Smith Portfolio



Ben Smith . Architecture Portfolio . University of Washington CBE . 2011

Transcript of Smith Portfolio

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1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09



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b e n smith PORtFOLiO

re-orienting urban infrastructure

Fall ‘10 : Thesis Studio : Profs. G. Proschk & B. McLaren : Alaskan Way & Seneca

Adapting a Section of the Alaskan Way Viaduct as a Hub of Public Transit

Early 20th century, Infill plans

Modern Day

180... before you were born.

The forThcoming removal of The alaskan Way viaducT provides a prescienT opporTuniTy To reThink The naTure of TransiT infrasTrucTure and urban reneWal in The hearT of doWnToWn seaTTle. ciTies across The counTry are facing similar poinTs of evoluTionary flux, WiTh aging sTrucTures of TransiT compeTing WiTh emerging culTures of movemenT. These exisTing neTWorks of decaying large-scale TransiT infrasTrucTure pose a significanT conundrum in efforTs To advance alTernaTive models of human movemenT and urban re-developmenT. an alTernaTive To The Wholesale removal and clean-slaTe redevelopmenT of The alaskan Way viaducT exisTs, one Which represenTs a meThodology of urban improvemenT ThaT doesn’T neglecT noTions of The ciTy as an evolving archeology and a layering of builT infrasTrucTure ThaT shapes our inTeracTions WiTh our surroundings and each oTher. by reorienTing The dominanT modes of use and sTrucTures of TransiT, The viaducT Will firmly Tie iTself inTo an emerging layer of seaTTle’s urban fabric.

Seneca st

University st

Spring st


Wa T e r c o l o r

Diagram: from car dominanT infrasTrucTure To TransiTional public space

ph o T o s h o p s k e T c h

ha n d a n d p h o T o s h o p

co n c e p T sk e T c h e s

car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car carcar


carcar c a rcarcarcar


19 rows of parking

38 lanes

19 lanes of cars

bike/pedped ped pedped

Page 3: Smith Portfolio

1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09


BIKE HUB transition zone

Streetcar Stop

Pedestrian Porch Human Transit Connection to/from downtown

BUS HUBBike Trail bus/streetcar/auto sc stop plaza: extention of waterfront


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b e n smith PORtFOLiO

sT r u c T u r a l di a g r a m si T e p l a n

Page 5: Smith Portfolio

1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09


ni g h T r e n d e r i n g s h o W i n g b i k e T o W e r a s be a c o n


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b e n smith PORtFOLiO mi d d l e de c k

The convergence of all modes of TransiTs and human acTiviTy occur WiThin The middle deck of The viaducT. here bikers coming off The ferry or WaTerfronT bike paTh can securely sTore Their bikes in The ToWer and geT ready for Work in The locker rooms. oThers WaiTing for The sTreeT car or bus can relax in The cafe or read on The TheaTer sTeps. WaTerfronT users can grab a bikeshare bicycle or sTop To have Their ride repaired in The shop.

Lo c k e r s

re p a i r

sh o p

ca f e

Te r r a c e

Bi k e

To w e r

Page 7: Smith Portfolio

1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09


sT r e e T le v e l To p de c k

Tr o L L e y sT o p

se a T i n g Th e a T e rTr a n s i T pL a z a

Vi e w De c k


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b e n smith PORtFOLiO

WilliamFactory small business incubator

Spring ‘09 : Arch 502 : Prof. Joel Loveland : 29th and E N. St., Tacoma, WA

a Net-Zero Living Laboratory in Collaboration with the Puyallup Tribe

This proposal focuses The primary programmaTic elemenTs along The souTh facade To absorb and uTilize The (infrequenT) sun, While creaTing a venTilaTing aTrium along The norTh side. The aTrium also provides a buffer To The neighboring i-5 freeWay as Well as a common human link across The building. The siTing and sizing of The building alloWs for narroWer fooTprinTs, beTTer cross-venTilaTion and more efficienT energy disTribuTion. cross venTilaTion

lighTing sTudy

WaTer collecTion

Page 9: Smith Portfolio

1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09


Structure:. Steel Moment Frame. Open-Web Joists. Cast-in-Place Radiant Slab. Metal Decking

