Skills audit


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Page 1: Skills audit

Digital Technology:

Final cut, imovie, Garage Band, Photoshop Elements, Live Type. The different software we used created different affects on our

work such as the Photoshop Elements helped us create a good quality logo and we also used it so it looked like its hand moved. The live type helped us create our credits for our opening sequence which looked better than what were going to do which was create it in photoshop and do it by pictures which wouldn't look good. So the credits moved properly and looked good.

I would like to use final cut again in my next projects because I found it easier to understand the software and it also gives the project a better quality video and transitions.

Post Production:

Final cut, imovie, Garage Band, Photoshop Elements, Live Type, Mac's, Digital Cameras.

I think the digital cameras we were given to use were not good quality because we did a film shoot and then watched it on the mac it had white lines going across our video so we end up using my phone which was better quality and improved our opening sequence. 

I will use Photoshop Elements a lot more because I understand the software in more depth than I did before. I also think that photoshop helps you make your work/pictures look more proffessional and that is what I am aiming for.

Research and planning:

Analysis of other opening sequences, audience research, nine frame shot, time line, animatic, risk assessment, call sheet, mind map.

My group started to film just before the deadline and completed it just after the deadline. I think if we did more research we would have had a better opening sequence.

Page 2: Skills audit

I am going to do more research on my projects so I will have more ideas and information about what I am doing, I will also get all my work completed before the deadline.

Using conventions of real media texts:

Saw, orphan, 28 days later, shaun of the dead. These films gave me and my group some ideas of how the opening

sequence would run and the different ways we can chose from. It also helped us to chose what type of camera angles or movements we could use for certain situations the main character was in.

I will try to watch more videos to help me collect research and information and different types of camera angles we could use.


I dont think our groups ideas were imaginative because the idea we chose was zombies and this is very popular for horror related movies.

My opening sequence was conventional, we gave the audience what they expected in a horror move which was things such as blood, someone being killed, dark and creapy locations.

This time I want to challenge convensions with this project. so I am trying to think of some thing that no one will expect to see in a music video.