CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the background of the study, the problem of the study, the objective of the study, the scope and limitation of the study, the significance of the study, and the definition of key terms. 1.1 Background of the Study Literature is simply another way we can experience the world around us through our imagination. Today we may be very busy and feel bored to do something. We do not have any pleasure after doing something. A movie is one of the result that has been enjoyed in our lives. A movie has become one of the technology development result that has been enjoyed broadly by the society. We agree that a movie is the best entertainment. We do not need to go to the cinema if we watch the movie to get pleasure. We can watch movie anywhere, for instance at home or at school. Actually we could get many advantages by watching a movie, not only to get






This chapter presents the background of the study, the problem of the

study, the objective of the study, the scope and limitation of the study, the

significance of the study, and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is simply another way we can experience the world around us

through our imagination. Today we may be very busy and feel bored to do

something. We do not have any pleasure after doing something. A movie is one of

the result that has been enjoyed in our lives. A movie has become one of the

technology development result that has been enjoyed broadly by the society. We

agree that a movie is the best entertainment. We do not need to go to the cinema if

we watch the movie to get pleasure. We can watch movie anywhere, for instance

at home or at school. Actually we could get many advantages by watching a

movie, not only to get entertainment but also we can get some knowledge and

education from it.

According to Kleden, (2003:20) is actually considered as the works that

appeared the world imaginer for we and it was not an empirical world or the

historical fact.

By reading and watching literary works we are able to share many

experiences of life, human affairs, moral lessons, educations and social matters which

will help us to gain more understanding in the value of life. I will lead us to enhance

their skill in considering or judging the quality of things around us. In other words,

literature helps to develop human understanding, imagination and cultural,

philosophical religious world.

Movie is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular

entertainment and a motion picture of universal power in communication: some

movies have become popular worldwide attraction, by using dubbing or subtitles that

translate the dialogue. In this ,study, the researcher is interested in analyzing character

and characterizations of the main character. The researcher wants to analyze the main

character John and Savannah because they play very important roles and carry out the

plot of the story. Suitable with problem chosen by researcher, it is about character and

characterization on the movie, so the researcher choose "Dear John" movie. The

reason of. choosing this movie because she is interested with the plot of that the

movie that the story is about a romantic couple who strongly fall in love. Some

people who know this movie is interested in watching it because this is a romantic


It is necessary to analyze the characters and characterization of the main

character in "Dear John" movie. So, the researcher decides to use the title " The

analysis of character and characterization on the "Dear John" movie by Lasse


1.1 Problem of the Study

Based on the background of study above, the writer can propose the following


1. What is the character and characterization in the "Dear John" movie

directed by Lasse Hallstrom?

2. How is characterization of every character found in Dear John movie?

1.2 Objective of the Study

According to the problem of the study, the objective of the study is as follows:

1. To describe the characters in the "Dear John" movie by Lasse Hallstrom.

2. To describe the characterization in the characters of Dear John movie.

1.3 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will be limited to the analysis of character and characterization on

the main character of "Dear John" movie by Lasse Hallstrom. Actually "Dear John"

movie allowed many interesting aspect to be analyzed but especially it focuses on John

and Savannah as the actor and actress in this movie, because it has a lot of characters.

1.4 Significance of the Study


Hopefully, this study will be useful for the students who study

literature to get additional knowledge about literature and to

encourage the students to study literature.

To give sufficient material to the teachers, in giving such an

interesting literary lessons to their students.

Practically, the result of the study is expected to give some information to the

reader about how to analyze the character and characterization in a movie.

Hopefully this thesis will be useful for the students of English Department.

1. Further researchers

For further researchers this study can be used as a scientific reference

especially about the character and characterization in a movie.

1.5 Definition of Key Term

Definition of key terms are given make the readers of this thesis easy to

understand what the researcher actually means:

1. Main Character

Character in the literature is the people who play in Dear John movie.

2. Characterization

The method use to present the personality of a character in a work of

literature ( Daniel and Safier, 1980: 772).

