
St. Michael’s Country Day School ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012



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St. Michael’s Country Day School

AnnuAl RepoRt | 2011-2012

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About the cover…

“Twenty-Eight Views of Hope”, an art installation by the seventh grade that is currently on display in the Washington D.C. offices of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, is a multidisciplinary project that focuses on the Rhode Island state motto of Hope and the state symbol, the anchor.

Photo byOnne van der Wal.


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What is the role of a cheerleader? Though the definition has changed over the decades, the essence remains the same: if you have a good product on the field you hardly notice the cheerleaders.

If we choose to go with that premise, it has been a privilege to watch the progress and results of this year’s Annual Fund. I can honestly say that the generosity toward and support of our school has been fabulous and heartfelt. When we raise in excess of $200,000.00, surpass 80% parent participation, and corral over 275 donors, it says our players on the field (essentially, in the classrooms) are pretty darn good.

Therefore, I defer all credit to the folks that teach and educate your children every day - the fantastic faculty of St. Michael’s Country Day School. They are the reason we hit and exceeded all the Annual Fund benchmarks set for this year. The generosity of all of our donors – parents, grandparents, friends, faculty and alumni - is a very clear, tangible demonstration of pride in the excellence of a St. Michael’s education today and tomorrow.

So as the head cheerleader I can say it has been a pleasure to cheer loudly and enthusiastically for the team that makes St. Michael’s great. I enjoy the fact I don’t get noticed on the sidelines, preferring to work hard to put a great “team” on the field, and then turn around and express my enormous gratitude to all our supporters. As our fiscal year ends, thank you for digging deep and supporting the home team. We simply can’t do it without you.

Whitney C. Slade, Head of School



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The St. Michael’s Country Day School class of 2012 was honored at the school’s seventy-fourth commencement ceremony. Head of School, Whitney Slade welcomed the graduates and special guests in attendance. Roselyn Morris, who will be retiring after teaching for seventeen years at St. Michael’s, delivered the invocation.

Ken Ayars, Chief of the Division of Agriculture in the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, was the commencement speaker. A member of the St. Michael’s class of 1974, Ayars oversees the programs responsible for a broad range of agriculture-related functions, with the common mission of sustaining and promoting state agricultural industry. His advice to the graduating class was to stay true to themselves, and to always remember the values St. Michael’s instilled in them. Ayars was presented with the Distinguished Alumni Award. Following a brief personal tribute to each graduate by Mr. Slade, he and Board President Bethany Di Napoli of Newport handed out the diplomas.

Four of the graduates were honored for their contributions to the school. The William F. Whitehouse Cup, awarded annually to the student who has maintained the highest academic scholarship for the year, went to Anastasia Paterson. The James Green Memorial Cup, for the Middle School boy who best exemplifies the spirit and ideals of the school, went to Michael Ludwig. Madeleine O’Shea was the recipient of the Stanley C. Hughes Memorial Medal, awarded to the Middle School girl who best exemplifies the spirit


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and ideals of the school. The Alan F. Flynn, Jr. Flag, which is awarded to the student who, in the opinion of the Head of School, has assumed a position of responsibility and trust within the school and carried out those responsibilities while maintaining a commitment to academic achievement, was presented to Isabella Casey.

Three individuals were also recognized for their efforts made on behalf of St. Michael’s. Tamara Farrick and Roselle McConnell, both of Newport, received the Clarissa Palmer Volunteer Service Award, which recognizes those who give selflessly of time and talent to St. Michael’s, moving the school in a positive direction. Rachel McCall of Middletown was presented the Andrew Christensen Award, which is given to the individual who has given to the school selflessly and wholeheartedly. McCall served as president of the Parent Association for two years.

The closing remarks and benediction were delivered by Shawen Williams and Andrew MacKeith of Bristol, parents of Hope (’10) and Arthur (‘12) MacKeith.


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John Scott AndrAde

Scott, you stand tall today as the last of the Andrade boys. There may be a misperception that you are a

one dimensional young man who lives and breathes baseball, basketball, soccer and lacrosse at SMS. While

you excel in the athletic arena receiving the MVP for basketball - you are so much more. As your advisor, I

was impressed by your focus and determination in the classroom this fall. In addition to high honors grades

first semester, you were acknowledged for your prowess on the National Spanish exam this spring achieving

bronze medal recognition. You are also a techie extraordinaire - Mrs. Johnston says you are even allowed to

touch the light and sound boards, affectionately known as the “babies.” But, Scott, behind that impish grin,

you are a young man of exceptional integrity - always putting others before yourself, a self-less team player,

and a kind and gentle soul.

AmAndA cAtherine BArker

Amanda it is wonderful to see you standing here today. While your tenure at SMS may not be the longest

it is certainly not without style, talent and fortitude. You are a bright star in the classroom with a flair for the

written word. In your English class, Ms. Schilchting remembers well your hilarious adaptation of Macbeth;

in history class, Mr. McMahon recognizes your compassion and sense of social justice in your analysis of

historical events, writing during the civil rights unit: “ Before the Emmett Till murder case in 1955, whites

were like a sleeping bear; powerful, but they couldn’t see.” In two years you have become a presence on the

stage with memorable performances as the quirky and prickly Hermione Gorringe in Black Comedy and the

hysterical and exasperating Leslie in Don’t’ Be A Leslie. Who could forget your show stopping recitation of

your original poem at last year’s inaugural Poetry Slam? … Amanda, you have a character and strength that

you have allowed us to embrace… a young woman of substance.

Allie chriStinA BrAdShAw

Allie, it is amazing the heights you achieved during your career at SMS… I have marveled at the ease with

which you navigate your way through the halls of our school. You are always the kind one, you are always the

one that reaches out to others, and you always have that devilish smile that says you are ready to take on

whatever your class wants to dish out. In the classroom, you have worked hard to become a strong student.

A three sport stalwart in soccer, basketball and lacrosse… Coach Day appreciated your love of basketball,

and you became pretty feisty on the boards. One of the chosen few techies to be allowed to touch the light

board without supervision, you could be counted on to never miss a cue. Allie you are a rock and a picture

of integrity we can all admire.

iSABellA courtlAnd cASey / the AlAn F. Flynn, Jr. FlAg

What an impressive final year you have had, Issy. An omnipresent personality in the middle school, you

have quietly and steadily applied your positive imprint on so many areas. Your excellent writing skills and

penchant for hands on learning have earned you a consistent place on the Headmasters Honor Roll… a

bronze medal recognition in the national Spanish Exam, and an honorable mention in the Gandhi Essay

Contest… you are a young woman of considerable leadership skills - one of a select few 8th graders chosen

to be on the Student senate and a captain of the girls soccer team this fall. It is paradoxical that someone

with such an array of public confidence has to be told to breathe by Mrs. Johnston every time you take

the stage. You have graced the SMS stage many times! Some notable appearances are: Marcy in You’re a

Good Man Charlie Brown and Mrs. Pencil in The Pot Boiler. Issy, you accomplish all of this with a respectful

graciousness and poise.

