Site 5 Development Brief

14 Thomson Avenue (Northern Boulevard) Site 5 South Union Street Site 6 Riverside Esplanade (Southern Boulevard) Earl Grey Place West South Crichton Street Crichton Street Union Street South Crichton Street Site 5 Development Brief

Transcript of Site 5 Development Brief

Page 1: Site 5 Development Brief

Thomson Avenue

(Northern Boulevard)

Site 5

South Union Street

Site 6

Riverside Esplanade

(Southern Boulevard)

Earl Grey Place West

South Crichton Street

Crichton Street

Union S


South C

richton Street

Site 5 Development Brief

Page 2: Site 5 Development Brief

Central Waterfront | Site 5 Development Brief 02

Document HierarchyThe delivery of the Dundee Central Waterfront Development is supported by a set of related documentation, setting out the vision, objectives, planning requirements and technical infrastructure information.

Dundee Central Waterfront Masterplan

Published in 2001, the masterplan sets out the vision and objectives for a 30 year project to transform the waterfront area of Dundee. Masterplan updates are produced periodically - these do not replace the original masterplan but provide revisions to reflect progress made.

Planning & Urban Design Framework

Sets out in greater detail the principles of design and planning requirements for the Central Waterfront and will provide a basis from which development proposals will be assessed.

Site Development Briefs (This Document)

Providing planning guidance specific to each development site.

Strategic Infrastructure Information

Information regarding the location and capacity of infrastructure throughout the Central Waterfront area.

Site Specific Infrastructure Information

Information regarding the location and capacity of infrastructure, including results of site investigations for each development site.

Page 3: Site 5 Development Brief

Central Waterfront | Site 5 Development Brief 03


Location & Context 04

Townscape 05

Site Layout 06

Scale, Height & Massing 07

Materials & Elevation Detail 08

Roofs 09

Uses 10

The Lane 11

Access & Parking 12

Page 4: Site 5 Development Brief

Site 10(4,027 sqm)

Site 18(4,045 sqm)

Site 18(4,045 sqm)

Waterfront PlaceCentral Open

Space (5,415 sqm)

Proposed Hotel & Office Complex

(circa 5,030 sqm)

Proposed Hotel & Office Complex

(circa 5,030 sqm)

Dundee One50,000 sq feetGrade A offices

Malmaison Hotel

Tay Road Bridge

DiscoveryPoint R.R.S.


Victoria Dock

Thomson Avenue (New Northern Boulevard)

Riverside Esplanade (New Southern Boulevard)Riverside Drive

West M


Caird Hall


Bus Station

Crichton Street

Whitehall S


Union S


High StreetNethergate

Castle S



mercial Street

Gellatly Street Tr




East Dock Street






New Railway Station

Concourse& Hotel











Perth Road


Proposed 400 Berth

Leisure Marina Development

HM FrigateUnicorn

North CarrLightship

Site 17(3,560 sqm)

Site 17(3,560 sqm)

Site 12(5,445 sqm)

Site 12(5,445 sqm)

Site 11(3,675 sqm)

Site 11(3,675 sqm)

Site 10(4,027 sqm)

SLessor GardensCentral Open Space

(10,738 sqm)

Slessor GardensCentral OpenSpace

(10,738 sqm)Site 6 (5,940 sqm)

Site 6 (5,940 sqm)

Site 5 (5,445 sqm)

Site 5 (5,445 sqm)

Site 2 (3,090 sqm)

Site 2 (3,090 sqm)

Caird Hall Civic Space(2,715 sqm)

Caird Hall Civic Space(2,715 sqm)

Dock Street

Apex Hotel

Earl Grey Place West Earl Grey Place East

Black Watch Parade



ry P

laza W

halers Lane

South C

astle Street

South C

richton Street

South C

astle Street

South C

richton Street

Pat ent Slip


Alliance Trust Overgate Shopping


Dundee Science Centre

Gallagher Retail Park

University of Dundee

Dundee Contemporary


Dundee Rep


City Churches

Keiller Shopping

CentreLocation & ContextSite 5 is located in the western area of the Central Waterfront. It benefits from a location overlooking the central open space (Slessor Gardens), the new Railway Station, Thomson Avenue and the established architecture of Dock Street.

Existing buildings on Dock Street, which face site 5 include the Malmaison Hotel, Gilfillan Memorial Church and residential accommodation. These range from four to six storeys in height with roofspace development.

A new Railway station is under construction to the south-west and will be six storeys in height. The Railway Station will include concourse facilities, hotel accommodation, a café, retail outlet and some office space. The Site is in part crossed by a sub-surface railway line and a combined sewer outfall pipe.

Given the visual significance of the site and its key location within the Central Waterfront, developments will be expected to provide high quality architecture which reflects Dundee’s status as a Unesco City of Design, strengthens the sense of place and is complementary to the surrounding context and key vistas.

