Sixth Form Options Booklet

Sharjah English School Sharjah English School Sharjah English School Sharjah English School SIXTH FORM


Sixth Form Options Booklet

Transcript of Sixth Form Options Booklet

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Sharjah English SchoolSharjah English SchoolSharjah English SchoolSharjah English SchoolSIXTH


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As a prospective Year 12 student you are about to make decisions about your future that will be very much formed by your own aspirations – for the first time you

will no longer be in compulsory education. You will be thinking of joining Year 12 to

continue your studies through into Year 13. (Years 12 and 13 are traditionally

known as the Sixth Form – Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth).

In deciding to stay on into the Sixth Form at Sharjah English School, or join as a

new student, you will no doubt have spent time in serious thought.

Some applicants will have a specific career in mind and will see Sixth Form study

as a means of providing them with qualifications, experience and opportunities. You should consult your parents when forming your plans and speak to make sure that

you are content that all of your questions have been answered.

If you are to benefit from entering a Sixth Form you must be prepared to extend

yourself academically, to utilise the greater freedom that you will have in a

worthwhile and constructive manner and to take advantage of the opportunities

which will exist for developing skills, leadership and responsibility. Your aim should be to strive for success.

Selection criteria for Sixth Form at Sharjah English School

The Sixth Form at Sharjah English School is open to all who qualify by ability

and attitude.

References will be called for and students who are unlikely to benefit from a Sixth

Form course because of a record of poor attendance and/or a negative attitude to

study will not be accepted.

Students achieving a minimum of 5 GCSE passes, A* to C, including Mathematics and English, will be considered for entry to the Sixth Form. There will be an expectation that a ‘B’ grade at GCSE has been achieved before a student is encouraged to commence a Sixth Form course in a particular subject.

Some of our internal and all external candidates will be interviewed to assess their suitability.

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Previous SES offers have ranged from AAA (360points) to (CC) 160 points with the students applying for a range of different courses throughout the UK.

In common with similar schools our Lower Sixth students will choose to study four subjects to AS level. For many students the number of subjects will reduce by one, to three subjects, in the Upper Sixth. Therefore, by the end of the two years all students should achieve four AS level grades, with at least three taken on to full A Level standard.

Universities will make offers based on predicted grades in three A Level subjects, or points equivalent. Many have stated they will also be looking for a pass in a fourth subject at AS level, and they hope this fourth subject will offer evidence of breadth of study.

Applying for University places in the UK.

The UCAS (University and Colleges Admissions Service) points tariff is set up to convert A level results into points for applying to a UK based University.

GRADE Points value - AS Points value – A2

A* 140

A 60 120

B 50 100

C 40 80

D 30 60

E 20 40

Background information for the post 16-curriculum

All Advanced Level courses are made up a number of units.

The first 2 or 3 units make up the AS (Advanced Subsidiary) level. These units are

normally completed in the summer examination series of the Year 12.

The final units are at full A2 Level standard and are completed in the summer

examination series of Year 13. For some subjects the A2 units may be of a

synoptic nature (i.e. questions drawn from the whole course).

The AS level + the A2 level = a full A Level.

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Applying for University places in the USA.

A Levels are an internationally recognised qualification. As such they are admissible as entry requirements for American Colleges. You can enter the American system after Y12 with your AS grades or on completion of a full A2 course you can transfer with a higher level of qualification, which can earn course credits on some first year American programs.

US Colleges have admissions tutors who convert GCSE and A levels reports, predictions and results into GPA’s. We have found over the last few years that the course profiles are consistent with the UK system and that our students meet the entry requirements for their chosen areas of study.

We do not formally report on class ranking. However, for applicants to the most competitive US institutions there is always a facility for us to outline their position in the year group, we will express this information honestly in application forms and letters of recommendation, if it is needed to support the application.

As with UCAS we expect the students to be pro-active in their applications, doing their research, organising SATs, completing application essays and investigating financial aid. We will endeavour to guide them through this whilst producing the supporting evidence for their application (transcript, letters of recommendation and reports).

We are currently working with the US consulate in Dubai to enhance and support our efforts in this area. Later this year we will take our applicants to the Education US advisory centre information session and we are in the process of setting up other links with college admissions departments. The consulate has also offered us a pre-departure session so that our graduates who are heading to the US can find out more about America and Americans!

Although we do not formally prepare the students for SATs. We are a registered centre for the College Board examinations; thus allowing SES to support our students in their US applications. They will still have to contact the College Board directly but they have the option of sitting their examinations here, in a familiar environment.

