Skeletal List - a&p

*not in lab manual or text - check website or other source 1 BIOL 2401: Skeletal System (Fall 2011) Structure & Classification of Bone Microscopic Structure Sectioned Long Bone Osteon (Haversian) System epiphysis periosteum central (Haversian) canal diaphysis Sharpey's fibers* perforating (Volkmann’s) canal epiphyseal line (disk or plate) medullary cavity osteocyte compact (dense) bone red marrow lacuna spongy (cancellous) bone yellow marrow canaliculi hyaline (articulating) cartilage endosteum trabeculae Organization of the Skeleton Axial skeleton vs. Appendicular skeleton Differentiate between left and right The Skull Cranium Frontal bone Temporal bone (2) Sphenoid bone frontal sinus squamosal suture sella turcica supraorbital foramen external acoustic meatus greater wing supraorbital ridge* mandibular fossa lesser wing glabella* mastoid process sphenoid sinus Parietal bone (2) styloid process orbital fissure sagittal suture carotid canal optic canal coronal suture jugular foramen lateral pterygoid plate Occipital bone internal acoustic meatus medial pterygoid plate lambdoidal suture zygomatic process Ethmoid bone foramen magnum crista galli occipital condyles cribriform plate ext. occipital protuberance* perpendicular plate sutural bone ethmoid sinus nasal concha superior middle


a&p skeletal list

Transcript of Skeletal List - a&p

Page 1: Skeletal List - a&p

*not in lab manual or text - check website or other source


BIOL 2401: Skeletal System (Fall 2011)

Structure & Classification of Bone

Microscopic Structure Sectioned Long Bone

Osteon (Haversian) System epiphysis periosteum

central (Haversian) canal diaphysis Sharpey's fibers*

perforating (Volkmann’s) canal epiphyseal line (disk or plate) medullary cavity

osteocyte compact (dense) bone red marrow

lacuna spongy (cancellous) bone yellow marrow

canaliculi hyaline (articulating) cartilage endosteum


Organization of the Skeleton Axial skeleton vs. Appendicular skeleton

Differentiate between left and right

The Skull


Frontal bone Temporal bone (2) Sphenoid bone

frontal sinus squamosal suture sella turcica

supraorbital foramen external acoustic meatus greater wing

supraorbital ridge* mandibular fossa lesser wing

glabella* mastoid process sphenoid sinus

Parietal bone (2) styloid process orbital fissure

sagittal suture carotid canal optic canal

coronal suture jugular foramen lateral pterygoid plate

Occipital bone internal acoustic meatus medial pterygoid plate

lambdoidal suture zygomatic process Ethmoid bone

foramen magnum crista galli

occipital condyles cribriform plate

ext. occipital protuberance* perpendicular plate

sutural bone ethmoid sinus

nasal concha



Page 2: Skeletal List - a&p

*not in lab manual or text - check website or other source


Facial bones

Maxillary bones Inferior nasal concha

maxillary sinus Mandible

palantine process body

alveolar fossa* ramus

infraorbital foramen mandibular angle*

Palatine bone mandibular condyle

Zygomatic bone coronoid process

temporal process mandibular notch*

zygomatic arch mental foramen

Lacrimal bone mandibular symphysis*

Nasal bone alveolar fossa*

Vomer bone Hyoid

Vertebral Column & Thoracic Cage

Parts of vertebrae Costal (rib) (12 pairs)

body parts

spinous process head

vertebral foramen neck

vertebral arch tubercle

transverse process shaft

facets (superior & inferior) costal groove

intervertebral disc types

intervertebral foramen true (vertebrosternal) 7 pair

false (vertebrochondral) 5 pair

Cervical vertebrae (7) floating (vertebral) last 2 pair of 5

transverse foramen intercostal space*

bifid process Sternum

atlas (1st) manubrium

axis (2nd) sternal notch

dens (odontoid process) clavicular notch

Thoracic vertebrae (12) sternal angle

costal facets body

Lumbar vertebrae (5) xiphoid process

Sacrum (5 fused)

median sacral crest

transverse ridge *

sacral foramen

sacral canal

articular surface (sacroiliac joint)

sacral hiatus

Page 3: Skeletal List - a&p

*not in lab manual or text - check website or other source


Pectoral Girdle & Upper Limb

Pectoral Girdle Upper Arm

clavicle Humerus Ulna

scapula head trochlear notch

spine neck radial notch

inferior angle greater tubercle olecranon process

acromion process lesser tubercle coronoid process

coracoid process intertubercular groove styloid process

glenoid cavity deltoid tuberosity head

supraspinous fossa capitulum Carpals (8)

infraspinous fossa trochlea Manus (hand)

subscapular fossa* medial epicondyles metacarpals (15)

scapular notch lateral epicondyles phalanges (15)

coronoid fossa proximal

olecranon fossa medial

Radius distal

head pollex = 1

radial tuberosity

styloid process

ulnar notch

Pelvic Girdle & Lower Limb

coxal (hip) bone femur patella tarsals (7)

ilium head tibia talus

iliac crest fovea capitis medial condyles calcaneus

iliac fossa neck lateral condyles metatarsals (15)

greater sciatic notch greater trochanter intercondylar eminence* phalanges (15)

post. sup. iliac spine lesser trochanter tibial tuberosity proximal

ant. sup. iliac spine gluteal tuberosity anterior crest medial

ischium linea aspera medial malleolus distal

ischial tuberosity lateral condyle fibula hallux = 1

ischial spine medial condyle head

lesser sciatic notch lateral epicondyle lateral malleolus

pubis medial epicondyle

pubic symphysis intercondylar fossa

acetabulum patellar surface

obturator foramen