Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

Contents 4 Chapter Hualien's future lies in its beauty instead of the highways Let Hualien become the spiritual home of world travelers. 8 Chapter Suhua Freeway is not the only choice. Economic development can not be only solved by covering a road. More friendly and feasible alternatives. 1. Railway - fast and safe "freeway". 2. Improvement Plan of Suhua Road - shortening 1/10 of the whole distance. 3. e traffic improvement in the Coastal Range to meet real needs of residents. 4. Hualien Harbor - the most promising and the first harbor in Taiwan tourism. 16 Chapter What we pay for Suhua Freeway is not just huge liabilities. Unforeseen disaster. Project complexity is much higher than that of the Syueshan Tunnel. Warnings are not too far away. 24 Chapter A tunnel road built by debt and lies Taiwan civilians are responsible for the cost of N.T. 930 hundred million dollars. Su-huagao is on the chord, but without proper planning It takes a long dark period of 10 years to cover Suhua Freeway. ere is too much feint in government estimation about the prosperity brought by the construction of Suhua Freeway. Never consulting to aboriginal peoples and violating the law provision. 34 Chapter There are many options for Hualien's future. Hualien, gourmet's restaurant. Hualien, artist's stage. Common people's lodge, private holiday cottages. A fresh start of Hotel advantage. Cherish! e reputation of Formosa city 總策劃/李佳達 攝影/YLPhoto、熊帆生、吳國柱、蔡韶雯、黃泰華 編輯/王玉萍 設計/陳盈璇 協力人員/許靜娟、詹雅如、何俊頤、呂嘉耘、呂盈潔 贊助單位:建設純淨花東義工組織、台灣土地記憶學會、諾亞媒體股份有限公 司、博仲法律事務所、玖華攝影器材有限公司、黑潮海洋文教基金會、台灣綠 黨、黃泰華、廖惠慶 製作單位提供國小至大學以上各分齡蘇花高環境教案光碟,欲助印本書、免費索 取光碟或有任何意見,請寄[email protected] 更多資訊請上:蘇花糕餅舖網站


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Transcript of Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

Page 1: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast


4 Chapter Ⅰ Hualien's future lies in its beauty instead of the highways ‧Let Hualien become the spiritual home of world travelers.

8 Chapter Ⅱ Suhua Freeway is not the only choice. ‧Economic development can not be only solved by covering a road. ‧More friendly and feasible alternatives.

1. Railway - fast and safe "freeway".

2. Improvement Plan of Suhua Road - shortening 1/10 of the whole distance.

3. �e tra�c improvement in the Coastal Range – to meet real needs of residents.

4. Hualien Harbor - the most promising and the �rst harbor in Taiwan tourism.

16 Chapter Ⅲ What we pay for Suhua Freeway is not just huge liabilities. ‧Unforeseen disaster. ‧Project complexity is much higher than that of the Syueshan Tunnel. ‧Warnings are not too far away.

24 Chapter Ⅳ A tunnel road built by debt and lies

‧Taiwan civilians are responsible for the cost of N.T. 930 hundred million dollars. ‧Su-huagao is on the chord, but without proper planning ‧It takes a long dark period of 10 years to cover Suhua Freeway. ‧�ere is too much feint in government estimation about the prosperity brought by the construction of Suhua Freeway. ‧Never consulting to aboriginal peoples and violating the law provision.

34 Chapter Ⅴ There are many options for Hualien's future. ‧Hualien, gourmet's restaurant. ‧Hualien, artist's stage. ‧Common people's lodge, private holiday cottages. ‧A fresh start of Hotel advantage. ‧Cherish! �e reputation of Formosa city

總策劃/李佳達 攝影/YLPhoto、熊帆生、吳國柱、蔡韶雯、黃泰華 編輯/王玉萍 設計/陳盈璇 協力人員/許靜娟、詹雅如、何俊頤、呂嘉耘、呂盈潔

◆ 贊助單位:建設純淨花東義工組織、台灣土地記憶學會、諾亞媒體股份有限公



◆ 製作單位提供國小至大學以上各分齡蘇花高環境教案光碟,欲助印本書、免費索

取光碟或有任何意見,請寄[email protected]◆更多資訊請上:蘇花糕餅舖網站

Page 2: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

It is not the highways but the infinite beauty that

attract people to visit someplace.

YL Photo

Page 3: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

Chapter Ⅰ

Hualien's future lies in its beauty instead of the highways

Let Hualien become the spiritual home of world travelers

Let us recall the memory of all travel experience: sitting in the cramped aircraft cabin and patiently enduring airplane meal, a few hours later, flying to look at the sea in Bali Island, and even transferring two aircrafts and one cruise only for sitting on the beautiful islands in Greece to overlook Aegean. �ere is excellent village scenery in small town Cotswolds near London in British. Many people prefer to driving for a half-day just to stay there for a few days, or even to book short-term village hut to live in. Roads there have never been widened, so the drivers need to be very cautious when two vehicles meet. Visiting travelers who cherish the place very much are not cruel enough to do any damage. It is beauty instead of the very convenient road that attract people come to Hualien again and again.

Let us boldly imagine: If 93 billion is not spent in

constructing freeway, but in becoming Hualien

more beautiful, how would Hualien's future be like? YL Photo

Page 4: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

When people have been used to flying, travel will no longer be just giving

a cursory look and gaining a shallow understanding, but a more profound

accumulation. Profound tourism is popular in the world. Busy people always try

to find a good place for breathing and quiet rest. No matter it is Yoga Center on

the mountains of Bali or meditation center in the United States forest and the

like, countless travelers are always attracted to go there for a breath. Tourism

in Taiwan should have got rid of the mode of fast travel. With fast coming and

quick going, low economic effects with a lot of garbage, large but useless

traffic flow, if travelers soon go away, where is the high consumption?

