SMS Jordan[1]

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  • 8/11/2019 SMS Jordan[1]



    Tender No. 4/2005

    Procurement of


    Annex B


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    The radio frequency spectrum is a limited natural resource and ofstrategic importance to Jordan. Recent developments incommunications have stretched the capacity of radio spectrum to thelimit. Public and commercial broadcasting, cellular networks, radiobased local area Networks and wide area Networks, microwave andsatellite transmission, mobile communications, pagers andemergency services all depend on the allocation and management ofthe radio communication for their effectiveness.

    With the demand for spectrum increasing in Jordan, and radiosystems becoming more complex, spectrum management isbecoming an increasingly important function, involving many stepsand considerations that need to be observed to enable high qualityservices to be provided by efficiently utilizing the radio spectrum inJordan. Effective management of radio spectrum is a key buildingblock of the telecommunications infrastructure of any nation. As theglobal expectations of radio basedservices increases, pressures onthe finite resources of the radio spectrum create both new challengesand opportunities. It is now critically important that TRC assuresecure, high quality radio communications to the users of the radiospectrum in Jordan.

    For maximum effectiveness, spectrum measurement andinvestigations of interferences requires a reliable monitoring system

    that must be readily transported to near or distant locations that maynot be easily accessible, e.g., open fields or hilltops without anaccess road. TRC is looking for an efficient Vehicle- mounted (mobilemonitoring station) to perform the Technical Analysisand other tasksrelated to radio spectrum monitoring including antennas and supporthardware).THE SYSTEM IS INTENDED TO BE USED AS ASPECTRUM MONITORING SYSTEM FOR TECHNICALPURPOSES ONLY FOR CIVIL USE AND SHALL NOT BE USEDOR HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO PERFORM AUDIO RECORDING,PLAYBACK OR ANY LISTENING FACILITIES.

    The following pages describe the Mobile Monitoring System that

    TRC is interested in acquiring. These are minimum requirementsand are by no means totally inclusive. They are intended to be aguide in setting the direction and expectations for the MobileMonitoring System.

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    Basic Requirements

    The mobile monitoring system shall provide the means to execute anumber of functions. The system shall: (These are minimum requirements andare by no means totally inclusive. They are intended to be a guide in setting the directionand expectations for the Radio Spectrum Mobile Monitoring System.)

    1. Perform all ITU-recommended electromagnetic monitoringand technical verification measurements.The system shouldperform all of the monitoring and radiolocation functionsrequired as of an ITU-compliant monitoring stationi.

    2. Perform automatic recognition, measurement in a rapidmanner and storage of the signals monitored by the system,including complex signals such as TDMA, CDMA, spread

    spectrum, OFDM signals and their probable combinations.3. Perform automatic cataloging of electromagnetic emissions;signal decoding for transmitter identification, determininglines of bearing, locations and identification of illegal,unlicensed, and non-compliant signals by comparing themeasured values to the licensed radio stations database.

    4. Generate spectrum occupancy data and statistics showingthe utilization of the radio spectrum.

    5. Perform and evaluate frequency offset, frequency deviation,field strength, power density, bandwidth, modulation depthand spectrum occupancy measurements.

    6. Identify co-channel, adjacent-channel & inter-modulation

    Interference.7. Use state-of-art digital signal processing (DSP) techniques.

    If new signal types are used or new bandwidths are needed,they can be simply added by modifying the system software.

    8. Perform discrete frequency scans and DF bearingmeasurement.

    9. Intercept and locate analog and digital signals.10. All Mobile Monitoring Stations should have the functionality

    of operating as a central station that is able to send andreceive DF measurements to/ from other Mobile MonitoringStation ( should have the capability of Master and Slavestations for all stations).

    11. Provide a geographical location display with a selectablemap format.

    12. Use the same equipment to perform monitoring and directionfinding (DF) measurements for both stationary and in motiontransmitters.


    iSee annex C

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    - All of the requirements set in this document are minimum

    requirements and it is expected that they will be exceeded by thesystem ultimately implemented.

    - The Radio Spectrum Mobile Monitoring System must bedesigned to be easily upgradeable and to adapt to new

    hardware and software over its lifetime.- All Bidders should conduct a detailed presentation on the

    offered system to TRC when requested . all presentationsmust be conducted before the award of the Tender.

