Small-x physics 3- Saturation phenomenology at hadron colliders Cyrille Marquet Columbia University.

Small-x physics 3- Saturation phenomenology at hadron colliders Cyrille Marquet Columbia University

Transcript of Small-x physics 3- Saturation phenomenology at hadron colliders Cyrille Marquet Columbia University.

Page 1: Small-x physics 3- Saturation phenomenology at hadron colliders Cyrille Marquet Columbia University.

Small-x physics

3- Saturation phenomenologyat hadron colliders

Cyrille Marquet

Columbia University

Page 2: Small-x physics 3- Saturation phenomenology at hadron colliders Cyrille Marquet Columbia University.

Outline of the third lecture

• The hadronic wave functionsummary of what we have learned

• The saturation modelsfrom GBW to the latest ones

• Deep inelastic scattering (DIS)the cleanest way to probe the CGC/saturationallows to fix the model parameters

• Diffractive DIS and other DIS processesthese observables are predicted

• Forward particle production in pA collisionsand the success of the CGC picture at RHIC

Page 3: Small-x physics 3- Saturation phenomenology at hadron colliders Cyrille Marquet Columbia University.

The hadronic/nuclearwave function

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The hadron wave function in QCDgggggqqqqqqgqqq .........hadron


regime: soft QCD

1, 1, ~hadron xkxkk QCDTQCDTQCDT

relevant for instance for

the total cross-section in

hadron-hadron collisions

perturbative regime,

dilute system of partons:

hard QCD (leading-twist


relevant for instance for

top quark production

S (kT ) << 1

weakly-coupled regime,

dense system of partons (gluons)

non linear QCD

the saturation regime

not relevant to experiments

until the mid 90’s

with HERA and RHIC: recent gain of interest for saturation physics

• one can distinguish three regimes

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The dilute regime1, 1, ~hadron xkxkk QCDTQCDTQCDT



kthe dilute (leading-twist) regime:

hadron =a dilute system of partons which interact incoherently

)Q,/(ˆ)Q,()Q,( 22/

12 xxxdxx Bjapa

apartons x



for instance, the total cross-section in DIS

partonic cross-sectionparton density


1/kT ~ parton transverse size

as kT increases, the hadron gets more dilute

Dokshitzer GribovLipatov Altarelli Parisi

transverse view of the hadron

Page 6: Small-x physics 3- Saturation phenomenology at hadron colliders Cyrille Marquet Columbia University.

The saturation regime1, 1, ~hadron xkxkk QCDTQCDTQCDT

the saturation regime of QCD:the weakly-coupled regime that describes the collective behavior of quarks and gluons inside a high-energy hadron


, 1T





kthe saturation regime:

hadron = a dense system of partons which interact coherently

the separation between the dilute and dense

regimes is caracterized by a momentum scale:

the saturation scale Qs(x)

Balitsky Fadin Kuraev Lipatov

as x decreases, the hadron gets denser

Page 7: Small-x physics 3- Saturation phenomenology at hadron colliders Cyrille Marquet Columbia University.

N = 1

N << 1

Geometric scaling from BK• what we learned about the transition to saturation:

the amplitude is invariant along anyline parallel to the saturation line

the saturation scale:

traveling wave solutions geometric scaling

the dipole scattering amplitude

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• deep inelastic scattering at small xBj :

• particle production at forward rapidities y :

When is saturation relevant ?in processes that are sensitive to the small-x part of the hadron wavefunction






in DIS small x corresponds to high energy

saturation relevant for inclusive,diffractive, exclusive events

pT , y

yT epsx 2

yT epsx 1 in particle production, small x corresponds

to high energy and forward rapidities

saturation relevant for the production ofjets, pions, heavy flavors, photons

at HERA, xBj ~10-4 for Q² = 10 GeV²

at RHIC, x2 ~10-4 for pT ² = 10 GeV²

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The dipole models

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The GBW parametrization• the original model for the dipole scattering amplitude

Golec-Biernat and Wusthoff (1998)

main problem: the Fourier transform behaves badly at large momenta:

it features geometric scaling:

fitted on F2 data

the saturation scale:

the parameters:

λ consistent with BK + running coupling

• improvement for small dipole sizesBartels, Golec-Biernat and Kowalski (2002)obtained by including DGLAP-like geometric scaling violations

standard leading-twistgluon distribution

this is also what is obtained in the MV model for theCGC wave function, the behavior is recovered

