SMART Education Solutions Guide

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  • 8/14/2019 SMART Education Solutions Guide


    SMART Education


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    Easy as piPi. Its simple, but conveys so much.

    We like that concept. And teachers do, too.

    Teachers tell us all the time that SMART products are easy to use, yet help

    them do extraordinary things.

    Teachers also tell us its easy to get students turned on to learning with SMART

    products. And they love working with SMART, because we make it easy or them

    to get the most rom our products.

    Thats what we like to hear. And we want you to hear it too.

    We can help make your technology implementation easy. Find out how by

    reading on.

    The transormationAt SMART, weve seen our products transorm classrooms around the world.

    With the shit rom blackboard to interactive whiteboard, teachers and studentsenter a world where technology not only opens up new possibilities, but also

    makes teaching and learning simpler.

    Each time educators use our products, we want them to experience great

    success success that ultimately helps improve student achievement. We know

    that teachers are the key to this success. They must adopt products quickly and

    enthusiastically or an implementation to work. Thats why our vision is so closely

    tied to teachers.

    SMARTeducationsolutions:an overview

    The SMART Board

    interactive whiteboard is the

    perect solution. It provides

    a platorm or teachers to

    overcome the monotony oteaching with a blackboard.

    Its user-riendly interace

    has encouraged teachers

    to implement technology

    into the curriculum, which

    translates into better learning

    or students, because they

    become more excited about

    what they are studying.

    Josephine Mak, principal,

    Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School,

    Hong Kong, China

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    Our visionWeve worked with educators or 17 years, incorporating our

    products into their schools and learning a great deal about

    technology implementations. The most successul implementationsall share one driving principle they make it easy or teachers to

    help students lourish. Give teachers intuitive products, remove

    obstacles, create a supportive community and put resources at their

    ingertips. Do this, and your technology will work wonders. We

    know, because every day, educators tell us that our solutions have

    made an enormous dierence in their classrooms.

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    The oundationSuccess begins with innovative, easy-to-use products that help you

    get students enthusiastic about learning. Teachers should be delighted

    with these products as soon as they begin using them. So the products

    had better be exciting to teach with and simple to use. Even the most

    inventive product will gather dust in the corner i a teacher inds it too

    rustrating to use.

    The big pictureWeve learned that it pays to look at the big picture. SMART education

    solutions help you create an environment where products are sure to be

    adopted quickly and used to their ull potential. Through thousands o

    conversations with educators over the years, weve discovered that three

    key steps must be taken to cultivate this ideal environment:

    Foster proessional development, training and community

    or teachers

    Give teachers easy access to high-quality digital content

    and resources

    Support sta with strong technical help and advice

    The next ew pages give you a glimpse o the big picture. Find out how

    our solutions help you implement products so that success is attainable

    or schools, teachers and students.

















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    The SMART Board

    interactive whiteboard

    works brilliantly

    with the other

    technologies we have.

    Its plug and play.

    Judy Beal, assistant principal,

    Woodcrot Primary School,

    Woodcrot, South Australia

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    ProductsProducts are the basis o any technology implementation, so we ensurethat everything we create is both easy to use and teacher-riendly. Novicescan start creating multimedia lessons without delay, and those with more

    experience can depend on SMART products or greater depth. Our products

    are lexible enough to provide what teachers need at every ability level.

    Its not easy being easyCreating products that are easy to use requires a great deal o work. We have

    hundreds o researchers and developers tackling that problem every day

    organizing testing sessions, recording eedback and talking with educators

    using our products beore theyre ever delivered to schools. Our goal is to

    create products that make teachers say, I can just turn it on and dive into the

    lesson. So my students can get excited about learning right away.

    Young students

    and old thrive on the

    tactile experience

    o manipulating the

    SMART Board interactive

    whiteboard with their

    ingers. And I deinitely

    appreciate being ableto interact with the

    content how could

    teaching and learning get

    any more hands-on?

