Skuldalið af inn mikill kǫttr

1 Borð af Skrúð (Table of Stuff) The Revenant Family (The Revenant Family) Pages 2 – 8 History of Galinn “Elghinn” K ǫ ttr (History of Galinn “Elghinn” Kottr) Pages 9 – 17 Tribe Emblem



Transcript of Skuldalið af inn mikill kǫttr

Page 1: Skuldalið af inn mikill kǫttr


Borð af Skrúð (Table of Stuff)

The Revenant Family (The Revenant Family)

Pages 2 – 8

History of Galinn “Elghinn” K ǫ ttr (History of Galinn “Elghinn” Kottr)

Pages 9 – 17

Tribe Emblem

Page 2: Skuldalið af inn mikill kǫttr


Skuldalið af inn Mikill K ǫ ttr (Family of the Great Cat)

Family/Tribe Origins

As always, history of these times can be confusing. There are two known reports with overlapping similarities.

The origins story of the mortals is more based of their belief in the goddess now known as Freyja. The story beings with a set of twins, Úlfarr & Áfríðr (Ulfarr & Afridr) born to the tribes goði. (Chieftain Priest)


Ulfarr was reportedly very protective of the tribe and especially his sister. Between learning to fight and hunt, he would follow his father’s path and learn everything about the gods and become the tribe’s future goði. His father refused to teach any of it to his sister, which lead to her constantly pestering him to learn it. Ulfarr would surrender to his sister whims whenever she really wanted something.

Ulfarr would marry Arnkatla, the daughter and renowned shield maiden of a neighboring tribe. It is said the date of the wedding was actually set based on a vision from his sister. Several of tribes were invited, and the feast lasted for two weeks, ending with the ceremony on the Day of the Twins (Freyja & Freyr), under a full moon.

Freyríkr, first born of Ulfarr, was born under ninth full moon later.


Afridr was the chieftain’s jewel, as such, he was over protective of her to the point of that the sheltering of her caused her to be ridiculed by other women, whenever the chieftain was not around. This in return led to several fights, and even though she was trained as a shield maiden, sadly she lost more often than not. Which lead to her searching for the answers from the gods, particularly Freyja.

Afridr had her first vision the night of her first bleeding, under a full moon in the early hours on the Day of the Twins at a sacred grove. It was said she saw the Goddess Freyja in her cart being pulled by the great cats, across the forest, as day turned to night three times, being pursued by a furious storm.

She returned home, immediately telling her father and brother everything. Not sure what to expect, but taking his daughters words serious, the village was ordered to bring in rations, secure the grounds and prepare the defenses. Three days later, they were hit by a chain of hurricane force storms that lasted seven days.

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Afridr became known as a Völva (Seeress), and was given much respect from then on. After that first vision, Ulfarr would join his sister every morning going to the sacred grove on the Day of the Twins, later to be joined by his wife and son. Alfridr, while very promiscuous, never settled down with one lover.

Úlfarr & Áfríðr (Ulfarr & Afridr)

It was time for another great gathering and it was their fathers turn to host. People would travel for days and weeks and all the tribes were expected to make it there if they could. Two weeks of drinking, parties, contest of strength and wits. There were also talks of alliances and trade. Along with worship, every night ending in some form of sacrifice to the gods.

One night, on the second Thor’s Day of the gathering, both Ulfarr and Afridr would wake in cold sweats after sharing the same vision. In the vision, a wolf that could only be Fenrir himself, for its size and fury was unmatched by anything natural, was attacking the gathering. Their father, along with several warriors, ran to the defense of their people. There was a big battle, which ended with several of the tribesman being killed, along with their father’s own head being bit off and the wolf running of into forest with the body.

As they stared at each other across the room, both knowing immediately what they shared, they heard a high pitched scream. Without hesitating, they were both instantly up, Ulfarr strapping on his weapon belt, before both of them took spear and shield in hand, heading out the door. Between the scream and the commotion of the two, the rest of the lodge was up and soon following.

Once outdoors, they would hear the voice of their father shouting commands clearly in the night’s cold crisp winds. Upon arriving at the scene, they saw their nightmare become a reality. The sounds of battle were drowned out by a scream from Afridr, as she watched her father’s head fly through the air and land at her feet.

As the huge wolf ran into the forest, Ulfarr was the first to give chase, followed closely by his own wife. The chase was uneventful, as they soon lost the beast to the darkness of the night, as thick clouds covered the almost full moon. Turning to go back to the village, they walked in silence.

At day break, preparations were already well on the way to being made for the funerals and another for a great hunt. During the day, the scouting parties were unable to find any trace of the great wolf. That night, the east shores of what is now known as the Femunden, were crowded with the tribes saying goodbye to their loved ones as both boats and pyres were lit.

As they watched their father’s pyre, Ulfarr held his sisters left hand gently in his own right. No tears were shed, as they stared into the flames. Ulfarr noticed his sister grasp go limp, he looked over to her, her eyes had rolled up so all he could see was the whites as she started to sway side for side, whispering in tongues.

Áfríðr Vision(Afridr Vision)

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One moment, Afridr was seeing the memories of her father in the flames and next she was somewhere deep in the woods standing before her goddess, under the light of full moon. Dropping to her knees, she looked around, but could not see any familiar land marks. She bowed her head once to the ground and back up. When she raised her head, her brother and sister-in-law was standing behind the goddess along with several of the tribes warriors all naked, with weapons and shields in hand.

