Singapore Art Gallery Guide - June/July 2012



art activities in Singapore this summer

Transcript of Singapore Art Gallery Guide - June/July 2012

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Touring ExhibitionMedia Sponsor

OrganizerTouring ExhibitionLead Sponsor

Touring ExhibitionSupporting Sponsors

17 Mar to 12 Aug 2012ArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands®

Open from 10:00am to 10:00pm daily, last admission at 9:00pmPlease check ArtScience Museum website for museum closures. Photography and filming are strictly prohibited in Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal.

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We have taken great effort to assure theinformation provided in the Singapore Art GalleryGuide (SAGG) is correct, but disclaim liability forall loss or damage, whether direct or indirect,

arising out of or in connection with the use of orthe reliance on the contents of the SAGG andadvise you to confirm or verify crucial informationwith the relevant galleries/venues.

Singapore Art

gallery guide

Front page cover pictureIncomparable Hug-11 by P. GnanaOil on Canvas62 x 200 cm, 2012

Publisher/Editor-in-Chief René Daniels, [email protected]

EditorOng Chee Haur, [email protected]

Overseas Contributor & Visual Editor Irene Marx, [email protected]

Printed by KWF Printing Pte. Ltd.

Permit MICA (P) 195/12/2011ISSN 1793-0510

Deadline for August 2012 issue: Monday, 09 JulyDeadline for September 2012 issue: Monday, 06 AugustDeadline for October 2012 issue: Monday, 03 September

Subscribe online at

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27 Woking Road #01–01Singapore 3108 0301

June/July 2012, Vol. 8 | N° 5

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Creating Changes 8 – 11A Rainy-day’s ConversationBy Kit Keung

Kit Keung is a MA Art Therapy graduand at LASALLE the College of the Arts; anexperienced senior art director, who worked in various advertising agencies in Asia,specialized in multimedia and graphic design; a hobbyist oil painter and a newlypassionate potter; a believer in the healing power of arts and love, to connect topeople with all ages, races and abilities. You can contact her at [email protected]

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Content & ContributorsJune/July 2012


Unheard Voices 12 – 13of the Red Light District By Tim Zeelie

The World Outside 14 – 15The Process: Day 10/12A 12-day photo-documentation by Arron Teo

Arron Teo is a part-time lecturer at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.His photographs have been exhibited in various prominent venues such as SingaporeArt Museum, National Library and MICA Building. Many photography books have alsofeatured his work. For more information visit

Nothing Else But Love 16 – 17Recent Collection of Paintings by P. GnanaBy Vidhya Gnana Gouresan

The Royal Dance-Off (TRDO) 18 – 19Choreographing a New World




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Dickie Minyintiri 20 – 21A Man With a Huge HistoryReDot Fine Art Gallery

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Beirut Art Fair 24 – 25

Celebrating NAIDOC 222012 Belongings ExhibitionAustralian High CommissionPresented by Australasian Arts Projects

Perspectives in Transition 28 – 32The Crossroads of Melbourne and SingaporeBy Benedict Tan

Enter the Magical World 26 – 27of Harry Potter™ArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands

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On an ordinary afternoon outside a ward at the hospital whereI am training to be an art therapist, I took a few minutes off to stareout of the windows and ponder over the traumatic experience ofone of my patients. While I stared, a boy (around 8 years old)came and stood next to me, outwardly simply to look out at therain. Suddenly, he turned to me and started a not-so-ordinaryconversation:

Creating Changes A Rainy-day’s Conversation By Kit Keung

Figure 1. Kit Keung. Tears. Photography. (2012)

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Boy: 'The sky is sad, is that why it cries?' Me: 'I don't know? You think the sky is sad?' Boy: 'Maybe only a little.'Me: 'Why is that?' Boy: 'I think when you are very very sad, you don't cry like that,you smile and tell people you are happy.'Me: 'No, you don't, kid. Cry like that if you feel sad; smile, whenyou feel happy!' Boy: 'But that's what big people do!'Me: 'They do?'Boy: 'You do that too. You were sad, but you smiled when you sawme.' Me: '......' I smiled at him.Boy: 'See!'I put my hand out of the window, collected a few raindrops withmy fingertips, and let them fall from my eyes along my face.Me: 'Ok, I am crying now... and what will you do?'Boy: 'Then I can also cry.' He imitated me, but before his hands could get any raindrops,two genuine teardrops began streaming down his little face. Mydisguised tears became real too. Our eyes met, but we remindedsilent. After a few minutes, we had to say goodbye. We gave eachother a high-five and I smiled at him again. Boy: 'You have a pretty smile, like a smiling cat.' We both exchanged a genuine smile as the lift doors closed.

