Smmc thedigitallandscape-110819025228-phpapp01

The Social Media MasterClass 2011 The Social Imperative The Digital Landscape


Some of the Slideshare Presentations wee not written by me. They are all great and worth looking at. I am Stephen Darori on Linkedin. If you think we have some Synergy now or in the future., do send me an invitation to connect.

Transcript of Smmc thedigitallandscape-110819025228-phpapp01

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The Social Media MasterClass 2011

The Social ImperativeThe Digital Landscape

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Most stats from Arthur Goldstuck’s World Wide Worx Research. Precious few are made up.

Facts & FiguresPart 1 (SA)

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Hat tip: Arthur Goldstuck for confirmation of the stats (especially the roughly right ones!)

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How many people in South Africa?

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South Africa has about 50 million people.

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How many people browse the Internet in South Africa?

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7.5 million browse the internet (including email, cellphone browsing but excluding

applications like MXIT).

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How many people access the Internet using a mobile application (WAP, MXIT etc)?

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About 12 million people access the Internet using a mobile application! WOW!

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How many Facebook users do we have?

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There are around +- 4.1 million FaceBook users.

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How many Twitter users do we have?

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About 1 million Twitter “users”.

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Let’s talk mobile! Active SIM cards vs cellphone users?

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53 million active SIM Cards & 38 million cellphone users!

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What’s the % split between Pre Paid and Contract?

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80% Pre Paid.20% Contract.

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How many Please Call Me’s do you think get sent every month?

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South Africans send about 1 billion Please Call Me’s per month.

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1 billion!

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How many SmartPhones will there be in SA by end 2011?

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Around 5.5 million!

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Top 3 mobile sites in SA?

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And lastly, just for wow value…

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Facts & Figures Part 2 (Facebook SA)

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So we know there are roughly 4.1 million South African FaceBook users. What do you

think the gender split is?

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2,000,960 people who live in South Africa who are male

2,106,140 people who live in South Africa who are female

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% of SA Facebook users over the age of 30?

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2,500,100 people who live in South Africa age 30 and older

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Let’s say we were targetting content or products… Rugby vs Cricket?

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108,320 people who live in South Africa who like rugby

57,600 people who live in South Africa who like cricket

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Gays vs Lesbians?

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24,520 people who live in South Africa who are male who are interested in men

409,160 people who live in South Africa who are female who are interested in women

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Pester Power Potential?

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16,680 people who live in South Africa who are in category Parents (child:0-


83,260 people who live in South Africa who are in category Parents (child:0-


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iPhone users vs BlackBerry users?

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94,380 people who live in South Africa who are in category iPhone

708,520 people who live in South Africa who are in category Blackberry

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Small Business Owners?

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75,340 people who live in South Africa who are in category Small Business


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And my personal favourite… Deloitte vs Accenture

(as a recruitment agent of course!)

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1,600 people who live in South Africa who work at Deloitte

900 people who live in South Africa who work at Accenture

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Most stats from Arthur Goldstuck’s World Wide Worx Research. Precious few are made up.

Facts & FiguresPart 3


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If Facebook were a country it would be the 3rd most populated in the world

78% of Internet users conduct product research online

Web-based email usage has dropped by 59% among 12-17 year olds

Twitter has 250 mil+ users generating 1 billion Tweets per week

57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog

Companies that blog get 55% more web traffic

Top three Twitter cities in the world…

1. London2. LA3.Chicago

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9 out of 10 Internet users visited a Social Networking site in 2010

Every month, more than 250 million people…

engage with Facebook on external websites

People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on FaceBook.

SNAP! SNAP! Instagram grew to 1 mil users in 10 weeks. 4 mil in 7 months. 10 photos per second

Sina Weibo = 140 mil users in China. 10 mil accounts per month

Social Network penetration in Latin America? 88% of all Internet Users!

But FaceBook still dominates. How about the 30 billion pieces of content/month being shared?

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And now you know!