The goddess turned to look at them, and where she glanced, they started to change. First their nails and ears were getting longer. As they started to hunch over, she looked into their eyes, to see split pupils looking back at her. The complexion of their skin started to get darker for a moment as small hairs grew to cover them in fur coats. And by the time they were on all fours, they were all in the large shape of the great forest lynx. Bigger than any of great cats she had seen before, the biggest of them was her brother, and his head was at her shoulder level.

Freyja looked at each one and pointed someplace in the forest. Each one would move to cover in a shadow or climb quickly into the trees. At her brother’s turn, the goddess pointed to a tree behind Afridr. Afridr turned and watched her brother climb the tree to a thick branch about five meters above her, his wife in a tree directly across from him at the same level. When she looked down, she could see the three crescent moon symbol of Freyja carved into the base of the tree.

Afridr turned back to face the goddess. Freyja leaned over to her and embraced her tightly in the warmth of the goddess’s arms. It was then Afridr noticed that she herself was naked. But all she cared to do was close her eyes and enjoy the rapture, as the warmth of the goddess moved through her. Just before the goddess broke their embrace, she whispered the word “Langlífr” (Long-Lived) in to her ear and kissed her deeply and passionately.

When the feeling of the goddesses blessing started to fade, Afridr opened her eyes, and she was once again before her father’s pyre.

Af Bardaga er dýrð (From Battle, Glory)

With the exception of the embrace, Afridr told her brother everything. For the rest of the night, Ulfarr would talk it over with his family and closest friends. And as the sun broke the horizon, Ulfarr was already up and organized groups into parties to scout the various sacred grounds and areas around them. He would ask them to look for anything close to the sign and scene that Afridr would describe once more to them all.

Ulfarr and Afridr would search the area around their families and villages sacred grounds. Along with them, Ulfarr would bring his wife and eldest, Freyríkr. When picking who would go with them, he only chose his most trusted of all the tribe’s warriors. Once there, everyone spread out and started searching the trees. Every now and then Ulfarr would look around to check on his family and sister.

It was on one of these checks, he noticed his sister seemed to be wandering off from the rest of the group. Not wanting to disturb her, he followed quietly behind. She moved like a wisp in the wind, going between the trees and rocks, stopping for a mere moment and then moving on again.

Afridr walked up to a huge tree, circled around to the other side and smiled. She turned to yell for her brother, only to see the whole group was already there behind her. Ulfarr sent his son back to the

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gathering, with orders send runners to the other groups and have them return to gathering and guard it. Freyríkr himself was to take person charge of his 4 younger siblings and the lodge.

Ulfarr had ordered everyone to search the surrounding area and they did discover a rocky den, it was deep in a crevice of one hill, but it looked as if it had been empty for a while. As the sun started to make its decent, heralding that night was only a few hours off, one of the warriors was lucky enough to take down an elder buck. While dressing it, Ulfarr had the idea to take some of it and spreading it out to the eight directions for a few hundred meters.

By the time everyone was back and fed, they rubs more of the remains over their body to help cover their own sent. And by night fall, everyone was in their positions. With, and against Ulfarr’s better wishes, Afridr standing in the center of them, naked with the blood of the beast covering from her head to toe and the remains of the corpse at her feet, along with a spear and robe.

Ulfarr was growing weary of waiting. He looked up into the clear night sky, the full moon almost directly above him. The stars looked so detailed and bright, he wondered at what height one would have to climb to gather them. Below him, his sister started to hum and slowly dance around the remains, swaying to winds as she delicately placed her footing.

To the northeast he caught the faint sign of movement between the trees. He checked the wind, and thankfully it was blowing westward. As the shadow got closer, he was sure it was the wolf. It moved closer, out of the shadows and into the full light of the moon, walking directly towards his sister. It shoulders were at least a man and half tall.

Stopping at about ten paces away from Afridr, as she keep dancing, seemingly ignoring the wolf. As it moved in closer another five paces. At this point, one of the warriors across from Ulfarr jumped out from behind his cover and charged the wolf early. It was one of Afridr lovers.

The wolf leapt back and clubbed the warrior it his side with its paw, sending him flying about four meters away. More of the warriors started to come out to charge the wolf, arrows and spears were speeding through the air from perches in the tree. Weapons seems to have no effect, direct hits would bounce off or barely scratch its hide.

Ulfarr looked over to Arnkatla and shook his head negatively and motioned for her to wait. She nodded in understanding. The beast was leaping all over the place, killing or knocking the warriors away as if they too were nothing. However, the warriors were doing their jobs, and slowly the wolf was being maneuvered into the center near Afridr.

Afridr was still dancing and starting to sing in a loud, clear voice, an old song even for their time, a song of the Valkyries. The beast starting to get annoyed with it all, turned to face Afridr. As it moved to tower over her, Afridr kicked the spear up into her hands and lunged… The wolf reared up onto its hind legs, Ulfarr and Arnkatla both pounced at the opportunity, diving in the air at the same time, driving their spears into backside of the beast’s neck.

The heads of both spears actually entered and burst through the skin on the side of its neck, causing the wolf to fall back to all four of its paws, knocking Afridr back into the tree where her brother was. It howled in madness and shook its mighty head, sending Ulfarr and his wife flying to the side.