♦ Currently, Taiwan Tourism has two difficulties :

First, just the same day's return or two-day weekend

trip can only bring short-term economic effects for

two nights, and tourists who have come will never


Second, If Taiwan tourism can only attract people

on the island, it is impossible to prop up the huge

demand of Taiwan tourism whatever the effects of

marketing are.

♦ Only by strengthening the depth of tourism can Taiwan tourism attract world travelers to visit and can Taiwan sightseeing support a piece of sky

Hualien, eastern Taiwang possesses the most

beautiful sky. Its eastern coast enjoys excellent

natural conditions. Blue sky, deep blue sea as well

as green and quite longitudinal valley area, all is

perfect places for spiritual tourism. Whether it is meditation centre combined

with yoga or the long-term coastal resort cottages, in addition to those

inherent geographical advantages, there is a good understanding of the

advantages of the oriental culture. Whether it is a quite meditation, yoga, or

healthy dining and so on, all has last for years in Taiwan, which are the treasures

scramble by travelers from Europe and United States. Never pursue rapidness.

Slow and beautiful Hualien, eastern Taiwang is a precious treasure in the world.

Let it become more beautiful. Let world travelers show no hesitation to visit it

from thousands away. Let Hualien become the spiritual home of world travelers

1優質生活產業◆ 優質居住產業◆ 健康產業◆ 心靈成長產業◆ 醫療保健產業◆ 學習產業◆ 生命改造產業◆ 小眾運輸服務產業

2有機農業◆ 有機農業示範園區及特區規劃◆ 發展具東台灣特色之有機觀光

休閒農業◆ 有機農業認證及產銷技術提升

3文化創意產業◆ 建立文化創意產業之交流平台◆ 投資旗艦展演設施◆ 現有工業區轉型發展創意產業◆ 推動藝術工藝家進駐社區與工廠◆ 鼓勵發展工藝表演等四類文創產業◆ 發展節慶產業◆ 建立創意產業育成中心

4綠色生技產業◆ 海洋深層水◆ 藥妝生產◆ 農漁產品生技產業◆ 環保科技◆ 再生能源

◆ 心靈修養的渡假中心◆ 醫療保健中心◆ 國際級觀光渡假村◆ 原住民特色的文化旅遊◆ 戶外運動競賽舉辦場所 ◆ 青年旅遊的最佳據點◆ 藝術家的故鄉◆ 溫泉之鄉◆ 農場式的農產品銷售中心


Page 5: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

Photo/ YL Photo

Page 6: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

Can a newly-covered road really construct Hualien?

Tourism for founding a county needs more supporting conditions.

Better to let Hualien become a beautiful city which everyone wants to

visit than spend money in covering a road.

Page 7: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

Chapter Ⅱ

Suhua Freeway is not the only choice

What tourism industry needs is 10 millions of tourists who are in a great haste, or a smaller number of tourists who can stay for a long time and carry on a �ne expense? Just imagine, 10 million round-trip tourists in a rapid influx and only three million visitors but who are averagely at least live for four nights or a week, which one is truly bene�cial to our Hualien, eastern Taiwang?

─Excerpt from President of the Landis Group,

Yan Changshou in Business Weekly


Page 8: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

The latest national polls from Taiwan Area NationalExpressway Engineering Bureau in 2006

Economic development can not be only solved by covering a road

Taiwan has been in a high fever. We can't let it contaminated, but continually

refuel. According to a report on Business Week, the average amount of

greenhouse gas emission in Taiwan in 2005 ranked the third highest in the

world, reaching 11.9 metric ton per person, almost three times larger than the

world's average value. Taiwan has been notorious in the greenhouse effect! In

August 22, 2006, CEPD has made an explicit statement in the press release that

the excessively constructed roads in Taiwan have produced many negative

environmental issues and transportation policies. Track will be replaced by

freeway construction. In 2002, transport policy on White Paper has also clearly

stated to sustain overall transportation planning, inhibit the use of cars, and

focus on the development of the public transport system and create a sound

track transport environment.

Common people' pray is very simple, "Once we have money, we can lead a

good life when we are old." If a newly-covered road can make money, why

not go ahead? However, the construction of Suhua Freeway is not so easy.

Economic construction can not be resolved by singly building a new highway.

Suhua Freeway has a close relationship with life and safety of Taiwanese

ecological sustainability, and the economic development in the eastern areas.

However, the latest national polls from Country Construction Bureau in 2006

shows that :

58% of people know nothing about government's plan on constructing Suhua Freeway, and

77.8% of them think that the there is a lack of adequate information about the plan.

Material Sources: Analysis Report on Environmental Variance, Appendix 12-42 to 4 7

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100





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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

♦ Do you support the construction of Suhua Freeway?

♦ Do you know anything about government's plan to build Suhua Freeway?

♦ D o y o u t h i n k t h a t information related to the construction of Suhua Freeway is adequacy?

♦ D o y o u t h i n k t h e t h e r e s h o u l d b e supportive measures if government is going to build Suhua Freeway?

♦ Do you agree with whether the outlay for construct ion of Suhua Freeway can be appropriated in the construction of the eastern areas?

