Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic...

Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless Sensor Networks MARIO COLLOTTA, TULLIO GIUFFR ´ E, GIOVANNI PAU, GIANFRANCO SCAT ` A Kore University of Enna Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Cittadella Universitaria, 94100 Enna ITALY {mario.collotta, tullio.giuffre, giovanni.pau, gianfranco.scata} Abstract: In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have been increasingly involved in Intelligent Trans- portation System (ITS) optimization, especially in dynamic management of signalized intersections. This paper discusses the state of art and shows an IEEE 802.15.4 network architecture to monitor vehicular traffic flows near to a traffic light. The architecture is characterized by an innovative algorithm in order to determine green times and phase sequence of traffic lights, based on measured values of traffic flows. The main aim of this work is to reduce the average waiting time. To confirm the validity of the proposed approach, some case studies have been considered and several simulations have been performed. Key–Words: Wireless Sensor Networks, Traffic Lights, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Real-Time Systems 1 Introduction The main aim of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is to use Information and Communication Tech- nologies (ICT) in order to design transportation prod- ucts, services and systems based on advanced tech- nologies. Many ICT/ITS researchers studied, anal- ysed and developed several network architectures [1], communication protocols and algorithms [2] suitable for ITS applications. In recent years, the researchers focused on the possibility to incorporate Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in ITS applications [3] in or- der to replace wired networks or integrate them in var- ious scenarios. In literature, several works discuss advantages provided by wireless technologies, like reduced in- stallation costs, flexibility and the possibility to easily realize temporary deployments (e.g., for monitoring purposes), etc.. Also, they offer greater installation flexibility and lower maintenance costs than conven- tional inductive loop systems, video and radar detec- tors [4] [5] [6]. Moreover, sensor nodes are not in- vasive, provide mechanisms to minimize power con- sumption [7] [8] and can be placed everywhere. These features allow to collect information about vehicles travelling on roads. In fact, the increasing of road con- gestions in urban areas, suggests the use of a solution based on WSNs, for traffic flows monitoring. In this paper, a novel network architecture for dy- namic management of signalized intersections is pro- posed. This paper shows performances of the imple- mented algorithm compared with a classical solution, i.e. static. The paper is organized as follows. Sec- tion 2 shows main related works in order to determine the current state of art. Section 3 introduces the pro- posed system model while the novel algorithm for the dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the proposed approach. Finally, Section 6 summa- rizes the paper reporting conclusions. 2 Previous Works WSNs have been exhaustively studied and used in several fields, like health [9], agriculture [10] and home automation [11] to mention some. Doubtless, one of the main application fields of this technology is road monitoring. In literature, signalized intersec- tions management presents different approaches. All of them propose to reduce waiting times and queue lengths. 2.1 SCATS and SCOOT traffic control sys- tems With the availability of inexpensive microprocessors, several real-time adaptive traffic control systems were developed in the late 70’s and early 80’s to address this problem. These systems can respond to changes on traffic demand by performing local optimizations. The most notable of these are SCATS [12] [13] [14] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS Mario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata E-ISSN: 2224-2864 648 Volume 13, 2014

Transcript of Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic...

Page 1: Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the

Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless SensorNetworks


Faculty of Engineering and ArchitectureCittadella Universitaria, 94100 Enna

ITALY{mario.collotta, tullio.giuffre, giovanni.pau, gianfranco.scata}

Abstract: In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have been increasingly involved in Intelligent Trans-portation System (ITS) optimization, especially in dynamic management of signalized intersections. This paperdiscusses the state of art and shows an IEEE 802.15.4 network architecture to monitor vehicular traffic flows nearto a traffic light. The architecture is characterized by an innovative algorithm in order to determine green timesand phase sequence of traffic lights, based on measured values of traffic flows. The main aim of this work is toreduce the average waiting time. To confirm the validity of the proposed approach, some case studies have beenconsidered and several simulations have been performed.

