Abstract (=to deduct) = Iron is abstracted form iron ore Extract (=to take out) = It took me days to extract the truth from her. Extricate (=to release) = You have to extricate yourself from the unhappy love affair.. Acceptance (=consent to receive) = The new laws gained widespread acceptance Acceptation (=recognised meaning) = Acceptation of term TV for Television is an established fact.. Access (=right of entry) = Students must have access to a good library Excess (=surplus) = His excesses at parties are well known.. Adapt (=to fit) = Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark Adopt (=to take) = He is their adopted son.. Adherence (=attachment) = Strict adherence to religion may create problems at times. Adhesion (=concurrence) = Wound that is slow to heal may cause painful adhesion.. Adverse (=hostile) = His health was adversely affected by the climate Averse (=disinclined) = He seems to be averse to hard work.. Affect (=to act upon) = His health was adversely affected by the climate Effect (=to accomplish) = The new law takes effect from tomorrow.. Affection (=feeling) Affectation (=pretence) Aisle (=of a aisle) = Walk carefully on the church-aisle Isle (=island) = One can find the British Isles in any political map of Europe Allusion (=reference) = He resents any allusion to his baldness. Illusion (=deception / false idea) = I have no illusions about my ability.. Altar (=for sacrifice) = In a church offerings are found paced on the altar Alter (=to change) = She had to alter her clothes after losing weight.. Altercate (=quarrelling) = What is this altercation about? Alternate (=two tings in turn) = Rainy days alternated with dry ones. Alternative (=one or another) = Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent? Annals (=historical records) = The social reformer’s name will go down in the annals of society Annual (=yearly0 = His annual income is not much.. Anti (=in opposition) = Fighter planes face danger from enemy’s anti-aircraft guns Ante (=before time or position) = Members of the club should leave their wet umbrellas in the ante-room.. Antic (=absurd / funny) = People laugh at the clown’s silly antics Antique (=old and valuable piece of art) = He owns an irreplaceable antique vase Apathy (=want of feeling) = Extreme Antipathy (=dislike) = He showed a



Transcript of SKS ROUGH


Abstract (=to deduct) = Iron is abstracted form iron ore Extract (=to take out) = It took me days to extract the truth from her. Extricate (=to release) = You have to extricate yourself from the unhappy love affair..

Acceptance (=consent to receive) = The new laws gained widespread acceptance

Acceptation (=recognised meaning) = Acceptation of term TV for Television is an established fact..

Access (=right of entry) = Students must have access to a good library

Excess (=surplus) = His excesses at parties are well known..

Adapt (=to fit) = Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark Adopt (=to take) = He is their adopted son..Adherence (=attachment) = Strict adherence to religion may create problems at times.

Adhesion (=concurrence) = Wound that is slow to heal may cause painful adhesion..

Adverse (=hostile) = His health was adversely affected by the climate

Averse (=disinclined) = He seems to be averse to hard work..

Affect (=to act upon) = His health was adversely affected by the climate

Effect (=to accomplish) = The new law takes effect from tomorrow..

Affection (=feeling) Affectation (=pretence)Aisle (=of a aisle) = Walk carefully on the church-aisle Isle (=island) = One can find the British Isles in any

political map of EuropeAllusion (=reference) = He resents any allusion to his baldness.

Illusion (=deception / false idea) = I have no illusions about my ability..

Altar (=for sacrifice) = In a church offerings are found paced on the altar

Alter (=to change) = She had to alter her clothes after losing weight..

Altercate (=quarrelling) = What is this altercation about? Alternate (=two tings in turn) = Rainy days alternated with dry ones. Alternative (=one or another) = Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?

Annals (=historical records) = The social reformer’s name will go down in the annals of society

Annual (=yearly0 = His annual income is not much..

Anti (=in opposition) = Fighter planes face danger from enemy’s anti-aircraft guns

Ante (=before time or position) = Members of the club should leave their wet umbrellas in the ante-room..

Antic (=absurd / funny) = People laugh at the clown’s silly antics

Antique (=old and valuable piece of art) = He owns an irreplaceable antique vase

Apathy (=want of feeling) = Extreme poverty had reduced them to a state of apathy

Antipathy (=dislike) = He showed a marked antipathy to foreigners..

Apposite (=very appropriate) = I felt his speech is wholly apposite to the current debate

Opposite (=contrary) = The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite..

Appreciable (=that can be felt) = There is an appreciable drop in day’s temperature

Appreciative (=showing understanding) = I am most appreciative of your generosity..

Arc (=part of the circumference of a circle) = The arc of a rainbow is really fascinating

Arch (=a curved structure) = Go through the arch and follow the path..

Areas (=regions) = There are dark areas in anthropology Arrears (=debts) = I am in arrears with the housework..Ascent (=going up) = The ascent of Mt. Everest is this mountaineer’s aim of life.

Assent (=agreement) = The bill passed by parliament has been referred to the President for his assent..

Ascetic (=austere) = The young man took to ascetic life. Aesthetic (=artistic) = Their furniture was more aesthetic than practical..

Aspirant (=one who aspires) = Modi is aspirant to prime ministership

Aspirate (=sound of a consonant) = The word `hour’ is pronounced without an initial aspirate..

Attenuate (=to make thin) = In the attenuating circumstances the economist’s forecast fell through

Extenuate (=lessen by excuse) = Because of extenuating circumstances the court acquitted him of the crime..


Audible (=able to be heard) = Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind

Auditory (=pertaining to the sense hearing) = Being a layman I have no idea about auditory nerve

Aught (=anything) = For aught she knows the police inspector may interrogate her.

Ought (=the verb) = She ought to have been a teacher..

Avert (=to ward off) = Bus drivers should avert accidents be cautious driving.

Invert (=to turn upside down) = After water has been drunk, you may invert the glass..

Bald (=no hair on the scalp) = The bald man resents any allusion to his baldness

Bold (=brave) = She paints with both strokes of the brush..