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The IIM parametrization

α and β such that N and its derivative are continuous at

• a BK-inspired model with geometric scaling violations

main problem: the Fourier transform features oscillations

Iancu, Itakura and Munier (2004)

the saturation scale:

matching pointsize of scaling violationsquark masses

Soyez (2007)• improvement with the inclusion of heavy quarks

the parameters:

fixed numbers:

originally, this was fixed at the leading-log value

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Impact parameter dependencethe impact parameter dependence is not crucial for F2, it only affects the normalization

however for exclusive processes it must be included

• the IPsat model Kowalski and Teaney (2003)

• the b-CGC model

same as beforeimpact parameter profile

Kowalski, Motyka and Watt (2006)

IIM model with the saturation scale is replaced by

• the t-CGC model

the hadron-size parameter is always of order

C.M., Peschanski and Soyez (2007)

the idea is to Fourier transform where is directly related to the measured momentum transfer

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The KKT parametrization• build to be used as an unintegrated gluon distribution

the idea is to modify the saturation exponentKovchegov, Kharzeev and Tuchin (2004)

• the DHJ version

• the BUW version

KKT modified to feature exact geometric scaling

Dumitru, Hayashigaki and Jalilian-Marian (2006)

Boer, Utermann and Wessels (2008)

in practice is always replaced by before the Fourier transformation

KKT modified to better account for geometric scaling violations

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Deep inelastic scattering (DIS)

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Kinematics of DIS

size resolution 1/Q




lh center-of-mass energyS = (k+p)2

*h center-of-mass energyW2 = (k-k’+p)2

photon virtualityQ2 = - (k-k’)2 > 0








x ~ momentum fraction of the struck parton y ~ W²/S


2 /Q







experimental data are often shown in terms of

• the measured cross-section

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The virtual photon wave functions

wave function computed from QED at lowest order in em

)();()Q,( 23* kPqkqkkd

• computable from perturbation theory

)();()Q,,( 222* yxyx qqkyxdddk

x : quark transverse coordinate y : antiquark transverse coordinate

• as usual we go to the mixed space

where the interaction with the CGC is diagonal

in DIS we need the overlap function

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The dipole factorization

we already computed the dipole-CGC scattering amplitude

• the virtual photon overlap functions

• scattering off the CGC




bxrN ))2/()2/((1


average over the CGC wave functionthen

up to deviations due to quark massesthe geometric scaling implies

at small x, the dipole crosssection is comparable to that

of a pion, even though

r ~ 1/Q << 1/QCD

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HERA data and geometric scaling

geometric scaling seen in the data, butscaling violations are essential for a good fit

Stasto, Golec-Biernat and Kwiecinski (2001)

IIM fit (~250 points)

Soyez (2007)

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Diffractive DIS

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Inclusive diffraction in DIS








when the hadronremains intact rapidity gap

some events

are diffractive







tMkkpp X

momentum fraction of the exchanged object(Pomeron) with respect to the hadron

diffractive mass

MX2 = (p-p’+k-k’)2

• the measured cross-section

momentum transfert = (p-p’)2 < 0

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• the contribution

The dipole picturethe diffractive final state is decomposed into contributions

comes from Fourier transform to MX2

overlap ofwavefunctions Fourier transform to t dipole amplitudes

double differential cross-section(proportional to the structure function)

for a given photon polarization:

geometric scaling implies

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Hard diffraction and saturation

dipole size r

recall the dipole scattering amplitude• the total cross sections

in DIS


contribution of the different rregions in the hard regime

DIS dominated by relatively hard sizes

DDIS dominated by semi-hard sizes Sr Q1~Sr Q1Q1

22 QQ S

1 )/Qln(Q 1 Q 2S

22 DIS

1 1 Q

1 Q


• diffraction directly sensitive to saturation

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Comparison with HERA data

(~450 points)parameter-free predictionswith IIM model

with proton tagging e p e X p

H1 FPS data (2006) ZEUS LPS data (2004)

without proton tagging e p e X Y

H1 LRG data (2006) MY < 1.6 GeV

ZEUS FPC data (2005) MY < 2.3 GeV

C.M. (2007)

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Important features

tot = F2D

contributions of the different final statesto the diffractive structure function:

at small : quark-antiquark-gluon

at intermediate : quark-antiquark (T)

at large : quark-antiquark (L)

• the β dependenceC.M. and Schoeffel (2006)

