Sink or Swim (Embedded Assessment 1 Review for chapter 2) Good Luck……

Sink or Swim (Embedded Assessment 1 Review for chapter 2) Good Luck……

Transcript of Sink or Swim (Embedded Assessment 1 Review for chapter 2) Good Luck……

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Sink or Swim (Embedded Assessment 1 Review for chapter


Good Luck……

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• There are four teams.• The first person from a team to raise their hand, will be

selected by the teacher. If the person answers correctly he can choose to ‘swim’ or ‘sink’.

• IF they choose to ‘swim’, they will add 2 pts to their score, or they can add 2 pts to another teams score (if they feel generous, or want an ally..)

• IF you choose to ‘sink’, you can subtract 2pts from another teams score. (muhahaha)

• The team with the most points at the end of the game WINS!!!!!!

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• What is the Domain of this function?

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• [-6,5]• -6≤ x ≤ 5

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Choose the correct statement

A circle is graphed on a coordinate plane:

A circle is a function because each input has exactly one output.

A circle is not a function because it does not pass the vertical line test.

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Define Independent and Dependent Variables. Give an example to justify.

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• Independent X, Dependent Y

• DRY MIXDependent Responding Y

Measurable Independent X

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Use your arms to…

• Be able to represent a slope that is undefined, zero, positive and negative

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You are hiking down hill at Red River Gorge. What is the slope of your experience (shown in

the table) X (Time) Y(Elevation)

0 minutes 8300 ft

10 minutes 7900 ft

20 minutes 7500 ft

30 minutes 7000 ft

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• Your elevation is decreasing 400 ft per 10 minutes. The slope therefore is -40. You are decreasing in elevation 40 ft every minute.

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What is the Range of this function

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• [-8,8]• -8≤x≤8

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Fill in the blank

• An_________shows the relationship between two elements, written in a specific order using parentheses notation and a comma separating the two values.

• _____is a visual representation of a relation in which an arrow associates each input with the corresponding output.

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• Ordered Pair• Mapping

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Pick out the statement that is incorrect

• F(X)= X² + 1

• The function above is continuous• The function above is a parabola• The domain of the function above is -∞≤x≤1• The range of the function above is 1≤ y ≤ ∞

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• The domain of the function above is -∞≤x≤1

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State the domain and range of this function

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• Domain -1<x<1• Range 0≤y<1

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Discrete or Continuous

• Does the following function f(x)= .5x + 7

Have a finite or infinite number of solutions?

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What is the domain and range?

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• Domain-All Real Numbers x cannot equal 0• Range-All Real Numbers Y cannot equal 0

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Function Machine

• Using the following function f(x)= x² + 2x +3

If x=-2 is used as the input, what is the corresponding output?

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• 3

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Sketch what this function would look like….

• 0≤x≤ ∞ (Both Domain and Range)

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• State the domain and range of the following relation. Is the relation a function?{(4, –3), (6, 6), (7, –1), (9, 6), (2, 3)}

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• Domain-x values• Range-y values

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• 2) Which relations below are functions? _______________

• Why?• Relation #1 { (-1,4), (4,5), (6,7), (8,9) }• Relation #2 { (3,4), (4,5), (6,7), (3,9) }• Relation #3 { (-3,4), (4,-5), (0,0), (8,9) }• Relation #4 { (8, 11), (34,5), (6,17), (8,19) }

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• Relation 1 and 3

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Pick out the statement below that is correct.

• F(x)=-3x+5

• The function above has a y intercept of -3• The function above is non-linear• The function above has a slope of -3• The function above is discrete.

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• The function has a slope of -3

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For the following relation to be a function, X cannot be what values?

• { (13,14), (12,5) , (16,7), (X,13) }

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• 12,13,16