Key–Words: Wireless Sensor Networks, Traffic Lights, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Real-Time Systems

1 IntroductionThe main aim of Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) is to use Information and Communication Tech-nologies (ICT) in order to design transportation prod-ucts, services and systems based on advanced tech-nologies. Many ICT/ITS researchers studied, anal-ysed and developed several network architectures [1],communication protocols and algorithms [2] suitablefor ITS applications. In recent years, the researchersfocused on the possibility to incorporate WirelessSensor Network (WSN) in ITS applications [3] in or-der to replace wired networks or integrate them in var-ious scenarios.

In literature, several works discuss advantagesprovided by wireless technologies, like reduced in-stallation costs, flexibility and the possibility to easilyrealize temporary deployments (e.g., for monitoringpurposes), etc.. Also, they offer greater installationflexibility and lower maintenance costs than conven-tional inductive loop systems, video and radar detec-tors [4] [5] [6]. Moreover, sensor nodes are not in-vasive, provide mechanisms to minimize power con-sumption [7] [8] and can be placed everywhere. Thesefeatures allow to collect information about vehiclestravelling on roads. In fact, the increasing of road con-gestions in urban areas, suggests the use of a solutionbased on WSNs, for traffic flows monitoring.

In this paper, a novel network architecture for dy-namic management of signalized intersections is pro-posed. This paper shows performances of the imple-

mented algorithm compared with a classical solution,i.e. static. The paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion 2 shows main related works in order to determinethe current state of art. Section 3 introduces the pro-posed system model while the novel algorithm for thedynamic management of traffic lights is presented inSection 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtainedby the proposed approach. Finally, Section 6 summa-rizes the paper reporting conclusions.

2 Previous WorksWSNs have been exhaustively studied and used inseveral fields, like health [9], agriculture [10] andhome automation [11] to mention some. Doubtless,one of the main application fields of this technologyis road monitoring. In literature, signalized intersec-tions management presents different approaches. Allof them propose to reduce waiting times and queuelengths.

2.1 SCATS and SCOOT traffic control sys-tems

With the availability of inexpensive microprocessors,several real-time adaptive traffic control systems weredeveloped in the late 70’s and early 80’s to addressthis problem. These systems can respond to changeson traffic demand by performing local optimizations.The most notable of these are SCATS [12] [13] [14]

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONSMario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata

E-ISSN: 2224-2864 648 Volume 13, 2014

Page 2: Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the

[15] and SCOOT systems [13] [16] which aim is tooptimize the signals’ cycle time, phase split, and off-set. The cycle time is the duration for completing allphases of a signal; the phase split is the division of thecycle time into periods of green signal for competingapproaches; the offset is the time relationship betweenthe start of each phase among adjacent intersections.

A SCATS system organizes groups of intersec-tions into subsystems. Each subsystem contains onlyone critical intersection whose timing parameters areadjusted directly by a regional computer based on theaverage prevailing traffic condition for the area. Allother intersections in the subsystem are always coor-dinated with the critical intersection, sharing a com-mon cycle time and coordinated phase split and offset.At lower level, each intersection can independently re-duce or leave out a particular phase based on localtraffic demand; however, time saved must be addedto the subsequent phase to maintain a common cycletime among all intersections. The basic traffic dataused by SCATS is the ”saturation level”, defined asthe ratio between real used green time and total avail-able green time. The cycle time for a critical inter-section is adjusted in order to maintain a high satura-tion level for the lane with the greatest saturation level.The phase split for a critical intersection is adjusted inorder to maintain equal saturation levels on compet-ing approaches. Offsets among intersections of a sub-system are selected to minimize stops in the directionof dominant traffic flow. SCATS does not explicitlyoptimize any specific performance measure, such asaverage delay or stops.