Barbarian (=primitive) = Football supporters acted like barbarians

Barbaric (=like barbarians) = I fail to understand how he has developed barbaric tastes..

Barbarism (=uncivilised condition) = “What else is barbarism but an incapacity for distinguishing excellence?” - Goethe

Barbarity (=cruelty) = The barbarities of modern warfare are condemnable..

Beach (=shore) = Tourists make sea beach dirty Beech (=tree) = I am yet to see a beech tree..Beat (=strike) = Who beats at the door? Bait (=lure) = The fish nibbled at the bait..Beneficial (=advantageous) = Fresh air is beneficial to one’s health

Beneficent (=doing good) Benevolent (=desirous of doing good) = He is a beneficent patron of this orphanage..

Berry (=fruit) = Berry is a juicy fruit Bury (=to inter) = It is time to bury our differences..Birth (=being born) = What is your date of birth? Berth (=bed on a ship) = One should book a berth on

ship in advance..Blue (=colour / unexpectedly) = She arrived out of the blue

Blew (=did blow) = A cold wind blew across the river..

Breach (=gap) = Breach of contract is actionable at law Breech (=hinder part) = Only trained doctors can handle cases of breech birth..

Break (=fracture) = He had to break open the box Brake (=check) = His brakes failed on a steep hill..Bridal (=nuptial) = Have you ever been a member of bridal party?

Bridle (=of a horse) = Bridle your temper in a public meeting..

Brooch (=ornament) = Her brooch drew attention of all present in the hall

Broach (=to pierce) = Let us broach another bottle of wine..

Burst (=beak apart) = Water pipes often burst in cold weather

Bust (=breasts) = Tailor enquired about her bust size..

Calendar (=almanac) = 15th August is an important date in calendar

Calender (=roller-machine) = A cloth mill without a calendar is uncommon..

Calm (=not agitated) = It is important to keep calm in an emergency

Qualm (=uneasiness in mind) = He felt no qualms to suppress the truth..

Canon (=general rule) = This film offends against all the canons of good taste

Cannon (=great gun) = In India Babur used cannons for the first time..

Canvas (=coarse cloth) = A canvas bag is very useful for carrying vegetables

Canvass (=solicit votes) = Workers of political parties are out canvassing for votes..

Capture (=seize) = In this photograph a baby’s smile has been captured

Captivate (=fascinate) = He was captivated by her beauty..

Cast (=throw) = The angler cast his line into the water Caste (=breed) = The caste system is prevalent in India..Ceiling (=of room) = He has bought a beautiful ceiling fan Sealing (=with wax) = Sealing wax is useful for sealing

envelopes..Censure (=reproach) = Two MPs were censured by the speaker

Censor (=expurgate / clean up) = Distributors are permitted to show only the censored version of a film..

Ceremonious (=punctilious) = He unveiled the picture Ceremonial (=formal or formality) = The Puja was


with a ceremonious gesture performed with due ceremonials.Champagne (=wine) = The glass is full of champagne Campaign (=operation) = She spent her life campaigning

for women’s rights..Cite (=quote in support) = He cited a poem by Keats Site (=location) = This is the site for our power station.. Clean (=spotless) = Lead a clean life Cleanse (=make thoroughly clean) = She felt cleansed of

her sins after confession..Cloth (=textile fabric ) = A cloth mill without a calendar is uncommon

Clothe (=dress) = He is yet to purchase the Puja clothes..

Coir (=made of coconut-husks) = Our foot mat is made of coir

Choir (=organised group of singers) = She sings in the school choir..

Collision (=conflict) = Te two ships came into collision Collusion (=concerted fraud) = There was collusion between the two winesses..

Comfit (=sweetmeat) = Comfort (=consolation) = It is a comfort to know that she is safe..

Comity (=courtesy) Committee (=body of persons) =The committee has decided to dismiss him..

complete (=total) = The doctor advised him complete bed rest

Complicit (=collusive deal) = The complicit deal between the jail guard and the prisoner came to light..

Complication (=a tangle) = Complications set in, and the patient died

Complicity (=partnership in crime) = He was suspected of complicity in her murder..

Compliment (=expression of regard) = The flowers are with the compliments of the management

Complement (=go together) = Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish..

Comprehensive (=including much) = She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject

Comprehensible (=able to b understood) = Book of anatomy is comprehensible only to specialists..

Confident (=trusting) = He is confident of success Confidant (=trusted person) = My friend is my confidant. Confidential (=things to be kept secret) = Every minister has his confidential secretary..

Considerable (=large) = He walked a considerable distance

Considerate (=thoughtful for others) = Se is considerate towards her employees..

Constant (=unchanging) = The visitors’ constant chattering vexed the host

Consistent (=firm in one’s principles) = If you praise and blame a person in the same breath, you are not consistent..

Construe (=take) = Her remarks were wrongly construed Construct (=to build) = This hut is constructed of branches..

Contemptible (=despicable) = He is a man of contemptible cowardice

Contemptuous (=showing contempt) = He threw it away with a contemptuous gesture..

Contiguous (=adjoining) = The garden is contiguous to the field

Contagious (=infectious) = Scarlet fever is highly contagious..

Continual (=frequent) = How do you prevent these continual breakdowns?

Continuous (=uninterrupted) = Our political institutions are in continuous evolution..

Cord (=string) = Doctors detected a problem in his spinal cord

Chord (=string of a harp) = I could read his mind and touch the right chord

Cores (=central part) = In the seminar speakers went to the cores of their respective topics

Chorus (=together) = When I put somebody a question, students should not answer in chorus..

Corporal (=of the human body) = Corporal punishment in school is on the wane

Corporeal (=material as opposed to spiritual) = Corporeal world moves an ascetic differently.

Cost (=price) = These chairs cost $50 each Coast (=shoreline) = The ship was wrecked on India’s


west coast..Council (=group of people governing) = A council of elders governs he tribe

Counsel (=expert advice) = In our locality there is a psychiatrist who counsels alcoholics..

