Sint Jozef 3 e-Book



Sint Jozef 3 e-Book

Transcript of Sint Jozef 3 e-Book

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The pupil can…

… participate in policy making about and caring for the environment at school

… recognize sustainability issues in the nexus between economic, social and ecological aspects and recognizing the

impact of technology and policy

… seek for opportunities to a more self-sustainable use of space, materials, goods, energy, and transport

… search for sustainable solutions to influence and to improve the local and global environment

Time Content of the lesson Teacher activities Pupils activities

3 min. 15 min.

1. Topic: energy saving

2. Warm-up

We will switch off the lights without talking and we wait for a reaction from the pupils. The pupils will be guided towards to the topic. We write the topic on the blackboard, so the pupils can see the topic for the whole lesson: energy saving.

3. Video

We will show the pupils a video about energy saving (twice; because they will understand the video better).

The pupils have to guess what topic we have today. The pupils are watching a video and they have to think about energy saving.

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15 min. 5 min. 5 min. After the video we ask some questions:

- Do you like the video? - Do you understand what it is

about? - Do you do the same things like the

people in the video? On the blackboard we will write down some words what the pupils say about the video: switch off the lights, not using so much water.

We will go around and help the pupils by making a poster.

6. Game We will throw the ball into one of us to show them how it works.

The pupils talk about the video and the things they do to save energy.

4. Building groups The pupils make groups. Every group will get a big sheet to create their own poster about saving energy. They can draw or write whatever they want about the topic.

5. Evaluation posters

The pupils will talk about the topic and their posters.

The pupils will say their names when they catch the ball and say what they do to save energy. They can read the examples from the blackboard.

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5 min.

7. Ending The pupils get a sheet where they can write down what they did on each day to save energy.

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Vocabulary List

E n g l i s h D u t c h

Energy saving Energiebesparen

Switch off the lights De lichtenuitdoen

Cfls (Compact florescent blumbs) Spaarlampen

Heathing low De verwarming laag zetten

Take the bus Met de bus gaan

Go by bike Met de fietsgaan

Take the stairs Met de trappen naar boven gaan

unplug the computer, tv etc. De stekker van de computer, tv etc.


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(We write these sentences on the board and they first write these sentences and then use while playing game)

I ride my bicycle.

I use Cfls.

I take on the bus.

I unplug off my computer.

I heat at low oC.

I unplug off the TV.

I use little water.

I save energy.

I switch off the lights.

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Draw a happy face when you do these activities.

Draw an unhappy face when you do not do these activities.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

I ride my bicycle.

I use Cfls.

I take on the bus.

I unplug my computer.

I heat at low oC.

I switch off the lights.

I use little water.

I save energy.