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DOKUMEN NEGANA 1. Wamingl Don't let the car windows open along this way BEWARE OF WILD ANIMALSI Zoo officer What does the text mean? A. The car windows should always be open. B. The-zoo officers must close the car windows. C. We should let the animals rvalk away the road. D. We must close the windows rvhen passing that area. 3. The text is for ucstions 2 and 3. What is the purpose of the text above? A. To invite someone to practice chess. B, To congratulate someone on his victory. C. To ask someone to join a chess toumament. D. To support someone at the chess toumament. Which expression is used to show that Anton proud of Seno? A. The winner of the school chess toumament. B. Congratulations on your success. C. I am so proud ofyou. D. You've made it. ililililrililililtilililfl ililtffi illffi Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs congratulations on your success to be the winner of the school chesi tournament this year. You've made it! I am so proud ofyou. Anton P-ZC-2013 t20 t 4 - cHrk Cipta pada Pusat Peniliriirn Pendidikan-BALITBANC-KEMDIKBUD Diunduh dari

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WaminglDon't let the car windows open along this way


Zoo officer

What does the text mean?A. The car windows should always be open.B. The-zoo officers must close the car windows.C. We should let the animals rvalk away the road.D. We must close the windows rvhen passing that area.


The text is for ucstions 2 and 3.

What is the purpose of the text above?A. To invite someone to practice chess.B, To congratulate someone on his victory.C. To ask someone to join a chess toumament.D. To support someone at the chess toumament.

Which expression is used to show that Anton proud of Seno?A. The winner of the school chess toumament.B. Congratulations on your success.C. I am so proud ofyou.D. You've made it.

ililililrililililtilililfl ililtffi illffiBahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

congratulations on your success to be the winner of the school chesi tournament thisyear.You've made it! I am so proud ofyou.


P-ZC-2013 t20 t 4 - cHrk Cipta pada Pusat Peniliriirn Pendidikan-BALITBANC-KEMDIKBUD

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1 |||ilril ilI ilililililffi IilIil ilfl ilil ilil

Ba hasa In ggris SMPiIVITsThe following text is for questions 4 to 7,Dear Aldy,

Long time no see, how are you today? I hope you are alright.

I,ast holiday, my family and I spent one night in the countryside. It is not far from ourcity and it is not a crowded place. we stayld in a rented wooden house. It was reallyruce.

At night, rve made a small fire in front of the house and sang together. we rverc verylu^ppy:

W: woke up very late the next moming because we stayed up till after midnighi.After lunch my father drove us home.

It was a grcat holiday. Will you join us next time?See you soon.

Your best friend

4. The letter tells us about....A. Sandy's holiday in the countrysideB. making a small fire and singing togetherC. Aldy's favourite place for holidayD. a rented wooden house

How did Sandy and his family go to the countryside?A. By train.B. By ship.C. By bus.D. By car.

Sandy and his family spent the holiday in the countryside because ....A. it was located nearbyB. they liked crowded placeC. it was not far from their cityD. many people visited the place

"Will you join us next time?"What does the word "us" in the sentence refer to?

A. Aldy and Sandy.B. Aldy and his friends.C. Sandy and his family.D. Sandy and his friends.

a)Llnk Clipta pacla Pusat Pcnilaitrn Pcndidikan-BALITBANC-KEMDIKBUD



v -zc-2013 /20 t 4

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Iflil1iltilililfl tilIililfl tililfl |lilfiil

Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs


tcxt is for


uestions 8 and 9.

Whom is the message addressed to?A. Nury.B. Panj i.C. Dania.D. Dinras.

The purposc olrhc rcxt is ro ,...A. realize the planB. arrange the agendaC. remind Dania of the meetingf). celebrate the school anniversarv

The foll text is for estions 10 and 11.