    A- Operational Requirements

    As a minimum, the Monitoring system should support thefollowing requirements: (These are minimum requirements and are by nomeans totally inclusive. They are intended to be a guide in setting the direction andexpectations for the operational requirements of the Radio Spectrum MobileMonitoring System.)

    A-1 Configurat ion

    System configurations should be suitable for use as fixed,mobile and portable (man pack hunting) operation in landbased application as an integrated frequency Monitoring andDirection Finding (DF) system.

    A-2 Number of Mobile Monitor ing Stat ions

    The System should consist of (2) mobile (monitoring & DF)stations.

    A-3 Network Connect iv ity

    The system should be capable of operating in networks of upto 2 (or more if needed) interconnected and remotely spacedDF systems using triangulation to locate the emitters anddisplay them on digital maps.

    A-4- Software Arch itecture

    The system software should be open architecture,upgradeable and it should also use user-friendly Graphic User

    Interface (GUI) Forms that are easy to learn and intuitive touse.

    A-5- Signal Analysis

    Signal analysis tools should be equipped with the system toperform IF/AF/Video signal analysis (such as Modulation,Frequency, Bandwidth, Signal decoding etc).

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    A-6- Antenna

    Each Mobile Monitoring Station should include sensitive

    antennas, for collecting monitoring and DF measurementswhile the vehicle is in motion, as well as passive antennas.Antennas should be mounted on the top of an hydraulictelescopic mast. Antennas for all ranges, polarization andtasks should be provided. The system should includehandheld directional antennas for the portable stations.

    A-7- Bandwidth

    The system should be able to perform all measurements inany bandwidth up to 10 MHz.

    A-8- Disp lay

    The system should include displays which allow showingspectrum at least up to 10 MHz and other large wide portionsof the spectrum, locate interferers, and identify the types ofsignals and interference found.

    A-9- General Funct ions for the Monitoring SystemVehicles

    The Vehicles should include equipment racks, power

    system (including UPS) and telescopic mast. The Vehicles should be equipped with a rechargeable

    power system unit.

    A-10- Interoperabil ity

    Integration between the system and any other spectrummanagement software should be applicable (especially TRCsautomated spectrum management system -ASMS). Theresults of monitoring and DF should be displayed on thespectrum management software in both modes, on-line (real-

    time display) & off-line.

    A-11- Modes of Operat ion

    The spectrum monitoring system shall be capable ofoperating in both directed search and general search modesof operation, or a combination of both. In performing its

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    functions, the system provided shall meet the followingrequirements:

    a. The systems equipment configuration must be flexible,programmable, and capable of operating in differentmodes. This includes operating in a variety of scheduledand unscheduled directed search modes, a general

    search mode, and performing the signal analysis tasksspecified for each mode.

    b. The directed search mode shall allow the operators tocreate menus and schedules of search andmeasurement functions to accommodate a variety ofmonitoring tasks. These include verification ofconformance of licensed transmitters and theidentification of unlicensed transmitters.

    c. The directed search mode shall detect, classify andreport activity in channels contained in the programmedsearch specification that are not licensed by TRC.

    d. The programming of the directed search mode shall allow

    the operator to specify one or more frequency ranges formonitoring by either start and stop frequencies ordesignated channel numbers.

    e. The system must allow the operator to specify thereceiver settings for each measurement.

    f. The system equipment must be capable of beingprogrammed by the system administrator to skipspecified frequency blocks. These blocks would becomeinaccessible to the system operators.

    h. The system should be capable of being programmed toallow studying of a specified frequency band or sub-bandand scanning, detecting and classifying all emitters andall signals present.

    A-12- Direction Finding (DF) Minimum Funct ionalRequirements

    a. Algorithms used to calculate location must consider theeffects of atmospheric refraction and the topography ofthe intervening terrain.

    b. The DFs GPS unit should provide the exact latitude andlongitude of the vehicle and transmitters position fornavigation, DF operation and triangulation.

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    B- Technical Requirements and Specifications

    The system should meet, as a minimum, the following specifications:(These are minimum specifications and are by no means totally inclusive. They are intendedto be a guide in setting the direction and expectations for the technical specifications of theRadio Spectrum Mobile Monitoring System.)

