SMALL VILLAGE TOURS in South Umbria, Italy

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The Italian Association of the most beautiful Villages of Itlay is presenting its travel suggestion in South Umbria ****Beauty just a stone´s throw from homeThis trip to the most beautiful villages of Italy began with a reading, the Sillabari by Goffredo Parise. At a certain point in his life, Parise left Rome to go live in a cottage, "a small, elderberry-scented Eden" outside Venice. It wasn´t exactly an ancient village, but it was an enchanting place nonetheless, around which began to sprout the warehouses, apartment buildings, and boxy houses typical of the chaotic developments of 1970s Italy.Parise, who did not dislike cities and was not a loner, was seeking a place where he could look into himself, face his own ghosts and his imagination: a place where he could "breathe in the sense of time," and smell the "odor of life and its seasons."The villages are these enchanting places, whose centuries-old beauty transcends our lives, and thus it is our duty to protect them. The first step is to catalog them. How many are there in Italy? According to a very approximate estimate, there could be two hundred "very beautiful" villages. We will have a definite answer in a few years, when the classification work is completed. In the meantime, the revisiting - contained in this guide - of the squares, fortresses, castles, towers, public buildings, private residences, churches, bell towers, landscapes, festivals, local products, histories, etc. prove to us that Italy truly is the most beautiful country in the world. What is urgently needed is to preserve and pass down to the next generations this immense cultural and environmental heritage, largely unknown to most people.The value of beauty lies in its power to guide us: just a stone´s throw from home, there are worlds that we don´t know; we have the opportunity to go on truly "exotic" vacations, far from the stereotypes of mass tourism. An alternative to the "non-places" in town, anonymous and alike everywhere - and an alternative life, because, to paraphrase Pound, to proceed slowly is beauty.Claudio BacilieriScientific Committee, Club of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy

Transcript of SMALL VILLAGE TOURS in South Umbria, Italy

  • TOUR IN UMBRIA 6 nights/7 days

    Giove, Arrone, San Gemini, Acquasparta, Lugnano In Teverina Day 1 Arrival at the airport or Rome Transfer to Piediluco and accommodation in Hotel 3* Free time at your disposal Dinner and overnight

  • Day 2 Breakfast in hotel

    and departure for Terni Visit of the city and of

    the St. Valentines places Free lunch

    Departure for Narni Visit of the city

    Return to the hotel Dinner and overnight

  • Day 3 Breakfast in Hotel

    Visit of a mill and extravirgin oil tasting Departure for Giove

    Visit of the village Departure for Orvieto

    Lunch in a typical restaurant Visit of the city

    Departure for Lugnano in Teverina Visit of the village

    Return to the hotel Dinner and overnight

  • Giove The village was originally a Roman settlement on the Tiber River that probably owes its name to the existence of a temple dedicated to Zeus, god to whom were consecrated many hills. Another hypothesis Is that the name derivates from the popularization of Latin jugum ("yoke mount", "Necessary steps", "sum-mit" within two valleys) that recalls the geographical characteristics of the place. In the central Square XXIV Maggio overlooking the majestic Palace of the Dukes Mattei overlooking the ancient village.. The ducal castle stands on a pre-existing fortress of which are still visible sections of the perimeter walls and tow-ers. In the 600 is assumed expanded by Vignola or her school.

  • LUGNANO IN TEVERINA The first name with which the village is documented is Lugnanum Tyburinae (1290). It is thought that the village was built by the in-habitants of the Tiber valley below (Teverina) who inhabited high-er ground in order to escape malaria fever around the sixth cen-tury. B.C. The name Lugnano may derive from Lucus Jani, forest of Janus, the corresponding female of which is Luna (moon). The moon is designed in villages crest.

  • Day 4 Breakfast in Hotel Departure for Marmore waterfalls and natural routes Departure for Arrone Visit of the village

  • Lunch in a typical restaurant Educational experience in a farm

    Aperitif on the bank of the Lake of Piediluco with local products

    Return to the hotel Dinner and overnight

  • Arrone Arrone derivates its name from the family of nobles Arroni, who founded it in sec.. IX A.D. Located on a hill off in the Park of the River Nera, very closet of the Marmore waterfalls, hosts the castle of Arronis family, built in the ninth century AD Around the castle was built the nucleus of the village, dominated for a long time by the Roman noble family.. In the streets of downtown intact there are the signs of the time: the bell tower, the civic tower "of the olive trees", the four-teenth century church of Saint John the Baptist, the collegiate century Santa Maria Assunta and the ex convent of San Francesco.. Here you can find anche buildings of architectural value in which frescoes remain influenced by the school of Filippo Lippi and, one of the most important Italian painter.