What's the benefit of consuming NatraBurst?A. Increase appetiteB. Decrease energyC. Promote fat lossD. Pronrole healthy hair

'lhe purpose of tlie text is ....A. to warn the reader the danger of the productB. to describe the composition ofthe productC. to persuadc people to consume the productD. to tell the reader how to use the product




To : Dania

Don't forget to join us in the English Club meeting this evening. We,re going todiscuss our plan to celebrate our school anniversar!. Mia, Nury, Ariel pinji LdGadis will be there too. Please, be punctual.See you there.


A BURST OF NA'|URENatraBurstTM is a pollerful food source consistingingredients, which work together to provide a vaietycontailts the equivalent of more than 6 vegetables and4.000r-. Additionally, NatraBurstTM help supportconcentration ofhigh quality protein. '

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lilliltillil illlllilililillililtil ilil flil




Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

What will happen to the parlicipants after joining the training?A. Get the best result.B. Get 200/o d iscount.C. Enjoy the best trainer.D. Able to create a blog easily.

"We have the best trainer for the best results! ,,

The underlined word is similar in meaning with ...A. instructorB. conductorC. illustratorD. organizer

The fo text is for uestions 14 to 16.Announcement

'lomorrow our school will celebrate "LIARDIKNAS". iliere will be no lesson. However.we will hold a l1ag cercmonv turd also some contests. One ol them is the contest of thebest classroom. Decorate your classroom as creatively as possible. Sorne "secret .lury.,i.i,ill score your class randornly. 'fhe observation will last lor a r.l,eek. All class leadershave to cooperate with their class teacher and their own classmates. Some other contestsare stated on the announcement board. For more information, please read theannouncement board. Thank you.

I{ow long will the "Secret Jury" observe the classrooms ?

A. Six days.B. Five days.C. Eight days.D.


Seven days.

What should the students do to create the best classroom?A. Observe other classroorts.B. Communicate with the secret jury.C. Meet the class tcacher and their classmates.D, Decorate the classroom as creative as possible.

'rl lak ( ipta parl0 Pusirt l'cniliii0n l)cndidil(afl-BAl,l1'BA,NOJ<IjMDiKBt.lD


P -ZC -2013.,20 1 4

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ilfliltilililililfl il]Iiltffi iltiltilililBahasa Inggris SMp/MTs

16. "One ofthem is contest ofthe best classroom',The underlined word refers to . . . .

A. juryB. contests '

C. teachersD. cJassrooms

The follorving text is for questions 17 to lg.

What is the purpose of the text?A. To inform the day trip schedule to Cibodas.B. To encourage students to join the school activity.C. To announce the trip to Cibodas Botanical Garden.D. To give a clear description ofthe botanical garden.

What will the Botanical GardJn officers do after giving the program overvierv?A. Flaving a picnic lunch.B. Hiking to the waterfall.C. Describing the do's and don'ts.D. Playing games with the students.




06.30 ' Assemble in the schoolyard

07.00 Bus departs to Ciboclas botanical Garden

09.30 ,Arrive in Cibodas Botanical Garden

09.45 Briefing by teachers and Botanical Garden officer- Overview of the programs- Do's & don'ts during the programs

10.00 ActivitiesGroup A -.-+ Hiking to the rvaterfall' Group B -- Gamei & Botany tour

12.00 Prayer & Picnic Lunch

13.30 ActivitiesGroup A ---., Games & Botany tourGroup B --- Hiking to the waterfall

16.30 Depart from Cibodas Botanical Garden

19.00 Arrive at school

P -ZC -2011/2) t 4 1rl-lak Cipta pacla l'usiu Pcniliriirn l,!'ndid jkan-BALl'fBANC-KE[,lDlKRU[)

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19. "Assemble in the schoolyard,,What is the synonym of the word .,assemble,,

in the text?A. Play.B. Enter.C. Gather.D. Follow.

Tlrc follorving tcxt is for questions 20 to 23,

20. What is the text about?A. Turning on the new flashlight.B. Changing flashlight's batteries.C. Checking where flashlight works well.D. Throwing tlle flashlight,s old batteries.

21. What should we do after the flashlight rvorks well?A. Put the batteries aside.B. Unscrew the flashlight.C. Throw the old batteries away.D. Screw the flashlight back together.

