SKADDEN. ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER FLOM LLPdirect dial 202-371-7230 direct fax 202-661-8270 skadden....

DIRECT DIAL 202-371-7230 DIRECT FAX 202- 661-8270 SKADDEN. ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 1440 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.w. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-2111 FIRM/AFFILIATE OF"FICES BOSTON CHICAGO HOUSTON EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] TEL: (202) 3 7 I -7000 FAX: (202) 393-5760 L.OS ANGEL.ES NEW YORK PAL.OAL.TO WIL.MINGTON Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Attn: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 April 2, 2012 BEI.JING BRUSSEL.S FRANKFURT HONG KONG L.ONDON MOSCOW MUNICH PARIS SAO PAUL.O SHANGHAI SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO TORONTO VIENNA RE: Applications of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Cox TMI Wireless, LLC and SpectrumCo LLC for Consent to Assign Licenses WT Docket No. 12-4 Dear Ms. Dortch: Pursuant to the Protective Orders adopted in the above-referenced proceeding, l the attached Acknowledgments of Confidentiality are being submitted for inclusion in the record and to gain access to the data that will be placed in the record of this proceeding. 2 These Acknowledgments of Confidentiality have been signed by Outside Counsel and Outside Consultants of Record to Sprint Nextel Corporation ("Sprint Nextel"), and paralegals or other employees of Outside Counsel of Record and Outside Consultants, as shown on the attached list. Sprint Nextel has retained Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP as Outside Counsel of Record, and has retained Charles River Associates as outside Consultants. By copy of this letter, the Acknowledgments are being served on Wireless Telecommunications Bureau representatives listed on the attached Certificate of Service, including the representatives identified in the Public Notice and Protective Orders as the contact for obtaining the additional data: Sandra K. Danner, Broadband Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. 3 1 Applications ofCel/co Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Cox TMI Wireless and SpectrumCo LLCfor Consent to Assign Licenses, WT Docket No. 12-4, Protective Order, DA 12-50; Second Protective Order, DA 12-51 (reI. Jan. 17,2012); NRUF/LNP Protective Order, DA 12-468 (reI. Mar. 28,2012) ("Protective Orders"). 2 Proposed Assignment of Licenses to Verizon Wireless from SpectrumCo and Cox TMI Wireless, LLC, WT Docket No. 12-4; Public Notice, DA 12-35 (reI. Jan. 11,2012) ("Public Notice"). 3 Public Notice at 2; Protective Order 4; Second Protective Order 5; NRUF/LNP Protective Order 6.

Transcript of SKADDEN. ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER FLOM LLPdirect dial 202-371-7230 direct fax 202-661-8270 skadden....


    202-371-7230 DIRECT FAX

    202- 661-8270


    1440 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.w.




    [email protected]

    TEL: (202) 3 7 I -7000

    FAX: (202) 393-5760



    Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Attn: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554

    April 2, 2012






    RE: Applications of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Cox TMI Wireless, LLC and SpectrumCo LLC for Consent to Assign Licenses WT Docket No. 12-4

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

    Pursuant to the Protective Orders adopted in the above-referenced proceeding, l the attached Acknowledgments of Confidentiality are being submitted for inclusion in the record and to gain access to the data that will be placed in the record of this proceeding.2 These Acknowledgments of Confidentiality have been signed by Outside Counsel and Outside Consultants of Record to Sprint Nextel Corporation ("Sprint Nextel"), and paralegals or other employees of Outside Counsel of Record and Outside Consultants, as shown on the attached list. Sprint Nextel has retained Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP as Outside Counsel of Record, and has retained Charles River Associates as outside Consultants.

    By copy of this letter, the Acknowledgments are being served on Wireless Telecommunications Bureau representatives listed on the attached Certificate of Service, including the representatives identified in the Public Notice and Protective Orders as the contact for obtaining the additional data: Sandra K. Danner, Broadband Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.3

    1 Applications ofCel/co Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Cox TMI Wireless and SpectrumCo LLCfor Consent to Assign Licenses, WT Docket No. 12-4, Protective Order, DA 12-50; Second Protective Order, DA 12-51 (reI. Jan. 17,2012); NRUF/LNP Protective Order, DA 12-468 (reI. Mar. 28,2012) ("Protective Orders").

    2 Proposed Assignment of Licenses to Verizon Wireless from SpectrumCo and Cox TMI Wireless, LLC, WT Docket No. 12-4; Public Notice, DA 12-35 (reI. Jan. 11,2012) ("Public Notice").

