <i :v,:;rj, ^r-rivisl :it . ' i invr n i i ( ¦:i- ;!.- ut i S:t :unl iv , -t:i i v:- : ' • i * \*. -^- • - .c^r i:lifdi-li , at l 'l r.;.m;. .1 t . . II. -h '.r .. ¦ > -_-• > .1: , M :¦;.. .

.\t i'. ) { i; l ) i' fL Tb' i tnas Caruu- . !) . ) . . , ;m.I sti;- - .- .haV" nli ini-il tu I ;: I!;I ::.UI .I ,I ::I I'arli , W..-.. rf r l :r .::: :!;.- H .- . ]ih; l.u.ivr .- , I'.u-i- .

Mr. .M'li.rc,, Mr.-. .M'ior.-. j n n l -;• •'• , !.:iveri-tunii.t t<i l:.iri:- . '

¦.¦..f::c...t, f r -.n ;(•;;:; .... Ii.. .'. w, .,,- . .- ; ,

wh.-ri : t in V hiul h i . - t i ' .II -i ¦•:¦:: tu t:i - - l'...r ". • ! . : ' . ¦!::¦. - , I.S:niilhr-i'ik.- .

Jul l l l O'KcclV.', K .-'|., i l l ' : p '. ;. t l ! : l !- m- :ll>.:,. .- :- 1 . rDmi^'arvail, l:.u ;irriv< ^ l :il IJ aU y l. -mni 1. A - -, ii -..¦ .-¦-. ,¦¦„ fr u:yuti-ustown.

Tin! .Marcliiu iifi^-s¦ •¦i f '.'.'.-,. . 1. '.-. . ' ;. (- '._ __ ' ._at Kilkinny Ca-tl-: t uv^r.l- t l i - r , n.i .¦!' :',J^ ^'_u.-1 f-^.C^ u;..vijir ' :vioii-l y to lu r >un ,lh': M:ir , iiti. ^ >.f ' ir:.; m'ih , dfp irti::.- cr. ' .l-i in .i.

Tlic lii«ht Hon. M. 1[. H, -:i.-!,, I 'i .i . I' r-j. -.,-i - .-.- :l-vf.,r ir . l.iii' l, '!.-i< lr l.iicj.- I:.:ie:i , -:..:•• ;,rr;v- 1 .:: .-;.:..- -;.. ?.¦;y.:.-t'T 'l.lV Iri 'iil Kt .L-licil.

Till: O lKIs ! l.l\ 1: I:I ,1 [lr.l :s ,\s ']' ; \. ; ; ¦ . ..—A ^^u:tin: mon th uf A n ^ i i - t in i -v i -ry > ¦ :ir :i ^re.i: j r jbi i c(:"iii|i"t;t io-"i takes I'J.'ir): :ii;i,,j i^-: i - ,,- p :jp ;N '.;:' :.¦;-I'aris H e h i M i l s fur fx »•¦ • p!.i' '-s ai..l — ¦}: ¦, !.ir-i.;j , ;:; {. ':,?hii,'lK-r munic i pal .-eiiuuU o:' t h o c.:v . T' ;.- rn::n!,i'rof liir^i! pulilic in l'.iri, is nu«- I :<7. (ifti.i.snuinhor .V.I aro t ltid -l * t in - t t i aj i a '.-iiien '- .i f '¦'' :•: H:o::iorsof lip- Chris: i:m Si:h'i->! s , ui: l 7^ an: i l i r . -ct-.-l hv I:c7ti-.ieh'Ts-. Tin: ciMt »f 1 h i • '.',:) -i.-hu-,;.-! •,! :i;,! Christ,inn l l ruth'-rs was Jij' i .m .'ii f ranc- fui - ; i.u; thv.of t i t - : 7-S 'lay ~r 'i^ni\< tvas l ,S'hl l ln .»i rVaco-.-'. l> .i thouccafin ii ut ih- - .• - '.-• ¦/•-"> , G'C pup il s j i r - -> --n t i .-ti them,si'tvi -s (in cot i ip ' - ti iurs ; -J7J wore pup ils < u t ! i , ' Uro'.ti'Ti.Sciiuiils, und --> ;) ul ' Ihi: lay. Af: ..|- i ll - lir.«; i-xa::i--nut i 'J l i -il- f.' in ' i i .J : , t . - .-i U- I.TI - -c: : i~l !<• *¦> ;::;:j 'ia!,f .:ir .sjof these 17", l)eli,m,''-ii ;¦; l i j ' - ;»_v , ) ) ¦ > .-.,:!.>: UrotliiT.,'Si-h'i.iU . Hut . uf . t i n - j iu i .-i ii . -r" ::i:^ r..ili:cc l.,!5!oiiho pupi ls ol ' ( in,- l imther-- , amlj iy <•: t in; lay sci.,i .vj.sueceedc'l in th>: < -<i t : i :> - - : iiiu!:. ' l i t 01" I.1)', pruojto bi- a i v a n hi l , l!;i: l i ru th ' -r > ' i - i i p i N cari n-1 u:I U'?,tin: lay rchoul pup ils .','.1. I:. th - - n.-iiirt:n c.n!y one pup:!ut' the lay suh'i'i ls :H in--n ' i'.::i-l u- .t:i hon.jur iu tl :-Jfirst b:itch uf li'*. and ni ll.'1 l-ir!'. .".."', hi ::a l ht" cJ-1-cati-d in i i . -: ( .'hr i .- ' i i i i i >. ¦!.¦) .. !- . i','.- iir.uU: tk-iOrii lurn.H Inim i-:!icial • '.¦¦•¦¦¦::¦., .:: 11.-: !'n :!: i-h-l hy thelioanl of Kxatn i iu i .s , w h u :• - .¦ iv I i:: .-i: - a ;> |, . i intn i-.T.:jfrom t!u: Sta:i -. "I' tj . - v r i :."_-- s - ::;- .:¦ .. -.vt : :..r- a^ icomment.