3. Dear John Movie

Dear john is an American romantic drama movie directed by Lasse

Hallstrom . It was released in 2010.



This chapter, the researcher discusses the related literature. The researcher

reviewes theories and findings from some valid and accepted resources. The review

are about language, literature, film, characters and characterizations, and synopsis.

2.1. Literature

Literature is the result of human minds as an art the express in world. Literature

is created to produce complete, meaningful, beautiful and affective language.

Therefore, it can be concluded that literary works will use language that different with

other works, especially from its style and words choice.

The creation of literature is a uniquely human activity, born of man's timeless

desire to understand, express, and finally share experiences (Pickering and Hoeper,

1981:1). It means that when we want to create the literature we are free to express

based on our imagination. To make the literature is no limitation. Every people can

do this because literature is an art.

Kenney, (1996 in Dartin; 2005:7) states that literature is simply another way to

get experience of the world around us through our imagination. According to Jane Jr

in Hartiningsih (2003:45), by learning literature the researcher can learn and know

about human in society and the researchers can take the value advantage as our

experience life.

Literature not only gives us information but also entertain, offer knowledge,

and gives us pleasure. Literature influences the reader's mind, even their emotion. By

reading and watching literary works we are able to share many experiences of life,

human affair, moral lesson, education and social matter which help us gaining more

understanding in the value of life. It will lead us to enhance our skill to consider or

judge the quality of things around us. Literature helps us grow, both personally and

intellectually Robert, (2003:2). After defining some definitions of literature, the

researcher conclude that literature reflect the experience of people in exciting around

them by using media, that is language.

Literature is actually considered as the works that appeared the world imaginer

for us and it was not an empirical world or the historical fact Kleden (2003:20). It

means that literature give us the facts and date clearly.

In literature, the author arranges certain truths and facts as well as possible, so

the readers will accept what she has written. The author also selects facts which

support this idea to make a real story and she will not tell the reader answer of this

story but the readers have to make conclusion by him or herself. In short, it can be

concluded that the literature is everything written, which someone tries to describe the

minds from express is thoughts, feeling and every happening in our life.

2.2. Language

Language is used by human to communicate with others, expressing thought

and feeling (Robert, 2003:15). Language takes important role in human society. It is

an instrument many relationship possibilities with various aspects of human life to

express idea, emotion and desire that reflected the environment. It must be accurate

because it has important function in human activities. In literature, the function of

language is as the instrument to say and write illustration. Language meaning are used

to tell what the speaker believes, to give information about things and to give the

reason about fact.

In listening and reading, configurations of concepts are used to reconstruct and

interpret the meaning of the incoming language data, the written language or the

spoken language. In speaking and writing, configurations of concepts are organized

by grammatical rules, and then expressed by speaking or writing.

2.3. Literary Genre

According to style, (Robert, 2003:3) length and characteristic, literature can be

divided into three parts. They are : Poetry, Prose, and Drama.

They are two types of prose, prose fiction and nonfiction. Prose fiction includes

myths, parables, romances, novels, and short stories. Nonfiction prose consists of new

reports, feature articles, essays, editorials, textbook, historical and biographical works,

and the like, all of which describe or interpret facts and present judgment and



Poetry, according to Kleden, (2003:20), is like other literary works, so it has

bigger imagination than prose. The readers of poem can understand what the author's

wants by using their knowledge about poem to understand the author thought is

aiding the reader's idea. First, denotative meaning, which is called "literal" or

dictionary meaning. And second, connotative meaning, it is imaginations or

emotional meaning. This literary work also uses some symbol that means more than

word, which is presented by a poet, to express the author sense (Fannie, 2000:99).


According to Quaeritis (1904:461), drama is consisting of plays written for the

theater. Unfortunately, has acquired to many meaning it can denote, the whole body

of work written for the theater, or a single play, or a serious but untragic play, (as in

"life is full of Drama") events that contain conflict, tension, surprise.