Page 9: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast


1. Railway — fast and safe "freeway"

For a long time, Hualien people always receive the western trains which will be eliminated, the full-time utilization of the majority of railroads in the eastern areas is about 65 percent, showing the improper use of the existing Rail Roads. The Taroko Gorge open to traffic in 2007 has a indicative significance to Hualien. In addition to the first-hand train, time taken in the train from Taipei to Hualien has been shortened to 1 hour and 59 minutes from the original 2 hours and 30 minutes. In accordance the exact timetable on the basis of the terrain and speed of different types of trains and transferring train plan, coupled with the Taroko Gorge, the eastern route can alleviate the majority of traffic problems in the eastern part. The most urgent investment in Suhua Freeway is to improve the operation of the Taiwan Railway.

More friendly and feasible alternatives Minister of MOTC, Tsai Dui said, "Only by constructing Suhua Freeway

can traffic in Hualien be improved. There are no alternatives!" (April 30,

2007, Legislative Department "whether it is reasonable to construct

Suhua Freeway and its alternatives (including land, sea and air

transport) "Project report conference)

However, the North East Policy EIA clearly provided other options:

1. Taipei-Yilan expressway +Taiwan Railway Tilting train + improvement of

Suhua road Slope

2. Improvement plan of Eastern railway (transit connections, electrified,

double-track project, gravel transport)

3. Large extent improvement plan of Suhua highway (corner widening,

reformation of local lines)

4. Taipei-Yilan Railway improvement projects.







維持現況 0













Page 10: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast


Double-track extension and electrification and the purchase of electric vehicles in North railway. A�er improvement, travel time on a rail from Hualien to Taitung can be reduced to over 35 minutes. Moreover, electrified trains are driven directly from Taipei to Taitung, reducing the inconvenience caused by transferring and speeding up the enhancement of tra�c quality and economic development in the eastern areas.

Train transferring plan can use "implementation of stereotypical transferring time."

1. The forecast number of tourists from Taipei to Hualien in 2015 is 30,697 (tourists / day). If the schedule “stereotypical running time" currently used by Taipei MRT and adjusted railway is invoked, at least 36,600 seats can be provided each day on unilateralism, which can completely meet demands in eastern tra�c.

2. Speci�c stereotypical concept of running time:

a. On the hour, the Half an hour: Taroko, a limited express train, self fare

b. On the hour or Half an hour + 5min distributing vehicles: PP push-pull, urgent train trip fares, Yingguang fare

c. On the hour or the Half an hour + 8 to 10min distributing vehicles: commuter car, the ordinary train, interval car fare Photo/熊帆生

Page 11: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

3. the traffic improvement

in the Coastal Range— to meet real needs of residents.

The transport network can be strengthened by making use of the rail to link

distant towns, buses to villages, regular use of sentinel feeder. Therefore, when

the public transport is convenient, not only traffic flow is alleviated, but also the

car-free families can enjoy such service.

♦ Traffic improvement in the Coastal Range- connection between railway and road to great green traffic.

Photo/YL Photo

2. Improvement Plan of

Suhua Road — shortening 1 / 10 of the whole distance

Suhua Freeway is improved through curved conduit. Difficult roads are

improved and routes are altered by investigation and mapping, which are

supplemented by tunnels and bridges. After strengthening improvement

plans of cutting the bend ones and keeping the straight up to a total of 89, the

road collapse can easily be alleviated, which can avoid the delaying of collapse

by flood disaster and can shorten a distance of 11.85 kilometers, about 1 / 10 of

the whole distance.

Page 12: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast


4. Hualien Harbor — the most promising and the first harbor in

Taiwan tourism

The current usage of Hualien Harbor is only 57% of the original design, which not only

wastes construction, but also wastes the beautiful blue road. Taiwan is surrounded by sea,

but there isn't beautiful harbor. It is Hualien that is the most promising and the first harbor

in Taiwan tourism. Taiwan's blue sea and green mountains are more beautiful than that on

Greece's bald islands. Unfortunately, shipment in Taiwan is undeveloped. In Greece, if you

catch the boat and sail in Aegean in the early morning, you can arrive on the famous island

in the evening. Even travel when boat is moving forwards is unforgettable. It takes about 6 to

6.5 hours from Keelung to Hualien by ship. Sunrise in the east is most beautiful. You can also

board Keelung at late night and have a good sleep in the embracement of the sea. When

you open your eyes, beautiful sunrise in the Pacific Ocean comes into your eyes. You may also

choose to board shoreline at noon. As you are looking at the sea and the sky, you arrive at

Hualien in the evening. And if you can make use of car's broad able characteristic to leave the

vessel, you can drive your car to start a travel along the east coast. Cars have been replaced

with ferries to transport. According to Japanese experience, large ferries can carry more than

50 trucks and dozens of cars, which is helpful to logistics transportation in Hualien. Vehicles

can directly enter the ferry, saving time to load and unload the container. Cargo shipping

will not be too slow! Calculated with 18 to 20 speeds, it approximately takes two hours from

Hualien to Suao, approximately 6 to 7 hours from Hualien to Keelung.


Page 13: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast



平 溪

澳 南

立 霧 溪

木 瓜 溪


南澳 烏石鼻




























▼Road map of Suhua Freeway— Su high pass through 17 environmentally sensitive zones.

➊ Passing through the generally protected area in Suhua seacoast

➋ Passing through Nanao in Yilan County, Hualien County and Pitt and

protected areas of water quality and water quantity of

➌ Interference wild animals

➍ Passing through the general control zone of National Park in Taroko

➎ Passing through the natural protection area on Goddess of Mercy seacoast,

its route passing through state-owned and security forest land

➏ Via national gold reserves; using another bridge to pass through the state-

owned mine 189.

