Smith Wigglesworth


Transcript of Smith Wigglesworth

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Smith Wigglesworth, often referred to as ‘the Apostle of Faith,’ was one of the

pioneers of the Pentecostal revival that occurred a century ago.

Without human refinement and education he was able to tap into the infinite resources of God to bring divine grace to multitudes.

Thousands came to Christian faith in his meetings, hundreds were healed of serious illnesses and diseases as supernatural signs followed his ministry.

A deep intimacy with his heavenly Father and an unquestioning faith in God’s

Word brought spectacular results and provided an example for all true believers of

the Gospel.

May this site stir your faith and deepen your vision for the glory of God in our



Bradford centre at the turn of the 20th century

From Stanley Fordham‘ s 'Smith Wigglesworth - Apostle of Faith,

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It was in this revival year of 1859, in a humble shack in Menston,

in Yorkshire, England, that Smith Wigglesworth was born. One

day when he was hold ing a meeting in Riverside, California, we

said to him: ― Tell us your story.‖ He related to us the following:

― My father was very poor and worked long hours for little pay in

order to support mother and us three boys and one g irl. I can

remember one cold frosty day when my father had been given the

job of d igging a d itch seven yards long and a yard deep, and

filling it up again, for the sum of three shillings and sixpence. My

mother said that if he would only wait a bit, it might thaw and his

task would be easier. But he needed that money for food, for

there was none in the house. So he set to work with a pickaxe.

The frost was deep, but underneath the hard ground was some

soft wet clay. As he threw up some of this, a robin sudd enly

appeared , picked up a worm, ate it, flew to a branch of a nearby

tree, and from there sent out a song of joyous praise. Up to now,

father had been very despondent, but he was so entranced by the

robin‘ s lovely song of thanksgiving that he took fresh courage

and began to d ig with renewed vigour—saying to himself, ― If

that robin can sing like that for a worm, surely I can work like a

father for my good wife and my four fine children!‖

When I was six years of age, I got work in the field , pulling and

cleaning turnips, and I can remember how sore my tiny hands

became pulling turnips from morning until night.

At seven years of age, my older brother and I went to work in a

woollen mill. My father obtained employment in the same mill as

a weaver. Things were easier in our house from that time on, and

food became more plentiful.

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My father was a great lover of birds and at one time he had

sixteen song birds in our home. Like my father I had a great love

for birds and at every opportunity I would be out looking for

their nests. I always knew where there were some eighty or

ninety of them. One time I found a nest full of fledglings, and

thinking they were abandoned, I adopted them, taking them

home and making a place for them in my bedroom. Somehow the

parent birds d iscovered them and would fly in through the open

window and feed their young ones. One time I had both a thrush

and a lark feeding their young ones in my room. My brothers and

I would catch some songbirds by means of bird lime, bring them

home, and later sell them in the market.

My mother was very industrious with her needle and made all

our clothes, chiefly from old garments that had been given to her.

I usually wore an overcoat with sleeves three or four inches too

long, which was very comfortable in cold weather. I cannot forget

those long winter nights and mornings, having to get out of bed

at five o‘ clock to snatch a quick meal and then walk two miles to

be at work by six. We had to work twelve hours each day, and I

often said to my father, ― It‘ s a long time from six until six in the

mill.‖ I can remember the tears in his eyes as he said : ― Well, six

o‘ clock will always come.‖ Sometimes it seemed like a month


I can never recollect a time when I d id not long for God. Even

though neither father nor mother knew God, I was always

seeking Him. I would often kneel down in the field , and ask Him

to help me. I would ask Him especially to enable me to find

where the birds‘ nests were, and after I had prayed I seemed to

have an instinct to know exactly where to look.

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One time I walked to work in a great thunderstorm. It seemed

that for half an hour I was enveloped with fire as the thunders

rolled and the lightnings flashed. Young as I was, my heart was

crying to God for His preservation, and He wrapped me in His

gracious presence. Though all the way I was surrounded with

lightning and I was drenched to the skin, I knew no fear—I only

sensed that I was being shielded by the power of God.

My grandmother was an old -time Wesleyan Methodist and

would take me to the meetings she attended. When I was eight

years of age there was a revival meeting held in her church. I can

remember one Sunday morning at seven o‘ clock when all those

simple folks were dancing around a big stove in the centre of the

church, clapping their hands and singing:

Oh, the Lamb, the bleeding Lamb,

The Lamb of Calvary,

The Lamb that was slain,

That liveth again

To intercede for me.

As I clapped my hands and sang with them, a clear knowledge of

the New Birth came into my soul. I looked to the Lam b of

Calvary. I believed that He loved me and had d ied for me. Life

came in-eternal life—and I knew that I had received a new life

which had come from God. I was born again. I saw that God

wants us so badly that He has made the condition as simple as He

possibly could— ― Only believe.‖ That experience was real and I

have never doubted my salvation since that day.

But I had no words. The longer I lived the more I thought, but the

less language I had to express my thoughts. In this respect I

resembled my mother. She would begin to tell a story, but what

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she said was so unintelligible that father would have to interrupt,

saying, ― Nay, Mother, you‘ ll have to begin again!‖ She just

could not express herself. I was the same.

But I delighted in going to meetings, especially those in which

everyone was giving a testimony. I would arise to give mine, but

would have no language to convey what I felt in the depths of my

soul. Invariably I would burst out crying. One memorable day

three old men, whom I knew very intimately, came across to

where I was weeping, unable to speak. They laid their hands on

me. The Spirit of the Lord came upon me and I was instantly set

free from my bondage. I not only believed, but I could also speak.

From the time of my conversion I became a soul-winner, and the

first person I won for Christ was my own dear mother. When I

was nine years of age I was tall, and so I got full-time work in the

mill. Schooling was not compulsory in those days, and so I was

robbed of an education.

Bradford , Kirkgate at the turn of the 20th century

Father wanted all of us to go to the Episcopal church. He had no

desire to go himself, but he liked the parson, because they met at

the same ― pub‖ and drank beer together. My brother and I were

in the choir in this church, and although I could not read I soon

learned the tunes of the hymns and chants. When most of the

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boys in the choir were twelve years of age they had to be

confirmed by the bishop. I was not twelve, but between nine and

ten, when the bishop laid his hands on me, I can remember that

as he imposed his hands I had a similar experience to the one I

had forty years later when I was baptised in the Holy Spirit. My

whole body was filled with the consciousness of God‘ s presence,

a consciousness that remained with me for days. After the

confirmation service all the other boys were swearing and

quarrelling and I wondered what had made the d ifference

between them and me.

When I was thirteen, we moved to Bradford . There I went to the

Wesleyan Methodist church and began to enter into a deeper

spiritual life. I was very keen for God. This church was having

some special missionary meetings and they chose seven boys to

speak. I was one of the seven chosen, and I had three weeks in

which to get ready for a fifteen-minute talk. For three weeks I

lived in prayer. I remember that as I began there were such loud

― Amen‘ s‖ and shouting‘ s. I do not recollect what I said , but I

know I was possessed with a mighty zeal, a burning desire to get

people to know my Savior. At that time I was always getting in

touch with boys and talking to them about salvation. I had many

rebuffs and rebukes. I wanted to share the great joy I had , but so

many d id not seem too eager to listen to me, and that was a great

mystery to me. I suppose I was not very tactful. I always carried a

Testament with me even though I was not able to read much.

When I was sixteen years of age the Salvation Army opened up a

work in Bradford . I delighted to be with these earnest Salvation

Army people. It was laid very deeply upon me to fast and pray

for the salvation of souls in those days, and every week we saw

scores of sinners yield ing their hearts to Christ.

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In the mill where I worked there was a godly man belonging to

the Plymouth Brethren. He was a steam -fitter. I was given to him

as a helper and he taught me how to do plumbing work. He

talked to me about water baptism and its meaning. I can

remember that he said to me: ― If you will obey the Lord in this,

you do not know what He may have for you.‖ I gladly obeyed

the Word of the Lord to be buried with Him in baptism unto

death and come forth from that symbolic watery grave to a

newness of life in God. I was about seventeen at that time.

It was this good man who taught me about the Second Coming of

the Lord Jesus. Again and again when I had a sense that I had

failed God, I would be troubled with the thought that the Lord

would come and I would not be ready to meet Him. From time to

time it was a relief to me to go to work and find this godly man

there. Then I knew the Lord had not come in the night and left me

behind .

I continued with the Salvation Army because it seemed to me

they had more power in their ministry than anybody else at that

time. We used to have all nights of prayer. Many would be laid

out under the power of the Spirit, sometimes for as long as

twenty-four hours at a time. We called that the Baptism in the

Spirit in those days. Those early Salvationists had great power

and it was manifested in their testimony and in their lives. We

would join together and claim in faith fifty or a hundred souls

every week and know that we would get them. Alas, today many

are not laying themselves out for soul-winning but for fleshly


I looked to the Lord , and He surely helped me in everything.

When I was eighteen years of age, I went to a plumber to ask for

employment. I cleaned up my shoes with an extra shine, put on a

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clean collar, and applied at the home of this man. He said , ― No, I

don‘ t need anyone.‖ I said , ― Thank you, Sir. I am sorry.‖ The

man let me walk down to his gate and then called me back,


― There‘ s something about you that is d ifferent. I just can‘ t let

you go.‖ He sent me to do a job fitting a row of homes with water

piping, which I finished in a week. The master was so amazed

that he said , ― It cannot possibly be done!‖ but he went and

found the work perfect. He said he could not keep me employed

at that speed .

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CHAPTER 2 When I was twenty years of age, I moved to Liverpool, and the

power of God was mightily upon me. I had a great desire to help

the young people. Every week I used to gather around me scores

of boys and girls, barefooted , ragged, and hungry. I earned good

money, but I spent all of it on food for those children. They would

congregate in the sheds in the docks, and what meetings we had!

Hundreds of them were saved. A friend of mine and I devoted

ourselves to visiting the hospitals and also the ships. God gave

me a great heart for the poor. I used to work hard and spend all I

had on the poor and have nothing for myself. I fasted all day

every Sunday and prayed, and I never remember seeing less than

fifty souls saved by the power of God in the meetings with the

children, in the hospitals, on the ships, and in the Salvation Army.

These were the days of great soul awakening.

At the Salvation Army meetings the officer in charge would

constantly ask me to speak. I cannot tell why he should ask me,

for my speech was always broken, weeping before the people. I

could not hold back the tears. I would have given a world to be

able to speak in a more eloquent way; but like Jeremiah I was a

man with a fountain of tears. But as I wept before the people, this

often would lead to an altar call. I thank God for those days

because the Lord kept me in a broken, contrite spirit. The memory

of those Liverpool days is very precious to me. When I was about

twenty-three years of age, I was led to go back to Bradford , and I

was strongly led to open up a business for myself as a plumber

and give my spare time to helping the Salvation Army. It was

there I met the best girl in the world!

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Originally produced in a tract in November 1907 then published

in 'Confidence' magazine, October 1908, p . 11, 15-16.

Later published in Redemption Tid ings, February 14, 1947, p . 4


After 7 full days of the Glorious Presence of the Glory of God

resting upon me, I send you this testimony for the Glory of God.

For 3 months I have been exercised about the full Pentecost. I had

the clear witness of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit 14 years ago

last July, [Ed. 1894] and this brought a marvellous manifestation

of God in special gifts to sick ones, and a constant living and

seeking to bring others to Jesus. But from time to time when

reading the Acts of the Apostles I always saw that the signs were

not following as I am led to believe ought to be after a real

Pentecost, according to Mark xvi. The desire more and more

increased in my very inner soul, giving me a holy breathing cry

after this clear manifestation. I have visited meetings at London,

and Sunderland, and other places, but always knew they were

not seeking Pentecosts. There seemed a great deal of letter, but

very little of the spirit that would give the hungry and needy a

Baptism of Fire such as would burn up d istinctions and

officiousness and appearance of Pride and evidences of social


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Bowland Street Mission

To-day I am actually living in the Acts of the Apostles‘ time. I

am speaking with new tongues, the Holy Fire of God‘ s Presence

fills me till my pen moves to the glory of God, and my whole

being is filled with the Presence of the Holy Ghost. Almost am I

led to believe that 20 years is not too long to wait for the Holy

Anointing of God the Holy Ghost?

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On Friday, 25th [October 1907 Ed.] we had a special meeting at

the Mission Room, Bowland Street, Bradford , and after waiting

about 2 hours the Presence of God came in a wonderful way and

gave me a move as at the beginning. I perfectly well understood the

glow and Holy Presence. This was felt by others, also. On Saturday, I

and a friend went on to Sunderland to wait for Pentecost at All Saints‘,

at Mr. Boddy‘s Church. We had heard much about this blessed work and

were encouraged, but after arriving at Sunderland found the enemy very

busy discouraging believers; this did not disturb me, because I had gone

with an open mind and prayed much to be clearly convinced if there was

anything there that did not reveal the Glory of God that I would at once

have cleared out and protested against it, but God was with me there.

But I found the full Presence and Power to restore believers and to heal

the sick. My experience is that this does not take place in some kinds of

meetings, the reason is that, to a great measure, they do not believe the

full Gospel, and it is nothing new to me to find great leaders against the

tongues, and I find that, even in these times, ―they cannot enter in

because of their unbelief.‖ I praise God for Pentecost.

On Sunday morning, Oct. 26th, [Wigglesworth was mistaken – it was

27th Ed.] after waiting much on God, I went to the Salvation Army

Meeting, Roker Avenue. God bless the Army. They at once gave me a

welcome, and already realising His Presence in my body I longed for

communion, and when after praying the Glory of God covered me. I was

conscious at the same time of much the experience I believe Daniel had

in his 10th chapter. After this I regained strength to kneel, and continued

in this Holy Glow of God all the day still realising a mightier work to

follow. I went to All Saints‘, to the Communion Service, and after this

was led on to wait in the Spirit, many things taking place in the waiting-

meetings that continued to bring me to a hungry feeling for Holy

Righteousness. At about 11 a.m., Tuesday morning, at All Saints‘

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Vicarage, I asked a sister to help me to the witness of the Baptism of the

Holy Ghost. She laid hands on me in the presence of a brother.

All Saints‘ Parish Hall, Sunderland

The fire fell and burned in me till the Holy Spirit clearly revealed

absolute purity before God. At this point she was called out of the room,

and during her absence a marvellous revelation took place, my body

became fill1 of light and Holy Presence, and in the revelation I saw an

empty Cross and at the same time the Jesus I loved and adored crowned

in the Glory in a Reigning Position. The glorious remembrance of these

moments is beyond my expression to give-when I could not find words

to express, then an irresistible Power filled me and moved my being till I

found to my glorious astonishment I was speaking in other tongues

clearly. After this a burning love for everybody filled my soul. I am

overjoyed in giving my testimony, praying for those that fight this truth,

but I am clearly given to understand that I must come out of every

unbelieving element. I am already witness of signs following. Praise



* * *

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From Stanley Frodsham's 'Smith Wigglesworth -

Apostle of Faith,'


At the time I received the Baptism in the Spirit, a meeting was going on

in the large vestry of the All Saints‘ Church, and I went straight to it.

The vicar of the church, Pastor Boddy, had charge and he was speaking.

I knew that as yet he had not received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit,

and I interrupted him by saying, ―Oh, please let me speak, Mr. Boddy; I

have just received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost.‖

The place was full of people. I can‘t remember what I said, but I know I

made all those people extremely dissatisfied and discontented with their

position. They said, ―We have been rebuking this man because he was

so intensely hungry, but he has come in for a few days and has received

the Baptism and some of us have been waiting here for months and have

not yet received.‖ A great hunger came upon them all. From that day

God began to pour out His Spirit until in a very short while fifty had

received the Baptism.

The first thing I did was to telegraph to my home saying ―I have

received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost and have spoken in tongues.‖

On the train to my home town, the Devil began questioning, ―Are you

going to take this to Bradford?‖ As regards my feelings at the moment, I

had nothing to take, but the just do not live by feelings but by faith. So I

shouted out on the railroad coach to everybody‘s amazement, ―Yes, I‘m

taking it!‖ A great joy filled me as I made this declaration, but somehow

I knew that from that moment it would be a great fight all the time.

When I arrived home one of my sons said to me, ―Father, have you been

speaking in tongues?‖ I replied, ―Yes, George.‖ ―Then let‘s hear you,‖

he said. But I could say nothing, for although I had received the Baptism

in the Holy Ghost, I had not received the distinct gift of tongues. That

did not come until nine months later.

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My son did not understand that the speaking with tongues which

accompanies the receiving of the Baptism in the Spirit is not the ―gift of

tongues‖ spoken of in I Corinthians 12. The former is given as evidence

that the Spirit has come in Pentecostal fullness; but there may not be any

further utterance in tongues unless there is a special anointing of the

Spirit. The ―gift of tongues,‖ however, is such that the receiver may use

it for prayer or praise at any time.

My wife said to me, ―So you‘ve been speaking with tongues, have you?‖

I replied, ―Yes.‖ ―Well,‖ she said, ―It want you to understand that I am

as much baptised as you are and I don‘t speak in tongues.‖ I saw that the

contest was beginning right at home. ―I have been preaching for twenty

years,‖ she continued, ―and you have sat beside me on the platform, but

on Sunday you will preach yourself, and I‘ll see what there is in it.‖

She kept her word. On Sunday she took a seat at the back of the

building. We had always sat together on the platform until that day. So

the contest had begun tight in the church.

There were three steps up to the platform and as I went up those three

steps the Lord gave me the scripture in Isaiah 61: 1-3, ―The Spirit of the

Lord God is upon Me; because the Lord hath anointed Me to preach

good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the

brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the

prison to them that are bound.‖ I was no preacher, but hearing the voice

of my Lord speaking those words to me, I began. I cannot now

remember what I said but my wife was terribly disturbed. The bench on

which she sat would seat nine people and she moved about on it until

she had sat on every part of it. Then she said in a voice that all around

her could hear, ―That‘s not my Smith, Lord, that‘s not my Smith!‖

I was giving out the last hymn when the secretary of the mission stood

up and said, ―I want what our leader has received.‖ The strange thing

was that when he was about to sit down he missed his seat and went

right down on the floor. Then my eldest son arose and said he wanted

what his father had and he, too, took his seat right down on the floor. In

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a short while there were eleven people tight on the floor of that mission.

The strangest thing was that they were all laughing in the Spirit and

laughing at one another. The Lord had really turned again the captivity

of Zion and the mouth of His children was being filled with laughter

according to the word of the Lord in Psalm 126: I, 2.

That was the beginning of a great outpouring of the Spirit where

hundreds received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost and everyone of them

spoke in tongues as the Spirit of God gave utterance.

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One morning the children were all gathered around the breakfast table

and my wife said, ―Harold and Ernest are very sick this morning. Before

we have breakfast we will pray for them.‖ Immediately the power of

God fell upon my wife and me, and as we laid our hands on these

children they were both instantly healed. As we saw the miraculous

healing wrought before our eyes, we were both filled with intense joy.

The Lord was always so good in proving Himself our family Physician.

Smith praying for a sick woman

.......I was able to devote much of my time to the sick and needy. I used

to go to Leeds every week to a place where Divine Healing was taught.

But I was very critical in my spirit and would judge people so harshly. I

did not know why so many people who taught Divine Healing wore

glasses. I questioned, ―Why do you wear glasses if you believe in Divine

Healing?‖ This stumbled me somewhat. Later I had to wear glasses to

read my Bible, and I was often criticised for this. However, I was very

full of compassion towards the sick and needy folk, and being, able to

pay the expenses of the needy ones, I used to collect a number of them

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and take them to Leeds every Tuesday to the service. One day I had nine

with me. The leaders of the Leeds Healing Home looked through the

window and said, ―Here is Wigglesworth coming again and bringing a

lot more. If he only knew, he could get these people healed at Bradford

just as easily as to get them healed in Leeds.‖

These leaders knew that I had a compassion for the sick and needy, and

one day they said to me: ―We want to go to the Keswick convention and

we have been thinking whom we should leave to do the work. We can

only think of you.‖ I said, ―I couldn‘t conduct a healing service.‖ They

said, ― We have no one else. We trust you to take care of the work while

we are away.‖ A flash came into my mind: ―Well, any number of people

can talk. All I have to do is to take charge.‖ The following week when I

got there the place was full of people. Of course, the first thing I did was

to look for someone who would do the speaking; but all whom I asked

said, ―No, you have been chosen and you must do it.‖ And so I had to

begin. I do not remember what I said but I do know that when I had

finished speaking fifteen people came out for healing. One of these was

a man from Scotland who hobbled on a pair of crutches. I prayed for him

and he was instantly healed. There was no one so surprised as I was. He

was jumping all over the place without his crutches. This encouraged the

others to believe God for their healing and all the people were healed. I

am sure it was not my faith, but it was God in His compassion coming to

help me in that hour of need.

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Smith in classic preaching pose, Bible at the ready!

After this the Lord opened the door of faith for me more and more. I

announced that I would have a Divine Healing meeting in Bradford on a

certain evening. I can remember that there were twelve people who

came that night and all of those twelve were miraculously healed. One

had a tongue badly bitten in the centre through a fall. This one was

perfectly healed. Another was a woman with an ulcer on her ankle joint

and a large sore that was constantly discharging. She was healed and

there was only a scar the next day. The others were healed the same


One day a man asked me, ―Does Divine Healing embrace seasickness?

―I answered, ―Yes. It is a spirit of fear that causes your seasickness, and

I command that spirit to go out of you in Jesus‘ name.‖ He was never

seasick again though he had to travel much.

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One day a man came to the house. He was a very devoted brother. I said

to him, ―Mr. Clark, you seem downcast today. What‘s up?‖ He

answered, ―I left my wife dying. Two doctors have been with her right

through the night and they say she cannot live long.‖ I said to him,

―Why don‘t you believe God for your wife?‖ He answered, ―Brother

Wigglesworth, I cannot believe for her.‖

He went out of the house broken-hearted. I went to see a fellow named

Howe who was opening a small mission in Bradford. I thought he was

the right man to go with me, to assist me. When I said, ―Will you go

with me?‖ he answered, ―No, indeed I won‘t. Please do not ask me

again. But I believe if you will go, God will heal.‖ I realise now that the

Lord put those words in his mouth to encourage me.

Well, I knew a man named Nichols who, if he got the opportunity to

pray, would pray all around the world three times and then come back.

So I went to him and said, ―Will you come with me to pray for Sister

Clark?‖ He answered, ―Yes, I will be very glad.‖ We had a mile and a

half to walk to that house. I told him when he began to pray not to stop

until he was finished. When we got to the house we saw that Mrs. Clark

was nearly gone. I said to the one I had brought with me, ―You see the

dangerous condition of Sister Clark. Now don‘t waste time but begin to

pray.‖ Seeing he had an opportunity, he began. I had never suffered so

much as I did when he was praying, and I cried to the Lord, ―Stop him!

Please, Lord, stop this man‘s praying.‖ Why? Because he prayed for the

dear husband who was going to be bereaved and for the children who

were going to be motherless. He piled it on so thick that I had to cry out,

―Stop him, Lord; I cannot stand this.‖ And thank God, he stopped.

Though I knew that neither Clark nor Nichols believed in Divine

Healing, I had concealed a small bottle in my hip pocket that would hold

about half a pint of oil. I put a long cork in it so that I could open the

bottle easily. I took the bottle out of my pocket and held it behind me,

and said: ―Now you pray, Mr. Clark.‖ Brother Clark, being encouraged

by Brother Nichols‘ prayer, prayed also that he might be sustained in his

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great bereavement. I could not stand it at all, and I cried, ―Lord, stop

him.‖ I was so earnest and so broken that they could hear me outside the

house. Thank God, he stopped.

