Small Business Guide To Surviving Obamacare and ......Small Business Guide To Surviving Obamacare...

Copyright© 2012 Team Double-Click ® All rights reserved - Unauthorized reproduction strictly prohibited Page 1 Here is the special FREE report you ordered Small Business Guide To Surviving Obamacare and Employee Tax Hikes Be well on your way to avoiding Obamacare taxes and fines, avoiding tax hikes caused by the Fiscal Cliff AND eliminating frustrations caused by employees. Increase your businessefficiency and save BIG money in minutes! Even if you and your office are overtaxed, understaffed or under-talented. In this special report you will discover… A step-by-step game plan to immediately shield your business from the horrible effects of Obamacare. How to avoid the tax hikes caused by the Fiscal Cliff. A plan to immediately increase the efficiency of your business and turn it into one that actually saves cash for you like a bank vault! 5 reasons why “traditional” staffing SUCKs! How to gain access to a massive, *PROVEN, ready-to-use office system, that has saved millions of dollars for small businesses just like yours. How streamlining your office operations can actually help you make even more money! How to “Recession-Proof” your business. *PROVEN systems and strategies to enable you to transform your ho-hum business into a thriving business quickly in spite of a “lousy market.” Laugh in the faces of bricks-and-mortar staff who constantly charge you for time spent playing solitaire, ignoring your clients, performing half of their job, and 1,000 other ways they work at not being productive and charging you for their time to do it. How to put an immediate end to paying for health insurance, vacation time, sick time, holidays, and all the other entitlements employees constantly seem to have their hands out for. How to achieve your ideal business and ideal lifestyle…regain control of your time, your business and your life. How to work less than 35 hours per week, no weekends, and take two months vacation every year. How to run your business WITHOUT the headache of employees. IMMEDIATE RESPONSE REQUIRED! Only 25 “Office Systems AuditsAvailable Dear Friend and Colleague, Hi, my name is Gayle Buske, CEO of Team Double-Click®. Since 2000, a quiet revolution has been underway among small businesses worldwide. An exclusive group of small businesses have been quietly slashing office expenses, eliminating taxes, building their businesses big, and making more money than they ever thought possible. And they’ve done this in spite of the worst economy in 50 years. (See the success stories in this report.) In this report you will learn how you can get access to this proven system right now.

Transcript of Small Business Guide To Surviving Obamacare and ......Small Business Guide To Surviving Obamacare...

Page 1: Small Business Guide To Surviving Obamacare and ......Small Business Guide To Surviving Obamacare and Employee Tax Hikes Be well on your way to avoiding Obamacare taxes and fines,

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Here is the special FREE report you ordered

Small Business Guide To Surviving

Obamacare and Employee Tax Hikes

Be well on your way to avoiding Obamacare taxes and fines, avoiding tax hikes caused by the Fiscal Cliff AND eliminating frustrations caused by employees.

Increase your business’ efficiency and save BIG money in minutes!

Even if you and your office are overtaxed, understaffed or under-talented.

In this special report you will discover…

A step-by-step game plan to immediately shield your business from the horrible effects of Obamacare.

How to avoid the tax hikes caused by the Fiscal Cliff.

A plan to immediately increase the efficiency of your business and turn it into one that actually saves

cash for you like a bank vault!

5 reasons why “traditional” staffing SUCKs!

How to gain access to a massive, *PROVEN, ready-to-use office system, that has saved millions of

dollars for small businesses just like yours.

How streamlining your office operations can actually help you make even more money!

How to “Recession-Proof” your business. *PROVEN systems and strategies to enable you to transform your ho-hum business into a thriving business quickly in spite of a “lousy market.”

Laugh in the faces of bricks-and-mortar staff who constantly charge you for time spent playing solitaire,

ignoring your clients, performing half of their job, and 1,000 other ways they work at not being productive and charging you for their time to do it.

How to put an immediate end to paying for health insurance, vacation time, sick time, holidays, and all

the other entitlements employees constantly seem to have their hands out for.

How to achieve your ideal business and ideal lifestyle…regain control of your time, your business and

your life.

How to work less than 35 hours per week, no weekends, and take two months vacation every year.

How to run your business WITHOUT the headache of employees.

IMMEDIATE RESPONSE REQUIRED! Only 25 “Office Systems Audits” Available

Dear Friend and Colleague,

Hi, my name is Gayle Buske, CEO of Team Double-Click®. Since 2000, a quiet revolution has been

underway among small businesses worldwide. An exclusive group of small businesses have been quietly

slashing office expenses, eliminating taxes, building their businesses big, and making more money than they ever thought possible. And they’ve done this in spite of the worst economy in 50 years. (See the success stories in this report.)

In this report you will learn how you can get access to this proven system right now.

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“We needed and desired to convert from a

physical brick and mortar office to a virtual office. We decided to do this because of the cost effectiveness of having cloud-based

virtual administrative assistants versus employees. We also needed the ability to

delegate more tasks to increase productivity. Our virtual assistants handle our phones,

direct calls to the appropriate people, take information from callers, input data into the computer, build our lists, voice mail blasts,

email blasts, create marketing pieces, SEO, maintain our website, guide potential clients and get applications, social networking,

spreadsheets, and follow up calls to name a few.

Delegate anything you can to your virtual assistants. We recommend good training of your virtual assistants so that they can be

most effective for our business. Challenge them by allowing them to give you their

input on anything they see in your business that they think might make it better. Allow them the ability to use their ingenuity and

talents thus making them feel that they are a vital part of your team.”

~ Jon and Stephanie, Real Estate Professionals Note: Full names are omitted to protect

client privacy.

*You’ll notice that I keep using the word “Proven.”

This is because in this report you are going to discover powerful and life-changing secrets for building

your business, avoiding taxes, generating explosive growth and profits for your small business, and how to “opt out” of Obamacare: secrets that have been PROVEN to work time and time again by small businesses, using these systems right now, as you read this.

You will learn how you can have the entire Office Efficiency

System that I have created---along with my team’s help---installed

and put to work for you, cloned for you, to dramatically change your office’s efficiency levels and income for the better, AND opt out of Obamacare. And did I mention…WITHOUT the headache of


By the time you finish reading this report you will no longer

have to guess, or speculate about how to begin slashing office

expenses and taxes and how to create gigantic leaps in your income and radical improvements in your lifestyle over the next 12 months….you will KNOW.

Truth Versus Assumptions

At one time in history everyone assumed that the world was flat, and that the sun revolved around the earth. People who

disagreed with these assumptions and spoke out were ridiculed—even killed!—for their beliefs. But the truth eventually won out. The

truth that the earth is round was proven and accepted. The truth that

the earth revolves around the sun was proven and accepted. The false assumptions were replaced with the TRUTH, and the

WORLD was changed forever. Most people in business for themselves operate under false

assumptions when it comes to building a successful business. They assume that hiring an office staff, doing a good job, honoring their word, or selling top of the line services and products or setting up a

website is all it takes to be successful. All too often the Truth says different. And as a result they never achieve the success they want or deserve.

This is a needless tragedy for some, but a great opportunity

for you. In this report you will learn the Truth about not only building

a well-oiled, streamlined business with a sizeable income but picking up more time for yourself each week, eliminating stress, eliminating

taxes and living the lifestyle you truly want. Once you learn the TRUTH you can dump the “assumptions” that are standing between you and success!

Once you EMBRACE the Truth, YOUR world will change

forever…for the better!

Achieve Your Ideal Business and Your Ideal Lifestyle

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Too many people work too hard for too little; putting in 50, 60 or 70+ hours per week. Many of those that do make an excellent income are frustrated because they feel chained to their businesses. I call them

“Successful Slaves.” My sincere desire is to help you achieve your ideal business and your ideal lifestyle. Let’s face it; you

could have gotten a 9-5 job, worked the corporate “rat race,” but instead you chose to be an entrepreneur. And you did it (at least in part) because working for yourself; you saw a better opportunity to achieve your dreams and goals than in working for someone else.

And this boils down to the two things that almost everyone wants from their business: Time &

Money The problem is, most people feel like they spend too much time working; and they feel like they don’t

make enough money. In this report you are going to learn how you can achieve the dreams and goals that motivated you to

operate your own business in the first place. And you’ll learn about common small-business myths that are holding you back. And how to SAVE big money, and have the time to enjoy it.

But before we go any further I want to ask you… Why did you request this report? (Check all that apply. Be honest.)

I am scared to death of the financial implications of Obamacare on my business. I’m worried that I won’t be able to stay in business with the new tax hikes caused by the Fiscal

Cliff. I am tired of wasting my money on employees that never work out. I am very unhappy (maybe disgusted?) with the money I get to take home from my business. New government regulations on employment are making it impossible for me to hire additional staff. I am sick to death of the work culture in our society these days. Too many people are content to

live on the government dole and aren’t even out there looking for work. I make excellent money, but I’d like to do even better. I’m concerned (maybe scared stiff) by what’s happening in the economy. I’m unsure of the

future of my business and my income. The upcoming Obamacare laws make me wish I could just close up shop—or fire all of my employees and never look back.

I would rather my business was built around my life, instead of the other way around. My business is “owner dependant”—meaning if I’m not around to manage it, too many things go wrong.

I’m tired of “babysitting” my business, my employees and my staff. I’d like more walk-away power.