➐The route passes by the ground water controlled area in Suao Town

➑ The route passes nine mountains, Suao, Skull Cap Mountain, and Monkey Qi

Mountain, Dong'ao range, Nan'ao and Zhong qingshui.

➒ The route passes through the road of national park Taroko Gorge in Hualien

County, which is the first noise control zone.

➓ The route by bridge spans the new town, through 11 river water pollution

controlled area like Baimi, Dong'ao, Nan'ao, Heping, Daqingshui, Liwu,

Sanzhan, Meilun, Ji'an, Muguaxi and so on.

Passing through Chiashan Base Liaison Path

Position has been designated in restricted development areas

Passing through the limit construction zone, "Chiashan Base flight control zone"

Route passes through hillside and aboriginal reserve

Route passes through forestry and forest land

Route passes through hillside Conservation Area

Route passes through Suao (in Malaysia) urban planning protected areas

by tunnel; by means of embankment and bridges to pass Hsiulin (Zonta

region) urban planning landscape protection area.

Page 14: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast


In face of nature, human beings are expected to learn humility for life is so fragile.

Page 15: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

According to the EIA law, Article 8, as long as there is a major impact on the environment, environmental impact assessments in the second phase should be carried out more cautiously.

�e risk of Su Hua Gao does not only a�ect Hualien, but also bring Taiwan unforeseen disasters. You may not know a number of facts about Suhua Freeway.

�e total length of Suhua Freeway is 85 km, in which road is only eight kilometers long, tunnel 40 km long, and bridge 37 km long. It costs at least 93 billion and takes at least 7.5 years. There are 11 tunnels needed to be chiseled. Its total length is more than 40 kilometers and it passes through 11 faults. Many slates and schist between Hualien and Suao are easy to break. If the faults are encountered to form a fracture zone, it is di�cult to carry on construction .

Chapter III

What we pay for Suhua Freeway is not just huge liabilities


Page 16: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast


▼ percentage of attacking routes of typhoons in Taiwan

earthquake frequency map in Taiwan

Nine dangerous tunnels in Suhua Freeway

隧道編號 可能產生地質災害路段 地質構造

1號 0K+800∼820 九股山斷層

2號1 K + 8 9 5 ~ 9 0 5 、2K+215~2K+225、555~2K+575






5號 14K+375~500、17K+290~390 破碎帶、南澳斷層

6號2 4 K + 8 5 0 ~ 2 5 K + 0 5 0 、29K+780~845


7號 29K+990~30K+030 破碎帶

8號 41K+850~42K+100 和中斷層

9號 49K+860~50K+350 清水斷層

unforeseen disasterSuhua Freeway passes through 17 environmentally sensitive zones and land

conservation areas. In "Land restoration Bill" which is promulgated in 2006,

those 17 environmentally sensitive zones belong to "the land repopulation and

promoting region in the range of land-conservation ". Landslides catastrophe

has not been pacified yet. However, at present, we have to destroy forests. Are

we forever unable to remember the lesson? (See P12-13)

▼ ▼ indicator of planned route through fault section




蘇澳斷層A 斷層B 斷層C 斷層







Page 17: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

Project complexity is much higher than that of the Syueshan Tunnel

Besides the destruction of the environment-sensitive zones, Suhua Freeway

passes through the hardest and the oldest South Ao stratum, whose history

can be traced back to 250,000,000 years ago. There are a variety of qualitative

rocks among them, whose complexity degree is much higher than that of the

Syueshan Tunnel.

According to investigation by the Ministry of the Interior Secretary, Taiwan

island will uplift two centimeters from the sea each year. Taiwan lies in the

junction between the Eurasian plate and the Philippines plate. Because of the

co-extrusion plate, Taiwan island will slowly uplift. So far, the Philippines plate

still makes a eight centimeters inward extrusion every year, resulting in the

Taiwan island is higher and higher with years passing.

Experts' assessment❖ Professor Chen Pension in Geology Department of Taiwan University:

With such scale of development, precise geological survey is necessary so that the amount of construction cost can be reduced. Definitely, we are not pleased to see the repetition of the incident of snow-capped mountains tunnel at the expense of precious lives and tens of billions of national money.

❖ Professor Chen Yu-feng in ecology institute of Providence University:The second biggest fault in Taiwan is Suhua fault coast, from Nanfangao down to the Qingshui, then along Hualien, eastern Taiwang longitudinal valley to Daren, through Dawu to E' Luanbi. Suhua Freeway is located in its northern section, at least a meter higher every three meter. It is the steepest area in the whole section.

❖ Geologist Li-Gen in National Hualien University of Educational:The eastern area in Taiwan is the world's youngest mountain belt, with a large capacity and an annual uplift of 5 mm. This figure is ultrahigh in the world, so we can not but take into account geological investigation.

❖ Professor Liu Yingsan in National Hualien University of Educational: Jugding from current engineering design and planning, developers seem to believe that they have sufficient capacity to carry bear relatively large earthquakes. However, judging from earthquakes in various countries such as the Kobe earthquake in Japan. Compared with nature, various man-made facilities are fragile.

Central Geological Survey Units responds: In accordance with the current way in digging tunnels, actually, it is a precursor for investigation at same time an excavation on the back side. Since none of us is God, it is impossible to understand what is ahead. Therefore, it must be actually drilling to understand what is ahead while construction is also undergoing.

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YL Photo

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Warnings are not too far away

♦ Syueshan Tunnel has been excavated for 13 years. The landslides in such process have killed 13 people.

The most serious Syueshan Tunnel disaster happened in December 15, 1997.