    B-1 - Frequency Range

    The spectrum monitoring system shall be designed to monitor radiofrequencies currently used in the radio environment of Jordan and itsimmediate neighbors. The primary focus of the spectrum monitoringsystem shall be at least from 1 KHz to 50 GHz (80 GHz or more ispreferable). The system should operate on HF/VHF/UHF/SHF atleast up to 50 GHz frequency range for search, interception andmonitoring .These are minimum performance requirements and it isexpected they will be exceeded by the spectrum monitoring systemproposed for implementation. The Frequency MeasurementsAccuracy should be Per ITU-R SM.377-3 or better.

    B-2- Power, Field Strength & Flux DensityThe spectrum monitoring equipment shall have the ability tomeasure and present signal strength in a variety of ways. Whilereceivers generally measure the received signal in terms ofpower, the measurement system shall be able to express the

    measurement as power, equivalent field strength, or equivalentflux density. The signal strength shall be capable of beingmeasured as:

    Linear average

    Log average



    B-2-1 Power MeasurementsPower measurements (i.e. the transmitter before theantenna , the ERP and EIRP) shall be expressed in dBm

    and dBV, to a resolution of 0.1 dB.

    B-2-2 Field Strength MeasurementsWhile receivers generally measure the received signal interms of power, the measurement system shall expressthe signal measurements as either an equivalent RMSand peak field strength in volts per meter as decibels(dBV/m), millivolts per meter (dBmV/m), or as microvolts

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    per meter (dBV/m). (ITU-R Recommendations onSpectrum Management SM.378, and ITU SpectrumMonitoring Handbook Section

    B-2-3 Power Flux Density MeasurementsThe measurement system shall also be able to expressthe received signal level as Power flux density in the

    following units:

    - Milliwatts/m2 (dBm/m2);

    - Watts/m2 (dBW/m2).

    B-3- Co-channel Signals

    The system should be able to identify and extract basicparameters of interferers (whether they are multipath signals orother direct co-channel transmissions) in the presence of awanted signal to a C/I ratio of -20 dB. (i.e. better than therequired protection ratio for analogue cellular transmissions).

    B-4- Measurement SettingsIn addition to the measurement values recorded, the receiversshall record all the settings used in making the measurements.These shall include as a minimum:



    Scan rate

    Center frequency

    Start and stop frequencies

    Channel numbers

    Antenna configuration Antenna orientation

    Noise floor levels

    Time and date of measurement

    B-5- Spectrum OccupancyThe monitoring system shall be capable of producing spectrumoccupancy measurements through the use of the programmedscan modes and data logging capabilities. The measurementperiods shall be adjustable by the operator in minutes forperiods of up to one month.

    B-6- Types of ModulationThe monitoring system shall be able to demodulate and identifythe modulation types and report the modulation characteristicsfor each of the types described below. The specificcharacteristics of the modulating signals to be monitored arecontained in Annex 2.

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    Unmodulated Signals (Spurious signals in bandand out band, test tones, etc.)

    Amplitude Modulationo Double Side Band (DSB)o Single Side Band, Full Carrier (SSB-FC)o Single Side Band, Reduced Carrier (SSB-


    o Single Side Band, Suppressed Carrier(SSB-SC)

    o Independent Side Bandso Vestigial Side Band (VSB)

    Frequency Modulation

    Angle Modulation

    Phase Modulation

    Code Modulation

    Amplitude & Phase Modulation

    Pulse Modulationo Unmodulated Pulseso

    Amplitude Modulatedo Pulse Width Modulatedo Position or Phase Modulatedo Other Modulated Formats , specially thosefor DVB-T and T-DAB.

    Combinations of Angle, Amplitude & Pulse

    Other Types of Modulation (it should be capable ofmonitoring modulated signals other than theabove, these types should be offered and priced)

    B-7- Measurement Configuration

    The measurement configuration should be recorded along withall measured data. This configuration information must include:

    Site Identification

    Antenna & Receiver

    Antenna Height

    Receiver Attenuation

    Frequency Scan Range

    Measurement Bandwidth


    Date & Time

    B-8- Occupied Bandwidth MeasurementThe monitoring system shall utilize the techniques described byITU-R Recommendation SM.328 (or the amendments) and ITUSpectrum Monitoring Handbook section 3.4.2. and other relatedsections. Since spectrum analysis functions will be available inthe system signal analysis and processing subsystem of section

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    - Video Waveform- and be compliant with the ITU recommendations.- Combinations of Above- Other Information Types

