Smart Arbitrage Profits - Amazon S3Arbitrage+Profits.pdfSmart Arbitrage Profits is designed with one...

Did You Miss My Best-Selling Product eZon Income Package Blowout Sale? You Still Have Time! Smart Arbitrage Profits

Transcript of Smart Arbitrage Profits - Amazon S3Arbitrage+Profits.pdfSmart Arbitrage Profits is designed with one...

Did You Miss My Best-Selling Product eZon Income Package Blowout Sale? You Still Have Time!

Smart Arbitrage Profits

Did You Miss My Best-Selling Product eZon Income Package Blowout Sale? You Still Have Time!

By Thomas Owen


Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3

STEP 1: Choosing Your Niche/Service ................................................................. 5

STEP 2. Creating Your Profile ............................................................................. 8

STEP 3. APPLYING FOR JOBS............................................................................. 11

STEP 4. SCALE UP ............................................................................................. 13

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 14

Did You Miss My Best-Selling Product eZon Income Package Blowout Sale? You Still Have Time!


Hey there,

First off… Thanks for taking the time (and the money)

to pick up this PDF and open it…

Now, you need to go through it, follow the steps and

take action!

You do that then there’s no doubt you’ll make money

using this simple method.

Anyway, on to the method…

Smart Arbitrage Profits is designed with one outcome

in mind… To make you money.

And this method is by far one of the easiest ways to

do so…

You don’t need to make a product, you don’t need a

website, and you don’t even need to drive traffic.

So, what is Arbitrage?

Simply put, it’s buying a product or service from one

place and selling it for a profit at another.

Companies all across the world do it, including HUGE

household names. Look at your favorite eCommerce

stores and 99% of them are using Arbitrage to some


Did You Miss My Best-Selling Product eZon Income Package Blowout Sale? You Still Have Time!

But we’re not fussed about eCommerce, we’re

simplifying the whole object of making money. In

fact, this brings a whole new meaning to the word…


You’re probably aware of freelancing, and the big

freelancing sites.

Upwork (formerly oDesk & has now acquired eLance)


There are more, but for the basis of this method

we’ll stick with just these 2.

It’s safe to say you can hire a freelancer for pretty

much any online task imaginable…

From website coding, graphic design, translation,

sales, video and the list goes on.

However, take a look through the sites above and

prices for the same task differ.

You can find customers hiring freelancers on Upwork

to add a simple piece of code to their eCommerce

store for $50+…

Head to Fiverr and you can pay a freelancer to do the

exact same for $5!

People often look down their nose at Fiverr

freelancers because of the low cost, however in

actual fact Fiverr offers some of the most skilled

freelancers I’ve ever hired.

So to stop the wittering, here’s the summary of this


Choose a niche and service to offer

Create a freelancer account on Upwork

Find a talented freelancer on Fiverr

Offer our service on Upwork for a profit of 50%+

Let’s get stuck in!

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STEP 1: Choosing Your Niche/Service

The easiest way to choose a niche to start selling is

to head to Upwork and Fiverr and start going through

the different services offered.

The image above is taken from Upwork and shows the

different categories which services are offered…

It also shows how many jobs are active inside each


This gives you a clear indication as to which niche

has a lot of demand.

After all you don’t want to offer a service which

nobody wants or very few people look for.

Choose one of the categories.

Here’s a hint… Design & Creative is always popular!

Before we move to step 2…

Browse through the jobs offered and delve into the

sub-categories… This will give you an idea of what

people are looking for and how much they pay on


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Then you can compare on Fiverr when looking for your


Here’s another little tip…

Try and niche down as much as you can. Instead of

being a generic graphic designer… Position yourself

as a 3D Logo Designer or a Photoshop Editing Wizard.

It’s better to position yourself as an expert in one

field rather than be average at everything.

Before you read another word…

Take the time to select your niche and your service

which you’re going to offer.