As soon as he stopped, I pulled the cork out of the bottle, and went over

to the dying woman who was laid out on the bed. I was a novice at this

time and did not know any better, so I poured all the contents of that

bottle of oil over Mrs. Clark‘s body in the name of Jesus!

I was standing beside her at the top of the bed and looking towards the

foot, when suddenly the Lord Jesus appeared. I had my eyes open gazing

at Him. There He was at the foot of the bed. He gave me one of those

gentle smiles. I see Him just now as I tell this story to you. I have never

lost that vision, the vision of that beautiful soft smile. After a few

moments He vanished but something happened that day that changed my

whole life. Mrs. Clark was raised up and filled with life, and lived to

bring up a number of children; she outlived her husband many years.

Everybody has to have testings. If you believe in Divine Healing you

will surely be tested on the faith line. God cannot bring anyone into

blessing and into full co-operation with Him except through testings and


My wife and I saw that we could not go just half-measures with God. If

we believed in Divine Healing we would have to be wholeheartedly in

it; so we pledged ourselves to God and then to each other. This

consecration to trust God seemed to bring a new order in our lives. We

looked into each other‘s faces and said, ―From henceforth no medicine,

no doctors, no drugs of any kind shall come into our house.‖ It is very

easy when in health and strength to make pledges and utter vows, but it

is being faithful when the time of testing comes that counts. Little did

we know that shortly we were going to have such a test.

We were both very zealous for the Lord and spent a good deal of time in

open-air meetings. One Sunday a violent pain gripped me and brought

me down to earth. Two men supported me and brought me home. The

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same thing had happened before but the pain had not been so severe in

previous times. We prayed all night. The next morning I said to my wife,

―It seems to me that this is my home-call. We have been praying all

night, and nothing has happened; I am worse. It does not seem as though

anything can be done. You know our arrangement is that when we know

we have received a home-call, only then to save each other the

embarrassment of having an inquest and the condemnation of outsiders,

would we call a physician. To protect yourself you should now call a

physician. I leave it with you to do what you think should be done.‖

Poor thing, she was in a sad plight, with all the little children around her

and there seemed no hope whatever. She broke down and left me and

went to see a physician—not for him to help me, for she did not think he

could help me, but believing that the end had come.

When the doctor came he examined me, shook his head, and said,

―There is no hope whatever. He has had appendicitis for the past six

months and the organs are in such shape that he is beyond hope.‖ He

turned to my wife and said, ―I have a few calls to make, Mrs.

Wigglesworth. I will come and see you again later. The only hope is for

him to have an immediate operation, but I am somewhat afraid your

husband is too weak for that.‖

When he got out of the room, an elderly lady and a young man came in.

She was a great woman to pray, and she believed that everything that

was not health was of the Devil.

While she prayed, the young man laid his hands on me and cried out,

―Come out, Devil, in the name of Jesus.‖

To my surprise I felt as well as it had ever been in my life. I was

absolutely free from pain. As soon as they had prayed for me they went

downstairs, and I got up, believing that no one had a right to remain in

bed when healed. When I got downstairs, my wife cried, ―Oh!‖ I said, ―I

am healed.‖ She said, ―I hope it is true.‖ I inquired, ―Any work in?‖

―Yes, there is a woman who is in a great hurry to get some plumbing

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done; if we could not take care of it, she would have to go somewhere

else.‖ She gave me the address and I went out to do this work. While I

was working, the doctor returned. He put his silk hat on the table, went

upstairs, got as far as the landing, when my wife shouted, ―Doctor!

Doctor! Doctor!‖ He asked, ―Are you calling me?‖ ―Oh, Doctor, he‘s

out. He has gone out to work.‖ The doctor answered, ―They will bring

him back a corpse, as sure as you live.‖ Well, the ―corpse‖ has been

going up and down the world preaching the Gospel these many years

since that time!

I have, laid hands on people with appendicitis in almost every part of the

world and never knew of a case not instantly healed, even when doctors

were on the premises.

From Stanley Frodsham's 'Smith Wigglesworth - Apostle of Faith,'

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Report published in Latter Rain Evangel, p. 6-8 July 1914

Among the Stone Church visitors during the month of June was a Mr.

Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford, Yorkshire, England. Brother

Wigglesworth is visiting Conventions and Camp meetings in the United

States and Canada. He spent a few days in the home of THE EVANGEL

and told us many interesting things about the Lord‘s work in England.

He lays no claim to learning. God took him out of one of the humbler

walks of life, anointed him with a heart of love and compassion for the

sick and the suffering and put His Spirit upon him. He told us of some

interesting cases of healing that occurred under his ministry, which we

give to our readers:

The Stone Church, Chicago

One day he and his wife received a letter from a young man asking for

prayer. He had been healed about three years before of a bad foot, and

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they had lost all trace of him since, until this urgent cry came from a

home where in the natural, death was soon to enter. When the letter

came Mrs. Wigglesworth said to her husband, ―If you go, God will give

you this case.‖ He telegraphed he would go, and started, riding from

Grantham, nine miles away to Willsford, on his bicycle. When he

reached the village he inquired where the young man, Matthew Snell,

lived. He had heart failure and had to lie perfectly still in one place. The

doctor said if he moved from that place he would die, and left him, never

expecting to see him alive again. When Mr. Wigglesworth reached the

house, the mother of the young man stood in the doorway and said, ―Oh

you have come too late.‖ ―Is he alive at all?‖ was asked. ―Yes, he is just

alive. ‖

He went into the parlor where he was lying. The young man, Matthew,

said in a low voice, ―I cannot rise, I am too weak, and the doctor says if I

turn around I shall die.‖ Mr. Wigglesworth said this to him, ―Matthew,

the Lord is the strength of thy heart and thy portion altogether. Will you

believe that the Lord will raise you up for His glory?‖ The young man

answered, ―Lord, if you will raise me up for Your glory I will give You

my life.‖ Hands were laid on him in the name of the Lord Jesus and

instantly new life came into him. ―Shall I arise?‖ he asked, but the

ministering servant felt he should lie perfectly quiet and so advised. The

night was spent in prayer and the next morning Brother Wigglesworth

attended the ten o‘clock meeting in the Primitive Methodist Chapel. He

was asked to speak and talked of faith in God, and from that moment the

unbelief seemed to clear away from the village people. They came to

him at the close of the service and said, ―We believe Matthew will be

raised up.‖ He had asked the family to air Matthew‘s clothing for him to

put on, but they didn‘t do it because they did not believe he would be

restored. For six weeks he had been in a serious condition, becoming

weaker all the time. Mr. Wigglesworth insisted on their airing

Matthew‘s clothing and they did it, not because they believed for

healing, but to satisfy him.

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About 2:30 he went into the room where the young man lay and said,

―Now I would like this to be for the glory of God. It shall never be said

that Wigglesworth raised you up.‖ The young man answered, ―For Thy

glory, Lord; my life shall be for Thee.‖ Then the servant of the Lord

said, ―Matthew, I believe the moment I lay hands on you the glory of

God will fill this place so I shall not be able to stand.‖ As he did this the

glory of the Lord fell upon them until he fell on his face to the floor; it

increased until everything in the room shook, the bed and Matthew who

was on the bed, and with a strong voice the young man cried out, ―For

Thy glory, Lord !‖ ―For Thy glory!‖ This continued for at least fifteen

minutes, when it was apparent to them God would give him strength not

only to rise but to dress in the glorious power which seemed like the

description given of the temple being filled with the glory of God, and

the young man was walking up and down, shouting and praising God

and clapping his hands. He went to the door and called to his father that

the Lord had raised him up. His father was a backslider and fell down

before God and cried for mercy. His sister, who had been brought out of

an asylum and was threatened with another attack of insanity, in the

manifestation of that glory was delivered from that time. That weak

body immediately became strong, eating regular food immediately. The

doctor came and examined his heart and declared it was all right.

Matthew declared it should be for the Lord‘s glory and at once began

preaching in the power of the Holy Ghost. His own statement is that

when he gives the story of his healing many are saved.

On Monday, after Matthew was healed, Mr. Wigglesworth started up the

road with a brother, when the Lord said to him, ―That woman with the

apron on up the road is not saved.‖ He mentioned to the brother the

impression he had and when he neared the woman he said, ―The Lord

convinced me coming up the road that you do not know Him and want

to be saved.‖ Instantly she screamed out that for three weeks she had

been under conviction and wanted salvation. They went into a cottage

across the way and God instantly saved her. Going from there to

Grantham to take the train he stopped to see the mother of a young

woman who had been converted in their mission in Bradford. When he

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reached her house she said, ―Don‘t stop here. Go with that man on his

bicycle,‖ pointing to a man some distance off. Before they reached the

house they heard a voice crying out, ―Oh, dear me!‖ ―Oh, dear me !‖

When they got inside they found a man suffering terrible agony and

distress. At first Brother Wigglesworth thought he was sent there that the

man might be healed, but instead of that he asked, ―Are you saved?‖ The

sick man cried out, ―I would give the world! I would die comfortable if I

were.‖ Brother Wigglesworth pointed him to the Way, rebuked the

unbelief, and instantly he realized he had passed from death into life and

the shout of joy took the place of the cry of distress. His wife, seeing the

joy that came to her husband, fell down at his bedside and cried for

salvation. He was not led to pray for the sick man‘s healing and in three

hours he went sweeping through the gates.

* * *

A friend of his lay dying. They had been kindred spirits from their

boyhood days, perfect love existed between them. When Mr.

Wigglesworth reached home one evening he found his wife had gone to

see his friend who was sick and he immediately started down to see him

also. As he neared the house he knew something serious had happened,

and as he passed up the stairway he found the wife of the sick man lying

on the stairs, broken-hearted. Death had already taken place. As he

entered the room where the man lay, the deep love he had always

cherished overcame him and he lost control of himself and began crying

out to God. His wife who was present remonstrated with him, but as his

heart went out to God he was lost to all around and felt he was being

drawn up by the Spirit into the heavenlies. The deep cry of his heart was:

―Father, Father, in Jesus‘ Name bring him back.‖ He opened his eyes to

find out there were no altered conditions, but with a living faith he cried

out, ―He lives! He lives! Look! Look!‖ The dead man opened his eyes

and revived, and he is living today.

* * *

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The following story was the first case of Divine healing under his

ministry: The wife of a dear friend who was to him as a father in the

Gospel was sick unto death. There were several doctors in attendance

and they told the husband she would not live through the day. They had

several small children, and knowing there was no human help, Mr.

Wigglesworth asked his friend if he would not let the Lord heal her. He

said no, he could not believe. There was a man in the neighborhood who

was a very earnest man in prayer, and Mr. Wigglesworth went to him

and said, ―I want you to go with me to visit a sick woman who is dying,

and I want you to pray just as God leads you to pray.‖

When they got to the house Mr. Wigglesworth said, ―Now Mr. Clark, we

have come to pray with your wife,‖ and turning to the man he brought

with him, asked him to pray first. He knelt down and prayed that God

would sustain Brother Clark in his bereavement and that the motherless

children should be cared for. Brother Clark also prayed to the effect that

he might be sustained in his loss, but neither of these prayers were

indicted by the Spirit of God. As soon as they were finished Brother

Wigglesworth went up to the bedside of the dying woman, in the name

of Jesus rebuked death, anointed her with oil, and instantly saw Jesus

standing at the bottom of the bed. He smilingly sanctioned the act of

faith and vanished. The dying woman immediately rose up and was well

from that time. That was fifteen years ago and she is living today.

* * *

A young woman came into his mission one night and was so impressed

with what she heard that at the close she said to Mrs. Wigglesworth:

―There is a young woman at Allerton who has been living there for six

years and never been outside the door. Will you go up there?‖ Mrs.

Wigglesworth referred her to her husband and he said he would go. As

he started down the road, which was filled with people traveling to and

fro, the Holy Ghost fell upon him so that he stood in the street and

shouted for joy, and the tears rained down his face and saturated his

waistcoat. To his astonishment, nobody in the street seemed to recognize

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his condition; it seemed as though the Lord covered him. He dared not

speak to anybody lest the presence of the Lord should leave him. The

young woman who went with him was full of talk, but he said nothing.

As soon as he entered the house the glory of God came more fully upon

him and as he lay hands on the afflicted one the glory of God filled the

house. He was so filled he rushed out of the house and the young woman

after him exclaiming, ―How did you get this glory? Tell me! Tell me!‖

He told her to go back into the house and seek the Lord.

A week after that he was in an office in Bradford and as soon as he

entered the office a man said, ―Wigglesworth, sit down. I want to tell

you something.‖ He sat down to listen, and the office-man said, ―Last

Sunday night at the chapel the preacher was in the midst of preaching

when suddenly the door swung open, and in came a young woman who

had been confined to her home for six years. She stood up and said that

as she came out of the house the heavens were covered with the most

glorious light and presence of God, and she read over the heavens. ‗The

Lord is coming soon.‘‖ Mr. Wigglesworth wept and praised God, but

said nothing. He realized that God wanted him to know the young lady

had been healed but that he was not to talk about it.

* * *

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July 8th – August 9th 1914

Published in Triumphs of Faith p. 170-171 August 1914

Dear Brother Boddy, from Sunderland, England, was obliged to leave us

after a very short stay as the distressing War News caused him to feel

that for the sake of his family he must return at once to England. We

much enjoyed his short stay however, and were glad to hear of much

blessed service for the Master on his way to us.

Cazadero railway station

Our brother Mr. Wigglesworth, whom we had met in England in 1909,

was making a tour of this country and Canada, and he felt a clear leading

to come to our Camp Meeting. Many hearts are praising God that He

sent him, and made him a very great blessing to all the Camp; God used

him as a channel of blessing to many who sought and received healing,

and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

* * *

Report published in Confidence, p. 176 Sept 1914

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A letter from our Brother Smith Wigglesworth tells us of great blessings

at the various places he has visited. The power and unction of the Holy

Spirit rests upon him greatly as he preaches the Word of God. The Lord

is with him and confirms the Word with the signs following in a

remarkable manner. Many receive he baptism of the Holy Spirit and

many are healed.

* * *

Report published in Confidence, p. 228-229 December 1914

My most precious Bro. Boddy,

Your request to me, to send some reports for your valuable paper from

time to time, has never slipped my memory. I now have a dear English

brother accompanying me on this trip. He, owing to reading a copy of

―Confidence,‖ was led to visit Bro. Mead in Los Angeles. He had just

come from Mexico, and was in need of spiritual help. I was staying at

Bro. Mead‘s at the time, and, being fresh from England, we soon

became closely associated. This led to his baptism, and now he is most

anxious to please God in any way, and is now writing this letter from me

to you for your paper ―Confidence.‖

I must have seen not less than 1,300 people healed and great numbers

baptised into the Holy Spirit since I came into this country. My ministry,

as in England, grows very rapidly, and the great cry is, ― Do not leave

us! I have heard this cry at every place; only California‘s cry has been

louder than that in other places I have visited.

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Samuel and Mrs Mead, former missionaries to Angola.

I am now going to describe one or two things which may be helpful and

useful for your paper, for they prove that the baptism in the Holy Spirit

is given in accordance with Mark xvi., 17-18 :

―And these signs shall follow them that believe; in My name shall they

cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up

serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them: they

shall lay hands on the sick arid they shall recover.‖

The Baptism in the Holy Ghost was also clearly revealed to our minds,

the gifts being in evidence, according to the 12th, 13th and 14th chapters

of the First Epistle to the Corinthians.

At all points, at all places, including Oakland and Los Angeles, the

buildings were thickly packed with people eager to hear the Word of

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God, and one feels now, as never before, that as the spirit rests upon us,

they press to hear the Word of God, as is mentioned in Luke v., 1. God

help me!

It was common to see, at the end of the meetings, crowds waiting for the

ministry of the health in Christ, and, as in the days of the Acts of the

Apostles, as one laid hands on the needy, marvelous changes were

instantly wrought.

For instance, at Victoria Halt there came a woman pressed down with

cancer of the breast. She was anointed with oil, according to God‘s

Word. I laid hands on the cancer; cast out the demon, arid the cancer

which had up to then been bleeding, dried up. She received a deep

impression through the Spirit that the work was done, and closely

watched the healing process together with a lady friend. The cancer

began to move from its seat, and in five days dropped out entirely into

the protecting bandage. They were much interested and full of joy, and,

looking into the cavity from whence the tumor had come, they saw to

their amazement and surprise that not one drop of blood had been shed

at the separation of the cancer. The cavity wits sufficiently large to

receive a small cup and they noticed that the sides were of a beautiful

reddish hue. During the next two days, and whilst they were watching

closely they saw the cavity fill up with flesh and a skin formed over it,

so that at last there was only a slight scar. At two meetings this lady,

filled with enthusiasm, held in her hand a glass vessel containing the

cancer, and declared how great things God had done unto her.

This is not the only cure I could describe on the cancer line. I will give

you others in a further letter.

Here is a point well worth the notice of the readers of your valuable

paper. At Oakland a fine-looking young man, a slave to alcohol and

nicotine, came along with his wife to see if I could heal him. They stated

his case, and I said ―Yes, I can heal you in Jesus‘ Name.‖ I told him to

put out his tongue, and I cursed the demon power of alcohol and also

cast out the demon power of nicotine. The man knew that he was free.

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He afterwards became an earnest seeker and within 24 hours was

baptized with the Holy Spirit, thus clearly confirming Mark xvi., 17 :-

―In My Name they shall cast out devils.‖

A preacher, suffering many days from the kick of a horse, walking with

great pain and in much distress, made a special call at the hotel in which

I was staying, and being led by the Spirit, according to God‘s Word, I

laid hands on the bruised ankle. A fire broke out with burning and

healing power, and from that moment he could walk easily and without


A boy came to a meeting on crutches, suffering from a broken ankle.

Prayer was made and hands laid upon him, and I got him to walk across

the platform. He declared that he had no pain that it had all gone, and

carried off his crutches under his arm.

At the Los Angeles meetings all descriptions of sickness, lameness,

deafness, tumours, cancers, and brokenness of spirit, etc., were healed.

Truly one could say the vision which Jesus gave was fulfilled: - ‖Come

unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

I notice that in your paper you say that I hoped to be home by Christmas.

Beyond measure I have been pressed out for duties of preaching and for

Conventions, so that I cannot be home by that time. If, however, the seas

are free and danger removed, I would strike for home after visiting

Rochester January Convention, in order to have my own Convention at

Easter in Bradford. Thus I hope to wire you so as to allow time for

making it known.

I will send a fuller report the next time I write. God bless you and all the

saints in England, especially your dear wife.

Yours in His Name and service,


Page 36: Smith Wigglesworth


* * *

Report published in Confidence, p. 75-76 April 1915

In America.

Bro. Wigglesworth‟s Experiences.

According to promise I am now sending you my second letter for ―Confidence,‖

trusting that God will use these remarks to the furtherance of His kingdom, and for

the strengthening of those faith of those in Pentecost.

There was much pressure brought upon me by Mr. Moody, of Winnipeg, to leave

California for their Convention, and on my way I stopped at Portland and had a

wonderful time of ministry amongst the sick. Mr. Trotter, the head of the work,

wrote me a letter after my departure to say that it had been the best day they ever

remembered in baptising and healing the people, and I think about not less than 50

received instantaneous healings during that day. This was a nice break on the way,

and was a great blessing to one to know that the presence of God was resting upon

one so remarkably. Winnipeg was also a large open door for the ministry of our

faith. The people gathered from far distances, and from the commencement to the

finish of the Convention, which lasted for ten days, there was marked blessing. I

will now give you a few things which took place:-

Smith's own picture leaving New York, from 'Confidence' magazine

Leaving New York

In one of the meetings a girl came up and said she had not been able to smell for

five years, and I said to her, ―You will smell to-day,‖ and in the next meeting she

came to testify of being healed, and I called her on the platform, and she made a

clear statement of receiving instant healing and smelling. Then at the close of that

meeting one came up who had not smelt for twelve years and another for twenty

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years. I said to them, ―You will smell to-night.‖ This sounds like presumption, and

certainly is extravagance of language, and on the natural lines could not be

understood, but God‘s Word has creative power, and only in faith of the Word

being creative power can we ever expect to see His mighty works made manifest

(Rom. iv., 16). ―Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace.‖

This is the plan which God has put into operation. If I will open the door of my

heart and believe His Word, then it gives Him the power to work His Sovereign

grace, and His Word becomes creative in the measure that I give Him the chance to

operate by His divine power, and on the authority that His Word quickeneth even

that which is dead, in that sense I am to believe that anything is possible. So in the

name of Jesus I anointed, laid hands, and commanded the bound to be loosed, and

instantly these two women were made to smell the oil. The one that had been

bound for twenty years was quite an inspiration by her testimony, as she imparted

faith to others by saying she had more pleasure in smelling things on the table than

in eating. I cannot stop to give you all the cases, but at this place there were many

wonderful deliverances.

One case more. A young woman, through many operations, had parts of her

hearing senses removed from the head, and asked if that would make any

difference to her being made to hear, and knowing that her faith in the Word of

God could recreate the defective parts, I at once ministered according to God‘s

Word, believing that instant power would be given. To show that there is a

necessity of the one who receives to believe as well as the one who ministers to

bring about God‘s divine plan, she left the platform as she came on apparently no

different, but being in the midst of people who were constantly being definitely

healed, she appeared again the second time on the platform. She said this time ―I

am going to believe I shall be healed,‖ and I said, ―You, will be healed before you

leave the platform,‖ and that night a miracle was performed. From that day she

also was a great inspiration to those gathered.

A young man came to me to be delivered from nicotine poisoning through

cigarettes which was wrecking his nerves, and he had tried all means to be free. By

faith I cast out this evil power in the Name of Jesus. Oh, if we knew the power of

the Name, what it means, and how God intends to honour the simple faith in the


During my ministry in Canada and the States, including New Mexico, I had one

great desire to present Jesus before the people as the great purpose in the heart of

God for the relief of all mankind for spirit, soul and body. After ministering he

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went away. Three days after, I asked if that young man was in the meeting and

there was no response - silence over the place. Then a young woman rose and said

that this young man was her husband, and that the desire had all gone for cigarettes

or tobacco. Glory to God.

Mr. Moody and one of his deacons kindly took me from door to door to minister to

the sick, and one woman, quite helpless and infirm, to the amazement of all in the

house was made free, and began to walk up and down and praise the Lord, to the

inspiration of all present. Another young man who had chronic rheumatism in his

back, after being delivered he and his wife became quite penitent under the power

of the presence of the Holy Ghost.

I cannot pass St. Paul (Minn.) without giving you a description of the working

power of the Spirit of God that fell upon us day after day in the assembly there.

One night as the Holy Ghost fell in the healing meeting there, the joy that fell upon

David fell upon them - they all danced and magnified God - a night long to be

remembered, glory to Jesus.

After this I called at Chicago, and great blessing rested upon me, and the healing

power was mighty upon the people. Also at Philadelphia at one meeting there were

over fifty people healed of all kinds of diseases, and the lame leaped. Calling to see

the leader at his office in one of the main streets after this, he declared to me that

he had not been able to steep all Sunday night through the joy of the experience of

the previous meeting being so marvellous.

Chicago, City of Towers

In my next letter I may mention Newark, Ossining, New York City, and other


Yours in Jesus,

Page 39: Smith Wigglesworth



70 Victor Road, Bradford.


Announcement published in Confidence, p. 12 January-March 1920

Brother Smith Wigglesworth, (of 70, Victor Road, Bradford) is proceeding to

Switzerland. He holds meetings for ten days (From January 31st) at Berne. His

address will be - care of Anton B. Reuss, Chalet Rambolz, Goldiwil ob. Thun,

Switzerland. Then more meetings at Thun.