Graduation Profiles excerpts from remarks by Whitney C. SladeJune 6, 2012


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Andrew Vincent crocker

Andrew, you may be one of the nicest young men to stand on this stage… let me tell everyone about your

trip to Quebec. Louie dubbed you Crock Pot. What could you possibly have done to deserve one of the best

nicknames ever? Seriously, Andrew, you have pulled it all together this year becoming a consistent and studious

student. Most notably, you have become more independent and taken greater ownership of your work. Mr.

Drayton says you completely turned your performance around in science this year by accepting constructive

criticism. He got you to stop using “like” as a scientific term, thus becoming a far more eloquent science

student. You are an affable classmate; a good friend to Ben; a drummer of some renown (Mr. Manchester

says your love of the drums should prompt you to keep making music); an improving basketball player… We

marvel at your ability to work in your church’s soup kitchen, run into sports celebrities on the beach, and work

on your breaking ball.

lucA AlexAnder di nApoli

Mr. Di Napoli, let us examine your resume in your final year at SMS. In the classroom you have demonstrated

that you can compete with the best receiving the coveted chair in Mr. Hileman’s class and a bronze medal on

the national Spanish exam. In English class, you have become the master of summing up an entire paper in

one sentence. Ms Schlichting says you are always wildly energetic in the homeroom, skipping around ready for

the day and brightening each morning… I loved how you competed so well in soccer and took on a leadership

role in basketball running the point with passion and purpose. On stage you lived up to the moustache in

The Real Inspector Hound, stole the show as the slacker secretary in Hard Candy, and stood up to Witt in The

Pot Boiler. On top of all these fine accomplishments, you do not possess a disrespectful bone in your body…

always at your best with teachers and classmates, alike. Pretty darn impressive.

JAck dill Finn

Jack, I feel like we have gotten to know each other well this year having spent lots of time bantering on

the bench and court in basketball and, of course, on the practice field and during lacrosse games. Jack,

you are one of the best at the banter - always ready with quick repartee. Beneath that sense of humor you

compete with passion and fairness….a great team player and a wonderful young man to coach. You even

learned to add mustard to your lax skills. Beyond the athletic fields, you received a chair in Algebra, scored

an 87% on the National French exam, designed a tower, Eugene, that held over 400 lbs., and added depth

to the discussions in Mr. McMahon’s history class. Most importantly, this year you showed you were willing

to challenge and advocate for yourself. One of my favorite litmus tests for our graduates is to ask who you

want in your canoe? Well, Jack…you would paddle most of the time, you would definitely keep us laughing,

and you would do it with kindness and compassion.

Anne FrAnceS glASSie

While I haven’t gone out and downloaded any Justin Beeber songs as of yet, I did gain a bit of insight as to

why you are enthralled by the young man. Annie your passion for all things Bieber makes you just that more

endearing. The faculty’s breath is now minty fresh. Annie you have had a tremendous final year … Madame

Cardullo remembers you in 6th grade when you were afraid of her… you still are, but you no longer cry in

French class. Mr. Drayton, despite his jokes to the contrary, commends your high level work on science all

year long. But unlike Jack who stayed in the canoe, you fell out at Camp Burgess. You were the “owner”

of the cookie stand and wanted to label everything back stage. Coming out for lacrosse became a

formidable lax player. Annie you are a kind hearted soul who looks out for others.


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BenJAmin elliS hodoSh

Mr. Benny Hodosh: I am honored to be on the stage with someone who can do slopestyle - not just do it, but

compete successfully at the national level. But maybe more impressive than your success is your humility

associated with such a talent. Never one to blow your own horn, we always had to coax out of you how well

you did. Your devotion to pursuing skiing at a high level might have taken its toll in the classroom… You

always completed your work on time and did it well. Mr. Drayton marveled how you caught up and mastered

the concepts. Accompanied by the morning slushie and bagel, calling Mrs. Schlichting dude, you always

had that gleam in your eye. I thoroughly enjoyed coaching you this spring on the lacrosse field… you began

to believe… your level of play improved significantly. Ben, you overcame many obstacles and never backed

down from any challenge, physical or academic. Your fortitude is impressive.

lAurA elizABeth huSAk

I will begin this tribute with the same words I began your letter of recommendation to secondary schools:

Laura Husak is a showstopper… You command a stage with immense presence, angelic voice, and ability

to dance… you combine this prodigious talent with the same dedication and commitment to everything

you do. Your teachers have universal admiration for your attention to detail, ability to tease out nuances of

theme and concept, and willingness to constantly challenge yourself. Your writing prowess was recognized

at the URI Gandhi Essay Competition. Besides the six hours of dancing per week, you played soccer and

lacrosse-quite well… Mrs. Johnston will miss you of course. She says you were the consummate pro…

you had impeccable stage presence and could reinvent yourself into any character whether Shakespeare,

American musical or English Comedy. You were always at your best. Laura, we will miss your moments on

our stage, but we will embrace the memory of your sunny disposition and empathetic character.

JASmine lAn JAcklin

Jasmine, we joked a few times that I had already wrote your graduation tribute. We also had discussions of

a more serious nature… how proud we would be to see you standing here today. Well, here we are and for

all your efforts I want to give you this fire hat. This fire hat symbolizes your perseverance throughout your

time at SMS. In actuality, you had to wear this hat in kindergarten when you helped me pull the fire alarm.

It helped you not be afraid. Now, nine years later, you have accomplished so much and conquered your

challenges. You have become a more confident and consistent student. This year you added a dedication to

excellence…Scoring an 87% on the national French exam is a testament to your capabilities. And speaking

of French, you brought Madame Cardullo to tears, not with your performance in French class, but in your

duet with Daisy last year at ArtsFest… your rendition of Lean on Me was a tour de force. Mrs Langello has

had you in chorus every year since 5th grade, and she applauds your dedication to singing… Jasmine we

will miss you as you have become part of the fabric of our school.

oliVer Flynn JAntz

Oli, it is hard to believe you have only been with us since September - you have become a familiar face to

us and added quite a flair to your class. I seem to always know where you are … you are the master of many

noises. While you were glad to come to an American school, you are proud of your time in Germany. You

regaled the A band with your singing of the German national anthem. Mr. Manchester was impressed. You

became the master of the congas- you got that soulful beat and movement down -I loved watching you

groove out at the holiday assembly. Your adaptation to our academics was equally impressive. Mr. Hileman

loved watching the light bulb turn on in a set of problems about factoring polynomials. You exclaimed

loudly, ‘I TOTALLY get this.” As your advisor, I was impressed by your social ease and ability to make friends.

As your lacrosse coach, I was grateful that you volunteered to play goalie and then impressed by your

fearlessness in goal… der Zauberer - you were a fantastic addition to our team. Oli, you have assimilated

well to your new home, and we know you will do the same as you move on to high school.