    Katie Morrow, technology

    integration specialist, ONeill

    Public Schools, ONeill, Nebraska,

    United States

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    Products that work or youTo help make your implementation smooth and eicient, we design

    products that work with your existing technology, and with each other. This means you can

    upgrade and add to your technology coniguration down the road without oregoing the

    easy actor. Whether its the SMART Board interactive whiteboard, the Senteo interactive

    response system or the SMART Document Camera, our products work together. Its this

    ease o use that makes teaching more eective and learning more ascinating.

    To make sure our products support teachers as well as the bottom line, we ocus

    on the ollowing:

    Ease of use We know that the best way to ensure rapid adoption o our

    products is to make them intuitive and easy, so that the learning curve is

    short. Yet our products also provide depth or more advanced teachers.

    Modular design We create products that work with one another

    and with your existing technology, so your implementation is seamless

    and cost-eective

    Software and content inclusion Our hardware includes sotware,

    so that you can start using our products right away in ways that increase

    interactivity and engagementDurability Our research scientists and engineers analyze all aspects

    o every SMART product to ensure that it will perorm to the highest o

    standards, despite being bumped and jostled in the classroom.

    Comprehensive technical support When you buy SMART products, you

    can be conident that they will be supported with excellent advice and service

    Warranty Upon registration o your SMART Board interactive

    whiteboard, you receive a ive-year warranty. Most other products carry

    a three-year warranty.

    Howdoteachersguideourvision?Ask SMART product developers.

    Q: How does SMART ind out what

    teachers need in their technology products?A: We spend time with them. Talk with

    them. And we ask them to test our

    products. Our product managers and

    education consultants spend a lot o time

    in schools, inding out how our products

    are used, getting eedback and taking


    Q: What happens to that eedback?

    A: It goes right into our product plans

    and helps us discover new directions or


    Q: Whats the most common thing youhear rom teachers?

    A: They oten say, I like this eature. Can

    you expand it to give me more options?

    Q: What do you do with that kind o


    A: The product manager takes it to our

    developers and asks, How can we make

    this happen?

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    As a National Board Certiied Teacher, I

    am always looking or new ways to reach

    my students that will directly impact their

    educational outcomes. SMART Technologies

    not only oers antastic products, butbacks them up with support, training and

    amazing resources. Hundreds o SMART-

    created interactive lessons correlated to

    standards it easily into curriculum planning.

    I especially like being able to eortlessly add

    images and Flash content to the Notebook

    sotware Gallery. Busy teachers have

    been provided with one-stop shoppingor anything they may need in the area

    o SMART products. On behal o my

    motivated students and me, thank you.

    Antoinette DePasquale, teacher, Maple Hill Elementary

    School, Middletown, New York, United States

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    Content andresourcesCreating the optimal environment or your technology implementation involves

    asking teachers to use digital resources that are relevant, appropriate andinteractive. But the search or content can be overwhelming or a busy teacher.

    At SMART, we oer extensive collections o subject-speciic, curriculum-

    correlated resources. Theyre available to SMART customers at no cost, both

    on our education website and within SMART Notebook sotware. Our resources

    include more than 5,000 ready-to-go lesson activities, correlated to curriculum

    requirements, plus thousands o images and learning objects, all careully

    selected to meet teachers needs.

    To help educators stay up-to-date on SMART, we also oer newsletters

    speciically or teachers, technology directors, administrators and education

    oicials. These publications oer best-practice ideas, insight on implementationand tips or using SMART products. And, theyre all available online at no cost.

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    Content thats right or youOne o the questions we hear most oten rom teachers is: Do you

    have content thats right or me? At SMART, our challenge is to

    provide a ull spectrum o resources, so that all teachers can ind

    materials that are pertinent to their lessons and appropriate or their

    level o technology proiciency. We rise to that challenge by giving youcontent that meets our key criteria:

    Customization Our content is easily tailored to your

    needs. Lesson activities show teachers the best way to use

    our sotware, and each one can easily be tweaked, altered

    or transormed to suit the individual teacher or lesson. Our

    Lesson Activity Toolkit is designed or more proicient teachers

    who want to create their own interactive lessons. And more

    advanced teachers can build original content rom scratch with

    SMART Notebook sotwares intuitive tools.