This encounter has reminded me of the importance of beingable to ‘stay with one’s sadness’ instead of denying or dismissingit. Knowing that sadness and happiness are both basic humanemotions, they serve to communicate with and influence others,organize and motivate our actions and validate our experiences.One of the social functions of ‘sadness’ is to elicit support andconsolation from others. However due to certain norms and beliefsset by our society and culture, these negative feelings are oftendiminished or invalidated. For instance, a boy may be taught fromchildhood that being sad is perceived as weak, or that crying is notan acceptable act. Researchers suggested that it is when ournonverbal emotional expressions (facial expressions) do not match

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our inside feelings, that we fail to communicate our emotionalneeds and affect our ability to connect with others. Indeed, thesesuppressed feelings may become so intense that they turn eitherinwards or outwards, and result in depression or aggression(Lewis, Haviland-Jones & Barrett, 2008; Winnicott, 1960).

Object relations theory stresses the utility of staying withsadness, that it is crucial to convey to the person that it is all rightfor him or her to have sad feelings. This acknowledgement of one’sown feelings is also made easier with others are present (Benjamin,1990; Stern, 1998). This approach is fuelled by the underlyingbelief that “the capacity to bear loss wholeheartedly, without pushingthe experience away [is] essential to being truly alive and engagedwith the world” (Winnicott, as cited in Parson, 2000, p. 3-4).

With this understanding, I was able to utilize this concept tofacilitate one of my clients, Miranda (Pseudonym), a 23 year-oldfemale who is diagnosed with mild intellectual disability (MID) toexplore, through art therapy, her emotions towards her parents’divorce. The loss of a complete family and her mother’s attentionhad caused her emotions to oscillate between being angry anddepressed. Over time though, she has progressively discovered away to identify and acknowledge her emotions, particularly by

Figure 2. Kit Keung. The Joker’s Tears. Color pencil on A3 paper. (2012)

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finding a color to represent a certain emotion and paint it over anentire A3 paper. In one art therapy session, she carefully mixedbeige, dark blue and gold poster colors to create a grayish blue asshe identified another feeling – ‘Sorrow’ (Fig. 3). She commentedthat, “Mama and Papa stopped loving each other. But I know nowthat it’s not my fault. It is ‘sorrow’ because I can’t and I won’t doanything more to get them back together.” Miranda’s acceptanceof her parents’ divorce, has ultimately freed her from acting out orthrowing tantrums in order to seek her parents’ attention. Byallowing Miranda a safe space to express these difficult emotionsand the opportunity for her to discharge them with art making, arttherapy seems to have helped neutralize her destructive behaviors,and attain an inner emotional balance (Malchiodi, 2011).

ReferencesBenjamin, J. (1990). Recognition and Destruction: An outline of Intersubjectivity.

Psychoanalytic Psychology, 7, 33-47.Lewis, M., Haviland-Jones, J., & Barrett, L. (2008). Handbook of Emotions

(3rd ed). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.Malchiodi, C. (2011). Handbook of art therapy (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.Parsons, M. (2000). The dove that returns, the dove that vanishes: Paradox and

creativity in psychoanalysis. London, UK: Routledge.Stern, D. (1998). The interpersonal world of the infant: a view from psychoanalysis

and developmental psychology. London, UK: Karnac Books. Winnicott, D. (1969). The use of an object. The International Journal of

Psychoanalysis, 50,711-716.


Figure 3. Miranda’s Sorrow. Poster color on A3 paper.

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“We see them along the streets. We watch themthrough the car window. We wonder.” UnheardVoices of the Red Light District is an installationby Felicia Low and Dixie Chan that looks at thelives of Singaporean sex workers.

Tim Zeelie caught up with Felicia to find out more about theexhibition.