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mAry Secret JenkinS

Mary, you have quietly (most of the time) snuck up on us all and become one of the most influential members

of your class. You began the year by conquering, almost, your fear of public speaking… were chosen by the

faculty to be on the student senate, and established yourself as a strong, focused, contributing student. A

gold medal on the National Spanish exam is testament to your academic talents. As the year progressed,

you added to your stage credits as Felicity Cunningham in the Real Inspector Hound, Frenchy in Grease,

and ended by screaming, Don’t Be A Leslie. Mrs. Johnston calls you a nut with a capacity to really light up

the stage. If riding horses was not enough, you were twice recognized on the soccer and lacrosse teams for

your talent and team spirit. Ms. Schlichting’s go to yearbook girl … there are not many areas of the middle

school that has not felt your positive influence. What an array of talents you have, and it is nice to see you

have the confidence to excel at all of them.

BenJAmin F. lAnowy

Ben, we have uncovered your diabolical plot. In speaking with your teachers gathering information to write

this tribute, all of them said you would tell them, “I am your favorite student.” You even did this with teachers

who didn’t teach you. Quite ingenious. An adept contrarian, you would give Christopher Hitchins a run for his

money. Ben, you have an analytical mind and a layered sense of humor. In the classroom you have garnered

a near exalted status, especially in Mr. Hileman’s math class where you got the chair a class high of 4 times….

In Mr. McMahon’s class you added depth and insight. Your talents spill beyond academics. Mrs. Johnston

says you are the most entertaining non-actor turned actor she has ever experienced bringing great energy

and enthusiasm. As Simon Gascoyne you were quite dashing-and a perfect foil in Don’t Be A Leslie. Mr.

Manchester says you have great potential as an alto sax player. Play basketball and lacrosse next year. You are

just coming into your athletic potential. In short, Ben, you are a complete, multi-talented package.

morgAn yoSt little

I remember when you burst into my consciousness when you took the stage as Cardinal Richelieu in The

Three Musketeers. Morgan there is not much you cannot excel at when you put your mind to it… two chairs

in math class and a classic Morgan line, “It was a verbal typo.” Master of the funny limerick is your poetry in

English class. You were winner of the Stock Market Game Essay in 7th grade, - 1st in RI, 5th in the nation - a

great writer… Morgan you were a defensive stalwart in soccer and a ground ball magnet in lacrosse… Mrs.

Johnston calls you a chameleon of the stage and a great physical comedic actor. I am surprised you still

have your head after Witt nearly shook it off. Beyond your humorous exterior there is a depth of character.

Today, with your speech, you showed us a slice of your vast talent.

SierrA elizABeth loVe

Ah, Ms. Love, what can we say about you that typifies the depth of your personality? Maybe Mr. T summed

it up best when he calls you the chatty Cathy of his math class and the spiritual soul of your class. Mrs.

Hileman said you were the best in speech class - so poised …Your recitation of your original poem “Trees”

in the Poetry Slam is an example of your public confidence. Mr. Drayton says you really turned on in science

class… Along with Laura you designed the top weight bearing Popsicle stick tower. Ms Schlichting says

you have a profound gift for reading and writing poetry. Maybe the best compliment comes from Madame

Cardullo - you worked extremely hard and survived French 3. Sierra, you have done more than survived. You

have thrived at SMS whether on the lacrosse field or in the classroom and most importantly … you always

were your true self.


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michAel Frederick ludwig / the JAmeS green memoriAl cup

In three short years, Michael, we have seen you grow in so many ways. I can remember a somewhat tentative

6th grader trying to understand a new school, make new friends, and figure out more work and those

teachers. Now, as you graduate, I hope you feel a strong sense of accomplishment. A tireless worker in the

classroom, you have embraced every challenge thrown your way - a thinker, a writer, and a numbers guy, you

are on top of it all. I have had the privilege of working closely with you on the basketball court and lacrosse

field. I can’t ask more from an athlete and a sportsman who’s always hustling, always enjoying the game…

and willing to play forever. You will be an impact lacrosse player if you continue to work at it. This fall you

helped stage manage the Acting Workshop One acts - an honor not often bestowed on a relative newbie…

Your Gandhi essay garnered 2nd place in the entire state…We know your high school will be blessed with

your fine mind and impeccable character.

Arthur kent mAckeith

In speaking with your teachers, Arthur, there seemed to be a common theme - you are a layered, deep

thinking young man, but I don’t want to portray you as just a serious personality. You have a wonderfully

developed sense of humor… This ability to see many sides has propelled you in the classroom: three chairs

in Algebra, Bronze status on the national Spanish exam, and sophisticated poetry. Your winning recitation in

the Poetry Slam of your original poem “ I Couldn’t Decide” was brilliant. It was a perfect blend of a dramatic

reading and creativity… Your creativity produced a fantastic yearbook cover. Mr. Manchester calls you a

deep soul for your appreciation of music history… you have made a positive lasting impact in the middle

school. Come back anytime and chat, as it will be a great intellectual exercise. Oh, and by the way, Mrs.

Johnston will cast you as “the body” anytime.

corrAn thomAS moore

Where’s Corran? Oh, he’s surfing. Yes, Mrs. Carrellas saw you get tubed at Second beach during exam

period. Thanks for joining us today. Arriving from the shores of Australia to join us in 5th grade, we relish

your fun loving zest for life… You are always upbeat, dressed in the latest fashion by perfecting the

combination of the Bermuda shorts and high black socks. You did manage to squeeze in some school

in between waves becoming a competent and consistent student … a wiz at Physics this spring with Mr.

Drayton. Mr. McMahon was impressed by your growth as a writer, “Gandhi believed that truth and peace

should be the replacement for violence.” Your energy translated well on the athletic field… tough as nails

soccer player, tennis player of some renown and twirler extraordinaire in lacrosse. Corran, we are glad you

decided to join our community.

mAdeleine wArd o’SheA / StAnley c. hugheS memoriAl medAl

Mrs. Schlichting tells me you like scaring the other girls in class with spiders. Who would believe that? You

are the kindest of the kind, young woman… We have become accustomed to your steady smiling face as you

apply your bottomless work ethic to your studies. Each and every year you continue to accept, conquer and

ultimately thrive in the classroom. You even like music history with Mr. Manchester. One of the five finalist from

SMS in the Gandhi essay contest, Mr. McMahon could always count on your empathy shining through in every

class discussion. You were a stalwart of community service…operating your lemonade stand and donating

all the proceeds to the Potter League. A three sport varsity athlete, Coach Day admired your great love of

basketball. You’re just as tenacious on the court as you are in the classroom. Maddie, you are taking your class

act to high school next year - but, do me a favor: leave the spiders behind.