I would be thrilled to do LESS work, especially LESS hard work and make MORE money. I can’t find decent in-office help. I hire them, they work great for a few weeks (the honeymoon period) and then they get lazy. So I suffer with mediocrity when all I really want to do is offer

outstanding service to my customers. I (and/or my staff) do an outstanding “technical” job of providing quality services, but I need more of the knowledge, skills, savvy and expertise to properly market my business online. I desperately WANT to provide outstanding service for my customers, but my service “process” has holes and items keep falling through the cracks, resulting in customer dissatisfaction

Lousy employees create way too much turmoil in my business.

My business just “limps along” because my employees suck. My business creates too much stress for me and not enough joy. My home life suffers because I’m at my office too much.

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“As my virtual business grows I need periodic

support for administrative work. I decided it

would be more profitable to delegate the time

spent on administrative work to market my


I met A Team Double Click® staff member at

a Conference. I was impressed with the

business model. Previous experience with a

cloud-based virtual administrative assistant I

hired on my own was successful. However, she

discontinued working as a cloud-based virtual

administrative assistant so I had to either hire

Team Double Click® or search for, interview

and hire a new virtual administrative assistant.

I decided to give Team Double Click® a try.

Their commitment to service and customer

satisfaction sounded compelling.

My cloud-based virtual administrative assistant

handles the technical aspects of sending my

electronic newsletter to my mailing list; upload

articles I write to my website, and as my

practice grows will handle more of my

scheduling with clients and speaking


The best is I can pay attention to other things

and let my virtual administrative assistant deal

with it. I am less skilled at the technical work

so it takes me too much time. As my virtual

administrative assistant works on her projects I

can create new products and services which

equal money and clients.”

~ Jean, Public Speaker, Life Coach, and

Marketing Strategist

I am sick to death of paying an employee to sit there all day to answer my telephones when all I get is 4 hours of productive work out of them.

I find a great employee and she quits…leaving me high and dry. I am sick to death of babysitting employees who can’t seem to do the job I ask—no matter how much I reward or reprimand.

Other___________________________________________________________________ If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, rest easy

because you are not alone. These problems plague most small business owners looking for the magic pill that will increase office

efficiency, eliminate waste, reduce or eliminate taxes and increase profits. And in this very special report, you are going to discover the answers.

Most Small Business Owners Have Been Sold A “Bill Of Goods”

When it comes figuring out how to achieve success in your small business, most of the advice out there is flat out wrong. Some of it may have been true 20 years ago, but now it’s hopelessly out of

date. In fact, you’ve probably gotten by to this point in spite of much of the advice you’ve gotten from “experts.”

Well, there are a lot of struggling small businesses. So the

last thing you need right now is a bunch of re-hashed “office

automation” techniques that were only marginally successful 20 years ago, and sure as heck aren’t working now.

That’s NOT what you’re going to get in this report.

So before you read another sentence, we need to have an

understanding between us. I’m telling you right now that I’m going to get very, very real with you. I’m not going to pull any punches.

Maybe you’re worried about the economy. Maybe you’re worried about Obamacare. The Fiscal Cliff tax hikes? Check. Maybe you’re struggling with your business, working too hard for too

little. Or maybe you are making a lot of money, but you’re stressed out or struggling with trying to find a way to take it to the next level.

Or, maybe you’re tired of being a slave to your business. Whatever your unique challenge is, I’m betting that because you’re taking the time to read this report that there’s SOMETHING about your

business or your lifestyle that fundamentally you’re not happy with, and you’re looking for ways to improve it. Yes, you might have your staff fooled, your family, your mother-in-law, your spouse…maybe

even yourself most of the time that you’re 100% pleased with your life in every way. But right now—for the next 15 minutes—we’re going to get honest. Down and dirty. Real. Because…

You and I don’t have time to screw around with a bunch of

“feel good” fluff and B.S. that won’t help you. I GUARANTEE that

some of what I have to say might be difficult to hear…it might make you uncomfortable…maybe even make you mad. But that’s okay, because if you’ve taken the effort to get your hands on this report, I’m

guessing that you’re cut from a different cloth than the rest, and I

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respect that enough to be absolutely, totally, brutally honest with you.

Sacred Cows Make The Tastiest Hamburgers

I’m going to slaughter ALL of the small-business sacred cows. The whole herd. One by one. No mercy. No remorse. It’s gonna be a blood bath. Until I’ve taken all the preconceived notions and “everybody

knows” ideas about how to run an office (and how to experience REAL freedom) in your own business, and methodically torn them down, and put them back together in a way you won’t believe…even as it’s happening.

And when you’ve listened to me all the way to the end of this report, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

So if you can’t (Won’t?) open your mind for the next 15 minutes, wad this report up, toss it in the trash.

You’ll be saving both of us a lot of wasted time. I only have time for that small handful of serious -minded small business owners who are open to radical changes and improvements in their business and their lifestyle.

HOWEVER…if you can open your mind for the next 15 minutes, and be completely real with me (and

with yourself), then keep reading. I promise you will have the opportunity to experience radical, revolutionary

work, life-and-business-changing results.

So, what are these secrets for increasing my efficiency, my office’s efficiency, slashing or even

eliminating taxes, avoiding Obamacare, slashing costs, and doubling your income, tripling referrals, eliminating

stress in your business and creating your ideal lifestyle—without continually babysitting grown people—your employees? Let’s find out.

Exposing The Myth—Being Good is NOT Good Enough! You know you are smart, capable, reliable, and can handle running your own business. You keep

trying to find good office staff. You’re able to offer great service. On top of that, you’re honest with your clients

and you never cut corners or prices (unlike the low-price sleaze-balls that you compete against). And let’s face it: you really care about treating your clients right! You deserve to be making a lot of money (and keeping it instead of shipping it off to the government so they can dole it out to those who don’t want to work)…and if

technical expertise, quality workmanship, honesty, and attention to detail were all that was needed to get rich, you’d BE rich. (And if this was all you needed to get total freedom and financial stability, you’d HAVE total freedom and financial stability.)

DON’T fall for the industry line ‘If you offer great incentives packages to employees, interview your butt

off, be diligent to only hire those who look like they have great skills, outstanding employees will beat a path to your door.’

“Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door

…yeah, right.”

This is one of the biggest misconceptions in small business! In today’s hand-out and entitlement-driven

world, nobody’s beating a path to anyone’s door! And in every field, including yours and mine, some of the “best,” most knowledgeable most technically skilled people ARE STARVING TO DEATH. (And most people who are doing well financially are STILL working too many hours, enslaved to their business. More about that

later.) Anyway, here’s why even “good” small businesses are struggling…

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Even The Best Small Business Owner In The World Will Struggle And Suffer, Even Go Broke

Without A SYSTEM That Takes Care of Clients Consistently, Offers “Raving Fans” Service, Keeps You Out Of The Healthcare Business,

and Reduces Your Taxes (Especially in today’s market) Yet people think that just because they, as the business owner, have great skills, great customer

service, and a great vision that they will have success. That their small business will grow and they will make a

lot of money. That good employees will beat a path to their door—and stay. I call this the “build a better mousetrap” theory, and it’s totally false!

Making A Fortune In Your Small Business Is Not About How Much You Know About Your Industry…

…It’s About How much You Know About Systems!

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Have you ever had this happen….?

Your business is getting a little busier and you need help to take on the additional workload. You really can’t afford to hire someone full time (especially when you consider the additional taxes AND Obamacare fees) but you convince yourself that the only way to grow is to bite the frigging bullet and bring in someone “really good” at full time. You justify the added expense by telling yourself that you’ll bring in X amount more business to cover his or her salary and that will make up for it. Pretty soon you’ll have this new super-star busy 40 hours a week.

So you run an ad in your local paper and start interviewing. “Oh, do they look good”, you say to yourself as

you read resumes. You interview 15 or 20 people. While you’re interviewing all these amazing super stars, you are letting your business slip to do the

interviewing and your busy little business just keeps getting busier and busier and soon you’re buried. You become more desperate for “the right person” to assist you and help you grow. “This is it; I NEED someone in here right NOW.” You narrow your choices down to the 3-4 that look the best and sounded the best when you interviewed them.

Eeeny, meeny, miny, moe. You pick one. She’s GREAT! Her first week, she catches on real quick and gets

to work (that’s the honeymoon, by the way—they’re all great the first week). The second week she starts to get a little comfortable and you find her kicked back in her chair playing solitaire—on your dime! By the fourth week you’re starting to think you’re better off with no body than with just this warm body.

Now you have to fire her. Oh geez, there’s unemployment insurance to think about. You don’t want your

unemployment insurance rates to go up, do you? Okay, so you try to “fix” her. Good luck! Most people have gotten all they’re ever gonna get in the way of work ethic and ambition by the time they’re 12 . So what makes you think you can fix this 40-something piece of you-know-what? By week six, you decide you have no other choice but to offload this person before they suck anymore money out of you or lose anymore of your clients. Unemployment insurance rates be damned.

Your new super star is a total failure and you start back at the beginning again and resume looking for the next

super star and pray s/he doesn’t turn into a total flop too. Sound familiar? You know the song and dance. You’ll be right back here again in 6 weeks.

