Skills 4 Success 21 st Century Skills 3.01 – Understand the world of work and skills needed for...

Skills 4 Success Skills 4 Success 21 21 st st Century Century Skills Skills 3.01 – Understand the world of work 3.01 – Understand the world of work and skills needed for and skills needed for employment success. employment success. 3.02 – Understand various skills 3.02 – Understand various skills needed for employment success. needed for employment success.

Transcript of Skills 4 Success 21 st Century Skills 3.01 – Understand the world of work and skills needed for...

Skills 4 SuccessSkills 4 Success2121stst Century Skills Century Skills

3.01 – Understand the world of work and skills 3.01 – Understand the world of work and skills needed for employment success.needed for employment success.

3.02 – Understand various skills needed for 3.02 – Understand various skills needed for employment success.employment success.

3.02 Understand skills needed for employment success3.02 Understand skills needed for employment success 22

Foundation Skills

Basic skills

Personal Qualities



Workplace Specific


Interpersonal skills

Resources Information System




Transferable Skills







Organizing and planning



Introducing . . .Introducing . . .

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JobJob - work done to earn money or pay, for example, cleaning out your - work done to earn money or pay, for example, cleaning out your garage to earn money for a movie ticketgarage to earn money for a movie ticket

OccupationOccupation – set of related or similar job skills and experiences, for – set of related or similar job skills and experiences, for example, cashier, flight attendant, waitressexample, cashier, flight attendant, waitress

  CareerCareer – a series of jobs held over a period of time in the same or – a series of jobs held over a period of time in the same or related field or area of interest, for example, a career in medicine as a related field or area of interest, for example, a career in medicine as a scientist, teacher, or doctor = advanced skillsscientist, teacher, or doctor = advanced skills

VolunteerVolunteer – a person who works for free, for example, working on the – a person who works for free, for example, working on the

weekend for Habitat for Humanityweekend for Habitat for Humanity

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SCANS is a set of skills necessary for success in SCANS is a set of skills necessary for success in the world of work.the world of work.

The list of skills was determined by the The list of skills was determined by the SSecretary’s ecretary’s CCommission on ommission on AAchieving chieving NNecessary ecessary SSkills.kills.

The skills are divided into three categories:The skills are divided into three categories:

Foundation or Basic SkillsFoundation or Basic Skills

Workplace-specific SkillsWorkplace-specific Skills

Transferable SkillsTransferable Skills

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Foundation Skills – Basic Foundation Skills – Basic Reading – locates, understands, and interprets written data,

such as manuals, graphs, journals, newspapers, and schedules

Writing – communicates (thoughts, ideas, information, and messages) in writing, and creates documents, such as letters, directions, manuals, reports, graphs, poems, and flow charts

Arithmetic/Mathematics – does basic math and practical problems by choosing appropriate math techniques, such as counting change

Listening – pays attention and answers verbal messages, such as taking phone messages  

Speaking – organizes ideas and communicates orally, such as debating

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Basic Thinking SkillsBasic Thinking Skills Creativity – new ideas, such as picking out clothes to wear,

writing songs, or doing an experiment

Decision Making – choose goals and constraints, choose alternatives, considers risks and choose an alternative, such as planning/deciding about a birthday party

Problem Solving – recognizes problems and makes a plan of action, such as keeping track of allowance

Seeing Things in the Mind’s Eye – organizes, and processes symbols, pictures, graphs, objects, etc

Knowing how to learn – uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills

Reasoning – discovers a rule or principle underlying relationships between objects, and applies it to a problem

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Basic Personal QualitiesBasic Personal Qualities

Responsibility – high level of effort and perseveres towards a goal, such as being on time

Self-Esteem – believes in own self-worth and has a positive self image, feeling confident and creative

Sociability – demonstrates understanding, friendliness, adaptable, empathy, and politeness in groups, such as playing/spending time with friends or being a club president

Self-Management – accurate self assessing, sets personal goals, checks progress, and shows self-control, such as doing one’s chores

Integrity/Honesty – chooses ethical actions, such as telling the truth

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Workplace Specific SkillsWorkplace Specific Skills

Examples - directing air planes, drafting, performing surgery, and designing bridges

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Understanding ResourcesUnderstanding Resourcesused in the Workplaceused in the Workplace

