Skim scan


Transcript of Skim scan

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Research reported last month found women both smell and look more attractive to men at certain times of the month. Also, symmetrical men smell better. Borrowing sweaty undershirts from a variety of men, Thornhill offered the shirts to the noses of women, asking for their impressions of the scents. Hands down, the women found the scent of a symmetrical man to be more attractive and desirable.

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One thing is for certain, the Chinese cannot be accused of being subtle when it comes to insuring good weather for the biggest party on Earth. Sounding like a military operation, the Chinese government authorized the use of 1,104 cloud seeding missile launches from 4:00-11:39pm on Friday night to remove the threat of rain ahead of the 29th Olympic opening ceremony in Beijing.

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Lexical vs Grammatical Words

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“The Gate to Hell” is located in Turkeminstan, in the heart of Middle Asia, in the Kara-Kum desert. It was formed with little human help, when in 1971 Soviet experts ordered drilling in the cavern filled with loads of natural gas, which roof collapsed leaving a hole with 60-70 meters diameter.

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“The Gate to Hell” is located in Turkeminstan, in the heart of Middle Asia, in the Kara-Kum desert. It was formed with little human help, when in 1971 Soviet experts ordered drilling in the cavern filled with loads of natural gas, which roof collapsed leaving a hole with 60-70 meters diameter.

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“The Gate to Hell” is located in Turkeminstan, in the heart of Middle Asia, in the Kara-Kum desert. It was formed with little human help, when in 1971 Soviet experts ordered drilling in the cavern filled with loads of natural gas, which roof collapsed leaving a hole with 60-70 meters diameter.

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“The Gate to Hell” is located in Turkeminstan, in the heart of Middle Asia, in the Kara-Kum desert. It was formed with little human help, when in 1971 Soviet experts ordered drilling in the cavern filled with loads of natural gas, which roof collapsed leaving a hole with 60-70 meters diameter.

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“The Gate to Hell” is located in Turkeminstan, in the heart of Middle Asia, in the Kara-Kum desert. It was formed with little human help, when in 1971 Soviet experts ordered drilling in the cavern filled with loads of natural gas, which roof collapsed leaving a hole with 60-70 meters diameter.

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1.What does Clarkson say you should do to your children?

2.How many people go skiing every year?

3.What does Clarkson say will happen to one member of your family?

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For your next holiday, why don’t you take all your money and put it on the fire? Then stand in a fridge for a week, beating your children with a baseball bat until their arms and legs break. And then, after you’ve eaten some melted cheese, dislocate your shoulder. If all of this appeals then you are probably one of the 1.3m British people who go on a skiing holiday at this time of year. Skiing, for those of you who’ve never tried it, is an extremely expensive way of combining acute discomfort, butt-clenching embarrassment, mind-numbing fear and a light dusting of hypothermia. Plus there’s a better than evens chance that at least one member of your family will come home in a wheelchair.

Do to children?How many?Happen one member of family?

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Research skills vs FOFO

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Time is running short and you haven’t had time to set up the homework that you wanted to do. However, you know that you need to set some as it is their homework day… You might set:

Research the life of Martin Luther King

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At worst, tell them to type BBC before the thing they want to research…

A. Research the life of Martin Luther King


B. Go onto


Compare the different information you find out about Martin Luther King. Which website is the most effective? Why? Who are their target audiences? Why do you think that?

OR – How do you use these websites the find out about Martin Luther King? What is the process that you go through?

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What now?

Objective: Re-fresh your knowledge (after all repetition is the key to success)

How: Treasure Hunt – the team with the most gold coins wins!

You are in teams. The team leader has an envelope with your team members’ names, your first room and a map (interns or anyone missing from the lists – join your respective departments).