What about this one: You find a true super star and she’s doing a bang-up job. Your office has never been so

efficient. And she’s finding cost savings and heading off cost overruns like a pro. Your office is raking in money hand over fist and slashing costs like you’ve never seen before. You get more time at home with your family and last week you got to see your son’s first soccer game in you-don’t-remember-how-long. And then…superstar’s husband gets transferred to Timbuktu and you are S.O.L.

Here you go…back to square one again. Advertising, interviewing, second interviews, training, praying,

hoping, working your rear end off keeping up with the work…again, and again, and again, and again. Oh, and if all of this isn’t working to get the right person through your door, you start offering a higher rate of

pay; hoping that you’ll find something other than another crappy employee. When all the while, dishing out a higher rate of pay just gets you a higher-paid crappy employee.

Yeah, yeah, I know this is completely opposite of what ALL the business pros tell you. But I don’t give a rip

what the “pros” say because they are NOT staffing experts, and their goal is NOT to help you grow your business…it’s to sell you more books and programs. The more the merrier. MY goal is to make your life easier, your office

leaner, and your business more profitable.

Before we go any further let’s get one thing straight: when I say Systems, I want you to put aside all your preconceived notions about how an office typically works or runs. Because when I say “System,” I’m NOT talking about implementing another useless, tired-out 7-Minute Manager plan.

Also…when I say Office Systems, I’m NOT talking about more software; another website; thick books;

or ANYTHING you’ve seen or heard before. My cloud-based virtual administrative assistant System is


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Look, in any business, in any industry, the department with the highest turnover is…you guessed it…within the ranks of the administrative staff. So if you thought it was hard to find a good person, it is even

harder to get them to stay. Administrative staff is transient…PERIOD. That’s the first stumbling block.

Now, we have to worry about providing healthcare through Obamacare too? And let’s not even

mention the increase in employment taxes brought on by the Fiscal Cliff we just drove over. How in heck is a small business owner supposed to make it in this country?

The only way to get around these issues and have some kind of stability in your business and avoid the avalanche of taxes headed your way is twofold:

1) Systemize EVERYTHING. Every process and every procedure in your office gets written down

step-by-step. This way, WHEN (because it will happen) your star worker leaves, you can hand the

procedures to the next one in line and they can keep your system moving along. By the way, you don’t have to do the process writing yourself…in a minute I’ll show you how to get this done for you.

2) Fire your employees. You heard me right…FIRE YOUR EMPLOYEES. Now hold on, I don’t mean

you should do all the work yourself. Far from it. I’ll explain more later…

Anyway…the only way you are ever going to have stability in your office environment is to idiot-proof your office, or systemize it, and then plug people into it. In order to have the Raving Fans you desire as

clients, your business has to offer consistency. Your customer service MUST be top-notch—always—or you will continually churn clients over and over again. We all know that administrative staff doesn’t stick around.

And the ones that do need to be babysat—CONSTANTLY. So how are you ever going to achieve stability and top-notch customer service? SYSTEMIZE IT! Your skill in your business (by itself) WILL NOT do this. If you don’t combine your skills with the right kind of Systems, your business is destined to either fail, or wallow in

mediocrity. And you will never make the kind of money you want or deserve.

Finally, employees are becoming a huge liability with the advent of Obamacare coupled with increased employment taxes since the Fiscal Cliff. I will show you how to get out from under both. Very easily and quite legally.

The hard, cold fact of life is that the small business owner who has learned the secrets of

powerful, effective Systems is the one who will always make the most money… regardless of their

skills… I know this isn’t fair.

The most ambitious person who has the best skills, and who is the best at customer service, and who

honors their word and does the best job should automatically make the most money. But they don’t.

Good employees should beat a path to the door of the best small business. But they don’t.

Good employees should stick around forever. But they don’t. Employees should have some kind of loyalty for the person who cuts their check every week. But they


Employees should do the job you hired them to do—especially when you’re paying top dollar for that work. But they don’t—at best they do a portion of the job and laugh all the way to the bank with the paycheck you just cut.

The government should stay the heck out of your business and let you actually pursue the American

Dream. But it doesn’t—instead it tells you that you HAVE to pay higher employment taxes and you

HAVE to offer healthcare through the government AND pay for things like abortions for careless people and birth control just because you own a business. Really?

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I wish the real world worked like that. But it doesn’t. It’s not fair. But who said life is fair? (If you’re looking for “fair,” you are looking in the WRONG PLACE.

I’m not going to give you “fair”…I’m going to give you the TRUTH.)

Maybe this hurts your feelings. But like I said at the beginning: I’m not writing this to make you feel good. I’m writing this to give you the opportunity to learn how to streamline your business, reduce what you pay in taxes, get along without the crappy workers that our culture has dished us, cut costs, and impact your

bottom line. AND to give you—not just financial freedom—but total financial and business AUTONOMY! (And THAT should make you feel great!)

So I gotta give it to you straight. I think you are man or woman enough to take it.

You can fight this fact and go broke (and/or remain a “Slave” to your current business), or you can change—embrace this radically new concept and experience dramatic increases in your income and improvements in your lifestyle. (By making this giant, mental paradigm shift, you’ll instantly gain an enormous

competitive advantage over every other small business. Your business will be so lean and mean that you’ll crush the competition!)

5 Reasons Traditional

Staffing SUCKS! Actually, there are a lot more than five, but if I were to write ALL the reasons, this report would turn into

a multi-volume encyclopedia. So we’ll just stick with the top five.

Small Business Owners Are Frustrated With Crappy Results From Hiring In-Office Staff

(And this goes double in today’s economy)

I have worked with hundreds of small business owners from all over the world, and I always ask them these two questions:

Question: #1: What are you doing to staff your business? Answer I get from virtually every small business owner: Advertising in the newspaper for help and hiring people (employees) to work in my office.

Question #2: What kind of results are you getting? Answer I get from virtually every small business owner: Crappy, lousy, underskilled, no-talent idiots who

don’t really want to work but would rather just collect the paycheck.

I get the same answer from small business owners who have one person working in their office to small

business owners who have 5 or 10 or even 40 or 50 people in their office. I’ve spoken with small business owners who have huge staffing budgets, and when I ask them about the results they get from their employees, they say, “not so good—I pay for mediocre performance and our customers settle for mediocre customer

service. And by the way, I still have to cover them under Obamacare and now pay higher employment taxes” And here’s the real kicker: most of them are perfectly willing to continue the waste and simply “hope” that

things get better! Hello! Anybody home????

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There may have been a time (years ago) when you could hire employees traditionally, they’d strive to do the best job possible, take pride in their work, care about the company, and they’d stick around forever. But

no longer. My ongoing surveys of small business owners all over the world are confirming this hard, cold truth: Traditional hiring and listening to the “experts” out there Are Not Working. There are many reasons for this. Read on…

“Traditional” hiring is about finding the “right” person and building a

“relationship” rather than just getting the work done. There are 2 ways to staff your business. One way is with “traditional” hiring – you put an ad in the

paper, the “super star” comes along, you hire her, she does a great job, and she sticks until she retires—except that’s not how employees work anymore. The other is with Cloud-Based Virtual Administrative

Assistant Staffing, which is a key component of my Office System. (More about that later.) Anyway, hardly anybody knows how to use Cloud-Based Virtual Administrative Assistant Staffing, so most people wind up using “traditional” hiring. And “traditional” hiring creates ZERO differentiation between your business and the

next struggling business down the street. I’ll Prove It. Walk into any business. Bed Bath and Beyond, Red Robin, Wal-Mart, the convenience

store, your attorney’s office, your doctor’s office, the gas station, your local restaurant. Do you receive OUTSTANDING customer service anywhere you go? Exactly…almost never. Why? Because all of those businesses are struggling to get good help too. Would you want to hire any of the second-rate morons that are

working for them? Nope! Didn’t think so. They’re in the same boat you are—the sinking one, and their employees are the ones dragging them under!

But small business owners keep putting these help-wanted ads out and hoping they finally find good people who stick with them—over and over again. In theory job-seekers are supposed to love their employer, and want to stay with them. In reality loyalty is out the window and the only person getting the sweet deal is

the employee who snags a temporary paycheck (until you show them the door). (You’ll see why in a minute.)

***************************************************** If Employees Don’t Work Once, Twice, Three, and Four Times

They Won’t Work The Fifth Or Sixth Or Seventh Time Either! *****************************************************

Don’t fall for the old “if you just manage better, they will follow you.” The theory behind “traditional”

hiring is trying to build a good, solid team that is continuously efficient and effective. You hope that if you

interview and hire enough people you will eventually find a few good nuggets. There is a small grain of truth to this theory. You can get a couple good people if you keep trying over and over again…but doing it this way is very expensive and very time consuming. I recently chatted with a small business owner who has gone

through 68 (that is not a typo – sixty-eight) employees in the last 11 months—just trying to find a couple good ones to help him run his business!

Giant corporations can afford to dump millions of dollars into “traditional” hiring and absorb the waste, but you can’t. You are a small business owner; you are always trying to make one dollar do the job of ten, and

you’re constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul…money is tight! You have to make every dollar count. You simply cannot afford the waste involved with “traditional” hiring. You can’t let employees bleed you dry.