  • Day 5 Breakfast in hotel Departure for Rome Visit of the city Lunch in a tyical Fraschetta Further visit of the city Return to the hotel hotel Dinner and overnight

  • Day 6 Breakfast in hotel Departure for the roman city of Carsulae Visit of Carsulae Departure for San Gemini Lunch in a typical restaurant Visit of the village

  • Departutre for Acquasparta Visit of the village Return to the hotel Dinner and overnight

  • San Gemini Medieval village, nestled in the beautiful Umbrian landscape, San Gemini is not easily forgotten.. The visit can start from Piazza San Francesco, the heart of the country, connecting the more modern , Renaissance and later, the old center, perched on the hilltop.. On the square facing the Church of San Francesco and the eighteenth-century Palazzo Comunale which replaced Palazzo Vecchio as the Town Hall.. The church, dedicated to St. Francis here effected An exorcism in 1213, dates back to that period and has a beautiful Gothic portal with ancient wooden door, and indoor, you can admire some Gothic frescoes of the Umbrian school.

  • Acquasparta The name comes from the Latin Partas waters (waters scattered), which since ancient times indicated the water wealth of its territory, located between the sources of Amerino and Furapane. The historical center preserves the ancient medieval structure with evocative walls. The town revolves around the Palazzo Cesi, monumental complex of Renaissance of the late sixteenth century, en-closed within the historic city walls.. You can enter in the village by two main en-trances: one leads to the oldest part of the city through the feature "Old Port", halls for "cords", steep and winding road up to the top of the old town; the second is "Corso dei Lincei" the main street that leads to the heart of Acquas-parta, Piazza Federico Cesi (natural scientist, who founded in Rome in 1603, the Accademia dei Lincei), which overlooks the majestic Palazzo Cesi.

    Day 7 Breakfast in hotel

    Departure for Rome Airport End of services

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  • GUIDED TOUR OF STRONCONE Located in a lovely position at 450 meters of high, Stroncone is a charming me-dieval village perched on a beautiful hill covered with olive groves, jealously pro-tected by the solid castle walls. It offers art, culture and a picturesque Francis-can spirituality. The old town has preserved its charming medieval aspect with features narrow, winding streets, beautiful stone portals and an ancient well, At the entrance of the village a monumental seventeenth-century fountain from the elegant and elaborate architecture the Oratory of St. John "Decollato ", the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas, with a linear Romanesque facade, an ancient portal with bas-relief Byzantine style. In the Town Hall, where there is an archives, along with Numerous coins, medals and seals of various periods, are preserved nine illu-minated manuscripts of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the Shrine of Arms, the Collegiate Church of St. Michael the Archangel, the oldest of Stron-cone, and the Convent of the Franciscan Sisters of the Child Jesus, an example of an ancient noble residence, containing a fourteenth-century kitchen with vari-ous ancient tools.

  • GUIDED TOUR OF SPOLETO Ancient capital of the Lombard dukes Spoleto will leave you breathless. In a postcard addressed to his wife Herman Hesse wrote: "Spoleto is the most beau-tiful discovery I made in Italy [...], there is such a wealth of beauty almost un-known, mountains, valleys, forests of oaks, monasteries, waterfalls! ". We recommend you to start your journey from Rocca Albornoz That overlooks the city. Distinguished record of the presence of popes and governors in Spoleto the Fortress, surrounded by a high perimeter walls alternating system of six square towers, is the symbol of the city and is divided into two distinct areas: the main courtyard, with the National Museum of the Duchy and a multipurpose space for exhibitions, concerts and conferences, and the Courtyard of arms, with an outdoor theater.

  • GUIDED TOUR OF VALLO DI NERA Vallo di Nera is a monument-village. It barely emerges from the woods, with its houses of light-colored stone, amazingly preserved since 1217, a when the city of Spoleto granted the men of Vallo permission to construct a castle on the hill where a fortress had previously risen, in order to defend the valley.Thus it presents itself as a medieval fortress with an elliptic urban layout, erected on a hill along the left side of the Nera river. The imposing city walls and the ancient towers encircle the stone houses, set one against the other and iterrupted only by the steep alleyways, arches and underpasses. Two symmtrical gates, Portella and Portaranne, permit access to the villageonly pedestrians are admitted. Once inside it is more medieval brasures, corbels, narrow passageways, dark and serried alleyways, the pricless Romanesque churches and the stone portals, the towerPetrone who led the revolt of the castles in the valley against Spoleto.

    It barely emerges from the woods, with its colored stone, amazingly preserved since 1217, a when the city

    of Spoleto granted the men of Vallo permission to construct a castle on the hill had previously risen, in order to defend the valley.