Live actors design a drama or play to perform on stage: It consists of dialog

together with direction of action, like narrative fiction, it focused on single character

or a small number of character (Fannie, 2000:96).

Drama is literary works 'that is presented on the stage with actor or characters

in it. The same statement that is expressed by (Kennedy, 1983:59) that drama is a

work of storytelling in which actors represented the characters also the performance

of a play is much more than an event for the exchange of emotion between

performers and audiences.

There are two kinds of drama, tragedy, and comedy. Tragedy drama is kind of

drama which involves event which climax unhappy disaster, the subject matter is

necessary dark and the hero is defeated by forces outside his control. And comedy

drama is drama that deals with events that inevitable fine some sorf of pleasing or

happy resolution with the subject matter is essentially light and the hero ever comes

impediments and usually in entertaining, humorous way and successful.


Prose is the ordinary form of spoken and written language of which unit

is the sentence, rather that the line as it is poetry. Meanwhile prose fiction is

works of the literature that can only be made by someone, enjoyed and

understood it completely ( Fannie, 2000:84). In work of literature, other to

make a good story must work every elements prose fiction is done. Prose is

also a11 serious speech, spoken or written which is not limited in a certain


According to Abrams (1981: 43), prose is a term often used inclusively

for any literary narrative which is feigned or invented, and does not purport to

be historical truth. There are many forms of prose, one of them is novel. The

word novel is from Latin novellas means something new. The word "new" is

related to the reality that navel is a kind of fiction, which appears lately in a

short story and romance. It is written in the seventeenth and the eighteenth

centuries (Croft and Cross, 1982:63). According to Abrams (1981:86), novel is

a great variety of writing that have in common only attribute of being extended

works of prose

fiction. The novel is also distinguished from the short story. Its magnitude permits a

great variety of character, greater complication of plot and modes. Novel contains

number of characters some of them are fully developed, have more incidents, scenes,

or episodes, have number of settings, and may take a long span of time.

2.4 Film

Film has the same essential with movie and motion picture. Motion picture also

called movies, film, or the cinema as one of the most popular forms of entertainment,

enable people to immerse themselves in an imaginary word for short period of time,

(Robert, 2003:207).Some films combine entertainment with instruction, to make

learning process more enjoyable. In all its forms, cinema is an art as well as a

business and those who make motion picture take grade pride in their creations.

Drama is literary works that is presented on the stage with actor or character in

it. Nowadays, the position drama itself is changed with film or the other word, film is

specialized types and modern form of drama.

In this era, drama played in film that use modern techniques as photography,

film chemistry, sound, electronic technology, and other. According to Robert, film is

the word most often use most motions, pictures, although other common words are

cinema, movies and sometime pick. It is a specially type of drama, utilizing, like

drama the techniques of dialogue, monologue, and action, (Robert, 2003:3).

Movies or film is one of the entertainment media that is really popular in the

world. According to McEwen (2001:2) " As motion picture movie or film is in every

time, place, are defined by its intrinsic and organic relationship with every aspect of

the culture".


Theme is the central idea or statement about life that unifies and controls the

total work, (Pickering and Hoeper, 1981;61). It means that in literature, a theme is the

main idea of the story, or the message of the author is conveying. This message is

usually about life, society or human nature. Not all stories have explicit themes.

Because all stories choose certain areas of live to focus on and deal with all stories

inherently project some kind of outlook on life that can be taken as a theme,

regardless of season.

Theme is broad ideas and allusions that established by repetition of technical

and linguistic means throughout the film, (Robert, 2003:20). The film may have more

than one theme, but it will relate each other in constructing the story from beginning

to ending.

Theme of the film can be seen clearly along the story because the film will

show the theme throughout the film. It may show from the character and personality

especially from the major character and important events accorred in the film.


The plot is the backbone of a story, (Stanton in Sabbichis, 1965:15). Because it is

more self-evident than some of the story's other element, we may say little about it in

analysis, but without clear knowledge of its events, its links of cause and effect, its

degree of inevitability, we cannot hope to understand the story further. Like all other

elements of a story, the plot has its own laws: it must have a should occasionally

surprise us, it must arouse and satisfy suspense.