Even so, most small business owners wind up using “traditional” hiring because they simply do not know any other way. Or worse still, they take the advice of the “management gurus” and figure they can make their staff do what needs to be done and to their standards.

How many times have you heard (or said!) this phrase: “We just need one good person and I

need to manage them better.” Hiring “one good person” is the thinking behind traditional hiring. And it’s

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B.S. Why? Because what happens when that “one good person” quits? You are right back to square one! The ONLY thing that allows you to keep offering consistent customer service is consistently having consistent

people who follow your systems. And Cloud-Based Virtual Administrative Assistant Staffing is specifically designed to consistently offer the same level of service to your clients regardless of the idiot working within the system. And regardless of how often someone leaves (or gets fired) from the system.

“Traditional” Staffing Leaves You Vulnerable to

Obamacare Fees, Fines, and Higher Employment Taxes

The shear act of hiring traditional employees leaves small business owners vulnerable to all of the implications of Obamacare and the Fiscal Cliff tax hikes. That’s exactly why the owners of the Longhorn

Steakhouse chain (and many other businesses) are cutting their employees’ hours to less than 29 per week…because the implications of Obamacare and the Fiscal Cliff tax hikes are so steep and expensive. It’s also why companies I’ve talked to are firing their employees. Yep, they’re getting rid of all their employees and

converting the willing ones to contractors (asking them to form a corporation and then contracting the corporation, not hiring the employee) or hiring existing corporations to perform their office functions. I even spoke recently with a plumber with over 120 employees who is kicking his techs out, making them form a

corporation and then contracting the new corporation. He’s even going a step further by contracting virtual administrative assistants (their corporations) to perform their office functions. So rather than hire an employee, companies I’ve talked to are hiring only corporations. This excludes them from both Obamacare and the Fiscal

Cliff tax hikes. Brilliant! All of their company’s tasks are still getting done, but they avoid the bad government ramifications. The folks that were employees are now business owners themselves and it gives them “skin in the game”.

Walk into your local mechanic’s shop, restaurant, or grocery store and yourself this question: “Is the

service this schmuck is giving me what the owner of this company had in mind? Or are they struggling for

good help just as badly as I am?” Well hello! That’s the entire problem in a nutshell!!! (This kind of thinking infects every business in the

world.) They’re hiring employees and not business owners.

And why is the service so poor these days? Because employees don’t care. But business owners do!

Employees Want Top Pay But Only Want To Do Half The Job

How many times have you hired someone to do X, Y, Z, P, L, and M, only to find out weeks or months later (or after you’ve fired them) that they were only ever doing Z, P, and L? Wouldja hire a painter to paint the whole house, he paints half and you pay him the whole amount? Heck no! So why would you allow an

employee who was hired to do 10 things, do only 5 of those things? You wouldn’t so you fire her. And you’re back on the hunt for another one, hoping this time it will be different. Well, make no mistake: employees in this day and age don’t think they HAVE to do the whole job. I recently heard a news clip—an interview with an

employee at a restaurant: “How dare the owner insist that I make burgers every day? He’s a tyrant! What if I’d rather make pizza instead?” Well my friend; that’s what you’re up against. Our world has created a sense of entitlement amongst employees—and a feeling that they can do whatever they want—even if it doesn’t fit

your business model or structure.

The TRUTH is there is enormous waste in the vast majority of small businesses. Studies show that approximately 50% of the time employees spend in your office, on your dime, is UNPRODUCTIVE! Big companies can afford that kind of waste, but you as a small business owner cannot afford this waste. Yet most

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small business owners hire the same sleaze bags over and over and wind up flushing a ton of money down the toilet.

“Traditional” hiring follows the

“Train-Them-Once-And-Be-Done-With-It Myth” Most people looking to staff their businesses are looking for that ONE “magical” person, or “super” star,

or “hot” new idea, or ONE new SOMETHING…that will bring in all the good help they need to solve their customer service woes forever. I call this the “Myth of the Silver Bullet.”

Every hot new prospective employee who bumbles over your telephone line or through your door will try to tell you they are…[sound the trumpets]…YOUR Silver Bullet! “I’m better because…”

Most small business owners—who don’t have a clue about staffing—stumble from one “magic”

employee to another, desperately trying to find that “Silver Bullet.”

Well, let me set the record straight for all time… There IS NO SILVER BULLET or MAGIC EMPLOYEE. SYSTEMS and

Hiring BUSINESS OWNERS are the key to your success, not silver bullets!

I want you to stop being victimized by every prospective employee who tries to sell you on the fact that

they are the latest and greatest, whizbang, bright-n-shiny-silver-bullet. My Office Staffing System will give you the power to finally stop chasing the dream of total business success… and start experiencing it!

How The Office Efficiency System Will Revolutionize Your Business, And Your Life, And Give You Walk-Away Power And Total Freedom

And Autonomy! From the time a client rings your phone or visits your site, the sale is made, and the sale happens, a

very complex, ongoing process takes place. This process can be complicated—or simple—but no doubt, it must be done correctly—time and time again. There are many opportunities for errors and customer dissatisfaction.

There are five major challenges with the traditional employee-working-with-clients process:

1. There are multiple steps for the typical task—that must be done in order; 2. These steps must be repeated with each clients’ project; 3. Multiple clients, each at DIFFERENT stages of the process;

4. Perfection is expected every single time—there are no second chances; 5. Tight deadlines.

Putting employees in charge of your processes is a recipe for complaints, stress, and even lawsuits. It is THE KEY reason most people looking to offer great customer service by using traditional employees never experience true freedom in their business. What I call “Walk Away Power.” Employees have no “skin in the

game” (not in your game anyway), and they just don’t give a rip whether your customers are taken care of or not—they collect their paycheck anyway.

Have you ever dreamed about this…?

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You get up Monday morning after another 3-day weekend (because you don’t work

Fridays). You drive to the local coffee shop in your new Lexus, then it’s back

to your home office where you find a report in your email inbox from your Cloud-

Based Virtual Administrative Assistant. It’s a copy of that day’s schedule. As

you peruse the day’s itinerary, she calls you on the telephone to mention that

this month you are set to break another sales record for your business (your

marketing is doing very well!). You also see that your other three cloud-based

virtual assistants are booked solid for the day doing other work on your

business’ behalf – taking care of clients, of course. Your “No More Lost

Clients” strategy is in place so you know all the assistants will get their work

done with no delays. You are scheduled to leave early that day for your son’s

little-league game.

Sometimes virtual assistants leave but you hardly ever notice because the company

you’re working with has systems in place to show every new person what needs to

be done and how to do it. On top of that, you have a main point of contact at

your “remote office” who handles training newbies as they come in. They work

great! You just give the company training once and they keep plugging new people

in as needed and it works like clockwork.

As you walk through your house to your private office, you smile at the classy

décor and beautiful plants you have decorating your home. Plus, everything is so

clean, organized and professional that it’s a very peaceful place to work. (You

remember that not so long ago it wasn’t like this.) You’ve got a training

meeting in an hour with your administrative staff where you will be discussing a

new growth plan…it’s going to be a lot of fun! In the meantime you go online to

check your airline reservations for your 10-day vacation you’ll be leaving on

next week (your third for the year). You’re really looking forward to it because

you know that while you’re gone, your business will continue to operate smoothly

and keep making you money even though you’re a thousand miles away. And there

WON’T be a gigantic pile of “vacation prep” work before you leave, or a gigantic

pile of “catch up” work when you get back. Your business runs on systems that

allow you to leave any time you want, without creating extra work and hassles for

you and your virtual assistants. You lean back in your leather chair, smile, and

think to yourself, “Yep, it’s gonna be another really good week!”

Experiencing true Walk Away Power. Having the ability to walk away from your business…take a

vacation whenever you want…only work 4 days a week (or eventually 3 or 1)…“disappear” for weeks at a

time…attend your daughter’s swimming lessons…your son’s little league game…and it still keeps functioning like a well-oiled machine. And keep making tons of money while you’re away. No more “Business or Employee Baby-Sitting!” The Efficiency System makes this possible. And you’ll get this system when you hire

Team Double-Click®.

Here Is Just A Small Sample Of The Office Efficiency Strategies You’ll

Have Access To…

(Feel free to check off the ones of most interest to you.)

Office Efficiency Strategy Session. We will identify at least 10 ways your office can be more efficient AND cut costs without cutting service. We’ll also help you identify tasks your virtual assistant can do for

you and your office. Zero Regrets Virtual Assistant Guarantee. You will love your cloud-based virtual administrative

assistant or we’ll replace her. No questions asked. Sources for the tools and softwares you’ll need to run your business virtually (no bricks-and-mortar office needed)—many of them free.

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Eliminate all employment taxes. Legally opt-out of Obamacare! The keys to setting up and operating a virtual office—halving your costs and multiplying your efforts and profits.

My secret to running your business without employees…regardless of what your competitors are

doing. Comprehensive forms and checklists to insure that your administrative staff are WOWing your clients with “White Glove” service.

Cloud-based virtual administrative assistant professionalism guarantee. Team Double-Click®’s cloud-based virtual administrative assistants will be prompt, professional, and deliver on-time service

and work product to you and your clients. Answer by the 4th ring or it’s free. If we’re answering your office phones and one of our staff does not answer the call by the 4th time the phone rings in our office, we’ll handle that call for FREE.

