SMi Group's Defence Logistics Eastern Europe 2016

2016 The Only Military Logistics Conference Exclusively Focused On The Eastern European Defence Community Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni, Prague, Czech Republic 7th - 8th MARCH EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: • 9 General Officers Confirmed making this the most senior and focused logistics meeting in the region! • Brigadier General Zuna is confirmed as the Host Nation Chairman for this event Military Briefings from The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Norway, EU, Belgium, Canada and NATO • Dedicated focus on logistics training, modernisation programs and operational experience support combat forces • Official Partnership with DSIA - meaning you will be able to meet and partner with local industry Real solutions presented and offered within the Defence Logistics Eastern Europe exhibition The SMi Group Proudly Presents... Register online or fax your registration to +44 (0) 870 9090 712 or call +44 (0) 870 9090 711 SPECIAL RATES AVAILABLE FOR MILITARY AND GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES BOOK BY 30TH NOVEMBER AND SAVE £400 • BOOK BY 18TH DECEMBER AND SAVE £200 • BOOK BY 29TH JANUARY AND SAVE £100 Optimising Logistics and Rapid Response to CBRN Incidents in the Czech Republic Hosted by: Colonel Zoltan Bubenik, Surgeon General/Director of Medical Agency, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic 09.00-12.10 Official Event Partner Sponsored by MAKE SURE YOU REGISTER FOR OUR POST CONFERENCE MASTERCLASS I 9TH MARCH 2016 @SMiGroupDefence #DefenceLogistics HOST NATION KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Brigadier General Jaromir Zuna, Director Support Division, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic Colonel Jan Husak, Director, Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre Colonel Dr. Pavel Foltin, Director of Logistics Department – Faculty of Military Leadership, University of Defence, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic Colonel Zoltan Bubenik, Surgeon General/Director of the Medical Agency, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic Lieutenant Colonel Jiri Kasparek, Training Command, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic Jiri Hynek, President, Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA) REGIONAL EXPERT SPEAKERS: Brigadier General Imre Pogacsas, Head of Logistics Directorate, Hungarian Defence Forces Brigadier General Dariusz Lukowski, Head of J4 Logistics Department, Polish Armed Forces Brigadier Simon Hutchings, Commander 104 Logistics Support Brigade, British Army Brigadier General Ivica Olujic, Chief of J4, Croatian General Staff, Croatian Armed Forces Brigadier General Arild Dregelid, Head of the LOS Programme, Norwegian Armed Forces Brigadier General Diogini Maria Loria, Head of Logistics, EU Military Staff Brigadier General Herman Ruys, Deputy Chief of Staff Support and Enabling, EUROCORPS Commodore Marcel Hallé, ACOS J4, NATO SHAPE Major Bruyere Christophe, Commandant Movement Control Group, Belgian Armed Forces Colonel Sylvain Turbide, Deputy Military Representative of Canada to NATO, Canadian Forces Mr Bruno Cantin, Head of Logistics Defence and Policy Planning Division, NATO Tony O’Neil, Director of Plans and Policy, Movement Coordination Centre

Transcript of SMi Group's Defence Logistics Eastern Europe 2016

2016The Only Military Logistics Conference Exclusively Focused On The Eastern European Defence Community

Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni, Prague, Czech Republic

7th - 8th



• 9GeneralOfficersConfirmedmaking this the most senior and

focused logistics meeting in the region!

• BrigadierGeneralZunaisconfirmedastheHostNationChairman


• Military Briefings from TheCzechRepublic,Hungary,Poland,


• Dedicatedfocusonlogisticstraining,modernisationprograms


• OfficialPartnershipwithDSIA- meaning you will be able to meet

and partner with local industry

• Real solutions presented and offered within the DefenceLogistics





ToBeConfirmedHosted by:GiuseppeCataldi,Chair, JeanMonnetCentreofExcellenceonMigrants’RightsintheMediterranean




Hosted by:ColonelZoltanBubenik,Surgeon General/Director of Medical Agency, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublic