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Afridr was in a heap at the base of the tree and did not seem to be moving. The wolf looked from Arnkatla to Ulfarr, and charged Ulfarr as he was getting up. Ulfarr drew his axe and tried to hit the beast with an uppercut. The axe connected to the underside of its jaw, but the beast just shrugged the blow. Ulfarr rolled to the side and tried to swing the axe down into the creature’s neck, but before he could even raise the axe again, the beast followed the roll and pined Ulfarr to the ground with its right paw.

Ulfarr, tried to push off the huge thing, but could not get any reaction. He looked around to see if there would be any aid coming, to find that all the warriors that were still living, were busy fighting other wolves. Ulfarr was not one to give up. He grabbed a knife from his belt and stabbed the foot. The wolf growled and bit down on Ulfarr, sending shocks of great pain through his body, before his consciousness faded in to the great darkness.

Ulfarr would have several blurred visions in the darkness. He would see the form he believed could only have been the goddess, but she had a more feral appearance than told. She kissed his forehead and then his neck, and just before the darkness took him completely he felt her warmth poor in to him, awaking him to new pleasures he would never forget.

Góðr eða Illr(Good or Evil)

Ulfarr awoke to someone shaking him. Slowly he opened his eyes to see his sister and wife staring down at him. Seeing no sense of urgency in their faces, he stayed lying down for a moment. The feeling euphoria was still there in him, though it was slowly fading as the pain from the battle started to make itself known again.

Sitting up with the helping hand of his wife, he looked around to see the bodies of both wolf and men. He did not see the corpse of the beast anywhere. “How many?” he asked.

“Fifteen dead, three seriously and two mortally wounded. You sister has already seen to them.” Arnkatla responded.

Afridr, while handing him a flask, followed up with “This was all a test of the goddess, she said you should drink this, it will make you stronger.”

Accepting the flask, he quickly started to gulp it down. It was only after the first couple swallows did he realize the familiar taste of iron and quickly spit it out, spraying it over both of them. But before he could throw the flask away, his wife and sister both grabbed his arm and hand. “What is the vile trick?’ he yelled.

“You will have to trust in the goddess’s wisdom. Look at your wife! She has drunk from the same flask.” Afridr instantly responded. However, half way through it, the feelings of euphoria was returning to Ulfarr. He looked carefully over Arnkatla, while she was covered in the grim of battle, he could not see a wound or bruise on her.

Seeing how he was looking at her, Arnkatla started to push the flask back up for him to drink and said “Think of how your body felt before the battle, how we are normally. Remember the feelings of our strength. These are the words your sister passed to me as I drank. It will help.”

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Between their words and the feelings he was already experiencing, he trusted them and took another slow draft. He closed his eyes, as the feelings of euphoria slowly built up again. The feeling brought back memories of how he felt after a good night with his wife. Then he remembered he was supposed to think of his body before a fight, but the rapture made him think of his body during a fight, the excitement of taking down a foe stronger than you without receiving so much as a scratch. The pain he was feeling started to quickly fade. He opened his eyes and saw his small cuts fading to scratches, scratches fade to bruises and then disappear altogether.

Afridr watched as her brothers wounds healed, and continued to tell everything else the goddess told her. “The goddess said if we survived the night, she would be back to teach us more of her ways on the morrow. I think we should take the wounded to the den. You two could guard them, and I can make my way back to the gathering for aid. “

As they started to move the survivors to the den, Ulfarr and Arnkatla both noticed changes in their bodies. For one thing, they were both able to single handedly carry one of the men each. And after kicking a rock and cursing it to Niflheim, he wished he could see in the darkness and as he was concentrating on his footing, soon after the night seem to get lighter.

After they got the all five of the remaining warriors into the den and Afridr had left them, Ulfarr told his wife she should go rest and that he would keep watch. The remaining night passed quietly and quickly. Ulfarr was standing in the as day started to break. The first rays of sun were moving ever so slowly down the west wall. Ulfarr stood and started to stretch his muscles, glad that the night was over. As he raised his arms above his head, his hands reaching for the light and the tips of his fingers instantly started to burn, the pain forcing him to immediately pull his blackened finger tips back.

Thinking it must be some type of vile magic, he picked up his spear and raised the handle into the light. Nothing seemed to happen, the wood did not darken, and there was no dry smoke or flames. He again reached his pinky into the light, and again, as soon as the tip of it made contact with the light it started to burn. He immediately retreated back into the den, wondering what was happening. But then he thought of his sister and became even more worried.

Arnkatla woke to him pacing the entrance. He told her immediately about the light and the pain it caused, showing her the tips of his still blackened fingers. She too tried and met with the same results. And just like him, within seconds she was worried for him and his sister.

A couple hours later, to their great relief, they both felt shocked and over whelming happiness when they heard Afridr voice singing praise to the moon and Freyja’s love as she rounded the corner of the crevice with more of the gatherings warriors right behind her.

Afridr quickly realized something was not right, when neither of them came out to greet her. Ulfarr started to tell her what was happening, the changed his mind. He needed to take care of the wounded, so instead he asked his sister, “Did you see the goddess do anything for any of the wounded?” She responded with a no.

He directed the new warriors to take the three who could be moved safely, back to the gathering. He then ordered the rest to take positions outside, while his sister tended to the remaining two. As everyone was moving around, his sister informed him that the first of the two as starting to stabilize, and the other seemed to be already showing signs of a fever.

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When all the remaining warriors and survivors we gone. Ulfarr then told his sister about the new findings, and asked her why she was not affected. “Because I did not receive her kiss.” she responded. Then she explained everything she saw.