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AnAStASiA h. pAterSon / the williAm F. whitehouSe cup

Ana, I have a vivid memory of you in first grade when Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Andrade said to me, “Ana is

writing a novel.” This was the beginning of an auspicious academic career at SMS and beyond. Your talent

in the classroom is unrivaled - earning the highest test score in Mr. Hileman’s class, the number 1 student

in Rhode Island and ranking 99% nationally on the French Exam, and one of the best Gandhi essays in

the state. Your talents have transcended our school. When I spoke with Mr. Manchester about your piano

playing, he responded, “What can I say? She is one of the best,” Mrs. Langello echoes that sentiment as

you steadfastly accompanied the chorus. Mr. Manchester was so impressed how you challenged yourself

by tackling a slow movement of a Beethoven’s sonata. Far from one-dimensional, you received the coaches

award this fall for your spirited play on the soccer field. Ana, we have long known your talents abound, and

you accomplish it all with grace and humility.

John michAel peloSi

Do you see the impish grin on this young man’s face? We never quite know what to expect from John O,

Johnny P, JP! I present to you the inimitable Mr. John Pelosi. John, I have had a blast being your advisor this

year although it seems we have been together for a lot longer than that. I have learned as much from you as

hopefully you have from me. Where do we begin to chronicle this journey we call SMS? Is it your ability to

push your teachers to the brink with your humor, or tantalize us with your occasional, unrealized talents? This

year you have learned the value of consistent effort and greater attention to detail and how it pays off. Mr.

Drayton still marvels at your amazing creativity and ingenuity in physics… building an instrument now in his

son’s band or your great camouflage chair. I will always appreciate our entertaining repartee on the b-ball

bench, the lax sidelines or, during advisor meetings, listening to you wax poetic about school and life…

watching you show off your guns, or wrestling with your famous tear away pants. It goes without saying,

John, that I will miss you for your non-cookie cutter view on life.

morgAn AmeliA rice

Even Louie, who dubbed you Rice Cakes on our trip to Quebec, recognized something in you that we all

do - you have the ability to lead with humility and deep conviction… Morgan we have seen you accept that

challenge, step out and always do your best. Mrs. Ashby says you did everything that was asked of you on

the SLB. She called you “the pulse.” You were a great liaison between the faculty and the students. A BFF

of stagecraft, Mrs. Hileman says you did things no one else would do and did things even when no one was

there to give you credit. Yes, we were watching. Mrs. Johnston said you did a great job of managing the

director. The chatty Cathy with Sierra in Mr. T’s math class… you were a strong student as well. On top of

everything, you are an exemplary 3-varsity sport athlete… you inspire with your play and leadership. There

it is again, Morgan, that word: Leadership.

nAthAniel c l rollo

Nat, in a short time we have come to embrace your talents, thinking and depth of character. You may not

believe it, but your class would not be the same without your unique style and personality… Your love of

old movies going back to the original Dracula days of Nosferatu is profound. Dracula even ended up on

your popsicle stick tower. Your connection with the faculty is strong, whether talking pop culture with Ms.

Schlichting, physics with Mr. Drayton, or music with Mr. Manchester… you could always be counted on for

your insight. And your niche on the SMS stage is forever safe. Mrs. Hileman loves you as the great prop and

costume gatherer… Mrs. Johnston says you always threw yourself head first into any part and you possess

a laser focus on stage that allowed you to come alive. I loved you as Colonel Melkett in Black Comedy. Nat,

your flashes of brilliance in the classroom portend greater success in the future. We value your eclectic style.


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peter JAmeS StApleS

Pete, I sat mesmerized by your depiction of Moon in The Real Inspector Hound… For me it goes to the

depth of your talent and dedication to your craft. You will also be fondly remembered for your well-honed

humor and love of dinosaurs. Mr. Hileman was impressed, of course, by your math abilities but still can’t

quite figure out how you brought every problem to connect, somehow, with dinosaurs. Pete, you have a

wonderful ease about you... a quick wit and intellect… a perennial winner and strong competitor in the

spelling and geography bees. We know it must have been tough competing against your sister - you are

a gentleman as well. A Silver designation on the National Spanish Exam… Senora Ashby says you have a

knack for language… Mrs. Johnston says you are unafraid to look ridiculous on stage… and that is what

makes you so good. Pete you are a stage legend… you added a spice and flavor to your class we love.

pierS SeBAStiAn SulliVAn

Piers, we are not quite sure where your talents will take you. Could it be a fashionista? Mrs. Carrellas looks

to you to know what is in style. Could it be the stage where your range is impressive? Or could it be on

the athletic field? You became a force on the lacrosse field. Piers you are a man of many faces and talents

from your unique reading voices and hilarious adaptation of Macbeth in Ms. Schlichting’s class to your

insight on racism in Mr. McMahon’s history class. “In the future humans have to trust their hearts not their

authorities.”… an impressive presence in the classroom. Your teachers compliment your strong finish to

the year. Mrs. Johnston says you can play any role… you have a sense of personal style and coolness that is

secure and makes you compelling to watch on stage. We thought there were days you actually had become

Danny Zuco. Piers, I relished your time on the lacrosse field… Piers, you leave a fan club here at SMS, and

we know this club will only grow when you attend high school.

Stephen witt tArAntino

You do more plays in one month than most do in a year. Witt, this devotion to the theatre would suggest

you are a one-dimensional personality - but quite to the contrary. During your free time… you did manage

to keep up with your studies maintaining a more than respectable academic record. In addition, you fit in

some student government responsibilities… This spring we saw your fantastic design appear on the arts

fest t-shirt, and you created the back cover of the yearbook… your creativity spills into the visual arts arena.

You managed a quick appearance at the Poetry Slam in the form of a boa constrictor. And, if that wasn’t

enough, you are a pretty darn dependable lacrosse defenseman. Mrs. Johnston says you’re a joy to work

with and you have the unique ability to reinvent yourself each time regardless of the scope of the role… we

will not forget Snoopy, Vince, Inspector Hound, the over the top playwright in The Pot Boiler. Witt, you have

carved out a permanent niche at SMS. We look forward to your future success in high school.


Congratulations to the st. MiChael’s Class of 2012Best of Luck to our graduates at their secondary schools!

Avon Old Farms School

Bishop Hendricken High School

Middletown High School

Miss Porter’s School

Moses Brown School

Portsmouth Abbey School

The Prout School

Providence Country Day School

Rocky Hill School

Rogers High School

St. George’s School

St. Paul’s School

The Tatnall School

Wheeler School

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prekindergarten members of the St. Michael’s class of 2021.


Twenty-six of the school’s youngest students were recognized in a special year-end ceremony for the Prekindergarten class of 2021 and the Kindergarten class of 2020. The event, which took place June 4th in the Hill Arts and Athletics Center, began with a processional and a welcome address from Head of School, Whitney Slade. The students received their certificates and sang a selection of songs for their families in the audience. The class of 2020 each shared their favorite memory from Kindergarten. The festivities came to a close with a recessional and the “Sesame Street Theme” performed by Mr. Manchester on saxophone.


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Members of the class of 2020 - Kindergartners getting ready to make the big step into first grade.

KINDERGARTEN MEMORIES JUNE 2012My favorite part of kindergarten was…Ally Anderson – art and P.E. I liked making my clay flower.

eliza Anderson – P.E. because I learned floor hockey.