* * *

Report published in Confidence, p. 19-21 April-June 1920

Bro. Smith Wigglesworth‘s Visit. Graphic Letter from Mr. Anton Reuss.


My very dear Mr. and Mrs. Boddy,

It is some little time since I last had the pleasure of writing you. I first wrote Bro.

Smith Wigglesworth at your address, for I had forgotten his. Thank you for

sending on my letter.

Before I begin to let you know how the Lord blessed our brother here in Bern and

Thun, let me thank you for having always encouraged Bro. Smith Wigglesworth to

come to us as he told me, for the enemy tried all ways and means to prevent him

coming to us. Some one who ought to have known better told Bro. Smith

Wigglesworth that ―If you go to Switzerland now you will not get enough to eat!‖

We did our best to feed him up with our best, so that he exclaimed ―You are

determined that before I leave I shall have to go out of the door sideways in order

to be able to get out at all!‖ Another well-meaning friend said ―If you go to

Switzerland now you will suffer from cold!‖ Well, we have not had a cold day

since he has been here, and if we had we could have found ways and means to

have heated the rooms and halls, etc. The enemy tried and failed to keep our

brother in England.

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I met Bro. Smith Wigglesworth at Neuchâtel Station on Saturday, the 31st January,

and we had a slow but comfortable journey to Bern, where he stayed with me and

my wife at the house of a sister, who is one of the mainsprings of our work, Sister


Castle at Neuchâtel


I had taken the hall in the Casino, Bern, for our first Sunday meetings, as I rather

expected a crowd of friends, but the crowd did not turn up until Sunday, February

8th, when afternoon and evening the hall was crowded. The meetings, as you

know, began in Bern on the 1st and continued until the 10th February. As fast as

our brother became known (and the healings too, for we had many healings) the

people began to come in crowds. Every morning from 10 till 12 o‘clock we had

prayer meetings - entrance only by card, as we wanted to keep the curious and

opposers to the speaking in tongues out - and we had many blessed meetings. It

was not an uncommon sight to see several people laying full length stretched out

on the floor perfectly unconscious to anything and everything around them as our

brother continued his preaching, for the Holy Ghost had begun to fall upon them,

and they were there, the slain, so to speak, of the Lord. Several definitely received,

but there were so many seekers that we had to have special waiting meetings every

afternoon, where our friends were packed in like herrings in their anxiety to

receive blessing.

Healings continued the whole ten days, and often from 10 o‘clock till 11.30 p.m. at

night our brother was anointing and dealing with the sick, who had to come up in

rotation, having first stated in German the nature of the ailments, which I

interpreted to him in English. We had two excellent interpreters, a Bro. Steiner

from St. Gallen, and a Sister Kummer from Zürich, whom I think you met in

Labilliere‘s time. Scores, I can faithfully say, were healed, the unsaved saved, and

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Christians stirred, sanctified, and several baptised. We had ministers and preachers

come both from German and French Switzerland. So many calls came to our

brother to come and visit the sick in Bern, which, of course, was impossible, that at

last, as these dear people implored me to bring him to them to see a son, a father,

etc., I said ―Pay my taxi, and I will bring him.‖ This was the beginning of events,

for after that, for two whole afternoons, Bro. Smith Wigglesworth and I hurried all

over Bern in a taxi visiting the sick, whom he could not possibly have visited


It may interest you to know that dear Mme. Gaullieur, who received her baptism in

Sunderland on the same day as I, August 22nd, 1908, but who had only once since

spoken in tongues, again spoke and continues to speak. Her maid also received the

Baptism and spoke in tongues. To God be the glory!

The meetings lasted ten days in Bern, and on the last evening, Tuesday, we had a

missionary meeting, the proceeds to go to the P.M.U., London, and the Congo

Mission, in which Bro. Smith Wigglesworth‘s daughter is interested. Well, the

Lord gave our brother the word, and the friends in Bern had been so blessed and

interested that they raised the fine sum of frs. 2,100, which amount was

subsequently raised to frs. 2,800, more than £100.

If you ask me what the people thought of Bro. Smith Wigglesworth and his

methods, I will only say that my friends who are in a position to judge say that

Bern has never seen anything like it. It was completely stirred, and the enquiries

were so many, also the requests that Bro. Smith Wigglesworth should again come

to Bern, that I feel sure the biggest hall in Bern will not be too big for him, should

the Lord graciously send him to us again in the near future.


But what of Bro. Smith Wigglesworth? Well, we are all agreed that he is one who

has been very specially blessed of God. Before he came I told my people that I

rather believed Bro. Smith Wigglesworth to be an apostle who had apostolic

power, and we can say that what we experienced was in a very marked measure

apostolic, in spite of the times in which we are living of indifference and unbelief.

Bro. Smith Wigglesworth‘s language, which had a delightful Yorkshire touch

when he is in the natural, is not always good English, but when he is under the

power of the Spirit his tongues are glorious! The interpretation of the same

majestic!! and the English perfect!!! We have never seen anything to equal it in

Pentecostal circles in Switzerland.

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Swiss street scene

Many of our brethren in Switzerland and Germany are greatly taken up with

visions and prophecies, but Bro. Smith Wigglesworth brought us the Word of God,

which the Holy Ghost especially emphasised by these powerful utterances in

tongues and interpretation. Bro. Smith Wigglesworth is very humble, and the naive

way in which he told us that he could not read before he was 23 years old, and that

his wife taught him, moved many, and led us to magnify the Lord, who chose

fishermen and other working people to be His representatives when He left the

earth. When he is in the natural, which is not often, one sees the humble origin, the

imperfect education, the man of the people; but when in the Spirit one is conscious

of the presence of Someone else who is altogether lovely. Bro. Smith

Wigglesworth‘s great strength is his humility and his love for Jesus, and longing

that He alone should have all the glory.

We began at Thun on Wednesday, the 11th, and continued for six days, the

meetings being larger every night. We had morning meetings of waiting upon God

in my chalet, of which I enclose you a postcard. I need not say how it would

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delight us to see you and dear Mrs. Boddy out here for your holiday. It would do

her a lot of good. Well, the meetings increased so through the many healings, that I

was forced to take the largest place in the town in the Hotel Fresenhof. It holds,

they tell me, 800 people. Well, we had quite 600 on Sunday afternoon, and again

on Monday evening, our last night. Scores and scores were healed, I can faithfully

say, and, what is astounding to us and our opposers, so many unsaved were healed.

A preacher came to Sister Wüthrich and said, ―Can you help me to understand why

in Bro. Smith Wigglesworth‘s meetings so many unsaved were healed? I myself

brought a very dear young child of God to his meetings in the hope of her being

healed. Many unsaved were healed, but not she. How do you explain it?‖ She

quietly replied, ―The unbelief of God‘s people.‖

We had about 30 visitors from Lausanne, French Switzerland, and from all over

Switzerland people wrote and came to the meetings. If they had only continued

longer in Thun I verily believe we should have had a revival, and this is the feeling

of many to whom I have spoken in Thun. Naturally the enemy was not going to

take it lying down, so he set his satellites to work, who accused me of making

money out of these healings. It is true that in many cases my wife and I were

offered money by the grateful sufferers who had been healed, but we always

naturally refused. Some would receive no refusal, and these left us 28 francs all

told for the poor, which we shall gratefully distribute. But on the Saturday morning

when Bro. Smith Wigglesworth left I wanted to accompany him to Liyem, when

we were to meet my brother-in-law, R. Ruff, of Zürich, I had to go before the

Police Inspector in Thun to give an account of my doings in respect of taking

money from the healed. I went with another brother-in-law, J. Nievergelt, an

engineer in Schaffhausen, and after I had denied the charges my brother-in-law

gave the inspector to understand in his own vernacular that this was a put-up job.

The inspector was very nice as soon as he saw there was no truth in the charge.

Bro. Smith Wigglesworth left here to preach in Zürich, where I went to support

him, and also in St. Gallen. He returns via Basel n the 2nd inst., but he tells me he

is invited to Chèxbres (Vaud), French Switzerland, for the 16th March, for a

week‘s convention. He returns from Bradford for this week. If he were to return

again I believe the Lord would use him to move Switzerland, for, as I say, we have

not seen anything like this in Switzerland since the Latter Rain began to fail in

1906 and 1907.

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I feel I have written you a long enough letter to enable you to judge by the details

that our Bro. Smith Wigglesworth‘s visit to us here has been signally blessed of

God. I verily believe that many pastors and preachers, far more highly educated

than our brother, have been forced to ask themselves how it is that this dear brother

has so much more power and acceptance with the people than they have, for signs

and wonders do so naturally follow his ministry.

His coming brought us a little bit of old England and of Sunderland, as I heard Bro.

Smith Wigglesworth preach at Sunderland, which has always had a very warm

place in my heart, and should the Lord open the way for me to come to England

this year, I will certainly take the opportunity of coming to see you and dear Mrs.

Boddy, for I never forget it was at Sunderland God began first to really bless me at

a time in my life when I needed His blessing. Good-bye, dear Mr. and Mrs. Boddy.

By the time you receive this Bro. Smith Wigglesworth will be with you and be able

relate more of his experiences to you.

With Christian love

Yours affectionately in Him


* * *

Chalet Ramholz

Goidiwil, ob. Thun,


28th Feb., 1920

Bro. Wigglesworth (70, Victor Road. Bradford, Yorks.) writes that he received for

Foreign Missions whilst in Switzerland £303. The amounts devoted to P.M.U. are

recorded in our list at the end of this paper. The balance was given to the Congo

work as represented by Bro. Salter.

* * *

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 3 February 24, 1939


Report of a visit by Smith Wigglesworth to Switzerland in 1920 found in a pen

sketch of Pentecostal history in Switzerland by Lester Sumrall.

Page 45: Smith Wigglesworth


The year 1920 marked another memorial page in the Swiss book of Pentecost. Our

beloved Brother Wigglesworth came to them with Apostolic blessing. As he

moved from city to city, mighty miracles were witnessed by the power of Jesus‘


Lester Sumrall

Great crowds gathered to hear the unique messenger and see the wonders of God

made manifest in our generation. The fruit of our brother‘s ministry is seen in the

nine Assemblies still remaining, brought into being by his visits. Also, there are

still men and women in the respective Assemblies who received and have retained

healing under his anointed ministry.

This season of revival gave


Inspiration and faith increased in the hearts of those who heard him, and

resulted in a general benediction upon the entire Movement.

* * *

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 15 April 17, 1920


Bro. Wigglesworth was at Sion College on Friday night, and told of his recent trip

to Switzerland. He reported that the Spirit worked in a wonderful way upon the

multitudes. He said he was at a disadvantage in not knowing the German language

that is mostly spoken there, but he could watch the Spirit of God brooding over the

people as he spoke through an-interpreter. He went to several towns, one of which

was Zurich.

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Official building at Zurich

On one occasion a woman with a cancer on her nose and upper part of her face

came forward to be prayed with and he got her to stand right in front of the people

and said to them, ―Look at her. She will be here tomorrow night and you will see

what God has done for her.‖ He prayed and she left the meeting. The next night

she attended the meeting and it was seen that the cancer had gone and there was a

new skin on her face. There was another case of a young woman whose face was in

a terrible condition through some disease she had contracted. She was prayed for

and the next day appeared with a perfectly clean face and the new skin had a

brilliant appearance.

A young man came to the meetings to ridicule, but he appeared to be struck dumb,

for he could not speak. The brother commanded the demon to come out of him and

his tongue was loosed. At another meeting three insane people were sent and put in

the front row with a view to creating a tumult, but the brother had discernment, and

in the name of Jesus commanded the demons to keep quiet and there was no

further trouble. Souls were saved and bodies healed at every meeting and in many

instances baptized in the Holy Ghost, with a bursting out in other tongues.

Of course the devil was very angry at the success and the medical men in one town

applied to the Magistrates for the brother‘s arrest, but God frustrated them and the

devil was checkmated.

A child was brought to one meeting very ill. The doctors said the sickness had to

do with the head. Bro. W. was shown by the Spirit it was the stomach, and as he

laid hands on the stomach and prayed, a worm, sixteen inches long, came out of

the child‘s mouth.

Large building in Zurich

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He told the people of Switzerland about the Pentecostal work amongst the heathen,

and when collections were made, he was able to bring back to England three

hundred pounds. Many offered themselves.

Pray for our brother that he may be kept faithful. One brother prays for him three

hours a day and sometimes five. Therein lies the secret.

A. H. Badger,

London, England.


SWEDEN AND DENMARK February-May 1921

Report published in Confidence, p. 23 April - June 1921

HERR TH PLUM (St. Annœsplads, Copenhagen, Denmark) wrote to the Editor of

―Confidence‖ to tell him how God was using Bro. Wigglesworth greatly in

Sweden, etc.

* * *

Since then he has been with Pastor Barratt in Christiania, and he asks for our

prayers. ―So far, no buildings have been large enough, and hundreds have been

turned away.‖ After ministering in a hall which holds 3,000, a hall holding 5,000

was to be obtained.

* * *

Police on horseback had to control the crowds. ―Only by a great squeezing could I

get into the hall, assisted by the police officers.‖ Piles of crutches were left behind,

the blind saw, epileptic fits dealt with, etc: ―I am at the feet of Jesus, and weep

through my address, and God breaks up the people, and there are rows of people

each night seeking salvation.‖

* * *

Bro. Wigglesworth writes: ―A poor lame man in hospital asked the doctor for leave

to attend the meetings, but was refused permission. He was told that if he broke the

regulations he would not be permitted to return. He replied that he did not expect

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that he would have to return, and it was so.‖ When Bro. Wigglesworth laid hands

on him (not knowing all this) he was healed, and left his crutches with the others.

The people have given largely to the missionaries and their work. Bro.

Wigglesworth is to re-visit Denmark and Sweden, and later he returns to


* * *

Report published in Confidence, p. 22-23, 26 April - June 1922

The Very Same Jesus. Divine Healing in Scandinavia, etc.

―That, which we have seen and heard, declare we unto you.‖ 1 John i., 3.

The Writer (whose personal testimony was in the last issue of ―Confidence‖) had

the privilege for three months last year to be in the centre of Mr. Smith

Wigglesworth‘s meetings in both Sweden and Denmark. It was a time of visitation

from on high. I dare to say that hundreds of people received Jesus as their Saviour,

thousands were healed from all kinds of diseases, also thousands of believers

awoke to a new life, and many, many received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost as

on the day of Pentecost. For all this we give glory to Jesus. Here are a few

examples of miracles my eyes have seen.

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Orebro Castle

I will begin with the first meeting I attended. It was in OREBRO (Sweden) where

at that time there was held a Pentecostal Convention. I came to seek help myself,

being worn out with long unbroken service in the Lord‘s work. I had not heard of

Mr. Wigglesworth before, but I knew that Pastor Barratt, my spiritual father, was

there. The next day there was a meeting for healing. After the preaching service I

went forward into the other hall and I was surprised to find in a few minutes a

crowd following. The hall was soon full with a queue of hundreds of men and

women patiently waiting for a touch of God through His servant, and, glory to

God, we were not disappointed. As hands were laid upon me the power of God

went through me in a mighty way. I was immediately well.

It was wonderful to notice, as the ministry continued, the effect upon the people as

the power of the Lord came over them. Some lifted their hands, crying, ―I am

healed! I am healed!‖ Some fell on the platform overpowered by the power of the

Spirit, having to be helped down. Others walked away as in a dream; others as

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drunk with new wine, lost to everything but God; but all had faces as transfigured

with the glory of the Lord and magnifying Jesus.

A young blind girl, as she was ministered to, cried out, ―Oh, how many windows

there are in this hall!‖ During the three weeks the meetings continued the great

chapel was crowded daily, multitudes being healed and many saved. The testimony

meetings were wonderful. One said, ―I was deaf, they prayed, and Jesus healed

me.‖ Another, ―I had consumption, and I am free,‖ and so on.


In the smaller hall, set apart for those seeking the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, I

shall never forget the sight, how the people with eyes closed and hearts up-lifted to

God waited. Did the Holy Spirit fall upon them? Of course He did. Here also many

were healed. At another place there was a young man whose body was spoiled

because of sin, but the Lord is merciful with sinners. He was anointed, and when

hands were laid on, the power of God went mightily over him. He said, ―I am

healed,‖ but being broken down, he cried as a little child confessing his sin; at the

same moment the Lord saved him. Glory to God! He went into the large hall and

testified to salvation and healing.


Here long queues waited for hours to get in. The hall held 1,800 people. At nearly

every meeting crowds were unable to enter the building, but they waited on often

hours and hours for the chance, if any left the building, to step into the place. Here

a man with two crutches, his whole body shaking with palsy, is lifted on to the

platform. (Behind him five or six hundred more are waiting for help.) This man is

anointed and hands laid upon him in the Name of Jesus. He is still shaking. Then

he drops one crutch, and after a short time the other one. His body is still shaking,

but he takes the first step out in faith! Will it be? He lifts one foot and then the

other, walks round the platform. The onlookers rejoice with him. Now he walks

around the auditorium. Hallelujah!

During this meeting a woman began to shout and shout. The preacher told her to be

quiet, but instead she jumped up on a chair, flourishing her arms about, and crying,

―I am healed! I am healed! I had cancer in my mouth, and I was unsaved; but

during, the meeting, as I listened to the word of God, the Lord has saved me and

healed me of cancer in my mouth.‖ She shouts again, ―I am saved! I am saved! I

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am healed of cancer!‖ She was quite beside herself. The people laughed and cried


Here was another woman unable to walk, sitting on a chair as she was ministered

to. Her experience was the same as hundreds of the others. She rose up, looking

around, wondering if after all it was a dream. Suddenly she laughed and said, ―My

leg is healed.‖ Afterwards she said, ―I am not saved,‖ and streams of tears ran

down her face. They prayed for her, and later she left the meeting healed and saved

and full of joy. We have a wonderful Saviour; glory to His Holy Name!

Pastor T.B. Barratt


Out of many, many, I quote two taken from Pastor Barratt‘s paper, ―Korsets Seir‖

(the Victory of the Cross). A man and his son came in a taxi to a meeting. Both had

crutches. The father had been in bed two years and was unable to put his leg to the

ground. He was ministered to. He dropped both crutches, walking and praising

God. When the son saw this he cried out. ―Help me too,‖ and after a little while

father and son, without crutches and without taxi, walked away from the hall

together. That word again is manifested; the same Jesus, the wonder-working Jesus

is just the same today.

Page 52: Smith Wigglesworth



My homeland! During three weeks thousands daily attended the meetings. Each

morning two or three hundred were ministered to for healing. Each evening the

platform was surrounded. Again and again, as each throng retired another company

came forward seeking salvation. Here many were baptized in the Holy Ghost. The

testimony meetings were wonderful.

Now I will close with a vision a brother had who attended these meetings. He was

lost in intercession for the hundreds of sick waiting to be ministered to for healing.

He saw an opening from the platform, where the sick were, right into the glory. He

saw wonderful beings in the form of men resting who, with interest, looked on.

Again he looked at the platform and saw a heavenly Being clothed in white, who

all the time was more active than any other in helping the sick, and when He

touched them the effect was wonderful. Bent forms were made straight, their eyes

shone, they began to glorify and praise the Lord. A Voice said: ―Healings are the

smallest of all gifts; it is but a drop in the bucket in view of what God has in store

for His children. Ye shall do greater works than these.‖

I pray that the Lord may be magnified by this attestation to signs, wonders, and

mighty deeds, and that there may be a multiplication in every land that shall

redound to the glory of God.

Written by Anna Lewini, 149 Winston Road, Stoke Newington, London.

* * *

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 May 14, 1921


A Baptist church seating about 2000 people was rented for the purpose. We had a

wonderful time, the most refreshing convention we have been in for a long time.

About 200 preachers and missionaries were present, among them Bro. Andrew

Fraser from Chicago, Bro. Smith-Wigglesworth from England, and Bro. Benj.

Schilling from Berlin, and Bro. T. B. Barratt from Norway.

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These brethren were all used of God in a blessed way. Bro. Fraser‘s straight

messages on the fundamentals were a great uplift. Bro. Wigglesworth is being used

of God in praying for the sick. Bro. Schillings is one of the pastors in Berlin that is

standing for the full Gospel truths. A goodly number were saved, many sick were

healed and believers were filled with the Holy Ghost. The church could not hold

the crowds. Every hotel in this city of 40,000 was crowded.

On Sunday two other Places were rented for meetings, and still many could not get

in. We are still feeling the effect‘s of this wonderful meeting, and believe God is

preparing His people for still greater things.

We are still watching for the door to open into Russia and in the meantime feel

God wants us to keep busy for Him here. Pray for us.

Arthur F. Johnson.

* * *

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 3 July 23, 1921


We are pleased to hear of blessed apostolic revivals in Switzerland and Norway,

where the Lord has greatly owned the ministry of Bro. Smith Wigglesworth of

England. There were many remarkable healings. Many suffering with cancer,

tumors, tuberculosis, rupture, rheumatism and many other diseases have been

miraculously healed through the prayer of faith.

We read of one man who was suffering with tuberculosis of the stomach who

attended one of our brother‘s meetings in Switzerland. He was brought in a dying

condition on a stretcher in a wagon. By his side was a basket of food, and a friend,

knowing his condition, asked the reason for its presence. ―I shall eat it going back,‖

was his simple answer, and he did!

―Four ‗spies,‘ sent by doubting ‗believers‘ to detect the counterfeit, were all

convinced of God‘s working and are to-day in Pentecost, one of them filling the

place as leader in one of the assemblies that have sprung up in the wake of the


Bro. Wigglesworth writes: ―Great things have taken place in Norway and Sweden.

The crowds have been too large for the buildings, so that at times I have had to

Page 54: Smith Wigglesworth


move to large open-air meetings, where stands have been erected for the occasion.

The newspapers have described many of the remarkable healings. A great number

have been saved and blessed. Was four weeks in Stockholm, Sweden, where a

place holding 2000 has kept under a mighty revival spirit. Thousands of

handkerchiefs have been sent out with returned testimonies of blessing and


People have waited outside buildings for hours in order to get a seat. Pastor Barrett

writes that never before has Norway been stirred like this, and he writes that the

faith and work is continuing.‖


Report published in Confidence, p. 27-28 April - June 1922


To Rev. A. A. Boddy,

All Saints‘ Vicarage,

Sunderland, England.

Our dear Brother Wigglesworth arrived in Melbourne last Thursday, February

16th, and he had a meeting that night, when many came to hear his blessed

message, and—Glory to God! — many dear sick ones were delivered in answer to

the prayer of faith. Some of those who attended the meeting had come many

hundreds of miles for the purpose, and were addressed by the evangelist from the

words of the Lord Jesus Christ: ―Ye are my witnesses.‖

Page 55: Smith Wigglesworth


Melbourne Town Hall

―There is nothing so real as God,‖ he said, ―and God wants men to be as real as He

is; sons of God with power. God has never made us to be imitations, never made

any of us to beordinary creatures. He wants specialities, and wants every one of us

to be specialities, with souls fixed in God, and working the works of God. When

God is upon the smallest person in the place, He can make us mighty, and when we

are simple enough to believe Him, the whole of our lives are changed, and the

things which we have merely heard about begin to be realities in our own



―My theme to-night is that Jesus would not have us to be less than realities. My

message is to Y-O-U, not to somebody else. It was hard for the disciples to believe

that Jesus had risen from the dead, and there was something of remarkable order

that took place to bring these men into the knowledge of this living fact. It is the

power of this risen Christ that I am here to-night.‖

Although Mr. Wigglesworth made it quite plain and clear to his hearers that he

would rather see one sinner saved than 10,000 people healed of bodily ailments, he

invited any who were in pain to come forward for prayer in the Name of Jesus,

Who said, ―All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth,‖ at the same time

taking much trouble to impress upon them the thought that by no power of his

would any receive deliverance, but only through the power of the Lord Jesus

Christ, Who healed all who came unto Him.