SCOOT uses real-time traffic data to obtain trafficflow models, called ”cyclic flow profiles”. They arethen used to estimate how many vehicles will arrive ata downstream signal when the signal is red. This es-timate provides predictions of queue size for differenthypothetical changes in the signal timing parameters.SCOOTs objective is to minimize the sum of the av-erage queues in an area. A few seconds before everyphase change, SCOOT uses the flow model to deter-mine whether it is better to delay or advance the timeof the phase change by a few seconds, or leave it un-altered. Once a cycle, a similar question is asked todetermine whether the offset should be advanced ordelayed by few seconds. Once every few minutes, thecycle time is similarly incremented or decremented byfew seconds. Thus, SCOOT changes timing parame-ters in order to optimize an explicit performance ob-jective.

2.2 WSNs for traffic control applicationsIn literature, the management of signalized intersec-tions through the use of WSNs has been presented

in several works. The capacity analysis of signal-ized intersections is presented in [17]. More in de-tail, the authors propose an approach for calculat-ing the traffic capacity of straight-through lanes inmixed traffic circumstance. The approach proposedin [18] shows a technique for vehicles detection us-ing magneto-resistive sensors. An algorithm identifiesvehicles through the analysis of signals received fromsensors. Less attention is paid to roadsides or junc-tions management; in fact, simulations are performedon a simple phase plan (only 2 phases). Moreover, in[18] it is not analysed the possibility to dynamicallymanage the phase order based on the real time trafficdetected.

A fuzzy logic algorithm, used to determine thegreen time extension of traffic lights, is shown in [19].In other words, the minimum green time can be ex-tended based on the current traffic volume. Moreover,the phase sequence are determined by queue lengthonly. Then, the algorithm does not consider the limitcases. A large difference in length among differentqueues, leads the algorithm to neglect waiting vehi-cles in shorter queues. Another fuzzy logic controller,for a flexible Quality of Service (QoS) management,is presented in [20]. The authors show an innovativeWSN architecture and a novel algorithm that dynami-cally enables/disables some video-cameras accordingto the real need to monitor a given area. The algorithmis based on measured traffic volume values throughthrough the WSN.

In [21], the authors want to optimize the evacu-ation routes in traffic lights junctions. An algorithmthat considers the delaying time at junctions and thecapacity of intersections is presented. This algorithmis aimed to find the optimal evacuation routes and thereasonable starting time of evacuation in an urban traf-fic network controlled by traffic lights. A novel ap-proach to road-traffic control for interconnected junc-tions is presented in [22]. The proposed approachinvolves the use of a local fuzzy logic controller in-stalled at each junction that derive the green time foreach phase in a traffic-light cycle through a dynamic-programming technique. The performance of the pro-posed approach has been evaluated under several traf-fic conditions and the results are really promising.

In [23] a real time model that, able to simu-late several traffic situations in an urban environment,is presented. Moreover, the authors propose a traf-fic light regulation system. The simulations resultsshow that it is possible to simulate a great numberof vehicles in a large control zone. In [24], the au-thors propose an algorithm that considers several val-ues about traffic flow for green times calculation andphase sequence determination for each traffic light cy-cle. However, the solution proposed in [24] com-

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONSMario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata

E-ISSN: 2224-2864 649 Volume 13, 2014

Page 3: Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the


Wired Backbone







FFD Node

RFD Node


d Sensor node antenna range

Wireless Link

Wired Link

IEEE 802.15.4 Cluster


Figure 1: Network architecture

pletely replaces the concept of traffic light phase witha system of predetermined traffic light configurationsfor a system of compatible traffic flows. It is an al-ternative to the traditional road intersections manage-ment system; its real implementation needs long test-ing periods to evaluate its effective functioning.