22. "Dump the old batteries,' (step 2)What does the underlined word mean?

A. Throw in.B. Throw away.C. Spread out.D. Put together.

23. "... to make sure that it works"What does the underlined word refer to?

A. The bulb.B. The screw.C. The battery.D. The flashlight.

How To Change Flashlight's Batteries

Materials :

- Flashlight- Batteries

Operation1. Unscrew the flashlight.2. Dump the old batteries.3. Put them aside.4. Find the positive (+) and negative O signs of the new batteries.5. Put the two new batteries into the flashlight with the positive end toward the bulb.6. Screw the flashlight back together.7. Turn the flashlight on to make sure it rvorks.8. Dump the old batteries.

ililillil ilI 1ililtil ilflililililtil ffi fll

Ba h asa In ggris SMP/IVITs

P -ZC.-2013 /201 4 'fllak Cipta pacla Pusirt Penilaian Pcnclirlikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUD

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2'7 . The text above tells us about ....A. animals in the zooB. riding an elephantC. feeding the birdD. a trip to the zoo


Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

. Today- we are going to hur. r.hostudents and popular guest stars. we have prepared a lot for this cerebiation. There is ahuqe tent and a big stage in the schoolyard. Aiound the yard, there are a lot of stalls forstudents' exhibitions, works ad projects. There's also photo exhibition of all activitieswe did in this school year. Apart from that, there are food stars, book & stationerysales, etc. some students even dress in anime cosplay costumes. They all look great.

The bazaar will officially start at nine o'clock. It is opened rvith a speech from theschool principal who will hit a gong at the end of his speech to mark the opening of theprogram. There will be a few more speeches before it goes off with the intertiinmentDrograms.

The following text is for questions 24 to 26.

What time does the school bazaar begin?A. At 9.00 a.mB. At 8.45 a.mC. Ar 9.15 a.mD. At7.45 a.m.

The purpose of the text is . . ..A. to invite students to come to at the school bazaarB. to describe abazaar in the writer,s schoolC. to encourage reader to visit the writer's schoolD. to announce an activity to celebrate the end of the school year

What performances are there in the bazaar?A. Art and music.B. Photo exhibitions.C, Anime cosplay costumes.D. Students' works and projeets.

Read the text and ansler questions 27 to 30,



Yesterday, my family and I *'ent to the zoo. to see the alephrnts and orh"ranimals. we went by car and left home at'l a.m. It took about one and half hours to getto the zoo.

When we got to the zoo, we went directly to the pet shop to buy some animalfood. We spent fifteen thousand rupiahs on the food. After getting the food, .rve firstvisited the noctumal house where birds and reptiles-which only come out at night rveredisplayed. It was really interesting. After that we went for a ride on an elephant. It wzs athrill! My dad nearly fell offrvhen he let go of the rope.

At 12.15 p.m., my mom and my sisters prepared the lunch. We ate our lunchunder a big tree near the elephant area. After 1unch, rve lvent to the bird park. We fedsome of the birds inside the park. When we retumed home u,e rvere tired but happybecause we had sb much fun.

P -ZC.-2013 /2t) 1 1 ';'l-lak Cipta pacla Pusil I,c ilai.n Pc'rdi(likari-BA[-ITBANC-KEN{DIKBLIl)

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28. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?A. The family went to the zoo.B. They bought food in the zoo.C. The trip to the zoo took one hour.D. They left their house late aftemoon.

29. Where did the writer go right after arriving at the zoo?A. Pet shop.B. Bird park.C. Elephant area.D, Nocturnal house.

30. What were the family doing under the tree? They were ....A. feeding the birdB. eating their lunchC. watching animalD, riding an elephant

Read the tcxt and xnswcr questions 3I to 34.

31. What is the most suitable title for the text?A. A very loving couple.B. A miserable star fairy.C. The origin of rainbow.D. The King of star kingdom.

Why did the king punish the fairy?A. She married to a human being.B. She torn her precious wings.C. She didn't come lor a visit.D. She has gone too long.