    Consistency Its easy to use SMART lesson activities because

    they have a consistent look and eel, thanks to a uniorm set o

    icons, tools and layouts. You know you can expect quality and

    relevance each time you open one.

    Pedagogical soundness Our lesson activities include the

    same pedagogical tools as a teachers lesson plan. Each activity

    includes teaching notes and lesson objectives, and identiies

    learning prerequisites.

    Flexibility We ensure that our content

    works well or a wide range o teachers. A

    teacher whos hesitant about new technology

    can use a SMART-created lesson activity with

    very little training or expertise. Our lesson

    developers are ormer teachers, so they

    understand the needs o novices and veterans.

    Theresult?Easeofuse.Meeting the criteria above makes our content

    teacher-riendly. Not only do we oer a wide variety

    o content, but we also walk teachers through the

    content creation process, so building exactly what

    you need is easy. And its easy to become enthusiastic

    about adopting technology.

    Because SMART Notebook

    sotware incorporates

    everything in one area, its

    so easy to use. I grab images

    or video rom the Gallery,use the links to jump to

    a website, create concept

    maps and build worksheets.

    I pull all o these elements

    together and there they

    are, ready to utilize in a

    lesson. My lesson bank in

    Notebook sotware is really

    a work in progress. Every

    day I add more to it.

    Coryann Thompson, teacher,

    Highland Village Elementary School,

    Flower Mound, Texas, United States

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    WhySMARTcontent?Heres what educators tell us:

    Were teachers, not surers.

    We dont have time to search

    the Net or hours looking or

    appropriate lesson content.

    SMART helps us fnd resources


    SMART resources are available

    in easily accessible collections


    SMART resources tie into our


    SMART resources are


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    Proessionaldevelopmentand communityAdministrators who have seen the greatest success with their technology

    implementations are also the ones who recognize the importance o training

    and proessional development programs. This crucial aspect o implementation

    helps teachers gain the conidence to use products regularly and in ways that link

    pedagogy with technology.

    SMART gets teachers learningTraining is crucial to technology adoption, because it gives teachers the skills

    they need to get started with our products and become proicient with them.

    We oer a comprehensive mix o ree and ee-based options, rom live online

    training to customized on-site sessions all designed to get teachers up and

    running quickly.

    SMART brings teachers

    togetherSMART education solutions give teachers opportunities to learn good practices and

    share ideas or incorporating our products into their teaching.

    Our proessional development oering includes regional conerences where

    teachers can connect with peers rom other schools. We also run recognition

    programs, such as the SMART Exemplary Educator program, to help teachers

    become technology leaders in their communities.

    As teachers develop expertise with our products, we ind that the momentum

    o an implementation builds. This momentum draws energy rom the vast

    community o educators who use SMART products a group that is thriving,thanks to thousands o passionate practitioners who orm their own communities

    online. We also contribute to this community through the SMART Exchange, a

    vibrant e-space where teachers can ind support and new ideas.

    Our proessional development programs help ensure that teachers are always

    conident, skilled and inspired to use technology in new and innovative ways.

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    Q: Whats the key to giving valuable

    support during an implementation?

    A: Listening. Thats the most important

    part about supporting educators. We

    cant diagnose beore we know the

    symptoms. So we listen, and listen. Andthen we help you determine what you

    really need.

    Q: Can you give an example o how

    you help an administrator develop a

    personalized plan?

    A: Lets say you need to address

    achievement gaps in math. We then tell

    you about our sotware Gallery, and

    how it can help students understand

    concepts in a visual, hands-on way. Or,

    you might have signiicant concerns

    about teachers who are digitalimmigrants. At that point, we tell you

    about research showing that SMART

    Board interactive whiteboards improve

    teachers liestyles. We can tell you

    about our two-minute training tutorials,

    or the thousands o searchable lesson

    activities that you can use right out

    o the box. But the main thing is, we

    listen. Thats how we help you plan the

    best implementation you possibly can.

