Slide Intro Bioprocess

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  • BASIC INTRODUCTION OF BIOPROCESSFundamental of Biochemical Eng, 2008, Dutta, R., SpringerPrinciples of Fermentation Tech., 1999, Stanbury, et al., Butterworth Heineman

  • BIOPROCESSany processes/applications/methods/techniques that uses complete living cells or their components (e.g., cell, enzymes, chloroplasts) to obtain/produce desired products Application of biology science in industrial processesChemical engineers & biological scientists need to work together:

    1. to obtain the best biological catalyst (microorganism, animal cell, plant cell, or enzyme) for a desired process2. to create the best possible environment for the catalyst to perform by designing the bioreactor and operating it in the most efficient way3. to separate the desired products from the reaction mixture in the most economical wayinvolve process design & developmentsetiap proses / aplikasi / metode / teknik yang menggunakan sel-sel hidup lengkap atau komponen mereka ( misalnya , sel , enzim , kloroplas ) untuk mendapatkan / menghasilkan produk yang diinginkan Penerapan ilmu biologi dalam proses industri Insinyur kimia & biologis ilmuwan harus bekerja sama : 1. untuk mendapatkan katalis terbaik biologis ( mikroorganisme , sel hewan , sel tumbuhan , atau enzim ) untuk proses yang diinginkan 2. untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang terbaik bagi katalis untuk melakukan dengan merancang bioreaktor dan beroperasi dalam cara yang paling efisien 3. untuk memisahkan produk yang diinginkan dari campuran reaksi dengan cara yang paling ekonomis Desain proses involve & pengembangan

  • Typical bioprocess

  • the questions..What change can be expected to occur?

    understanding of the basic sciences for the process involvedHow fast will the process take place?

    Kinetics deals with rate of a reaction and how it is affected by various chemic'al and physical conditions.How can the system be operated and controlled for the maximum yield?

    reliable on-line sensing devices need to be developed to enhance the operability of and to ensure that these processes are operated at the most economical pointsHow can the products be separated with maximum purity and minimum costs?

    various downstream process: such as distillation, absorption, extraction, adsorption, drying, filtration, precipitation, and leaching etcApa perubahan dapat diharapkan terjadi ? pemahaman ilmu-ilmu dasar untuk proses yang terlibat Seberapa cepat proses akan berlangsung ? Kinetics berkaitan dengan laju reaksi dan bagaimana hal itu dipengaruhi oleh berbagai kondisi chemic'al dan fisik . Bagaimana sistem dioperasikan dan dikendalikan untuk hasil maksimum ? diandalkan on-line perangkat penginderaan perlu dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan operabilitas dan untuk memastikan bahwa proses tersebut dioperasikan pada titik-titik yang paling ekonomis Bagaimana produk dipisahkan dengan kemurnian maksimum dan minimum biaya ? berbagai proses hilir : seperti distilasi , penyerapan , ekstraksi , adsorpsi , pengeringan , filtrasi , curah hujan , dan pencucian dll

  • The advantages of bioprocess1. Mild reaction condition: room temperature, atmospheric pressure, and fairly neutral medium pH the operation is less hazardous, manufacturing facilities are less complex 2. Specificity: An enzyme catalyst highly specific and catalyzes only one or a small number of chemical reactions. A great variety of enzymes exist that can catalyze a very wide range of reactions.3. Effectiveness: A small amount of enzyme is required to produce the desired effect. The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction much faster. A small amount of enzyme is required4. Renewable resources: The major raw material for bioprocesses is biomass which provides both the carbon skeletons and the energy required for synthesis for organic chemical manufacture.

  • Disadvantages of bioprocess:1. Complex product mixtures: substrate is a mixture; multiple enzyme reactions are occurring in sequence or in parallel. mixed final product cell mass, many metabolic by-products, rest of original nutrients. 2. Dilute aqueous environments: small amounts in an aqueous medium (SmF) separation is very expensive. Products heat sensitive; traditional separation techniques cannot be employed, develop the novel technique3. Contamination: The fermenter system can be easily contaminated bacteria and molds grow well in most media. more difficult with the cultivation of plant or animal cells their growth rates are much slower than those of bacteria or molds.4. Variability: Cells tend to mutate due to the changing environment Enzymes are comparatively sensitive or unstable molecules and require care in their use.1. Kondisi reaksi ringan : suhu kamar , tekanan atmosfer , dan pH media cukup netral operasi kurang berbahaya , fasilitas manufaktur kurang kompleks 2. Kekhususan : Katalis enzim sangat spesifik dan mengkatalisis hanya satu atau sejumlah kecil reaksi kimia . Berbagai macam enzim ada yang dapat mengkatalisis rentang yang sangat luas dari reaksi . 3. Efektivitas : Sejumlah kecil enzim yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan efek yang diinginkan . Laju reaksi enzim - dikatalisasi lebih cepat . Sejumlah kecil enzim yang diperlukan 4. Sumber daya terbarukan : Bahan baku utama untuk bioprocesses adalah biomassa yang menyediakan kerangka karbon dan energi yang diperlukan untuk sintesis kimia organik untuk pembuatan .

  • Bioprocess products3 categories: biomass cell products, & modified compounds (biotransformation)

    3 kategori : biomassa, produk sel , & Senyawa dimodifikasi (biotransformasi )