TimeTime – selects goal/activities, rank them, plan time, – selects goal/activities, rank them, plan time, and prepare and follows schedulesand prepare and follows schedules

MoneyMoney – uses or prepares budgets, makes forecasts, – uses or prepares budgets, makes forecasts, keeps records, and makes adjustments to meet keeps records, and makes adjustments to meet objectivesobjectives

Material and Facilities – Material and Facilities – acquires, stores, allocates, acquires, stores, allocates, and uses materials or space efficientlyand uses materials or space efficiently

Human ResourcesHuman Resources – assesses skills and gives out – assesses skills and gives out work accordingly, checks performance, gives work accordingly, checks performance, gives feedback, and makes work schedules for employees  feedback, and makes work schedules for employees  

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Interpersonal Skills for the WorkplaceInterpersonal Skills for the Workplace

Participates as a Member of a Team – contributes to a group, such as joining a club, helping with a fundraiser, being a class officer, sharing club duties, and managing a team

Teaches Others New Skills – helps others Serves Clients/Customers – works to satisfy customers’ expectations Exercises Leadership – communicates ideas to justify position, persuades

and convinces others, responsibly challenges existing procedures and policies

Negotiates – works toward agreements involving exchange of resources, resolves divergent interests

Works with Diversity – works well with men and women from diverse backgrounds

Communication Skills – understanding others and making them understand you, such as when sending company emails or talking/listening/speaking with others

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Information Skills for the WorkplaceInformation Skills for the Workplace

Acquires and Evaluates Information – identifies need for data, obtains it, and evaluates its value and accuracy

Organizes and Maintains Information – obtains written or computerized records, such as note taking, scheduling parties, and sorting mail

Interprets and Communicates Information – selects and analyzes data and tells others the results, using oral, written, or pictorial methods

Uses Computers to Process Information – uses computers to get, organize, analyze, and communicate data

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Understanding Systems Understanding Systems used in the Workplaceused in the Workplace

Understands Systems – knows how social, organizational, and technological systems work and operates within them

Monitors and Corrects Performance – sees trends, predicts the impact of the trend, diagnoses changes in performance, and corrects problems

Improves or Designs Systems – suggests changes, develops new systems, such as designing computer programs

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Technology Skills for the WorkplaceTechnology Skills for the Workplace

Selects Technology – chooses procedures, tools, or equipment, including computers

Applies Technology to Task – understands procedure for setup and operation of equipment, such as creating a PowerPoint presentation  

Maintains and Troubleshoots Equipment – prevents, identifies, or solves problems with equipment, including computers and other technologies

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Transferable SkillsTransferable Skills

Transferable skills are skills that you can Transferable skills are skills that you can take from one job to the next. You can get take from one job to the next. You can get them by taking a class, doing student them by taking a class, doing student activities, paid/volunteer work, such as activities, paid/volunteer work, such as internships, part-time jobs/groups to which internships, part-time jobs/groups to which you belong.

Let’s see how some of the personal and Let’s see how some of the personal and workplace-specific skills you have already workplace-specific skills you have already acquired can transfer to the workplace acquired can transfer to the workplace

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Examples of Transferable SkillsExamples of Transferable Skills

You delivered a presentation at a meeting about sport You delivered a presentation at a meeting about sport competitionscompetitions

Basic Foundation Skill – Listening and SpeakingBasic Foundation Skill – Listening and Speaking

Workplace-Specific Skill – Interprets and communicates informationWorkplace-Specific Skill – Interprets and communicates information

Interpersonal Skill - Adaptability - keeping an open mind, resolving Interpersonal Skill - Adaptability - keeping an open mind, resolving conflicts, adjusting to a new schedule, changing schools, moving to a conflicts, adjusting to a new schedule, changing schools, moving to a new home, or agreeing to work later than scheduled  new home, or agreeing to work later than scheduled  

You organized a surprise party for your mom’s birthday by You organized a surprise party for your mom’s birthday by making out a guest list, sending invitations and directions, making out a guest list, sending invitations and directions, preparing food, and cleaning the housepreparing food, and cleaning the house

Basic Foundation Skill – Writing and being a goodBasic Foundation Skill – Writing and being a good listenerlistener

Workplace-Specific Skill – Resources – time, money, materialsWorkplace-Specific Skill – Resources – time, money, materials