    Thus it presents itself as a medieval fortress with an elliptic urban layout, erected on a hill along the left side of the Nera river. The imposing city walls and

    ouses, set one against the other and in-terrupted only by the steep alleyways, arches and underpasses. Two symme-trical gates, Portella and Portaranne, permit access to the village-castle, where only pedestrians are admitted. Once inside it is more medieval than ever: em-brasures, corbels, narrow passageways, dark and serried alleyways, the price-less Romanesque churches and the stone portals, the tower-house of the proud Petrone who led the revolt of the castles in the valley against Spoleto.

  • GUIDED TOUR OF NORCIA Norcia was founded by the Sabines, set against the Sibylline Mountains. Ac-cording to historians the area was inhabited right from the Neolithic age but the first records of continuous settlement date back to the 8th century BC. It really developed at the end of the 5th century BC and its name came from the Etruscan name Norsia (the name of the Etrusca n goddess of fortune). Nor-cia is a destination far removed from the commonplace that, to be appreciated, needs to be discovered and experienced. That is the only way of making your trip a truly unique, unforgettable experience. Here nature, mysticism, gastrono-my, sport, art and silence merge in aharmonious combination.

  • GUIDED TOUR OF ORVIETO UNDERGROUND Come with us to discover a millenary, surprising and unexpected Underground City, created by its ancient inhabitants over about 2500 years of uninterrupted digging. The distinctive geological nature of the mass of stone on which it stands allowed its inhabitants to dig, in the course of about 2500 years, an incredible number of cavities extending, overlapping and intersecting beneath the modern structure of the city. They make up a precious repository of historical and arc-haeological information, only recently studied systematically and scientifically. If the superficial aspect of the city has changed wi th the passing of time, the hy-pogean structures that were functional to it have remained, mostly, intact.

  • GUIDED TOUR OF NARNI UNDERGROUND For those who love art and history, Narni underground offers a variety of impor-tant areas to be visited as part of a guided tour in the underground city. During this visit you can admire the basemant of the old convent of San Domenico with an adjoining church frescoes dating back to the thirteenth and Fifteenth centu-ries, a Roman cistern and a cell full of graffiti made by prisoners of the inquisi-tion.

  • ASSISI Calendimaggio, May To make suggestive atmosphere during Calendimaggio of As-sisi are the hundreds of people in medieval clothes and beauti-ful performances that see the two opposing sides of the town. Under the gaze of an international jury, which are part of a his-torical, a musicologist and a personality of the show called to decide the winner of the Palio, the two parties are performing in a three-day event.

  • NARNI The ring riding, May The Ring Riding is a medieval reenactment held in Narni from the last week of April to the second Sunday of May, the day of the race. This re-enactment based on the celebrations of the patron saint of Narni, Juvenal of Narni, and is celebrated on 3 May.

  • VALLO DI NERA - Fior di cacio, June The fortified town of Vallo di Nera houses in its streets annular flat, intersected by radial steep streets and in the streets where sacred buildings facing in a perfect Romanesque style, the event Fior di Cacio, where where the protagonist is the Um-brian cheeses.

  • ACQUASPARTA Festival of renassaince, June During this event the city is divided into three districts, it be-comes a big stage where they are represented historical events of the period century to honor the family Cesi and par-ticularly the life of Federico Cesi II, Duke of the city and found-er of the Accademia dei Lincei.Taverna in each district will try to prepare recipes that will be the basis of race Gastronomica that concerns the proposition typical of the time - the review period is generally one related to 1600 - not only to the jury called to decree its responsiveness to taste of the time, but al-so for the public who can thus discover new and old flavors.

  • SPOLETO Festival of two words, June July The Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto is one of the oldest and most important festivals in Umbria, as well as an event of worldwide and for a while the only of its kind in Italy . In the 17 day of the festival, which begins usually the last Friday in June, alternate ballet, opera, painting, conferences, concerts, thea-ter, conferences, church music, readings, puppet shows and contemporary art.

  • SAN GEMINI The carousel of arme, October The carousel of Arme of San Gemini is an equestr ian tour-nament, with low-medieval origin, held in San Gemini in the month of October in honor of the Patron Saint Gemine (Octo-ber 9).It is considered by historians as one of the most impor-tant gatherings reminiscent in Italy and its first edition, in mod-ern times, dates back to 1974. However, the most ancient news regarding a jousting tournament in honor of the patron saint date back to 1300.

  • TREKKING EXPERIENCE BETWEEN NATURAL BEAUTY AND HIST ORY Recommended seasons: spring, summer This route of great historical, artistic and landscape aspects, starts from the town of Piediluco, climbing gently along the coasts of the Monte della Rocca, within at Reaches forest and the ruins of the ancient Albornoz fortress built be-tween 1364 and 1368 on the ruins of the ancient castle of Luco. The path fol-lows the oldest routes that connected the village of Piediluco with the ancient part where today stands the Rocca.