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Amongst those who came forward for prayer were several who declared that they

had received remarkable and instantaneous healings. A few of those were as

follows: One little girl, six years of age, was seen, after prayer by the evangelist,

walking out of the front door of the building with her mother, who was delightedly

exclaiming to all and sundry, ―Look at her! She has never walked in her life

before!‖ A man who had not walked for over four years owing to rheumatoid

arthritis, was instantly healed, and after triumphantly passing his stick and crutch

up to the platform, gave an impromptu exhibition of the power that had come into

his legs by jumping and leaping and praising God.

Others suffering from weak spine, nerve and heart trouble, weak eyesight, asthma,

kidney trouble, loss of voice, etc., claimed to have been wonderfully helped.

Since the first night there have been many other wonderful healings. Last night a

dear woman who had been unable to walk for 61 years was brought to be prayed

for, and—glory be to God !—she got out of her chair and walked, and her husband

pushed her chair along, with her walking behind. Praise our covenant-keeping

God! Truly He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or


There have also been many conversions—at one meeting alone 40 dear ones

accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour—and we are believing for still greater

things. The revival showers are falling and God is working. Bless His holy Name!

We also have some precious times of blessing in the morning meetings conducted

by our dear Brother Wigglesworth, and many go away praising God for the feast

they have had. Truly ―Man shalt not live by bread alone, but by every word which

proceedeth out of the mouth of God.‖

Am enclosing newspaper cuttings, so you will see how the press are taking it up.

Just this morning a mother brought her little girl along, who had fallen on a pair of

scissors, and cut her mouth so that she could not close it. After the evangelist had

laid his hands upon it and prayed, she was able to close her mouth and was quite

well. Glory to God !

I must now close, praying that God will abundantly bless you in your labours of

love for Him, and asking your prayers of behalf of Australia.

With Christian greetings,

Yours in Christ‘s happy service,

Page 57: Smith Wigglesworth




104, Queensberry Street, N. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Feb. 23rd, 1922.

* * *


Published in Melbourne ‗Age‘ February 18, 1922

Smith Wigglesworth Revival Campaign

Will be held at the ―Olympia‖ Daily.

From Sunday, February 19, till Sunday,

5th March, inclusive,

Excepting Mondays and Saturdays.


Sundays .. .. .. .. .. 2.45 and 7 p.m.;

Week Days, .. .. .. .. .. 7.45 p.m.

_ _ _

Bring your sick. Brother Wigglesworth will pray for them, and Jesus will heal them.

_ _ _

Bible Readings will be conducted on the same days as above at Good News Hall, Queensberry

street, North Melbourne (near Town Hall), at 10 a.m.


* * *

Published in Melbourne Argos February 22, 1922

Page 58: Smith Wigglesworth




At a series of meetings conducted during the last ten days by Mr. Smith

Wigglesworth, a Yorkshire evangelist, there have been many ―manifestations of

healing.‖ Mr. Wigglesworth held his earlier meetings in the Good News Hall,

North Melbourne, and at first the attendance was only moderate; but this week it

was necessary to transfer to Olympia, as so many persons had to be turned away

from the smaller hall.

Last night a large number of persons came ―for aid,‖ to use the evangelist‘s

expression; and though he was not successful in all cases, there; were many in

which there appeared to be startling and immediate improvement after he had laid

his; hands on the afflicted and prayed over them. In one instance a woman who

was said to have been very deaf was able to answer him when he spoke to her in an

ordinary tone. In another an elderly man, who declared that he had suffered from;

noises in the head for ten years, said that he was free from them at last. An elderly

woman who was described as almost crippled with rheumatism, was directed to

stoop down and touch the ground With her hands. ―I don‘t suppose you have bent

your back for some time,‖ Mr. Wigglesworth said. The patient stooped down

without effort! apparently, and was so delighted that she laughed heartily. ―No pain

and no stiffness now?‖ asked the evangelist, and she replied that she had none. A

girl who had an affliction of the hip and knee, which it was said had prevented her

walking without a stick for some years, walked up and down to front of the

audience at a rapid pace, whereas she had only been able before to limp slowly

with the aid of her stick. ―Throw your stick away; burn it,‖ said Mr. Wigglesworth.

―You will not want it again.‖ Many other cases gave interesting results.

* * *

Published in Melbourne Argos February 23, 1922


Further demonstrations of ―healing by touch‖ were given by Mr. Smith

Wigglesworth, a Yorkshire evangelist, before a very large assemblage at the

Olympia last night. After the evangelist had given an address on the subject of

Page 59: Smith Wigglesworth


―Faith,‖ he called upon those who had come ―for aid‖ on Tuesday night to testify

as to the results; and several persons who had been suffering front deafness,

rheumatics, and lameness declared that their ailments had completely gone. Mr.

Wigglesworth healing by touch.‖ An elderly man, who said that he had been deaf

for years, cried ―Hallelujah! Hallelujah!‖ when asked by Mr. Wigglesworth if he

could hear, after hands had been placed on him and he had been prayed over. A

woman who, it was declared, had had stiff legs for over 20 years, and who limped

to Olympia on the arm of a relative, ran about the hall in joy after she had been

―touched.‖ Another woman, who was said to have been an invalid in a chair for 23

years, declared that her limbs were ―beginning to move.‖ She was advised by the

evangelist to retain her faith in Jesus Christ and her cure; would be complete. A

young woman with pains of long standing ―in her back was able to stoop and touch

the ground with her hands, and she laughed heartily as she told the audience that

her trouble had gone. A woman, who asserted that she had been unable to walk

owing to pain in her feet, ran up and down in front of the audience, crying, ―Praise

the name of the Lord.‖ She declared that her pain vanished when the evangelist

touched her.

There were a few failures, some deaf persons and some almost blind stating that

they could nor admit any improvement. ―Strengthen your faith in the Lord‖ was

the advice given them by Mr. Wigglesworth.

* * *

Published in Triumphs of Faith p. 137-138 June 1922


We have received encouragement from Mr. Smith Wigglesworth that he will come

to California from Australia (on his way back to England) probably in August.

Some of our readers will remember hearing this brother at our Cazadero Camp

meeting in 1914. Many were blessed through his message at that time. We

herewith publish an account of some of the cases of healing which have occurred

through his ministry in Australia, and which were sent us by a brother in the Lord.


On February 16, 1922, God began His mighty work in Melbourne under the

ministry of Mr. Smith Wigglesworth, who had come in answer to the many prayers

which have ascended to the Throne of Grace on behalf of this needy country,

Page 60: Smith Wigglesworth


Australia. Often during his sermons the Evangelist is moved to tears, and each

night scores of anxious souls signify their desire to accept Jesus Christ as their

personal Saviour, after they have been pointed to the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Testimonies are called for in order that the faith of those who come to receive the

Saviour‘s touch may be quickened. A young woman who had been suffering with

consumption declared, ―I was brought to last Sunday‘s meeting a poor dying

woman, with a disease that was eating into every part of my being. I was full of

corruption outside as well as in, but Jesus Christ came and loosed me and set me

free. I have slept better and eaten more heartily than I have for eight years.‖

The President of the Methodist Local Preachers‘ Association testified to having

been delivered from nervous trouble. A prominent businessman said, ―The first

night of this campaign God delivered me from an affliction of the feet I had had for

fifty years, since I was two years of age. I am now fifty-two. Ever since I was

prayed for I have had no pain. Friends have never seen me do this (stamping his

feet). I have no further use for my stick.‖

A lady testified, - ―As soon as I was anointed, the power of God went through me.

Also my families have all been saved during these meetings.‖ Mrs. S. said, ―While

sitting in my seat listening to the Word, God healed me of liver trouble, gallstone,

and sciatica. He has also touched my daughter and manifested His power in her

body. She was suffering with her feet and had been operated on twice, but as she

sat in her seat the Lord began to operate and all pain was gone.‖

Mrs. B. said, ―I was deaf, and suffering with anemia and with my feet, but as soon

as hands were laid upon me for healing my ears were opened and I thank God for

healing me and for this wonderful salvation for spirit, soul and body which I never

saw before.‖

Mr. L., a Church of England reader, testified that he had been immediately healed

of a stiff knee.

Mr. B. testified that a lady of Box Hill, who had been twenty-two years in an

invalid‘s chair, rose and walked after Mr. Wigglesworth had ministered to her in

the Name of Jesus.

Mr. V., a suburban Protestant Federation Society Secretary, testified that a friend

was healed the night before of rhomboid arthritis of four years‘ standing, and had

discarded stick and crutch. The friend rose in the audience saying, ―I am the one.‖

Page 61: Smith Wigglesworth


Mr. J., of Spring Vale, who had been deaf for twenty years, was healed, and also

his wife, who had sat in a wheel chair for six years; both were immediately healed.

The empty chair was wheeled to the railway station, while the woman testified to

all bystanders of the great things the Lord had done for her. Many were healed

through the application of anointed handkerchiefs.

Mr. Wigglesworth said, ―The closing up of the meetings was wonderful. God was

with us in power. Was in Adelaide two weeks, then Ballarat. Five hundred at the

latter place were converted at one meeting. We praise God for all and pray that He

may be glorified in all.‖

F. E. Braithwaite.


Holley Pk., Crouch Hill,

London, England

* * *

Report published in Confidence, p. 43 July-September 1922

Mr. Wigglesworth at the Antipodes.

He writes: ―God is doing wonders. We have the meetings in a picture house, and

crowds are being saved night by night. This morning a girl 16 years old, who had

been stone deaf eight years was instantly healed, and similar mercies are going on

all the time. I spent Easter in Melbourne, and enclose a few testimonies from those

helped there. ―I began in Sydney on April 30th. I am well, but need a rest, and

(D.V.) I shall have one week on the sea (to New Zealand), and three weeks to


Later at Sydney. ―This has been a great week of soul saving. Crowds are being

stirred up. Ministers and preachers, many have begun a new life. The presence of

God has been mighty.‖

Page 62: Smith Wigglesworth


Sydney street corner

May. 24th. ―God is keeping me on fire. Hundreds are catching the flame. Several

young men have left all, and have struck out on new lines. There has been much

opposition and controversy, but I have left hundreds saved and healed in Sydney.

Australia has been moved. A man and his wife and another brother who have

caught the fire are travelling with me to New Zealand. My first mission is at

Wellington, then Christchurch, then three weeks on the sea to Beulah Heights, near

Oakland (Mr. Montgomery). Then to San Francisco, and on, as the Lord leads ―

* * *


107 Rowe Street,

North Fitzroy.

I feel I must express my deep gratitude for blessing received. Only those who have

been in the furnace of affliction can realise the joy of deliverance. It seems too

wonderful. After fourteen years of anguish, sleeplessness, and spiritual depression,

caused by the bondage of the adversary, these are things of the past. As Bro.

Wigglesworth says, consumption is of the devil, and only the Lion of Judah could

have delivered me from this dread scourge, which had made my body a mass of

corruption. Hallelujah!


Page 63: Smith Wigglesworth


* * *

Bailie Street,

Horsham, Victoria.

I was prayed for in Melbourne, and the evil spirit was commanded to come out. I

had a polypus growth in my nose. It had been there eighteen years. When I came

home from Melbourne the growth all broke tip and came away, for which I praise

God. I had also it pain under my left breast which had troubled me twelve years. I

think it was leakage of the heart, as sorrow had caused it in the first place. At times

I used to vomit blood. I have deliverance from that also. All praise to our wonder-

working Jesus!


Elizabeth Street, Melbourne

* * *

32, Emerald Street,


I have had liver complaint all my life. When quite a girl I was treated by the best doctors, but it

always returned, and at times I was unable to turn in bed without help. The last twelve months

my kidneys were bad, and my legs swollen much with cramp. I had also varicose veins, with

lumps larger than an egg. Now, glory to God, all has gone—disappeared—as soon as hands were

laid upon me in the name of Jesus. I am hungering and thirsting after the Baptism. Please pray

for me!


Bro. Wigglesworth concludes his letter with an earnest appeal for our prayers. ―Pray! pray! pray!

that God may be glorified in all.‖

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* * *

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14 September 16, 1922


The Ministry of Bro. Wigglesworth and His Future Movements

A number of letters have come to this office asking If Bro. Smith Wigglesworth

can hold meetings at different assemblies. He is waiting on the Lord about these

calls and is praying about his future movements. He writes us that he expects to

hold meetings in San Jose and Oakland, Cal., during the latter part of September

and the early part of October, and he hopes that he will be able to start a campaign

in Springfield, Mo., on October 15th. We hope to insert fuller announcement

concerning this last meeting in the next Evangel.

A correspondent, Mrs. F. E. Braithwaite, sends us a large number of testimonies of

healing from Australia, where Bro. Wigglesworth has lately been ministering.

Kathleen Gay, 107 Rowe St. North Fitzroy, testifies, ―I fee1 I must express my

deep gratitude for blessing received. Only those who have been in the furnace of

affliction can realize the joy of deliverance. It seems even now too wonderful after

14 years of anguish, sleeplessness, and spiritual depression caused by the bondage

of the adversary that these are things of the past. As you say, consumption is of the

devil and only the Lion of Judah could have delivered me from this scourge which

has made my body a mass of corruption. Now I am free. Hallelujah!‖

Mrs. J. Simcock, of Horshom, Victoria, writes. ―I was prayed for in Melbourne and

the evil spirit commanded to come out. I had a polypus growth in my nose. It had

been there 18 years. When I came home from Melbourne the growth all broke up

and came away, for which I praise God. I also had a pain under my left breast

which had troubled me 12 years. I think it was leakage of the heart, as sorrow had

caused it in the first place. At times I used to vomit blood. I had deliverance from

that also. All praise to our wonder working Jesus.‖

Catherine Rutherford, of 32 Emerald St., Collingwood, writes, ―I have had liver

complaint all my life. When quite a young girl I was treated by the best doctors,

but it always returned. At times I was unable to turn over in bed without help. The

last 12 months my kidneys were bad and my legs swollen with much cramp. I had

varicose veins with lumps larger than an egg. Now, glory to God, all has gone –

disappeared as soon as hands were laid on me in the name of Jesus.‖

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L. M Buchanan writes of the meetings held in Sydney: ―A woman who was to

have undergone an operation yesterday went to the doctor, who said that there was

neither misplacement nor inflammation‖. When she told him the reason he said

that she would soon be worse. Another who was to have undergone several

operations because the work could not be done in one, testifies that she was free,

and that the Lord had lengthened her leg two inches and that instead of limping she

is now walking perfectly. Another mother brought her little boy who had fits all

day long. He was prayed for at the meeting and after the evangelist had gone he

had a fit worse than before. The unbelievers‘ sarcasm was to be heard all over the

building. Two days later the mother returned to say that the child had not had

another fit. A little girl aged five years old, who had been stone-deaf three years,

received her healing at once. The healings have been too numerous to mention and

the preaching of the Word was wonderful.‖

At the meeting at Geelong, one testified. ―I had a withered hand for 14 years.

When Mr. Wigglesworth was here a month ago it was cured.‖

At Parkes a quarter of the population tried to get into the theatre. The preaching

was wonderful and also the healings. A little girl, deaf for six years, eardrums burst

and bleeding, was instantly healed. Her brother, blind in one eye, received his sight

immediately he was prayed for. The daily papers say that no meetings on a

religious line equal to these had ever been experienced in Parkes.

A teacher at Bunibank Methodist Sunday school testifies to healing of rheumatoid

arthritis. ―A doctor examined me in the beginning of December, 1911, and told me

I would need new joints to walk. He said he would defy anyone to cure me, and

although I improved in health I did not walk better. On April 4th I went to be

prayed with, and believed God would heal me. As hands were placed on my head

in the name of Jesus, I felt the power of God go right through me. After the

meeting I walked down three flights of stairs without a stick for the first time for

sixteen years, and I have no use for a stick since. I have always tried to impress

upon the juniors the power of prayer, but I had not realized I would have to

demonstrate it in my own life. After testifying in the Sunday School, I asked all

who were Christians or who would became so to stand. Every teacher and every

scholar stood, and so we sang the Doxology. Men of the world have told me ‗It has

set them thinking.‘ There is no evidence now that I had ever rheumatoid arthritis.

Praise God!‖

Bro Wigglesworth writes of his meeting in Wellington, New Zealand. ―The New

Zealand visit has been the best I have had on the lines of moving a city toward

Page 66: Smith Wigglesworth


holiness and godly fear. Thirty of the principal men pleaded with me that I would

stay longer. There has been a harvest of souls and over 2,000 were prayed for for

healing. About 2,000 came down to the quay, singing and testifying and I spoke to

them. A daily paper quotes the following healings, saying that any one can secure

the names and addresses at the Dominion offices.

A dairyman had for 3 years suffered with chronic gastritis and paralysis of both

legs from the hips downward and could only drag along with crutches. He testifies,

―On June 4th I attended the Town Hall. I was anointed, hands were laid on me, and

Mr. Wigglesworth told me to walk. I handed him my crutches and walked home.

Wigglesworth in New Zealand, 1922

For 14 years I have had a cyst on the back of my neck. It increased in size to the

size of an egg. The next morning I found it had completely disappeared.‖

A lady testifies, ―Over 3 years ago varicose veins in my legs broke. I was twice in

hospital, but when I used the legs the veins burst open. The last time they were cut

and an ulcer formed. I had to walk with a stick, and could only limp. I went to the

Town Hall. I had faith that Jesus would heal me. The pain ceased and I was able to

leave my stick and walk to the car. My leg is sound and the ulcer is daily healing. I

am now able to wash and do my housework.‖

Another Wellington lady says that her son (age 11) 6 years ago broke his arm. It

was badly set and he could not bend it properly. It was massaged for 12 months

without any benefit. It is healed. Also her daughter, who suffered from adenoids,

was healed.

A lady from Ngaio, aged 20, has suffered from double curvature of the spine from

infancy. She could not walk until 4 years of age and could only rise from the floor

by pulling herself up with both hands. One leg was 3 inches shorter and less in

circumference. She went to many hospitals and was sent home incurable. She

states, ―As soon as hands were laid upon me I was healed, my spine was

straightened, in a few days my leg lengthened, and my hip, which was diseased,

was healed.‖

The following testimonies appeared in the ―Good News‖ of Melbourne:

For many years I suffered from bronchitis and asthma. I had pains in my chest and

was very short of breath. I went to the meetings at the Olympia and Mr.

Wigglesworth laid hands on me, and rebuked the evil spirit. I felt the power of God

go right through me. I was immediately healed, and have not had a pain since. I

Page 67: Smith Wigglesworth


was on Feb. 4th. 1922, dressing my little girls when Thelma, aged 4, fell. I picked

her up and found her bleeding at the mouth. The scissors were in her hand, and she

ran the point through her lips. Her mouth began to swell, and I said. ―Dear Jesus,

don‘t let her go any further.‖ I hurried to the Good News Hall and the secretary

carried her to Mr. Wigglesworth, who was at breakfast. In a few minutes the lady

brought her back, with her mouth closed, and perfectly healed. The child told me

that the gentleman had laid his hands on her lips and prayed, and that Jesus had

made her better.

J. M. Henderson.

I was born with a weak, crooked ankle. I was anointed at the Olympia and it was

immediately straightened and made strong. I had to wear a specially formed boot

and straps, these are no use to me now. I have bought ordinary boots. Medical men

have attended me and could do nothing.

Lily Ward.

NEW ZEALAND May-June 1922

Published in A History of the Charismatic Movements in New Zealand, by James E. Worsfold




The opening services for the Evangelist's mission were conducted in the Vivian

Street Baptist Sunday School Hall through the courtesy of its minister who

previously had been an eyewitness at the Welsh revival. In these morning services

the Evangelist delivered a series of addresses on ―The Enduement of Power‖ and

―The Gifts of the Spirit.‖ The numbers so increased that the services had to be

transferred to the main church, but even this building became too small for the

crowds that came. During these services the Evangelist was led to manifest the

gifts of tongues and interpretation, creating faith in the congregation to believe

God for an outpouring of His Spirit and that signs would follow the preaching of

the Word. Miraculous touches of healing were definitely experienced in these

meetings. One case was of a hopeless consumptive who was carried in a coma into

the church but after prayer arose, full of vigour, and walked with head up around

the church, healed.

Page 68: Smith Wigglesworth


On the Sunday morning the Evangelist ministered in the Berhampore Baptist

Church and at the 11 a.m. service preached on the subject of ―Faith.‖ In this

meeting, to the consternation of some of the congregation, the gifts of tongues and

interpretation were manifested. This was the only church service that the

Evangelist ministered in outside the Mission.

For the evening services during the crusade the Town Hall had been engaged.

The charismatic services in the Capital produced various reactions in some of the

pulpits in the city. The Revd. F. de Lisle of the Constable Street Congregational

Church preached on the subject ―Is the day of Miracles Past?‖ The Revd. G.

Glasson at the Terrace Congregational on ―The Gifts of Healing;‖ the Revd. W.

Day at the Kelburn Presbyterian on ―Faith Healing :‖the Revd. E. Drake of Trinity

Methodist on ―Healing in the Mission Field;‖ Mr. J. Moore, missioner at the

Sailors' Friendly Society on ―The Cures at the Town Hall;‖ the Revd. H. E.

Edridge at the Island Bay Baptist on ―Healing by Faith;‖ and the Revd. W.

Rowlings of the Brooklyn Baptist on ―Divine Healing.‖ A11 other ministers

preaching in their pulpits during the mission decided to ignore the subject as far as

their religious advertisements were concerned, and the situation became a little

strained later at ministerial level when the Evangelist addressed the Wellington

Council of Churches, in a meeting which was arranged to bring about a better

understanding of Pentecostal theology and phenomenon. Regrettably, this meeting

widened the gulf between the older churches and the new charismatic Christians, a

situation which was to continue until the 1960's.

The first Sunday evening saw 800 present and the third evening saw 3000 present.

From then on crowds were unable to gain admission each night. It was said that the

singing was electrifying and was thought to surpass even the Torrey-Alexander and

Page 69: Smith Wigglesworth


the Chapman-Alexander Revival services. In his preaching the Evangelist

emphasised the key words, ―Only believe,‖ and his ministry covered such subjects

as ―The Baptism of the Holy Ghost,‖ ―The Sanctification of the Believer,‖ the

―Second Coming of Christ,‖ ―Divine Healing for the sick,‖ and ―Exorcism from

evil spirits.‖ The whole Gospel for the whole man was preached fully in the

demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit, with very many conversions to Christ

taking place and backsliders being restored. The services received, on the whole,

fair treatment from the Press, and Wellingtonians were no doubt startled when

reading their morning paper to see the bold caption, ―FAITH HEALING,


HEAR.‖ A vivid description of the services then followed.

Smith Wigglesworth in New Zealand

One evening, almost a thousand could not gain admission and a Salvation Army

officer who had come from Brisbane to be present at the services, stood on the

Town Hall steps and preached the gospel to those outside. This preaching yielded

at least 20 decisions for Christ with some remarkable healings taking place as well.

Inside the Town Hall there were scenes taking place that many Christians had

prayed for and waited patiently to see. Not only hundreds of sinners accepting

Page 70: Smith Wigglesworth


Christ as Saviour and Lord, but the sick were being healed in mind and body and

Christians were being baptised in the Holy Spirit. For them, Bible days were here

again and the influence of the revival was making its presence felt in many

quarters of the city.

Seeking to carefully and objectively assess the first series of the Wigglesworth

services in Wellington, Mr. E. E. Pennington, later to become chairman of the New

Zealand Evangelical Mission said, ―Evangelist Wigglesworth came to Wellington,

little known to any of us. There was no flourishing of trumpets to herald this event.