Sofia Barnes – creative movement because I like to dance.

henri Boneu – learning about the life cycle of a frog and going on the pond trip.

owen caron – math because I liked learning subtraction.

olivia kagan – learning about frogs and catching tadpoles.

tess lanza – French and P.E. I liked doing gymnastics.

hunter leviss – going to the pond because I liked finding bugs.

kat mccolough – learning about castles because I love castles.

nessa mcdermott – learning about castles. Especially when we made the castle models.

gloria migliori – P.E. because we got to run around.

Finn portley – doing the frog theme. It was fun because I got to hide my meadow frog.

major Silvertsein – making my poison arrow dart frog model.

emely Sola – P.E. because I liked “duck and throw”.

mac Spear – projects because my mom and dad love them.

winnie Vincent – mystery reader because it was a secret.


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2011-2012 Board of TrusTees

Bethany Dinapoli - PresidentJill Gudoian - Vice PresidentSteven Sitrin - Treasurerelaine lindh - Secretary

Gail AlofsinDavid G. Bazarsky - EmeritusH. William Breyer IVMs. Kirtley H. CameronDavid J. CanepariRose C. Dana - EmeritaJohn K. DunnJeffrey Gordon - EmeritusVivian HiltonDavid G. HoweSuzi Conklin nanceeric petersonGeorge petrovasCory plumbMolly de RamelAlexis RoettingerBrian ShanleyBecky SmithDoug SpearHope H. van Beuren - Emeritapaul F. Weberelizabeth G. Wylie

Parents Association RepresentativeRachel McCall


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Last September I was given the privilege of being elected Chair of the Board of Trustees at St. Michael’s Country Day School. While a relative newcomer to the Board, I have been a St. Michael’s parent for 10 years and served as Parents Association President for 2 years. I accepted this role in part out of gratitude for what a St. Michael’s education and experience has brought and continues to bring to my 4 children and a desire to give back and make a positive impact on the future path of this

great school. I follow in the footsteps of my predecessors. From my most recent predecessor, David Howe, to those that served before him, they have left a legacy of passion, commitment and leadership for our school that I strive every day to live up to.

As Trustees, we hold St. Michael’s, its mission and its future, ‘in trust.’ Our role is to think and act strategically to ensure that St. Michael’s can fulfill its mission well into the future. What are the strategic discussions we have as a Board? The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) has identified the top 6 strategic issues facing independent school Boards1:

1. Recruiting, retaining and competitively compensating high quality faculty2. Financing the school3. Managing technology4. Developing 21st Century Curriculum5. Communicating to internal and external audiences6. Creating more diverse and inclusive communities

This past year, the St. Michael’s Board of Trustees has been actively engaged in discussing and strategizing on all these issues. These are complicated and challenging issues that at the same time present an exciting opportunity for positive growth and an even stronger school. We embrace this work and are committed to finding appropriate solutions for dealing with every one of these challenges.

This work becomes particularly meaningful as we look forward to celebrating our school’s 75th Anniversary. Anniversaries naturally give us reason to pause and reflect on our past and dream about our future. That is a good thing and this year we will do just that! I look forward to commemorating this special year with all of you and commit to working on your behalf to ensure a vibrant and successful St. Michael’s for the next 75 years.

Warm regards,Bethany Di NapoliChair, Board of Trustees

1. Trustee Handbook, Ninth Edition, by Mary Hundley DeKuyper, National Association of Independent Schools, reprinted 2010



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Rachel McCall – Presidenttamara Farrick – Vice President Sheri-lee Shaw – TreasurerJulia Richardson – SecretaryColleen Iascone – Lunch Coordinator Zulekha ludwig – Lunch Coordinator

The PA Board has concluded another successful fiscal year for 2011-2012. Amidst an economic slump, the St. Michael’s PA and parent community worked with perseverance, optimism, and a lot of hard work this last year. Uniting families and faculty together to reach mutually beneficial goals for our children and their education has been instrumental to this success. Fostering positive relations between our school community and the local community has been central to our focus this past year. Current and future students of St. Michael’s School will benefit tremendously from the dedicated efforts of so many parents and their charitable role with the PA activities and mission of our school.

We began our fiscal year on July 1, 2011 with a reserve balance of $59,934.91 and ended our fiscal year on June 30, 2012 with a healthy net balance of $81,245.94. The PA eagerly started organizing and contributing toward activities for the 2011-2012 school year with greeting and acquainting one another with new families at the New Parent Orientation. Friends and families rekindled old friendships and made new ones at the Back to School Day and Fall Frenzy. Obstacle courses, pony rides, rock climbing, water slides, and bouncy house jumping set off the favorable tone of the year with excitement and camaraderie.

The first PA fundraiser events were marked by the spooky spectacular Halloween Party and the parent supplied delectable treats that were gobbled up in the November Bake Sale! Together, these volunteer and PA run events raised $2,404. The Holiday season went into full swing with the PA’s Yankee Candle fundraiser and Secret Store. The volunteers decked out the Secret Store in the famous Fao Schwartz theme, complete with bigger than life stuffed animals and exotic palm backdrops, for all the holiday shoppers to enjoy selecting their gifts for their special loved ones, friends, and pets. The holiday gift giving fundraisers brought in $7,942.

What would the winter season be without our favorite family night at St. George’s ice rink for the annual Family Skate? The tradition continued for class collected theme baskets ranging this year from Sports to Arts to an All Cash Piggy Bank to be raffled off. The much sought after Willie Wonka chocolate bar raffle always holds the Headmaster of the Day, Theater Camp, and ESD prizes to be won. This cozy and special Family attended event generated $5,153 in revenues.

Spring ushered in with a spectacular showcase of Newport’s finest and notable homes that were rich in history, architecture, and charm. The PA’s record breaking community event of the 2012 Newport House


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Tour was a rare opportunity to fully enjoy the magnificent residential treasures found nestled among the cliffs at the Gray Craig estate, the Italianate villla of Chepstow, and the warm ocean breezes of Horan’s Newport Classic off Ocean Drive. The Co-Chairs gave endless hours of planning and executing the quintessence of ultimate perfection and elegance in this House Tour estate lineup and fully coordinated such an intricate venture of immense proportions to flow so smoothly. The sponsors and advertisers were generous and appreciative of the beautifully produced brochure. The parent and faculty volunteers were abundant in number, support, and helpfulness in directing tours for an astounding 1000 visitors attending the event. This major community fundraiser raised over $38,000 in profit.

The PA concluded the year with celebratory ice cream for all the students at the SM Field Day, a Teacher Appreciation catered lunch with two $100 cash bonus raffles, and a Faculty year end catered lunch from Tito’s Cantina.

The Lunch program ran two semesters from September through June and generated $5,840 in profits. Nutritional lunches included pasta, soups, salad, deli sandwiches & wraps, daily fresh fruit, and pizza. The popular International lunch series ran two separate weeks and represented cuisine from the countries/regions of Polynesia, Sweden, Guatemala, Germany, China, Indonesia, United States, Spain, the Mediterranean, & Thailand. Menus were created from authentically prepared recipes and catered by Cornucopia. Revenues contributed $958 for this specially provided around-the- world cuisine.