TZ: How did this project come about, and why did you and Dixiedecide to work together on this?The exhibition came about as I became more familiar with thework of Project X, an organisation that works with this particularcommunity, in the extreme margins of society. This project wasalso an opportunity to create a different kind of community art.As an artist, I had to work obliquely with the sex workers, since Iwas unfamiliar to them, and could have been seen as a possiblethreat. The volunteers from Project X were familiar to themthough, so I worked through the volunteers to reach them. Duringthe process of our engagement, volunteers from Project Xconducted 11 interviews with sex workers about their work. Theprocess of the overall show's development, which has been goingon for about a year now, incorporated suggestions from thevolunteers, and Dixie, who at some point showed us a short filmshe had made about sex work. It became apparent that Dixie, whohad been a committed volunteer, was the most equipped, bothtechnically and conceptually to create visuals for the interviewswe had. She accepted the offer to be in charge of the film segmentof the show, and has brought a great deal of depth to thediscussion by creating a pair of films. Similarly, Vanessa, a staffmember of Project X, was very keen to work on the ceramics partof the show. So it’s great that volunteers and staff members havestepped forward to become co-creators of the overall exhibition.This is the kind of community art that interests me.

TZ: If sex work is recognised as a legal profession in Singapore,why are these women still marginalised, misunderstood and'unheard'? Is this exhibition trying to make a social statement?Sex work isn't technically legal in Singapore. Licenses are given outto a select few, but otherwise, one can be charged for the offence

Unheard Voices of the Red Light District By Tim Zeelie

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of soliciting for the purpose of prostitution under Section 19 of theMiscellaneous Offences Act, Chapter 184. Sex workers are madeto exist in the margins, since they aren’t given due recognition fortheir work, which sits uncomfortably within the grey areas ofimmorality, illegality and vice. For some, going into this line of workis a choice, for others, it isn't. As sex workers, they are vulnerable,and cannot go to the police when they need help. Sex workers have not had the opportunity to speak to the publicabout their work. That is why interviews play a pivotal role in thisexhibition. If sex workers are unable to appear in person and tospeak for themselves, then we thought that maybe we couldrecord their voices at least, and let the art attempt to speak withthe public. Yes, the exhibition is making a social statement.

TZ: Do you think art should have a social or political function insociety, and how do you hope the exhibition will be received bythe public?Art always has a social and political function in society. Artmuseums and galleries function as conduits between the artistand society, regardless of whether it’s commercial or social. I'mnot sure what to hope for from the public, and don't expect largetransformations or social change. We are just putting up what wefeel is important to the sex workers, and to us, and what we wouldlike the public to know. How the public reacts, or not, issomething that may surprise us.

Unheard Voices of the Red Light District opens on Wednesday 6 June, 6:30pmand runs until Friday 15 June. Felicia Low will be introducing Dixie Chan in anemerging artists presentation There’s Something About Me on Wednesday 6 June,8:30pm in Classroom 1. The Substation Gallery is open 12-9pm daily and islocated at 45 Armenian Street, Singapore 179936. Web:

FRONTS by Dixie Chan

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The World OutsideThe Process: Day 10/12A 12-day photo-documentation by Arron Teo

The World Outside by artist Tang Ling Nah in collaboration with design collectiveatelier | small Singapore

The World Outside was presented by Esplanade, VISUAL ARTS @Esplanade Tunnelfrom 12 Nov 2010 – 2 Jan 2011.

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Nothing Else But LoveRecent Collection of Paintings by P. GnanaBy Vidhya Gnana Gouresan

It is a known fact that P.Gnana is a distinguishedpainter and sculptor inSingapore, and that hisart is synonymous withthe metaphorical repre-sentation of the cow,which indeed emergedas a phenomenon in itsown right.

However, it is certainly notknown that, much before hisaffair with the cow metaphor,Gnana had created for himself avisual language of whimsically stylised imagery of human figureswithin the universal concept of nothing else but love. And this lovethat he portrays, connects to as many perspectives as one canimagine. Some figures are intentionally androgynous, wherebygender is no hindrance to the viewer's response to the alluring feelof unconditional love. And some figures are absolutely defined,perhaps in the case of the timeless concept of the Mother andChild. Nevertheless, the concept remains poignant and invincible.It is intriguing to note that Gnana's recent series of paintings standproof to the fact that this fascination towards love and humanfigures has been rekindled with an even larger exotic yet emotiveimpact, within a colour palette that is unprecedented in his career,thanks to the profound combination of oil and fabric collage oncanvas. And of course, the cow chooses to visit the conceptwhenever it pleases, as evident in some of his paintings in thisfresh series.

