Smarter measure updates


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SmarterMeasure Updates

Page 2: Smarter measure updates

Taking SmarterMeasure

Students encouraged to take at time of placement testing, at SOAR and Group Advising, and in advising conversations.

Test is available online – directions can be found on college’s website (Distance Learning, Testing Center, and Ripple Effect) as well as in Testing Centers, Libraries and Academic Computing Centers.

DL faculty provided information about using SmarterMeasure results as initial assignment.

SDV 100 students encouraged to complete as extra credit assignment.

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Training of Advising Staff and Faculty

Faculty PDO Day, provided training to faculty on interpreting results with students.

Student Affairs Adviser Training Day, trained staff on doing an initial interpretation of results (parts of testing, how to read SIS screens, what results mean).

Will provide additional training this fall for faculty and Student Affairs advising staff regarding more in-depth advising with students.

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Upload Process

IT Department has been very supportive of uploading SmarterMeasure results into SIS to make results available to advisers (faculty and advising staff).

Process automated in July and the Testing Centers assumed responsibility of uploading SmarterMeasure scores into SIS.

Staff in Success Centers and Counseling staff at Group/SOAR performed limited interpretation of results this summer.

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SIS View

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Interpreting Results

High “H” Medium “M” Low “L”

Learning Styles Percent

66 and above 65-31 30 and below

Personal Attributes

86 and above 85-71 70 and below

Reading Percent 66 and above 65-31 30 and below

TechnicalCompetency Percent

91 and above 90-81 80 and below

Life Factors 86 and above 85-71 70 and below

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Changes to SmarterMeasure

Addition of Life Factors section.

Adjustment to the format and number of questions for Learning Styles Inventory.