A few small advertisements in the local Press announced his meetings. . . His

message was truly wonderful. If ever it could be said of a preacher of righteousness

since the days of Philip that he preached Christ unto them, it surely would apply to

Brother Wigglesworth. Never has the writer witnessed such scenes that followed

the presentation of the Word of God by this Spirit-filled man, although being

associated with such mighty evangelical services with Drs. Torrey, Henry

Chapman and others in their New Zealand campaign. In the Wigglesworth services

sometimes 400-500 responded in a meeting with whole families entering the

Kingdom of God.‖

* * *

We have many more reports of Smith's ministry in Australia and New Zealand on our CD Rom.


SAN FRANSISCO September 1922

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 8 September 2, 1922


Brother Smith Wigglesworth of England has arrived in this country after a mighty

ministry in Australia and New Zealand. A New Zealand newspaper, reporting our

brother‘s meetings says, ―Last night two hundred presented themselves for healing.

Many were able to throw away crutches and sticks immediately. Others with

goiter, rheumatism, partial blindness and deafness. A woman crippled with

rheumatism, walks quickly across the floor; stutterers read the Lord‘s prayer

without stuttering. An old woman, deaf and dumb, says ‗Jesus.‘ A man whose leg

had been broken with a bad mend walks away smiling and confident without his


Page 71: Smith Wigglesworth


At the time of writing, Brother Wigglesworth is preaching at the Glad Tidings

Hall, San Francisco, Cal. He is giving some special teaching on the subject of

FAITH. These messages have been stenographically reported, and we hope to

share them with Evangel readers during the next month or two. One who read one

of these messages remarked, ―You can feel the Spirit back of the message.‖

We have three special messages from Miss Elizabeth Sisson, which will prove a

feast to all who read them. Sister Sisson is now in her eightieth year. but bringing

forth fruit in old age, and writing as freely as she did forty years ago, but with the

added weight of long experience and a marked maturity.

Poster courtesy

* * *

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 10 September 2, 1922

Page 72: Smith Wigglesworth




Assembly, Bible Training School, and city are being greatly blessed by the

powerful ministry of Smith Wigglesworth. He is mighty in the Scriptures with the

fine art of hiding himself in God, thus compelling the people to see Jesus. God is

graciously working, saving, healing, baptizing.

Robert J. Craig, founding pastor of Glad Tidings Temple and Bible Institute, San


Robert Craig courtesy

* * *

SAN JOSE, OAKLAND & SPRINGFIELD September - October 1922

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14 September 16, 1922

The Ministry of Bro. Wigglesworth and His Future


A number of letters have come to this office asking If Bro. Smith Wigglesworth can hold

meetings at different assemblies. He is waiting on the Lord about these calls and is praying about

his future movements. He writes us that he expects to hold meetings in San Jose and Oakland,

Cal., during the latter part of September and the early part of October, and he hopes that he will

Page 73: Smith Wigglesworth


be able to start a campaign in Springfield, Mo., on October 15th. We hope to insert fuller

announcement concerning this last meeting in the next Evangel.

* * *


FRANCISCO, CALIF. October 3rd 1922

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 9 September 30, 1922


San Francisco, Calif.

All is in readiness for the Fourth Yearly Opening, on Oct. 3rd. of the Glad Tidings

Bible Institute. A large property, 1439 to 1479 Ellis St., one block from the present

location, has recently been purchased for the growing work of the Tabernacle and

Bible Institute.

There are ten buildings at present on these seven lots. These will speedily be

removed to make room for this commodious, modern building shown here. This

will give a Tabernacle seating twenty-five hundred, and accommodations for more

than one hundred students, also for the Faculty and Tabernacle workers.

Glad Tidings Bible Institute

Hereafter Holy Ghost, inspirational and spiritual teaching, as indicated by Smith

Wigglesworth in his recent San Francisco meetings, will be the continuous aim in

all the courses at Glad Tidings.

Page 74: Smith Wigglesworth


Hereafter there will be a total absence of all hobbles except to ―be filled with the

Spirit,‖ that outgoing students, on fire for God, and with the Word in their hearts,

may be the most effective in reaching the lost and building up Christ‘s kingdom at

home and abroad.

A larger attendance than ever is assured this year. Applicants desiring illustrated data, address

Pastor R J. Craig, General Presbyter, Assemblies of God, 1536 Ellis St., San Francisco, Calif.

* * *


October 2nd 1922

Testimony published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 9 June 20, 1925


I slipped on the fatal peeling and fell on Broadway, San Diego, in February, 1921,

and as was afterwards discovered, fractured the coccyx, and so severely wrenched

the hips and pelvic bones that I became a great sufferer. As the broken bone was

not discovered and set until about two months after the accident, the constant pain

and irritation caused a general inflammation of the nervous system, and the long

delay in getting the bone set, made it impossible to heal, so that my condition

steadily growing worse I was taken to the hospital and the bone removed about a

month after it had been set. Though the wound healed readily, the nervous

inflammation remained and so for many months longer I was in constant pain and

unable to get around without assistance.

I was taken to the first service held by Mr. Wigglesworth at the Gospel Tabernacle

on the 2nd day of Oct., 1922. At the close of the service all those who were sick

and in pain and had come for healing were requested to rise if possible. My

husband assisted me to my feet, and as those were prayed for by the speaker I was

instantly healed. How, I do not know. I only know the Great Physician touched my

body and I was made whole, freed from pain. After I got home I showed how I

could sit down and rise with my hands above my head; when before it had taken

both to push up my feeble body, and straps on my bed to pull up by. No more use

for them now. I laid down and turned over for the first time without pain. I shall

never cease to praise God for the healing of my body through the precious blood of

Jesus and in His name. I entreat you to come to Jesus and thou too shalt be made

whole. I walked to the street car alone the next day and attended the next service

Page 75: Smith Wigglesworth


and have been ―on the go‖ ever since. Can give names of friends who can

substantiate all I have written. To Jesus be all the praise and glory.

Mrs. Sanders, 4051 Bay View Court, San Diego, Calif.

* * *

Page 76: Smith Wigglesworth




October 1922

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 5 September 30, 1922



Many have expressed regret that there was to be no meeting of the General Council

this fall, but the Lord, who is always very good to us, is giving us a meeting on

Convention lines in Springfield, that we believe will be of immense benefit to all

who can be with us.

Since Brother Smith Wigglesworth has been in this country he has had many calls

which he can not fill at this time, as he believes it is the Lord‘s will for him to

return to England. He expects to return to Australia next year for further ministry,

and then to come to America again and visit a number of assemblies.

He has promised to visit us at the Springfield headquarters and will stay with us for

two and possibly three weeks.

The meeting will start Oct. 15th (D.V.) at the great Convention Hall in which we

held the 1920 Council. We have taken this building for the first ten days.

Reports that have appeared in the Evangel from time to time of our brother‘s

ministry might cause some to think that his ministry is largely on the line of

healing. His main message is to the Pentecostal saints to stir them up to seek and

obtain greater things from God. Bro. R. J. Craig writes, ―God used him

wonderfully here in building up the faith of the saints in San Francisco. He is just

the man now needed in this country to give our people a true Pentecostal viewpoint

when there is a letting down in so many quarters.‖

Mark tells us concerning the early disciples, ―And they went forth and preached

every where, the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs

following.‖ This can be said of our Bro. Wigglesworth too, and we believe that the

Lord will make him a real blessing to those who can be with us.

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* * *

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 12 October 28, 1922



Recently the office of the Missionary Treasurer was visited by an evangelist of

international note, a man who has been especially honored of God in praying for

the sick. Real miracles of healing have followed him wherever he has gone. We

had not talked with him long until we discovered the secret of his power.

This man of God is not reaching out after things for himself, but he has put God

first in everything. The work of the Lord is the chief concern of his life. He is

tremendously concerned that the Gospel be given to as many as possible before the

Lord comes. He stated to us, ―I am not concerned about myself, for the Lord will

take care of me. But I will not consent to hold a campaign unless I am given the

privilege of taking a missionary offering. God has given me a ministry of faith and

I must use it for the glory of God.‖

Some evangelists seem to think that missions and evangelism do not go well

together. They seem to feel that unless every effort is made to raise money for the

expenses of the meeting that they will not be met and the campaign will be a

financial failure. But here is an evangelist who has proven that when Missions are

put to the front, God takes care of the running expenses of the campaign and his

own needs as well. It has been a real inspiration to meet such a man.

The evangelist referred to is Smith Wigglesworth, who is just now opening a

campaign in the Convention Hall, in cooperation with the Assembly of God at

Springfield, MO.

* * *


November 1922

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 10 December 9, 1922

CHICAGO, ILL. – The evangelistic campaign conducted by Brother Wigglesworth

is over, and eternity alone can tell what was accomplished. The interest grew with

every service and all those that heard him testified that he was the best teacher they

Page 78: Smith Wigglesworth


ever heard. His messages on faith are simply inspiring. He was very much pleased

with his visit here and I believe that we will come again. A goodly number were

healed: some were saved and received the Baptism: but I believe the greatest good

that he accomplished here was leading the saints into the deeper truths of God‘s

Word. The missionary offering amounted to $456.00. - S. A. Jamieson.

* * *


October/November 1922

Report published in Latter Rain Evangel, p. 12 November 1922


Chicago YMCA

For the first time in the history of the Pentecostal assemblies of Chicago, there is

being held a union meeting, and the prayer upon every heart of those who love the

blessings of Pentecost is for a city-wide revival. For months God has been getting

us ready for this meeting. The ministers of the Pentecostal Assemblies (with but

one or two exceptions) have been meeting monthly for prayer, and to foster a spirit

of unity, and the Young People have had several Rallys during the last year, one on

the North Side and another on the South Side, both deeply spiritual meetings.

Chicago YMCA

Now at this writing (Nov. 1st), the majority of the Assemblies are in the midst of a

large Union Meeting, some closing down their meetings entirely and others

partially. Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford, England, is the speaker in

this campaign extending from Oct. 29th to Nov. 12th. The meeting is held in a

Page 79: Smith Wigglesworth


large church building belonging to the Volunteers of America, 1201 W.

Washington Boulevard, which has a seating capacity of 3,000. At the opening

service, a large crowd was present.

―Dare to believe God !‖ is the slogan of the Evangelist. He not only talks faith but

acts it. As he was giving his opening address on Faith he demonstrated it by calling

for five or six in the audience who were suffering pain to rise. He prayed for them

individually and they were delivered. He has a three-fold message, salvation,

healing, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and he emphasizes all in each meeting.

The Lord gave results the first day, and we are expecting great things from Him.

* * *

Report published in Latter Rain Evangel, p. 12-13 December 1922


The union Pentecostal Meetings held in Chicago, Oct. 29 – Nov 12, were times of

blessed refreshing. The large crowds which gathered twice daily to hear the

messages God gave thru Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford, England,

were evidence that they were feasting on the Word. ―For fifty years,‖ said Brother

Wigglesworth, ―I have read no other book but the Bible, which my wife taught me

to read,‖ and the originality and freshness of the God-given messages convinced

his hearers that the price he paid to so shut himself up with the Word of God, was

worth while. He paid many tributes to the wonderful Word, and his grasp of the

Scriptures created a hunger in a number of ministers‘ hearts to know that Word in

equal power.

In one of his flashes of inspiration he said, ―Never compare this Book with other

books. Comparisons are dangerous. Other books are of earth; this is of heaven.

Never say that this Book contains the Word of God. It is the Word of God. Eternal

in duration ; incomprehensible in power; infinite in scope; human in penmanship;

present in application. Read it through; Write it down; Pray it in! Work it out! Pass

it on!‖

He not only preaches the Word of God but acts it out literally; puts it into practice.

To quote him, ―God demands of every believer who bas been baptized in the Holy

Spirit that he should have some ‗acts‘. If you do not have them, you had better get

face to face with God and demand from Him your acts.‖

Page 80: Smith Wigglesworth


When time was given for testimony in one of the services, people arose all over the

house and testified to having been healed of many diseases: A woman healed of

heart trouble, another of high blood pressure; a man of heart trouble, another of

gangrene; other healings of broken arches, a sore limb of which a women had been

afflicted for three years, indigestion of long standing, itching boils, lumbago,

rheumatism after being afflicted thirty-eight years, insomnia, etc., etc.

There were also a number of other healings which we may publish later. During

one of the last meetings Brother Wigglesworth read an interesting letter from

Australia telling of blessing and healings resultant from his recent meetings there.

The letter in part is as follows:

―It will rejoice your heart to hear the beautiful testimonies which are still coming

in from those who were helped and blest in your meetings here in Australia. The

dear people do not forget those beautiful spiritual feasts they had every morning.

Do you remember that dear woman in J,---- who was too ill to be brought in the

church? She was put in the vestry, had to be carried in, was wrapped up in

bandages. Well, she is now a living miracle, is going around doing her own work

as well as anyone. It was a Baptist minister who brought this woman and he is now

seeking to be filled with the Holy Ghost.

―Brother F. was telling us of a dear laddie ten years old who did not develop; he

was born deficient. As you prayed with him, he felt something go out of him and

he is now perfectly delivered, and is as intelligent as any boy. Another lady was

suffering with chronic asthma and was so ill, especially at night. You prayed for

her and she is now perfectly healed. These are lasting cases for which we give God

the glory.

―Not many weeks ago a lady who is a professor of music, in your meeting at ___

was suffering with a severe pain at the back of her neck and in her nerves. As she

sat in her seat and heard you give forth the precious Word of God, she called on

the Name of the Lord and was perfectly healed. She has not had any return of the

trouble. An old lady who was wonderfully healed by the Lord is going around as

happy as can be. She could scarcely walk about the streets, now is as nimble as a

child. It is beautiful to see her. You will probably remember the family in which

you were used of the Lord in bringing husband and wife together. God continues to

bless that family, and now four of them have received the baptism of the Holy

Spirit according to Acts 2:4.‖ * * *

Page 81: Smith Wigglesworth




Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 10 May 29, 1926


The campaign began March 5th in a hall capable of holding a thousand people.

From the first night it was a great success, hundreds being saved.

Smith in Ceylon, 2nd row, 6th from our left

Not a night passed without many standing up and reaching out their hands to

heaven, calling out, ―Jesus save me! Jesus deliver me!‖ Each night the evangelist

would single out people in the audience who were in pain, and would pray for

them. Immediately after prayer was offered the suffering ones would testify that

they were free, from pain. If it was a case of stiff limbs, they were made to exercise

them by walking up and down, running, stamping their feet, or waving their arms

about in order to test whether the pain had actually gone.

One night a woman came up the aisle, walking in pain, her body all doubled up,

and she finally fell on the floor in front of the platform, the pain was so great.

Brother Wigglesworth jumped off the platform and put his hands upon her, and

said, ―In the name of Jesus I bind this pain and loose this woman.‖ Immediately

she ran up and down the aisle, free from pain, and then went and sat down to listen

to the message. She was perfectly whole. This demonstration had a great effect

upon the crowd.

Some nights the evangelist prayed for over five hundred people, many of them

coming hundreds of miles bringing their sick with them - the blind, deaf, dumb,

lame, palsied, consumptive, eaten up with cancer, tumours, epilepsy, weak-

Page 82: Smith Wigglesworth


minded, deranged, crippled. God worked mighty miracles; blind eyes were opened,

deaf ears unstopped, stammering tongues spoke, men on crutches put them over

their shoulder and went away, stiff joints were made supple, headaches and fevers

vanished, asthma was treated as an evil power and cast out in the name of Jesus.

Handkerchiefs were brought in an ever-increasing number and piled high upon the

platform. So many were brought (quite 500 some nights) that a fairly large suitcase

was necessary to hold them all.

One night, while our attention was diverted, a boy stole six new handkerchiefs that

had been brought. Two nights later he came back with them confessing that he had

not been able to sleep since he had taken them. Many wonderful cures were

wrought through this means. One was taken to a sanatorium and placed on a

consumptive boy. The boy is wonderfully better, is putting on flesh and looking


Many people were helped by rising from their seats in faith and saying, ―Jesus heal

me,‖ without the prayers of the evangelist at all. One woman, who had eruptions

on her arms and burning sensations caused by these eruptions, was healed as she

sat in her seat. Truly these were wonderful days. God‘s Spirit was poured out and

Jesus was glorified

Walter H. C. Clifford. Colombo, Ceylon.

* * *


Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 11 May 22, 1926



Brother Wigglesworth has been with us in Colombo, ministering for two weeks.

He came very late in the season and found the heat very trying, and in consequence

did not visit India. In Madras we had one meeting as we passed through Bombay to

Colombo. I went to Bombay to meet him. The meetings were wonderfully attended

here. There were over a thousand listening to the Word nearly every night.

Page 83: Smith Wigglesworth


It was a joy to see hundreds of people standing up with hands outstretched to

heaven, asking Jesus to save them. Hundreds were healed of all kinds of diseases.

Owing to the heat and the strenuous night meetings (some nights praying for 500

people), he was unable to have meetings for believers, as we should have liked.

However, the visit was a great success and has brought blessing to many homes.

He has left us now for Palestine, where he expects to stay about a month, reaching

England in time for the Whitsuntide Convention in London.

The follow-on meetings have been wonderfully blessed. One woman in the Sunday

morning meeting, after Brother Wigglesworth had left, was healed of three

diseases. She came on the following Wednesday bringing fifteen friends with her,

eleven of whom were saved that night as we gave the altar call. I had the job of

immersing eight in water while Brother Wigglesworth was here. The youngest

being a Singalese girl, seven years old. She had a wonderful testimony, and on the

morning of her baptism, she had a vision of Jesus. It was a joy to my soul to take

her in my arms and bury her with Christ in the water.

The Lord has given us another little son, born on Feb. 9. This makes us four

children now. All is well, for which we praise the Lord. Brother may from

Travancore is here helping me for a little while, and I am very grateful for his help.

We have had strenuous times since Christmas with two conventions and nine

meetings a week in between. Oh, for some men to come and stand in the gap.

Walter H. Clifford, Colombo, Ceylon.

* * *

Page 84: Smith Wigglesworth



March – April 1926

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 9 April 1926



Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth was to have held the last meeting of his campaign

at the new hall in Maradana yesterday evening, but at the earnest request of

hundreds he has extended it to some days more. He began his campaign on the 5th

instant, from which day his audience increased daily until during the last few days

the hall has been insufficient to hold the vast gatherings that come to listen to him

and be blessed by him and be prayed for. People have been known to come from

all parts of the Island with sick folk devoid of all hope of health, and to wait for

hours till the doors were opened; and, if not all, the majority of them went away

sound in body and mind.

As a testimony of the efficiency of prayer in healing sicknesses, Mrs. Speldewinde,

of Kandy, who suffered from a virulent cancer in the stomach and whose case was

abandoned as hopeless by scientific medical men, on Tuesday confessed to having

been completely freed of the disease by Mr. Wigglesworth‘s prayer. People of all

sorts, of all ages and classes, of diverse religions and professions, have attended

Mr. Wigglesworth‘s meetings, and though there have been scoffers among them

nearly all of them have gone away impressed by his words and his actions.

There is an undoubted spiritual atmosphere about the hall during the period the

meetings last. Beginning generally about 6 o‘clock, by which hour the hall is quite

full, hymns are sung from the conventional sheet published by the Assemblies of

God in Ceylon. Mr. Walter H. Clifford, of the Glad Tidings Hall, Borella, then

delivers a sermon, which is frequently punctuated with exclamations of ―Praise the

Lord‖ and ―The Lord be praised‖ from those who have benefited by the campaign.

About 7.30 or 8 o‘clock, when the assembly has been induced to an atmosphere of

devotion, Mr. Wigglesworth himself begins to speak, and concludes by calling on

the sick and the afflicted to stand. Most of them admitted of Cure Straightaway.

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Mr. Wigglesworth prays, the ailments ranging from headaches and pains in the

body to rheumatism, catarrh, blindness, deafness, etc. Not a few children are

brought by doting mothers and women of advanced age by loving relatives, and if

their derangements are not set aright on the first day they come again and yet

again. Confirmed drunkards and smokers have been purged of the desire for

intoxicants, and persons suffering from consumption and diseases due to dissolute

lives have admitted to have been cured by Mr. Wigglesworth‘s prayer and their

own. Many prominent people have been attracted to the hall, from which none

could go away without a profound impression of Mr. Wigglesworth – his deep

voice, his simple but weighty words, his remarkable personality, and above all the

perfect confidence of his actions, as when he says ―In the name of Jesus, come out

of this woman,‖ addressing the evil spirit possessing the patient before him. ―Are

you healed?‖ he asks, and if the reply is in the affirmative, ―Praise the Lord‖ he


The publication of the Assemblies of God in Ceylon – ―Miracles of Healing‖ –

contains accounts of miraculous cures, and there are many households attached to

this gathering where the need for a doctor is never felt. Faith in the efficacy of

prayer sustains them in all their actions.

Considering the diversity of races and creeds in Ceylon the numbers attached to

this campaign may be said to constitute a record, but each day the crowd swells in

size, and yesterday night the compound adjoining the hall too was filled, some

having arrived very early in the afternoon.

Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth‘s campaign continues to draw big crowds nightly

to the new hall opposite the Tower Hall in Maradana. Mr. Wigglesworth has a

powerful voice that lends itself to a variety of inflexions, and although his gift of

holding his audience gets somewhat weakened by the periods of translation the

large gatherings that never diminish but rather increase from start to finish of each

meeting are indicative of the popularity of his message. Every night scores go up to

the platform to be cleansed of sin and healed of bodily ill, and a certain number

never fail to testify to the Power whose aid the Evangelist with great fervour

invokes. On Monday night one of those who thus testified was a woman who had

been blind for fourteen years.

A lady resident in Kandy was brought down to Colombo about two weeks ago. She

was suffering from cancer and was in ―extremis,‖ and the doctors in Kandy had

given up all hopes.

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Eminent physicians consulted in Colombo were also of the same opinion. The day

Evangelist Wigglesworth arrived the relatives of the lady called on him, at the

Glad Tidings Hall at Borella, and asked him to see the patient. As he was unable to

go on that same day he gave them a piece of cloth, which he blessed, to be placed

on the seat of the trouble pending his arrival on the next day. Immediately the cloth

was placed on the patient, she said she felt relief and that the agony she was

suffering for weeks and the spasms of pain left her. The Evangelist saw her the

next day and cast out what he termed the ―evil spirit with was afflicting her in the

form of a cancer,‖ and the lady is today perfectly well and able to get about. She is

to testify at tonight‘s meeting conducted by Smith Wigglesworth.

* * *

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 12 June 1926



By Walter H. Clifford Heb. ii, 4.

The campaign began March 5th, in a large hall capable of holding a thousand

people. From the first night it was a great success, hundreds were saved, not a

night passing by without many standing up in response to the appeals of the

Evangelist stretching their hands up to heaven, calling out, ―Jesus save me, Jesus

deliver me,‖ and then, as they stood up, the Evangelist would pray, asking the Lord

to have mercy upon them and save them; then the whole audience would sing, ―I

do believe, I will believe, that Jesus died for me, that on the Cross, He shed His

blood, for sin to set me free.‖ Every night he would single out people in the

audience, who were in pain and pray for them, and immediately after prayer was

offered the suffering one would testify that they were free from pain. If it was a

case of stiff limbs, they were made to exercise them by walking up and down,

running, stamping their feet, or waving their arms about in order to test whether the

pain had actually gone or not.

Wigglesworth can be clearly seen in this Ceylon group photograph, which

appeared in the Redemption Tidings. He is left of centre on the second row up.

Next to him is a missionary, probably W. H. Clifford.