    3 Public Notice at 2; Protective Order ~ 4; Second Protective Order ~ 5; NRUF/LNP Protective Order ~ 6.

  • Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary April 2, 2012 Page 2

    If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call.


    C~/iUf7,{P60'~ Antoinette C. Bush


    cc: Attached Service List

  • Acknowledgments of Confidentiality (Appendix A to Protective Order; Appendix B to Second Protective Order)

    Submitted By:

    Charles River Associates Outside Consultants to Sprint Nextel Corporation

    Martino De Stefano, Principal Fumino Tamaki, Consulting Associate Jeremy Selbst, Analyst

    Philip Wolf, Analyst Timothy M. Clark, Associate

    Acknowledgments of Confidentiality (Appendix A to NRUFILNP Protective Order)

    Submitted By:

    Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Hom LLP Outside Counsel to Sprint Nextel Corporation

    Antoinette Cook Bush, Partner Matthew P. Hendrickson, Partner Steven C. Sunshine, Partner John Beahn, Counsel David H. Pawlik, Associate Tara S. Emory, Associate John R. Seward, Associate David Shockley, Associate Joseph M. Rancour, Associate Joshua Gruenspecht, Associate Ceceile Patterson, Legal Assistant

    Kyle Cole, Legal Assistant Susan R. Lacheman, Legal Technology Project Manager Eric Hensel-Briscoe, Legal Technology Manager Meghan Glancy, Legal Technology Project Coordinator Marie Reinsdorf, Legal Technology Technical Specialist Austin Mitchell, Legal Technology Training Specialist Bernardo Medrano, Legal Technology Project Specialist Andrew Q. Lu, Legal Technology Specialist Madeha Mushtaq, Legal Technology Specialist William H. Lambdin, Jr., Legal Technology Specialist

    Charles River Associates Outside Consultants to Sprint Nextel Corporation

    John R. Woodbury, Vice President Steve C. Salop, Senior Consultant Martino De Stefano, Principal Fumino Tamaki, Consulting Associate Stanley Besen, Senior Consultant

    Jeremy Selbst, Analyst Philip Wolf, Analyst Timothy M. Clark, Associate Stephen Kletter, Principal

  • Certificate of Service

    I hereby certify that on this 2nd day of April, 2012, I caused true and correct copies of the foregoing letter and attached Acknowledgment of Confidentiality to be served as follows:

    Via electronic mail to:

    Cellco Partnership Michael Samsock 1300 I Street, NW - Suite 400 West Washington, DC 20005 [email protected]

    Dow Lohnes PLLC Christina H. Burrow, Esq. 1200 New Hampshire Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036 [email protected]

    Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Michael G. Jones 1875 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 [email protected]

    Best Copy and Printing, Inc. [email protected]

    Sandra Danner Broadband Division Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Federal Communications Commission [email protected]

    Jim Bird Office of General Counsel Federal Communications Commission [email protected]

    Joel Taubenblatt Spectrum and Competition Policy Division Federal Communications Commission joel. [email protected]

    /) "A '0 --"'~=~-=----f-/'i:f;l--",=-,,,,,,,"~ Ceceile Patterson

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-50

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use Stamped Confidential Documents or Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing Protective Order and agree that I will not use such infonnation in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically pemlitted by the terms of the Protective Order.

    J certify that J have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent tmauthorized disclosure of Stamped Confidential Documents and Confidential Information.

    Capitalized tenus used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order.

    Executed this .:1i)day of KA Rc H





  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-51

    J hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Second Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the Second Protective Order and that J shall not disclose or use Stamped Highly Confidential Documents or Highly Confidential Information except as aIIowed by the Second Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the Second Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law finn (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specificalJy that my access to any information obtained as a result of the Second Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Outside Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 11 of the foregoing Second Protective Order and agree that I wiIl not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Highly Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Second Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Stamped Highly Confidential Documents and Highly Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shaII have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the Second Protective Order.

    Executed this ~ day of Kil·;i( (' H , 2012.

    [Name] tv{ A i.KT I !,-).:.;, . .DE ::;; [Position]-:P~ l llJ C \ P (I L. [Firm] C· R ·A [Telephone] 2,.' C '2 -- I) 6 Z - :3 ().c: 'J

    .- 0 (L


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-50

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use Stamped Confidential Documents or Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order.

    T acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing Protective Order and agree that J will not use such information in any other capacity.