The suddenly effusing groundwater damaged more than 100 meters tunnel,

and the landslide volume reached 10,000 cubic meters. It took 2 years and 5

months to reinforce and excavate landslide area. After the $ one billion's tunnel

excavation machine(TBM)has been shipped out, it was only a heap of scrap


The assistant commissioner of Country Construction Bureau at that time will

never forget The tragic day:

"Four days before the accident, the TBM has just completed 98 days' top cap pit geological handling... Despite we are so cautious to complete all the precautionary measures, we still encounter a comprehensive defeat.What TBM had to face at that time was highly hard siling sandstone layer. The operators would like to wholeheartedly excavate the hard rock, without regard to what hidden at the top of the hard rock was the water blocking layer formed by a few million years' extrusion, rather than another hard rock. Under such water blocking layer, there was a wealth of underlying groundwater, becoming an invisible "water packet" from the surface. The moment that TBM broke the water blocking layer, the power to detent water was also liberated. Flood shook off a few years' shackles, immediately turning into forces of darkness powerful enough to destroy everything. "

(Adapted from "Passion Taipei-Ilan," written by Zeng Daren, the

Deputy of Country Construction Bureau)

Tagic history in Syueshan Tunnel

❖ Encountered �oods from 36 sites during construction

❖ Lost more than 100 million tons of ancient groundwater during 13 years' constructionUpon completion, there has still been an outflow of 56,000 metric ton, which can fill 7,000 water tankers and serve 160,000 people in Taipei.

❖ Water vains stop, water inflow in Feitsui Reservoir in 1991 reduced 120,000,000 tons compared with that in 1984, equivalent to a reduction of less than 1 / 3 of Feitsui Reservoir.

❖ Landslides killed 13 lives during the construction period

❖ More than 10 people in Country Construction Bureau has been prosecuted

❖ A total sentence is more than 100 years

(Source: Business Week Article 879)

However, experiencing the unsparing floods, in interview from Love Television,

Zeng Daren said: "Even if floods really attack us, we are able to deal with it

since Country Construction Bureau has made great progress in technology

compared with that of Railway Bureau 20 years ago." However, facing nature's

counterattack and culling, do we really have to be so stupid to believe that

"man must triumph over nature"?

Page 20: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast


♦ limit challenge of gushing water in Suhua Freeway 4th Tunnel

It is anxious to avoid these tunnel sections

during the development of construction. If

it fails, its momentary inflow is as ten times

large as the greatest catastrophe in Syueshan

Tunnel. In 1998, Yongchun Tunnel was

developed in North Link Railway. Without any

warning disaster during construction, the

collapse reached 22,000 cubic meters, two

times larger than the greatest catastrophe in

Syueshan Tunnel. Gushing water reached 80

cubic meters per minute, as 10 times large as

the greatest disaster in snow tunnels. Suhua

Freeway 4th Tunnel is located on the edge

side of Yongchun Tunnel of the North Link

Railway. Since there occurred a large number

of gushing water during construction,

Country Construction Bureau was forced to

specially change the routes so as to bypass

gushing water district.

How many lives we must sacrifice can prove the power of nature?

▼ changed road map of Suhua Freeway

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YL Photo

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We can not keep silent because Taiwan is our common

homestead, our eternal hometown

Page 23: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

chapter IV

A tunnel road built by debt and lies


Page 24: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast


When start constructing Syueshan Tunnel, we knew nothing about it. Therefore, when disasters come to us, what we can do is only to accept it silently. Water veins are broken, lives are wasted, and tourism economy ebbed. However, we must be even more careful in constructing Suhua Freeway.

�ose who agree with the construction of Su-huagao Highway put on their longing emphasis on the tourism industry and the good export of farm commodities. But in fact, the programming of it is primarily for the home cars, which are mostly about to do the negative effects on nature. And we civilians are very likely to be responsible for the debt of N.T. 10 hundred million dollars.

The total cost of Suhua Freeway is $93 billion. When Taiwan government is in

economic distress, there are no alternatives except asking for a loan from our

children and grandson. Suhua Freeway is not only high Hualien's business,

but also the issue all Taiwan residents are concerned about. However, even for

77.8 percent of people in Hualien, the relevant information is not adequate. Let

alone people in other counties know. We know that only if our children have

been assumed with 100 billion debts, they are aware of the reason why they

need to care about it.

Ten years later, that is, in 2016, the population of the elderly in Taiwan will be

over $ 3 million, over 1 / 10 of the whole population. With fertility rate declining,

government’s debt will increase, who will assume the debt?

How much more should be spent on Suhua Freeway's future?

Table 1

Bei Yigao Suhua Freeway

Construction periodfrom the original six years extended to 13 years longer tunnel project,

m o r e c o m p l i c a t e d geological situation

construction outlaya budget of 30 bil l ion increased to 60 billion

maintenance cost

Electric fees of Syueshan Tunnels are about 8 to 10 million, monitors cost about 18 million per.

There are 11 tunnels with a length of a 40-kilometre in Suhua Freeway.

Table 2

Huagao Road Huagao

Maintenance costs80 million to 100 million per year

S t i l l su f fe r t yphoons , earthquakes, and face to 11 faults and challenges from 17 environmentally sensitive area

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Su-huagao is on the chord, but without proper planning

In question and answer session set on Country Construction Bureau website,

they are very frank to admit:

Q: What impacts the opening of Suhua Freeway has on the development of

eastern regional tourism?