One night a woman came up the aisle walking in pain, her body all doubled up,

and she finally fell on the floor in front of the platform, the pain was so great. Mr.

Wigglesworth jumped off the platform and put his hands upon her and said, in the

Page 87: Smith Wigglesworth


Name of Jesus Christ, I bind this pain and loose this woman, and she immediately

ran up and down the aisle free from pain, and then went and sat down to listen to

the message perfectly whole. This demonstration had a great effect upon the


Some nights the Evangelist had to pray for over five hundred people. Many of

them coming hundreds of miles, bringing their sick with them – the blind, deaf,

dumb, lame, paralysed, consumptive, eaten up with cancer, tumours, epilepsy,

weak-minded, deranged, crippled, with rheumatism and many other kinds of

diseases. They came an increasing multitude, and God worked mighty miracles.

Blind eyes being opened, deaf ears were unstopped, stammering tongues spoke

plain, men on crutches put them over their shoulders and went away, stiff joints

were made supple, headaches and fevers vanished, asthma was cursed as an evil

power and cast out in the Name of Jesus. It was a wonderful sight to see them

coming, and to know that those who had faith, went away rejoicing, in a Living,

Loving, Tender-hearted Saviour, who had delivered them from the power of the

devil that had bound them for weeks and months, and years, or a lifetime.


Handkerchiefs and garments were brought in an ever increasing pile, and were

piled high upon the platform, so many were brought, quite five hundred some

nights, so that a fairly large suitcase was necessary to hold them all; all sorts and

conditions of people brought handkerchiefs and garments. Coloured handkerchiefs,

silk ones, white ones, dirty ones, pieces of cloth, pillow cases, and many other


One night while our attention was diverted, a boy stole six new handkerchiefs that

had been brought to be prayed for; a couple of nights later he brought them back,

confessing that he had not been able to sleep since he had taken them away; how

wonderfully God uses this instrument to reveal His mighty power!

We know that many wonderful cures have been wrought in this way, eruptions

have vanished, and a case of insanity was wonderfully helped. The father brought a

handkerchief for his son in the asylum; after it had been prayed over it was taken to

the asylum, placed on the son‘s head, and he at once began to speak like a normal

being. Another one was taken to a sanatorium, and placed on a consumptive boy;

the message brought from the sanatorium says the boy is wonderfully better,

putting on flesh and looking healthy. Drunkards lives have been changed by these

Page 88: Smith Wigglesworth


means, desires for gambling have gone, many wonderful deliverances have taken

place. Glory to Jesus.

Many people were wonderfully helped by rising from their seats in faith and saying

―Jesus heal me,‖ without the prayers of the Evangelist at all, but by just following

his simple directions. One woman who had eruptions on her arms and burning

sensations caused by these eruptions was healed as she sat in her seat. Truly these

were wonderful days, God‘s Spirit was poured out and Jesus was glorified, and the

devil‘s kingdom suffered great defeat.

Page 89: Smith Wigglesworth





February 13th 1927




My poor heart was in such a state, past all human aid; even the casing was

ruptured, so that the least move would cause a lump to protrude like an egg. For

sixteen weeks I just lay prostrate, and how lovely it was to feel so often almost

through the pearly gates! Truly, I thought my labours here in this life were ended,

and I was so bent on going ―home to glory‖, that even when asked if I would like

to have Mr. Smith Wigglesworth to pray for me, if I should be here when he came,

that I said an emphatic ―No,‖ and I certainly meant it. Bro. Wigglesworth was not

expected here for nearly two months, when suddenly dates were altered and he

arrived here almost without warning.

Of course this did not concern me, for my fellow-invalid (Sister Todd) and I had

made up our minds that we weren‘t going to have anything to do with the mission

or the evangelist. As the mission went on my friend became so convinced of the

truth of God, that she came into my room saying she intended going to the mission.

That night I saw her making her way out on her crutches to the car in great agony,

but somehow felt in myself she would be healed. Praise the Lord! After her return

she came skipping down the steps to my room, like the man of old leaping and

praising God, and saying,

“Sister, I‟m healed, I‟m healed!”

and so she was, perfectly and completely. Hallelujah! It was wonderful.

All that night I prayed and sought the Lord. In the morning, the closing day of the

mission, I was waiting for someone to come down to my room to ask them if they

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would take a message to Bro. Wigglesworth and see if he would come and pray for

me after the morning service. After breakfast I could hear the dear ones of the

house holding a prayer-meeting, and presently they came out and different ones

came into my room, but did not look at me or give me the usual smile and kind

word, and I asked each if they would take my message, and not until I had made

the request five times did I get a promise that they would. I had said

“No” once, but had to say “Yes” five times.

How long it seemed before that morning service was over; but at last in came

matron, face beaming, and said, ―He‘s come,‖ and I remember faintly seeing a man

step into the room, and after that saw no man but Jesus only. How sweetly does the

dear Lord manifest Himself! The evangelist told his daughter (Mrs. Salter) to put

her hands on my knees and he put his on my head and prayed a wonderful prayer

(wonderful to me because I was right in glory). Then he laid his hands on my heart

and prayed for my healing, at the same time rebuking death and commanding it to

be dashed away in Jesus‘ Name. When he first came in he said, ―Are you ready to

get up?‖ I said, ―Yes, I am,‖ and now

he said, “Get up,” and up I got.

My inability to even move just a few minutes before was entirely forgotten. One

thought only seemed to possess me, and that was to get dressed as quickly as

possible. I rushed across the floor and lifted down two heavy suit cases filled with

books in order to get to where I could find some clothing. I was in such a hurry, I

wanted to be dressed ready to greet ―my girls‖ of my Bible Class who used to flock

in after church to just have a peep at me, sometimes not allowed to speak to me;

and the afternoon before I had lain semi-conscious for hours, and those who saw

me then thought perhaps it was the last look, and here I am trying to find clothes

and let them see me every whit whole. I was healed perfectly and completely, and

felt no weakness after my sixteen weeks in bed, when I had eaten scarcely

anything. All the while that I laid there I was neither hungry nor thirsty, and would

take little sips just to oblige those who brought it to me. Now I wanted my dinner,

and a good dinner I had! I was changed, a new creation, just filled with God,

divinely healed, raised up in a moment from the shadow of death to abounding life,

saved to serve.

The day following my healing I was gloriously baptised in the Holy Ghost

according to Acts ii. 4, and daily and hourly He fills me with joy unspeakable and

full of glory.

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* * *

Sydney hospital

Now I feel constrained to send you a line to testify of His keeping power as well as

to His healing.

Praise the dear Lord, He has led me in wondrous ways to mental and other cases

where the strain, etc., has been great (mentally and physically), and praise His dear

Name, He has in all places proved Himself to be my strength, my all and in all.

I have not had the joy of being in our Assembly till this week for about eighteen

months, and yet they, knowing the dreadful strain, etc., of the last corner He had

led me through, found me stronger and weightier than they had ever seen me

before. He truly is a safe keeper. I have gained over three stone in weight since He

touched and called me to rise up from my death-bed in Epworth Hospital, Orange,

on February 13th, 1927. He just keeps me moving about from place to place that

people may see for themselves that He keeps as well as heals. I am just hurrying

this off to try and catch the next mail that you may know my healing was perfect as

well as instant.

My friend Miss Todd is a witness of the same, and is well and strong too. Praise

God from Whom all blessings flow! Yours in His glad service,

Sister Mary (M. Legate Pople).

* * *

Page 92: Smith Wigglesworth



June 1927

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 6-7 July 30, 1927



While engaged in my occupation as nurse in Sydney I met with a serious accident,

fracturing the knee cap and dislocating the internal cartilage, which resulted in

synovitis and arthritis (chronic). I had the best medical skill both in Sydney and in

Orange without any permanent relief, but just up for a while and then back to bed

again, and so on for eighteen months, and long, weary months they were,

especially when, after about fourteen months, I had the misfortune to rupture the

fibers of the muscles of the other leg, which resulted in having a lay-up for six

weeks and then keep it tightly bandaged, as the pain at times was most severe. I

was a real invalid with no prospect of ever being able to follow my profession

again. Being otherwise perfectly healthy, it was hard to look into the future with

both legs crippled, to be dependent upon others to look after and keep me.

How blind I was, for since being invalided to Orange I had lived and moved

among folk who believed and tried to get me to listen to the Scriptural teaching of

divine healing, but I thought differently. Truly the Bible did tell of wonderful

things in bygone days, but to me those days were gone and things were different

now. There was great talk of Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, but I was not

interested, though he was expected to come here. It was nothing to me. But God is

able to do all things according to the counsel of His own will; and how completely

He turned me around.

Page 93: Smith Wigglesworth


Sydney street corner

After the evangelist had begun his mission, which only lasted five days, my

brother, together with others, spoke most convincingly to me about the reality of

the teaching of the Scripture on divine healing, and though I was right up till then

adverse to it, I went to my Bible again and, being like the prodigal son, at the end

of myself, I too was led to say, ―I will arise and go to my Father,‖ and, praise the

dear Lord, what blessings He had waiting to bestow upon me! I had been a

Christian many years, but I had to be awakened before I could hear His voice and

have Him anoint mine eyes, but as I read I was arrested by the scripture telling of

the blind man upon whose eyes the Lord put the clay, and sent him to the Pool of

Siloam to wash and he came seeing. On being questioned as to how he received his

sight and having told them many times, he finally said, ―One thing I know, that

whereas I was blind, now I see.‖ (Read John 9.) This kept running through my

mind all day Friday and Saturday, also the words of God, ―I am the Lord, I change

not.‖ So persistently did these scriptures keep coming to me that I made up my

mind to go that night to the mission for prayer and the laying on of hands.

Sydney Hospital

On one leg I had a steel and leather apparatus to keep the knee joint from locking

and pinching, which caused intense pain, and the other in tight bandages, and with

the aid of a pair of crutches I got out to the car to be taken to the meeting, and

though suffering intensely, I believed I would be healed. After the address, I joined

with those who were to be ministered to, and as the evangelist laid his hands on me

and prayed I had a strange yet beautiful experience as though cold water with great

force was being sprayed in jets upon both of my afflicted members where they

were injured; so strong seemed to be the force that it even hurt me, and I knew it

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was the Lord, but on turning to go away I didn‘t feel any better, and expressed

disappointment to two or three.

All the way home I wept copiously, and poured out my heart to God, and

continued to say, ―Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief.‖ Arriving home, I was

helped out of the car, and after walking a few steps, said that I thought I could walk

alone. Just as I reached the threshold of the door a wall of bright shining light

confronted me, so exceedingly bright that it almost staggered me, and instantly I

cried out, ―Glory to God, I ‗m healed,‖ and truly I was. I went through the house

praising the Lord, and up and down the back verandah, glorifying God and walking

as I did before meeting with the accident. Seeing the crutches, I said, ―Take those

back to the kind friend that loaned them to me. I shall not want them any more.‖ So

the crutches were returned just before midnight. Hallelujah! Old things pass away,

behold all things become new. On rising next morning I discarded the steel and

leather support and the bandages, and have never touched them since, for I was

made every whit whole.

Two days later I was sweetly baptized in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4. My

Bible means more to me now than ever before. I now see my Lord and Saviour

who saves from sin, the Great Physician, the One who baptizes with the Holy

Ghost, and the One who is coming for His bride very soon. I cannot praise Him

enough for the great things He has done for me, where of I am glad. In giving this

testimony my prayer is that some poor suffering one might be led to see the truth

that makes free as it was revealed to me through the Blessed One who will guide

into all truth.

Any one desiring fuller particulars or help along these lines are kindly invited to

write or call on me at the following address. - Miss H. Todd, 43 Grafton Ave.,

Naremburn, N. S. W., Australia.

Page 95: Smith Wigglesworth


Ruptured Heart

Genesis 24:27 - ―I being in the way, the Lord led me‖-seems to be the best

explanation of God‘s wondrous blessings to me five weeks ago. How I did want to

go home! My poor heart was in such a state, past all human aid, even the casing

was ruptured so that the least move would cause a lump to protrude like an egg.

For sixteen weeks I just lay prostrate, and how lovely it was to feel so near home,

so often almost through the pearly gates, how real the dawning of that eternal day

was to me, and how I just longed to enter right in, knowing that if the ―earthly

house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not

made with hands, eternal in the heavens.‖ 2 Cor. 5 :1.

Truly, I thought my labors here in this life were ended, and I was so bent on going

―home to glory‖ that when asked if I would like to have Evangelist Wigglesworth

to pray for me, if I should be here when he came, I said an emphatic, ―No,‖ and I

certainly meant it. Such a band of dear friends were praying for me everywhere

that I just felt I wanted no more; my mind and my hopes were all centered on

things above and not on things here below.

How little did I know what wondrous blessings there were here below that I had

not even tasted of, that my dear loving Saviour wanted me to experience before I

should pass through those pearly gates, and how graciously did He work to bring it

to pass. Brother Wigglesworth was not expected here for nearly two months, when

suddenly dates were altered and he arrived almost without warning. Of course this

did not concern me for my fellow invalid (Sister Todd) and I had made up our

minds that we weren‘t going to have anything to do with the mission or the

evangelist. How true are the Lord‘s words, ―My thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.‖ Isa. 65:8-11. As the mission went

on my friend, who was averse to the teaching of divine healing, began to search the

Scriptures afresh to see if these things that were being taught, and which were

confidently affirmed by numbers around who believed, were so; became so

convinced of the truth of God, who said, ―I am the Lord; I change not,‘ that she

came into my room saying she intended going to the mission to have the laying on

of hands and prayer. How wonderfully and sweetly does our precious Lord turn

our feet into His paths and lead us in a way we know not!

That night I saw her making her way out on her crutches to the car in great agony,

but somehow felt in myself she would be healed. Praise the Lord! After her return

she came skipping down the steps to my room, like the man of old leaping and

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praising God, and saying, ―Sister, I‘m healed, I‘m healed,‖ and so she was,

perfectly and completely. Hallelujah! It was wonderful.

All that night I prayed and sought the Lord, and then came the thought, ―How

could I face my dear Lord whom I loved with all my heart if I just slipped home,

having refused the test to prove if He wanted me to do any more ‗little corner

filling‘ for Him, when before my eyes He had wrought such a miracle?‖ ―Oh, how

sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word.‖ In the morning, the closing

day of the mission, and what turned out to be my day of opportunity, I was waiting

for some one to come down to my room to ask them if they would take a message

to Brother Wigglesworth and see if he would come and pray for me after the

morning service. After breakfast I could hear the dear ones of the house holding a

prayer meeting, but as they had closed the door I could not hear just what was

taking place, but how I was longing for some one to come in to take my message,

but no, time was getting away, and how I pleaded with the Lord. I must get some

one to be my messenger, and could it be that they were all too much occupied with

their own blessings and were unmindful of me? Ah, no, they were busy praying

that the dear Lord would put it in my heart to call for prayer, and because I had

said, ―No ― so decidedly they would not ask me again, but were all asking the Lord

to constrain me to ask for prayer.

Presently they came out and different ones came into my room, but did not look at

me or give me the usual smile and kind word, and I asked each if they would take

my message, and not until I had made the request five times did I get a promise

that they would. I had said, ―No‖ once, but had to say, ―Yes,‖ five times. How long

it seemed before that morning service was over, but at last in came matron, face

beaming, and said, ―He‘s come,‖ and I remember faintly seeing a man step into the

room, and after that saw no man but Jesus only. How sweetly does the dear Lord

manifest Himself. The evangelist told his daughter (Mrs. Salter) to put her hands

on my knees and he put his on my head and prayed a wonderful prayer (wonderful

to me because I was right in glory). Then he laid his hands on my heart and prayed

for my healing, at the same time rebuking death and commanding it to be dashed

away in Jesus‘ name. When he first came in he said, ―Are you ready to get up?‖ I

said ―Yes, I am,‖ and now he said, ―Get up,‖ and up I got. My inability to even

move just a few minutes before was entirely forgotten. One thought only seemed to

possess me, and that was to get dressed as quickly as possible. I rushed across the

floor and lifted down two heavy suit cases filled with books in order to get to

where I could find some clothing. I was in such a hurry, I wanted to be dressed

ready to greet ―my girls‖ of my Bible class who used to flock in after church to just

have a peep at me, sometimes not allowed to speak to me; and the afternoon before

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I had lain semi-conscious for hours, and those who saw me then thought perhaps it

was the last look, and here I am trying to find clothes and let them see me every

whit whole. I was just ready when the door opened and a number of them were

admitted, and what a shock they got. Some wept; some laughed, then wept; they

hugged me, then would think of my heart and let go; but it was all right. I was

healed perfectly and completely, and felt no weakness after my sixteen weeks in

bed, when I had eaten scarcely anything. All the while that I lay there I was neither

hungry nor thirsty, and would take little sips just to oblige those who brought it to

me. Now I wanted my dinner, and a good dinner I had. I was changed, a new

creation, just filled with God, divinely healed, raised up in a moment, from the

shadow of death to abounding life, saved to serve.

What a wonderful word Faith is! It seems I never knew its real meaning before. By

faith we conquer, we overcome, we enter into our inheritance. The Scriptures

declare that all things are possible to him that believeth.

Some are waiting to see if it will last, but praise the dear Lord, this is the fifth week

and I am perfectly well and whole, have walked long distances to visit others, and

find that He not only saves but keeps. The day following my healing I was

gloriously baptized in the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4, and daily and hourly

He fills me with joy unspeakable and full of glory.

I commend the teaching of the Foursquare Gospel to one and all - Jesus Christ our

Lord, the Saviour from sin, the Divine Healer, the One who baptizes with the Holy

Ghost and with fire, and our soon coming King.

Mrs. M. Legate Pople, ―Epworth,‖ 82 Anson-street, Orange, N. S. W.

From the Australian Evangel.

* * *


Spring 1927

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 8 June 1927


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The healings at the Wigglesworth meetings in Melbourne have been very inspiring

to those who beheld and most blessed to those who were delivered from affliction.

At every meeting the sick were invited to remain for special prayer and anointing

with oil. But in many of the meetings Brother Wigglesworth would pray for all

who would stand up and believe that the Lord would heal them. He would say to

the congregation that he would count three and at the time he would say three

everyone who would dare to believe and receive healing were to spring to their feet

and cry out to God that they received deliverance in Jesus‘ name. The response to

this method was always most hearty for it would be after a rousing sermon on faith

and all were aroused to bestir themselves. Many testified to being healed in this


Melbourne street scene

Another method used was to ask anyone to stand who had pain while he prayed for

them from the platform. The very first meeting on the opening Sunday witnessed

this method. A lady arose saying she had pains in her head and gallstones causing

suffering. When Brother Wigglesworth prayed the power of the Spirit came upon

her so she could not stand. When she was free to answer she said her pain was all

gone. So with others in this way.

Among the multitude who were healed and have given testimony to the fact the

following are a few of the written testimonies received. More will be secured as

each case is traced up by the cards. May these cases inspire others to a like

precious faith for healing and blessing?


Handkerchief Taken from Evangelist and Laid on the Sick.

According to Acts 19, 11-12, the Lord wrought healings by Paul through

handkerchiefs or aprons being taken from his body and laid upon absent sick ones.

This was done in this meeting for many who could not come. The following case is

reported by Mrs. Ingram, who writes of a visit to the hospital, where a friend was

to be operated on for tumor, taking a handkerchief from Brother Wigglesworth

upon which he had laid his hands as he prayed for her to recover. The letter states,

―She was to be operated on on Tuesday. I took the handkerchief on Monday. She

placed it on in the name of Jesus. On Wednesday, when I visited her, she told me

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she was on the operating table and the ether was administered, but when she came

to herself again she discovered that they had not operated. They told her there was

no need now for the operation. Glory be to God. When I saw her today she was

able to sit up in bed and the swelling had all gone. The woman later returned home

quite free.


Mrs. A. Lavery, of Collingwood, writes: ―I thank God for the blessed

healing power. I came to Brother Wigglesworth‘s meetings and he laid

his hands on my head. I had blood pressure pains in my head for one

year and six months night and day. I know I am healed.‖


Miss Q. Green, of 23, Hardy Street, East Brunswick, testifies: ―I had mastoid

trouble in my ear and general weakness throughout my body. Both my kidneys had

dropped an inch. I suffered terribly with pain in my kidneys, but relief came when I

was prayed for. My ear was discharging. I had been operated on but did not get

relief; but when I was prayed for the discharge ceased and now there is no pain.‖

* * *

Reports published in Redemption Tidings, p. 17 March 1929


Miss H. Todd, 43 Grafton Avenue, Naremburn, N.S.W., Australia, writes:-

While I was engaged as a nurse at Sydney, I met with an accident, fracturing my

knee cap and dislocating the internal cartlege, which resulted in synovitis and

arthritis (chronic). I had the best medical skill both in Sydney and Orange, but

without any permanent relief. Fourteen months later I ruptured the fibres of the

muscles of the other leg. I was laid up for six weeks with most severe pain. There

was no prospect of following my profession. There was great talk among the

people of Mr. Smith Wigglesworth coming here, but I was not interested. My

brother and others spoke to me of divine healing. I turned to my Bible and these

words arrested me, ‗I am the Lord; I change not.‘ I decided to go to the mission for

prayer and the laying on of hands. On one leg I had a steel and leather apparatus to

keep the knee joint from locking and punching, which caused intense pain and the

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other closely bandaged, and with the aid of a pair of crutches I got out of the car.

After the message from God‘s Word was given, I joined those who wished to be

ministered to, and as the evangelist laid his hands on me and prayed, it seemed as

though cold water was being sprayed with great force. I knew it was God, but I felt

no better. On the way home I wept. On getting out of the car I said, ‗Lord, I do

believe.‘ On reaching the threshold a wall of shining light confronted me. I said,

‗Glory to God, I am healed,‘ and I was. I went through the house glorifying God. I

had no use for my crutches, and I discarded the supports and bandages, for I was

every whit whole. Two days later I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, according to

Acts ii. 4. To God be all the glory.‖

Mrs. M. Legate Pople, Epworth, Anson Street, Orange, N.S.W., writes:-

―Gen. xxiv. 27: ‗I being in the way, the Lord led me.‘ I had a ruptured heart, so that

the least move caused a lump to protrude like an egg; for sixteen weeks I lay

prostrate. Some friends were praying for me. Mr. Wigglesworth was coming to the

town, but I was not interested, but God‘s ways are not our way. Seeing Miss Todd

was healed, I sent a message after the morning service asking if the evangelist

would come to pray for me. He came with his daughter (Mrs. Salter). He told her

to put her hands on my knees. He laid his hands on my head and prayed, at the

same time rebuking death and commanding it to loose away in the Name of Jesus.

He said, ‗Are you ready to get up?‘ I said, ‗I am.‘ My inability to move was

forgotten. I rose and dressed in the Name of Jesus. I was just ready when the girls

of my Bible Class came in. What a shock! How they laughed and wept. I was

healed perfectly and completely and felt no weakness after my sixteen weeks in

bed. I wanted my dinner now. I was changed, a new creation: raised from the

shadow of death to abounding life. Saved to serve. This is the fifth week, and I

have walked long distances to visit others. Later I was baptised with the Holy

Spirit, according to Acts ii. 4. I praise God from whom all blessings flow.‖

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Report published in The Foursquare Crusader, p. 1 June 25, 1927


Smith Wigglesworth Does Honour to His Master, Jesus


Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, who will be in the midst at Angelus Temple July

3rd, is a strong and kindly man, made kindly, people say, by the indwelling of the

Holy Spirit. He has a strong voice but not uncontrolled, well controlled, evidently

the result of much practice: and what a message rings forth from his mouth! It is

direct from the heart and soul to a hungry audience.