    J acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Protective Order.

    I certity that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Stamped Confidential Documents and Confidential Information.

    Capitalized tenDS used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order.

    Executed thJOt;: of jl{arcA..., 2012. I


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-51

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy ofthe foregoing Second Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the Second Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use Stamped Highly Confidential Documents or Highly Confidential Information except as allowed by the Second Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that it violation ofthe Second Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law fmn (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any infonnation obtained as a result of the Second Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Outside Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph I I of the foregoing Second Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Highly Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Second Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Stamped Highly Confidential Documents and Highly Confidential Information.

    Capitalized tenns used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the Second Protective Order.

    Executed thtill.fay Of)/tl~, 2012.

    arne] ~0'1rf16 . (4 . / [Position] COVlJ{)! +;~ I ':..SJ'oc/a~. [Firm] (;tv;rri ef /:frJey- Aft) C('a ~s [Telephone~c:J2 - [;, 6.:2 -21/ J


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-50

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use Stamped Confidential Documents or Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications COlmnission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Stamped Confidential Documents and Confidential Infonnation. ,

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order.

    Executed this.2Q.. day of )1UCh

    [Na~] j~P1f Se)b;t ifositionV'/AhtL0sf

    [Firm] C ht1-'((~5 I< iI/if A550cid--/gr [Telephone] /-zoz- bCo-Z-':::.cf57



  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-51

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Second Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the Second Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use Stamped Highly Confidential Documents or Highly Confidential Information except as allowed by the Second Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the Second Protective Order is a violation ofan order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the Second Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Outside Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 11 of the foregoing Second Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I ll:cknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Highly Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Second Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Stamped Highly Confidential Documents and Highly Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the Second Protective Order.

    Executed this 3Q day of Nfl ( cA

    , i // J(Y~ . ~/bsf [ ositi A1td-/~ ;+ [Firm] C}lM!? /ZiVV A~56cledes [Telephone] l-)'02.-{P(oZ-~ 315''1



  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-50

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use Stamped Confidential Documents or Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Stamped Confidential Documents and Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order.

    Executed this ~9 day of Mf!..fC. Y\ ,2012.

    M~ [Name] ? h3h) 'Wo \f [Position] A;/\CI( \ Y ::> {-[Firm] C)"Dlrt t.s fZ.'l J U c- : • .JL:5 [Telephone] r;}O a -bbl-~8bq


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-51

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Second Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the Second Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use Stamped Highly Confidential Documents or Highly Confidential Information except as allowed by the Second Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the Second Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the Second Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Outside Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 11 of the foregoing Second Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Highly Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Second Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there arc in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Stamped Highly Confidential Documents and Highly Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the Second Protective Order.

    Executed thisdl day of ~\"'f"t.,b , 2012.

    [Name] Pk\ip Wo~F [Position] A (\.ft \y S"~ [Firm]l~D.r\e-.$ ~!}-if A 550

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-50

    I hereby acknowledge that r have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use Stamped Confidential Documents or Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person desclibed in paragraph 8 of the foregoing Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Contidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Stamped Confidential Documents and Confidential Information.

    Capitalized telms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order.

    Executed this 1Q day of r.. A-t c f1 ,2012.

    r~)1~ [Name] TIAOTH't 1\ clMK.. [Position] A5JOc tATe

    [Firm] CHIrf{L.6:f (Ive.e. -'tSroc.'-+if.r [Telephone] Z01. ~

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-51

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Second Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    T agree that I am bound by the Second Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use Stamped Highly Confidential Documents or Highly Confidential Information except as allowed by the Second Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the Second Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I celiif)r that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law fim1 (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the Second Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Outside Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph I I of the foregoing Second Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that Stamped Highly Confidential Documents are not duplicated except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Second Protective Order.

    I celiify that I have verified that there are in place procedmes at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Stamped Highly Confidential Documents and Highly Confidential Information.

    Capitalized tenm used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or tht1 Second Protective Order.

    Executed this,XI day of t'Vrf. ( H ,2012.

    [Name]'T1 oTt\Y !\ C L"~/( [Position] A jSOC 'A:Te [Firm] C Hit-4l'-Bf ~\Vet

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms ofthe NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defmed shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.


    c.~ )~IL14y( [Name] ~io~V1~ C. ~~ [Position] ~

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this )..~~ay of f(c"n."l-1 , 2012.