    Services and

    supportWhen creating the best environment or implementation success, its

    important to remember that well-executed planning and technical

    support are crucial. At SMART, we help you through the process right

    rom the beginning. Our education consultants, available in a growing

    number o areas worldwide, oer advice as you evaluate and select

    classroom products. They help you design an implementation strategy

    that will bring and keep teachers onboard with our products.

    The dedication we put into our services and products is echoed in our

    technical support. Together with our extensive network o resellers, weprovide the inormation and assistance you need, whenever you need it.

    From our online database o technical inormation to our toll-ree phone

    service, we give you our ull support.

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    ResearchersonSMARTThe SMART Board interactive whiteboard plays

    a key role in lesson planning and visual learning.

    Combined with the right digital resources and

    the right teacher preparation, the SMART Board

    interactive whiteboard helps improve student


    Center for Technology and Teacher Education.

    Summary of interim findings from Preparing

    Mathematics to Use Whole-class Visualization,

    University of Virginia, United States, 2007.

    Students became highly engaged when there were

    opportunities to work directly on a SMART Board

    interactive whiteboard. Visual and tactile lessons

    led to multisensory engagement in the learning

    process. And the use o SMART Board interactive

    whiteboards limited opportunities or distraction byocusing students attention on lessons.

    Health and Education Research Group. Summary of

    SMART Board Technology Integration in the Inclusive

    Classroom Phase II Progress Report, University of

    New Brunswick, Canada, 2008.


    momentsWe dont have to tell you about the rewards o being an educator you know them better thananyone. You hear teachers talking about getting through to kids. You see the looks on students

    aces when they grasp a concept. That wonderul expression o insight. That extraordinary

    moment. SMART education solutions help you see those expressions more oten.

    Our goal is to help you implement technology as eectively as possible, because thats how our

    products really shine. In the most successul implementations, teachers cant wait to share their

    expertise. They train peers, blog about SMART products and share insightul ideas with others all over

    the world. By doing so, theyre sending the message that you can do it, too. You can have classrooms

    where students eel a strong connection to learning, and simply learn better. You can have lessons that

    dont just show, but involve. You can eel rejuvenated as you teach. And its as easy as pi.

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    ProductsWhy SMART products? The answer is easy.Educators have been telling us or nearly twenty years that our products are

    eective, reliable and easy to use thats what makes teachers come to rely on

    them so quickly and enthusiastically.

    To ensure that our products meet expectations, our developers spend hours

    in testing labs with teachers and children, discovering new ways to make our

    products more intuitive. Our eorts pay o every time we see a technology

    implementation thats quick and easy.

    We invite you to get to know our collection o products displayed on the

    ollowing pages. Youll ind theyre built to work together, and theyve all been

    designed with educators in mind.

    SMART education

    solutions: thecomplete list

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    Hardware productsSMART Board interactive whiteboardsOur interactive whiteboards are known around the world or their ability to help teachers create lessons

    that engage students o all ages and learning styles. The intuitive touch surace is an ideal way to encourage

    participation and improve learning outcomes, and it helps save teachers time as they prepare lessons.

    Combining the simplicity o a whiteboard with the power o a computer, the interactive whiteboard lets youcontrol applications by touching the screen with your inger or writing with the pen tool. A new eature called

    Touch Recognition makes the product even easier to use. The board recognizes the dierence between a

    inger and a pen, and even allows you to erase digital ink with the palm o your hand. So you can pick up a

    pen and then write, erase and use your inger as a mouse without having to select another tool. Using the

    SMART Board interactive whiteboard is so natural that teachers describe its learning curve as extremely

    short. It comes with the award-winning SMART Notebook sotware, which gives

    teachers quick access to all their lesson materials rom one convenient location. As

    a result, they can get started engaging students quickly and easily.

    600 series: Teachers can extend their hands-on capabilities

    with this versatile interactive whiteboard. It oers excellent

    value and is easy to install. A new, wide-ormat screenoers even more work space, and an expansion slot allows

    you to connect other SMART products.