    B-11- Signal Analysis & Processing

    The system shall be capable of operating in either thefrequency or time domain or both and shall return themeasurements contained in the list below, whether they be asingle tone, noise or a complex signal. The signal processorshall be able to make all measurements in precise andrepeatable bandwidths of at least 0 MHz, with a resolution of1 Hz. Measurements shall be capable of being averaged overthe time period or the number of samples specified by theoperator or the control program. The software shall also beable to capture and record all measurements for replay andanalysis later, especially transient, time varying , spreadspectrum OFDM signals such as those used by TDMA,

    frequency-hopped, CDMA and other advancedcommunications systems. Replay and analysis shall beapplicable to the entire signal or any part of it. Triggercapability shall be provided to support the acquisition andlogging of burst signals. The system software shall beconfigurable and capable of being upgraded to permit theanalysis of new signal types as they become available.The system should be able to perform clock extraction fordigital signals, and be able to use digital tuning to compensatefor any transmitter or receiver drift.The system shall be able to demodulate the signals commonlyused by commercial communications systems and present orstore a replica of the modulation signal. In the case of digitalsignals, each modulating symbol stream shall bedemodulated. In addition to the general requirements andspecifications cited above, the measurement and analysissystem should meet the minimum performance specificationscontained in the list below. These are minimum requirementsand are by no means totally inclusive. They are intended to bea guide in setting the direction and expectations for the signalmeasurement system.

    Minimum Performance Requirements:

    - Spectral analysis span: Up to 50 MHz

    - Spurious-free dynamic range: Better than 80dB

    - integral non-linearity (INL) 0.5 LSB

    - Integral non-linearity (INL) 0.5 LSB

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    - Differential non-linearity (DNL) 0.5 LSB

    Buffer size to allow recording of up to 30 seconds (orbetter, it is preferable) of any signal record/playback ofup to 30 min of any narrowband (30MHz, shifts of up to 2 MHz



    Up to 50 Mbit/s


    Up to 50 Mbit/s

    /4 QPSK

    Up to 50 Mbit/s

    mQAM (minimum 16, 64, 256 QAM)

    Up to 20 Ms/s

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    Rate up to 2 Mbps


    Unknown DS-SS signals with a SNR -6 dB orbetter, in a bandwidth of up to 20 MHz,sufficient to identify chip rates and any framestructures.

    Digital signal decoding

    The signal processing subsystem should beable to decode all common coding and FECformats.

    Convolutional coding with rates to 7/8

    Block codes (binary, non-binary BCH)

    GSC, POCSAG and other paging

    codes Common compression systems

    (VSELP, CELP, MPEG1, MPEG2,etc.)

    Multiplexed TDMA streams (up to 12per transport stream)

    B-12- Direction Finding (DF) and Emitter Location

    a. General

    The system shall provide the functions of automatic signalinterception and detection, automatic signal DF measurements atleastfor the range of 20-3000 MHz.

    DF Algorithms used to calculate location must include theeffects of atmospheric refraction and the topography of theintervening terrain.

    The DF unit must be designed to be easily upgradeable andto adapt to new hardware and software over system lifetime.

    The DF GPS unit should provide the exact latitude andlongitude of the vehicle position for navigation, DFoperation and triangulation.

    b- DF Tasking

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    The tasking function, and information returned to the DFfrom the tasking mobile monitoring station should meet thefollowing :

    - DF tasking data from the tasking mobile monitoring

    station shall include the frequency, frequency type,

    measurement bandwidth, hopping band (if a FH type),

    polarization, and modulation type of the signal to be


    - A frequency accuracy of 100 Hz shall be maintained in

    the hand-off of DF task parameters from the search and

    signal receiving system to the DF system.

    - Information returned to the tasking station from the DF

    unit shall include as a minimum: Frequency, Line OfBearing (LOB), DF Confidence Level, Position &

    Heading. the minimum and maximum frequencies of

    the hopping signals used in the measurement (if DF-ing

    a hopper), and any other data that is required to

    support the location estimate and/or other system


    - Rate of DF task accomplishment to the accuracy

    specified shall be equal to or more than 2000


    - Capability for multiple time-synchronized tasking shall

    be provided.

    c- Spread Spectrum and OFDM DFThe DF shall be provided when the desired signal is aSpread Spectrum /OFDM type and the following minimum

    conditions are met.