I’ve drilled down in the Graphic Design/Social Media

space and I’ve positioned myself as a Snapchat

Geofilter designer.

There are plenty of people looking for Geofilters and

they pay on average $60.

Now, let’s head to Fiverr real quick and see what

Geofilter designers are charging.

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A good range of freelancers offering Geofilters from

$5. Obviously the more detail your customer requires

the more expensive your Fiverr freelancer will charge

so be aware of that.

Check out the Fiverr freelancers work and

description. You want someone who will respond fast,

and produce quality work and include revisions.

It’s always a good idea to order a test service to

make sure the freelancer produces good work and is


Want another whopping tip?

You don’t have to stick to Fiverr…

In fact, you can find awesome freelancers on Upwork

who charge less than what you do.

If looking for Upwork freelancers to work for you,

make sure you create a separate account so your

potential customers don’t see that you’re hiring

cheaper freelancers to do the work.

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OK, so you’ve chose your niche and service which

you’ll offer, found a quality Fiverr freelancer OR

cheaper Upwork freelancer…

Now we need to sign up to Upwork and create our


After you fill in your details, email address etc…

You’ll be asked what your main service is and what

skills you offer. Obviously, if you have no idea

about your niche and what skills a freelancer in that

niche may possess then check out your competitors and

see what they’ve put…

There’s always a way round these small hiccups.

For work experience put Intermediate. Unless you have

experience and a portfolio of past work (which is

always a good idea)

And leads on to my next hot tip…

As you’d probably expect, freelancers with a

portfolio of their past work are more likely to get

the job than a freelancer with no portfolio or proof

of experience, so…

It’s a good idea to order some example work from your

Fiverr freelancer.

This is good for 2 reasons…

1. You then have past work you can show to potential


2. You get to see your Fiverr freelancers work.

OK, so you’ve selected Intermediate…

Upwork now puts together a selection of jobs they

think you’d like to apply for. But we’re ignoring

them and continuing to create our profile.

Next, you need to add your pretty/handsome face to

your profile. Remember people like doing business

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with people so no logo or picture of your dog… Get

your face on your profile.

Then the title for your profile…

Make it stand out! Use powerful words and obviously

keywords to what you’re offering. Even inject some


Genius Snapchat Geofilter Design

Shopify & eCommerce Master

SEO Whizzkid

Grandmaster Photoshop Flash

Then your bio…

I’ve attached my bio below as a bonus, feel free to

use as a base and edit how you see fit.

Stand out from the crowd and make your event extra memorable with your

own stunningly unique Snapchat Geofilter designed by me.

I've been involved in Graphic design for some time now, however more

recently I've decided to position myself solely as a Snapchat Geofilter


For the last 6 months, my designs have solely been for Snapchat Geofilters

and have consisted of:

# Weddings

# Baby showers

# Birthdays

# Nights out

# Business events

# City locations

There's something about designing a stunning and unique Snapchat Geofilter

that I love immensely. That's why I decided to put all of my energy and

design skills into designing Snapchat Geofilters.

I'm always available for work 24/7, fast, extremely punctual and not satisfied

until you're 110% happy with your design.

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Also, as I have a good amount of experience submitting and having Geofilters

approved, I can also do this part of the process for you as well.

If you’re struggling to write your own description,

check out your competitors to see what they’ve put.

Make sure you include some of your keywords for your

service in your profile description.


Your education and employment history.

Some clients want to see that you’re well educated

and have experience.

In honesty I don’t spend too much time on this part,

I tend to put self-employed here as opposed to making

things up.

And now the GOOD part…

How much you’re going to charge!

EDIT: Recently Upwork decided to fiddle with their

fees and changed the flat 10% fee to 20% for the

first $500 earned with any one client. This is to

encourage building business relationships and

obviously so Upwork can make a bigger profit!

Nevertheless, we just factor it into our pricing… No


Let’s say the average price on Upwork for your

service is $50, and your Fiverr freelancer charges

$10. Then to start, until you’ve established yourself

on Upwork I’d price a little lower so maybe $40.

