Skill gap and hrd interventions

Skill Gap Analysis & HRD Interventions Presented by:- 1- NIKHIL SHARMA 2- SHIVAM KATIYAR MBA FT 3 rd sem (2014-16) CSJMU KANPUR 1

Transcript of Skill gap and hrd interventions

Skill Gap Analysis & HRD Interventions

Presented by:- 1- NIKHIL SHARMA


MBA FT 3rd sem (2014-16)



Skill Gap AnalysisA skill gap analysis is an evaluation tool

for determining training needs of an individual, group or organization. The analysis reveals the differences between the required and the existing skill levels and the recommended strategies for reducing the differences or closing the gap.

ToolsPerformance assessments


Interviews and group discussions


Company goals and long-term plans

EvaluationComparing the two findings reveals the

gap in competencies.

Skill areas evaluated include responsibilities, duties, tasks, functions and knowledge.

AdvantagesIdentifying employees’ training needs

and the ways of meeting those needs helps managers in planning, time management and budget considerations.

With targeted training, employees receive job satisfaction, the company optimizes its human resources and production levels are likely to improve.

Causes of skill gapLack of soft skills such as:-

(communication, critical thinking, collaboration)

Lack of technical skills

Lack of strong leadership skills

Lack of computer based technology skills

Additional usesA skill gap analysis may also reveal

employees; competencies or lack thereof that could point to the need for replacement, promotion or pursuit of personal growth.

An employee may use the knowledge of a skill gap to seek continuing education at an external training facility.

HRD Interventions

Top 6 HRD Interventions for any organization Competency Mapping Exercise

Start from the top

Leadership Development Programs (Using 360 Degree Feedback and climate Surveys)

Assessment and Development Centres

Performance Appraisal Interventions

Use a participative approach

Hrd Interventions Help Organisation ToDevelop Highly Competent StaffManagement

With the the help of Human Resource Model

1. On the job training

2. Managerial / Executive Development Programmes

3. Off the job training

4. Conventional Appraisal

5. Self-Evaluation Review

Outcomes of Human Resource Development Interventions

Problem statement: In Malaysia, Human Resource Development (HRD) plays an important role in the economic development of the country. Despite government policies encouraging the implementation of HRD activities, as well as the substantial infrastructural and financial support provided, the benefits or outcomes of the HRD activities being implemented and provided to employees have not been examined. The aim of this study was to examine the outcomes of HRD interventions using the fundamental aspects of HRD’s definitions.

Approach: This study utilised a mixed method approach, combining questionnaire surveys and interviews with HR practitioners.

Results: The findings suggested that HRD programs and activities being implemented and provided to employees in manufacturing firms in Malaysia generate individual and team development as well as work process improvement, but do not support HRD strategic planning for organizational change.

Conclusion/Recommendations: This study implied that HRD programs and activities implemented had not been strategically planned and aligned with organizational goals and objectives. The limitations of the study and recommendations for further research were discussed.

Key words: Outcomes of HRD, individual development, work process improvement, organizational change

Academia Industry Interface of Lovely Professional University

LPU has a separate department, namelyDepartment of Academia Industry Interface,to monitor the Academia IndustryInteraction at the university level. Thedepartment is responsible to enter intoacademic alliances with differentInstitutions, Industry Sectors, andConsortiums with a view to develop, refineor modify the Curricula etc. as per specificneeds.



Academic alliances

Research and development

Industrial consultancy

Continuing Education Programme for Industry

Short Term Training Programmes

Skill Up-gradation Courses

Strategy of reducing skill gap of TCS in UK• Tata Consultancy Services, India's leading IT

services, has unveiled a new initiative in the UKdesigned to help encourage more young peopleinto digital careers.

• In partnership with The Tech Partnership andMyKindaCrowd, has created a resource pack tohelp teachers educate young people about possibleroles in the IT industry, and the steps they need totake to achieve that ambition.

"Digital technologies are playing a defining role in all aspects of our lives and this trend will continue to grow. As a result, there will be an increase in demand for employees with digital skills, and hence more young people need to choose the right education, to give them the required future skills,"said Nupur Singh Mallick, HR director, Tata Consultancy Services UK & Ireland.

"At TCS, we believe that businesses must take action to help educate and inspire young people about the potential advantages of a digital-skills-based career," she said.

"The TechFutures Careers Resource Pack is a key part of our IT Futures programme, a series of TCS-led initiatives designed to foster enthusiasm and engagement among young people and address the long-term challenges limiting the growth of the UK's digital talent pool.“

"It is vital that we have a secure talent pipeline to ensure the future success of the digital economy. These employer created resources will help to inspire the future tech workforce about the fascinating careers that are available to them in the tech industry," said Sue Nieland, director of Education for The Tech Partnership.

• Currently, there are no teaching resource packs of this kind available for this topic. The research, which assessed the challenges and issues that schools currently face found that although young people are well-versed in using technology, there is a lack of knowledge of how that technology is created and little understanding of the breadth of technology career.

Bringing together industry insights, practical lesson guides and activities, The TechFuturesmaterials are designed to address this deficit, TCS said in a statement.

TCS volunteers will also be hosting a number of sessions in schools in partnership with MyKindaCrowd based around the resources. TCS and MyKindaCrowd have already run over 50 similar sessions.