A: The opening of Suhua Freeway can lead to a rapid development in

tourism in eastern region and change easterner travel patterns. Currently,

accommodation, catering, parking space, transit and other transportation

facilities in Hualien, eastern Taiwang may not meet the future recreational

needs and bring about development pressure. Relevant authorities

Suhua Freeway should map and gradually complete the relevant

supporting measures during the eight years' construction.

Yilan has prepared to spend 15 years on Bei Yigao's construction. Bei Yigao has

been totally opening in June 16, 2006. However, the impact of Bei Yigao had

been included in the municipal planning in 1991. Under the guidance of Mr.

Liu Singapore for Urban Renewal Authority.Taige, Secretary employed by Youxi,

Magistrate of Yilan County, they plan the construction of Bei Yigao with the

help from international team:

♦ Make a careful assessment of environmental load in Yilan County. The

maximum of 1 million's population is considered as the implementation policy.

♦ Divide planning region into a small area by using the road. There are public

constructions in the region to meet the general needs of life so as to become

a complete life circle.

♦ Strictly keep the volume rate, and avoid irregular growth of houses in Yilan

County which may lead an disorder community and inadequate public facilities.

Freeway is coming! Yilan VS. Hualien

宜蘭 花蓮

官員態度 審慎仔細 要到再說

衝擊評估 15年提早規劃 8年施工邊做邊想


旅遊型態 快來快走

?交通狀況 難逃塞車

人力資源 人口外流

土地資源 容積率開放

However, Yilan still can not stop the influx of people from the west and

destruction. In order to cope with greeting freeway, Yilan has made an

overall planning for the county 15 years ahead. However, hurt from the

influx of crowds can not be avoided. Is time enough for Hualien to be

assessed under construction?

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♦ People Be Fast, toy section into history

According to Policy EIA report: Yilan respondents in the region have to stay for

three days in Yilan. But after the opening of Bei Yigao, 48% of passengers will

reduce the retention period in Yilan. Director Xie Jun in Traffic Bureau of Tourism

stated after the opening of the Bei Yigao, the accommodation rates in Yilan has

generally reduced. Take January in 2007 as an example. The accommodation

rate has dropped 20%. Policy EIA report also notes tourists originally stay in

Hualien for 3.5 days. 27% tourists said that the days for them to stay in Hualien

would be cut short after the opening of Suhua Freeway.

♦ There is no paddy in farmland, only holiday villa.

Construction of Pei Yigao sends tremendous challenges for the out impression

of Yilan County.

The final volume rate still becomes into 180% from 120%. Therefore, assume

that the population does increase, with the increased volume rates, the

construction company will strive to develop and build buildings. However,

in fact, the rate of population growth is not as ideal as what is expected. With

so many uninhabited buildings, public space, overall landscape, quality of life

and even the choices of development of future generations will be relatively


(Coalition website of rescuing life quality in Yilan)

♦ 人口發展限制

♦ 容積率管制

100萬 150萬

120% 180%

北宜高通車前 現在


通車前後[ ]Photo/吳國柱

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It takes a long dark period of 10 years to cover Suhua Freeway.

Without the new plan on tourism and economy, Suhua Freeway has been

called catholicon. But is Hualien really ready? Hasty action without the

supporting program does send the first wave of destruction to Hualien next 10


♦ Problems of gravel truck will be more serious.

Currently, along Taiwan nine lines, there are 6700 vehicles northward per day,

and 2000 southward. During the dark period of Hualien's construction, Hualian

will be seriously threatened by the gravel truck. Total project produced 9 million

cubic meters of waste earth in total. If a car can contain an average of 10 cubic

meters earth, at least 900,000 gravel trucks will be used to ship the waste land

from Hualien. Coupled with empty truck, there will be 1.8 million gravel trucks.

A dark period of construction tra�c1. There is a gravel truck full of waste land which is starting off the

tunnel Every 30 second. At the same time, an empty truck is returning from the open back.

2. �ere are 160 bi-directional vehicles per hour from Suao section to Dong'ao section.

3. �ere are 44 vehicles per minute from Xin Tianqiao to Qingshui.

♦ The capacity of Suhua Freeway is inconsistent with the planning of Hualien

Policy EIA forecast the traffic flow of future Ilan Hualien corridor raises about

2.8 times(about 108,000 people, the original 38,000) per day, about 1.4 times in

holidays (about 130 thousand people, the original 53000). The average number

of vehicles is about 47,000, holidays about 56,000. In other words, there are

about 1,800 vehicles used in freeway construction per hour in Suhua Freeway,

but the capacity range in Hualien is 800 to 1200 vehicles per hour.


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There is too much feint in government estimation about the prosperity brought by the construction of Suhua Freeway.The report of Suhua Freeway has been completed in 1996. It was originally

planed to be completed in 2016, which estimated the socio-economic

environment in next 35 years. It is the longest construction in planning so it is

inevitable to make mistakes. It has also proved:

♦ Policy EIA overturned the assumed demands of the constructing Suhua Freeway.

At that time, government assumed that the policy of eastward shift of future

industry was a great success, which could result in 1.7 times increase in

Hualien's population in 15 years and 1.4 times increase in tourist crowds.

Therefore, to cover Suhua Freeway can just meet such growth demand.

But judging from the current situation, at least, what we can see is that the

population growth rate in Hualien is -0.14%. Compared with that in 92, the

forecast highway transport volume is 139%, higher than that in the actual

situation. (Provided by Professor Sheng-Hsiung Chang, Tamkang University)

Conclusions of policy EIA have also overthrown the assumed needs:

1. Freeway input will accelerate migration: Freeway provides transport function

with high mobility. However, without the use of the land, the development

of industry and without providing more opportunities for employment and

schooling, on the contrary, migration will be speeded up.