Details, details, details. We guarantee that our cloud-based virtual administrative assistants will pay attention to the details for your business or we’ll replace her.

No Black Boxes Promise. Employees and contractors alike often create “black boxes” or job security

by not sharing the procedures, logins, urls, etc. that they use to do their job, making it impossible for someone else to do their job if they quit or leave, making them “indispensible”. Team Double-Click® promises that we’ll NEVER create black boxes. This is where Systemization comes in. We’ll write the

procedures and how-to’s for every task you ask us to do. Website logins, urls, what to do when you get there. Using a special (and FREE) software, we’ll upload these so you always have access to them.

Anti-idiot Solution. Idiots are out there. We get them too. It’s not a matter of “if” an administrative

assistant or even a cloud-based virtual administrative assistant will leave; it’s a matter of “when”. So as part of our No Black Boxes Promise, WHEN that happens, we’ll make sure your new cloud-based virtual administrative assistant quickly picks up where the last one left off. Your business will never

miss a beat. Daily Reporting. We don’t believe in padding time either. Each day, our accounting department

analyzes what your cloud-based virtual administrative assistant billed you for the day before and sends you a report so you’re in the loop too.

Per-Minute charging. We NEVER charge retainer fees or set up fees to work with us. And we don’t

round our time. Guaranteed, we’ll charge you by the minute and only for minutes worked on your projects.

And much, much more than I can possibly list here!

Skeptical? Well, I Guess I Can’t Blame You.

Now, if you are anything like me, I imagine you have questions and are a bit skeptical. Let me answer the most common ones. If one doesn’t interest you, you can just skip ahead to the next one.

Q: “I’ve been ripped off by virtual assistants in the past. I’ve paid retainer fees and then the virtual assistant takes a hike, leaving me high and dry. How are you any different?”

A: Team Double-Click® has been in existence since 2000. We didn’t get here by stealing from our clients. First, we don’t charge retainer fees and we don’t bill our clients in advance of work completed. You are billed AFTER the work has been performed. Second, if a virtual assistant leaves (which they quite often do), another

one takes her place and we never miss a beat.

The ONLY way my system won’t work for you is if you are a close-minded “know-it-all”, unwilling to look outside your own past experience of hiring in-office employees or even other virtual assistants.

Well, there is one more way…I have to add also, that if you don’t let us take the time to write down your processes and procedures and you don’t respond to your virtual assistant when she has questions, it won’t work then either. And you’ll be stuck in the same rut of churning through in-office help for the rest of your days.


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Q: “What if I’m already making lots of money? Why do I need your system?” A: First, we have clients with in-office staff already and who are making good money in their businesses—

clients who live high-quality, personally fulfilling lifestyles, who have the freedom to travel around the world, and do so. (As well as clients with small operations doing under $500k per year, but who have hired us and begun their journey to much bigger things.) By any measurement they are very successful. Yet they see the

value of investing in their business and themselves; in taking steps to “better their best.” This is smart thinking.

Second, Dan Kennedy says, “It’s not how much money you make; it’s how you make the money.” With all of the opportunities we are blessed with in our nation, making a lot of money in America today is not a big trick. The trick is making the money AND living your ideal lifestyle.

The “Successful Slave” Syndrome

Within my sphere of influence I know many people who are making very good money, but are selling their souls to do it. Their businesses and their employees own them. They are burned out, stressed out, working way too many hours and are generally unhappy.

I also am privileged to know people (myself included) who make a lot of money, but who enjoy time off

and the freedom to pursue what has meaning, purpose and value to them. Their businesses are NOT a

source of stress. THEY own their business. By hiring Team Double-Click® and participating in my System, as a client of cloud-based virtual administrative assistant staffing, you will learn the secrets of business people who are successful and who ALSO have a life.

You might already be successful and already doing many things right. Therefore, the

quality/competence of your relationship with us needs to be high. My System fits this bill, and once you see it

I’m convinced you will agree.

I also recommend that you look at my System in terms of return on investment. A beginning or struggling small business can realistically expect to dramatically increase their bottom line fairly quickly by faithfully implementing my Systems and cutting office expenses dramatically. However, if you are already

experiencing good success, making lots of money, perhaps using contractors, then quickly slashing expenses with this system should not be the criteria by which you judge its success. Return on investment is how to judge its success. AND you will experience returns on your investment many, many times over with my

System, and it will pay dividends for as long as you are a client of virtual administrative assistant staffing. And ultimately, it will help you halve your expenses. This system will enable the “already successful” small business to do even BETTER!

Q: “Is it legal to opt out of Obamacare and the tax hikes this way?” A: Yes. Obamacare and many of the tax hikes apply ONLY if you have employees. If you have no

employees, you don’t fall under Obamacare or the employment tax hikes! And don’t forget, you get to lose the vacation pay, sick pay, office drama, maternity leave, and so on.

Q: “Will your system work in a slow market?” A: Yes. All the success stories my clients are experiencing have happened during what’s described as the

worst U.S. economy in 50 years. Q: “Once I hire your services, am I left to sink or swim?”

A: Absolutely not! Me and my team are here to help you succeed and grow your business. We will coach you on how to set up your office virtually (if that’s what you need), and more importantly, we’re here to manage your virtual office staff so you’re not stuck babysitting. The whole idea is for you to be able to spend more time

working ON your business rather than IN your business. We handle the hiring, the firing, the praising, the reprimanding, and the training.

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Q: “Do I need to have a computer or know how to use one to hire Team Double-Click® and use your

system?” A: Many of the systems we will show you involve computers/web sites/emailing etc. because it is a very effective way to communicate and deliver work product and your clients were brought up on the computer and

that it the way they WANT to communicate with you. So while you could get by with just the telephone and let us handle the rest, it really is a lot easier if you have a computer as well.

Q: “How long does it take to see results?” A: Some of our office systemization strategies will begin saving you money in a few days. Others will take a

little longer. Within 2 months you should see tangible results. Within 5 months, the full effects will be kicking in. After that, you will NOT remember what it was like to feel frustrated and your office inefficient. Of course, you must understand that if you do not put my system into use, you will not see the results. I know this sounds

stupid, but it has to be said. Q: “What if I don’t have a physical office space? What if I want to work from home exclusively?”

A: Great! I have many clients who work from home and they are kicking butt! My systems work equally well for bricks-and-mortar offices as well as work-from-homers. In fact, that’s exactly where we started Team Double-Click®--from home! We only moved it out of the house because it got so big and we wanted our house

back! Q: “How will my current in-office and contract employees react to your system and your company?”

A: Most will love it because ultimately they will end up reaping the benefits of office efficiency and streamlining as well. As you know some people are adverse to any kind of change and will be negative. I don’t think I have to tell you what you should do with those employees.

Q: “Do I have to hire any more employees to put your systems and company into action?”

A: You will not need to hire any employees to implement my systems because our staff will take care of your office functions for you.

Q: “Can’t I just hire a virtual assistant on my own – Why should I pay you?” A: I’m sure you could hire a virtual assistant on your own. After all it took me 12 years of trial and error in the virtual assistant business (and 10 years before that in other businesses)—and hundreds-of-thousands of

dollars (and bankruptcy)—to discover, fine-tune and perfect the methods, strategies, and techniques. But I also made a lot of mistakes too that cost me years of time and thousands of dollars. Cavett Robert, the founder of the National Speakers Association, says, “Experience is not the best teacher because the tuition is

too high. Learn from others people’s experience!” Having been in staffing since 2000, I’ve literally worked with over 100,000 office staff and have learned that they’re all the same—they want their paycheck and they don’t want to do the job. So I ask you: do you like the odds of finding that one good person out of 100,000? And do

you have the money to waste on 99,999 lousy employees before you find the one that will work out? Q: “I live in ________________________ —it won’t work here, will it?”

A: Big city, small town, any part of the country…I have clients all over the world getting fantastic results with my system. Look, people are people, period. And I have absolutely “cracked the code” for getting them to do their jobs. Okay, well, not always do their jobs, but to systemize your tasks so that it doesn’t matter which person I

plug into the system. Armed with my System, I could parachute into any town or city in the world, open up an office (or work from home or a camper or RV or hotel room or tent), with no contacts, nothing else, and in

under 90 days have all the staff I need. It’s all about the System. In football, Bill Walsh designed a System that made one quarterback after another enormously productive and successful. Now I’ve designed such a System for your business. It is revolutionary. The handful of people fortunate enough, smart enough, and

decisive enough to hire Team Double-Click® will get to use my System, and will prosper like crazy, with less struggle, stress and work than ever before. Besides, we’re not drawing on the potential employees in your backyard.

Q: “Do you guarantee that this will work for me?”

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A: YES! It always amazes me why someone would buy anything these days without a solid straightforward guarantee. Where I come from if you are going to ask someone to part with his or her hard earned money

you’d better back it up with an Iron-glad guarantee. I put my money where my mouth is. I’m so certain that my system will save you thousands of dollars; I give you a…

No-Risk 100% x7 Guarantee Guarantee #1: Zero Regrets Virtual Assistant Guarantee. You will love your cloud-based virtual

administrative assistant or we’ll replace her. No questions asked. Guarantee #2: Cloud-based virtual administrative assistant professionalism guarantee. Team

Double-Click®’s cloud-based virtual administrative assistants will be prompt, professional, and deliver on-time service and work product to you and your clients.