Our self-sacrificing parent and faculty volunteers spearheaded the School Spirit Store and made a profit for the first year since its inception. Along with the Box Tops for Education and Cookbook sales, these endeavors contributed $1,441 in net profits this year. Our family of parents also participated in the OneCause and Stop & Shop Bonus Buck programs to add another $862 to the PA account.

In conclusion, the success of the 2011-2012 fiscal year was the direct result of the commitment and dedication of all the involved parents, faculty, class parent coordination, family participation, and PA drive. With over 20 major events and initiatives planned this past year, the PA funded $25,000 in field trips/assemblies and diversity speakers, awarded an astounding Wish List of $45,000 to purchase large ticket educational items like a Smart Table, much needed equipment in the Technology and Science programs, and implements to further enhance the superior Arts program. Additionally, the PA left $35,000 in capital for the new PA Board to begin their fiscal year. In culmination of this year’s financial term, we have met the original goals in providing the best possible experience for the St. Michael’s students. We look forward to an exciting and rewarding 2012-2013 year with the newly elected PA Board and 75th Anniversary of St. Michael’s Country Day School.

Rachel McCall, PA PresidentSheri-Lee Shaw, PA Treasurer

The fiscal year 2011-2012 PA Annual Report is available upon request through the School’s business office.


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FINANCIALS 2011 - 12

INCOME ($000)

tuition & Fees $4,574 87%

Gifts & Grants 331 6%

other programs 341 7%

$5,246 100%


Salaries & Benefits $2,878 55%

Financial Aid 1,134 22%

Administration & plant 817 16%

other Services 240 5%

Student expenses 135 2%

$5,204 100%

SuRpluS $42







OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES*For the year ending June 30, 2012

*Unaudited Figures


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FINANCIALS 2011 - 12









School Year




n P




73 7467



THIS YEAR TO 6/30/12 LAST YEAR TO 6/30/11 Fund Cash & Pledges # Donors Cash Cash & Pledges # Donors

Annual Fund $221,221.95 288 $216,871.95 $182,028.00 290 Restricted to Current Operating $97,488.69 14 $97,488.69 $81,100.00 4 Total Current Operating $318,710.64 302 $314,360.64 $263,128.00 294 Endowment $7,000.00 18 $7,000.00 $3,810.00 11 Capital Campaign* $0.00 0 $0.00 $10,000.00 2 Total All Funds $325,710.64 320 $321,360.64 $276,938.00 307 *Payment of Outstanding Campaign Pledges

GIVINGFor the year ending June 30, 2012












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ENDOWMENT FUNDS SUMMARyFor the year ending June 30, 2012, the market value of St. Michael’s Endowment Funds totaled $1,861,197.* One new endowment Fund was established during the year: The Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund. The net endowment performance over the last 12 months was -1%. The following endowment funds are established at St. Michael’s Country Day School:

THE ALUMNI FUNDEstablished by Elise Fargnoli, Class of 2003. This endowment is intended for alumni who wish to support St. Michael’s Country Day School in perpetuity.

THE ELIZABETH C. DELUDE FUNDEstablished by Elizabeth Delude-Dix, to honor her mother, and the grandmother of her son, Dermot Delude-Dix ’01, this fund supports and enhances the work of St. Michael’s dedicated faculty and honors Elizabeth C. Delude’s many years as an educator.

THE BRADFORD L. DUNN ’84 FUNDEstablished in memory of Bradford L. Dunn ’84, by the Dunn family, this endowment provides funds for faculty to attend conferences and workshops concentrating on differential learning. This fund also provides financial assistance to current families whose children are in need of tutoring services.

THE FACULTY FUNDEstablished and funded by the Class of 2004, this endowment provides funds in support of faculty, including salaries and professional development opportunities.

THE FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished through an anonymous gift of $100,000, and a second gift of $100,000 received during the 2006-07 school year, this endowment provides funds in support of financial aid.

THE MILES FISK ’01 MEMORIAL MUSIC FUNDEstablished in memory of Miles Fisk ’01, by the Parents Association, this endowment provides funds in support of music education at St. Michael’s Country Day School.

THE JEFFREY L. GORDON FACULTY ENRICHMENT FUNDEstablished in honor of former Board of Trustees Chair, Jeffrey L. Gordon, this endowment provides funds to enrich the classroom experience through special activities, including assemblies, guest speakers, and regional field trips.

THE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDFunded by the graduating classes of 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, and 2011 this endowment provides tuition assistance for new and current St. Michael’s Country Day School students.

THE HOPE H. VAN BEUREN CLASSROOM MAINTENANCE ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished by Hope H. van Beuren, former parent and current Trustee Emerita, this endowment provides funds for the maintenance of the van Beuren Middle School.

*Unaudited Figures


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Gifts of $50,000 or more

Guillaume & Molly de Ramel

(The de Ramel Foundation)


Gifts of $20,000 to $49,999

The Canepari Family


Gifts of $10,000 to $19,999

Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Breyer III

Mathieu & Cory Plumb

Lisette Prince de Ramel

E.J. & Becky Smith

Jed & Elena Wilcox

(Wilcox Family Foundation)


Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

Mr. & Mrs. H. William Breyer IV

The Gudoian Family

Ian & Susan McColough

Mrs. Charles Richardson

Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Wilson

Richard & Deborah Young


Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Karen & David Andrade

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Bart Dunbar & Lisa Lewis

The Hess Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. David E.P. Lindh

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry McIntyre

(Wilcox Family Foundation)

Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Migliori

George & Sue Petrovas

Doug & Jill Spear

Elizabeth G. Wylie


Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Arzu

David & Carol Bazarsky

Kirtley Horton Cameron

(Cameron Family Foundation)

Lon & Marianne Chaikin

Chris & Bethany DiNapoli

Mr. & Mrs. David Dunn

John Dunn

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Farrick

GE Foundation

Kathleen W. Glassie

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Gordon

Dr. & Mrs. Donald Joyce

Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Kidder

Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Lanza

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M.P. Lindh

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Little

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Loughborough

(The Sella Foundation Trust)

Stephen & Zulekha Ludwig

Andrew MacKeith & Shawen Williams

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Picotte, Jr.