The movement of a plot comes chiefly from its ability to arouse questions our

minds, appealing to our curiosity, hope and fear. The simplest question is "What

happens next?" But often the questionnaire more specific than this, and their answer

may be delayed for many pages.

2.5. Character

The term of character applies to any individual in a literary work. Characters in

fiction are customarily described by their relationship to plot, by the degree of

development they are given by the author and whether or not they undergo significant

character change (Pickering and hoeper, 1981:24).

According to Kenny (1966:27), “ Character is the person in the people in

function and they must be similar to the people in life”. A character is obviously

relevant to us and to our experiences if he is like ourselves or likes others whom we

know. A character is relevant if there are a lot of people like him in the real world.

Definition of character is to understand the meaning of the main character,

firstly the reader has to know what the character is, so that it is useful to explain

some of the definition of it. Characters are the players in literature works, drama

and novel and also are appealing of emotions, which can be observing from

action. In drama characters usually do thing for certain reason so the characters

have identifiable motives behind them. Most plays have central motives and in

general these are giant human emotions, which motivate most people in real life.

In other opinion said that character and imagined person, created by the

playwright in dialogue and stage direction, made particularly by actors.


Characters are people or sometimes not people in the film. According to

Robert (1977:54) “Character in literature is also the author's representation of

human being especially of those inner qualities that determine in individual

reaction to various condition or attempt to shape or her environment”.

Koesnosoebroto (1988:67) says that there are two types of characters,

minor or major character, and minor character. Major characters are the most

important characters in a story but they cannot stand on themselves, they need

other characters to make the story more convincing and lifelike. Minor

characters are characters of less important than those of the main or major


Koesnosoebroto (1988:67) mentions that they are two kinds of characters:

Protagonist and antagonist. In tradition fiction the protagonist is also hero and

heroin, an admirable character who embodies widely accepted strengths and

virtues, who is because of his bad moral which he has such as cruel. He is called

antagonist because he is opposite to protagonist.

According to Kenny (1966:27), "Character is the person in the people

in function and they must be similar to the people in life". A character is obviously

relevant to us and to our experiences if he is like ourselves or likes others whom we

know. A character is relevant if there are a lot of people like him in the real world.

According to Kenny (I966:28-29), characters may be classified as "flat

(simple) and "round (complex)" character. Simple (flat) character is less the

representation of human personality than the embodiment of a single attitude

or obsession in character. A complex or (round) character is obviously more

life-like than the simple, because in life people are not simply embodiments of

single attitudes. A round character must be himself, an individual, and must be

fitting to his role.

2.6. Characterization

In literary work there are many kinds definition of characterization,

which always refers to the author to portray the character. Characterization is

the process of conveying information about characters in narrative or dramatic

works of art or everyday conversation.

Characterization is the method used by a writer to develop a character.

The method includes: showing the character's, displaying the character's

actions, revealing the character's thoughts, letting the character's speak, and

getting the reactions of others.

Characterization is made up of three elements: appearance, which is the

way the character looks; personality, which is the way the character thinks or

feel; and behavior, which is the way the character acts and reacts. In any type of

story, it is important that readers are able to picture the characters. (en.wikipedia.


2.6.1.Definition of Characterization

Characterization is the way of the author to describe what the characters

speak, do or think. Jones (1968:84) states that:

"The characterization is the depicting of clear images of a person. There are two

methods of characterization: dramatic and analytic. In dramatic we form our

opinion of the characters from what they do and say, from their environment,

and from what others characters think of them. In analytic method, the authors

comment upon the characters explaining their motives, their appearance, and

their thought"

The researcher concludes that before we know about characterization we

must know the character in every actor. Characterization is about what the

character do, say or think. In characterization we learn about the characters in

play, for example what their motives, their appearance, and their thought.

Furthermore, the researcher can analyze the character and characterization

beside that the researcher also help the readers to get the messages of the story.