HOSTNATIONKEYNOTESPEAKERS:BrigadierGeneralJaromirZuna,Director Support Division, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublicColonelJanHusak, Director,MultinationalLogisticsCoordinationCentreColonelDr.PavelFoltin,Director of Logistics Department – Faculty of Military Leadership, University of Defence, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublicColonelZoltanBubenik,Surgeon General/Director of the Medical Agency, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublicLieutenantColonelJiriKasparek, Training Command, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublicJiriHynek,President, DefenceandSecurityIndustryAssociationoftheCzechRepublic(DSIA)

REGIONALEXPERTSPEAKERS: BrigadierGeneralImrePogacsas,Head of Logistics Directorate, HungarianDefenceForcesBrigadierGeneralDariuszLukowski,Head of J4 Logistics Department, PolishArmedForcesBrigadierSimonHutchings, Commander 104 Logistics Support Brigade, BritishArmyBrigadierGeneralIvicaOlujic,Chief of J4, Croatian General Staff, CroatianArmedForcesBrigadierGeneralArildDregelid,Head of the LOS Programme, NorwegianArmedForcesBrigadierGeneralDioginiMariaLoria,Head of Logistics, EUMilitaryStaffBrigadierGeneralHermanRuys,Deputy Chief of Staff Support and Enabling, EUROCORPSCommodoreMarcelHallé,ACOS J4, NATOSHAPEMajorBruyereChristophe,Commandant Movement Control Group, BelgianArmedForces

ColonelSylvainTurbide,Deputy Military Representative of Canada to NATO, CanadianForcesMrBrunoCantin,Head of Logistics Defence and Policy Planning Division, NATOTonyO’Neil,Director of Plans and Policy, MovementCoordinationCentre

Defence Logistics Eastern Europe

Dear Colleague,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to participate in Defence Logistics Eastern Europe taking place between the 7th and 8th of March 2016 in Prague.

As nations in Eastern Europe embark on enhancing their military capabilities in line with other NATO member states and increase spending to face very real threats close to their border, the Combat Service Support has become a focus of many armed forces wishing to ensure effective defensive and peacekeeping operations, domestically as well as internationally.

There is therefore a need for a high level meeting that brings together senior military leadership, project decision makers and subject matter experts alongside contractors and cutting edge industry solution providers to collaborate on future endeavours that will enhance the security and stability of Eastern Europe and its neighbouring countries.

I believe Defence Logistics Eastern Europe is the perfect environment for this collaboration, hence lending my support behind it as chairman.

I would ask you to pay particular attention to our conference agenda which has been put together with great care to give you the very best opportunity to benchmark and learn from subject matter experts relating to the enhanced logistics capability.

Only through learning and networking with our peers can we enhance and improve our ideas and execution of military projects, I urge you to join us in March 2016 with many other likeminded individuals to ensure you too can benefit from this unique forum.

Yours Sincerely,

BrigadierGeneralJaromirZuna,Director Support Division, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublic

CBRN threats are constant and nations need to be prepared to prevent and respond to potential incidents involving weapons of mass destruction or dirty bombs. Medical units are at the forefront of reducing risks to health including decontamination and countermeasures. An army’s logistics structure enables the correct Countermeasures to be delivered to frontline forces and medical and support units.

Therefore, there is a need for better collaboration and support to medical units dealing with CRBN threats as well as regular front line units who may come across them. This ensures that all those involved with a CBRN incident are able to respond rapidly and effectively to any developing situation.

If you are interested in learning how the Czech Armed Forces train and prepare for any eventuality or you wish to discover how you can help provide a solution enabling the delivery and use of CBRN Countermeasures then this workshop will show how the Czech Armed Forces are developing their forces to meet even the most extreme of threats and how industry can support them through the acquisition, lifecycle management, supply chain and for CBRN services.