How the goddess first appeared out of the shadows, kneeled over Ulfarr, gathering him into her arms and kissed him twice, once on the top of his head and then again on his neck. Then using her own nail, slit her own wrist and let the drops of blood fall into his mouth and then laying him back down, before moving over to do the same to Arnkatla.

“That’s when she noticed I was watching her. She walked over to me and smiled. She said that I had more important work ahead. She said she was both surprised and proud of me and you two. But I was to tell you the words I gave you earlier. She then gave me a hug and walked off into the darkness.” Afridr explained as she looked concerned.

The day seemed to pass so slowly. Sometime after noon, they were brought a meal, but the food only made Ulfarr and Arnkatla get sick and did nothing for their hunger. After getting tired of waiting, Ulfarr and his wife decided they would go rest.

Shortly before nightfall, Ulfarr woke. He watched the sky darken from the entrance. When the darkness filled the sky, Ulfarr attempted to walk out by holding his hands out in front of him. He was relieved that he did not meet with the pain again and was out in the fresh air. He started to send his sister to wake Arnkatla, but his wife was already cautiously walking out of the cave to join him, before he could even ask.

They were all enjoying the night air and the partial full moon, and were about to head to the tree, when all of a sudden they heard a scream come from the cave. Ulfarr was the first to rush back, but was stopped short at the entrance of the crevice. The woman from his visions was walking out of the cave. He looked to his wife and Afridr, both of whom were wearing the same look of acknowledgement.

From then on their lives would change forever, the Goddess taught Ulfarr and Arnkatla everything they needed to know about their new lives. It was agreed Afridr would continue the bloodline and become Ulfarr’s voice in the day. Their tribe would move and become more secluded. It is rumored that the first men and women who drank the blood of their enemies to gain strength or frenzy in battles, also known as berserkers, may have come from this tribe.

Kindred or God(Kindred or God)

The kindred side believes that sometime shortly after the rumored battle between Ennoia and Ravana, Ennoia found herself in the lands now known as Norway. And that the goddess the kine speak of, was Ennoia. It’s believed she was so impressed with the way the mortals fought and generally surprised her, that she took them under her wing for a short time.

With a very few exceptions, it should be noted that both of the kindred and kine of this group seem to very loyal to each other. Rarely killing or sacrificing anyone of their own, unless it is for the greater good.

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Galinn "Elghinn" Kottr(Galinn “Elghinn” Kottr)

Galinn was born under a full moon on Freyja Day in late April, sometime during the early 300’s. He was the first born son of the family chieftain, and the first to be lucky enough to fall under such an old tradition in a couple centuries. His father named him Galinn, due to the wild and crazy circumstance of him falling under such an historical event for his family.

And as Galinn aged, he lived up to his name. He was always doing things considered to wild or crazy. At the age of ten, he climbed unassisted up a mountain side, over two hundred feet just so he could get some fruit that was supposed to have been blessed by the gods that his friends told him about.

At the age of fourteen, while sparing with a newly embraced Gangrel. The Gangrel charged him, instead of dodging it like he was being taught, he dropped to his knees, rolled backwards (head over feet) towards a tree, and as soon as his feet touched the tree, he pushed forward with his legs, lunging across the ground…with the aid of his staff, he was able to surprise the Gangrel, knocking it to the ground and able to get the touch to its chest before it was able to recover.

At the age of fifteen he was out with a hunting party. He was tending a fire that was roasting a wild boar, when they were attacked by bandits. Two of the bandits came out on the opposite side of the fire from him. He grabbed his axe and charge at them toward the fire. However, instead of running around or jumping over the fire like they expected, he lowered his shoulder and charged right through the fire, shoving the eighty plus pound boar up and into their chest, knocking them to the ground. Using his momentum, he rolled over the boar and attacking them both with axe blows to the face and head, killing his first men.

At the age of twenty, he became the father of twin boys, born under a full moon on a Thor’s Day. Both would be killed during a raid on his village, while he was in Rome.

Embraced at the age of thirty-three by Freyríkr, after his Sire witnessed him being the sole survivor of a surprise raid against his camp, in which he killed ten men and their Ventrue leader.

In 395 he joined his Sire in leading a war party, along with other Goths under the banner of Alaric. It was also during this time Galinn meets a Brujah, now known as Virgil, on the battlefield in 410. They quickly gain a mutual respect for one another’s abilities on the battlefield, as a who’s who of kill list was started. Galinn’s point of view, Galinn was the winner and claims Virgil includes the weaker members in his numbers. In the winter of 411, his war party and sire left the Roman lands.

After returning home and finding out his sons were dead, Galinn left on his own a few centuries. During that time he traveled, explored and even participated in several wars all over the eastern countries. He spent over one century exploring Russia before reaching another great sea and moving south.

He met a strange breed of kindred in the southeastern Asian lands, not understanding their methods and not being welcomed by them, he moved westward into Mongolia. However, he did see his first Black Panther in China.

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The Rouran people of Mongolia were an interesting nomad culture, in some ways easier to understand, in some way he could see the similarities between the cultures. During this time he saw his first Bengal Tiger.

In the early 600s he found himself in India, helping the Harsha of Kannauj defeat the people of Gauda.

He returned to his homeland in 691 where after seeing that his people were still doing well, he entered torpor.