    The Rocca is an architectural complex made up of two parts: the oldest was built in the late thirteenth century renovating the oldest buildings of the castle. The second group is the real fortress, formed by a tower, a courtyard with a tank and the residence of the lord. You can still see the remains of the ancient castle. Inside the park are still visible remains of the fortified walls of rock that form a system of concentric walls around the building and those of the fortified village, which descended from the rock along the flanks of the mountain to the lake by enclosing the country.

  • TREKKING IN THE NATURAL PARK OF MARMORE WATER-FALLS AND THE BEAUTIFUL VIEW FROM THE BALCONY OF THE LOVERS Starting from the Learning Center of the botanical garden leads to a tree-lined square from where the trail begins It continues through rocky peaks emerging from the forest to reach (after 20 minutes) a crossroads: to the left goes to the Tunnel and the Lov-ers balcony, right at the Upper Belvedere. After 5 minutes you ar-rive at a rest area with wooden tables and a little further on some benches. From here in 10 minutes to reach the Upper Belvedere and thus the Observatory, nice arcade was built by Pope Pius VI in 1786, which opens an impressive view of the first jump of the waterfall. Length: 800 meters Difficulty: average Time: 40 minutes uphill, downhill 25 Vertical drop: 150 meters The service is not accessible in December and January.

  • VISIT OF A WINERY AND WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCTS TAS TING Recommended Seasons: all seasons We will be happy to let you taste umbrian wines and typical products in the terri-tory of San Gemini, a cellar built in the late 50s, just think of what can be consi-dered one of the first wineries to modern conception in Umbria. We want to share with you our passion for wine; anyone who wants to discover the processing of wine, breathe the smells of the cellar where the wines come to life and grow old, get lost in the vineyards, dive with all the senses in our territory, exchange views and share the pleasure of wine and cultural experience.

  • MOUNTAIN BIKE ROUTE BETWEEN HISTORY AND LANDSCAPE : THE PICTURESQUE LAKE OF PIEDILUCO Area of high natural and environmental interest for the presence of wetlands af-fected by botanical stations of particular value, is dominated by certainly Piedilu-co Lake and the river Velino, the Sabine River, Which flows into the Black, which is the largest tributary, forming the waterfall marmore. The picturesque lake environment, painted by Corot in 1826 during his trip to Italy, Represented in Numerous prints drawn by landscape painters of romanticism did Piediluco with the Cascade Falls, was a stop on the "Grand Tour". The ancient village of Piediluco. A visit to the historic center of Piediluco (Castle Piediluco) of the mu-nicipality of Terni, an ancient town of the Kingdom of Italy abolished in 1927. Ancient fortified center, is presented with a historic urban structure consists of two distinct groups, united by a system of walls: La Rocca Albornoz (XIII-XIV sec.) built on the ruins of the ancient castle of Luco (IX-X century. hence the name of the country) and the village of Piediluco (XII-XIII century). Born of an ancient village of fishermen at the foot of the castle, has a plant in morphology predominantly longitudinal position lake shore centered around the old center dominated by the Gothic church of San Francesco (XIII-XIV sec.) and the Ro-manesque church of Santa Maria del Colle. Inside the village is remarkable Gothic church of St. Francis from 1999 Franciscan sanctuary

  • ENJOY A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE IN THE BEAUTIFUL SETTING OF THE WATRERFALLS OF MARMORE! Recommended seasons: all seasons An ideal place for rafting: the fantastic descent of the rapids in an inflatable boat. Here, the Nera river bubbles over the rocks for over three kilometers, forming rapids fourth degree, surrounded by lush vegetation, in an environment that seems tropical! Do not you have to have special skills to do it: just know how to swim well, be in good health, be aged between 18 and 55 years and weighing less than 100 kg. An experience in total safety also suitable for those who are the first experience, because you will be accompanied by a licensed guide of FIRaft (Italian Rafting Federation) that will guide you down the slope.

    Duration: 1 h Difficulty : Easy

  • ADVENTURE PARK IN VALNERINA Recommended seasons: summer, spring Built in the shade of trees at about 8 km from the Marmore Waterfalls. is located in the Nera Valley in the Nera River Park, adjacent to the medieval village of Rosciano in the Municipality of Arrone (TR). The routes will take you to walk among the trees at different heights and difficulty and will experience the thrill of walking through the branches or on their hair.

  • B.I.T.N.

    Borghi Italia Tour Network Via Angelo Bargoni, 78,sc.F-int. 7, 00153, Roma

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