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Page 5: Site 5 Development Brief

TownscapeSite 5 occupies a prominent location within the Waterfront area and will be highly visible from a number of key locations in and around the waterfront area. The site offers excellent views: to the north-east over Slessor Gardens; South over Discovery Plaza and the Railway Station and will be highly visible to persons driving into the Central Waterfront from West Marketgait (A991)

The buildings of plot A should address views from people entering the waterfront area on foot or by car from the west. This south-western frontage will be amongst the first impressions of Dundee for those arriving by train and will require to be of a very high standard of design.

The design of the north-east elevation is important to defining the streetscape on the western edge of the main central open space. It must also complement the partner frontage of Site 6 to frame the entry to Earl Grey Place West.

An internal pedestrian lane is to be formed to the south west of plot G and provides for a traffic-free route between Thomson Avenue and Earl Grey Place West, with potential for additional access through plot A. Opportunity exists to capitalise on this unique site feature, perhaps through the inclusion of a high level roof over the lane allowing for year-round outdoor activity.

Site 2

Site 5

Site 6

Site 10

Site 11

Site 12

Site 17

Site 18

Rail Station

Caird Hall

Discovery Point

City Square


Central Waterfront | Site 5 Development Brief 05

Slessor Gardens (Central

Open Space)

Waterfront Place

(CentralOpen Space)

b c



a g

Page 6: Site 5 Development Brief

Riverside Esplanade(Southern Boulevard)

Site LayoutSite 5 has been divided into seven development plots for the purpose of guiding the scale of development and for variation throughout the site. The plots range from approximately 364sqm ( 3,918 sqft) to 963sqm (10,365sqft ) thereby offering opportunities for a range of property sizes and styles. This variation is necessary to avoid uniform design of street frontages, and to create a distinctive character and sense of place for this new area of the City Centre.

The indicative plot depths are typical depths for residential developments and for commercial units with rear servicing space. The plots may be combined to accommodate larger developments, but the requirement for variation in design across each plot will still apply.

The Plot arrangements in the south-west are defined by the requirement to enable the potential servicing of sub-surface infrastructure and to reduce the need for load bearing construction on the roof of the railway tunnel. Please refer to the Site 5 Infrastructure Information for details of below ground constraints.

Services / Utilities

All services enter the site at both courtyard entrance/exit points. Please refer to the site infrastructure document for details

Central Waterfront | Site 5 Development Brief 06

Site 6

South U

nion Street

Site 5

South C

richton Street

Earl Grey Place West

Discovery P


Slessor Gardens

(Central Open Space)







26m 23m51.5m

18m 18m

18m 18m


19m 19m


Thomson Avenue(Northern Boulevard)








Page 7: Site 5 Development Brief

Scale, Height & MassingSite 5 offers the opportunity for buildings of between four and seven storeys in height. The buildings facing Slessor Gardens should be five or six storeys in height. Higher elements of the site should face to the south-west (towards the Railway Station) with plot A offering an opportunity for creating a distinctive landmark. The residential area adjacent to Earl Grey Place West should be four storeys in height.

To ensure the development is an appropriate urban scale, ground and first floors should have a floor to ceiling height of not less than 4.8m and 3m respectively, with each floor to ceiling height thereafter being a minimum of 2.4m.

Where practicable, site frontages must be continuous in appearance with any division between buildings being minimised. Where divisions occur they should be for service access only and fitted with secure gates that will be of a design that contributes towards the public art provision.

Map Key

4 storeys

5 to 6 storeys

6 to 7 storeys

Site 2

Site 5

Site 6

Site 10

Site 11

Site 12

Site 17

Site 18

Rail Station

a b c

h d

g ef

Caird Hall

Discovery Point

City Square


Central Waterfront | Site 5 Development Brief 07

Slessor Gardens (Central

Open Space)

Waterfront Place

(CentralOpen Space)

b c



a g

Page 8: Site 5 Development Brief

Materials & Elevational DetailThe use of locally sourced materials reflective of the development’s Scottish context is expected. Masonry will be the predominant cladding material however designers may wish to justify the use of other materials to support their design proposals. Further guidance is provided in the Planning and Urban Design Framework.

Frontages, whilst continuous, should avoid uniform or repetitious designs. The inclusion of balconies for residential properties should be part of the design concept for the building and provide active frontages onto the public realm.

Where plots are developed by multiple designers a collaborative approach will be necessary to ensure that the junction between walls and roofs are well considered, as seamless as possible and complementary to the overall street elevation.

All buildings within the site are required to achieve a BREEAM rating of ’Outstanding’ for their environmental construction and performance. To assist in the environmental performance, the elevations of the buildings could incorporate green walls, solar panels or other measures. Such features should be fully integrated into the design of the buildings and not incongruous add-ons.

High quality urban design and material finishes which respond to the surrounding landscaping of the boulevards, streets, lanes and public spaces should be considered for the proposed courtyard landscaping and access ways to the courtyard.

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RoofsAll buildings are expected to exploit the opportunities within the roof area. A variation in roof styles is required over Site 5 to assist in creating diversity of appearance. Green roof systems should be included where practical for the purposes of rainwater treatment, environmental management or as a feature complementary to public use of the roof space.