    1. Frequency Hopping DFThe system shall detect and measure DF on afrequency-hopping signal .

    2. Time Hopping DFThe system shall detect and measure DF on aTime-hopping signal

    3. Direct Sequence DF

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    The system shall detect and measure DF on adirect sequence signal

    4. Hybrid Types DFThe system shall detect and measure DF on aspread spectrum hybrid type signal (e.g. FH-DS,FH-TH, other).

    d- Pulse Signal DFThe DF shall be provided when the desired signal is aPulse type

    e- Emitter Location

    1. Location EstimateThe system shall estimate a location of the desiredemitter

    2. Location ConfidenceThe system shall provide a confidence indication for

    a single LOB measured accuracy, for an averagedLOB accuracy (with an indication of the number ofmeasurements averaged), and/or the emitter locationestimation accuracy.

    3. Emitter TrackingContinuous Tracking Indicators of moving emittersmust be shown on the tracking display.

    B-13- Self Test and AlertsThe spectrum monitoring system shall have both simple andcomprehensive self-test capabilities that validate spectrum

    monitoring functions and give confidence of the measuringaccuracy. Built-in test capability shall determine fault isolationto the replaceable printed circuit assembly level. The built-intesting of the system should run continuously in thebackground of the computer programs. This testing shouldallow fault isolation down to the replaceable printed circuitassembly level. The alarms generated by this testing shouldbe able to be masked by the analyst with the appropriate levelof password protection (if the system is still operable with thefault). The individual tests shall be operator-selectable in orderto test specific boards.

    C- Vehicles

    I- General

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    1. Vehicle description:

    New, in current production, with standard and optionalfeatures in current production by the vehicle manufacturer.

    2. Type : Four-wheel drive, off-road type vehicle

    3. Accommodations: One driver; 2 operators (The mobile systems

    should provide for a driver and two operator positions. One of theoperator positions must be in the front of the vehicle).

    4. Air conditioning/heating:

    Heavy-duty capacity to maintain an internal operationalenvironment for personnel and equipment

    5. Equipment shock and vibration :

    Vehicle may be driven on off-road conditions.

    6. Auxiliary power :

    A UPS system with batteries should be provided to allowapproximately 40 minutes of operation for orderly shut downof the system.

    7. Cable :

    A utomatic cable reels for RF and control cables that run tothe DF antenna

    8. Roof/ ladder

    Roof rack and access ladder

    II-Functional Capability

    1. ShieldingElectromagnetic shielding shall be provided to prevent outsidesignals with field strengths up to 50 mV/m from interfering withor corrupting the measurements made by the system. Paintwith RF shielding characteristics shall be utilized.

    2. RuggedizationEquipment and fixtures shall be ruggedized as necessary to

    reliably function in the physical environment defined for thesystem.

    3. AccessAccess to the equipment and/or vehicle components isrequired for preventive and regular maintenance without majordisassembly of the system.

    4. Storage

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    Storage spaces to support operational needs (extra antennas,electronic components, water, printer paper, referencematerials, and safe for classified documents, etc) shall beprovided.

    5. SecurityVehicle and/or equipment enclosure designs shall includephysical security features to allow unattended operation with

    minimal risk of intrusion and theft.

    6. Power

    Power distribution and receptacles for AC and DC power shallbe provided to allow operations and maintenance using anauxiliary generator or by connection to commercial power (ifavailable).

    - Prime power High capacity alternator driven byvehicle engine through UPS

    - Backup power Batteries, through UPS, sufficientto provide backup power forsystem equipment duringstationary operation with vehicleengine off.

    - Battery Charging External battery charging tocompletely recharge batterieswithin eight hours.

    Internal battery charging torecharge and continuously charge

    batteries while vehicle is inoperation.

    7. Ambient NoiseNoise inside the vehicle shall be controlled to providean environment that allows safe operation as well aslow fatigue for the personnel.

    8. Groundinggrounding system and attachment point to allowconnection to earth ground when operating fromexternal power sources or external antennas shall beprovided.

    9. LightingLighting shall be provided to support day and nightoperations. In the case of motion, this lightingbrightness and color shall be compatible with safevehicle movements at night while operating theequipment. Provision shall also be made in all

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    stations for lighting required during day/nightmaintenance of the system.

    10. EnvironmentalThe DF antenna & vehicles should work properly inall the environmental conditions.

    C- Computers Workstations

    Workstations PC Computers should use the highest speedprocessors running in the market under latest Windows operatingsystem version.