    600i series: This system streamlines the teaching

    experience, enabling teachers to easily access and control their

    classroom technology right rom the ront o the classroom. Combining a short-throw

    projector and an interactive whiteboard, the 600i starts up quickly with a push o a

    button. An integrated wide-screen option, which provides an additional 20 percent in

    workspace, is also available.

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    SMART Board interactive display rameThe SMART Board interactive display rame blends

    interactivity with brilliant visuals by easily transorming

    a lat-panel display into a touch-sensitive surace. The

    interactive display rame oers touch control or all

    computer applications and allows you to write in digital

    ink. The display has a wide viewing angle and its onselect lat-panel displays. Its ideal or small classrooms,

    administrative oices and sta meeting rooms.

    SMART TableThe worlds irst mutlitouch, multiuser interactive table or K3 education is an

    accessible learning center where students can collaborate and explore digital

    lessons. The touch-sensitive surace allows groups o students to simultaneously

    interact with digital content, working together to complete interactive lessons,

    play educational games and solve problems.

    Sympodium interactive pen display

    The Sympodium

    interactive pen display helps teachersdeliver dynamic, interactive lessons that will engage

    students. Teachers can write over slides in digital ink, save

    notes and access any website or multimedia ile on the

    display, and everything is projected onto a large screen or

    the entire class to see. Teachers never need turn their back

    on the class as they work. Powered by the same award-

    winning sotware as SMART Board interactive whiteboards,

    the interactive pen display works by connecting to a

    computer and projector.

    The SMART Board interactive whiteboard is revolutionary because o its interactivity, lexibility and

    ease o use. Ive seen a signiicant increase in teacher productivity and student perormance across all

    grade levels with the implementation o the SMART Board within the K12 learning environment.

    David Kortko, high school technology chairman and ormer assistant director o K12Nects program, Fairax County Public

    Schools, Virginia, United States

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    Senteo interactive response systemThe Senteo interactive response system provides teachers with instant insight

    into how well each student understands lesson material. Teachers can conduct

    planned or spontaneous assessments and then report, track and evaluate theresults. The system combines 24 or 32 wireless remotes, a receiver and powerul

    assessment sotware that is integrated with SMART Notebook sotware. Students

    answer questions using their remotes and the results are automatically saved in

    the sotwares built-in gradebook.

    AirLiner wireless slateThe AirLiner wireless slate gives teachers

    the reedom to deliver interactive

    lessons rom anywhere in the classroom,

    and allows students to interact with lessons

    rom their seats. The slate provides a wireless

    connection to the SMART Board interactive

    whiteboard or Sympodium interactive pen

    display rom up to 52 eet (16 m) away. The

    slates battery-ree tethered pen lets teachers and students control any

    sotware application, write notes and highlight inormation in digital ink.

    SMART Document CameraWith the SMART Document Camera, you can display real-time images o any

    object onto an interactive whiteboard or projection screen or the entire class

    to see. The document camera is seamlessly integrated with SMART Notebook

    sotware, so you can instantly turn objects into interactive content or lessons.

    You can also use control buttons that are built into SMART Notebook sotware to

    capture images and add them directly to a SMART Notebook page.

    SMART AudioThis classroom ampliication system ampliies

    sound and distributes it evenly throughout

    the room, making it easier or all students to

    hear clearly, no matter where theyre sitting.

    SMART Audio also reduces vocal strain or

    teachers. The system includes speakers,

    wireless teacher and student microphones,

    a receiver and sensors.


    With our accessories, you can customize your SMART Board interactivewhiteboard, adapting it to the speciic needs o your classroom. SMART oers

    a variety o accessories that can adjust the height o your interactive whiteboard,

    make it mobile, add sound or even transorm it into an integrated system.