Minus Upworks 20% fee and you’re left with $32. Minus

$10 Fiverr fee and you’re profit is $22.

Not bad for simply copy pasting the instructions from

your Upwork client to your Fiverr freelancer!

Now, imagine if you get 10 jobs a week… Would an

extra $220 a week help you out?

What about if you got 10 jobs a day! Let’s move to

step 3.

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So, now we get to the money making side of things.

There’s an abundance of jobs that you can search and

apply for on Upwork.

Simply, bash in some keywords related to your niche,

and think outside the box.

For example…

I could search Geofilter for any Snapchat Geofilter

jobs. However I’d also search for Snapchat, Filter,

Geo just in case people either misspell or don’t know

the proper name.

I’ve applied and won a good amount of jobs from

thinking outside the box in regards to keywords.

Select the job you want to apply for…

Make sure you read through the details so you

understand what the client wants doing, and make sure

you know how much your Fiverr freelancer is going to


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Even if it means copying the details and pasting them

into a Fiverr message to see what they think so you

know how much you’ll need to pay them.

Then, hit submit proposal.

And fill out the next page, put how much you’re going

to bid, taking into account the Upwork fees and

Fiverr cost.

I like to aim to earn at least 100% ROI. So if I pay

$20 in total then I want to earn $40 in profit back.

You’ll find some jobs, where the client has put their

budget and it vastly exceeds what you’ll pay. For

example I’ve had clients with a $200 budget for a job

which would only cost $15 on Fiverr.

For those clients, I’d lower my bid and not get


Next, select the estimated duration, making sure you

know how fast your Fiverr freelancer can get your

service delivered.

In my case, I have a freelancer that returns quality

work within 5 hours which is a great plus point for

putting in your job application.

Then your cover letter…

Here’s my generic cover letter:

Hi there,

I'd love to put myself forward for this awesome job opportunity.

My name is Thomas and I’m a prolific Snapchat user and talented Geofilter

designer. For the last 6 months I've been designing unique and stunning

Geofilters for all types of occasion.

Weddings, baby showers, nights out, schools, birthdays and business events.

Your job posting is ideally suited to my skills and I’d be more than happy to

hop on a Skype call or instant message here on Upwork to discuss your job,

my skills and your requirements.

I've attached a PDF document showcasing some of my recent.

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As I've been designing and submitting Geofilters regularly I have an excellent

understanding of Geofilter requirements and also what Snapchat will and

won't approve.

If there's anything else you'd like to know please just ask and I'll get back to

you right away.

I’m available to start immediately and can have your designs finished a few

hours from now.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Again, feel free to play around with my cover letter.

I change this up each and every time to suit the

position I’m applying for. Also personalizing it.

Important: One thing to note with Upwork is they

allocate you something called “connects”. These

connects are what you use to apply for jobs,

basically it’s another way for Upwork to make money.

For the free account Upwork allocate 60 connects each

month, and a job application costs 1-5 connects.

As you start getting jobs and making money, you can

choose whether it’s worth upgrading to a paid


Jobs are added to Upwork throughout the day so make

sure you check your keywords and niche category



Here’s a golden nugget of a tip…

If you build a solid customer base, where customers

return regularly, then consider building a

website/store front where you can advertise your


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This then waives the 20% Upwork fee, and also gives

you more control.

You could do this on Wordpress or Shopify.

Another thing you could do, is branch out to other

freelance sites. and are 2.

Create a profile and advertise your services.


You now have a pretty neat Arbitrage method that if

done correctly can bring you anywhere from an extra

couple hundred dollars to thousands of dollars per


It all depends on how much effort and action you put


Anyway, hope you’ve got something from it…

As always, please feel free to reach out with any

questions or queries.

You can email me at [email protected]

For now, thanks again and we’ll speak soon.

Thomas Owen


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