TOPICSCOVEREDWILLINCLUDE:09.00 Registration09.30 Openingremarksandintroductions09.40 OverviewofCBRNThreatstotheCzechRepublicinthe21stCentury

• What threats do we face?• The logistics behind our CBRN capabilities – supplying CBRN equipment to the right place at

the right time• How businesses can provide an enhancement to our countermeasures

10.10 NewtechnologiesbeingexploredtoenhanceCBRNdetection• Nano-technology• Drones• Advanced detection methods• Developing, purchasing and acquiring these technologies

10.40 CoffeeBreak11.10 MedicalResponsestoCBRNIncidents

• Decontamination efforts• Containment, Patient Care and Force Health Protection (FHP)• Medical supply and cold chain transportation of CBRN medicine• Disposal of contaminated items

11.40 CurrentandPredictedFutureRequirementsforanEnhancedCounter -CBRNCapabilityintheCzechRepublic

• What threats and who will use them? • What kind of technologies are the Czech Armed Forces looking to use?• Preparing the logistics behind this enhanced capability

12.10 EndofMasterclass

BrigadierGeneralJaromirZuna, Director Support Division, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublic

BrigadierGeneralImrePogacsas,Head of Logistics Directorate, HungarianDefenceForces

BrigadierGeneralDariuszLukowski,Head of J4 Logistics Department, PolishArmedForces

BrigadierSimonHutchings, Commander 104 Logistics Support Brigade, BritishArmy

BrigadierGeneralIvicaOlujic,Chief of J4, Croatian General Staff, CroatianArmedForces

BrigadierGeneralArildDregelid,Head of the LOS Programme, NorwegianArmedForces

BrigadierGeneralDioginiMariaLoria,Head of Logistics, EUMilitaryStaff

BrigadierGeneralHermanRuys,Deputy Chief of Staff Support and Enabling, EUROCORPS

CommodoreMarcelHallé,ACOS J4, NATOSHAPE

ColonelJanHusak, Director,MultinationalLogisticsCoordinationCentre

ColonelDr.PavelFoltin,Director of Logistics Department – Faculty of Military Leadership, University of Defence, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublic

ColonelZoltanBubenik,Surgeon General/Director of the Medical Agency, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublic

ColonelSylvainTurbide,Deputy Military Representative of Canada to NATO, CanadianForces

LieutenantColonelJiriKasparek, Training Command, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublic

MajorBruyereChristophe,Commandant Movement Control Group, BelgianArmedForces

JiriHynek,President, DefenceandSecurityIndustryAssociationoftheCzechRepublic(DSIA)

MrBrunoCantin,Head of Logistics Defence and Policy Planning Division, NATO

TonyO’Neil,Director of Plans and Policy, MovementCoordinationCentre


“The speakers are carefully chosen representatives of participating countries and it is pleasure to be a member of such a distinguished group.”

BrigadierGeneralJaromirZuna, Director Support Division, ArmedForcesoftheCzechRepublic