Facade:. Mesh Sun Screen. Light Shelf. Operable Windows. 14” metal stud wall w/ batt and rigid insulation

lab/ gallery



Entrance atrium

retail retailretail








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b e n smith PORtFOLiO

our Team designed a prefabricaTed sTeel shed sTrucTure To be erecTed all aT once, iniTially providing a large covered Work area While also creaTing a neW courTyard for The arT school. This super-sTrucTure is builT ouT WiTh simple sTick framed boxes and glazing in order To provide efficienT and flexible spaces. Three bays of The building remain covered, buT unbuilT To provide flexible ouTdoor Work and informal gaThering space. overall, The design reflecTs a clear and rhyThmic sTrucTural order, While providing a sTraighT forWard means of enclosing and defining programmaTic space.

3D/4M Arts PavilionModular supershed: an arts and glass blowing expansion

Winter ‘09 : Arch 503 (group) : Prof. Dave Miller : UW Arts Campus

Primary structure. shop fabricated steel w-section

. 6”x 6” tube steel column. steel pin brackets

Roof assembly. structural w-section

. 4”x 8” steel tube perlin. metal corrugated decking

. vapor barrier. rigid insulation

. 3/4” plywood sheathing. metal flashing at fascia

. epdm membrane roof

Exterior wall assembly. 6” cedar ship lap siding. 3/4” plywood sheathing

. 5-1/2” fiberglass batt insulation. vapor barrier

. 3/4” gyp. board

Foundation. H-pile foundation

. hinge plate (weld). steel pin bracket

. structural fill. gravel

. 6” concrete slab. 6” drainage tube

Page 11: Smith Portfolio

1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09



cold shop



hot shop

jun 21shadow range mar 21shadow range dec 21

re n d e r e d i n g f r o m s k e T c h u p

re n d e r e d i n g f r o m m o d e l

re n d e r e d i n g f r o m m o d e l

shadoW analysisph y s i c a l mo d e l

Existing Building


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b e n smith PORtFOLiO

Testaccio e il MattatoioA Co-Housing Facility for New Immigrants

Fall ‘09 : Architecture in Rome 504 : Profs. D. Miller , F. Ching , B. McLaren : Rome

consTrucTed on The siTe of an ancienT roman porT and old horse sTable, This cenTer for neW and displaced immigranTs uTilizes The formal language of The nearby barns To creaTe a spliT long house. The design creaTes boTh a more privaTe inTernal sTreeT and a more public exTernal face, Which can be uTilized by residenTs for sTarTup businesses and by The cenTer for ouTreach Work. The barns are sTeel framed WiTh a sTanding seams roof and siding ThaT is peeled back aT various poinTs along The facade for boTh dynamic lighTing and as a play againsT The rigorous openings of The roman Walls across The sTreeT.

Page 13: Smith Portfolio

1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09

BEN SMITH concepT model


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b e n smith PORtFOLiO

Design | Build

assembly insTrucTions

CollabFAB Studio

72 Hr Design/Build Challenge

Spring ‘10 : Studio 506 : Prof. Rob Corser : Twisp, WA

Spring ‘08 : Group Entry : w/ Tent City & SHARE : Seattle

our Team designed a simple, hinged plyWood and canvas ToileT for use by TenT ciTy residenTs. iT breaks doWn quickly and can be TransporTed by only 2 people. all The maTerials are recycled and can be found easily. in order To diminish The presence of The ToileT, The roof and back fold doWn, providing a discreeT, compacTible and TransporTable sysTem.

Studio & Professional Work

Page 15: Smith Portfolio

1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09


Metal & Wood Work

knockdoWn plyWood bookshelf cbe rolling display Wall

Wood (sapele)and blackened sTeel console Table

Furniture Studio

Turned boWls

Winter ‘10 : Studio 504 : Prof. Kimo Griggs : Wood/Metal Shop, CBE



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b e n smith PORtFOLiO

. palazzo farnese, rome

Page 17: Smith Portfolio

1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09


1619 E. John St., Seattle, WA [email protected]

206 . 552 . 9271 #

Lazio . fall ‘09