Skin and Musculoskeletal Review

Action Definition Herbs Condition Vulnerary Speeds up healing of wounds when applied externally Modulates inflammation Marigold – antimicrobial, for UV/thermal/radiation burns, dermatitis, eczema, acne and used internally for stomach ulcers (terpenoids - calendulosides, flavonoids, carotenoids – beta-carotene, luetin). Grows around Toronto! Use internally with caution – emmenogogue Greater plantain – “Rambo bite” also a demulcent (iridoid glycosides – aucubin (like devils claw so decreases inflammation and increases immune function), catalpol, mucilage, tannin, allantoin – related to Metamucil) Arnica – good for bruises, myalgia (muscle pain), arthritis. (Sesquiterpene lactones – helenalin) Internal use may = toxic, gastroenteritis, muscle paralysis, cardiac failure and death. Not suitable for lacerations due to risk of systemic absorption (toxic to heart internally) – Do not use on broken skin Comfrey – also demulcent (purine alkaloid derivatives – allantoin, pyrrolizidine alkaloids) interchangeable with colendula but more specific for bones Internal use banned in some countries, excessive oral consumption can be hepatotoxic Chamomile (sesquiterpene lactones – triterpenoids, purine alkaloid derivatives (allantoin)) Aloe vera – demulcent, immunostimulant, for 2 nd Soft tissue injuries (wounds, lacerations, burns, bruises, ulcers) Hard tissue injuries (sprains, strains, fractures) Leg ulcers Chronic skin conditions Dermatitis/ Eczema Acne


skin msk review

Transcript of Skin and Musculoskeletal Review






Speeds up healing of wounds when applied externally

Modulates inflammation

Marigold antimicrobial, for UV/thermal/radiation burns, dermatitis, eczema, acne and used internally for stomach ulcers (terpenoids - calendulosides, flavonoids, carotenoids beta-carotene, luetin). Grows around Toronto!

Use internally with caution emmenogogue

Greater plantain Rambo bite also a demulcent (iridoid glycosides aucubin (like devils claw so decreases inflammation and increases immune function), catalpol, mucilage, tannin, allantoin related to Metamucil)

Arnica good for bruises, myalgia (muscle pain), arthritis. (Sesquiterpene lactones helenalin)

Internal use may = toxic, gastroenteritis, muscle paralysis, cardiac failure and death. Not suitable for lacerations due to risk of systemic absorption (toxic to heart internally) Do not use on broken skin

Comfrey also demulcent (purine alkaloid derivatives allantoin, pyrrolizidine alkaloids) interchangeable with colendula but more specific for bones

Internal use banned in some countries, excessive oral consumption can be hepatotoxic


(sesquiterpene lactones triterpenoids, purine alkaloid derivatives (allantoin))

Aloe vera demulcent, immunostimulant, for 2nd degree thermal burns and wound healing. Gel = wound healing with fiber for mucilage, resin = anthraquinones for stimulating laxative

Research does not support it in the prevention or treatment of sunburns or radiation burns

Honey good for leg ulcers, burns, herpes simplex (cold soars), anti microb, osmotic, iron chelator, acidic (flavonoids, enzymes (glucose oxidase = H peroxide) carbohydrates, methylglyoxal (Manuka honey) Pasturization destroys enzymes and decreases its effects (1Tbs = 1-2 servings vegs)

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