2.7. Synopsis of the Dear John Movie

Dear John is a romantic drama adapted from a novel the same title by

American novelist, Nicholas Sparks. Directed by Lasse Halstrom, the film became

the fifth that Hollywood adapt the Sparks Message in a Bottle (1999), A Walk to

Remember (2002), The Notebook (2004), and Nights in Rodanthe (2008).

The movie starts with John (Channing Tatum) lying on the ground in a camo

uniform. He's at war and has been shot. As his eyes close, his voiceover says, "When

I got shot, the first thing I thought of was coins. I was minted in 1980 and belong to

the US Army. Now I have two holes in me and am not in mint condition. Wanna

know the last thing I thought of before I blacked out? You".

The scene cuts to a group of four friends standing on a pier. One of the friends

knocks Savannah's (Amanda Seyfried) purse into the ocean. He obviously likes her so

he promises to run down and get the purse. John sees her saying 'My whole life is in

that purse' and he jumps off the pier and gets the purse. He meets the group at the

edge of the water and returns the purse. Savannah invites him back to her beach

house to have a beer. Her friend is obviously jealous and starts to pick on John while

they have a beer. A little boy runs up to Savannah and hugs her. He's obviously

autistic. She fells John that she's known Alan since he was born and his dad, Tim, is a

close friend of the family. John tells Savannah he has to leave because it's Sunday and

his dad made lasagna.

On the way home Tim sees John walking and picks him up. He drops John off

at his house and tells John very awkwardly "If you hurt Savannah I will do when he

gets out of the army in a year, he will move to be with her while she's at school.

Savannah tells John she'll be in school longer than expected because since spending

time with his dad she wants to work with special-ed kids. He-gets very offended for

her implying that his dad is autistic and runs off. On the way, the guy from the

beginning starts picking on him again and John hits him. A guy comes from behind

and John elbows him, busting his nose. He turns to see Tim and feels bad. Savannah

is mortified at what just happened and runs off.

John goes to see Savannah before she leaves for school but she isn't home. He

sees Tim and apologizes and Tim tells her to write her a letter and he promises to get

it to her. He digs an old bill out of the trash and John writes a note to her.

He goes home and eats lasagna with his dad (it's Sunday) and Savannah pulls up. She

apologizes to him, he apologizes to her and she goes in to eat lasagna because his dad

made an extra pan in hopes Savannah would come. It's a very touching scene.

Savannah leaves for school and hands John a letter as she's driving away. She starts to


John gets deployed to Africa. He and Savannah write each other every day. We

hear that the troops will have a weekend to go to Paris but John opts to go to the

states. The guys poke fun at him because they say after the long flight he'll have about

15 hours at home but he says it's worth it. While waiting to go home, we see a crowd

gathered and learn that 9/11 has just occurred. John's troop all stands and demands to

re-enlist even though they only have a few weeks left in the army.

John doesn't want to re-enlist but his captain says if the majority wants to, they

all will because they're a team. When he arrives home Savannah is there to meet him.

The two go to pick up John's dad and take him to a party that her parents are throwing

for John's arrival. While they're in the car, his dad starts to freak out and demand to be

taken home. He's crying and just very uncomfortable. They take him home.

A man stops John at the party to thank him for what he's doing for our country.

Savannah overhears this and asks John if he's still coming out of the Army. He tells

her he's going to re-enlist. When she drops him off at the airport he says "This isn't

goodbye - just a see ya later. Nothing changes, right?" and she says "See ya later" but

you can tell she's hesitant. Savannah goes to see John's dad and asks about his favorite

coin. He shows her a 'mule' coin, a mistake. The head is a nickel but the tail is a

penny. Savannah asks John about the coin and he writes her to tell her the story.

As a little boy, John was given the penny and when his mom left it became a

hobby for him and his dad to find a mule. Then John grew up and stopped spending

time with his dad, he became reckless and started fights with people. His dad kept

collecting coins as a way to remember John's childhood when they were happy. Then

John joined the army.