Guarantee #3: Answer by the 4th ring or it’s free Guarantee. If we’re answering your office phones and one of our staff does not answer the call by the 4 th ring, we’ll handle that call for FREE. Of course, with a wild guarantee like this, you will have to provide proof that the call came in during normal business hours

and that our assistant didn’t grab it. Guarantee #4: Details, details, details. We guarantee that our cloud-based virtual administrative

assistants will pay attention to the details for your business or we’ll replace her. Guarantee #5: No Black Boxes Promise. As I mentioned earlier, employees and contractors alike often

create “black boxes” or job security by not sharing the procedures, logins, urls, etc. that they use to do their job, making it impossible for someone else to do their job if they quit or leave, making them “indispensible”

and impossible to fire. Team Double-Click® promises that we’ll NEVER create black boxes. This is where Systemization comes in. We’ll write the procedures and how-to’s for every task you ask us to do. Website logins, urls, what to do when you get there, etc. Using a special (and FREE) software, we’ll upload these

so you always have access to them. Of course, the time to do so will be billed to you at our normal per-minute rates. As protection for you and us, allowing us to write down and proceduralize your tasks is a requirement for doing business with us.

Guarantee #6: Anti-idiot Solution—The Idiot Sheet. Idiots are out there. We get them too. It’s not a matter of “if” an administrative assistant or even a cloud-based virtual administrative assistant will leave; it’s

a matter of “when”. So WHEN that happens, we’ll make sure your new cloud-based virtual administrative assistant quickly picks up where the last one left off. Your business will never miss a beat. Each of the tasks we do for you will be documented on an “Idiot Sheet”, which will be shared with you as part of our No

Black Boxes Promise. You do need to help us with this one though. We’ll need your help, initially, during the Business-Building, Expense-Slashing Strategy Session and later if the virtual assistant has a procedural question. If we fail on this one, we’re going to ask you to provide proof that you responded when the

assistant had questions and that you and we went through the Business-Building, Expense-Slashing Strategy Session in its entirety.

Guarantee #7: Daily Reporting. We don’t believe in padding time either. Each day, our bean-counting department analyzes what your cloud-based virtual administrative assistant billed you for the day before

and sends you a report so you’re in the loop too. If our bean counters don’t find the error and you do, just let us know and we’ll correct it.

I want you to be completely satisfied with our services or I want you to ask for

and get a replacement cloud-based virtual administrative assistant!

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Q. What makes your office strategies so special? A: These are not the same old things that everyone else is doing. Here are the biggest differences:

1. My systems are designed for small and home-based businesses with limited time, money, and human resources ability.

2. My systems get people to work for you within your office systems and structures – even if when the

contractor leaves! 3. My systems will show you how to easily set your office up virtually (without a bricks-and-mortar office),

saving you thousands of dollars a year on overhead expenses!

4. Your clients will be convinced that you have a HUGE, AMAZING staff. Even if traditional employees typically deliver crappy customer service.

5. My strategies eliminate health insurance expenses, unemployment tax, holiday pay, vacation pay, sick leave pay, maternity leave, office politics, office drama, and all the other junk that goes along with having employees.

6. My strategies keep you out of the babysitting business and working ON your business rather than IN your business. There are only so many hours in the day. You choose how much those hours are worth.

You see I’VE DONE ALL THE HARD WORK FOR YOU! You won’t have to “re-invent the wheel” like I had to. You can go ahead and spend a ton money and years to put this information together on your own- but why? – When I’m prepared to hand it to you on a silver platter AND guarantee a massively cost-saving impact

on your business! I’ve designed my system to make sure that you increase your bottom line by streamlining your business

and eliminating the constant drain created by employees and unneeded office costs. Every strategy can be put into action immediately.

“Okay, Gayle. You’ve got me interested.

How can I put Team Double-Click® and

your team to work for me?

Easy! Here is your invitation to your whole new life and business WITHOUT employees…

The Team Double-Click®

Office Efficiency System

Pick up 20-25 hours a week, cut office expenses by half, and stop dealing with money-

leeching, entitlement-minded, hands-always-out-for-more, life-stealing, blood-sucking employees.

A member of our Virtual Services team will sit down with you and perform an Office System Audit. Here’s

exactly what we’ll do:

1. First, we’ll walk you through a series of questions about your business. These questions are

designed to give us a clear picture of exactly where your business is at, where you would like it to be, and identify the fastest ways to dramatically reduce your office expenses and increase office efficiencies. This gives us the information we need to build a custom plan that fits your budget. We’ll

also answer any questions that you may have at this time.

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2. We’ll identify hidden money grabbers. Most small businesses have “hidden” or overlooked areas where profits are seeping out the door. Plugging these leaks can mean cost savings, additional

revenue streams, or both. Oftentimes huge savings can be made with little or no effort. It’s basically “found money!”

3. You’ll get a Report of Findings. This includes:

Key areas we identify in your business where the fastest and largest savings can be made


A comprehensive plan covering all strategies that are applicable to your business, your specific

goals, and that fit your budget. This may include customer service, reception work, lead qualification, help desk, website assistance, bookkeeping, and other areas.

The first three strategies you should start with to achieve the biggest impact in the shortest time.

And much more.

This is not a “one size fits all” plan, or a “money-is-no-object-so-throw-everything-at-it-including-the-

kitchen-sink” plan. I understand and respect the fact that you’ll be investing your own money into implementing

this plan, and I take that responsibility seriously. Therefore, strategies will be carefully selected for maximum impact, and custom tailored to fit your budget, timelines and goals.

We usually charge $497 for the Office System Audit, but (my bean counters are going to kill me) I am giving away the next 7 reviews for FREE. This is a fantastic opportunity to get a detailed plan to increase your

bottom line by saving your business big money and increasing office efficiency. But I can only afford to do this for the next 7 businesses.

You will be given a step-by-step process to start INCREASING your income by saving money and at the same time REDUCING your work load. Transformational change takes time, but you’ll immediately begin to see results as you implement the systems and strategies We’re going to teach you. As each month

passes—and as you follow our step-by-step instructions—you’ll experience ever-increasing freedom, and watch your income go up, and feel the stress melt away!

No cost. Zip. Nada. $0.00. Get the idea? And if doing the Office Systems Audit is all you want us to

do, that’s fine with me. You’ll get a detailed plan to help you slash office expenses and increase office efficiency.

Of course, it won’t surprise you to learn that I hope you’ll hire Team Double-Click® to implement your

Office System plan, too. So we’ll include a written quotation with no obligation. Then, if you give us the go-ahead, we’ll get to work right away putting your plan in place.

An Abbreviated List Of The Business-Building Tools You’ll Receive In The Office Efficiency System by Hiring Team Double-

Click®! This is not a bunch of textbook theory. My office strategies are totally plug-and-play. I’ve already done all the hard work of developing these systems.

Private, One-On-One Coaching

For the life of your relationship with Team Double-Click®, you will get a FREE half hour coaching session with our Virtual Services staff each month. This is to help insure that you’re right on track with your goals and implementation of the plan we arrive at from the Office Efficiency Strategy Session. We’ll schedule these

within a few days after you hire us.

1st month: We’ll cover the orientation—getting you settled in with Team Double-Click® and your new

virtual assistant and help you determine which systems, strategies and tasks to begin with and where to

have our virtual assistants start.

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"Yep, I'm using I've

tried several through and they were all unprofessional. They weren't rude; they

just weren't real business owners. They were people who seemed to have decided to become a VA and didn't know how to run

their business, let alone help me with mine.

If I found what seemed like a good VA

from the IVAA site, the lead VA would refer me out because they'd gotten a large client base and weren't able to keep up the

volume. Basically, if a VA was successful, they were too busy to take me on as a client. If they actually had the room in their

schedule to add me, they were newbies and this was often their first professional job EVER or the first company they've run.

I found Team Double-Click® through

Yahoo. I like them because they have one lead person who is responsible for

procuring professional assistants and making sure they are doing their jobs. They

send weekly invoices, take credit cards, and call you every couple months to make sure your assistants are performing well. [Their

manager] is very responsive, but then again, the rest of the team is too. Charge is per hour, but they only charge you their

actual work time, unlike a regular assistant."

Team Double-Click® client

2nd month: We’ll review progress on procedurealizing your office tasks and review how things are

going with your virtual assistant team.

3rd month and beyond: Open forum. We’ll discuss any questions or challenges that you are facing.

Month 1—Virtualizing Your Office

MANUAL & AUDIO .mp3’s. I’ve packed my entire foundational system into one HUGE manual so you can

begin virtualizing your office (making it 100% virtual—no more bricks-and-mortar dependency) and exploding your bottom line immediately.

Here are the topics covered in the manual:

1) Getting started with your new virtual assistant 2) Daily reporting 3) Managing your cloud-based virtual administrative assistant

4) Setting up your office for working virtually 5) Additional tools of the (virtual) trade 6) How your cloud-based virtual administrative assistant does

what she does 7) What virtual assistants want clients to know

8) 101 Tasks virtual assistants can do for your business

In the first month you’ll also get… ►Gayle’s resource directory. You’ll get my private list of “top

secret” resources and vendors for getting all my strategies implemented fast, and running on “auto-pilot.”