What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A. The fairy got sick from her love.B. The King created a special bridge.C. The fairy felt pity for her husband.D. The farmer made a bridge for his wife.




A star fairy once strayed onto the Earth. Attracted by the beautiful sight, shedashed into a tree, her wing torn and fell dorvn, unconscious. A farmer found the divinecreature and took great care ofher. Inevitably the fairy and the farmer fell in love, so theygot maffied and had a child.

Nevertheless every night the fairy looked at the stars and thought about her familyand friends. One day she decided to pay them a visit. and took her son with her. \\trenshe reached the star kingdom, the king rvas furious at her for straying too far, and tookaway her wings from her. She couldn't go back to her husband and felt really miserable.She looked down the river near their house for hours. The larmer \yas too. He stood onits bank, waiting for his wife and child to retum.

One day, the king saw the lovesick couple, and took pity on them. He made abridge of seven gleaming colours so that the fairy could climb dorvn and spend a ferv

ious moments with the farmer. Todav other humans call the bridse a rainbotv.


Bahasa Inggris SMPIVITs

P -ZC -101 3 t20 | 1 tillnk Cipta pacla Pusat Pc ilitian Pendi(l;ka -BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUt)

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llllillil til ilIilIilillIilffi fiililililil1l Bahasa In ggris SMP/IVITs

34. What can we learn from paragraphs I and,2?A. Love can make you really miserable.B. We should alr.vays take pity on lovers.C. Every decision comes with a consequence.D. A rvisc king always helps his people in ne"d.

The follorving tcxt is for questions 35 to 39.

35. What does the text tell r-rs about?A. The Toraj an art flestival.B. Torajan crying ceremony.C. The musical feast in Toraia.D. The funeral ceremony in Tora.ja.

36. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?A. How long the death feast is held.B. process of the luneral ceremony.C. How the Torajans express their sorrorv.D. Thejourney of the deceased toward puya.

37 . Where is the funeral ceremonv stated in the text from?A. TongkonanB. TorajaC. PuyaD. Aluk

38. They express their sorrow for weeks, months or years after death, because ...A. the deceased family need to raise money for the funeral.B. the ceremony reflects the slatus of the family.C. there are many steps in Torajan funeral.D the deceased family feels deep sorrorv.

39. What is the purpose of the text?A. To entertain and amuse the readers.B. To tell about Toraja's funeral ceremony.C. To describe people in Toraja.D. To show how to hold funeral ceremony in Toraja.

_ Funeral ceremony is the most complicated @society. only nobles in the Aluk religion have ttre right to have an extensive deaihfeast. Generally, the death feast of a nobleman is atiended by a lot of people andcarried out for several days. The ceremonial site structures are specially made by rhedeceased family in a large, grassy field rvith a shelter for audiencis.

Other than crying and rvailing, the Torajan expresses sorro.rv with music.funeral chants, songs and poems. The ritual is often held for rveeks, months, or yearsafter the death. until the deceased's family had raised a significant amount of moneyneeded for the funeral expenses.

Traditionally, Torajans believe that death is not a sudden event. but a gradualprocess toward Puya (.the land of souls, or after life). The body of the deceased iswrapped in several layers of cloth and kept under the tongkonan during this laitingperiod. Until the funeral ceremony is completed the soul ofthe deceascd is believed toinger atound the villase and will onl its ioumey to Prrya after the funeral.

P -ZC-20131201 4 ' ilak Cipla pada Pusdl Pcnillri.n Pendidikan-BALITBANG-KEI\'IDIKBU[)

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t2Iililtiltililillilililfllilfr |lil|lilfiil

Bahasa Inggris SMP/1VITsFor qlestions 40 to 42, choose the suitable word to complete the following text.