The validity of traffic flows monitoring ap-proaches using wireless sensor networks has beendemonstrated in [25]. Anyway the approach shownis mainly focused on phase sequence estimation with-out green times re-calculation. Finally, the use of in-vasive methods [26] should be avoided. In fact, it re-quires hardware installation on each vehicle. Rather,it is conceivable to apply this system [26] to emer-gency vehicles, in order to provide higher priority thanregular vehicles. Considering that sensor nodes arebattery-powered, the authors of [27] and [28] proposea self-powered WSN in order to manage traffic lights.The sensor nodes of the network are powered througha piezoelectric that recharge the batteries due to vibra-tions generated by the vehicles crossing a traffic lightjunction.

This paper advances the state of art because in-troduces a network architecture to make an appropri-ate vehicular traffic flow monitoring. Moreover, a dy-namic algorithm for the management of traffic lights,

considering more complex junctions than those al-ready studied in the literature, will be shown.

3 Intelligent System Model ProposedThe proposed architecture is a hierarchical networkcharacterized by two layers: one layer is representedby a wireless sensor network based on the IEEE802.15.4 protocol [29] while the other one consistsof a wired backbone. The IEEE 802.15.4 protocol,in beacon-enabled mode, makes possible an a pri-ori scheduled communication using Guaranteed TimeSlot (GTS). The use of GTS allows to have a commu-nication as deterministic as possible. Moreover, sev-eral works in literature dealing with this issue wereassessed. In [30] the authors analysed the perfor-mances of the GTS allocation mechanism in termsof delay and throughput. The limit values that GTSmust ensure are evaluated analytically. The obtainedresults show that for WSN applications, typically withlow arrival rates and low burst size, it is convenientto use low superframe orders to provide low delaybounds. Moreover, as analysed in [31], a priority-based CSMA/CA mechanism is necessary in orderto support a deadline-aware scheduling in monitoringapplications. The GTS mechanism is also analysed in

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONSMario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata

E-ISSN: 2224-2864 650 Volume 13, 2014

Page 4: Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the

Figure 2: Examined intersection

[32] on a star WSN. To better understand, it is possi-ble to have no more than 7 devices requiring GTS atthe same time. Otherwise, real-time constraints willnot be respected. The protocol is not very suitable fora sensor network with hard real-time constraints [33],but it is well suited to the ITS scenario here consid-ered, because clusters do not have many nodes andtime constraints of the application are soft.

The WSN architecture here proposed is based onthe GTS mechanism. The designed two-tiered archi-tecture is valid for a generic intersection. In Figure 1we refer to a complete scenario while Figure 2 showsan isolated intersection with four approaches (North,South, East and West) with three lanes for each ap-proach. Therefore, each direction has an exclusivelane. The North-South approaches form the main-street while the East-West approaches form the cross-street. For each intersection approach, several RFD(Reduced Function Device) sensor nodes, organizedin clusters and coordinated by special FFD (Full Func-tion Device) nodes, are used. In each approach, thewhole network is coordinated by a sink node that col-lects and processes all data concerning vehicles. Allsink nodes are connected through a wired backbone toa central controller.

3.1 Network Sensor NodesEach cluster consists of a FFD node and several RFDnodes. The FFD node is an 802.15.4 cluster coordi-nator and it also takes care of routing among clus-ters. The communication among nodes of the samesubnetwork is realized using GTS. Periodically, theFFD node sends a data request to its RFD nodes; these

nodes reply to the request by sending collected data.Each RFD node is able to detect vehicles in transit.Thanks to the use of beacons, nodes may enter in sleepmode and save energy during inactivity periods, whilewaiting for next beacon.

3.2 Network SinkEach approach is provided with a sink node, whichperforms several tasks described below. The Schedul-ing module manages networks real-time traffic usingthe IEEE 802.15.4 protocol [29]. The latter, thanksto the GTS mechanism, allows bandwidth reserva-tion and avoids collisions using a real-time algorithm(e.g. Earliest Deadline First [34]). The Error Han-dling module controls transmission errors. It worksin cooperation with the Scheduling module, commu-nicating the presence of errors, and it adapts the datasscheduling to ensure continuous flow of traffic. TheResources Monitoring module manages and sharesthe availability of resources, e.g. by periodically as-sessing the channels quality. The Actuator Interfacemodule manages communication with the actuator, bysending commands for the timing of lighting and shut-down of the traffic lights optical units. At periodic in-tervals, the sink node receives data from sensors andsends them via the wired backbone to the controller.