Cream (=emulsion) = Children are fond of ice-cream Scream (=piercing cry of fear) = Help! She screamed..Credible (=believable) = Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?

Creditable (=honourable) = I must admire you for your creditable attempt..

Cruise (=move using fuel efficiently) = Taxies cruised about, hoping to pick up late fares

Cruse (=bottle) =??

Cue (=in acting- a signal) = When I nod my head, that’s your cue to interrupt the meeting

Queue (=line of persons) = This is the queue for our bus..

Currant (=seedless grape) = Redcurrants grow in plenty in Greece

Current (=in progress) = I felt his speech is wholly apposite to the current debate..

Date (= marking of time) = Has the date of the meeting fixed?

Debt (=money owing) = After buying a house he is in debt..

Decease (=death) =Both her parents are deceased Disease (=malady) = e is suffering from an incurable disease..

Deceitful (=deceiving) = Be ware of your deceitful neighbour

Deception (=apt to deceive) = Some of the political leaders practise deception on the public..

Decent (=seemly) = He is a thoroughly decent man Dissent (=to disagree) = In those days religious dissent was not tolerated. Descent (=going down) = He traces his descent from the Mughal kings..

Declension (=in grammar falling away) = Instances of declension are plenty in Latin.

1. Declination (=downward bend) = Declination of compass-needle will reveal which direction you are moving..

Decry (=to disparage) = He decried her efforts as a waste of time

Descry (=to catch sight of) = I descry a sail on the horizon..

Deduct (=to subtract) = Tax is deducted from salary Deduce (to infer) =Detectives deduced from the clues who had committed the crime..

Deliverance (=rescue) = They prayed for an early deliverance from captivity

Delivery (=handing over) = Your order is ready for delivery..

Demur (=expressing doubt) = I suggested putting the matter to a vote, but the chairman demurred

Demure (=pretending to be serious and modest) = He made a demure reply..

Dependant (=person dependent) = His orphan nephews are his dependants

Dependent (=needing support) = Success is dependent on how hard you work..

Dependence (=reliance) = Find a job and end your dependence on your parents

Dependency (=a colony) = The Hawaiian islands are no longer a dependency of the U.S.A..

Deprecate (=express disapproval) = Hast action is to be deprecated

Depreciate (=downgrade) = Don’t depreciate my efforts to help him..

Dessert (=sweet dish at the end of a meal) = Shall we move on to a dessert?

Desert (=to abandon) = His presence of mind deserted him..

Destiny (=fate) = It was his destiny to die in a foreign country

Destination (=goal) = Tokyo was our final destination..

Dirt (=filth) = How can I get the dirt off the walls? Dart (=sudden fast movement) = She made a dart for the exit..

Discomfort (=to make uneasy) = He still suffers considerable discomfort from the injury

Discomfit (=confuse and embarrass) = The job-seeker was discomfited by Personnel manager’s rude questions..


Disparity (=inequality) = Comparison of the two accounts revealed numerous disparities

Disparagement (=discrediting) = Disparagement of employee’s efforts verily unnerves him..

Disposal (=assignment) = Students have a well stocked library at their disposal

Disposition (=natural qualities of mind) = He is a man of boastful disposition..

Distinct (=separate) = Astronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science

Distinctive (=characteristic) = The man is very popular for his distinctive dress..

Dual (=double) = She has dual nationality Duel (=a single combat) = Two political opponents engaged in a duel of words in parliament..

Duplication (=doubling) = We must avoid wasteful duplication of efforts

Duplicity (=deliberate deception) = Robert Clive’s duplicity contributed to the hanging of Maharaj Nandkumar..

Dyeing (=colouring) = Old man can not become young by dyeing his hair

Dying (=expiring) = The priest prayed for the dying man..

Economic (=relating to economy) = India needs a finance minister who can masterly handle the present economic crisis..

Economical (=careful in spending) = She is economical in her use of oil when cooking

Elicit (=to draw out) = At last we have elicited the truth from him

Eliminate (=to remove) = He was eliminated in the fouth round Illicit (=unlawful) = The illicit sale of drugs in the country must be stopped..

Elusive (=shunning notice) = I am not satisfied with your elusive reply

Illusive (=deceptive) = ??? Delusive (=unreal) = You are under a delusive impression about prospects in your business..

Emigrate (=lave country to settle in another) = Many Anglo-Indians emigrated from India to Australia to settle there

Immigrate (=to come as a settler in a foreign country) = Many people have illegally immigrated in the U.S.A..

Equity (=fairness) = The equity of the referee’s decision was accepted by every one

Equitation (=treating equal in value) = The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous..

Equivalent (=equal in value) = Is there an English word that is the exact equivalent of the Indian word ‘khichdi’?

Equivocal (=double meaning) = The politician gave an equivocal answer.. [Incidentally, word ‘ambiguity’ means uncertain in meaning, viz. ‘Look at those pretty little girls’ dresses’ is ambiguous, because it is not clear whether the girls or the dresses are ‘pretty’]..

Eruption (=a bursting out) = Have you any idea about volcanic eruption?

Irruption (=sudden violent entry) = The irruption of a noisy group of revellers scared away the children from the Municipal park..

Estimate (=calculation) = We estimated his income at Rupees. 10 lakh a year

Estimation (=judgment) = He has sunk in my estimation..

Euphemism (=a mild expression for harsh words) = ‘Pass water’ is an euphemism for ‘urinate’

Euphuism (=an affected style of writing) = ???

Evasiveness (=quality of evading) = Politicians are often accused of evasiveness

Evasion (=act of evading) = He has been accused of tax evasion..

Exceptional (=unusual / outstanding) = She has shown exceptional musical ability

Exceptionable (=objectionable) = There are no exceptionable scenes in the play..

Exhausting (=tiring) = Tuberculosis is an exhausting disease

Exhaustive (=very thorough) = He found the gold ring after an exhaustive search..