He woke again the fall of 765 to the stomping of feet about his resting place. Upon exiting the earth, he found himself in the middle of a Roman camp. Furious to find the Romans attacking his homeland, he frenzied and killed the twenty man patrol. For the next seventy-five years he organized war parties and killed several kindred and kine under their Roman banners that dared to enter his lands.

It was in one of these battles that he committed his first act of diablorie, while frenzying against a Brujah. His eyes becoming like those of a cat. It was also soon after these battles, he noticed he started to be able to move quicker. He contributed to watching and studying the methods of the Brujah he came to fight.

It was during this time he meet the twins, Dalharil (Dal) and Kyona (Ky) An’ar. Dalharil was a raven hair beauty and she wore it wild and loose. She was also more of the physical type, loving the thrill of the hunt and battle. She was already embraced by a great grandchild of his own sire.

Kyona, also a raven haired beauty, but she kept it clean and bound. She on the hand was more closed and quiet, a stalker. She liked to learn the why’s of thing and how to manipulate them. She was still mortal, but had been feeding from various kindred of the family.

Galinn found that he was attracted to Dal, and she was in awe of him. They seem to fit well with each other, so Galinn brought Dalharil into his personal Pride. She was his shield maiden, right hand and Pride Mother (Second in command).

790 to 865 Galinn with meets with Virgil again, the Brujah that cheats in his kill counts, who is now leading a group known as the Ira. He finds out that Virgil returned to the Viking lands in order to help get revenge for the various Goth atrocities. The meet yet again on the battlefield and instead of the kill counts staying in the low hundreds, their competition gets into the high thousands. It was also during this time Virgil tells Galinn about the secret organization now known as Saligia, and some of his plans. Galinn is intrigued at Virgil’s aspirations and offers to help him if he should ever need it.

In 840 we joined the raiding boats, in hopes of finding new challenges. We found most the so called Christians of the western islands distasteful and weak. It was during these raids, just after the winter in 865, that Virgil and Galinn split ways.

From 865 to 890, after hearing about several of his tribe members being enslaved by several members still under the Roman Empire, he lead small groups to sneak in and release slaves or kill the leaders of several cities.

In the winter of 890 he returned again aback to Norway. Finding the country had been united by a king, and the lands getting smaller. It was agreed by the tribe elders (His Sire, Freyríkr among them) that they should migrate a good majority of the tribe to Iceland, leaving a small group to maintain their interest and sacred places of Norway.

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In the early 980’s, he joined Olaf Tryggvason’s 390 ships in raiding England. He left Olaf raids shortly after 994 when Olaf’s obsession with the Christian religion started to annoy him.

Early 1010, Ulfarr absents was noticed and it was reported he had gone to ground in torpor.

1050 Dalharil came to him with worry about her sister. Kyona had yet to have been embraced. Galinn tried to assure Dal that sooner or later Ky would catch the eye of someone. Dal convinced him that maybe if Ky were to join his personal group, others would take notice of her quicker. So he gave in and allowed Ky to join him.

1115’s both sects of the tribe (Iceland and Norway) were thriving. Freyríkr informs Galinn of reports of Gangrel that have gone missing, and ask him to look into them. By 1120 his travels take him to the streets of Vince. After several months in Vince, and thanks primarily to the work of Kyona, he was able to find a good bit of information out.

Apparently some form mages lead by a man named Tremere, were now Vampires. One of these Vampire Mages named Goratrix had been capturing and doing experiments on other vampires, trying to create new creatures or fiends. At this point, he did not want to put his tribe at risk, so he created his first alias, Elghinn.

Galinn was also highly impressed by Kyona’s resourcefulness, so as a reward for her work, he embraced her. Feeling it would only make her better, especially with the coming battle.

With the help of some Nosferatu, Galinn leads a group of Gangrel (A mix of his own Pride and others) in an attack on a chantry, where some of the experiments a reportedly being held. Upon charging into the basement entry, Galinn was confronted with two guards, both wielding twin katars. The katars had some form of a dark greenish glow, looking at them closer, several runes can been seen etched into the blade, showing what looked to be traces of silver in the metal.

The one on his left lunged for Galinn, boosting his strength and summoning his claws, Galinn stepped back, avoiding the blade and slashed it throat, nearly taking its head off. The second one approached with more care, making feints and attempting to dodge back to get out of range. Galinn misread one of the feints, stepping into it, giving the ghoul a clear shot across his ribs. Despite Galinn’s natural resistance, the blade tore into him, causing him great pain.

Using his right hand, Galinn gripped the ghoul’s wrist as it was pulling the blade out of him. With his left, he shoved his claw into its belly, grabbing a fist full of intestines, pulling them out and dropping them. Then proceeded to slash its throat, to make sure it was silenced.

Unable to heal with the blade still in himself, he pried the dead fingers off of the hilt, and released his grip, allowing the body to drop to the ground. Slowly he pulled the blade out and willed himself to heal. He immediately noticed that he had to concentrate harder and expend more energy to close the wound. Looking at the blade still in his hand, he was impressed in its craftsmanship. Reaching down, he picked up its twin and took the sheath from the ghouls, strapping them around his own waist.

Galinn was exploring the cells, when he comes to a room and finds Freyríkr strapped down to a table, his limbs removed. Furious Galinn immediately released his Sire and started to pick him up. His Sire, heart and mind broken, demanded that Galinn finish him. Galinn tried to refuse his masters wishes, but in the end the bond was to great and in frenzy, Galinn diablorized his sire.