¦J'.'l): 1'KK >; M I S U % -- > .V . . I , H : ili;, » ' - . .,.¦ !:;;¦ .% .—WVdiM.-.ed.iy a m-.v Mas ,,.;, . H a l : -.V :H i-j iraw ! 13l.ivrpi,!/!. A t [ii.. I/ I .-J 'J '. - L ). ,:,) .Si"!;;i- -.-.sil.i!i) K-ferrcd tu ill.: tn -.v 1 'irai.d Ma,t ,- : . t in: 1' rin.v of W:ilcf|who had , In- -ai.l , ;u,.v I f:i::i- . - :r.-i -,, ,.l M:i,(,:... (aprup 'oiu^ i i i u h. 'akh eii ' i h i - K i r . 1 if I '. i rnurvon, LordSki- lui' -r .-'lua: rvf '. -rn - i l l' i :h.: s,.(vs- .im of tin: .M:irr,ii:jul' Ui p i i ii . and sa:-l :h- i: 11 • • w., T 1' -1 Iv !-o !;u- i tnan toi|ili :s!..'nn t i n - n-as.iii- f , ,r i . i s 1 ,:¦! -:, ¦;. !aki : ,c; MU II 1C'ii ir-i -, a:i l i i . i in- ul t ! i< > ni th' ! ri < ,- '' :t in .aj 030WUM I almat h:s lov iNi i i p'.- i l^-i-i - .n . ;' ii- -y must loosJliai -k t» 1 In: pa-' , in w:i -..-h tl -.i-y ruul.l only R-garJhis lunbhi p as ,. :i, - .,: ; l . . . l,esi "L;r:i m-inurs wb-3)) !•) >-V I T ;¦«.'—I l).., l >r ,i -r . 'I'j i,.|- ivci- i - .sorry t i)!..r,i.shi|i l.a l '..-ft. 1 l i . -m , ami , I,. - nil",-:. -, a l l . in; KMS')rry lur th . - ransi- ut t h e rttxvssion.

'i n i - I-'. II .- M I I : M K M I -.K I : i . i i : I. W M : I I . — W I L L I N GItui i-Kl.t., uiiri- uii .'iuln-r .i[" rar:iam-ii *, f-ir damlje'liwho.-i: t r ia l and I'unv ie l iv t i for furgi-ry attracted 5Cmuch p i iu l i i : i !:i< -:*est t-w . -iv.- vi-ars a^o , has receiveda ticket uf !i- :ivf . I!-: was s.:nt.:ncis| to p'.-nal serri-it i ' l i : lur tweu '.v yi-ar.J uu tho 2 1 t h September , 15*5-'Our i i i " ; h is t w i - U -i- y.• •,!-.,' imj iri.suninei:l in- is rcpocteJtu have .:..:i,*

him.seil' so as to mi-r i l I hi! COS'iii' -nil.' i t iuu of lin - prisuii J i u l h u r i l i i 1-'. IJ iMnjj incap**lih- 1 if p i : r f i , r i i i i u i ; task -f inv . i lv i i i i ; h a n l t:ib ->ur ,ho waJp lai-i-i) in tin- r iu s ft i t .- if a-mili in nurvunil .-ittcflJ '¦&si i-k ; au.l it is ^uiiv.l ' h i t . h i - kmilm-s and altontiofto the patii-nts wi-re ri 'inarkalili'.

Thu Iri i -nds of M r . Tliuiuii.s .1. Ami in i .-e, ia'. Uifl'""'at tin; N11liull.1l U .lnk , Tiiurio -i , :in: nl,iui l pre3et"'0Shim with an address ami testimonial un his protno*Lion 10 the branch at Mallow.