2. Attraction will be lost for manufacturing which can create a large number

of jobs. Even if freeway is introduced into Hualien, without manufacturers'

cooperation on the middle and lower reaches of river, without water and

electrical environmental monitoring mechanism, it shows no attraction for

the manufacturing industry which can create a lot of jobs and science and

technology industry.

♦ No eastward shift of industrial efficiency can deduce the benefit of Suhua Freeway.

If only considering transport efficiency, the benefit ratio of Suhua Freeway is

0.6 to 0.7 and the investment return rate is 5.6 to 6.0 percent. The benefit ratio

of the consumption benefits, land value-added benefits of national tourism

and engineer is still less than 1 percent. (Source: Professors Jiang Yu-sheng)Only

coupled with the eastward shift of industrial efficiency, the benefits ratio can

be over 1%.However, government don't have any eastward shift policy of

supportative industry. Therefore, the fact is that the traffic benefits generated

by the traffic construction will be less than the cost, but not a cost-effective

public construction investment.

However, in fact, government has other options. Only by 1 / 10 funds can traffic

be improved.

Comparison table of Hualien construction blueprint

情境一 情境二 情境三

藍本 現況 東部永續綱領計畫 產業東移政策樂觀發展



♦ 台鐵運能提升

♦ 鐵公路聯運計畫

♦ 公路客運發展補助

♦ 砂石運輸處理

♦ 花東鐵路電氣化


♦ 台九線改善

♦ 促進觀光發展

♦ 振興東部永續產業:觀光、有機農 業 、 深 層 海水、安養醫療

♦ 創造優質生活品質


♦ 北宜鐵路改善

♦ 蘇花高

建設經費 423 億 604 億 1,692 億

政策環評附件 6-33至6-35頁

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Never consulting to aboriginal peoples and violating the law provision

77.8% local people in Hualien state that they are unfamiliar with the

construction of Suhua Freeway. let alone people in western region can know

it. However, it is sad that when we stress the need of respecting human rights,

indigenous people has not been consulted. It is not just to respect indigenous

people, but also break the legal rules.

According to the aboriginal Basic Law, Article 21, the development of aboriginal

traditional areas must consult aboriginal people and share interests with them.

Autonomy Promotion Commission of Taroko Gorge ethnic makes a statement:

We have no objection to "construction and development", but what we

are opposed to is "copy" of the building and development. We have no

objection to the "economic prosperity", but what we are opposed to is that

"Suhua Freeway" is the only option!

Lee Meiyi, supervisor in Taiwan Aborigines Taroko YMCA, said:

Most of areas Suhua Freeway passing are the aboriginal

traditional, but the relevant units have not consulted local Taroko

Aborigines yet.


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If 1 / 10 funds for constructing Suhua Freeway can improve traffic, why

not save the rest of 9 / 10 funds to make Hualien more beautiful?

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�ere are many alternatives in the construction of Suhua Freeway. A�er land, sea and air-team, business opportunities in Hualien have been improved, reducing injury to Taiwan. Upgraded existing railway projects, vast ocean, and active improvement of the conditions of Hualien Tourism save funds; all make Hualien more beautiful and make Taiwan an irreplaceable beautiful new paradise.

Hualien, gourmet's restaurant.

In the tour of Italian, Liang Han Lu has never forgotten to visit the town

Balsamic Vinger in Mnodena because there is best aging vinegar in the world.

When mentioning a tour of Spain, what the most obsession to Ye Yilan is still

delicious ham. For wine taster, the most memorable trip is in France, and

exquisitely delicious restaurant. A lot of food in Hualien can retain these people.

There are more and more nontoxic organic farms in Hualien. In addition to

transportation, there should be more development. Let Hualien become an

independent and busy sale area. Do not think that Hawaii volcanoes beans

come from Hawaii. In fact, all beans are from Australia and New Zealand.

Hawaii, who wrapped beans with chocolate, can obtain a product!

In Hualien, let rice not only be rice, fruit not only fruit! Scientists in Food

Research Institute have once been Taiwan's agricultural hero. Hualien, eastern

Taiwang's transition also needs their professional help. Let Food Research

Institute set up a branch in Hualien. Analyze and recycle a wealth of agricultural

products! Transform organic rice into organic vinegar, fruit into sauce, and

seafood into drinks snacks! Besides restructuring agriculture in Hualien, eastern

Taiwang transform into one with special style, transport risks should be

reduced. It is unnecessary to deliver goods immediately after harvest, but to

transport food by train. It not only solves the problem of sightseeing, but also

solves traffic problems. When you come to Hualien, eastern Taiwang, you must

eat unique ingredients on the floor, like wild vegetable, rice meal and forage

pork meals. By cooperation with catering school, you can develop the local

special meal and create a better dining environment. Let Hualien become a

gourmet's restaurant.

Chapter V

There are many options for Hualien's future.

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Hualien, artist's stage

A good tourist city should surprise people from morning to night without

interruption! The night of

Hualien, eastern Taiwang

is so quiet that it seems

no people are chatting.

We seem to forget that

the best singers in Taiwan

are from Hualien, eastern

Taiwang. The international

recognized Kuo Y ing-

nan, The Queen of the

Heaven Chang Hui-mei,

M r. Ve s t e r d o r f , Po w e r

Train Chilean, Jixiaojun,

Wanghongen, all of them are from Hualien, eastern Taiwang. They are one of

the most precious treasures in Hualien, eastern Taiwang, but unfortunately,

they have no arena to present themselves. Why not create stages for them in

Hualien, eastern Taiwang?