►Three consultation coupons, each good for a FREE, private, half-hour consultation with our virtual services staff. Fax one of these in at any time to schedule a coaching session with my virtual services staff.

(our current fee is $54.70 per hour for private consultations, so this is a $82.05 value!)

This is an ongoing relationship. We will be with you every step of the way as you work with your virtual assistant.

“Sounds good, Gayle. But what’s

all this cost?”

Hiring Fees NEVER!

Retainer Fees NEVER!

Set up Fees NEVER!

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Service Price

Cloud-based virtual administrative assistant – entry level - Answering

phones and inbound telemarketing*, customer support, customer service,

data entry, general administrative, outbound telemarketing, marketing

support, marketing assistance, research.

$32.79 per hour

Cloud-based virtual administrative assistant - advanced level/lead level - Answering phones and inbound telemarketing*, customer support,

customer service, data entry, general administrative, outbound

telemarketing, marketing support, marketing assistance, research

$40.08 per hour

Cloud-based virtual administrative assistant – managerial level - Answering phones and inbound telemarketing*, customer support, customer

service, data entry, general administrative, outbound telemarketing,

marketing support, marketing assistance, research.

$51.02 per hour

Light audio editing Um, ahh, ooh’s removed (unwanted chatter/banter)

Mixing of royalty-free background music with a spoken introduction (as a radio intro)

Static or hiss/pop removal (telephone recordings)

$51.02 per hour

Light Bookkeeping (Team Double-Click® does not offer full-blown

bookkeeping services)

$51.02 per hour

Long distance phone charges The additional rate per hour is added into your base rate per hour per cloud-based virtual administrative assistant.

This applies to each virtual worker you require who will be making more

than 10 outbound calls per week on your behalf.

$0.78 (sixty-one cents) per hour


Marketing - Social media cloud-based virtual administrative assistant –

entry level - These cloud-based virtual administrative assistants, at your direction, will handle your social media posts, locate friends and followers.

$40.08 per hour

Marketing - Social media cloud-based virtual administrative assistant –

advanced level - These cloud-based virtual administrative assistants will

take the lead on your social media marketing and make recommendations as to where and how to best market your business in the social media arena.

They will also do the actual tasks such as writing posts and placing those

posts on your social media as well as locate friends and followers.

$51.02 per hour

Marketing - Public Relations (PR) Work – Article submissions, press

release writing, booking speaking engagements, newsletter preparation, creation of press kits, contacting radio stations, newspapers, magazines, TV

shows to get coverage and interviews, helping decide who to market to and

then market the business accordingly, helping to build relationships through

blogging and posting on forums for promotional purposes, writing content for website for promotional purposes, writing bios, assisting with special

promotions, requesting permission from authors to reprint articles, sending

thank you notes to authors and publishers for media coverage.

$32.79 per hour

Real estate cloud-based virtual administrative assistant - entry level– Real Estate-Specific Cloud-Based Virtual Administrative Assistant trained

and certified by Team Double-Click®. Answering phones and inbound

telemarketing*, customer support, customer service, data entry, general

administrative, outbound telemarketing, marketing support, marketing

$32.79 per hour

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assistance, research. At this level you can expect a cloud-based virtual

administrative assistant who has gone through our testing and interview

process. She has received our Real Estate-Specific Cloud-Based Virtual Administrative Assistant certification. This training gives her a broader

knowledge of real estate, financial and general business terminology. She is

qualified for the position we place her in yet she is typically inexperienced

as a cloud-based virtual administrative assistant (not always but usually). We typically place cloud-based virtual administrative assistants at this level

strictly for task positions. These are positions such as data entry, basic

phone answering or straight cold calling positions. These cloud-based virtual

administrative assistants will do as they're asked but very often we find they need additional ongoing support, follow up and attention. These are

typically younger cloud-based virtual administrative assistants or cloud-

based virtual administrative assistants with little previous work experience.

Please keep in mind that Team Double-Click® only approves less than 20% of all the cloud-based virtual administrative assistants who apply. For this

reason, all of our cloud-based virtual administrative assistants are very good.

An entry level cloud-based virtual administrative assistant is simply one

who is either only needed for very basic tasks or is one who is fairly new and we have not had the opportunity to observe the quality of her work as of


Real estate cloud-based virtual administrative assistant – advanced

level – Real Estate-Specific Cloud-Based Virtual Administrative Assistant trained and certified by Team Double-Click® AND the cloud-based virtual

administrative assistant will have a minimum of one year real estate related

experience. Answering phones & inbound telemarketing*, customer support,

customer service, data entry, general administrative, outbound telemarketing, marketing support, marketing assistance, research. These

cloud-based virtual administrative assistants have gone through all of our

basic training and have also received our Real Estate-Specific Cloud-Based

Virtual Administrative Assistant training. This training gives her a broader knowledge of real estate, financial and general business terminology. These

cloud-based virtual administrative assistants typically have a higher level of

work experience outside of Team Double-Click® as well as some

experience as a cloud-based virtual administrative assistant (sometimes we do have these cloud-based virtual administrative assistants who are not

experienced as cloud-based virtual administrative assistants but come with

very high qualifications). These cloud-based virtual administrative assistants

typically work better independently than our entry level cloud-based virtual administrative assistants. They should have the ability to think on their feet,

be creative, proactive and make suggestions to you that will help your

business. Although they don't supervise other cloud-based virtual

administrative assistants, they typically have that capability or can be trained to do so.

$40.08 per hour

Real estate cloud-based virtual administrative assistant – managerial

level- Real Estate-Specific Cloud-Based Virtual Administrative Assistant

trained and certified by Team Double-Click® AND the cloud-based virtual

administrative assistant will have a minimum of two years real estate related experience. Answering phones and inbound telemarketing*, customer

support, customer service, data entry, general administrative, outbound

$51.02 per hour

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telemarketing, marketing support, marketing assistance, research. This

includes SharperAgent®-trained cloud-based virtual administrative

assistants and Top Producer® trained cloud-based virtual administrative assistants. These cloud-based virtual administrative assistants have gone

through all of our basic and advanced testing and training programs. They

have received their Real Estate-Specific Cloud-Based Virtual

Administrative Assistant certification and many have other independent certifications as well. They come with excellent professional experience

outside of Team Double Click and almost always are experienced cloud-

based virtual administrative assistant. They have already proven their ability

to lead and coach others. They work independently and need almost no follow up or additional support. This type of cloud-based virtual

administrative assistant should be an extension of you and have the ability to

run a business on her own. Clients requiring more than three cloud-based

virtual administrative assistants will be required to hire an additional cloud-based virtual administrative assistant to be the “managing cloud-based

virtual administrative assistant”. Managerial cloud-based virtual

administrative assistant rates apply.

Real Estate BPOs (Broker Price Opinions) -we help you coordinate all the matters that pertain to that opinion, to include but not limited to:


Obtain comparable listings from County Assessor, MLS, or

Realtor(s) Follow up on reimbursement of BPO by property management firm

Obtain Subject property information from County Assessor, MLS, or


Fill out online form from property management firm, to include upload of pictures (all with the final approval of the assigned


$51.02 per hour

Real Estate Transaction Coordination -we help you coordinate all the

matters that pertain to that transaction, to include but not limited to:

Organization of documents Follow up on deadlines

Coordinate inspections

Following up with clients, other agents/brokers, title agents, banks,

etc. Research

Coordinate connect / disconnect of utilities

$51.02 per hour

Virtual Support. Team Double-Click’s virtual support team (aka client

support or customer support) is available to all Team Double-Click® clients during normal business hours on an as needed basis. Each client is offered

two free hours per week of virtual support time. After the allotted time is

exhausted, clients are charged at the rate set forth at right. Virtual support

time is not charged against your account for the following: cloud-based virtual administrative assistant changes, when we initiate a call to discuss

statuses, etc., check-in calls, time we spend with your cloud-based virtual

administrative assistant. Virtual support time is charged against your

account for things such as the following: client training, client coaching, consulting time, report preparation, lead cloud-based virtual administrative

assistant tasks, and other items which are above and beyond normal

$60.17 per hour

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customer support functions.

Printing and Faxing Services: Team Double-Click offers printing and

faxing services on a per-page basis

Printing with paper provided by client

o Black/White o Color

Printing using Team Double-Click’s white copy paper

o Black/White o Color

Labels – materials provided by client

Faxing – Sending/receiving

$0.15/page $0.65/page

$0.25/page $0.87/page



Recovery of your per hour rates may mean saving costs elsewhere, or happier customers that you

actually get to keep, and it should be obvious to you that’ll easily happen. So it really costs nothing. But

recovery of the investment just isn’t the point.

The point is this is a complete and radical re-engineering of your life and revolutionary transformation of your business life. Only you can decide what transforming your business into an ideal business is worth.

You Are Protected By My “One-Month 100% Money-Back Guarantee”!

If you don’t think my system and my virtual assistants are worth ten times what you’ve paid, just show me that your virtual assistant didn’t do what you asked her to do and show me that you responded when she had questions. The same day we get your request, I’ll refund 100% of your virtual assistant fees for the last 30

days. There is absolutely NO RISK to try my system. What have you got to lose? (Besides the stress, worry and frustration of not offering excellent customer service to your clients and the frustration that comes with dealing with crappy employees? Oh, and the taxes and Obamacare B.S.)