V A M' AIII.K l J l . s t'C A K l t r Foil T I M . U.MIl l ! IfJOOIli.iii 1- tnriiiiii: sniy i.r nlnii-, ni I ii:;n.- . tl, i-e " TL« Bu-i-aii l l .u r K.-m-u- i-r ,"— li.r 1: iri// / .i-ihivlj ttitore i» «WJ

za$e Or, i/ ur I I h i l t hnir in us i , i ij i i , , , i eubur, wftkottlleaving t h - ilisi^r.-e.ibk- sin. -i l ,,l ,,i.,-t " lU-itonn." •'mjkr.n i l i u ha i r ch i i iu i iu l i hr iu i i t 'nl , ,.s » « promotiMthe i:r'nv:h ,,n !..,;.! -|,,,t. ,»!„.,,. ..) , . .. |,;,,,,,| t urc uotdeckjeiJiTlilicni.- in .1,1 Ur. V. r.,,..,, UM ,.v..,v lioltle, witb fo!!p a r t u - i i i n - . A-k >¦•'¦!¦ I 'i-inis '. |.j r " I U

',; II EXIC A J HU»I l K X I . W V l l , " pi ,.(.;„ »l 1-v l I u n v r. li .Mi.V?, 493 0ll«JSin . 1, l.uii.1 ,. 1, , ,,,..1 5,.M by Un - uii.;. .,:¦.[ |i,-r(umets ererf-r t l i . r i - :•! :t- . 01 pt-r lull!.-.

i{uiiuirk:il )|i.- , veiy rcmai kal ,le. milecj, pleasant,i . i l t i t . i iy , : i i i . l i i ivi ; - . iM!in k' lli,. ,i | .-c:- .i i IJA.M I'LOUOH'SI 'VKKI ' fl - SAl . I .N 'l : . Si.j iii .va, .- ih . sjslrul nil'i '¦>•xh- .u- t . . i . ; . .- .1.,.;.t- . 11 i ... :, ¦.." ... 1 /...... n;i,,,inap»j i.•xh..u-t ..l .¦:....,,..; .'., 11 , ,., I," '

,.;', , ,.„ .. ,,, 1 c'u , c, Bill0U»DC»iKi l lp t iv . ' Ili-e.i-- , r.-i-i., ' ,; , I C:, . , , :, . ClillJc CO take Hw i t h avu l l ly . S.,',,1 I,; ,1. I 'I IL- HH ,;. i- ,d tlie tDlk", "*ilo:l"iin-lnil . I. :i,|..,: .' ' jeS.Oai

H - 1.1,- , , '..., ,! .,.,. ,1,, - y i . , ( •„,, :„„ Mie I'uhlic ««i»;'•puiii.ii- in..;..!.,.,,. ..| :|,.. i;:,,,|-,,.i.l surch, »t prowf'»th« ni iil.i - 1 . li i . . ,vr- au.l n t l i . - i s ,,.11,1,^ [lie <»llie,«0&JC*tth-in-flv. s t.. |ii n., i |y el t 'l 'i.mja Any contideotiil io'<lt'umtmii whu h «,,; i,.'.,,t iu ¦.Mu TiLtioii ivill I.e liJDiiloffltl/ r*'w.-inh'.l

W < ) T l l l - : i : » | ' ( l c i .\ i i -.,., Kin i u i ie Park , GI«SgO».Tiinu .M A FIKI III .N .S AVU U OAHSESKSS.—Allsut1

(••mi .- l i . 11:11.111. .,, .,1 ihe i!,ro»l and hoj rMS^SJ™!»¦ .i.-ivtl y -ui[,,,.r . | .,¦ tl io .i l inu -t imcncJijte relief »«ort«" i'¦> th. - u • •• |!:,.iv,,-. lt | . . i ,d, idTr«llM." Tllr*! f?"0"" ' ..z-nj i- s " :,r- u «¦ ., 1,1 |,y ,„„,( rc-iprctible chnniiU atl . i - i - ' . i i i i t i y :il 1- |',| i, - !„,». IVop le tioubW »i» '" l.a i -im .- I ,,,,..!,, ' ., •• ,i,h.|,. eld," or Lronchiil •ffeewn'ii- uiii'. - t i y tl . < in ii , ., .. .Ki u . aH -imilHr troubles , if 'I™*"*:l.iu .'i.s- , r.,uh in s,. r .,m, l'-jlnmi,»ry and AMboutie "*,ti- i i- . M ..- ih:it ih.: w,.r l» " llroim's lironcbul Trow^are mi tin.- 1 i.yv,- , 1,un ni .Sump around eadi ')OX'~'f?,.t-tuusl Ly .li. hii 1. l iruwu k Som, Bosloo , l/ait»< "UVB-

l> |iot , W3 Oxlutd .Streit, Loudou. • -

>. .'. 1 > H> u,i l i : —l'-r;


"uiiil l'ulili»h«l by £»**»»

S I K I ' I I K X K S- N M E Y , at The. ll 'aterford i>'tv\(St°"r

I'riii i iug, iiook-Biudioj , and M»chin»-ft«lui» JJrtlU'*'uicnt JJ KiuK-j trott , in the Parish of Triaitr Wilia