It is said that Wanghongen is quiet in Taipei, but when returning to the tribes,

he is happily with dancing and singing, whose songs passes through the

valleys and infect everyone. In July 2005, gifted Sacred Drummer went to

Hualien. They held an outdoor concert in Taroko National Park. The drum

shocked canyon and shocked the audience's heart. Even several years later,

people take delight in talking about the performance.

In addition to singing and dancing, there are still many artists in Hualien who

may immigrated from the west or who may sentimentally be attached to

hometown after years' efforts in western areas , it would still sticking to return

to the homeland and the east or and .Their works of art make Hualien, eastern

Taiwang more beautiful.

Hualien, eastern Taiwang's evening should not be so quiet. Let music bars

be more. Let top singers in Taiwan have their own stage. Nightlife in Hualien,

eastern Taiwang is not only a two-day weekend, but each day with good

music! Allow fans go to Hualien, eastern Taiwang to enjoy the most beautiful



Page 35: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

common people's lodge, private holiday cottages

In September 2007,30 magazines reported that habitat tour has turned into

a new type of tourism. Travel writer Liang Han Yi's favorite travel way is to rent

a small hut in southeastern France and enjoy a good life in local. What she

consumed is not one day, but a long week or even a month!

There are many common people's lodges in Hualien, eastern Taiwang. Its

natural scenery is at least as beautiful as that in Europe, but it can't retain

tourists. Perhaps new methods should be used:

♦ involving guidance of the school dining

There is a catering school in Middle North and East South of Taiwan

respectively, where students learn how to manage and how to operate a five-

star hotel. There are many opportunities to practice. If it is possible to pass

on the common people to the breakfast industry, the quality of breakfast will

substantially improved from finishing to the cleaning toilet.

In addition, the catering school could also assist in researching and developing

special Breakfast. Many Taiwanese purchase breakfast from the convenience

store, It is not only a slight dowdy, but also unhealthy. Sweet potatoes, fruits

and even rice in Hualien are the best breakfast materials. Why not get up earlier

to leave travelers a best impression?

♦ Cooperation plan between communities

One of traveling plights in Hualien, eastern Taiwang lies in point-to-point

inconvenient connection. If the district resources can be integrated, for

example, there are eight common people's lodges in district. different

community can take turns to sharing guests from the Shuttle service. As long

as arriving in Hualien, eastern Taiwang, Shuttle, which naturally enhance the

tourists' confidence and convenience.

♦ Create an integrated district

Hot springs in Japan make people moving. In addition to classical soup

house, walking in the snowy hot spring street is quite alien. Red Leaves and

Mizuho Colored are good hot springs in Hualien, eastern Taiwang, but without

overall planning. If hot spring area can be re-positioned and coupled with the

consolidation planning, it is possible to change old hot spring areas into hot

springs street and even senior Hot Springs district, to attract more international


♦ Hotel, upgraded internationalization

There are so many sightseeing advantages in Hualien, eastern Taiwang so that

it is probably for Hualien, eastern Taiwang to become a world-class resort.

However, in order to become a world stage, both government and industry

need to work together.

♦ Government's counseling and go to international

When the industry makes efforts to upgrade themselves, there are two urgent

things that need government to catch up with.

1. Full counseling businessman upgrade: Make use of power from government

agencies to upgrade intervention, active in agriculture-related agencies

counseling derivative product design, as well as the implementation of all

catering schools invest in improving tourism quality.

2. Strengthening international marketing: let the world see Taiwan's beauty!

Promote advantages of Taiwan tourism to attract world travelers' visiting!

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Cherish! The reputation of Formosa city

If we racked our brains to pursue happiness, perhaps, we should first ask:

"What is happiness?"

The latest poll by Country Construction Bureau in 2006 showed that the


75.8% of the people think the construction of Suhua Freeway will destroy the natural landscape and ecological environment.

72.5% of the people think the completion of the construction of Suhua Freeway will undermine high Soil and Water

Conservation in the east.

65% of the people think that the completion will cause traffic congestion, noise, garbage and air pollution in the eastern.

In the world's new trend, 81% percent of the people think that the government should let the people happier, not richer.

Hualien is the beautiful place first exclaimed "Formosa" by Portuguese. The

blue sea and sky, the edge of longitudinal valley, and organic agriculture are

most important tourism resources. Better to the develop leisure agriculture and

make people in Hualien have reasons to stay in their hometown and to make

people in the western region visit again and again than to invest huge budget

in road building.

A fresh start of Hotel advantage

Hostels are not just for "living", but places for revitalizing the tired physical,

mental and spiritual, self-cultivation homes. The popular meditation, medicated

bath, massage, diet and else in Taiwan can be added into the hotel business,

which used to be activities of Taiwanese. It is also loved by people from

European and the United States. Only by establishing East Coast into spiritual

sites in the world can it possess specialty.

♦ Let it be an international brand to improve view.

The introduction of international brand is the key to enhance the quality and

visibility of tourism. It not only can generate endorse guarantees effects in

local areas, but also can introduce top planners, making tourism receive the

world's top information and nurture local talent at the same time. However,

international brand is not a panacea. International brand will not be stationed

without good environment. A single international brand such as Oman Hotel

can accommodate a limited number of rooms, which making a decisive impact

on the local economy.

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花蓮的獨特 在於自然的美與人心的善

衷心期待 我們都能在其中學習珍惜 並領悟

建設並非唯一之必要 放慢或許才是前進

Page 40: Slow Hualien: Another Imagination of a sustainable east coast

, 花 蓮 的 出 路