Slim analysis

Slim Analysis Slim is ‘a jerkline skinner, the prince of the ranch’. Steinbeck also says ‘His hatchet face was ageless. He might have been thirty- five or fifty.’ And ‘His hands, large and lean, were as delicate in their action as those of a temple dancer.’ Slim is ranked lower than Curley yet everyone one the ranch looks up to slim and respects him. Quotes “Slim don't need to wear no high-heeled boots” – Slim is naturally authoritative and does not need to make himself appear to have authority like Curley. ‘"You guys travel around together?" His tone was friendly. It invited confidence without demanding it.’ – He is kind and un- judgemental. Unlike Curley, he understands that men can travel around together without being gay. "Ain't many guys travel around together," he mused. "I don't know why. Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other." – Loneliness “Maybe he ain't bright, but I never seen such a worker.” – Slim doesn’t mind that Lennie isn’t smart. Curley does, as he makes him answer when spoken to. This is another reason when slim has authority of Curley. ‘Slim neither encouraged nor discouraged him.’ – People can trust and confide in him ‘calm, Godlike eyes’ – He is looked up to ‘Slim's opinions were law’ – He is in charge of the ranch. He gives the go ahead to shoot Candy’s dog

Transcript of Slim analysis

Page 1: Slim analysis

Slim AnalysisSlim is ‘a jerkline skinner, the prince of the ranch’. Steinbeck also says ‘His hatchet face was ageless. He might have been thirty-five or fifty.’ And ‘His hands, large and lean, were as delicate in their action as those of a temple dancer.’ Slim is ranked lower than Curley yet everyone one the ranch looks up to slim and respects him.

Quotes“Slim don't need to wear no high-heeled boots” – Slim is naturally authoritative and does not need to make himself appear to have authority like Curley.

‘"You guys travel around together?" His tone was friendly. It invited confidence without demanding it.’ – He is kind and un-judgemental. Unlike Curley, he understands that men can travel around together without being gay.

"Ain't many guys travel around together," he mused. "I don't know why. Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other." – Loneliness

“Maybe he ain't bright, but I never seen such a worker.” – Slim doesn’t mind that Lennie isn’t smart. Curley does, as he makes him answer when spoken to. This is another reason when slim has authority of Curley.

‘Slim neither encouraged nor discouraged him.’ – People can trust and confide in him

‘calm, Godlike eyes’ – He is looked up to

‘Slim's opinions were law’ – He is in charge of the ranch. He gives the go ahead to shoot Candy’s dog

“Hello, Crooks. What's'a matter?" – He is kind to Crooks and treats him differently to how all the other men treat him.

"Well, you been askin' me too often. I'm gettin' God damn sick of it.” – He sticks up for himself against Curley

“If you don't tell nobody what happened, we ain't going to.” – He has authority over Curley. He sticks up for Lennie.

"Guys don't come into a colored man's room very much. Nobody been here but Slim.” – Slim doesn’t have any prejudices against black people

‘Then Slim went quietly over to her, and he felt her wrist. One lean finger touched her cheek, and then his hand went under her slightly twisted neck and his fingers explored her neck. When he stood up the men crowded near and the spell was broken.’ – Slims influence is described as a ‘spell’. He approaches the situation calmly in order to keep everyone else calm.

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“I guess we gotta get 'im an' lock 'im up.” – Non-violent approach. Opposes Curley’s approach of having him lynched

‘Slim came directly to George and sat down beside him, sat very close to him. "Never you mind," said Slim. "A guy got to sometimes."’ – He tries to reassure George. Slim is shown to be caring.