Defence Logistics Eastern Europe DayOne7thMarch2016


8.00 ConferenceRegistrationandInformalIntroduction

8.45 Chairman’sOpeningAddress

BrigadierGeneralJaromirZuna,Director Support Division,


9.00 TheCzechApproachtoDefenceLogistics

• The Czech Armed Forces capability to support multi-branch joint

operations and exercises

• The value of strategic logistics planning during peace and war

• Modernising the logistics structure for 2020 and beyond

BrigadierGeneralJaromirZuna,Director Support Division,


9.30 ModernTransportationfortheHungarianArmy

• Improving the transportation system to meet modern standards

• Making safe the transportation of Hazardous Materials

• Maximising logistics efforts through an effective training system

• Developing an independent airlift capability to support Hungarian

troops abroad

BrigadierGeneralImrePogacsas,Director General Armaments,


10.00 MeetingLogisticalRequirementsinanEverModernisingMilitary

• Discussing the need for greater infrastructure to meet NATO


• Challenges of modernising supplies and spare parts for the armed

forces with an ever smaller budget

• Securing, preserving and maintaining ammunition

• Exploring the Polish capability for rapid deployment abroad and

what logistical needs that requires

BrigadierGeneralDariuszLukowski, Head of J4, PolishArmedForces

10.30 MorningCoffeeandNetworkingintheExhibitionArea

11.00 TheatreLevelLogistics:MaximisingLong-TermOperationsForTheFront


• An overview of the role and aim of 104 Brigade

• Part-time Soldiers with Specialist Capabilities: How reservists not only

fill gaps but provide essential services to British Operations and its

cost efficiency

• How logistics planning is crucial for sustaining long-term operations


BrigadierSimonHutchings, Commander 104 Logistics Support Brigade,


11.30 LogisticsTrainingfortheCzechArmedForces

• Outlining current training for Czech military logisticians

• How Militaries within the region can improve sustainment capability

through shared training methods

• How military logistics training will continue to improve and modernise

as the Czech Armed Forces changes and adapts

LieutenantColonelJiriKasparek,Officer, Training Command,


12.00 SessionReservedforEventSponsor


12.30 NewTechnologiesandApproachesinthePreparationof


BrigadierGeneralJaromirZuna,Director Support Division,Armed


LieutenantColonelJiriKasparek, Officer, Training Command,


BrigadierGeneralDariuszLukowski,Head of J4,PolishArmedForces

BrigadierSimonHutchings, Commander 104 Logistics Support Brigade,


13.00 NetworkingLunch

14.00 TheMovementCoordinationCentreEurope’sApproachtoMaterial


• Exploring the role of the MCCE and what it can provide to member


• A European Organisation with an International reach: How the

MCCE works with NATO, EU and UN

• Exploring the need for better communication, coordination and

capacity sharing

TonyO’neil,Director and Projects and Planning,


14.30 SessionReservedForEventSponsor

15.00 PlanningandexecutionforEffectiveCollectiveLogisticssupport


• Outlining the role of NATO in the strategic planning and

management of the logistics operational chain for forces deployed

around the world

• Enhancing multination combat service support capability to NATO


• Strengthening Logistics Command and Control for NATO


BrunoCantin, Head of Logistics Defense and Policy Division,


CommodoreMarcelHallé,ACOS J4, NATOSHAPE

15.30 AfternoonTeaandNetworkingintheExhibitionArea

16.00 MaximisingLogisticsCoordinationEffortsthroughEffectiveMilitary


How leadership maximises logistics operations in today’s military


• Discussing Czech officer training and its positive impact on

Sustainment coordination and control systems

• Exploring how future Officer training techniques can help the Czech

Armed Forces better coordinate

ColonelPavelFoltin, Head of Logistics Department - Faculty of Military

Leadership, UniversityofDefence,CzechRepublic

16.30 TheBelgianExperienceinMovementControl

• The Systems and structures used to monitor and control the

movement of troops and supplies on operation

• Recent operational experience for the Movement Control Group


• Future requirements for effective supply control mission during

peace and war

MajorChristopheBruyere, Commandant of the Movement Control

Group, BelgianArmy

17.00 EndofDefenceLogisticsEasternEuropeDayOne

Defence Logistics Eastern Europe DayTwo8thMarch2016

8.00 RegistrationandInformalIntroductions

8.45 Chairman’sOpeningAddress

BrigadierGeneralJaromirZuna,Director Support Division,Armed


9.00 TheCroatianApproachtoMilitaryLogistics

• Current Croatian Logistics capabilities

• Procurement of equipment to improve the efficiency and capacity

of the logistics system

• How the Croatian Army logistics units are integrating into NATO and

EU formations

BrigadierGeneralIvicaOlujic,Chief of J4, Croatian General Staff,


9.30 HowtheLOSProgrammeWillDevelopandEnhancetheLogistics


• Outlining the role and goals of the LOS Programme

• Improving information management sharing in the logistic cycle

• Future plans to develop Norwegian logistics capabilities

BrigadierGeneralArildDregelid,Commander LOS Programme,


10.00 FrontLineMedicalSupporttoCzechCombatUnits

• Describing the Czech approach to front line medical care

• Medical support in recent deployments abroad

• How the Czech Armed Forces are looking to improve up their

medical system