Exotic (=foreign) = Mangoes and exotic fruits are available in market

Esoteric (=obscure to ordinary people) = I have little interest in esoteric poetry..


Expanse (=extent) = The vast expanse of desert is unsuitable for human habitation

Expansion (=extension) = His business has expanded considerable.. Expense (=spending of money) = He hired a plane, regardless of expense..

Expediency (=advantage) = He acted from expediency, not from principle

Expedition (=speed) = His hunting expedition turned tragic..

Exposition (=making clear by giving details) = Industrial exposition popularise industrial products

Exposure (=display) = The baby died of exposure..

Extant (=old thing still in existence) = The old custom of burning dead bodies is still extant

Extent (=length) = To some extent you are correct..

Extinct (=no longer in existence) = Many species of birds are now extinct

Extinguish (=put out) = They tried to extinguish the flames..

Factious (=quarrelsome) = I regard him as a factious man Factitious (=turbulent & deliberately created) = Factitious demand for goods results from successful advertisements. Fictitious (=imaginary) = All the characters in this novel are fictitious..

Faculty (=power) = At old age mental faculties might be impaired

Facility (=ease) = Facilities for study are inadequate in village..

Faint (=languid, dim) = His breathing became faint. Feint (=pretence) = In boxing boxers’ feints are very common. Feign (=pretend) = Children unwilling to go to school often feign illness..

Fast (=without food) = Muslims fast during Ramadan First (=before all others) = You always put your self firstFatalism (=predetermination of events) = Fatalists adhere to fatalism

Fatality (=calamity) = There have been ten swimming fatalities..

Faun (=satyr / god of the fields and woods) = I am yet to hear about a temple of faun

Fawn (=deer) = Fawns show affection by wagging their tails..

File (=record) = File your application in court within the limitation period.

Filial (=expected from a son or daughter) = How a son performs his filial duty is watched in India. Phial (=glass container used in preparing liquid medicines) = You will find phials with pharmacists..

Flagrant (=notorious) = Flagrant violations of human rights were questioned in public forums

Fragrant (=sweet smelling) = A good number of fragrant flowers grow in Bengal..

Flower (=blossom) = A good number of fragrant flowers grow in Bengal

Flour (=grain powder) = She mixed the flour and water to a paste. Floor (=of a room) = Floor cleaning of mud houses is a hard job for the house wives..

Fluent (=ready of speech) = He is fluent in Gujarati Fluid (=that flow easily) = The situation is still fluid..Forte (=strong point) =Mathematics was never my forte Fort (= enclosed area for military) = Agra has a famous

fort..Forth (=out) = A list of forthcoming books is out Fourth (=of four) = He is the fourth in the list of

successful candidates’ names..Funeral (=ceremony of burying or burning dead bodies) = Dead body is carried in funeral procession

Funereal (=gloomy) = After the epidemic the locality assumed funereal aspect..

Gamble (=game of chance for money) = Some of the club members gamble at cards, some, on horses.

Grumble (=complaining incessantly) = Stop grumbling! You’ve got nothing to complain about..

Gaze (=look long and steadily) = She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news

Gauge (=standard measure) = What gauge of wire should we use for this job? Gauze (=thin transparent fabric) = I appreciate your selection of gauze cotton..

Get (=receive) = This room gets sunshine Great (=above average) = They are great friends.


Gait (=manner of walking) = The baby walks with an unsteady gait..

Glacier (=mass of ice) = The Himalayas have a good number of glaciers

Glazier (=a person who fits glass into the frames of a window) = Call for a glazier to replace the broken glass of your window..

Goal (=end) = He headed the ball into an open goal Gaol (=jail) = He was sent to gaol (i.e. was gaoled) for six months for his part in the robbery..

Grant (=agree to give or allow) = They granted him permission to go.

Grand (=magnificent) = We dined in grand style..

Grizzly (=grey) = This zoo is having two grizzly bears Grisly (=causing horror) = The grisly remains of the half eaten corpses scared away the children..

Hare (=a mammal) = Be careful of this man; he has the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds

Hair (=hair on skin) = There is a hair in my soup. Heir (=owner of deceased’s property) = She made her stepson heir..

Hoard (=to store up) = Business men should not hoard food during the famine

Horde (=tribe) = The plains were overrun by Tartar hordes..

Hole (=pit) = Te ship was holed by an iceberg Whole (=entire) = Tel me the whole truth..Honourable (=worthy of honour) = Do the honourable thing by resigning.

Honorary (=conferring honour) = The scholar was awarded honorary doctorate..

Hoop (=band) = Bind the wooden barrel with iron hoops. Whoop (=loud sound) = After their victory they were whooping it up all night long..

Human (=mortal) = To err is human Humane (=benevolent) = If you have given food to a starving boy, you have done humane act..

Illumined (=brightened) = Moon is illumined because of Sun

Illuminated (=lighted up) = Football field has been illuminated by floodlights..

Imaginary (=existing in imagination) = He is attacked with imaginary disease

Imaginative (=full of imagination) = Keats was very imaginative..

Immanent (=indwelling) = God is immanent in universe Imminent (=impending) = Hike in petrol price is imminent. Eminent (=distinguished) = He is an eminent physician of the locality..

Immerse (=dip) = Immerse painful hand in warm water Amerce (=fine) = ??Immovable (=motionless) = The only immovable property I have is my house

Irremovable (=not subject to dismissal) = Do you think hills are irremovable? ..

Impassable (=impenetrable) = Some of the mountain routes are impassable in winter

Impassive (=deficient in feeling) = The accused sat impassively as the judge sentenced him to life-imprisonment.

Imperious (=haughty) = No body likes him for his imperious conduct

Imperial (=relating to empire) = Many of the old-time imperial palaces are now museums..

Imposture (=pretending to be somebody else) = Bank clerk could not detect the fraudster’s imposture.

