Skeletal Disorders



Skeletal Disorders. Haileigh Gofton. Paget’s disease. Description: Disorder of the normal bone remodeling process. Signs & Symptoms: Bone pain, headache & hearing loss, pressure on nerves, hip pain, damage to cartilage of joints. Presenter: Payton Roberts. Osteomalacia. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Skeletal Disorders

Page 1: Skeletal Disorders




Page 2: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Disorder of the normal bone remodeling process.

Signs & Symptoms: Bone pain, headache & hearing loss, pressure on nerves, hip pain, damage to cartilage of joints.

Presenter: Payton Roberts


Page 3: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Weakens the bones and makes them easier to break.

Signs & Symptoms: weak bones, bone pain, spinal bone pain, pelvic bone pain, leg bone pain, muscle weakness, hypocalcaemia.

Presenter: Liam Hulehan


Page 4: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Bone infection caused by bacteria or other germs.

Signs & Symptoms: bone pain, fever, chills, low back pain, general discomfort, excessive sweating, swelling of ankles, swelling of feet, swelling of legs.

Presenter: Juliette Roberts


Page 5: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Bone condition where one loses bone density & leads to bone weakening and increased fracture.

Signs & Symptoms: no signs or symptoms.Presenter: April Cavero


Page 6: Skeletal Disorders


Signs & Symptoms: Joints are affected with both sides feeling the same, morning stiffness, mouth and eyes dried out, sleep difficulties, chest pain during deep breaths, nodule deformities.

Presenter: Bailey Kraft


Page 7: Skeletal Disorders

Description: A malignant bone tumor especially of a long bone or the pelvis.

Signs & Symptoms: Pain or swelling, a bone that breaks with no known cause, limited range of motion of a joint.

Presenter: Macy Punzalan


Page 8: Skeletal Disorders

Description: An acute viral disease affecting kids and young adults. A virus that affects the nervous system.

Signs & Symptoms: Abnormal reflexes, sore throat, vomiting, red throat, stiff neck, trouble bending the neck.

Presenter: Cassidy McDonohugh


Page 9: Skeletal Disorders

Description: A separation of the ball of the hip joint from the thigh bone at the upper growing end.

Signs & Symptoms: knee pain, hip pain, hip stiffness, outward turning leg, restricted hip movements, and difficulty walking.

Presenter: Elif Cetin


Page 10: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Destruction and death of bone tissueSigns & Symptoms: Limp, groin pain, limited range in

motion, pain occurs even at rest.Presenter: Safeen


Page 11: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Cancer of the blood that result in high numbers of white blood cells in the bone marrow.

Signs & Symptoms: Fever, tiredness, feeling ill, weight loss.

Presenter: Haileigh Gofton


Page 12: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Condition causing extremely fragile bones.

Signs & Symptoms: Blue tint in the whites of eyes, early hearing loss, triangular face, bone deformity.

Presenter: Marisela Figueroa


Page 13: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Pain in the knee.Signs & Symptoms: limping, tight hamstrings, and

quadriceps.Presenter: Courtney


Page 14: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Congenital deformity of foot.Signs & Symptoms: Toes pointed down, tightened

achilles tendon, lack of ankle joint movement, foot turning inward or downward at birth.

Presenter: Sheigh Droke


Page 15: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Deformity of the foot.Signs & Symptoms: Stiffness, difference in leg length,

limp and difficulty walking.Presenter: Jordan


Page 16: Skeletal Disorders

Description: A congenital neural tube defect in which part of the meninges or spinal cord protrudes through the spinal column.

Signs & Symptoms: nerves coming out of back, nerve damage, swelling of spine.

Presenter: Kyrin Sims


Page 17: Skeletal Disorders

Description: Affects hip area at the ball and socket joint where the thighbone and pelvis meet.

Signs & Symptoms: Limping, pain in hip, groin, thigh or knee, & limited range in motion of the hip joint.

Presenter: Emily W.


Page 18: Skeletal Disorders

Description: A joint condition in which a piece of cartilage along with a thin layer of bone beneath it comes loose from the end of the bone.

Signs & Symptoms: Pain, joint popping and locking, joint weakness, decrease range in motion, swelling and tenderness.

Presenter: Alayne H.


Page 19: Skeletal Disorders

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