• How medical operations are sustained through logistical support

ColonelZoltanBubenik, Director of the Military Medical Agency,


10.30 MorningCoffeeandNetworkingintheExhibitionArea

11.00 TheCzechRepublic’sCollaborativeApproachToDefenceIndustry


• Outlining The Czech Armed Forces Process For Selecting Industry


• Advice on how to approach the MOD and put forward technical

information and capability suggestions

• How to optimise your bid, what processes and details should you

be aware of

JiriHynek,President, DefenceandSecurityIndustryAssociationofthe


11.30 SessionReservedforEventSponsor

12.00 NetworkingLunch

13.00 HowtheVisegradGroupCanMaximiseLogisticsCapabilitySharing

• Logistics Capability of the V4 Battlegroup

• Joint infrastructure and planning for exercises and conflicts0

• Resource sharing and force structure integration in a time of strict


• Future of joint Logistics in the V4

BrigadierGeneralImrePogacsas, Director General Armaments,


BrigadierGeneralDariuszLukowski,Head of J4, PolishArmedForces

BrigadierGeneralJaromirZuna,Director Support Division,Armed


13.30 SupportingandSustainingPetersbergTasksfortheEUandNATOas


• The basic logistics requirements for a Rapid Deployable Corps


• Recent experiences supporting Eurocorps in missions around the


• How other nations contribute to the readiness and the ability to

sustain combat operations of Eurocorps

• Future contributions: welcoming new members to enhance

cooperation and maximising capability

BrigadierGeneralHermanRuys,Deputy Chief of Staff Support and

Enabling, Eurocorps

14.00 ReservedforEventSponsor

14.30 AfternoonTeaandNetworkingintheExhibitionArea

15.00 SessionReservedFor:TheMultinationalLogisticsCoordinationCentre


• MLCC as the leader for Education and Training for the NATO


• How training exercises can maximise the management of the

logistics train in joint operating theatres

• The future of the MLCC as an independent logistics management

centre for member states


3.30 HowtheEUisContributingtotheSustainmentofMilitaryOperations


• Case study: strategic logistics planning for Operation Atlanta

• Reducing operational risk through efficient logistics management

amongst EU members

• How contractor support can be a benefit to multinational


• The need for a greener, efficient logistics footprint

BrigadierGeneralDionigiMariaLoria, Director of Logistics, Logistics

Directorate, EEAS,Belgium

16.00 TheCanadianApproachtoDefenceLogistics

• Current logistics capabilities of the Canadian Armed Forces

• Logistical support to the country’s international mission in


• Future plans to develop logistics capability

ColonelSylvainTurbide,Deputy Military Representative of Canada to

NATO, CanadianForces

16.30 EndofDefenceLogisticsEasternEuropeDayTwo

Defence Logistics Eastern Europe


The participants of DefenceLogisticsEasternEuropewill cover all aspects of the logistics cycle. The speakers and invited participants will be carefully selected to bring together those with active requirements for an enhanced logistics capability and will ensure that as well as military leaders, the OEMS and prime contractors participate. We will also make sure that the very latest technology innovators will be present to share their ground breaking equipment with a captive audience all looking to advance their combat service support programmes.

The audience will include, but not be limited to:• Third Party Logistics Providers • Fuel Service Providers • Field Logistics Commanders • Movement Control Experts • Supply Chain Managers • Life Cycle Management Experts • Procurement Specialists • Heavy Air and Sealift Providers


1.Educate the market on your company’s capability and make the

business case for how they can solve your potential customers

challenges and requirements

2. Build your brand so your solutions are front of mind when your

prospects are putting potential solution providers on their short list

3. Meet and network with active buyers while there is still a chance to

influence their purchase decision

4. Generate new leads through meeting new prospects from a variety

of new countries and programmes

5.Learn how to do business in Eastern Europe from procurement and

high level military decision makers


Shouldyouwishtojointheincreasingnumberofcompaniesbenefitingfrompromotingtheirbusinessatourconferencespleasecall:JustinPredescu,SponsorshipSalesManager,on+44(0)[email protected]


association/publicationcangainaccesstoaglobalmarketandkeydecisionmakersinthedefencemarket.ContactSonalPatelon+44(0)[email protected]



Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA) associates Czech companies engaged in research, development, production, trade and marketing of the military and security equipment, material and services. DSIA promotes business and commercial interests of its members in a dialogue with the Parliament, ministries, other government authorities. It became an important partner and participant in the legislative processes. DSIA is a primary contact point for similar foreign institutions. It helps foreign firms to find suitable partners and vice-versa it helps the Czech firms to contact appropriate companies abroad. DSIA supports pro-export efforts of its member companies and helps them to look for new markets. It also participates in shaping of the national pro-export policy and supports export interests of the DSIA members towards the state administration.