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    Sotware productsSMART Notebook sotwareAll SMART Board interactive whiteboards and displays come with award-

    winning SMART Notebook sotware, which sets the standard or creating,

    teaching and managing interactive lessons within a single application.SMART Notebook sotware gives teachers easy access to all their lesson

    material rom one convenient location. The sotware oers an array o tools

    and eatures to create, deliver and manage lessons. Now with over 6,600

    learning objects, 5,000 ready-made lesson activities and 30 new eatures,

    SMART Notebook makes it easier than ever to create interactive lessons that

    include multimedia resources and hands-on activities.

    SMART Notebook SEThis new student edition o SMART Notebook sotware

    brings an extra level o collaboration to the classroom.

    Students can now prepare and deliver their own

    interactive material or presentations and assignments

    using sotware similar to SMART Notebook, which is used

    by their teachers to create lessons. SMART Notebook SE

    helps students digitally complete assignments, take notes,

    manage due dates and organize lesson material.

    SMART Sync 2009With SMART Sync 2009, teachers can ensure students stay ocused. The

    sotware helps teachers easily guide learning, and monitor and control

    student computers. It works on both wired and wireless networks, and

    connects a teachers computer with every computer in a classroom. Teachers

    can see a thumbnail view o each students desktop, which makes it easy to

    communicate, monitor or collaborate with students individually or as a group.

    Bridgit conerencing sotwareBridgit conerencing sotware makes it easy to connect

    online, whether its or distance learning or classroom

    collaboration. Simply set up a conerence, invite

    participants by e-mail and, once they join, youre ready

    to start sharing desktops and audio, video and text iles

    in a secure, reliable environment.

    SMART Ideas concept-mapping sotwareWith SMART Ideas sotware, teachers can create interactive concept maps

    to help students visualize abstract and complex ideas by delivering the

    inormation one piece at a time. Links, images and multimedia iles caneasily be added to the maps and converted into a multipage website or

    everyone to share.

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    Content and resourcesIts amazing what digital resources can do or teachers and students. They can

    take students on journeys around the world or into space. They can let a young

    child write her name, even beore she can manage a pencil. And they can make

    teachers lives easier.

    SMART content and resources help teachers accomplish amazing things in the

    classroom even when theyre technology novices. We oer access to digital

    content and lesson-building tools that help teachers inject interactivity into

    lessons right away. And we give teachers access to best-practice ideas on how to

    use SMART products. As a result, teachers around the world tell us that they love

    teaching lessons that are enhanced with SMART content.

    SMART lesson activitiesSMART lesson activities oer a quick and

    convenient way to get started with the SMART

    Board interactive whiteboard or Sympodium

    interactive pen display. Due to their variety and

    volume, our lesson activities are an excellent

    way to support dierentiated or personalized

    instruction. SMART oers more than 5,000

    teacher-created and SMART-created lesson

    activities. They are correlated to curriculum

    standards and grade levels, and they oer

    interactive eatures along with engaging content.

    Lesson Activity ToolkitSMARTs Lesson Activity Toolkit oers customizable

    tools and templates to help teachers create

    proessional and engaging lessons. Teachers canstart with templates or word games, quizzes and

    sorting tables, or use the provided Flash tools to

    add interactivity to lessons. The Toolkit oers all the

    necessary resources or teachers to easily develop

    sophisticated lesson activities o their own. Once

    downloaded, the Toolkit is conveniently integrated

    into SMART Notebook sotwares Gallery.

    Ive used SMART Boards

    or two years and believe

    they make me a bettereducator. The interactive

    whiteboard gives me

    lexibility in the classroom

    and in my preparation. I

    am able to access the best

    educational resources and

    interactive material rom

    around the world within

    minutes, and my pupils just

    love it. It makes my pupils

    better learners. It makes

    me want to teach and my

    pupils want to learn.

    Stephen Price,

    acting principal,

    Bergvliet High School,

    Cape Town, South Arica

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    Essentials or EducatorsThis content collection makes it easy or teachers to build interactive lessons.

    The collection oers more than 6,600 learning objects, and each one can quickly

    be added to any lesson to give students a visual, hands-on learning experience.