Impostor (=pretender as somebody else) = The police caught an impostor on the bank premises.

Industrious (=diligent) = The boy is quite industrious Industrial (=relating to industry) = Durgapur is an industrial town..

Informer (=accuser) = He is a police-informer Informant (=reporter) = The journalist did not reveal the identity of his informant..

Ingenious (=skilful) = I appreciate your ingenious plan Ingenuous (=candid / innocent) = The girl with her ingenuous smile won every one’s heart..

Intense (=violent)= The intense heat at Darjeeling drove Intensive (=strenuous) = City-hospitals are having


away the tourists intensive care units..Irreparable (=that cannot be repaired) = The flood caused irreparable damage to the mud huts

Irreplaceable (=that cannot be replaced) = He owns an irreplaceable antique vase. Irrepressible (=that can not be held back) = You cannot keep her quiet for long: she is irrepressible!..

Irreverent (=disrespectful) = I noticed some people were laying wreaths irreverently on the dead body

Irrelevant (=not to the point) = Colour and sex are irrelevant when appointing somebody to a job..

Jam (=fruit conserve) = He spread some strawberry jam on his toast

Jamb (=side-post of door) = The window is very old; the jamb requires replacement..

Judicial (=legal) = Our judicial system has to be reformed Judicious (=discreet) = When you have got two job-offers, you should make a judicious choice..

Key (=for a lock) = He delivered the keynote (i.e., central theme) speech.

Quay (=of a harbour) = Crowds were waiting at the quayside to receive their near and dear ones..

Lath (=strip of wood as a support) = Looking at the lath-and-plaster wall, I felt the building-completion will take time

Lathe (=machine) = Buy a lathe machine for your unemployed son..

Laudable (=praiseworthy) = Her work for charity is highly laudable

Laudatory (=expressing praise) = The head master’s laudatory remarks immensely encouraged his pupils..

Legislation (=law making) = New legislation is in the offing Legislature (=legislative body) = It is for the legislature to introduce new legislation..

Lightning (=flash) = Police made a lightning raid on the house

Lightening (=enhancing amount of light) = For lightening rooms it is necessary to keep the windows open..

Luxuriant (=thick growth) = The tree has a luxuriant foliage

Luxurious (=given to luxury) = Very few people can afford to live in most luxurious surroundings..

Magnet (=loadstone) = This disco is a magnet for young people

Magnate (=powerful man) = The business magnates have different roles to pay in a country..

Masterful (=able to control others) = He always speaks in a masterful manner

Masterly (=skilful) = India needs a finance minister who can masterly handle the present economic crisis..

Meddle (=to interfere) = If you are not an electrician, you should not meddle with the electrical wiring (or, meddle in electrician’s affairs)

Medal (=coin) = She won a silver medal for shooting..

Mendacity (=lying) = Mendacity is apparent in his report Mendicity (=begging) = Mendicity is mendicant’s mainstay...

Metal (=from mineral) = Gold is a metal. Mettle (=courageous quality) = She showed her mettle by winning in spite of her handicap..

Metaphorical (=figurative) = There are plenty of metaphorical expressions (i.e., metaphors) in literature

Metaphysical (=abstract) = Sanskrit is rich in metaphysical writings..

Meter (=that measures) = There is a proposal to install water meter in every house

Metre (=unit in metric system) = Buy for me just two metres of shirting..

Momentarily (=for a moment) = He shuddered momentarily

Momently (=every moment) = In dreams things appear momently

Momentary (=lasting for a very short time) = For momentary pauses of heart beats one should consult a doctor

Momentous (=appropriate for that moment) = Caught in a burning house the man took a momentous decision..

Mussel (=cell fish) = I have developed a taste for mussel preparations

Muscle (=part of body) = He has plenty of muscle but no brains..

Necessaries (=useful things) = We buy our necessaries at Necessities (=needs) = Necessities drive a man to work


a cooperative store hard..Need (=requirement) = A friend in nee is a friend in deed Knead (=press / squeeze) = Knead the dough into a ball..Nought (=figure 0) = Write three noughts on the blackboard

Naught (=nothing) = The authority of the Central government was set at naught in the burning parts of the country..

Novel = All the characters in this novel are fictitious Noble (=rank) = Theirs is a family of noble descent..Oar (=for rowing) = The boat has four oars Ore (=crude metal) = Jharkhand is rich in ores..Observance (=performance) = Students should very particular about observance of school rules

Observation (=perception) = Se made one or two observations about the weather..

Odious (=disgusting) = I find his flattery odious Odorous (=having smell) = Dry fishes are odorous..Official (=pertaining to an office) = Ministers are having their official residences

Officious (=meddling) = People are tired of being pushed around by officious civil servants..

Oral (=spoken) = He failed the oral (i.e., oral examination) Aural (=concerning hearing) = He is an aural surgeon..Ordinance (=a rule) = It is within powers of President of India to promulgate an ordinance

Ordnance (=cannon) = There are several ordnance factories in India..

Oscillation (=swinging) = Her oscillations in mood are maddening

Osculation (=kissing) = ???

Pallet (=mattress filled with straw) = I am not used to sleep on a pallet

Palette (of a painter) = Palette of a famous painter was sold in auction the other day..

Parasite (=a hanger-on) = Whole time workers of political parties live as parasite on society

Satellite (=a follower / planet) = The moon is the Earth’s satellite..

Passed (=gone) = The procession passed slowly down the hill

Past (=time that has gone by) = It was past midnight when we got home..

Paste (=moist soft mixture) = She mixed the flour and water to a paste

Pest (=insect) = Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests..

Peace (=rest) = He just wants to be left in peace. Piece (=part) = The furniture is delivered in pieces..Peak (=summit) = She is at the peak of her career Pick (=choose) = Taxies cruised about, hoping to pick up

late fares..Pedal (=worked by foot) = Pedal a bicycle across the field to reach their house

Peddle (=go from house to house selling) = He was arrested for peddling illegal drugs..