His messages are simple so a child could follow him, but deep and searching, true

to the Scriptures and telling of the deep things of God, gentle and tender to the

weak, but true to the honour of his Master, the Lord Jesus Christ. He preaches

―Salvation to every repentant sinner through the death of the Lamb of God‖;

―Holiness for all and healing for all through the Blood of the Lord Jesus and the

power of the Holy Spirit.

It is not so much the form of the message which he gives as the power with which

he gives it. He just relates the story of the Saviour with the facts of which his

whole being is filled and thrilled. His messages bring results which are seen to all


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The 5,000-seat Angeles Temple with Aimee Semple McPherson

Students, members, friends, and workers pray that while Brother Wigglesworth is

holding his campaign at the Temple there will be a mighty manifestation of God‘

power to save precious souls and heal the sick through his ministry.

Every one is advised not to miss one meeting, but be on hand to receive great

blessing from the Holy Word as expounded by this man of God.

(Used by permission: The Foursquare Church, Heritage Department)

* * *


Report published in The Foursquare Crusader, p. 1 July 9, 1927



Jerking off his coat, throwing, it over a chair in inspired faith. Wigglesworth

ordered every person who is in pain and dares step out of (on?) God stand out in

the aisle, march or be carried to the platform and pray!

The audience gasped! At first a few, but in a moment scores. In another moment

hundreds were pressing their way toward the man who had thrown out the gauntlet.

Everyone who expressed any active faith, testified that their pain and distress ware

instantly removed. Many declared they had the witness of instantaneous healing.

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Contrary to the opinion of critics, who think only nervous and minor ailments are

aided by prayer, it was found that the diseases of the multitude who pressed upon

Brother Wigglesworth were in the main desperate and chronic. Cancers, tumors,

Bright‘s Disease and anemia, tuberculosis, heart trouble, ulcers of the stomach—on

and on the endless line came.

Here and there came on(e) whom the evangelist recognised was possessed with an

evil spirit. In a commanding gesture, as of a prophet, by the living Word of God, in

Scriptural recital, demons were cast out. diseases healed, peace spoken to troubled

minds. Those who had not given their lives to God were pointed to the cleansing

fountain of Calvary, praying first for their salvation, and afterwards for their


Angelus Temple, with its ever orderly services, was still in order, for it was God‘s

order for this particular service.

Mighty days of blessing are in store. The sick are coming is they did to Jesus, and

as they have done for many years to Sister McPherson. Prayer changes things, and

Angelus Temple, both day and night, is sending up to God the incense of believing

prayer. God‘s arm is being laid there and H1s voice heard through the message of

this man of God.

Planning a full time Brother Wigglesworth is speaking as per the following


Sunday - 10:30, 2:70, 7 P. M.

Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday and Friday - 10:30 A.M. and 7:30 P. M.

Wednesday afternoon — Divine Healing - 2:30 o‘clock.

Monday and Saturday evenings the regular services will be conducted. Monday

evening, organizations meet. Besides this a regular service is held in the new

auditorium, followed by a prayer meeting in the 500 Room. Various ministers and

evangelists will be in charge.

Each Saturday evening the regular service of Divine Healing will continue. This

coming Saturday Mother Kennedy has consented to speak on ―The Spirit‘s

Witness.‖ This in response to the request of many worker, as Mother said. ―She is

a better doer than talker.‖

(Used by permission: The Foursquare Church, Heritage Department)

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* * *


July 3-16 1927

Report published in The Foursquare Crusader, p. 1 July 16, 1927




Demons are cast out and sick bodies freed from disease and pain at the divine

healing meeting. Brother Wigglesworth believes that God answers prayer, and

proves it. ―Faith is the victory,‖ He quoted, then demonstrated the truth of it by

praying a sick sufferer well.

Brother Wigglesworth, as well as several persons in the audience, received

wonderful messages. The interpretation brought marvelous blessing to the


Lord Casts Out Devil

One of the many beautiful messages interpreted by Brother Wigglesworth is

herewith given to the CRUSADER readers:

―Why dost thou doubt when God, even the Lord, hath come to cast the devil out

that you may know that you are free from all things by the blood of Jesus.‖

In commenting upon this message in tongues, he said: ―We are in a great place; the

Lord is in the midst of us. You are to go away free.‖

In speaking of tongues the evangelist announced that he would gladly give the

interpretation if God gave it to him if any who had a message in the Spirit to give

to the people. but if their speaking in tongues was in adoration of the Lord alone it

was not interpretable and should preferably be spoken silently so that the meeting

would not be interrupted.

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Disease is Satan‟s Power

After making the statement that disease comes through the powers of Satan, Bro.

Wigglesworth told the following stories:

One day in England the Lord was greatly blessing me in praying for people who

had a disease which was very common. The inside of the body became so inflamed

with this disease that oftentimes the people would fall in the streets. This day, as

we were singing in the meeting, a woman fell down on the floor. The people knew

that this disease affected her so much that she was possessed that way. So in the

name of Jesus I rebuked the demon power white they were singing and she rose up

to joint with us in singing the last verse.

Three days afterwards she came to me and said. ―Oh, how wonderful that I am so

perfectly delivered! I haven‘t a trace of that evil thing about me; I am so free. Oh,

please giVe me some tracts, help me, for I must tell everybody.‖

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Schedule of services at Angelus Temple

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I said. ‗Nothing can help you, nothing has helped you but this,‘ holding out the


The devil cannot stand up under the Word. Jesus gave him a dose one time and he

went away. The power of this risen Christ is to be so manifested in your mortal

bodies that sin cannot have dominion.


(Used by permission: The Foursquare Church, Heritage Department)

* * *


July 3-16 1927

Report published in The Foursquare Crusader, p. 2 July 16, 1927


Smith Wigglesworth, world famed evangelist, has taken Angelus Temple by storm.

He is a man of action. His methods are unique, but the results are to all

appearances miraculous.

Quite a plain ordinary, distinctly English gentleman, both in appearance and

accent, he unexpectedly sweeps an audience of its feet, by his power and vigor

when he gets warmed up and swings into action.

He says he has no knowledge of being ―in the body‖ so far as indigestion, aches,

pains, or ills of any kind are concerned. One can well believe this as the address

continues, and he sees for himself the amount of energy and sheer vitality used up

by this man. He is man well past the fifty mark, I should say, but he possesses and

uses up the energy of a man of thirty.

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Speaker of Power and Assurance

He speaks with an assurance and authority that commands the respect and attention

of his audience. When speaking of the Christ, his voice is soft and reverent, but in

denouncing sin his voice rises and thunders forth as he shakes his fist in defiance

of the devil.

Either he is a deep Bible student, or as he says, much is revealed to him by an

unseen power, for his discourses in the deeper Bible study show a breadth, a depth

and vision that are extraordinary. Passages of the Bible that puzzled the world

seem most easily discerned by this man, and are explained in such a simple,

straightforward, efficient manner that people hang upon his very words.

In the morning meeting questions were asked. It surely seemed that some of them

must floor him, but his answers were quick, ready and to the point. There was a

wisdom about them that reminds one of the wisdom of the Christ, when in

speaking to those who sought to trap Him, He said, in regard to homage paid in

coin of the realm, ―Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar‘s, and unto God

the things that are Gods,‖

During his discourses he speaks in ―tongues.‖ and immediately afterward interprets

in English, what he has said. Interpretation is often given also when people in the

audience rise and speak in ―tongues.‖

Man of Action

When this man prays for the sick he gets right down to business. He rips off his

coat and rolls up his sleeves. Lifting his hand to heaven he cries. ―Are you ready!‖

If assent is given, he ―lays hands upon the sick‖ and prays: then, with a cyclonic

movement of the hands over the afflicted part or a resounding slap that can be

distinctly heard) throughout the auditorium, he declares that they are ―free,‖ and

commands them to stoop and bend over or to run up and down the aisle, as the case

may be. His methods are spectacular, strenuous, and often humorous, but the

results seem to justify the means, for at the close of the service when he asks all

those who have been healed to stand, literally hundreds leap to their feet.

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In a meeting, one man said she was healed of a malignant growth and had lost 20

pounds in weight

Hear Wigglesworth

It is quite miraculous if real, and the earnest sincerity, the great faith of the man is

the power of God, would lead even the most skeptical to give him the benefit of the

doubt. He inspires an awe and reverence that would make one hesitate to do less.

We predict overflow crowds for Angelus Temple.

If you want to see something distinctly different or hear something new, go hear

this man, Wigglesworth. We pick him for a winner!

(Used by permission: The Foursquare Church, Heritage Department)

* * *


July 3-23 1927

Report published in The Foursquare Crusader, p. 1 July 23, 1927


Words are inadequate when expressing Brother Smith Wigglesworth and his sweet,

matronly daughter, Sister Alice Salter. This lovely couple—father and daughter --

have worked together in the Lord‘s vineyard and He has blessed them both. Mrs.

Salter has accompanied her father on many of his campaigns and has aided greatly

in giving sermons, offering prayers and helping with the sick who come for


For many years Sister Salter has been a missionary with her husband in the

darkened land of Africa, having established a work there thirteen years ago. After

her marriage she went with her husband into the Belgian Congo.

Brother Wigglesworth and his daughter have been a blessing since they first came

to Angelus Temple, for being so spirit-filled they have both helped to open

hundreds of pairs of eyes of those who have not been able to see the Light of the

Word of God; and to countless others they have spread a feast of good things from

the Holy Bible.

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Sister Salter said in a recent prayer:

We are a very needy people. Lord, but Thou art able to meet the need. We praise

Thee for Thy love. All my weaknesses can be made strong by Thy might and

power. Thou can undertake for us, whatever our need is. We stretch out our hand

to Thee. Meet our need. Thou are the God of Strength.

―Jesus, Thou art the One mighty to save. We thank Thee because Thou hast died

on Calvary and because Thou art able to remove any infirmity. let this be a time

when Thy Word goes forth and heals the sick. Let Thy Word heal them as they

hear, let it be a word of faith.‖

‗If any man thirst let him come unto me.‘ We are coming. Lord. Satisfy our hungry

souls; satisfy; O God, with Thy presence. Let this be a time when we see Thy

Word with unclouded vision; We see Thy face and every cloud vanisheth. Have

Thy way and Thou shalt have all the praise. Amen.‖

Praise God for such people—missionaries, evangelists, and men and women of

God such as Brother Wigglesworth and Sister Salter—for through their ministry

hungry multitudes have been fed and brought closer to Jesus.

(Used by permission: The Foursquare Church, Heritage Department)

* * *


July 3-23 1927

Report published in The Foursquare Crusader, p. 7 August 6, 1927


―Just the same, just the same. He is just the same today.‖ Sang Brother Smith

Wigglesworth very prayerfully at a recent morning meeting. The congregation with

hands pointing heavenward, eyes closed and heads uplifted, sang forth the song,

―Jesus, just the same.‖

A wonderful manifestation of the Spirit is in evidence at the 10.30 morning

meetings. The power of the Lord falls abundantly and souls are washed of all

burdens as sweet words of praise flow from the hundreds of quivering lips, and it

seems to every heart that the Saviour is walking in the midst.

Page 111: Smith Wigglesworth


The power of prayer has been proven over and over, and it is without one doubt

that orison (Ed. prayer or petition) unto the Lord DOES changes things.

The entire school auditorium is ablaze with the fire of the Holy Spirit and although

some may be first timers, they feel there is something there which they have not

but are eager to receive.

That longing to be closer to the Lord is given an opportunity to be satisfied through

these wonderful moments of prayer.

Yielding as an empty vessel to the blessed Holy Spirit, brother Wigglesworth

brings forth words which are really not words alone, but ―holy breathing‖ unto the


United under the blood stained banner of the Great General, the large number of

men and women who crowd the school building, never leave the premises without

proclaiming the time spent within the sacred walls of His Temple (was) time which

may be treasured the rest of their days.

To those who have hesitated about coming to the morning meetings, let it be

known ―never put of for tomorrow that which you can do today.‖ Let nothing

interfere with your hearing that wonderful man of God who has a real message for

his congregation.

(Used by permission: The Foursquare Church, Heritage Department)

* * *


July 3-September 1927

Report published in The Bridal Call Foursquare, p. 12 September 1927


Commencing Tuesday morning and continuing until Friday every week, hundreds

of people, hungry for a closer walk with God, gather in the spacious Bible School

Auditorium where at ten-thirty each day, Brother Wigglesworth brings to them the

Living Word of a True and Living God who is the same today as He was those

many centuries ago when He called Peter and Andrew to leave their nets and

follow Him.

Page 112: Smith Wigglesworth


Smith in action at the morning feast

The packed ‗morning feast‘ teaching services conducted at Angelus Temple

Time is of little consequence to those who listen to his inspiring messages. Truly

they are a feast that no one can afford to miss, for each message which he gives is,

in itself a feast sufficient to necessitate a week‘s thought before it is completely


These glorious meetings are an opportunity of a lifetime to those who would draw

closer to God and better understand the Scriptures.

Brother Wigglesworth has a definite purpose in every message which he brings to

the students and those who gather in these morning services - First of all, to

increase their Faith. How vividly he imprints upon our memory the Scripture: ―I

am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and

the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who

loved me, and gave Himself for me. ―

The greatest purpose in these morning gatherings as in all of our meetings is, to lift

those who listen to a higher spiritual plane - that each succeeding morning may

find them rising to a greater height in Christ Jesus.

Where there is no progress in the spirituality of the soul it is a condition akin to

backsliding - the soul must climb and continue in its upward ascent if the higher

Page 113: Smith Wigglesworth


plane in which a life whose pathway follows that of the Master‘s closely, is to be


Brother Wigglesworth expounds the Scriptures in a way that none who listen will

ever forget and it is with the deepest heartfelt appreciation that the people gather

each day to imbibe the life-giving message which flows like a river from the depth

of his soul.

This wonderful messenger of the Gospel of Jesus Christ says that nowhere in all

the world has he ever felt the unction of the Holy Spirit as he has in Angelus

Temple. The Third Person of the Godhead has been glorified in a mighty way

during the past three weeks and thousands have been blessed and inspired and

encouraged to ‗carry on‘ whatever the cost may be and to go deeper with their


The glory of the Lord is coming down upon the redeemed and the saints of the

Lord have been lifted from glory to glory in their experiences of active faith in


We thank God for sending this dear saint and his lovely daughter, Sister Alice

Salter to us at this time. They have indeed been a blessing and the prayers of the

multitudes who attend Angelus Temple rest ever upon their heads.

Sister Salter has been a missionary in Africa for thirteen years where, together with

her husband, they have done much toward spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in

that darkened land.

We pray that God‘s richest blessings will rest upon them in the days to come and

that wherever the pathway of life leads, God will give them many souls for their

harvest to be added to the thousands already in the storehouse of the Master.

(Used by permission: The Foursquare Church, Heritage Department)

* * *

Page 114: Smith Wigglesworth




July-October 1927

Report published in The Foursquare Crusader, p. 8 September 24, 1927


Smith Wigglesworth, the English evangelist, and his daughter, Alice Salter,

missionary from Africa, both of whom of whom have been conducting services in

Angelus Temple since the first of July, and have been assisting Sister McPherson

with morning Bible Study classes are leaving this week for a short vacation at the


The father and daughter have worked untiringly since being at the Temple, and

hundreds have been blessed through their ministry. The Temple audiences have

learned a great deal about missionary conditions in Africa through Sister Salter‘s

splendid lectures.

Brother Wigglesworth has endeared Himself to all Angelus Temple members and

friends and after the first of October, when the two will return to the church, the

evangelist plans to continue his morning meetings which have won favour with all.

(Used by permission: The Foursquare Church, Heritage Department)

* * *


October 26th – November 6th 1927

Announcement in Triumphs of Faith p. 238 October 1927





San Francisco, California

Page 115: Smith Wigglesworth


OCTOBER 26 -November 6

Our dear Brother, MR. SMITH-WIGGLESWORTH, has been holding Revival

Meetings for several months in Angelus Temple, Los Angeles, with blessed

results. Since then, he has held meetings in other cities of Southern California. In

answer to many inquiries, we are glad to be able to announce the above campaign

in San Francisco. His time here is limited, so we would advise our readers to make

immediate arrangements to attend these precious meetings.

Friends who have just come up from Los Angeles tell us that Brother

Wigglesworth‘s ministry has been more wonderful than ever, and marvelous

healings have been wrought through his ―prayer of faith.‖



Every day (except Monday) .

Morning service at 10:00 o‘clock

Evening service at 7:30 o‘clock.

Three services on Sund.

October 30 morning, afternoon, and evening.

Three services on Sunday, November 6

All these meetings are to be held in Glad Tidings Temple, 1441 Ellis

Street, near Webster Street. San Francisco, California.



Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 15 July 1931


Thousands Hear Full Gospel in Norway and Sweden

Messrs. Wigglesworth and Myerscough have Glorious Revival

We have seen wonderful meetings. At Stockholm the Assembly Hall holds 3,500,

and it is as easy to speak as in your drawing room. The baptistry stands about five

Page 116: Smith Wigglesworth


feet above ground with extended platforms on either side and very broad for

candidates. The baptistry is always ready. Candidates leave the water by a passage

under the first platform to male and female rooms. Behind the baptismal platform

is the main platform still further back with two rows of seats right across the

building. Behind this is another platform about six feet higher for the organ and the

singers with their instruments of various kinds. During our visit the place was

packed continually (i.e., eight days).

Pastor Pethrus is an extraordinary and godly man and is the soul of the place.

There were as many as 400 out for healing at one service per day for that purpose.

Many were saved and healed and received the promise of the Father. Hallelujah!

We have seen real Pentecost in this land of devout people. The people are most

orderly from going in to coming out. I cannot convey the sense of this on my soul.

When they sing everyone does it with great earnestness. You and our dear brethren

would enjoy this manifestation of the Grace of God.

Pastor Lewi Petrus, a former Baptist Pastor

We had meetings at Bergen. Here we had large and most blessed meetings with

dear Pastor Bergfjord. Then to Oslo and met Pastor Barratt, whom we met in

Sunderland in the early Conventions. He is as true as steel to the Pentecost of Acts

ii. 4. We had a most blessed time with the Assembly of about 1,500.

We also went to Orebro under dear Pastor Robson. Two Baptist Churches were

kindly lent for the meetings. Great blessing in Pentecostal experience were

experienced; the meetings were packed.

We next went to Goteborg. The meetings were held in a circus holding over 3,000.

This was packed at every meeting. Three Assemblies in the district joined in the

Page 117: Smith Wigglesworth


meetings. I am not able to tell the glories of these meetings. Pastor Carson is the

only one of the pastors whose names I know, but it is very precious to say that

everything worked like clockwork. Scores were out for salvation and the Holy

Spirit. At this and all the other meetings a great use of handkerchiefs was made,

often hundreds at a time. Glory to Jesus!

Now we are off to Finland, and would greatly esteem your loving prayers on behalf

of us venturesome but very happy and well sustained pilgrim preachers of the

unsearchable riches of Christ our precious Jesus.

The ministry of our beloved Brother Wigglesworth has been in great unction of the

Holy Spirit as in former days. This has been a great blessedness for the people we

have visited. People in every place have come forward to testify of healings of ten

and two years ago on his previous visits, and which are standing today. I have not

been able to give all details as I would like, but these have come to mind and give

us great gratitude to our blessed Lord. Not the least of these is the love of the

people to the Lord‘s little servants.

Yours joyfully (Signed) Thomas Myerscough

* * *

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 16 July 1931


Mr. Wigglesworth and Mr. Myerscough in Helsingfors

A very blessed report has been sent to us from Mr. Arthur A. Vouri, one of the

Finnish Pentecostal Leaders, in which he states that Mr. Wigglesworth and Mr.

Myerscough have had a great campaign in Helsingfors, the capital city, in which

multitudes have been blessed.

The meetings have been held in the great circus building, which holds over 2,000

people, and the place was crowded all the time. Many souls were saved, and many

healings took place as the full Gospel of Redeeming Grace in Christ Jesus was

proclaimed in the power of the Spirit.

Page 118: Smith Wigglesworth


―It is truly wonderful what God is doing in Helsinki (Helsingfors). He is doing

great things in our midst. His living Presence is wonderful in the meetings.‖ So

runs Mr. Vouri‘s report. To God be all the glory!

Pray for Finland. In response to another call from the Leaders there, Mr. Donald

Gee also expects (D.V.) to visit Finland again in October, for a time of Bible

Teaching following his visit to the U.S.A. The Holy Spirit is graciously moving in

many parts of Eastern Europe in quite a marked way.

* * *


c. November – December 1934

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 14 February 1, 1935



We have a very encouraging report to hand from Vernon G. Gortner, the pastor of

the Jamaica, Long Island, N.Y., Assembly of God concerning the ministry of

Brother Smith Wigglesworth at the opening of their new Tabernacle a short time

ago. He says: ―The meetings with Bro. Wigglesworth will never be forgotten.

God‘s power was manifested in a remarkable way, not only in healing of the sick

but in the salvation of lost souls. Every night there was a good altar response, and a

number of folks boldly stepped out and came to the altar and accepted Christ.

There were also a number of remarkable healings. One person testified afterwards

of being healed of gall-stones of many years‘ standing. Another testified that they

were healed of double rupture after suffering intense pain for years.‖ To God‘s

Name be all the glory!

* * *

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 8 February 16, 1935


James H. Taylor, West Roxbury, Mass

―That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you‖

Page 119: Smith Wigglesworth


―Guess who‘s in Washington this week?‖ asked a delighted voice. ―Mr.

Wigglesworth!‖ The voice was Mrs. Taylor‘s, and naturally she was pleased, for

nine years ago, when through faith in Him the Lord annulled the sentence of death

against her, it was Brother Wigglesworth‘s book, Ever Increasing Faith, that next

to the Word of God led us to victory. Praise Him!

The next Saturday we were in the Capital City and on the following day, Dec. 2,

1934, at the Old Fashioned Gospel Tabernacle, 505 L. St., N. E., or rather outside,

for the doors were closed, and a placard told us, ―Last two meetings of Smith

Wigglesworth transferred to Masonic Temple.‖

When we reached there at 2:45, a large poster on the outside announced, ―City

Wide Healing Services.‖ The hall was being filled rapidly, 800 or more gathering.

The song service was delightfully informal, magnifying the power of the Name,

the Blood of the Cross, and the friendship of Jesus.

Brief testimonies followed. One brother in a most clear and forceful voice said, ―I

was a sufferer from catarrh in a most virulent form. I had great difficulty in

breathing and speaking. Tried all the doctors and all the healers without relief.

Someone advised, ‗See the Englishman.‘ I did last week, and God has most

marvelously healed me. Glory to His name!‖

The scripture was from Mark 5:25: ―A woman which had an issue of blood twelve

years and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she

had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,‖ etc.

Brother James Salter, Brother Wigglesworth‘s son-in-law, told how the Lord had

healed him many times and marvelously, during his long service in the Congo

region. ―But,‖ said he, ―if I had never been healed, and if I had never seen anyone

healed, I‘d believe in it, because the Bible says so.‖ Amen!

Brother Wigglesworth‘s‘ text was, ―Fear not: only believe.‖

I remember he said, ―No one in this place should go away with an ache or a pain.‖

And this, ―The Lord for the body and the body for the Lord.‖ Concluding his talk,

he asked the people to pray, and they did, in the ideal congregational way.

Personal, public prayer has in it, to my mind, an element of danger, through

tending to pride; and frequently what we might term ―a beautiful prayer‖ is, in

reality, merely a ‗repetition of glib phrases, and of no spiritual account. But where

hundreds of believers pray audibly and together, pride is, in a measure at least,

Page 120: Smith Wigglesworth


defeated and God glorified. The latter is the ―Pentecostal‖ mode - and thank God

for it.