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Higher Education Destinations

2012 Name University Course

Sonam Chopra University of Edinburgh Architecture

Alan Page Duffy Nottingham Trent University Law

Amani Sheth Marist New York USA Art and Sculpture

Aakanksha Anna John Woodworth College Canada International Relations

Moe Hassan Royal Holloway Creative Writing

Laila Omari University of Plymouth Film and Television

Narek Kroukian American University of Sharjah Business Management

Olivia Bailey Kingston University Architecture

Tom Smith University of East Anglia International Relations

Joshua Raven American University of Sharjah Chemical Engineering

Anna Kerler Tipping Herriot Watt Dubai Business Management

Rohit Siroya Imperial College London Biochemistry

Savva Pronin University of Edinburgh Medicine

Ashley Hopkins Emirates Aviation College Dubai Aeronautical Engineering

Angharad Morgan Glamorgan Wales Geography

Kyle Main Durham University Medicine

Sam Hopkins Leeds Metropolitan Games Programming

Natasha Hall Herriot Watt Dubai Business Management

Yiota Cornelisse AIM group Design installation Deferred entry; Goldsmiths Product Design

Marco Ferrari University of Hull English

2011 Name University Course

Mintaka Angell Brown University USA Creative Studies (Majoring in History)

Nina Ryan Teeside University Interior Design

Anmar AlQutayri Manchester University Electronic Engineering

David Al-Riahee Nottingham Trent University Forensic Science foundation programme

Tadeusz Dunin Warsaw Poland Medicine

Stephen Hennessy Edge Hill University ICT in Education

Chanku lee Washington State University USA Civil Engineering

Scott Warburton Durban University RSA Architecture

2010 Name University Course

Bayan Abu Saad Glamorgan Wales Interior Design

Katarzyna Blackman UCL Interantional Relations (European Dimension)

Jinan Golley Brighton English Literature

Soraya Grayston Huddersfield University Geography

Eimaan Jawwad University of Edinburgh PPE

Michaela Longmoore Melbourne AUS Medicine

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The choices you make, about what and where to study in the Sixth Form, will have a significant bearing on your future life and career. The qualifications you acquire,

the personal qualities and life skills that you develop and the friendships you forge

will all be crucial in determining how you cope with the transition from school to

adult life, and your success in an increasingly competitive world.

The Sixth Form is different

It is said that virtually all students find their time in the Sixth Form to be the most

exciting and enjoyable of their whole school careers. It is not just an extension of

life lower down the school – you will be studying the subjects that you have chosen. Teaching groups will be smaller, allowing you to contribute more personally, and

you will develop a more relaxed and adult relationship with staff. You will make new

friends, often based on a shared interest in a particular area of study. You will have

your own Sixth Form area. You will be able to choose from a range of extra curricular activities. You will be an integral part of the school community, helping

with the running of the school and providing role models for the younger students.

Why stay on?

Inevitably, some of you will be asking why you should stay on at Sharjah English School, and may be tempted by the prospect of change in general. However, this is

a very important decision, and there are very considerable advantages to staying

on. There will be no disruption to the continuity of your education. You are already

an integral part of the community here. You have forged friendships over the years, and you know the staff and they know you. The Sixth Form tutors will guide you

through the complex UCAS system into higher education, and the vital school

reference is based on a detailed knowledge of your achievements and potential and

can reflect your development throughout your whole school career.

New students should know that Sharjah English School is committed to achieving

excellent grades for all. We believe that SES can maximise your achievements at AS and A2 through having small class sizes, which will permit close supervision and

individualised teaching; also our staff offer a blend of very experienced teachers at

this level and more recently qualified staff very well versed in current UK

developments and teaching practices.

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The Sixth Form Curriculum

You will choose four AS courses to follow in the Lower Sixth, and be examined in two or three units at the end of the Lower Sixth year. Most of you will then choose

to focus on three subjects in the Upper Sixth.

In addition, all students follow a Life Management Skills (LMS) programme. This is

a varied course that complements your other subjects, helping you to think critically,

logically and constructively about significant issues. This meets the Key Skills

requirements for British Universities. Outside speakers will be invited to talk to the Sixth Form on a variety of topics, ranging from political and environmental issues, to

career and life experiences, gap year opportunities, and life at university.

Throughout the Sixth Form you also have the chance to enjoy sporting opportunities

and a variety of other extra curricular activities.

Life in the Sixth Form

The secret to success in the Sixth Form is undoubtedly time management. The Sixth Form timetable will include study periods. You have to develop the self-

discipline to work on your own, and to juggle the demands of academic work with all

your other commitments. This is an essential pre-requisite to surviving not just the

Sixth Form but university and also the world of work.

Sixth Formers play a key role in many aspects of school life – the Sixth Form

student body will provide the senior school Head Boy and Girl and all responsible Sixth Formers will be given the opportunity to fulfil the role of prefects.