Peer (=equal in rank) = It will not be easy to find his peer Pier (=jetty) = A river port without a pier is unthinkable..Pen (=writing instrument) = He lives by his pen Pain (=physical suffering) = He is suffering from acute

back pain..Persecute (=treat cruelly) = Throughout history religious minorities have been persecuted

Prosecute (=charged with crime) = Tresspassers will be prosecuted..

Personality (=personal character) = She has a very strong personality

Personalty (=personal estate) = ????

Personate (=to assume the character of) = Personify (=to embody / symbolise) = He is kindness personified..

Perspective (= against backdrop) =He sees things in their right perspective

Prospective (=for the future) = His prospective mother-in-law has come to his home..

Perspicuous (=expressing clearly) = Boarders’ perspicuous protest over food-quality was taken note of by the hostel-superintendent.

Perspicacious (=showing great insight) = It was very perspicacious of you to find the cause of the trouble so quickly..

Pertinent (=apposite) = In the discussion he raised a pertinent point

Pertinacious (=obstinate) = His style of argument is pertinacious..

Petty = (=trivial) = Every commercial firm maintains petty Pretty (=pleasing and attractive) = She looks very pretty

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cash book in that hat..Physic Physique (=bodily constitution) = He does not have the physique for such heavy work

Physics (=a branch of natural science) = Buy me a good physics textbook.

Pity (=compassion) = I feel pity for the orphan Piety (=devotion to God) = For his piety and catholicity the man gets respect from all..

Plain (=clear, etc.) = Speak plain about your needs Plane (= aeroplane) = The plane is about to land..Plum (=fruit / thing worth having) = She has got a plum job.

Plumb (=to fathom) = Unsuccessful in life he has plumbed the depth of despair. Plump (=fleshy) = She has a plump baby.

Pole (=poles of the earth) = The brothers are poles apart over division of their ancestral property

Poll (=voting) = The country is going to the polls..

Police (=keepers of public order) = The police have not made any arrests

Polish (=shine) = Give the floor a thorough polish..

Polite (=courteous) = Your boy is very polite Political (pertaining to the state) = He is a member of a secret political party

Popular (=liked by the people) = He is a popular figure in our housing society

Populous (=thickly inhabited) = There are few populous cities in Africa. Populace (=the general public) = He had the support of large sections of the populace..

Pore (=tiny opening) = He was sweating at every pore Pour (=flow downwards) = Pour the milk into a jug..Position (=situation) Posture (=attitude)Possession (=state of possessing) = The house is for sale with vacant possession

Procession (=march) = The procession passed slowly down the hill

Potent (=powerful) = His potent arguments convinced even his opponents

Potential (=possible) = He has artistic potential..

Practical (=useful) = Their furniture was more aesthetic than practical

Practicable (=one may be able to practise) = This mountain route seems practicable in summer..

Pray (=to entreat) = The priest prayed for the dying man Prey (=victim) = The deer fell prey to the tiger..Precipitous (=very steep) = We experienced a precipitous climb to the peak

Precipitate (=cause to happen suddenly) = One small error precipitated the disaster..

Predication (=ascertain) = Prediction (=prophecy) Do you take seriously his prediction of a government defeat? ..

Premise (=hypothesis) = advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.

Premises (=house) = The police caught an impostor on the bank premises.

Prescribe (=to direct) = Do not exceed the prescribed dose of medicine

Proscribe (=to banish) = The sale of narcotics is proscribed by law..

Presentment (=representation) = Presentiment (=foreboding) = A presentiment of trouble ahead is disturbing his peace..

President (=one who presides) Precedent (=example)Pretence (=make believe) = Their way of life was all pretence

Pretension (=assertion of claim) = He has pretensions to being an expert on the subject. Pretext (=unrue explanation) = We will have to find a pretext for not going to the party..

Primitive (=ancient) = They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks

Primary (=first / original) = The disease is still in its primary stage..

Principal (=chief) = The Cauveri is one of the principal rivers of India

Principle (=primary truth) = It would be against my principle to lie to you..

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Product (=ting produced, as corn) = There are the products of post-war affluence

Production (=thing produced, s a poem) = He has moved from acting to film production..

Prolific (=yielding much) = He is a prolific author Prolix (=use of too many words) = He is a prolix speaker. Profligate (=derogatory) = I can not approve of my son’s profligate spending..

Provoke (=rouse / irritate) = He is easily provoked Invoke (=call on) = The government has invoked the Income Tax Act to seize his books and records..

Prudent (=discreet) = That was a prudent decision Prudential (=marked by prudence) = In the matter of investment of funds one should follow the prudential norms..

Quite (=to some extent) = The boy is quite industrious Quiet (=not noisy) = Can’t you keep the children quiet?..Racy (=stimulating / vivid) = Her racy stories can be rather shocking

Racial (=of a race) = Racial discrimination in the government service is unthinkable..

Rapport (=affinity) = He is rapport with his pupils Report (=account) = All representatives report to the sales department..

Rapt (=engrossed) = He listened to the music with rapt attention

Wrapt (=enfolded) = ???

Recent Resent = He resents any allusion o his baldnessReciprocate (=to interchange) =He reciprocated by wishing her good luck

Appreciate (=to estimate highly) = I appreciate your selection of gauze cotton..

Repair (=mending) = The road is under repair Reparation (=making repairs) = For war damages defeated country is asked to pay reparations..

Requisite (=thing required for achieving purpose) = Have you the requisite visa to enter Canada?

Requisition (=act of requiring) = Fill up a requisition slip to borrow a book from public library

Resource (=means of supply) = India is rich in natural resources.

Recourse (=resorting to) = They managed without recourse to outside help. Resort (=source of help) = Our only resort is to inform the police..

Reverend (=deserving reverence) = I had the occasion to see the Reverend Father of local church

Reverent (=feeling reverence) = Visitors’ reverent gesture won appreciation of the Father of the church. Reverential (=resulting from reverence) = A small child’s reverential bow caught notice of people present in church..