It is acknowledged that private outdoor space for the residential properties may be difficult to provide in useable sunny locations and that the service courtyard could be unsuitable for such uses. Where quality outdoor space cannot be provided in the courtyards, the provision of roof terraces in addition to balconies should be included for residents.

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Page 10: Site 5 Development Brief

Ground Floor

All Other Floors

Thomson Avenue

Riverside Esplanade

Slessor Gardens

Earl Grey Place West



n Stre

etSite 5

Site 6


Waterfront Place

1st Floor

2nd to 4th Floors

North-East Frontage (overlooking Slessor Gardens)Active ground floor uses are required for this frontage and must be complementary to the activity within Slessor Gardens. This could include cafés, bars and restaurants, together with some specialist retail uses which should be targeted towards attracting small businesses of a speciality nature. Ground floor uses may extend to the first floor where that area is an extension of the active floor space.

The use of outside seating areas will be welcomed providing they are well designed and give consideration to weather protection, such as fixed or retractable canopies. Uses above first floorshould be residential.

South-East Frontage (Earl Grey Place West)

The centre of this frontage offers residential use at all levels and active street frontages are encouraged.

South-West Frontage (South Union Street, Discovery Plaza and Railway Station)Office and Commercial uses will occupy this frontage at higher levels. An active ground floor is expected could include café uses, leisure or specialist small scale retail which are complementary to the needs of the travelling public. Traffic management on South Union Street will not permit the stopping of vehicular traffic at any time; therefore the proposed developments must not be of a nature which would encourage vehicles to stop.

North-West Frontage (overlooking Thomson Avenue)Office and Commercial uses are expected to occupy the majority of this frontage at all levels. Other uses including leisure or hotel use is also acceptable. Traffic management on Thomson Avenue will not permit the stopping of vehicular traffic at any time; therefore the proposed developments should not be of a nature which would encourage vehicles to stop.




Office, Hotel & CommercialCommercial/Active First FloorResidential/Active First Floor

Active Ground Floor

Proposed arrangements shown here are indicative

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Page 11: Site 5 Development Brief

A unique feature of Site 5 is the presence of two sub-surface infrastructure items: A railway tunnel and the Nethergate Combined Sewer (CSO). A service strip of a minimum 9 metres width is required for potential servicing of the CSO, whilst building activities should avoid piling operations within 5metres of the railway.

The CSO service zone offers the opportunity for the creation of a pedestrianised area within the site. In doing so it permits an increase in the quantity of street level frontage which can be utilised for a range of uses. This pedestrianised lane offers opportunity for active ground floor uses, particularly leisure and food/drink uses though specialist retail provision would be acceptable. The use of the properties here should be complementary to the use of the lane for active purposes such as a high quality market style activity or entertainment use.

A high level roof over the lane would be welcomed in order to provide weather protection and permit year-round outdoor activity. The lane could include a ground level pedestrian connection to South Union Street through plot A to capitalise on the increased footfall in the area around the new Railway Station.

Off peak servicing from within the pedestrianised lane is possible but this area should not be used for ongoing parking provision.

Central Waterfront | Site 5 Development Brief 11

The Lane

Page 12: Site 5 Development Brief

Site 5 Site 10

Site 11

Site 12

Site 17

Site 18

Caird Hall

Discovery Point

City Square


Access & ParkingSite 5 benefits from excellent public transportation accessibility. Bus services currently stop in close proximity to the development. Dundee Railway Station is immediately to the south-west and the Greenmarket Public Car Park is within a short walking distance. Pedestrians and cyclists are well served through a network of extra width footways

The courtyard accessed from Earl Grey Place West will accommodate service vehicles. Sufficient space within the courtyard is required for the parking and turning of service vehicles including refuse collection, emergency services and deliveries. Some courtyard provision for residential car parking may be permitted; however, private non-residential parking will not be permitted. Secure, covered cycle parking is required within the courtyard for all properties and may be provided on an individual basis or as a collective provision between developers of the plots.

Access to all plots by the general public/ customers should be facilitated on the outer perimeter of the site or from within the pedestrianised lane, with the enclosed eastern courtyard area being primarily for servicing, residents and employees. The courtyard area should be designed to support residential activities where possible, as well as acting as a service zone. Inventive design solutions will be required to deliver successful courtyard proposals and designer collaboration will be required where adjacent plots are developed by multiple developers.

Taxi Stance

Bus Services

Car Parking

Railway Station

Off Road Cycle Route

To Aberdeen

To Dundee Airport, Perth, Glasgow & Edinburgh

Gellatly St Car Park

To Greenmarket Car Park

Rail Station Car Park

Rail Station

To Fife

Shore Terrace Car Park

Central Waterfront | Site 5 Development Brief 12

Slessor Gardens (Central

Open Space)

Waterfront Place

(CentralOpen Space)

Site 2

Site 6

b c



a g

Page 13: Site 5 Development Brief

Central Waterfront | Site 5 Development Brief 13

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