The Sixth Form will reflect an outstanding record of academic success, built on the high calibre of the students and the excellence of our teaching, supported by first

class facilities, small teaching groups and a carefully tailored system of support and

guidance. For the vast majority of students all this combines to provide the very

best environment in which to fulfil their potential, and secure the best possible A Level grades, which are of course the passport to university places and rewarding

future careers.

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Support and guidance

Much emphasis is placed on helping you manage the transition from the more structured environment of KS4 to the greater independence of the Sixth Form. The

same form tutor will stay with you throughout your two years in the Sixth Form. Your

tutor will offer advice and support on academic, personal and career matters, and

be responsible for your day to day welfare. They will discuss your choice of subjects, help with higher education applications, sort out any difficulties and review

progress generally.

Academic progress will also be reviewed on a monthly basis by teaching staff. This

information will be quickly and clearly shared with the students, parents and

pastoral staff in order to create an environment where everyone works together in

order to maximise student potential.

Parents will be invited to meet subject staff and tutors to discuss progress twice during each academic year.

Advice on careers and higher education courses is particularly important in the Sixth Form and each student will be given the necessary guidance through our LMS


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Dropping down from eight or more subjects to four subjects can present a difficult choice, and there is also the option of taking up completely new subjects. It is quite

likely that you have no clear idea what you want to do for a future career, or even

what you might want to study at university. Hence, having to make decisions can

be a worrying process. However, this is very common, and there are some general ground rules to follow.

Firstly try to choose subjects that you enjoy, and that you want to explore further – if you are finding a subject too difficult now you are unlikely to enjoy it at A Level. You

can decide to carry on with a subject even if you don’t shine at it particularly, but

you must be realistic; a grade B at GCSE does not automatically translate into a

grade B at A Level.

Specific course information sheets will be available at the GCE Options Evening

(20/03/13), these will also be available through the QRs and URLs in the back of this handout and through the school website

Study the course structure and content for each subject and discuss these further

with your teachers. Make sure you understand what the course involves – again talk to subject staff, and find out as much as you can about the skills required.

Clearly, if you want to pursue a scientific, medical or paramedical career you will need to take some science subjects – Chemistry is essential in medicine, for


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For entry to most other career areas or university courses there are no hard and

fast rules – subjects like History and English where you are researching, evaluating and weighing arguments on paper are considered a good foundation for law. A

language can be a useful attribute in many careers such as business or

management. But there is no point in choosing subjects because you think they will

be useful if you can get better grades and more satisfaction studying something else.

Students shouldn’t feel pressured into taking subjects they don’t want to study, or that they don’t feel confident about. Students should remember that it is they who

will be studying the course, and taking examinations at the end of it, so it really

must be a personal choice.

Choose two subjects that complement each other to some extent (e.g. English and

History, Mathematics and Physics, Business Studies and a language). The third

subject might also be complementary, or might provide a contrast. You should certainly try to use the fourth AS subject to add breadth – this is likely to be

attractive to universities, and can enhance your ‘personal statement’.

Don’t worry that some A Levels might be seen as ‘better’ than others – at the end of

the day you are likely to be made a conditional offer by a university such as ‘ABB’ in

three A2 subjects, or points equivalent, plus a pass in a fourth AS. This is based on

your suitability for the course, your ‘personal statement’ and the school’s reference about you. Whilst we are on this subject it is worth mentioning GCSE’s and the fact

that many universities do use them as a part of their selection process, so it’s

important to work hard now and get the best grades possible.

If you have a particular degree course or university in mind then it is worth doing the

research to find the detailed entry criteria. This can be accessed through the

establishment’s website, through UCAS / Collegeboard or by contacting the admissions tutors directly.

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Subjects at AS and full A2 Level

















For the above subjects to ‘run’ there does need to be a viable number of students

opting for the course.

N.B. The timetabling of the Y12 subjects for September 2013 into 5 subject

columns will be largely influenced by the combination of subjects chosen by

students during the straw polls in February. Students may alter their choice of subjects at a later stage but they must of course then fit with the blocking system.

You are to choose 4 subjects - from separate option blocks!

Detailed specifications about the subjects can by found on the Examination

Boards’ Websites:-

























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Further information

There will be a GCE Options Information Evening on Wednesday 20th March. The evening will commence at 7pm, with an introductory talk about Sixth Form issues in general. Parents and students will then be able to meet with subject staff.

There will be information sheets available for all subject areas, these are also available on the school website

www.sharjahenglishschool.orgNew students who require information about the entrance policy and fees can contact the school reception on (9716) 5589304 or alternatively go to the admissions section at the above website.

The Application process

1. Attend the GCE information evening (if possible).

2. Research possible course combinations (use the further info links).

3. Fill in the Sixth Form Application form.

4. Attend Interview (if required).

5. Present proof of results on the start date.

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use the QR code (left) or

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ALL images prov ided by the staff

and students at SES.