Ring (=to sound) = Don’t hesitate to ring our door bell Wring (=twist) Give the towels another wring..Roll (=turning) = The ball rolled down the hill Role (=actor’s part) = Not all actors can pay a variety of

roles..Saint (=having saintly quality) = You must be a saint to be able to stand his temper

Scent (=odour) = The dog scented a rat..

Sanguine (=hopeful) = He is not sanguine about her chances of success

Sanguinary (=bloody) = Asoka had fought the sanguinary Battle of Kalinga.

Satire (=ridicule) = Her novel is a satire on social snobbery Satyr (=woodland deity) = I am yet to find a temple of Satyr..

Scruffy (=dirty & untidy) = You cannot go to a job interview looking so scruffy

Scurvy (=a disease) = He is a scurvy wretch..

Self (=personality) = You always put your self first Shelf (=ledge) = The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite

Sequel (=result) = Famine is often the sequel to war Sequence (=series) = Describe the sequence of events (pr, Deal with events in historical sequence)..

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Servitude (=slavery) = Such ill-paid farm work is a form of servitude

Servility (=slavishness) = Servile attitude is an instance of servility..

Sight (=seeing) = The train is still in sight Cite (=quote) Site (=location) = She cited a poem by Keats..

Sinecure (=office without duties) = He is very happy with his sinecure

Cynosure (=centre of attraction) = She was the cynosure of all eyes..

Singled (=chosen out) = He was singled out for punishment

Signalled (=announced by signal) = The railway signal was on red..

Skilful (=clever) = He is skilful at inventing excuses Skilled (=trained / expert) = Only skilled workers cold get jobs in this company..

Skull (=of the head) = The fall fractured his skull Scull (=oar) = A racing boat is rowed by a single rower with two sculls..

Slight (=trivial) = She takes offence at the slightest thing Sleight (=trick by hand) = The company accounts show a little financial sleight of hand..

Solicitude (=concern) = The solicitude of a caring husband for his wife is but natural

Solitude (=loneliness) = She enjoys the solitude of her own flat..

Sort (=arrange) = What sort of paint are you using? Sought (=searched for) = He sought permission from the manager..

Spacious (=roomy) = Your kitchen is spacious Specious (=apparently true but wrong) = He was misled by your specious argument..

Spiritual (=of soul) =The Pope is the spiritual leader of many Christians

Spirituous (=of liquor-content) = Avoid spirituous drugs..

Stake (=of wood) = I would stake my life on it Steak (of beef) = He has bought an imported steak knife..Stationary (=not moving) = The sun is stationary Stationery (=writing materials) = The stationery

cupboard in our office is now full.Stayed (=remained) = She stayed at home on the holiday Staid (=dull and old fashioned appearance) = He is a

staid old gentleman from a village..Stimulus (=that produces a reaction in living things) = Her words of praise were a stimulus to work harder

Stimulant (=drug that provides stimulation) = Coffee is a mild stimulant..

Story (=account of incidents) = The play is really a love story

Storey (floor of a house) = A five-storey building has recently come up there..

Straight (directly) = Come straight home Strait (=narrow passage of water) = He is in dire financial straits..

Studded (=thickly inset) = The Indian ocean is studded with small islands

Studied (investigated) = I studied how children learn to speak..

Style (=mode) = He is having a very short hair style Stile (=set of steps) = Help a lame dog over a stile..Suit (=acceptable) = Will Thursday suit you? Suite (=matching pieces) = Get your bridal suite stitched

in time..Surplus (=excess) = Surpluses of food can be sold for cash Surplice (=a loose outer garment) = Priests wear surplice

during religious services..Suspense (=apprehension) = We waited in great suspense for the doctor’s opinion

Suspension (=hanging up) = She appealed against her suspension. Suspicion (=misgiving) = I have a suspicion that she is not telling me the truth..

Tactful (=adroit) = He is tactful as a personnel manager Tactical (=relating to tactics) = Tactical army moves are very important in any war.

Tale (=story) = You hear all sorts of tales Tell (=say) = Tell me where you live..Taste (=feel) = I have developed a taste for mussel Test (=check) =The long separation was a test of their

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preparations love..Tattoo (=to mark the skin) = He had a ship tattooed on his arm

Taboo (=to prohibit) = There is a taboo on smoking in this office..

Tear (=from the eyes) = His eyes filled with tears Tier (=a row) = I am yet to reserve two berths in a two tier compartment of Howrah-New Delhi Rajdhani Express..

Teem (=have something in great numbers) = The river was teeming with fish

Team (=squad) = Which team do you pay for?..

Tenor (=purport) = Grasp tenor of the commercial practices to understand how securities change hands

Tenure (=holding of land, etc.) = The tenure of the US presidency is four years.

Tizzy (=nervous excitement) = Learning that the result of the Civil Services will be out this afternoon I get into a tizzy

Tease (=make fun of) = The other boys used to tease him about his accent..

Topic (=subject for discussion) = What is the topic for discussion to day?

Tropic (=line of latitude) = Mango grows in the tropical countries..

Transcendent (=extremely great) = Tagore was a writer of transcendent genius

Transcendental (=beyond human knowledge) = Yoga help one gain transcendental experience..

Transcribe (=copy out) = She jotted down a few notes, and later transcribed them into an exercise book.

Translate (=turn into another language) = Most poetry does not translate well..

Transit (=passage) = Parcel not reaching the destination may be taken as lost in transit.

Transition (=change) = The transition from childhood to adult life is noticeable. Transient (=short lived) = Human life is transient..

Transitory (=fleeting) = A transitory feeling of well being pervades him.

Transitional (=arrangement during the period of change) = The transitional government has to organise the general election..

Treachery (=perfidy) = Due to General’s treachery the king suffered a defeat in the battlefield.

Treason (=disloyalty) = Treason is a very serious crime.

