Slides 1-60 Test

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  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    A change in a substance that results inproducing a differentchemical.

    a. Chemical Change

    b. Acid

    c. Activation Energy

    d. Non-Chemical Change

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    The breakdown of rocks as a result of chemicalprocesses.

    a. Condensationb. Convection

    c. Chemical Weathering

    d. Chemical Change

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    Connection of electrical elements forming acomplete path forthe flow of current.

    a. Circuit

    b. Energy

    c. Electricity

    d. Conduction

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    All the populations belonging to differentspecies and sharingthe same area.

    a. Biodiversity

    b. Community

    c. Biome

    d. Adaptation

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    In any periodic function (e.g., a wave) the distancebetweenthe position of rest and the highest point of a wave.

    a. Wavelength

    b. Phase Change

    c. Diffraction

    d. Amplitude

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    Any organism that feeds or obtains nutrientsby breaking down organic matter from deadorganisms.

    a. Decomposer

    b. Omnivore

    c. Carnivore

    d. Vegetarian

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    Any alternate form of a gene that an organismmay have for a particular trait.

    a. Compoundb. Allele

    c. Dominance

    d. Consumer

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    The peak or highest point on a wave.

    a. Rest

    b. Crestc. Dominance

    d. Entropy

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    Animal or plant that consume or obtainsnutrients from animals.

    a. Vegetarianb. Omnivore

    c. Carnivore

    d. Photosynthesis

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    New identical individuals are formed without theinvolvement ofgametes.

    a. Allele

    b. Asexual Reproduction

    c. Ecosystem

    d. Dominance

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    A fundamental principle stating energycannot be created or destroyed but onlychange form.

    a. Atom

    b. Conservation of Energy

    c. Activation Energy

    d. Conservation of Mass

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    The principle that mass cannot be created ordestroyed.

    a. Atomb. Conservation of Mass

    c. Conservation of Energy

    d. Activation Energy

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    a. Convection

    b. Catalyst

    c. Base

    d. Phase change

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    The force on an object toward the center of thecircle.

    a. Constellationb. Diffraction

    c. Centrifugal Force

    d. Centripetal Force

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    An organism that feeds on another organism forfood.

    a. Omnivoreb. Carnivore

    c. Manipulator

    d. Consumer

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    Direct heating; the transmission of heatthrough a medium and without the motion ofthe medium.

    a. Convection

    b. Conduction

    c. Condensation

    d. Chemical Change

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    Area where two tectonic plates collide.

    a. Convergent Boundary

    b. Lifted platesc. Head-On Boundary

    d. Colliding Boundary

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    A star pattern identified and named as adefinite group; usually thought of as formingcertain shapes or figures in a specific region ofthe sky.

    a. Alignment

    b. Convection

    c. Planetsd. Constellation

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    Amount of energy required to start aparticular chemical reaction.

    a. Activation Energyb. Calorie

    c. Acceleration

    d. Amplitude

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    The process of changing from a gas to a liquid.

    a. Chemical Change

    b. Chemical Witheringc. Convection

    d. Condensation

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    Generated by the oscillation of a chargedparticle and characterized by periodicvariations of electric and magnetic fields.

    a. Amplitude

    b. Diffraction

    c. Electromagnetic Waves

    d. Electromagnet

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    Diagram that compares the amount of energyavailable at each position, or level, in thefeeding order.

    a. Electromagnet

    b. Energy

    c. Energy Transfer

    d. Energy Pyramid

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    Factors in an environment relating to livingorganisms.

    a. Bioticb. Abiotic

    c. Adaptation

    d. Biodiversity

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    A substance that cannot be reduced bychemical means.

    a. Particleb. Atom

    c. Proton

    d. Element

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    A nuclei acid that carries genetic material;present in allcellular organisms.

    a. RNA

    b. DNA

    c. Nucleus

    d. Atomic Mass

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    The layers of gas that surround Earth, otherplanets, or stars

    a. Nitrogenb. Ozone Layer

    c. Atmosphere

    d. Mesosphere

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    Factor being measured or observed in anexperiment.


    ndependent Variableb. Dependent Variable

    c. Constant

    d. Control

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    Unit of energy; the amount of heat needed toraise one gram of water one degree Celsius atstandard atmospheric pressure.

    a. Activation Energy

    b. Acid

    c. Calorie

    d. Atom

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    A substance that speeds up or slows down therate of a reaction.

    a. Compoundb. Calorie

    c. Catalyst

    d. Deposition

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    The motion pushing away from center or axis.