    D- Integration with the TRCs Spectrum ManagementSoftware

    The system should be able to perform a real-time analysis andconsequently generate a real-time report, real-time data shouldbe sent to TRCs Spectrum Management software usingHF/UHF/VHF/SHF link or by using cellular mobile network (Thebidder should provide both options and the TRC will choose thebest among them); in addition to that, the system should havethe capability of recording and saving the result for future use. Incase of unauthorized use of the monitoring stations , the system

    should generate a real-time alarm to Spectrum ManagementSoftware.

    Optional(Should be of fered & Priced separately)

    The bidder should provide a separate offer for three stations (not 2)with the same technical requirements and specifications asmentioned above, as follows:

    1- Stand alone mode:

    - Each station can perform surveillance and direction findingautonomously

    2- Integrated mode:

    - The three stations should be able to exchange data throughwireless facilities.

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    - Each station can be selected as master station and can take thetotal control of the other by assigning the missions and processingresults;

    - The exact positions of both the vehicles and emitters undersurveillance are computerized on digital maps.

    E- Documentation and Spares Requirements

    The Bidder shall provide support documentation and spareparts in accordance with the requirements specified herein:

    1- Hardware DocumentationDocumentation for vendor and supplier developedhardware items shall include (as a minimum) operationmanuals, maintenance manuals, and parts lists. Twohardcopies of each manual shall be provided and onecopy of each manual shall be provided on a CD-ROM forarchive files.

    2- Operation ManualsOperation manuals shall contain all information to allowan operator to control and use the items of equipment.

    3- Maintenance ManualsMaintenance manuals shall contain all information toallow a maintenance engineer/technician to install, andto perform maintenance on the equipment. Thesemanuals shall include as a minimum: Technical description and block diagrams,

    Schematic and circuit diagrams (with componentreference designators) and descriptions,

    System and subsystem interconnections,

    Module interconnection, wiring diagrams, and wirepin-out data (with signal function annotations),

    Service tests and diagnostics with fault locationguides,

    Test equipment, test software, and test set-upsrequired,

    Configuration instructions and diagrams, and

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    Manufacturer recommended preventive and

    corrective maintenance procedures.

    The system maintenance manual of each stationprovided should contain as a minimum: System description and block diagrams,

    Operating procedures,

    Interconnection and cables diagrams.

    Diagnostics and fault location guides,

    Test equipment, test software, and test set-upsrequired,

    System equipment lists and configurations,

    Manufacturer recommended preventive andcorrective maintenance procedures.

    4- Parts Lists

    Parts lists shall contain all Original EquipmentManufacturer (OEM) parts and/or standard partsidentification. Use of special parts not available from OEMsources shall be minimized.

    5- Software DocumentationDocumentation and support for the software shall include(as a minimum) program maintenance manuals anddeveloped software application module source code. twohardcopies of each manual shall be provided with eachmobile monitoring station containing the softwareprogram item. and one copy of each manual shall beprovided on a CD-ROM for archive files.

    6- Program Maintenance ManualsTwo sets of manuals shall be provided for all developedsoftware that provides descriptions of the software modulefunctions. These manuals shall also include as aminimum, all maintenance and/or modificationprocedures.

    7- System Level Documentation

    Documentation for the system level shall include StationUser Manuals and System Maintenance Manuals formobile stations. One hardcopy of these manuals shall beprovided with each Station. One spare hardcopy of eachmanual shall be provided, and a copy of each manualshall be provided on a CD-ROM.

    8- Training Materials

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    Training materials for all hardware, software, and systemlevel courses shall include all instructor and student itemsrequired for the classroom, laboratory, and OJT program.These shall include as a minimum: Course objectives,

    Course outline and schedule,

    Daily lesson plans for each training course, Instructor copies of viewgraphs and tests,

    Performance checklists, and

    Student manuals with copies of viewgraphs presentedand copies of technical papers and/or materialsreferenced in the course.

    9- Initial SparesInitial spares for the system shall include (as a minimum).

    I - Consumables

    A three (3) year supply of consumables having no shelflife (fuses, filters, and other items of this type) shall beprovided as spares. A three (3) year supply ofconsumables having a shelf life shall be provided withstaggered delivery consistent with the shelf life of eachitem.