The letters keep coming until one day they stop. John doesn't get a letter for

two weeks and then finally gets one. Savannah apologizes to him and tells him she's

engaged to be married. John burns a11 of the letters she has sent since then

and then takes off with his troop to investigate something. John is shot and the scene

from the beginning starts over. John is told he can go home but demands to stay. A

few weeks later a man comes and tells him he's going home and takes his hat off, it's

John's father.

John goes home and learns his dad had a stroke. He is sitting beside his dad

who can hardly move and he reads him a letter, the letter from the beginning. The last

thing John thought of before he blacked out was his daddy. John's dad passes away

and he goes to see Savannah. She has taken over her parent's horse ranch. As they're

having coffee in her house he sees a picture of her and her husband it's Tim.

John is shocked and she says that Tim has cancer and is about to die. They go

to see him in the hospital. Alan is about 15 and asks his new mom for a cake. She

takes him to get it and Tim apologizes to John. He says it 'just happened' and tells him

that she still loves him. Tim says after everything that she never looks at him the way

she used to look at John and it's written on her face. Savannah tells John they're out of

money and her dream is just to have Tim at home for a while before he dies. She tells

him how unhappy she is without him and he tells her he needs to leave. She says "See

ya later" and he won't say it back. She cries and begs him to say it back but he says

"Goodbye Savannah".

John takes his dad's coin collection and sells it but keeps one coin, the first

mule they found. John gets one lasf letter from Savannah telling him that they

received an anonymous donation, which allowed Tim to be at home for the last

two months of his life, and now he has passed away. John smiles because it was him

who gave her the money to allow for it to happen.

We see Savannah sitting in a coffee shop and John walking his bike down the

street. He chains it to a parking meter and catches a glimpse of Savannah in the coffee

shop. She smiles, he smiles and he walks inside to see her, he hugs her and the movie


2.8. Previous Studies

In making thesis the researcher need to have some previous studies to help the

researcher in that work. Thus, the researcher decided to choose some thesis be

previous studies to support her thesis.

The first study was conducted by Putri, Sulung H (2010) in her study entitled

"Characterization on Major Characters in Arthur Golden's "Memoirs of a

Geisha". The similarity between the researcher study and Putri's is both of them deal

with characterization analysis. The difference is on the Putri's study only analyze the


The second thesis was conducted by Moh. Sabbichis (2010) in his study entitle

"Character and characterization on the main character in the "2012" Film

Directed by Ronald Emmerick", The similarity between the researcher study and

Moh. Sabbichis's study is both of them deal with character and characterization

analysis. The difference is on the title of the film.

Difference from previous studies, that the researcher focused more on analyze

the character and characterization on the main character in the " Dear John" film by

Lasse Hallstrom which take an John and Savannah as the main character.



This chapter, the researcher presents the methodology that is used in this

study. There are some variables such as Research design, Data and source,

Data collection, Instrument, Data analysis.

3.1. Research Design

According to Hornby (1995:996) " Research design is the strategies used

by the writer to arrange the background of the research in other to get validity

data based on characteristic and the goal of the research".

This research is literary one, the study employed a qualitative description

research, in which the data can not be treated in statistical procedures, because

there are not numerical. Thus, the data is taken and gathered by observing the

characters and characterization of the "Dear John" film on the main character.

The method that is used in this study was a descriptive analytical

qualitative research. This study is designed to obtained information concerning

with the current status of phenomena. They are directed toward determining

the nature of situation as if existed at the time of the study. This research also

emphasize on the quality which are collected in analyzing "Dear John" film in

order to get the target in this research.