3.3 Network ControllerThe sink nodes send various data flow to the con-troller. The controller is characterized by several mod-ules in order to realize the frequency management, thedata collection, the data processing, the user interfaceand the traffic lights control. The Frequency Manage-ment module assigns a different radio channel to eachnetwork, in order to prevent co-channel interferencesin radio communications. It operates during nodes ini-tialization, by communicating with sink nodes whichchannel should be used for transmission. The DataCollection module receives and organizes data sent bysink nodes, classifying them by date, approach and ve-hicular flow. Data traffic is stored into a database, toallow future referencing for all measurements. TheProcessing module reads data organized by Data Col-lection module.

The algorithm processes these data in order to de-termine the phase sequence and the green time of eachphase. Parameters like length of the queue for variouslanes and the number of vehicles in transit are usedby the algorithm. The Traffic Lights Control mod-ule uses the results produced by the algorithm in or-der to manage the sequence and the duration of trafficlight phases, by sending commands to the sink. Thesedata are then forwarded to the actuator. Finally, the

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONSMario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata

E-ISSN: 2224-2864 651 Volume 13, 2014

Page 5: Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the

Figure 3: Green times calculation flowchart

User Interface module allows to view historical databy querying the database.

4 Dynamic Management AlgorithmDescription

The Dynamic traffic light management allows run-time and real-time regulation of phase sequence andgreen times duration, based on data gathered by aWSN deployed on the road. The dynamic manage-ment algorithm, here developed, is divided into twosteps. In the first step the phase sequence is deter-mined. In fact, the algorithm, based on the queuelength for each flow (input variable), assigns a prior-ity to each phase equal to the maximum queue lengthof that phase. Finally, it determines the phase se-quence by sorting them in descending order priority.The second step realizes the green times calculation.The algorithm, for each flow, processes the numberof vehicles passed during the previous traffic light cy-

cle and uses this value to determine the current trafficvolume (Q RT). This value is used to recalculate thegreen time duration of the next cycle based on trafficdetected. Figure 3 shows in detail green times calcula-tion flowchart. The flow ratio γ for a generic flow i isdefined as the ratio between the actual or expected in-coming stream Q (or volume) and the saturation flowrate FS:

γi =Qi


Data coming from WSN is used to recalculate the in-coming stream at every traffic light cycle. For eachlane, the number of vehicles passed in each cycle iscounted. This data is converted in vehicles/h and sub-sequently used to recalculate the flow ratio for eachtraffic flow. For each phase, the critical lane (the onewith a higher flow ratio) is established. The phasewith the highest flow ratio is found; to this j-phase weassign a saturation flow ratio equal to 1, giving rests tothe remaining phases in proportion to their flow ratios[35]:

V Ej

C= γi (2)

where V Ej is the effective green time for the j-phaseand C is the traffic light cycle duration. Once V Ej

is obtained, it is possible to calculate the j-phases Vgreen time using the following formula:

Vj = V Ej + P −G (3)

where P indicates lost time due to start-up and per-mission times and G indicates the yellow time. Theseconds available for remaining phases are calculatedas:

Vres =n∑


V Ej − Vj (4)

For remaining green time (Vres) allocation, the fol-lowing formula can be used:

V Ei = Vresγic∑n

k=1 γkc − γjc(5)

Finally, we calculate the green time for each i-phase,using the formula (3). Obviously, as shown in [35], itis necessary to control that green times are enough toensure pedestrian crossings.