Trend (=to incline) =The trend of prices is still upwards Trench (=ditch) = The workmen dug a trench for the new water-pipe..

Triumphal (=celebrating triumph) = After victory in war erection of triumphal arches is very common.

Triumphant (=victorious) = Triumphant cheers of the supporters of the home team carried a message..

Typographical (=printing) = Typographical mistakes have to be excepted

Topographical (=locally descriptive) = Before undertaking a trip to North Eastern part of India, you must consult a topographical map..

Vale (=valley) = If there exists a vale of talking flowers, then that must be in the fairy land

Veil (=for the face) = She raised her veil (or, lowered her veil)..

Vein (=blood-vessel) = Royal blood ran in his veins Vain (=fruitless) Vane (=weathercock) = Last night I tried in vain to sleep..

Venal (=avaricious) = The common people suffer most from the bureaucratic venal practices

Venial (=excusable) = I find only a few of your lapses are venial..

Veracity (=truthfulness) = I doubt the veracity of his report

Voracity (=greediness) = He is noted for his voracity..

Verbal (=relating to words) = A verbal explanation from you will satisfy me.

Verbose (=wordy / prolix) = Avoid a verbose style of writing..

Vicious (=spiteful) = I need experience to get a job but without a job I can’t get experience –it’s a vicious circle

Viscous (=sticky) = The accident spot was a viscous pool of blood

Violence (=outrage) = Outbreak of violence was reported Violation (=infringement) = = Flagrant violations of

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in the news papers human rights were questioned in public forumsWait (=stay) = We are waiting for the rain to stop Weight (=heaviness) = Her weight has increased to 70

kilos..Wan (=pale) = She smiled wanly Wane (=to decline) = Her enthusiasm for the expedition

was waning rapidly.. Wander (=roaming without purpose) = The child was found wandering the streets alone

Wonder (=speculate) = The children watched the magic-show in silent wonder..

Waste (=squander) = Waste not want not Waist (=the middle) =She wore a wide belt round her waist..

Wave (=brandish) = Her hair has a natural wave Waive (=not insist on / relinquish) = We have decided to waive the age-limit for applicants in your case..

Way (=long marked space for walking etc) = He asked me the way to Dum Dum

Weigh (=measure weight) = How much do you weigh?..

Weather (=state of the air) = We shall play the match tomorrow, weather permitting

Wether (=sheep). Wither (=dry) = The flowers will wither if you don’t put them in water..

Wedge (=piece of wood to split log) =The window does not stay close unless you wedge it

Wage (=pay for work) = Wages are paid on Fridays..

Week (=seven days) Weak (=feeble)Wet (=moist) = The child has wetted the bed Whet (=to sharpen) = Your knife is blunt; whet it

properly..Wit (=intelligence) = He has a ready wit (i.e. gives witty replies quickly)

Whit (=particle in negative sentence) = I don’t care a whit whether she stays or not..

Wreck (=to scatter) = The ship was wrecked on India’s west coast..

Reek (=strong bad smell) = His breath reeked of tobacco..

Writ (=very obvious) = Disappointment was writ large on the face of the loser

Rite (=solemn ceremony) = There was none to perform funeral rites for the dead body?

Yew (=a tree) = There are yew-trees in this hedge Ewe (=female sheep) = The ewe is quite healthy..Yoke (=of oxen) =Throw off the yoke of inferiority complex

Yolk (=of an egg) = Heat up the yolks of three eggs..

Zealous (=full of zeal / eagerness) = He is zealous for freedom

Jealous (=worried about rivals) = He was jealous of Shyam..

SPELLING = Acknowledge > Acknowledgment > Admit > Admitted > Algebra > Allot > Allotted > Asthma > Attendance > Bacillus > Banana > Banquet > Beauty > Beautiful > Bed > Bedding > Begin > Beginning > Bequeath > Bias > Biased > Bicycle > Blame > Blamable > Boutique > Breakfast > Caesarean > Centurion > Challenge > Challenging > Challengeable > Change > Changeable > Chimney > Clique > Conceivable > Conceive > Conquer > Conquerable Counterfeit > Courage > Courageous > Coterie > Cipher > Dandruff > Dialogue > Dictionary > Dinner > Donkey > Donkeys > Duchess > Dyeing > Dying > Egger > Engage > Engagement > Excursion > Fabulous > Farewell > Fraudster > Goddess > Grotesque > Happy > Happily > Harmony > Harmonium > Honour Honourable > Industry > Industrious > Influenza > Intelligent > Intelligible > Jewellery > Judgment > Kidnap > Kidnapped > kleptomania > Knife > Knives > Labyrinth > Lackadaisical > Leaf > Leaves > Lovely > Loveliest > Magnificent > Mathematics > Message > Messenger > Mischief > Mischievous > Monologue > Mosquitoes > Mountaineers > Move > Movable > Multifarious > Muscular > Muscle > Muscular > Mutiny > Mutinous > Neighbour > Nightingale > Occur > Occurred > Oligarchy > Paraphernalia > penultimate > Permit > Permitted > Phantasy > Physics > Physique > Picturesque > Pious > Piquant > Plague >

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Plebeian > phthisis > placebo > Polytheism > Possessive > Precious > Professor > Programme > psychology > Quarrel > Quarreled > Quarrelling > Quite > Recess > Referee > Remedy > Remediable > Replace > Replaceable > Running > Salable > Saleable > Saucer > Scissors > Secretary > Secretariat > Serviette > Sincere > Sincerity > Skill > Skilful > Slip > Slipped > Suffer > Sufferance > Swim . Swimming > Syllabus > Symposium > Syphilis > Tallow > Techniques > Tennis > Terrible > Theatre > Throat > Tongue > Traveller > Tuberculosis > Tuition > Useful > Usefulness > Vaccine > Vaccination > Vernacular > Vicissitude > Volleyball > Weapons > Whistle > Width > Worshipped > Wriggle > Wrist