3.2. Subject and Object of the Study

The object of this study is a movie by Lasse Hallstrom entitled "Dear

John". This movie is a romantic story drama adapted from a novel the same

title by American novelist, Nicholas Sparks. Directed by LasseHalstrom, the

film became the fifth that Hollywood adapt the Sparks Message in a Bottle

(1999), A Walk to Remember (2002), The Notebook (2004), and Nights in

Rodanthe (2008). On Dear John movie this story telling about romantic

drama John and Savannah that they are away from each other for a long

period of time, they feel like they only made love for the reason that they

want to stay together and they need a reason to be together even when they

are away from each other. With dictionary, authobiography of the author, and


Data collection is the process or means that is used in obtaining and

classifying data. In the qualitative research, the data can be taken from the

lots of sources. They are word, action, photo, literary essay, and other

sources. Second, the writer watching the movie to find out the character and

characterization on the main character. Finally, the writer collect and analyze

the data based on the problem statements.

3.3. Data and Sources of the Data

The data to be analyzed is gathered from two sources. The primary

source from the film it selt "Dear John". The film directed by Lasse

Hallstrom, in significant about characters and characterization on the main


The secondary source is related to the information of books, Oxford

dictionary, articles and research report. The secondary sources support the

primary source.

3.3. Instrument

In this thesis the instrument is the researcher herself who collect the

dialogue between characters which reflect any message that is related to life.

The instrument of data collection are DVD cassette of the film, and another to

understand and analyze the data in "Dear John" film, the researcher made table

like the following.

Denzin (1970) in Maxwell (1996:75) states that triangulation is

collecting information from a diverse range of individuals and setting, using a

variety of methods. This reduces the risk that the research's conclution will

reflect only the systematic biases or limitations of a specific method, and it

allows the researcher to gain a better assessment of the validity and generality

of the explanation that is developed.

3.4. Data Collection

The steps to collect data is:

1. The researcher collect the data by watching the film, "Dear John".

2. The researcher make notes about the film and analyzing the data by

read the script.

3. Select the data that showed characters.

4. The researcher obtains all of the necessary data in "Dear John" through

a form of dialogue, picture and events.

3.5. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the

interview transcripts, field notes, and to enable you to present what you have

discovered to others (Bogdan, 1998:157).

In analyzing the data researcher used the following step:

1. Watching the "Dear John" film carefully to collect data.

2. Identifying the characters and characterization of the main character in

"Dear John" film by read the script.

3. Making corpus data.

4. Taking conclusion.



In this chapter, the writer analyzed the result of the study on the film

entitled “ Dear John released in 2010 directed by Lasse Hallstorm that conclude

from the characters’ dialogue and the content of the drama script. To make reader

easy for understand this study, researcher analyses the characters one by one about

the character of protagonist character, then the researcher continues the analysis to

the next other character. Here, the researcher describes the basic character of each

character found in the drama script included the characterization.

4.1 Research Finding

“ Dear John is a romantic drama movie directed by Lasse Hallstorm. In

this part, the researcher analyzed and discussed about the basic characters of each

character in the film “Dear John” and also analyzed the characterization of the


The researcher presents some of the data found in the text of the play.

They are in the form of words, phrases, and sentences based on the conversations

between characters. Besides the data from the dialogue, the data are also in a form

of the character’s action, what other said and also narration from the author.

4.1.1 Basic Characters of the Protagonist Character

As the researcher explained at the previous chapter (review related

literature chapter), protagonist is who is central to the story. So, when there has

no protagonist character a play cannot be happen at all. Though often the good

guy, the protagonist can also be the bad guy (or the anti-hero) in the story.

Characters are involved in every event make them dominate the story. There

are two characters that found as the protagonist characters, those are John and


The basic characters of the protagonist characters of “Dear John” drama

script are described as follow:

a. John

John is one of the protagonist characters in “Dear john ” movie. John

grew up raised by his father in North Carolina. He went through a tough time in

high school being a “rebel” leading him to make many regretful decisions. He

finds peace in surfing or going to the beach to get away. After high school he

decided to enlist in the Army. In June, after his quick return home he met

Savannah Curtis and fell in love.

No. Characters’ name Character Characterization

1 John Tyree Brooding, nice

guy, and quick


2 Savannah Nice, smart,

caring toward

others, generous

3. Mr. Tyree Quiet, awkward

4. Tim

5. Alan