    [Name] flPf'H'L,-lV P. +-Ie .. JhLt~-? [Position] ..A++c?'~(..(

    [Address] 5~b\ AlIAS-[Telephone] L--[ 1l~ ~l.A'f

    )veL., YdlL\ AJ ,{ I!)O~ () I ~ -- 7 ~ t;, Jt)b6


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    Executed this 2iday of m (Q/V U'- , 2012.

    [Name] 8 s. ~iy,(L [Position] Po.-rI-ne-r--[Address] /1fJ.ff) JJ~~ 'fo!K ~ LllJ

    tU061t\\1fotWrl ~c. ~ [Telephoner a..o~ 1L3'71 ~ ?8'0


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUF ILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this2f1!:y of ~1(1C. ~ ,2012.

    ~.LL~.L [Name] J"6H+J M· £~ [Position] C a\.\~5-e I [Address] $V.,JJ'tlA. k,tk~ [Telephone] \'1."10 ~'tW 't_ _ .f\. l .... {JOD r-Wet S \00\. \\.4. S T1I \0\ u, . QI J

    2'1- 3'11-,3f;l


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRVF/LNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRVFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRVFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRVF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRVFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRVF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRVFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRVFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this~ day of Jl6,.,,::t, ,2012.

    [Name] {)rJ"'D H~ PAWLIK [Position] tl /-fDrJf~ [fJa4~ [Address] IV~O JOy.4v~ I AluJ I -0· ~ [Telephone] '2i'2 -3!l{- 7H'f


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result ofthe NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this ~ ~ of mo..cc1a ' 2012.

    y(~7-~ [Name] T~ S· £irHtJfy [Position] ~~ci ~ / [Address] ~~h~eu}~~~Ul [Telephone] Olo;\. a. 6/~- 188')


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.


    ame] ~"'" t\. ~eJ)~ [position] l\-SSoc.i ~ 11. • .JO.. . I. \ PM \fJyK I'f'TVllue A.JW [Address] ~~~cli'm1IYhc.. ;;).oc)()..s~ [Telephone] a-o'J...v 37/-? ol,S


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUPILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUPILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUP/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUPILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result ofthe NRUPILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUP/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUP ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defmed shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUPILNP Protective Order.

    2t, Executed this _ day of

    ;> ;p,J~ee-: [Name] ..J:> ~ vi ,{

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this ~y of HCtl Lb ,2012.


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defmed shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this Z~ day of ~ ,2012.


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law fInn (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed thi~y of ~ ,2012.

    (1.]~~ [Name] Cb:.ei(-e, [Position] J..etrl. ~i8'frt1.+-[Address] ~~1Jj~~~ ~fIJW [Telephone] I' I ~

    Zt>l; -7'fv


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No, 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Infonnation except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUF ILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law finn (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any infonnation obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such infonnation in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the tenns of the NRUF ILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent "unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defmed shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this Z. ~ day of tI\(J(..,""

    [Name] K'ft-. 1). (JL [Position] Le.,,~l A-t.s~~'" [Address] 700 \Ii'"" S,"" N~ [Telephone] "2.01.. ... &1 \ ... ., o7S


    , 2012.

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the (oregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRDF/LNP Protective Order.

    Executed this;t~y of ,r(QrC)..... ,2012.

    ~~~ [Nallle] ~ t{. ~ [Position] t-:r ;>~ecr 11l~ [Address] tL(l.{() ,A.I~ 'lev-I::.. ~ I ~ Ll::.. [Telephone] 2.tJ2. -37-/ -7~tJO


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUP/LNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUF/LNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUPILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUF/LNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUPILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUP ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    Executed this2t day of "0J"'c.~ , 2012.

    [Name] it-I' c. l4er\Sel- Srl',scoe [Position] LC~o.\ Tec.~f\ol03~ f"\o..l\().3 er [Address] 1'-1 '10 "'~"" '(O"'K Ave.) IV. V. [Telephone] ""0.6""''''8 ... 0 .... , ~( 2.0665"

    lc> l .. ~ ~H - Q3'&


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this ?~ day of k1M d..r-- , 2012.

    ~Ck [Name] M (~~ a VI G-ItJ.-vl U--f [Position] PVOJ{ cl ~rN ~

    I. ' L 1\ tooo~ [Address] l£.flfo IVtw \}trY1C-ITW,)J tAl 1AJt{ ~1IlIVl5{1nt. vG [Telephone] '2-0 Z:- 371 - 772-/


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUPILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUPILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNPConfidential Information except as allowed by the NRUPILNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUPILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law fum (such as, but'not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRDFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRDFILNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUPILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUPILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this ~ day of &rc11 ,2012.