How Hiring Team Double-Click®’s Cloud-Based Virtual Assistant

Services Saves You THOUSANDS Every Single Year!

Let’s estimate really low and say that you can hire an in office assistant at $17 per hour. Let’s also say

that you decide to hire her full time (because you need someone to answer the phone all day, even if it only rings some of the time.

40 hours x $17.00 per hour = $680 per week gross payroll.

Now, let’s look at the hidden costs of hiring that employee:

$1.17 per hour in FICA $0.10 per hour in unemployment insurance $0.60 per hour in vacation time

$0.30 per hour in sick time $0.40 per hour in holiday time $0.93 per hour in legally-required paid break times

$8.50 per hour in lost productivity (according to studies) $0.60 per hour in training and retraining, and training again

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$1.87 per hour office electricity costs $4.68 per hour in (modest) office rental to house said employee

$17.00 per hour (actual employee wage) $36.15 ACTUAL cost per hour for an everyday administrative assistant

40 hours x $36.15 per hour = $1,446 per week ACTUAL payroll That’s $75,192 a year for a $35,360 a year employee!

You can hire Team Double-Click®’s cloud based virtual assistant services and lose the FICA,

unemployment insurance, vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay, Obamacare, employment tax, paid breaks, lost productivity, office electrical costs, and office rent. Finally, you can pay by the minute for time worked rather than the whole day and time not worked!

4 Reasons You Must Respond NOW:

Why wait? Every day that goes by without this system in your possession, working automatically for you, is

money leaking right out the door.

Only 7 Free “Office System Audits available. Right now you can get the Office System Audits free, but beginning with the 7th client, prospective clients will be subject to a rigorous application process. Not all applicants will be accepted. Also, the above fees are subject to increase. The ease of access and free price

will not last. Only if you respond within or before 30 days of receipt of this report, you will get the Free Office System Audit.

Go To To Get Started Right Now!!

Be sure to input your credit card information as well. It’s the only way we accept payment. You will NOT be billed until we’ve completed the FREE

Office System Audit AND begun actually performing your work.

Again only if you respond within or before30 days of receipt of this report, will you also get my shameless bribe

of a $50 gift certificate to Applebees® restaurant. Now let’s take a look at everything you get when you hire Team Double-Click®…Look at the real value



Purchased Separately

Virtualizing Your Office Manual $299

Office System Audit™ $497 Gayle’s Resource Directory $299 Three consultation coupons for one half hour each $82.05

TOTAL VALUE $1,177.05

Your Upfront Investment $0.00

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"I realized I couldn’t do it all, and any successful

business person will incorporate fantastic team members – people that are the best in their field, the best at what they do, to help take some of the

load off of us so that we can continue to do what we do best, continue to get creative with our

businesses and continue to grow our company."

Kendra Todd, winner of season three of NBC’s

“The Apprentice” Real Estate Investor, Owner of My House Real

Estate, Team Double-Click® Client

And you only pay by the minute and only for work performed!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The FREE gifts described in this report are included ONLY when you hire our services within 30 days of receipt of this report. For instant access to Team Double-Click®’s cloud-based virtual administrative assistants and systems go to and enter your information. Or order by phone: 970.325.9923. If ordering by phone, use offer code “DIAMOND” to get the free bonus gifts.

“Gayle, I want the ideal business and ideal lifestyle you

describe – but the fees give me sticker shock.”

Maybe this is NOT for you. There will only be two-hundred clients worldwide who we will work with and allow to use my System, so it’s obviously not for everybody.

You can’t think of this as a save-my-business fast pill. Every business takes some participation from

the owners. We won’t be able to systemize your business without at least your initial help. And if you’re the type of person who needs to see your administrative assistant typing away each day and need to micro-manage, this is definitely NOT for you.

This is a business relationship between your business

and Team Double-Click®. We want to take the time to get to

know your business and how you like things done. Then document all of it so you don’t end up in the same boat

again…hopping from lousy employee to lousy employee, hoping and praying that the next one is THE one. There is simply nothing else like this. And if it’s overwhelming, huge

value isn’t evident to you, I can only suggest re-reading my entire letter—maybe you missed something.

In addition to its value in helping you systemize your

office and slash costs for you, there’s value here as insurance

against “downturns” in the economy, the stock market, etc.---while many starve and die, you will be able to immediately cut staff to survive…and rev up FAST when the economy turns

around and business picks up. But the greatest value is, as you said in your question, creating the ideal business and ideal

lifestyle. Totally ideal. Radically different.

What Will Happen To You If You DON’T Take Action NOW?

Abraham Lincoln once said “You cannot escape the

responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” You see there

really is no success without taking action is there? If you keep doing things the way you always have you will get more of what you always got. Hey the U.S. economy right now is in

pretty bad shape…and maybe your business’ outlook is the same. And conventional thinking would say to cut back right

now but you and I both know the exact opposite is what you

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“My experience with Team Double-Click® has sold me on this concentrated, expertly administered, time and cost effective way of

running a business. Today, no matter where I am, I have the complete peace of mind

knowing that my virtual assistants are taking care of every aspect of my newly named business, “XXXXXXXXX”, which are now

being sold in retail establishments across the country. You can’t put a price on this kind of satisfaction.”

Bill, Team Double-Click® Client

MUST do to build your business and get costs down and production up.

What Will Happen To You If You Take Action Now?

Once you start using my system, costs will decrease and customer service will go up. All your office worries can finally end. Stress will disappear in your business and your life will be fun and exciting again. You can attract good customers, work less and make more. And in a few months, when our virtual assistant team is

totally up to speed you will look back to now and forget what it was like to struggle and worry! Doesn’t just the thought of that make you feel great?

You see this letter talks mainly about how to get out of the constant drama of dealing with employees and how to slash office costs. But there is a whole other side to this and that is having a great LIFESTYLE.

The singer Joan Baez once said, “You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you’re going to live. Now.”

Isn’t it about time you started living the lifestyle YOU deserve. How about having more time for your spouse and kids? How about watching your son’s little league games again? How about taking your daughter to volleyball practice? Or taking your spouse on a vacation because you finally have time again? You can

right now.

My Final Thoughts

When Lee Iaccoca was asked what single quality he looked for in people he chose for top positions at Chrysler, he said without hesitation “the ability to make a decision.”

Even though I’m giving you a great deal here and a totally

risk free 100% money back guarantee, I know that the small amount

of investment to get my program may be a significant decision for a lot of folks. Maybe for you. But if you have to struggle over such an

amount, that alone is the best reason to hire Team Double-Click® right away. So in a few months you can get past the employee troubles you are now having and never be embarrassed again in the

money department.

If you turn your back on this offer right now how are things

going to change for the better? I would hate to see you bankrupted because employees drained you dry. I would hate to have you come

back at a later date to find out that we have stopped taking new clients because availability will be cut off sooner rather than later.

So decide right now to create the small business you’ve always dreamed about, with the freedom to support the lifestyle YOU want. (Or, if you are already successful, do what all champions do – DECIDE to do better.) Get the EXTRA edge you deserve. This is a positive decision you will be very glad you made – I

guarantee it.

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Two Ways To Hire:

1) Online—for fastest service go to and get started instantly.

2) By Phone—Call us at 970.325.9923. Use the offer code “DIAMOND” to get the free bonus gifts. See you at the top!

Your Partner In Virtual Success, Gayle Buske

P.S. My program is SPECIFICALLY designed for small and home-based businesses! It has what you

need to STREAMLINE your business. YES even the big guys with virtually an unlimited staffing budget, muscling their way into your market. I’ll show you how to run circles around those folks like a speedboat

zipping around the Titanic. You’ll have access to an arsenal of office staff to totally dominate all of them.

P.P.S.Don’t Delay! You MUST hire within 30 days of receipt of this report to get the FREE bonus gifts

valued at $1,177.05! Also, there are only 7 free Office System Audits available. If you are the 8th small business to hire our

services, you’ll pay significantly higher fees. At some point I will begin severely limiting the number of clients whom we’ll work with. I may start doing this sooner rather than later. The ease of access to my system will not last.

P.P.P.S.For most business owners, the cost of contracting office staff to help you run your business is

a legitimate business expense. That means you can write our services off at tax time!!! (consult your tax advisor for details.)

P.P.P.P.S. Hire us instantly at Or you can call us at

970.497.4437 to place your order. If calling, use the offer code “DIAMOND” to get the free bonus gifts.

P.P.P.P.P.S. You are protected by my 30-day, “100% Money Back Guarantee.” Use my system for

up to one full month, and if you decide that it’s not right for you, I’ll refund 100% of your virtual assistant costs. There is ZERO RISK to give my system a try!

P.P.P.P.P.P.S.If you have any questions please send us an email at

mailto:[email protected] or give us a call at 970.497.4437. I am committed to your success.

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Small Business Virtual Assistant System for Small Businesses with Limited Time, Money, and Human Resources Abilities

Yours Today For as Little as $0.50 per minute!

Go To To Get Started Instantly! Or Call 970.325.9923 and mention offer code “DIAMOND.”

Team Double-Click® PO Box 779 | Ouray, CO | 81427

970.325.9923 | fax: 954.414.4301

[email protected]