• geometric scaling

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Hard diffraction off nuclei

in diffraction, averaging at the level of the amplitudecorresponds to a final state where the nucleus is intact

averaging at the cross-section levelallows the breakup of the nucleus into nucleons

averaged with the Woods-Saxon distribution

position of the nucleons

• the dipole-nucleus cross-section Kowalski and Teaney (2003)

• the Woods-Saxon averaging

Kowalski, Lappi, C.M. and Venugopalan (2008)

• nuclear effects

enhancement at large

suppression at small

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Exclusive vector meson production• sensitive to impact parameter

)M,,()Q,,()M,Q,( 2V


2 zrzrdzr V




1 rexbrTbdrddt

d biqqq


the overlap function:instead of

)Q,,( 2zr

)M,,( 2VzrV

lots of data from HERA



d VppVM

²)Q,(* xVppVM

measurements: rho J/Psi

• success of the dipole models


b-CGC appears to work wellalso but no given

predictions for DVCS are available

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Forward particle productionin pA collisions

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Forward particle production

),(),( 22



TT kxfkxg



kT , y

yT eksx 1

transverse momentum kT, rapidity y > 0

yT eksx 2

• forward rapidities probe small values of x

the large-x hadron should be described by

standard leading-twist parton distributions

the small-x hadron/nucleus should be

described by CGC-averaged correlators

values of x probed in the process:

the cross-section:single gluon production

probes only the unintegrated

gluon distribution (2-point function)

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xA xA xp xdLHCRHIC

deuteron dominated by valence quarks

• typical values of x being probed at forward rapidities (y~3)



nucleus dominated by early CGC evolution

on the nucleus side, the CGC

picture would be better tested

the proton description shouldinclude both quarks and gluons

if the emitted particle is a quark, involves

if the emitted particle is a gluon, involves

• how the CGC is being probed

Page 30: Small-x physics 3- Saturation phenomenology at hadron colliders Cyrille Marquet Columbia University.

Inclusive gluon production

q : gluon transverse momentum

yq : gluon rapidity




zzzz AAc

' W'WTrN


gg dipole scattering amplitude:


adjointWilson line



this derivation is for dipole-CGC scattering

but the result valid for any dilute projectile


• effectively described by a gluonic dipole

the other Wilson lines and (coming

from the interaction of non-mesured partons)

cancel when summing all the diagrams

)(xFW )(yFW


222 q


i yqrTerdbqdd



rq the transverse momentum spectrum

is obtained from a Fourier

transformation of the dipole size rvery close to the unintegrated

gluon distribution introduced earlier

• the gluon production cross-section

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A CGC prediction

in the geometric scaling regime

is peaked around QS(Y)


),( yk

• the unintegrated gluon distribution



NR hXpp





the suppression of RdA was predicted

xA decreases(y increases)

• the suppression of RdA

in the absence of nuclear effects, meaning if the gluons in the nucleus interact incoherently like in A protons

the infrared diffusion problem of the BFKL

solutions has been cured by saturation

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RdA and forward pion spectrum

Kharzeev, Kovchegov and Tuchin (2004)

RdA• first comparison to data

qualitative agreement

with KKT parametrization

Dumitru, Hayashigaki and Jalilian-Marian (2006)

shows the importance of both

evolutions: xA (CGC) and xd (DGLAP)

shows the dominance

of the valence quarks

for the pT – spectrum

with the DHJ model

• quantitative agreement

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2-particle correlations in pA• inclusive two-particle production

11 , yk 22 , yks




21 21





21 21

probes 2-, 4- and 6- point functions

final state :

one can test more information about the CGC compared to single particle production

as k2 decreases, it gets closer to QS and thecorrelation in azimuthal angle is suppressed

• some results for azimuthal correlations

obtained by solving BK, not from model

k2 is varied from 1.5 to 3 GeV

C.M. (2007)

at forward rapidities in order to probe small x

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What is going on now in this field

• Link with the MLLA ?we would like to understand the differences between the picturessimilar objects have already been identified (triple Pomeron vertex)

• Higher order correctionsrunning coupling corrections to BK are known,but not the full non linear equation at next-to-leading log

• Heavy ion collisionswhat is the system at the time ~1/Qs after the collisioncrucial for the rest of the space-time evolution

• Calculations for RHIC/LHCtotal multiplicities, jets, pions, heavy flavors, photons, dileptons