4.1 Algorithm Testing ScenariosIn order to compare the proposed approach with thestatic management, a simulator in C language hasbeen developed. This program allows the simulationof an isolated intersection with traffic lights, as shown

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONSMario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata

E-ISSN: 2224-2864 652 Volume 13, 2014

Page 6: Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the

Table 1: Traffic Volume Levels Set in the Different Case StudyCase Study \ Approach N-s N-r N-l S-s S-r S-l E-s E-r E-l W-s W-r W-l

1.1 m m m m m m m m m m m m1.2 l m m m m m h m m m m m1.3 l l h l l h l l l l l l1.4 h h h l l l l l l l l l1.5 l l l l l l l l l h h h1.6 l l l l l l h h m h h m2.1 m m m m m m m m m m m m2.2 l l l l l l m m m m m m2.3 l l h l l l h m m m m m2.4 h h h l l l l l l h h h2.5 h l l h l l l l l l l l2.6 h h h h h h h h h h h h

Figure 4: Junction layout (a) and traffic signal phasesphasing plan (b) for scenario 1

Figure 5: Junction layout (a) and traffic signal phasesphasing plan (b) for scenario 2

in Figure 2. The intersection specifications follow theinstructions provided by the Highway Capacity Man-ual [36]. In particular:

• lane width of 3.5 m;

• 0% approach grade;

• absence of parking maneuvers;

• absence of bus stops;

• type of area: downtown;

• pedestrian volume: 110 p/h;

• minimum green time: 10 seconds;

• maximum green time: 30 seconds.

The simulations consider two scenarios that differ by:traffic volumes, adopted phase plan and traffic lightcycle time (120 seconds for scenario 1 and 100 sec-onds for scenario 2). Scenario 1 has high traffic vol-umes for maneuvers to the left. So a four phasesplan was adopted. This plan consists of two protectedphases for these maneuvers, and two phases for re-maining vehicular flows. Figure 4 shows each vehicu-lar flow volume (a) and the phase plan (b) for scenario1. In scenario 2 the cross-street traffic is reduced. Inthis way the maneuvers to the left in the main-street isprotected. Figure 5 shows the hourly volume of eachvehicular flow (a) and the phase plan (b) for the sce-nario 2. In order to evaluate algorithm performancesfor each scenario with different traffic conditions, sixcase studies were carried out, varying traffic level ineach of them. For each case study two simulationswere performed: one using static management whilethe other using the proposed dynamic managementapproach.

5 FindingsEach simulation provides average queue length trendfor traffic light cycles. For example, in the case study3 of scenario 1, high traffic has been set in the left turn

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONSMario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata

E-ISSN: 2224-2864 653 Volume 13, 2014

Page 7: Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the

Figure 6: Graphs of case study 1.3

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONSMario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata

E-ISSN: 2224-2864 654 Volume 13, 2014

Page 8: Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the

Table 2: Comparison of Qc/Qt between Static (S) and Dynamic (D) ManagementCase Study Overall flow rate (Qt) qal Qc(vehp) Qc/Qt

S D S D S D1.1 6600 73.14 65.66 6424 6442 0.973 0.9761.2 6600 69.82 58.83 6432 6458 0.975 0.9791.3 6600 42.28 32.11 6498 6522 0.985 0.9881.4 6600 45.14 37.67 6491 6509 0.984 0.9861.5 6600 41.50 37.99 6500 6504 0.985 0.9861.6 6600 58.54 55.59 6459 6466 0.979 0.9802.1 6100 45.87 44.02 5986 5994 0.982 0.9832.2 6100 32.87 29.36 6021 6029 0.987 0.9882.3 6100 39.78 37.77 6004 6009 0.984 0.9852.4 6100 35.61 33.91 6014 6018 0.986 0.9872.5 6100 28.34 26.39 6031 6036 0.989 0.9902.6 6100 46.95 44.56 5987 5993 0.982 0.983

vehicular flow in the North-South street, while trafficvolume of remaining flows has been reduced. Fig-ure 6 shows graphs both for static and dynamic man-agement of each approach in case study 1.3. Charts re-lated to North and South approaches clearly show thataverage queue length of maneuvers to the left (bluelines) is greatly reduced by using the proposed dy-namic management. It can be pointed out that, be-cause of the proper allocation of green times betweenphases, trend of traffic flow with low traffic volumefor all case studies does not get worse (no starvation).