    7L fl-e4:!fJ Name: Mari.e. 'K.e.:IA.S'do.r {2-Position: --r

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation ofthe NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order ofthe Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed thi~-..i day of mAlYh ,2012.


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed thisQ~ day of k-br.b ,2012.


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result ofthe NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    Executed this .J!l... day of Maret ,2012.


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUF ILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this ~l, day of \'(\()...V~ ,2012.


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications C;ommission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF ILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this~ day of ~, 2012.

    [Name] ~\ \ AA. \1.. ~A. ~. [position] ~~\. \~v..o\~\'l ~"tCA\ ~Q\:"1>+ [Address] \~~ ~tJ"." 'lc.c:-~ A\M-, ~"b~'0~1 'b.~ 2.t/:dt::f>tS [Telephone] tyt,'tJ -;~\ -1-'51.'5


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree than am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUF/LNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation ofthe NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law flIlll (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my flIlll or office to prevent unauthorized disclosureofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed t~~ of /( AI

  • APPENDI¥A AdUtowledguumtof Confidentiality


    I hereby acknowledge that I have reCeivedmdrtad;ac9Pyofthefot¢g~~NRUFJI:;NP PtotectiveOrdedn the a\)t)ve-eaptioned'ptoceeding;a:l1d Iuridcis'tan.d it. .

    . lagree that lam \)t)undby tbeNRUFlI;NPJ?tot~tive Order andt4itt.~ notdlsci~or.".~ . NRUFILNP Confi~ntia1 InformatiOIiexceptas a1loWed~·'eNR.UFILNP PtQ~Or

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and 1 understand it.

    I agree thatl am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation ofan order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    1 acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this :2- '1 day of M ~Rc: H ,2012.


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUFILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    Executed thi~ay of &~. 2012.


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-caption~ proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law finn (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidentiallnformation is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my finn or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF/LNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defmed shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    5:1 Executed this _1_ day of !le.n L





    7 fJ tJ L-(; ~ I'h.. BE f e ,J {)ftlfDf/ CO/JjUL,f/tllf

    12.0 I P .r1Ilt(; r NW {

    (~o2) (.62-- J

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    wr Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUF ILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF/LNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this?fL day of l/p./c.ft ,2012.


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    wr Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUFILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUFILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation of an order oftbe Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUF/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUF/LNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF/LNP Confidential Information. .

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defmed shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.


    [Name] V k\,f WwlF [Position] /~. ",,,I ( :> .~

    . "

    [Address] n -1 S r:~.; r-/"'

  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy ofthe foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUF/LNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is a violation ofan order of the Federal Communications Commission.

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUFILNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUFILNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUFILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of the NRUF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUF/LNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRUFILNP Protective Order.

    Executed this t "l day of tt4~ c. t-\ ,2012.

    T~)!1~ [Name] II~oThr A (LAI..k: [Position] A- rJ' 0 c.. \1\ i E' [Address] 110 \ F S""Tt.E f T tvw I W~rH INGiTbN p. C. [Telephone] '20 l. - G. b Z. ' ~ F 2 \ 2000 't


  • Federal Communications Commission


    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

    WT Docket No. 12-4

    DA 12-468

    I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing NRUPILNP Protective Order in the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it.

    I agree that I am bound by the NRUPILNP Protective Order and that I shall not disclose or use NRUPILNP Confidential Information except as allowed by the NRUPILNP Protective Order.

    I acknowledge that a violation of the NRVF/LNP Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal Communications Commission. .

    I certify that I am not involved in Competitive Decision-Making.

    Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation, or role with any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or advocacy organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a result of the NRUP/LNP Protective Order is due solely to my capacity as Counselor Outside Consultant to a party or as a person described in paragraph 8 of the foregoing NRUP/LNP Protective Order and agree that I will not use such information in any other capacity.

    I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that NRUPILNP Confidential Information is used only as specifically permitted by the terms of~e NRVF/LNP Protective Order.

    I certify that I have verified that there are in place procedures at my firm or office to prevent unauthorized disclosure ofNRUPILNP Confidential Information.

    Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Protective Order or the NRVF/LNP Protective Order.

    Executed this n day of M b,rc.b .2012.