Bill & Alice Porter

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Rice

Curt & Julia Richardson

Alexis Roettinger

Mr. Patrick Rollo & Ms. Michelle Russo

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Sella

(The Sella Foundation Trust)

H. Donnan Sharp

Dr. & Mrs. David M. Siwicki

The Slade Family

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas R. Supron

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vincent

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Weber


Gifts of $500 to $999

Mrs. Robert H. Barker

William & Louisa Boatwright

Jennifer & Paul Boghossian

(Paul & Mary Boghossian Memorial Fund)

Mark & Gina Brennan

Jefferson G. Burnett

CA Technologies Matching Gifts Program

The Andrew Crocker Family

Mary Cross

Manny & Mary de Pinho

Stephen & Julie DeLeo

Joseph & Jessie Dutra

Julie & Brian Fisher

Jack & Donna Flynn

Erin Flynn

Angel & Luz Gonzalez

Mr. & Mrs. R. Perry Harris

Drs. Alex & Cornelia Hodosh

Peter & Colleen Iascone

Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Iribarren

Bill Jacklin & Janet Russo-Jacklin

The Jenkins Family

Michael & Nicola Lanowy

Evan & Kathi Leviss

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lind

Mr. & Mrs. John J. McElroy III

Mark & Sharon Moore

Ms. Suzi C. Nance

Timothy & Elizabeth O’Shea

Reardon Foundation

Mr. Lawrence Silverstein & Ms. Jessica Jacob

Steven & Laura Sitrin

Mr. & Mrs. David Staples

(Paul and Mary Boghossian

Memorial Foundation)

The Toppa Family

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tyler

Col. & Mrs. Herbert R. Waters III

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Wheeler

Mr. & Mrs. Dudley A. Williams

John Willis & Deborah Cahill


Gifts of $250 to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Alexander

John & Gail Alofsin

Telly & Elizabeth Amarant

Aquidneck Restaurant & Pizzeria

Dr. & Mrs. William R. Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Barrett

Charles S. Beal & Anne T. Turilli

Ms. Rebecca Berta

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Mr. David Brady & Ms. Veronica Masson

Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Camilo

Paul & Shirley Caron

Barbara J. Colbert

Mr. & Mrs. John Craig

Mark & Helen DelGiudice

Don Desrosiers & Will Dewey

Tom & Kim Fleming

Tom Glassie

Mrs. Nancy H. Holmes

Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Levin

Mrs. Elaine Lewis

Brian & Lori Lind

Frederick & Evelyn Marano

Joe & Janet Marrinan

Andrew & Kristina Michelson

Andrew & Roselyn Morris

Mark Muetterties & Jacqueline Colbert

Ms. Jo Ann W. Muetterties

Catherine Najri

Thomas Palmer & Dominique Alfandre

Mr. & Mrs. John Peixinho

Eric & Krista Peterson

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Postma

Tony & Lynn Rey

Katharine H. Robinson

Brian Shanley & Susan Walsh

Linda & Lat Spinney

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Vincent

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Walsh

Jerry & Barbara Wilkes


Gifts up to $249

Mr. Anthony J. Abraham

Dan & Lauren Abraham

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Adam

Pedro & Lynn Almanzor

Mrs. Ann D. Andrade & Mr. Ray Keller

Carol Anguilla

Ashby Family

Mrs. Duffield Ashmead III

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ashton Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. David Barnes

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Barrack Jr.

Colin Basso

Ryan Basso

Jason Bazarsky

Craig Bazarsky

Zach Bazarsky

Ms. Margaret Boitano

Mr. Stephan Boneu & Ms. Patricia Carrellas

Jessica Boyle

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Bradshaw

Andrew R. Brence

Mr. & Mrs. Clement Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cadwalader

Bill & Marietta Cahill

Abigail Campbell- King

Dr. Arthos A. Canestrari

Tony & Els Cardi

Tom & Brenda Cardullo

Jason & D’Arcy Carr

The Carrellas Family

Mr. Anthony Carrellas

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Casey

Pamela J. Catalfumo

Melissa Chafee

The Coaty Family

Drs. J. Russell & Celeste Corcoran

Captain & Mrs. Thomas L. Curry

Bill & Mary Beth Daigneault

Jeffrey Day

Michael & Heather de Pinho

Mr. Julian A. DelGiudice

Miss. Katie Desrosiers

Miss. Libbie Desrosiers

Dr. James DeVecchi

(Portsmouth Abbey School)

The Di Bona Family

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick DiNapoli

James & Angela DiNunzio

James & Rosemarie DiNunzio

The Drayton Family

Captain & Mrs. Jonathan P. Edwards JAGC,

USN, Ret.

Mr. & Mrs. Lance E. Evans

Peter S. Fagan

Ted & Jean Ferry

Miss. Julia Field

John & Linda Finn

Leslie J. Fisk

Patrick & Cassandra Fitzgerald

Rita Fleming

Dr. & Mrs. Donald B. Fletcher

Emi & Alan Flynn

Steven & Leslie Foehr

David Forrest

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Friedman

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E Frye

Maureen Galster

Edith B. Gardner

Ms. Gail K. Gardner

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Glenn

Dr. & Mrs. William H. Graff

James & Karen Graham

John & Bernadette Griffin

Leslie R. Grosvenor

Mr. & Mrs. James Hamilton

Ms. Sherry Hemond

Jane K. Hence

Lynne & Wes Hennion

Miss. Serena D. Highley

Mr. & Mrs. Allen C. Highley

Ken & Ellyn Eaves-Hileman

Chris & Tami Holden

Mr. Douglas R. Hoyt

Captain & Mrs. Michael Husak

Claire Stieff & Peter Hussey

Jamie Hyland

Steven Irvine & Kim Salerno

Mr. Edward Jagelski

Will & Chris Johnson

Mrs. George F.B. Johnson

Noel & Donna Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Johnson

Christy Johnston

Mr. Sean D. Joubert & Ms. Kathryn H. Joubert

Robert Kalaidjian

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Keohane

Mr. Abdul Khan & Khadija Lewis-Kahn

Wendy Lambert

Maryjo Carr & Bill Larson

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lavalley

Judith Lindsay

Dr. & Mrs. John R. Little

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony LoPresti

Mr. Sebastiano J. LoPresti

Lauren & Andy Magruder

The Majewski Family

Ms. Lonnie S. Maldonado

Mr. Hector M. Maldonado

Art Manchester

Helen S. Masson

The McConnell Family

The McDermott Family

Mr. Joseph McLaughlin & Ms. Joan Andersen

Tim McMahon

Mr. & Mrs. George Menas

Jane S. Miner

Mr. & Mrs. Hans Mol

Mr. & Mrs. John Muccini

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Nicole Nicoletta

Ellen G. Noble

Mr. William Willis & Mrs. Kathleen Norton

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Page

The Parmentier Family

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Paterson

Michael & Linda Pelosi

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program

Jill & Ken Porter

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Portley

Mr. & Mrs. Michiel Posthumus

Frank & Rebecca Postma

Katelyn Powers

Mr. Lincoln Prentiss

Lisa Pritchard

Rose Rapoza

Maria L. Rege

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Richards

Isabella Ridall

Harrison Robinson

Merritt Robinson

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Rogers

Bill & Mary Rompf

Anthony & Gail Ruggieri

Dorothy A. Russo

Toby & Michael Ryan

Ms. Megan Schlichting

Rick & Sheri-Lee Shaw

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Silverman

Mr. & Mrs. Harris Sitrin

Randall & Daune Smith

Gil Soares & Marianne Menas

Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Souda

Ms. Robin Souza

William H.F. Spencer

Col. & Mrs. Murray M. Staples

Thomas C. Sturtevant

Robert & Becky Sullivan

Ms. Sarah Szabo

Bob & Debby Tavares

Miss. Rachel N. Thurston

Tim & Mary Trautman

Mr. & Mrs. Onne van der Wal

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Vietri

Mr. & Mrs. Finton Wallace

Michael & Darlene Ward

Melanie Whitaker

Ms. Joyce Williams

Christine Wirges


Alumni Gifts of Any Amount

John Alofsin

Irene Barrack

Colin Basso

Ryan Basso

Craig Bazarsky

Jason Bazarsky

Zachary Bazarsky

Samantha McIntyre Bradshaw

Andrew R. Brence

Jefferson G. Burnett

Kirtley Horton Cameron

Julian A. DelGiudice

Katie Desrosiers

Libbie Desrosiers

Julia Field

Dr. Donald Fletcher

Serena D. Highley

Khadija Lewis-Kahn

Jane S. Miner

Suzi Conklin Nance

Lincoln Prentiss

Isabella Ridall

Harrison Robinson

Mrs. Barclay Robinson Jr.