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***Galinn was exploring the cells, when he comes to a room and finds Freyríkr strapped down to a table, Galinn immediately released his Sire. Upon making sure his Sire was stable, he left him and continued to check for more slaves. Galinn never did see his sire again after this night and he worries that the Tremere may have killed him. ***

There was a lot of cheering at the destroying of the chantry, and there were rumors of supposedly some Tzimisce elders may have assisted in the raid. But as it was later found out, it was only a minor chantry and therefore only a minor inconvenience to the Tremere. However, it was soon after his return to his homeland, that he started to hear rumors that he was becoming better known among the Gangrel after this battle.

In the early 1200 to 1210, Galinn returned to Mongolia, where he fought alongside Genghis Khan. The Kahn was so impressed with the skill of Galinn’s Pride, that he made an unspoken pack, to never invade Norway. The tops of his ears became sharper and more defined with little tuffs of hair.

In 1230 Galinn returned to his tribe in Norway, its size was growing again and would become more noticeable. He sailed to Iceland, and while it was bigger, he did not want to risk moving more people there.

In 1257 to 1263 he was contacted by an Irish Gangrel, there was a supposed noble of Norse decent that wanted to hire him to help with raids against the English. This gave Galinn an excellent opportunity to move more of the sect to Ireland. He purposed the move to the tribe’s elders, and they agreed. So slowly, as he fought for the Irish noble, he split the Norway Tribe, and started a third sect in Ireland.

Galinn, finds his first werewolf tribe outside his own lands (exception of the Get of Fenris near his own land), they called themselves the Fianna. While scouting a forest for possible raid paths, and maneuvering his Pride of thirty to better position for a raid on the next night, they came across a camp of five of these Fianna. Seeing no distinguishable marks making them a member of the enemy, Galinn sent Kyona ahead with the Pride and continued to watch over the camp that night. When waking in the next night, they were gone.

1260, Dalharil loses half of his Pride to an obvious ambush. Galinn finds out that Dalharil has become addicted to alcohol. Furious with her weakness and the death of so many, he demotes her and sends her back to Norway. Galinn then promoted Kyona to Pride Mother.

1264, Returned to Norway, to find out Dalharil was gone. Elders reported she returned briefly, but was furious at her treatment in Ireland, and left vowing revenge against Galinn.

1270, Galinn and Kyona try to start a more serious relationship, but things do not work out, never seeming to be able to get past the memories of Dalharil. Galinn stays impressed with Kyona’s resourcefulness and makes Kyona a Pride Leader.

1300, Galinn travels to Iceland and Ireland to check on the sects, to find out Dalharil has been seen in both camps trying recruit for a pride of her own. Only to find that word of her addiction had already spread, and the overall opinions seem to be the same, no one wanted to have her be the direct leader.

1320 Galinn again returns to Norway. Kyona’s raids have increased the tribe’s profits greatly. Kyona also introduces Killar Ovaim to him, a mix breed of Irish and Norse decent. Kyona tells him of a raid

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where Killar soloed a Tremere. Galinn was again impressed, and offered him a position within his own pride.

In 1349, the Black Death swept through Europe, and due to the seclusion of the sects, their losses were very small when compared to the rest of the countries. Galinn was very glad now more than ever for splitting their tribe to the other two countries.

In 1360 to 1510 Galinn again goes into Torpor. In the spring of 1510, Galinn wakes to find out that various kindred have formed new factions and have attempted to recruit members of his tribe. Kyona tells him of the over view of these new factions, but she did not feel they fit the tribes path, so she had been issuing orders for everyone to stay out. Galinn agreed with her, and voiced the same feelings to the tribe.

1512 Galinn went to Iceland, everything was good there and no one was reported leaving tribe for the new factions.

1515 Galinn goes to Ireland. The night before he was supposed to take boat from Scotland to Ireland, he was leaving a port inn, heading into the wilds, when he noticed that two figures started to tail him. Once in the wilds as he was passing between trees, he switched his vision and could see the bigger of the two was a female standing as tall as him, the other was a male. The female seemed to be at home in the wild and was having no problems tracking him. The male was constantly stumbling about.

Figuring it was useless to try and out maneuver them, Galinn stopped and leaned back against a tree, staying in its shadows. With the female pointing the way, they both approached him with caution. “You have but a moment to express why you are following me, before I show you why you may regret your decision to do so.” Galinn said from the shadows, lifting the cowl of his cloak, staring at them both, his eyes growing red.

The male spoke up “Greetings feral one, I could not help but notice your appearance in town. May I ask what your name is?”

Galinn smiled, showing his fangs “It counts on why you seek me?”

Stepping back behind the female, the male continued “I am a Fifth Circle Regent in of house of Tremere under the lord Goratrix. I am here to offer you and yours a position in the Sabbat. You would find there would be several rewards coming, to those who would join us.”

Galinn summoned his claws as soon as he heard the word Tremere, standing up straight and ignoring the female, he spoke directly to the male “I am not sure what made you think to approach me, but I am glad I could meet such a high rank sounding individual. Please tell me more?”

 Galinn looked over the male, not seeing any weapons, but remembering they were some form of mages. Taking a glance at the female, he noticed she had seemed to have gotten bigger, standing almost a foot above him and her body seemed to have expanded. She had gained some hybrid wolf form he had only seen once before, marking her as one of those werewolves. Galinn went to shove her out of the way, only to find himself being backhanded, knocking him back into the tree.