    There are images, video clips and animations on every topic, and all can easilybe accessed in the Gallery o SMART Notebook sotware. The content is

    proessionally developed and designed to support curriculum needs.

    Senteo question setsSenteo question sets make it easy to

    add a new dimension to learning. Each

    set includes 10 questions created in

    Senteo assessment sotware that can

    be combined with lesson activities on

    the same topic. Thousands o Senteo

    questions cover every subject and grade

    level, and each is correlated to curriculum

    standards. The question sets are ree and

    can be ound on the SMART education

    website and other third-party websites.

    SMART accredited titlesThis substantial group o sotware titles helps teachers ind SMART-compatible

    digital resources or a variety o grade levels and subjects. There are over 150

    SMART-accredited education sotware titles and multimedia content products

    that can be used with SMART products. We accredit these titles based on their

    level o compatibility with our products.

    SMART publicationsSMART publications oer insightul andinormative articles about technology trends

    in education and provide tips or using

    technology to engage students. EDCompass

    is a monthly newsletter or teachers,

    Interactive Administrator ocuses on topics

    o interest to administrators and technology

    directors, and Interactive Classroom looks at

    issues relevant to education oicials.

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    Proessional developmentand communityStudies show that learning is oten most eective in collaborative settings. But

    you dont have to tell SMART teachers that. Theyve been learning rom eachother or years, in casual and ormal settings, online and ace to ace, because

    they naturally gravitate toward each other, sharing lesson plans, helping each

    other use products to convey curriculum eectively and just celebrating each

    others successes. We know that peer support helps teachers learn to use

    technology and teach with it eectively. So we provide numerous venues or

    teachers to obtain proessional development and connect on the issues they ind

    most pressing.

    To ensure that our products are helping teachers achieve curricular and pedagogical

    goals, we also oer teachers opportunities to learn rom one another. From our

    online TeacherTube channel to our Showcase Schools program, weve developed

    many outlets to encourage ongoing proessional development that is collaborative

    and grounded in true-to-lie teaching situations.

    SMART on the WebThe evolution o the Internet as a dynamic, grassroots platorm provides the

    perect vehicle or SMART get-togethers. Because educators embrace our

    technology so warmly, and because our products are used in such large numbers,

    a vast online SMART community has ormed. It has spontaneously spread across

    wikis, blogs and social networking systems. Educators, students and parents are

    all inding space or dialogue on the Web. From Facebook to MySpace, there

    are many sites or the exchange o ideas, best practices, and education and

    networking inormation.

    SMART ExchangeTeachers have made the SMART Exchange one

    o the most vibrant education communities on

    the Web. Its the place to be or educators who

    use SMART products and want to share tips and

    success stories about using interactive technology

    in the classroom. Teachers can even post their

    avorite lesson activities and download those

    created by others. This online community has

    thousands o active members and is growing daily.

    Find the Exchange at

    SMART channels on TeacherTube and YouTubeTeachers who use SMART products can quickly ind ideas and inspiration byviewing SMARTs channels on two o the most popular video-sharing websites

    or educators. Get tips on teaching math with a SMART Board interactive

    whiteboard, learn some new ways to use your SMART products or discover the

    latest eatures o SMART Notebook sotware. See interactive learning in action

    on TeacherTube and YouTube.

    We loved the SMART

    on-site training sessions.

    The learning curve on the

    SMART Board interactive

    whiteboard is very

    small, and any eelings

    o intimidation about it

    were quickly erased.

    Ken Collura, director o school

    communication and instructional

    technologies, Roman Catholic

    Diocese o Columbus, Ohio,

    United States

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    SMART online trainingOur Learning Management System is your gateway to more than 40 ree, online

    training sessions oered each week, covering over 20 topics in 5 languages.This online system provides convenient access to all SMART training resources,

    including our award-winning Two-Minute Tutorials that allow customers to

    watch and listen to instructions as they ollow along. There are also print training

    resources, such as Quick Reerence Guides and Hands-on Practice exercises. You

    can complete them at your own pace anytime thats convenient or you.