Last Sunday, my friend, Fanny won a voucher for four-night tour in Lombok fortwo people. She immediately called me to tell the news and invite me to go with her. So,on Monday after school, we (40) ... tothetouragency.whichissuedthe(41)....Thetouragency took care of everlthing. We went home and still could not believe what wasgoing on. Two days later we were on the Senggigi beach, lying under the wannth of thesun. It was a long public holiday, so We enjoyed our holiday (42) ... without having to

about school.







A. hurriedB. carriedC. buriedD. rnarried

A. prizeB. couponC. lotteryD. prescription

A. badtyB. loudlyC. happilyD. proudly

For estions 43 to 45 com lete the rvith the words provided.

A. thbulousB. spaciousC. hazaldousD. tremendous

A. keepB. reachC. moveD. share

A. comfoftablyB. awkwardlyC. clumsilyD. quietly

My BedroomMy bedroom is (43) ..,. It's about four meters long and three meters wide. There is a bed

across the door. A desk and a chair stand near the windor.v. On the corner, stand three door

wooden cupboards to (44) ... all of my stulT and my clothes. On the centre of the ceiling, a

twenty-watt spiral lamp gives enough light flor the entire of the room and fiulctions as a

reading lamp as rvell. I really thanked to my father who designed the room because I have

and I stav (45) ... in it.eno

P"ZC-20 r 3120

'1"Hak ('it:tr I'r.rsirl Pcirilai.rr l'cndi<iikrtn-ll Al-l i BAn\( j-KI] DtKLll il)

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DOKUMEN NEGARAI llllilll til llilllfl ililillltil iltil ffi rril13 fiahasa Inggris SMp/MTs

46. Arrange the follorving tvords into a corrcct sentence,Hard - still - foueht - the match - l4111a!- lost - but - really

1 2 3 4 .,5 6 7 8

A. 5-8-6' 1-? 3-4 7B. 5*6-4_1_7_2,3_8c. 5-2_6 4_8_7_3 1

D. 5-3-8-i 7_2 6_4

47. Arrange the follotving rvords into a corrcct sentence.Who - your - pgy - book the bo)'- U -U_bpgg:U::g - brothcr1234568

A. 8-1-6-5-7-2-4_3B. 2-4-6-3-8_1-7_5c. 5 1-7-2-4-6-3_8D. 1-6-3-5-8-7-2-4

48. Arrange the follou ing rvords into A corrcct scntcncc.Dinner - when - started, havins - s.erc - i.1 - rain - 10- \\,e.


A. 9-5-3-8-1-2-6-4-7B. 9-5-4-1-7-6-3_8_7c. 2-9*5-3-4 1_6_8-7D. 2-9-s-3_8-. 1 6 4_7

49. Arrange the follorving scntences into a mcaningful passagc.How to cook vegetable soup

. 1. Pour the soup into bou,is. sprinkle some chopped celeries.2. Prepare the ingredients: potato, carrot. cauliflorver and meatball, u.ash and cut them.3. Boii some warer in a pan.4. Heat some cooking oil and sautd a clove ofgarlic until it smells ftagrant.5. Wait for five to seven minutes, then turn off the stove.6. Put the garlic and all ofthe ingredients into the boiling rvater.

A. 2-4-3 -6-5- IB. 2-3-4-s-6 1

c.3-2-4 51-6D. 3,2-6-4-5-1

P -ZC.-2013 t201 4 'rllirk C it)l.r t)a(la PLrs t l'cnilaiirn l'cnd i(likitn-llr\l-l'l'BANC-KENrlrlKIlLrD

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l4I tililrillil ilIilIililIililtil fl lil flilflil

Bahasa In ggris SMPINITS50. Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage.

How to use a food processor1. Close and hold the cover tightly.2. Put the vegetables or other ingredients you want to blend inside of it.3. Wait until it is finished.4. Press the button fully processed to make it rvork.5, Open it up, and pour the food into a cup.6. Make sure the food processor is plugged in, clean, and in working condition.

A. 2-6-1-4-5-3B. 6-2-t-4*3-5c. 6-t-2-4-3-5D.2-1-6-4*5-3

alrHnk Cipta pada Pusat Peirilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUDP -ZC.-2013 t201 4

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