“So sorry we could not have worked things out, Uyrena please see that we do not regret our little talk will you?” With that the Tremere turned and left, stumbling back the way they came, leaving him to face the female beast before him.

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“With pleasure it growled” The female then looked over Galinn. “I am impressed you’re still standing.”

Galinn looked it in its eyes, “I am not as weak as your masters. I will warn you once, leave now or you will regret this night.”

The beast chuckled and just struck out with its powerful clawed right hand, shredding his clothing, gouging his skin and knocking him up and back into the tree again, seriously wounding him. As Galinn was forcing himself to heal, he realized quickly that he would not be able to continue to take many more hits.

Down on his knees he let out a loud roar, summoning the great cats of his pride and with them the rest of his small personal group (10) from a nearby camp. As he moved to get up he rolled around to the back side of the tree, hoping to give him more time to heal.

The beast stalked him around the tree, chuckling. Feeling his strength slowly return, he summoned more strength and stamina, before using his celerity and attempting to return the attacks. He was momentarily glad to see that the beast underestimated him, and all three of his barrages contacted, leaving gouges of his own in the hide of the werewolf, causing it to howl in rage and pain.

“No longer chuckling now are you!” Galinn snarled as he again maneuvered to put the tree between them.

It charged him again, Galinn was able to dodge or absorb its strikes, but his upper clothing was now torn to shreds, his cloak was in ruins on the ground, along with his weapons belt and katars. The battle continues this way, with both sides occasionally scoring a good hit on the other.

Galinn was down to just his trousers, he knew he was running out of strength, and hoped his Pride was on its way. The werewolf lunged for him, it had been trying to knock him down or trap for last couple moments. It over extended its reach with its lunge, and Galinn was able to get a good blow to the side of its head, knocking it on its back. It screamed in pain as it quickly rolled away from him. Galinn saw the outline of one of katar blades on its back as a welt in red started to appear in the fur.

Galinn dismissed his claws and went to pick up the katar. The werewolf tackled him across the waist, knocking Galinn to the ground. Galinn rolled towards the katar, but the beast jumped onto of him and started to claw his chest.

As a last ditch effort, Galinn summoned his claws back and reached for the Katar. Barely able to get it, he quickly closed his fist around the hilt, dismissing his claws again as he did so. Then using what little blood he had left to pump up his strength, he shoved the katar up in to its jaw and into its skull. It howled in pain and rolled onto its back, withering on the ground. Galinn rolled on top of it and drank it dry, feeling its rage and strength flow into him.

Crawling over to a tree to rest, his Pride finally shows up. In restrained anger, he orders a three of the ghouls to kneel before him, and he feeds on them until just before they go unconscious. Getting up he takes bits of clothing from various members, securing the katars on a new weapons belt around his waist.

He tells them to burn the corpse of the werewolf, and bury its ashes deep. Before looking for the trail of the Tremere, turning into a black tiger, he followed the tracks back to town. Changing before going back to normal before entering the town, he began to look for more information. After a few questions from the

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village people, he learned the description he gave was staying at the Port Inn that Galinn was previously at.

Getting to the inn, Galinn scanned the crowd to see the Tremere was not with them. He questioned the keeper about the room’s qualities and if they were all opened to the night air? He was informed all but one at the end of the hall, and that room was taken. Galinn assured the keeper that he enjoyed the late spring’s weather and would be glad to have any of the rooms, but he preferred to have one at furthest away from the stairs and away from the possible noise of the inns crowd.

Giving thanks to Freyja for his luck, he went up the stairs and headed for his room. He was told it was at the end to the right. He checked it out and the room to the left. Both had two windows, bow had one facing to the west, and the other windows were north or south counting on the side. Looking out the west window, he saw no way to get into the room in between the two outside rooms.

He listened to the side of the shared wall for over an hour in his room, before summing his vision and going to try the door. Using every larcenous trick he knew and hoping the occupant did not set any traps, expecting its friend to return, he slipped the lock as quietly as he could and stealthed in.

There were two beds and one was empty. Moving over to the occupied bed, he saw the Tremere. Summoning his claws and boasting his strength, he shoved his claw right into its throat, feeling its spine between his fingers.

The Tremere opened his eyes, to look up at Galinn grinning. Galinn looked into the dying eyes of the Tremere and said “Too bad you did not want to talk.” The Tremere started to raise it arms, so to be safe, Galinn pulled up as hard and fast as he could on the Tremeres head, ripping it off.

Galinn dropped the head back on bed, then proceeded to clean his hands on the bedding bedding, before setting fire to it. Leaving the room only after the bed is completely engulfed in flames. Opening both doors to the two side rooms to allow some of the smoke to be blown out the windows he opened earlier. He waited a little longer until the room was completely burning, before yelling fire and jumping out of his room’s north window.

Once in the woods, he changes back into the tiger form and moves to were his tribe is camped out, before going to ground. The next night they returned to port to see half of the inn was burned down. Rumors indicated that a patron in one of the rooms feel asleep with one of the oil lamps, knocking it over in his sleep. Everyone loaded the boat and went on to Ireland with no issues.

1515 Arrived in Ireland, to find the tribe has been doing well. While there he meets a Gangrel not of his tribe named Rusvanus. The elders of the tribe inform him that Rus has been with them for a little over two hundred years and has been a great help in the raids and protecting the tribe. Rus asks for permission to join with Galinn.