    II - Follow-on SparesFollow-on spares requirements will be evaluated bythe TRC after the initial two years of operationalexperience

    F- TrainingThe bidder should quote the following training:

    i- At its premises (theoretical and practical) to at leastengineers on the topics shown below:

    1. Understanding Spectrum Monitoring,:

    Presentation of overall system architecture

    General operational functions and technicalcharacteristics of the system

    Detailed subsystems and equipment layout

    Detailed operational procedures andperformance of equipment

    Setting and measurement applications ofequipment: purpose of activity, deploymenttime, site selection, required resources,reference materials, limitations andpossible obstacles

    2. Antenna Theory

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    3. Radio Communication Theory & Systems4. Digital Signal Processing Techniques & Application5. Transmitters6. Receivers7. DF Techniques8. DF System Performance9. Understanding Interference & Direction findings

    analysis and Emitter Location Methods10. Monitoring System11. Communications

    Block diagram

    Stages and functions

    Interfaces and coupling

    System losses

    System security, signal security

    System parameters: ERP, received signallevel

    ii- On-the-Job TrainingMeasurements

    Functions of equipment controls, initialsettings and operation procedures

    Frequency measurements: beat freq.Method, offset freq. Lissajous, freq.Counters, digital processing

    Field strength measurements: electric andmagnetic, equivalent incident, median

    available receiver power, power fluxdensity (shadowing and fading effects)

    Spectrum occupancy measurements:channel occupancy, message length, FFTanalyzing system

    Bandwidth measurements: direct methodx-dB, single band pass filter, power ratio,spectrum analyzer

    Modulation measurements: AM/FM,phase and frequency deviation, dynamicamplitude modulation, digital modulation(ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM, etc.)

    General Notes Tutorial classes to be given as required to

    provide detailed explanations andexamples of the delivered lectures.

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    Copies of detailed reference materials ofeach subject should be handed to eachparticipant at the beginning of the course(all documents are to be in English)

    Lecturers and instructors should be fullyqualified in the related subjects andpresentation skills with full command ofthe English language.

    Estimated number of trainees: eightelectrical/electronic graduate engineers

    Actual and simulated scenarios for allitems to be measured as listed aboveshould be made available at the time ofmeasurements


    The Spectrum Management System must be compliant with ITU inspecific also must be compliant with AT LEAST the following ITU-Rrecommendations and their updates:

    SM.182 Automatic monitoring of occupancy of the radio-frequencyspectrum

    SM.239 Spurious emissions from sound and television broadcastreceivers

    SM.326 Determination and measurement of the power ofamplitude-modulated radio transmitters

    SM.328 Spectra and bandwidth of emissions

    SM.329 Unwanted emissions in the spurious domain

    SM.331 Noise and sensitivity of receivers

    SM.332 Selectivity of receivers

    SM.337 Frequency and distance separations

    SM.377 Accuracy of frequency measurements at stations forinternational monitoring

    SM.378 Field-strength measurements at monitoring stations

    SM.433 Methods for the measurement of radio interference and

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    the determination of tolerable levels of interference

    SM.443 Bandwidth measurement at monitoring stations

    SM.508 Use of radio-noise data in spectrum utilization studies

    SM.575 Protection of fixed monitoring stations against radio-

    frequency interference

    SM.667 National spectrum management data

    SM.668 Electronic exchange of information for spectrummanagement purposes

    SM.669 Protection ratios for spectrum sharing investigations

    SM.847 Determination of the coordination area of an earth stationoperating with a geostationary space station and using thesame frequency band as a system in a terrestrial service

    SM.848 Determination of the coordination area of a transmittingearth station using the same frequency band as receivingearth stations in bidirectionally allocated frequency bands

    SM.849 Determination of the coordination area for earth stationsoperating with non-geostationary spacecraft in bandsshared with terrestrial services

    SM.850 Coordination areas using predetermined coordinationdistances

    SM.851 Sharing between the broadcasting service and the fixedand/or mobile services in the VHF and UHF bands

    SM.852 Sensitivity of radio receivers for class of emissions F3E

    SM.853 Necessary bandwidth

    SM.854 Direction finding and location determination at monitoringstations of signals below 30 MHz

    SM.855 Multi-service telecommunication systems

    SM.856 New spectrally efficient techniques and systems

    SM.1009Compatibility between the sound-broadcasting service inthe band of about 87-108 MHz and the aeronauticalservices in the band 108-137 MHz

    SM.1045Frequency tolerance of transmitters

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    SM.1046Definition of spectrum use and efficiency of a radio system

    SM.1047National spectrum management

    SM.1048Design guidelines for a basic automated spectrummanagement system (BASMS)