Brother Wigglesworth gave the invitation to accept salvation, and a score of people

came forward, in the midst of which, from under the left balcony, came a clear

message in a tongue, which was interpreted by Brother Wigglesworth.

The handkerchiefs that had been brought forward and laid upon the altar (in the

spirit of Acts 19:12) were prayed over following which a call was made for those

who desired healing to assemble in the space between the platform and wall on the


A hundred people responded. Brother Wigglesworth addressed the longing group.

―Look at me and listen,‖ said he; ―I want you to let this thought take possession of

you-‗I am going to be healed!‘ Think it and believe it. Second: Be sure to

understand that I have never healed anyone, and that I never saw anyone heal

another, but I have seen the power of God work through men to heal. Hallelujah !‖

He came down from the platform, and reaching the head of the long line, he began

to lay his hands upon them, commanding diseases and demons, in the name of

Jesus, to depart from them. They shook when he touched them, some jumped,

some shouted, some were prostrated, and many testified to healing.

The power of God was in the place and the praises of His people were a blessed

accompaniment. My purpose, however, in sending this report is not so much to

detail the healings - although hard not to - as to call special attention to an

outstanding demonstration of power, as a single proof that Jesus Christ is ―the

same yesterday, and today (praise God) and forever,‖ and to show that our God

means something more than the glory of ancient dates, but this day and to the end

of days, He will, to those who will ―only believe,‖ confirm His unfailing Word

―with signs following.‖

I think it will help our testimony to state that we had seats in the second row (front)

from the healing corner, so that what happened during the healing hour was almost

within hand reach. Just before the meeting began, we had noticed that a young girl,

with crutches, was coming in. She was assisted by a man and woman. Her legs

absolutely dangled, with the feet hanging vertically from them. From her waist she

seemed to be limp and powerless. Room was made for her in the front row. When

the invitation to be saved was given, she attempted to go forward aided by her


Page 121: Smith Wigglesworth


Brother Wigglesworth, on seeing her start, said, ―You stay right where you are.

You are going to be a different girl when you leave this place.‖ When the rest had

been dealt with Brother Wigglesworth turned to the girl and, having been told her

trouble, said to the people, ―This girl has no muscles in her legs; she has never

walked before.‖ He laid his hands on her head and prayed and cried, ―In the name

of Jesus Christ, walk!‖ Looking at her, he said, ―You are afraid, aren‘t you?‖

―Yes,‖ she replied. ―There is no need to be. You are healed!‖ he shouted. ―Walk!

walk!‖ And praise God she did - like a baby just learning! Twice she walked, in

that characteristic way, the length of the platform! Glory to God! When we left the

room, her crutches were lying on the seat, and on reaching the sidewalk we saw her

standing, as others do, talking with two girl friends. Glory to God in the highest

and on earth healing to those who believe. Amen.

The woman who assisted her forward was her mother, and the man was her uncle,

who wept like a child during her healing, who testified in the evening meeting that

she walked up the stairs at her home without assistance, repeated the fact that she

had never walked before, stating also that her mother, who went forward for

healing for a bunch in her breast, when asked about it said, ―It‘s gone!‖

Wonderful things happened at the evening meeting also. Our brother testified to

the healing of a cancer of two years‘ standing. A poor sick man, whom the doctors

had given up, whose legs were useless, except for slow motion, was healed and ran

twice around the hall! When asked how many had been healed during the week‘s

services, at least two hundred rose. Well, what shall I say - but praise God?

And Washington. - The most beautiful city in the world, a city pledged to public

welfare and the science of understanding, a city of palaces dedicated to the

eradication of human weakness and disease, a city of national research, of latest

aids in medicine and surgery for the repair and maintenance of the bodies of men;

but alas with all this human might, no power to mend its broken master!

On the next morning I combed the papers for a headline and then for some lesser

recognition but without success. And then I thought that as Jesus had spoken

yesterday of the heart of Palestine, so it could be said today of the heart of

America, ―Thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.‖

* * *


December 1934

Page 122: Smith Wigglesworth






James H. Taylor, West Roxbury, Mass.

―Guess who‘s in Washington this week?‖ asked a delighted voice. ―Mr.


The voice was Mrs. Taylor‘s, and naturally she was pleased, for nine

years ago, when through faith in Him the Lord annulled the sentence of

death against her, it was Brother Wigglesworth‘s book, Ever Increasing

Faith, that next to the Word of God led us to victory. Praise Him!

The next Saturday we were in the Capital City and on the following day,

Dec. 2, 1934, at the Old Fashioned Gospel Tabernacle, 505 L. St., N.E.,

or rather outside, for the doors were closed, and a placard told us, ―Last

two meetings of Smith Wigglesworth transferred to Masonic Temple.‖

When we reached there at 2.45, a large poster on the outside announced,

―City Wide Healing Services.‖ The hall was being filled rapidly, 800 or

more gathering. The song service was delightfully informal, magnifying

the power of the Name, the Blood of the Cross, and the friendship of


Brief testimonies followed. One brother in a most clear and forceful

voice said, ―I was a sufferer from catarrh in a most virulent form. I had

great difficulty in breathing and speaking. Tried all the doctors and all

the healers without relief. Someone advised, ‗See the Englishman.‘ I did

last week, and God has most marvellously healed me. Glory to His


The scripture was from Mark v 25: ―A woman which had an issue of

blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians,

Page 123: Smith Wigglesworth


and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew

worse,‖ etc.

Brother James Salter, Brother Wigglesworth‘s son-in-law, told how the

Lord had healed him many times and marvellously, during his long

service in the Congo region. ―But,‖ said he, ―if I had never been healed,

and if I had never seen anyone healed, I‘d believe in it, because the

Bible says so.‖ Amen!

Brother Wigglesworth‘s text was, ―Fear not: only believe.‖

When he gave the invitation to accept salvation, a score of people came

forward, in the midst of which, from under the left balcony, came a clear

message in a tongue, which was interpreted by Brother Wiggglesworth,

following which a call was made for those who desired healing to

assemble in the space between the platform and wall on the left.

A hundred people responded. Brother Wigglesworth addressed the

longing group. ―Look at me and listen,‖ said he; ―I want you to let this

thought take possession of you ‗I am going to be healed!‘ Think it and

believe it. Second: Be sure to understand that I have never healed

anyone, and that I never saw anyone heal another, but I have seen the

power of God work through men to heal. Hallelujah!‖

He came down from the platform, and reaching the head of the long line,

he began to lay his hands upon them, commanding diseases and demons,

in the name of Jesus, to depart from them. They shook when he touched

them, some jumped, some shouted, some were prostrated, and many

testified to healing.

* * *

Thomas Circle, Washington

The power of God was in the place and the praises of His people were a

blessed accompaniment. My purpose, however, in sending this report is

not so much to detail the healings – although hard not to – as to call

Page 124: Smith Wigglesworth


special attention to an outstanding demonstration of power, as a single

proof that Jesus Christ is ―the same yesterday, and today (praise God)

and forever,‖ and to show that our God means something more than the

glory of ancient dates, but this day and to the end of days, He will, to

those who will ―only believe,‖ confirm His unfailing Word ―with signs


I think it will help our testimony to state that we had seats in the second

row (front) from the healing corner, so that what happened during the

healing hour was almost within hand reach. Just before the meeting

began, we had noticed that a young girl, with crutches, was coming in.

She was assisted by a man and woman. Her legs absolutely dangled,

with the feet hanging vertically from them. From her waist she seemed

to be limp and powerless. Room was made for her in the front row.

When the invitation to be saved was given, she attempted to go forward

Page 125: Smith Wigglesworth


aided by her assistants. Brother Wigglesworth, on seeing her start, said,

―You stay right where you are. You are going to be a different girl when

you leave this place.‖ When the rest had been dealt with Brother

Wigglesworth turned to the girl and, having been told her trouble, said to

the people, ―This girl has no muscles in her legs; she has never walked

before.‖ He laid his hands on her head and prayed and cried, ―In the

name of Jesus Christ, walk!‖ Looking at her, he said, ―You are afraid,

aren‘t you?‖ ―Yes,‖ she replied. ―There is no need to be. You are

healed!‖ he shouted. ―Walk! walk!‖ And praise God she did – like a

baby just learning! Twice she walked, in that characteristic way, the

length of the platform! Glory to God! When we left the room, her

crutches were lying on the seat, and on reaching the sidewalk we saw

her standing, as others do, talking with two girl friends. Glory to God in

the highest and on earth healing to those who believe. Amen.

The woman who assisted her forward was her mother, and the man was

her uncle, who wept like a child during her healing, who testified in the

evening meeting that she walked up the stairs at her home without

assistance, repeated the fact that she had never walked before, stating

also that her mother, who went forward for healing for a bunch in her

breast, when asked about it said, ―It‘s gone!‖

Wonderful things happened at the evening meeting also. Our brother

testified to the healing of a cancer of two years‘ standing. A poor sick

man whom the doctors had given up, whose legs were useless, except

for slow motion, was healed and ran twice around the hall! When asked

how many had been healed during the week‘s services, at least two

hundred rose. Well, what shall I say – but praise God?

On the next morning I combed the papers for a headline and then for

some lesser recognition but without success. And then I thought that as

Jesus had spoken yesterday of the heart of Palestine, so it could be said

today of the heart of America, ―Thou knewest not the time of thy


* * *

Page 126: Smith Wigglesworth




December 1934

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 January 5, 1935

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Smith Wigglesworth and Evangelist and Mrs. James

Salter have just closed a city-wide revival and healing campaign under the auspices

of The Old-fashioned Gospel Tabernacle, 505 L St., N. E. Many outstanding

miracles were wrought in the name of Jesus.

The lame walked, the deaf received hearing, and many other ailments were healed.

The meeting has been a great blessing, and through it the city has experienced a

great spiritual uplift. Souls were saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost. The church

seating over 400 was over crowded, and the last two meetings were transferred to

the Masonic Temple, where about 950 people were gathered the last night.

The revival spirit is still at its peak and the Spirit is mightily working. The

assemblies at Brunswick, Md., Norfolk, Va, and other towns far and near were

well represented by considerable delegations.

J. A. McCambridge is pastor, A. F. Sengstack, Secretary.

* * *


December 11th – 16th 1934

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 12 February 9, 1935

We had two services daily, except Sunday, when we had 3 great meetings. Large

crowds attended every service and God was present to deliver men and women

from all evil conditions in soul and body. Many very outstanding healings were

witnessed. For the encouragement of sufferers we give these:

A man with cancer on his face and hands was healed almost instantly. A

woman with hernia of 17 years‘ standing was completely delivered. A

man with asthma of 8 years‘ standing was saved and healed instantly. A

lady was healed of deafness and afterwards heard clearly. Several were

Page 127: Smith Wigglesworth


saved, and the meeting proved a spiritual uplift to the entire work. These

meetings will long be remembered, and we trust that these evangelists

will return to us soon.

A. A. Wilson, Pastor

* * *


December 1934

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 January 5, 1935

WILKES-BARRE, PA. - One week‘s revival with Evangelists Smith

Wigglesworth and Mr. and Mrs. James Salter, resulted in the salvation of souls.

Several received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and numbers of sick were healed.

Among the latter was a man with a cancerous growth on his face, who was

instantly relieved from pain. A crippled child 3 years old, as a result of the prayer

of faith is walking for the first time in its life. A young woman who had been ill for

about 3 years was delivered from her infirmity.

Crowds were so great it was impossible to gather statistics, but fresh reports of

benefits received are heard almost daily. The saints throughout the Anthracite

section were quickened and the Pentecostal work in general was benefited.

Byron D. Jones, Pastor.

* * *


April 10th – 14th 1936

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 12 May 1, 1936




Seating Capacity taxed to the Limit

Page 128: Smith Wigglesworth


The North of England Convention, held in Preston, Lancashire, for upwards of

sixteen years, took place as usual this Easter, when the Lancaster Road

Congregational Church, at which the principal meetings were held, was taxed to

the limit of seating capacity. Eager and enthusiastic companies of believers

travelled distances, short and long, by motor coach or other means of transit, intent

upon receiving all that such an occasion offered, namely – ―Times of refreshing

from the presence of the Lord.‖ Their expectations were not cut off, and speakers

and hearers alike testified to blessing received and of the joy and privilege which

was theirs in being able to visit the Preston Convention.

The meetings were presided over by our esteemed brother, Mr. Smith

Wigglesworth, and our ministering brethren included Messrs. Donald Gee (Vice-

Chairman Assemblies of God), F. Watson (Secretary, Lancashire District

Presbytery), H. Crook (Margate), Dan Phillips (Ashton-under- Lyne) and Mrs.

James Salter. Missionaries on furlough included Mr. and Mrs. W. F. P. Burton, Mr.

Hall, Mr. Garfield Vale, also outgoing Missionaries and Candidates.

Preston town centre buildings

A preliminary meeting was held on Thursday evening, at which a very profitable

word was given by Mr. Donald Gee. During the Convention Baptismal Services

were arranged and advantage taken by a number who were ready to obey the Lord

in the matter of water baptism. In the ante-rooms of the Chapel several received the

baptism of the Holy Spirit according to the Scripture pattern. Mr. Wigglesworth

prayed for and laid hands upon many who were in need of ministry for the body.

A unique feature of the Convention this year was the singing by four young

brothers from Scotland, who rendered their pieces in a manner which can only be

Page 129: Smith Wigglesworth


described as entrancing, whilst the huge congregation listened in a silence which

could almost be felt to a wonderful blending of voices consecrated to the service of

the Lord in ministry of song.

Church Street, Preston

It is always a matter of regret that one cannot give a verbatim report of the choice

and inspiring addresses we were privileged to hear from each of those who

ministered the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. Doctrine, Reproof,

Exhortation, Ministry of Comfort, Consolation and Encouragement.

A dominant note of Evangelism from Bros. Crook and Phillips, whose happy

ministry evoked much appreciation and in response to whose appeal decisions for

Christ were made by some who had not been saved. Privilege brings responsibility,

and whether we recognize it or not, the individual believer‘s responsibility, in the

matter of consecration and service for God, was increased to the extent of the

measure of blessing received from such ministry. The afternoon and evening

meetings of Easter Monday were entirely devoted to the Missionaries and

Candidates, of whom there were about 22. It was a great joy to have Brother and

Sister Burton home again after an absence of nine years.

After the various Missionary aspirants had testified to their call to spheres of

service in countries which included Central Africa (Congo), India, China, Tibet,

Brazil, Sudan, Mr. Burton spoke of their work on the Congo. He did not deceive

his hearers as to that side of the Missionaries‘ life which is not discovered until he

reaches the field – the discomforts, discouragements, disease, climatic conditions,

fever, insect bites, the prejudice against the foreigner, and the hatred of those who

constantly oppose and would seek to destroy the work of God amongst the Natives.

All these things, however, were as nothing compared to the joy of winning these

natives to the Lord Jesus Christ. It was, declared Mr. Burton, ―worth it all!‖

The Missionary Offering (afternoon and evening) reached the sum of £212 in

addition to which there were sundry articles of jewelry given. Mr. Wigglesworth,

Mr. Burton and Mrs. Salter ministered at the closing meeting of the Convention on

Tuesday evening in Cheetham Street Hall.

We return thanks to God for answered prayer, and for a great Convention, during

which we realized, in very truth that ―He is able to do exceeding abundantly above

all that we ask or think.‖

R. E. Craston, Secretary.

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* * *


October 1936 – March 1937

Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 5-6 January 29, 1937


By D. J. du Plessis, General Secretary, A.F. Mission

During the past years when news filtered through of how God was blessing His

servant, Smith Wigglesworth in other countries, many of God‘s people in South

Africa prayed that he might come out here to bring the message of life. God

answers prayer and there was indeed rejoicing when we were able to announce at

the Easter Conference, 1936, that it might be possible for brother Wigglesworth to

visit South Africa and that he might be with us at the December Conference. Since

that time many have prayed that his visit may be a great blessing to the Pentecostal

work. We have had the privilege to have with us some of the brethren from other

countries, and their ministry has been a blessing, but there still seemed to be a

general desire that brother Wigglesworth should come to us.

The Cape Stirred

He arrived in October 1936, and the Lord moved from the moment he arrived. The

newspapers in this country are generally very indifferent towards Pentecost, but

they seemed to take notice of our elderly brother and gave great publicity to his

meetings. It was quite a surprise to see the papers come out with pages of pictures

taken in the meetings. Columns were written about the meetings, and the Cape was

stirred. Mighty healings took place, and in a few cases it might be said that the

healings were miraculous. What is of more importance, however, is the fact that so

many were swept into the Kingdom of God. In the Cape many surrendered their

lives to the Lord and the revival which was started through these meetings still

continues. Praise the Lord.

After the Cape our brother visited Port Elizabeth, East London, and Bloemfontein.

In all these places the saints of God from all sections of the Pentecostal movement

came together to hear the message which has inspired greater faith in the hearts of

God‘s people, and Divine Healing has once more become a vital truth in the lives

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of many sick and suffering ones. All reports say, ―We have never yet heard such a

message on faith.‖

Indeed our brother is anointed to preach on this great subject, and the faith which is

quickened in the hearts of the people now brings greater revivals everywhere.

South Africa Ripe for Revival

South Africa seems to be ripe for a wide-spread revival, and the Apostolic Faith

Mission (not connected with other Apostolic Churches, Missions, or Movements

anywhere in the world) has been enjoying very special blessings and revivals all

over the country. The growth of the work is remarkable. Brother Wigglesworth‘s

visit seems to be just what the Lord had planned. Indeed God is with us.

The Annual December Conference at Headquarters in the Central Tabernacle,

Johannesburg, is usually a very blessed time of fellowship and blessing, and people

from all over the country attend these meetings. The last Conference was therefore

not really an exception but it was different. Brother Wigglesworth ministered to

God‘s people every morning and evening. In the afternoons the meetings were

open for testimonies and messages from other visiting pastors and evangelists. The

Spirit of God was upon every meeting and the Word went forth under the unction

of the Holy Ghost. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit and spake in tongues as

the Spirit gave utterance. Sick and suffering ones attended every night and

hundreds were prayed for. Many came back to tell that God had touched them.

Praise His name. Many sicknesses and ailments were healed by the power of God.

Some seemed to have received a new lease of life.

2,000 at Meetings

In Cape Town the city hall was packed out with 2,000 people, and on the last

Sunday of the Conference we also had the pleasure of seeing nearly 2,000 people

gather for three great meetings in the city hall in Johannesburg. In the morning

nearly the whole audience was made up of believers, saved and filled with the

Spirit. In the afternoon many outsiders attended the Divine Healing service and the

newspaper sent a reporter. About 500 sick were prayed for and many received

instant healing. The evening service was again packed to the doors, and as in the

morning and afternoon services, a large number stood up to ask prayer for

salvation and victory in their spiritual lives. We praise God for such a wonderful

time. This happens to be the first great public demonstrations held by Pentecostal

people in the city hall. God has wonderfully blessed and the results are known only

to Him.

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Over the Christmas Holidays, meetings have been held in Springs and Brakpan

where God also blessed abundantly. There are still nine large centres to be visited

before our brother returns to England in March and we trust the Lord will continue

to bless everywhere.

* * *

Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 12 February 27, 1937

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By D. J. du Plessis, General Secretary, of A. F. Mission

During the past years, when news filtered through of how God was

blessing His servant, Brother Smith Wigglesworth, in other countries,

many of God‘s people in South Africa prayed that he might be brought

out here to bring the message of life.

He arrived in October 1936, and the Lord moved from the moment he

came. The newspapers in this country are generally very indifferent

towards Pentecost but they seemed to take notice of our old brother and

gave great publicity to his meetings. It was quite a surprise to see the

papers come out with pages of pictures taken in the services. Columns

were written about the meetings and the Cape was stirred. Mighty

healings took place and in a few cases it might be said that the healings

were miraculous. What is of more importance, however, is the fact that

so many were swept into the kingdom of God. In the Cape many

surrendered their lives to the Lord and the reviva1, which was started

through these meetings, still continues. Praise the Lord!

After the Cape, our brother visited Port Elizabeth, East London, and

Bloemfontein. In all, these places the saints of God from all the

Pentecostal groups came together to hear the message which has

inspired greater faith in the hearts of God‘s people, and Divine Healing

has once more become a vital truth in the lives of many sick and

suffering ones. All reports say, ―We have never before heard such a

message on faith.‖ Indeed, our brother is anointed to preach on this great

subject, and the faith which is quickened in the hearts of the people now

brings greater revivals everywhere.

David J. Du Plessis

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The Squires, the Salters, Smith Wigglesworth and the du Plessis'.

* * *

The Annual December Conference at Headquarters in the Central

Tabernacle, Johannesburg, is usually a very blessed time of fellowship

and blessing; and people from all over the country attend these meetings.

The last Conference was no exception. Brother Wigglesworth ministered

to God‘s people every morning and evening. The Spirit of God was upon

every meeting and the Word went forth under the unction of the Holy,

Ghost. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit and spake in tongues as the

Spirit gave utterance. Sick and suffering ones attended every night and

hundreds were prayed for. Many came back to tell that God had touched

them. Praise His name! Many sicknesses and ailments were healed by

the power of God. Some seemed to have received a new lease on life.

In Cape Town the city hall was packed out with 2,000 people, and so on

the last Sunday of the Conference we also had the pleasure of seeing

nearly 2,000 people gather for three great meetings in the city hall in

Johannesburg. In the morning nearly the whole audience was made up of

believers, saved and filled with the Spirit. In the afternoon many

outsiders attended the Divine Healing service and the newspaper sent a

reporter. About 500 sick were prayed for and, many received instant

hearing. The evening service was again packed to the doors and, as in

the morning and after services, a large number stood up to ask prayer for

salvation and victory in their spiritual lives.

* * *

Page 135: Smith Wigglesworth


Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 11 March 12, 1937





We had a good voyage out: rather hot passing through the tropics, but

improving as we came nearer Cape Town. There the pastors and friends

met us and told us that all was arranged for us to begin that night at Salt

River with Brother De Vrieis. From the first the place was

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Packed Out and Hundreds Turned Away.

So at last they took the Town Hall, and this also was full. Praise God!

Signs, with miracles, were seen at every meeting, but the greatest of all

was conviction of sin, and we had hundreds of decisions for Christ.

Then we moved to Wynberg, and Brother Coates took the Town Hall.

We were crowded right to the street from the first, and the Revival

began. We had most marvellous healings of cancer cases, and many left

crutches and sticks, but the best of all was hundreds of people decided

for Christ. Brother Coates and others decided to carry on, and 340

decided the first Sunday after we left.

A young man saved through reading my book decided to buy a Ford car,

and took us from place to place. We have already covered over 4.000

miles, calling at Port Elizabeth and East London and Bloemfontein, with

very good results we arrived at Johannesburg for the Christmas

Convention, and for the first time they decided to take the large Town

Hall. We had a great time;

Over 2,000 Broke Bread.

We also had some outstanding miracles, two children, 12 and 14 years,

were loosed from wearing irons and made free. Crowds pushed for

healing, but the best here again was hundreds deciding for Christ.

The pastors and saints were greatly encouraged, and we have been

moving to many places with good results. We are now on our way to

Durban, and after three other campaigns we shall be preparing to leave

in February 25th (D.V). We hope to stop over for a few days us in Cape

Town where they have secured the Town Hall for five days' Farewell

meetings. Then on March 5th we are booked to sail for Southampton, to

be ready for out Easter Convention (at Preston).

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Several times we have ministered to the native villages. What a sight—

through the Bush Rivers, mountains and deserts. It was very inspiring to

see the native Christians. We have been greatly blest. We are very well.

My son Salter has arrived, and will be with us until we sail from Cape

Town God bless you and yours.

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