Table 1 shows traffic volume levels set in the dif-ferent case studies (l: low, m: medium, h: high, N:North, S: South, E: East, W: West; s: straight, r: right;l: left). Obtained results (Figure 7) in each case studyshow a reduction of average queue length, with dy-namic management. Also, it can be useful to asso-ciate the value of average queue length - qal - with thevalue of junction approaches flow rate - Qt - and theirrelationship with the total number of vehicles cross-ing the intersection in an hour - Qc (see Table 2). It ishelpful to highlight that theQc/Qt ratio between staticand dynamic management is quite steady because ofthe cycle traffic light duration (and therefore the actualgreen) has been unchanged in both management.

To understand in detail benefits obtained withtraffic light dynamic management, Figure 8 comparespeaks of average queue length, while Table 3 showstraffic flow were peak has been reached. It has beenobserved that for some case studies the differencebetween static and dynamic management is greaterwhile in other cases it is smaller. It depends on trafficvolume entering the intersection from each approach.Because of values considered, it has been found thatthe algorithm has greater efficiency when the gap be-tween traffic volumes coming from different intersec-

Figure 7: Average queue length: comparison betweenstatic and dynamic management

Figure 8: Peaks of average queue length: comparisonbetween static and dynamic management

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONSMario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata

E-ISSN: 2224-2864 655 Volume 13, 2014

Page 9: Smart Traffic Light Junction Management Using Wireless ...€¦ · dynamic management of traffic lights is presented in Section 4. Section 5 shows the performance obtained by the

tions is higher (e.g. in case studies number 1.3, 1.4,1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5). The algorithm manages these situa-tions balancing green times according to traffic vol-ume information coming from sensors. There aresome improvements even if traffic level is not high,although to a lesser degree. This is due to green timesrecalculation based on actual traffic conditions. Theability of the designed WSN to fit traffic light phasesin order to rebalance the relationship between crossingflows and queued flows, makes the results achieved sofar particularly interesting, as confirmed in Table 3,both in terms of total node efficiency (reduction of theaverage queue length value) and in terms of penalized/ smoother maneuvers selection (transition of queuepeaks among different entering maneuvers).

6 ConclusionsIn this paper an IEEE 802.15.4 network architecture,with multiple levels for traffic flows monitoring in anisolated intersection with traffic lights, has been pro-posed. It has been implemented an algorithm for thedynamic management of intersections that use datacollected by the WSN to determine the phase se-quence and the green times duration. The obtained re-sults illustrate that, using the implemented algorithm,it is possible to obtain a better management of iso-lated traffic light junctions. Moreover, the algorithm issuitable for intersections affected by irregularly trafficflows varying during the day on all approaches.

Regarding future intelligent system improvement,we are working on the algorithm and the proposednetwork architecture optimization. The architecturecould be improved using a suitable scheduling mech-anism in order to maintain a more efficient prioritycommunication among nodes. Additionally, it couldbe inserted a priority system for emergency vehicles,as well as a preferential system for public transporta-tion vehicles; furthermore, this approach could be ex-tended to non-isolated junction and include the abilityto skip a phase if a vehicle in a traffic flow is not de-tected.


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Case Study SM DM1.1 N-l N-s1.2 S-l E-l1.3 S-l S-l1.4 N-l N-s1.5 W-r W-l1.6 E-l N-s2.1 N-s S-s2.2 W-r W-r2.3 N-l W-r2.4 N-s W-r2.5 N-s N-s2.6 N-s W-r

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WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONSMario Collotta, Tullio Giuffre, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scata

E-ISSN: 2224-2864 658 Volume 13, 2014