Unsure of Rusvanus loyalties, he explains to Rus, that he would have to prove his loyalty. If he submits to the goddess’s will, and answers his questions, he will gladly accept him. Rus agrees to take any test. Galinn goes to find the tribes Seeress, but finds out that she is at one of the sacred groves.

Galinn arrives at the grove that the Seeress is reported to be at, to find her with two other women. He tells Rus to stay outside the grove while he talks with the Seeress. As he walks into the grove, the elder of the two strangers begins to look him over and the younger of the two moves slightly behind the elder.

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The Seeress noticed the look the elder is giving and turns to see Galinn approaching. She nods briefly to him before saying “Greetings Galinn Kottr, glad to have you back in our lands. You come at a great time.”

“Greetings Seerer, please introduce me to these two strangers?” Galinn pleasantly responded, while slightly smiling at the two other women at the same time.

The Seeress waves her hand from the eldest and youngest, saying “These are neighbors of ours, Lady Creidne and her child Scathach (Skaw-hak), they are from a clan known as the… Lihanna?”

“Close, it was the Lhiannan” Creidne politely corrected, while returning the smile to the both of them.

Galinn recognized the name and responded with “I have heard of your kind in my travels, you are known as druids. It was said you have all been killed by the Christians, so why reveal yourselves to us?”

Creidne waved her hand towards the Seeress and then around grove they were standing in “It is obvious you do not follow the Christians path. I have been watching your kind for some time and while some of you love to battle, you do not lay waste to the land. So I felt I could trust you and introduce myself and my child. Maybe we can be of a help to each other?”

“Hmm…what could you offer us? And what is it you expect in return?” Galinn asked.

“Well in exchange for the protection of your tribe, I could offer my services…” She bared her fangs and bit into her wrist as she walks outside the grove, just past Rus, to some of the bushed the provided cover. Once she is in the center of them, she whirls in place, spraying her blood around the foliage. After a moment the bushes began to move on their own. “…if you like, you may try to cross them to attack me, tough I would not recommend it. I have other abilities that can be useful to you and yours. And to show my trust, I will assign my child to go with you. She needs to find a territory of her own anyways. “

Galinn followed the woman out of the grove, stopping just outside the bushes the she walked into. After hearing her challenge, he decided to test her worth. Summoning his claws, with the intention of killing her if nothing happened, he walked into shrubbery. They immediately reacted and began to entwine his legs, a tree swung a branch at his head, surprised at the action, he barely had enough time to dodge it.

Rusvanus seeing Galinn was being attacked started to move into help him. Galinn saw the movement out of the corner of his eye and looked over to Rus and commanded him to stay back. Galinn turned his attention back to Creidne and grinned as he slowly retreated from the plant life, fighting to pull his legs from the foliage, he stepped back into the clearing.

“You do seem to have some usage. I will admit I have not seen the likes of this sorcery before. This brings me back to why I am here…” Galinn said as he turned back to face the Seeress “…Seerer, I need you to validate this man’s oath. He wishes to join our tribe, and I wish to have his loyalty tested first by oath.”

The Seeress waved for Rus to enter the grove, they walked back into the center. Removing a necklace of bone from herself, she placed it over Rusvanus head. “Here in our sacred grove, you will speak the truth of your heart and mind. Do anything else, and you will be struck down.” She nodded to Galinn. “Ask him anything you please.”

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For the next hour Galinn asked him several questions about his motives and where he came from. Every word came out true and some of it the Seeress even spoke up for him. Lastly he had Rusvanus give an oath that he would always protect the tribe.

Satisfied with the outcome of the ritual, as soon as the necklace was removed from Rusvanus, Galinn welcomed Rus to his Pride. Turning to leave, he was just at the entrance to the grove, when he stopped and looked back over to the druids.

“I will grant you the protection of our tribe. But know this, betray us and no matter where you hide, I will personally track you down and take your head.” He told Creidne, then pointing to Scathach, he continued “You, gather things, we will be leaving the isle in the coming week.”

1517 Galinn returns to Norway. Galinn calls a meeting of all the tribe elders from all lands. Over the last several years there were talks of a new land to the west. After consulting with the Godi, Seeress and Elders, it was agreed that they should expand into the new territory. Kyona recognizes the need for change in the rolls of the tribes and shows how the Prides can still make money in various rolls, Galinn agreed and again the tribal leaders feel into line.

1520 After a huge the undertaking of moving resources and families. Galinn is now personally in charge of a three mile section of land in what is now known as Louisiana, and the 150 families that follow him from all three of the lands. Galinn was also surprised when Kyona showed up after the second crossing, to offer her services once again as his second.

1600 to 1610 Galinn fights against a tribe of werewolves known as the Uktena, before a truce is made between the elders of both tribes. Leaving the lands Galinn already occupied to his Pride.

1754 to 1763 Galinn offers his services to the French against the British, protecting the southern lands and ports during the Seven Year war.

1861 to 1865 Fights alongside the Confederates in protecting the lands to the south.

1910 to 1950 Galinn returns to ground, Torpor.

Spring 1950 to 2013 Galinn awakes from Torpor and is somewhat taken back with the advancements of technology, and always seems to be behind the curve when it comes to the latest trends.

1960 to 1973 Galinn gets hired to find, recover or protect private interest for personal and government locations during Vietnam War.

1990 to 1992 Hired for jobs during the Gulf War.

1995 to 1998 Galinn gets hired to Sheriff for Prince of N. Lauderdale.

2000 to 2013 Galinn is managing and leading Private Security and Recovery Teams, operating on all continents.