HIAB is the world’s leading provider of on-road load handling equipment. Our product range includes HIAB loader cranes, MULTILIFT demountables, MOFFETT truck mounted forklifts, JONSERED recycling and forestry cranes and LOGLIFT forestry cranes. HIAB products maximise the functionality of every military vehicle within the logistic fleet, offering savings in cost, time and manpower. Support is available in most parts of the world throughout a product’s full service-life. From the earlystages of design, whole life costs are considered, to ensure Hiab customers receive a life-long cost-effective solution”.





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Substitutions/NameChanges:If you are unable to attend you may nominate, in writing, another delegate to take your place at any time prior to the start of the event. Two or more delegates may not ‘share’ a place at an event. Please make separate bookings for each delegate.

Cancellation: If you wish to cancel your attendance at an event and you are unable to send a substitute, then we will refund/credit 50% of the due fee less a £50 administration charge, providing that cancellation is made in writing and received at least 28 days prior to the start of the event. Regretfully cancellation after this time cannot be accepted. We will however provide the conferences documentation via the Document Portal to any delegate who has paid but is unable to attend for any reason. Due to the interactive nature of the Briefings we are not normally able to provide documentation in these circumstances. We cannot accept cancellations of orders placed for Documentation or the Document Portal as these are reproduced specifically to order. If we have to cancel the event for any reason, then we will make a full refund immediately, but disclaim any further liability.

Alterations:It may become necessary for us to make alterations to the content, speakers, timing, venue or date of the event compared to the advertised programme.

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Payment must be made to SMiGroupLtd,and received before the event, by one of the following methods quotingreferenceD-092andthedelegate’sname.Bookingsmadewithin7daysoftheeventrequirepaymentonbooking,methodsofpaymentarebelow.Pleaseindicatemethodofpayment:□ UKBACS Sort Code 300009, Account 00936418□ WireTransfer Lloyds TSB Bank plc, 39 Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AU Swift (BIC): LOYDGB21013, Account 00936418 IBAN GB48LOYD30000900936418□ Cheque We can only accept Sterling cheques drawn on a UK bank.□ CreditCard □ Visa □ MasterCard □ American Express All credit card payments will be subject to standard credit card charges.

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DOCUMENTATIONIcannotattendbutwouldliketoPurchaseaccesstothefollowingDocumentPortal/PaperCopydocumentation. Price Total

□ Access to the conference documentation on the Document Portal £499.00 +VAT £598.80

□ The Conference Presentations – paper copy £499.00 - £499.00 (or only £300 if ordered with the Document Portal)


□ Bookby30thNovembertoreceive£400offtheconferenceprice□ Bookby18thDecembertoreceive£200offtheconferenceprice□ Bookby29thJanuarytoreceive£100offtheconferenceprice


VATVAT at 21% is charged on the attendance fees for all delegates, except taxable persons established in the Czech Republic – Reverse Charge – Article 194.


Iwouldliketoattend:(Pleasetickasappropriate) Fee TOTAL


□ Conference & Masterclass £1498.00 +VAT £1812.58

□ Conference only £899.00 +VAT £1087.79

□ Masterclass only £599.00 +VAT £724.79


□ Conference & Masterclass £2098.00 +VAT £2538.58

□ Conference only £1499.00 +VAT £1813.79

□ Masterclass only £599.00 +VAT £724.79


□ Distribution of your company’s promotional

literature to all conference attendees £999.00 +VAT £1198.80

The conference fee includes refreshments, lunch, conference papers, and access to

the Document Portal. Presentations that are available for download will be subject

to distribution rights by speakers. Please note that some presentations may not be

available for download. Access information for the document portal will be sent to

the e-mail address provided during registration. Details are sent within 24 hours post


VENUE DorintHotelDonGiovanni,Prague,CzechRepublic

□ PleasecontactmetobookmyhotelAlternativelycalluson+44(0)8709090711,email:[email protected]+44(0)8709090712