    a. Constellation

    b. Centrifugal Forcec. Diffraction

    d. Centripetal Force

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    The average distance from Earth to the Sun,approximately150 million kilometers or(93 million miles)

    a. Light Year

    b. Mile

    c. Astronomical Unitd. Kilometer

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    An organic molecules that makes up proteins.

    a. Compound

    b. Atomic Numberc. Acid

    d. Amino Acids

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    Outermost layer of Earth covering the mantle.

    a. Mantle

    b. Corec. Ocean Floor

    d. Crust

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    A substance that increases the OH- concentrationof a solution; a proton acceptor.

    a. Baseb. Acid

    c. Catalyst

    d. Diffraction

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    The existence of different species in a given area or

    specific period of time.

    a. Environment

    b. Adaptation

    c. Biome

    d. Biodiversity

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    A community characterized by the interaction ofliving organisms and climate factors.

    a. Biomeb. Biodiversity

    c. Adaptation

    d. Environment

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    A quantity that describes the capacity to dowork; a source ofusable power.

    a. Energy

    b. Calorie

    c. Electricity

    d. Catalyst

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    A chemical link between two atoms of thesame or differentelements in which each atom shares anelectron.

    a. Compound

    b. Atom

    c. Covalent Bondd. Protons

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    The emission of the entire range ofelectromagnetic spectrum including: gammarays, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light,microwaves, and radio waves.

    a. Electromagnetic Radiation

    b. Circuit

    c. Electromagnetd. Electromagnetic Waves

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    A change of energy from one form to another(e.g., mechanical to electrical, solar toelectrical).

    a. Electromagnet

    b. Energy

    c. Energy Pyramid

    d. Energy Transfer

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    A substance made up of at least two differentelements held together by chemical bonds.

    a. Acidb. Centrifugal Force

    c. Atom

    d. Compound

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    A solution containing water.

    a. Aqueous

    b. Acidc. Base

    d. Calorie

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    An ecological community, together with itsenvironment, functioning as a unit.

    a. Biodiversity

    b. Biome

    c. Ecosystem

    d. Environment

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    The smallest unit of matter

    a. Electron

    b. Protonc. Particle

    d. Atom

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    The total protons in an atoms nucleus

    a. Atomic Number

    b. Atomic Massc. Neutrons

    d. Electrons

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    Consisting of a coil of wire wrapped around acore; becomesstrongly magnetized when current flowsthrough the coil producing a magnetic field.

    a. Magnetism

    b. Electric Waves

    c. Circuitd. Electromagnet

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    Concentration of matter of an object; numberof individual in the same species that live in agiven area; the mass per unit volume of asubstance in a given area.

    a. Density

    b. Mass

    c. Volumed. Atomic Mass

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    Heat transfer in a gas or liquid by thecirculation of currents from one region toanother.

    a. Convection

    b. Condensation

    c. Conduction

    d. Conservation of Mass

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    Tendency of certain alleles to mask theexpression of theircorresponding alleles.

    a. Dominance

    b. Composer

    c. Conduction

    d. Adaptation

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    The sum of conditions affecting an organism,including all living and nonliving things in anarea, such as plants, animal, water, soil,weather, land forms, and air.

    a. Biodiversity

    b. Environment

    c. Adaptationd. Entropy

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    A measure of randomness or disorder of aclosed system.

    a. Biome

    b. Entropy

    c. Biodiversity

    d. Adaptation

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    A stable elementary particle that is negativelycharged andorbits the nucleus of an atom.

    a. Electron

    b. Proton

    c. Neutron

    d. Atom

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    Layering matter in a natural process.

    a. Decomposer

    b. Consumerc. Catalyst

    d. Deposition

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    Shaking of the ground caused by a suddenrelease of energy in the crust.

    a. Seismic Waves

    b. Earthquake

    c. Sink Hole

    d. Vibration

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    The wearing away of Earths surface by thebreakdown and transportation of rock andsoil.

    a. Condensation

    b. Sediment

    c. Erosion

    d. Withering

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    An environmental factor not associated withliving organism. Example rocks , air , sunand weather

    a. Biotic

    b. Abiotic

    c. Adaptation

    d. Biodiversity

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    Rate of change in velocity, usually expressed inm/s2

    a. Time

    b. Velocity

    c. Speed

    d. Acceleration

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    A substance that increases the H+ (positiveion) concentration when added to a watersolution.

    a. Acid

    b. Base

    c. Catalyst

    d. Diffraction

  • 8/8/2019 Slides 1-60 Test


    A particular development, behavior, orphysiological change in a population oforganisms, in response to changes in theenvironment.

    a. Biodiversity

    b. Biome

    c. Adaptationd. Community

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    The bending of a wave around an obstruction.

    a. Catalyst

    b. Amplitudec. Wavelength

    d. Diffraction