    SMART on-site trainingSMART oers aordable, comprehensive

    training to help teachers o all skill levels

    get the most out o their SMART products.

    We provide on-site training sessions

    customized by subject area and grade

    range, and we hold in-depth training

    events in many locations.

    SMART proessional developmentAdministrators constantly tell us that proessional development training is the

    key to helping teachers integrate technology into their teaching. And the more

    teachers learn about what they can do with SMART products, the better they

    become at using technology to achieve curricular goals. So, we oer training

    events or a variety o skill levels.

    SMART Exemplary Educator programWhen teachers ind something un and eective or student learning, theyre

    oten eager to tell other teachers about it. Thats what the SMART ExemplaryEducator program is all about. Teachers who are part o this SMART-sponsored

    program use technology every day to improve student learning. They share

    ideas with colleagues at their schools and other educators who attend teacher

    conerences. They also have the chance to participate in SMARTs proessional

    development events to take their technology skills even urther.

    SMART Showcase Schools programThe SMART Showcase Schools program

    honors schools that use classroom

    technology in amazing ways and that

    are eager to share how they use SMART

    products in the classroom. These schoolsalso provide insight and advice to teachers

    and administrators rom other schools who

    want to learn more about how they can

    successully implement technology. There are

    now more than 115 SMART Showcase Schools

    throughout the United States and Canada.

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    Services and supportAt SMART, we believe that combining intuitive technology with comprehensive

    support and training is an ideal way to ensure the success o your technology

    implementation. Together with our team o resellers, we provide support in

    virtually every city in the world, so teachers

    anywhere can use our products to their

    ullest potential. We also oer a vast

    selection o ree training programs, expert

    consultation services and extended product

    warranties. So you can be conident that

    when SMART products are introduced into a

    classroom, teachers and students use them,enjoy them and, most importantly, beneit

    rom them.

    Technical supportOur technical support team is dedicated

    to providing excellent advice and problem-

    solving to customers around the world. We oer service in 30 languages,

    and we provide a wide variety o ways to ind technical help. Our service is

    comprehensive, so that you can always ind the inormation you need no matter

    where (or when) you want it.

    Our technical support service includes the ollowing:

    An online sel-serve database o over 1,000 documents, including

    how-to instructions, technical inormation and product inormation

    available around the clock

    More than 100 customer service representatives, available toll-ree via

    telephone and online chat, 13 hours a day

    Support over e-mail 24 hours a day

    A desktop-sharing option that lets us guide you through your solution

    Training or your schools IT sta to provide eective, on-site technical


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    Product warrantyWith SMART, you can be conident that we stand behind our products. We oer

    a three-year warranty on most products. And, i you register your SMART Board

    600 series interactive whiteboard within three months o purchase, the warranty

    will be extended to ive years.

    Product supportAs a SMART customer, youll automatically receive

    inormation on product updates and notiications.

    Its our way o ensuring that you stay inormed

    about any developments that can help you

    maximize the beneits o your SMART products.

    Global reseller networkSMARTs broad channel o resellers oer top-notch customer

    service and sales support in 165 countries around the world.

    These knowledgeable proessionals can oer advice on which SMART

    products are best-suited or your classroom, and they can help you design an

    implementation plan that meets your speciic needs.

    Consultation servicesOur team o consultants can provide support as you plan a successul technology

    implementation. Available in a growing number o areas around the world, our

    consultants can help you evaluate and select classroom technologies, and helpdesign your implementation strategy. As your roll-out gets underway, our

    team ensures that you have the right training and proessional development

    programs or your sta, and we give teachers the tools to eectively

    incorporate our products and resources in all subject areas and grade levels.

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    See SMARTeducationsolutions

    in actionSMART products are available rom

    a SMART authorized reseller. Your reseller

    can provide you with pricing inormation,

    product demos or a ree sotware trial.

    To ind an authorized reseller, visit

    For more inormation on SMART

    products, visit

    Contact SMART [email protected]