Alexis Roettinger

Mrs. William S. Rogers

Becky Young Smith

William H. Spencer

Thomas C. Sturtevant

Rachel N. Thurston

Dr. Elizabeth G. Wylie


Karen & David Andrade

Mrs. Robert H. Barker

The Andrew Crocker Family

Mark & Helen DelGiudice

Chris & Bethany DiNapoli

Tom Glassie

Jane K. Hence

Drs. Alex & Cornelia Hodosh

Bill Jacklin & Janet Russo-Jacklin

The Jenkins Family

Michael & Nicola Lanowy

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Little

Stephen & Zulekha Ludwig

Andrew MacKeith & Shawen Williams

Mark & Sharon Moore

Timothy & Elizabeth O’Shea

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Rice

Mr. Patrick Rollo & Ms. Michelle Russo


Dan & Lauren Abraham

John & Gail Alofsin

Mr. & Mrs. H. William Breyer IV

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Casey

John Dunn

Leslie R. Grosvenor

The Jenkins Family

The Kagan Family

Michael & Nicola Lanowy

Ian & Susan McColough

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Portley

Rose Rapoza

Anthony & Gail Ruggieri

The Slade Family

Mr. & Mrs. Onne van der Wal

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Vazquez

Stephen Volpe - Rhody Fresh Milk

Michael & Darlene Ward

John Willis & Deborah Cahill

Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Wilson


Mr. & Mrs. Peter Alexander

Mr. & Mrs. H. William Breyer IV

Jason & D’Arcy Carr

Bart Dunbar & Lisa Lewis

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M.P. Lindh

Ian & Susan McColough

The McDermott Family

Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Migliori

Mark Muetterties & Jacqueline Colbert

Guillaume & Molly de Ramel

(The de Ramel Foundation)

Lisette Prince de Ramel

E.J. & Becky Smith

Doug & Jill Spear

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Why Give?

You can make an immediate and meaningful difference for our students and the dedicated faculty who teach them!

You may wonder how your child will benefit when you make a charitable gift to St. Michael’s. Our school is well known for academic excellence and a warm, nurturing atmosphere. Both are supported not only by your tuition dollars but also by many charitable contributions from our families and friends. Our small classes, talented teachers, reading and math resources, cutting edge technology, and many exceptional offerings in the arts and athletics are all enhanced by contributions from donors like you.

Your gift to the Annual Fund - the school’s most important fundraising priority each year - is necessary because tuition alone does not cover the cost of educating your child. In fact, tuition covers approximately 80% of the cost at most private day schools. That’s why independent schools need endowments, supplementary revenue from activities such as summer camps, and, yes, fundraising. Since our school is a relatively small community, as compared to a university or hospital, we have many fewer supporters. Several families make our school their philanthropic priority for just this reason. The Annual Fund, capital campaigns for special projects, endowment funds in support of the facility, financial aid and the faculty, gifts of securities, planned giving in the form of bequests etc., gifts of real estate, and gifts in kind are just some of the ways you can help advance the mission of St. Michael’s.

Annual Fund Day for the year 2011-2012 = May 17The day that the school’s operating expenses were no longer covered by tuition

and Annual Giving took over paying the bills.

How to Give?

there are numerous ways that you can make a 100% tax-deductible gift in support of excellence at st. Michael’s Country Day school. every donation makes a difference and is greatly appreciated!

credit card (MC/Visa):Online: By telephone: (401) 849-5970 ext. 365

check/cash by mail to the Development Office:SMCDSDevelopment Office180 Rhode Island AvenueNewport, Rhode Island 02840

We request that you specify the direction for your donation (ie: Annual Fund) on the memo line of your personal or business check. For further assistance, please contact Leslie Grosvenor, Dir. of Institutional Advancement, in the Development Office at (401) 849-5970, ext. 365 or by email, [email protected].


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During her time with us, Mrs. Morris touched the lives of many children, both in and out of the classroom. She taught more than the proverbial “3-Rs” and instilled in her students the belief that they have the power to make a difference. Just look at the example she set when she shaved her head for St. Jude Children’s Hospital! In the words of a former student, “She has the special ability to make everyone feel important and find one or two, or three things that make them special and show those things to the world.” Mrs. Morris has created many memories for all of us. We will always remember the warmth in her southern drawl, being enthralled as she brought characters to life as she read a story, watching her run to give treats to all the dogs at carpool, and seeing her face light up when she spoke about her students. Most importantly, we will never forget her genuine caring and desire to inspire her students to be their best. She truly is one in a million! We wish Mrs. Morris all the best as she embarks on this new stage in her life. She will be missed.

~ Lauren Abraham, Head of Lower School



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The St. Michael’s Country Day School community respects that every student has unique talents, abilities, learning styles, and goals. The school embraces the dual purpose of providing a dynamic curriculum and addressing the needs of the individual within that curriculum and within the community at large.

The program encourages high academic, artistic, athletic, and ethical standards essential for success in a complex and changing world. St. Michael’s seeks to instill in its students the ability to succeed, the resiliency to face challenge, and the eagerness to pursue continued learning.


St. Michael’s Country Day School:- Honors a commitment to recognizing and embracing our differences and similarities- Teaches the value of integrity, responsibility, tolerance, respect, and compassion- Structures an environment that allows for security, risk-taking, and personal growth- Educates the whole child by focusing on cognitive, affective, and physical development- Provides a creative, comprehensive, preparatory curriculum- Offers avenues of support for the unique and varied learning needs of all students- Fosters creative talent by exposing students to a variety of individual and collaborative experiences in the visual and performing arts- Offers interscholastic team sports which blend individual skills with the concepts of team play, team goals, and sportsmanship- Cultivates relevant experiences in technology and information literacy that will enable students to respond productively to the 21st century- Endorses global awareness through good citizenship, social responsibility, and community service

St. Michael’s Country Day School does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, sex,disability, religion, sexual orientation or age in its programs, activities or in its admissions, hiring and employment practices.

Design: Lakuna Design | Photography: Cheryl Richards and Coffee Pond


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