    SM.1049A method of spectrum management to be used for aidingfrequency assignment for terrestrial services in borderareas

    SM.1050Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R SM.1050 - Tasksof a monitoring service

    SM.1051Priority of identifying and eliminating harmful interferencein the band 406-406.1 MHz

    SM.1052Automatic identification of radio stations

    SM.1053Methods of improving HF direction-finding accuracy atfixed stations

    SM.1054Monitoring of radio emissions from spacecraft atmonitoring stations

    SM.1055The use of spread spectrum techniques

    SM.1056Limitation of radiation from industrial, scientific andmedical (ISM) equipment

    SM.1131Factors to consider in allocating spectrum on a worldwidebasis

    SM.1132General principles and methods for sharing betweenradiocommunication services or between radio stations

    SM.1133Spectrum utilization of broadly defined services

    SM.1134Intermodulation interference calculations in the land-mobile service

    SM.1135SINPO and SINPFEMO codes

    SM.1138Determination of necessary bandwidths includingexamples for their calculation and associated examples forthe designation of emissions

    SM.1139International monitoring system

    SM.1140Test procedures for measuring aeronautical receivercharacteristics used for determining compatibility between

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    the sound-broadcasting service in the band of about 87-108 MHz and the aeronautical services in the band 108-118 MHz

    SM.1235Performance functions for digital modulation systems in aninterference environment

    SM.1265National alternative allocation methods

    SM.1266Adaptive MF/HF systems

    SM.1267Collection and publication of monitoring data to assistfrequency assignment for geostationary satellite systems

    SM.1268Method of measuring the maximum frequency deviation ofFM broadcast emissions at monitoring stations

    SM.1269Classification of direction finding bearings

    SM.1270Additional information for monitoring purposes related toclassification and designation of emission

    SM.1271Efficient spectrum utilization using probabilistic methods

    SM.1370Design guidelines for developing advanced automatedspectrum management systems

    SM.1392Essential requirements for a spectrum monitoring stationfor developing countries

    SM.1393Common formats for the exchange of information between

    monitoring stations

    SM.1394Common format for Memorandum of Understandingbetween the agreeing countries regarding cooperation inspectrum monitoring matters

    SM.1413Radiocommunication Data Dictionary for notification andcoordination purposes

    SM.1446Definition and measurement of intermodulation products intransmitter using frequency, phase, or complex modulationtechniques

    SM.1447Monitoring of the radio coverage of land mobile networksto verify compliance with a given licence

    SM.1448Determination of the coordination area around an earthstation in the frequency bands between 100 MHz and 105GHz

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    SM.1535The protection of safety services from unwanted emissions

    SM.1536Frequency channel occupancy measurements

    SM.1537Automation and integration of spectrum monitoringsystems with automated spectrum management

    SM.1538Technical and operating parameters and spectrumrequirements for short-range radiocommunication devices

    SM.1539Variation of the boundary between the out-of-band andspurious domains required for the application ofRecommendations ITU-R SM.1541 and ITU-R SM.329

    SM.1540Unwanted emissions in the out-of-band domain falling intoadjacent allocated bands

    SM.1541Unwanted emissions in the out-of-band domain

    SM.1542The protection of passive services from unwantedemissions

    SM.1598Methods of radio direction finding and location on timedivision multiple access and code division multiple accesssignals

    SM.1599Determination of the geographical and frequencydistribution of the spectrum utilization factor for frequencyplanning purposes

    SM.1600Technical identification of digital signals

    SM.1603Spectrum redeployment as a method of national spectrummanagement

    SM.1604Guidelines for an upgraded spectrum management systemfor developing countries

    SM.1633Compatibility analysis between a passive service and anactive service allocated in adjacent and nearby bands

    SM.1681Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM. [Doc. 1/21] -

    Measuring of low-level emissions from space stations atmonitoring earth stations using noise reduction techniques

    SM.1682Draft New Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Doc. 1/22] -Methods for measurements on digital broadcasting signals

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    S/N Signal to Noise RatioSL Side LobeSLIP Serial Line Internet ProtocolSMP Symmetrical MultiprocessorSNA Systems Network ArchitectureTDMA Time Division Multiple AccessTRC Telecommunications Regulatory Commission

    UPS Uninterrupted Power SupplyUTM Universal TransverseVRAM Video Random Access MemoryWAN Wide Area Network