Gnana was born in Neyveli (South India). It is a fact thatexemplary paintings by Gnana are in the collections of the previousPresident of the Republic of Singapore, of the Singapore ArtMuseum of the National Heritage Board in Singapore, and of Smt.Harsimrat Kaur Badal (current Member of Parliament for Bathinda,Punjab). Other collectors of his artworks include the Coutts Bank,Ascenda's International Tech Park in Chennai (commission of 14

P. Gnana, Lost in Love, oil and fabriccollage on canvas, 150 x 200 cm, 2012


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large-scaled abstract paintings in 2005), and several privatecorporations and individual art collectors in Southeast Asia, SouthAsia and Europe. In 2002, Gnana was a recipient of the LASALLEScholarship of the LASALLE College of the Arts (Singapore), fromwhere he received his formal training in the art of painting. He isalso an active member of the Sculpture Society (Singapore).Gnana’s eighth solo art exhibition, The Eternal Cow: Sculpturesand Paintings by P. Gnana, was presented at the SingaporePhilatelic Museum in 2009. His solo exhibition of sculpturalinstallations and paintings, entitled Parallel Play: A TravellingCollection of Art by P. Gnana, was presented in Kuala Lumpur in2010 and in New Delhi in 2011.

Experimentation, serious and sometimes meditative, has beenone of the key instruments that has shaped Gnana’s creativejourney through the past sixteen years, allowing him to rejuvenatein a world of constant change and fluctuating emotions.

P. Gnana, Love Revived, oil and fabric collage on canvas, 122 x 122 cm, 2012



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Has a single thought ever struck your mind, one sostrong that it seemed to grip you by the verypossibility that it could be fulfilled? A thought soinspiring, it created the force driving your everymove. You may ask, what could be this powerful?

Simply put, it is an unwavering steadfast belief in the idea thatwe could all be agents of change and we can transform the worldwith passion. By ‘we’, I mean … youths. That is essentially whatThe Royal Dance-Off (TRDO) is all about.

Incepted in 2011, TRDO is a youth-centric initiative. It wasstarted by a team of dedicated youths as a gateway for youngdancers to reconnect with dance techniques that weremisconceived as outdated. TRDO seeks to repackage this ‘old’language to appeal to today’s youths such that they may absorbthe richness of Contemporary dance and recreate new bodylanguages. In fact, TRDO’s direction for Contemporary dancerevolves around the notion of reinvention – something new andcurrent that speaks of our present times.

As Founder Ryan Tan would say, “TRDO exists in the middle ofa crossroad” – bridging the old and the new with youths possiblyenriching the brighter path ahead.

In addition, TRDO is fuelled by a mission to nurture youthstowards compassion and empathy for the community and society.This is the kind of empowerment that TRDO would like to presentto the youths, enlarging their aspirations and encouraging them touse Dance as a medium to accomplish greatness.

Last year, TRDO was graced with the support of some ofSingapore’s favourite dance personalities in the technical dancescene. This includes Jeffrey Tan, Silvia Yong, Zaini MohammadTahir, Wee E-Chiing, amongst others. Not only did theycommunicate a wealth of technical dance knowledge, they alsoinspired the participants by sharing their rich experience, exudingan unwavering passion for dance.

Similarly, in TRDO Chapter 2 this year, the whole communityis looking forward to an attractive lineup of judges and instructorsfor the competition and workshops.

For more information on Finals ticket sales or purchasing of Workshop passes

The Royal Dance-Off (TRDO) Choreographing a New World


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Art News

25 Jul – 01 SepReDot Fine Art Gallery, 39 Keppel Road, Unit #02-06

Dickie Minyintiri is one of the most seniorAnangu Pitjantjatjara alive today, and is thereforeone of the most significant and important artistsfrom this region. He was born at Pilpirinyi,Western Australia, near the border with SouthAustralia in about 1915. He is a highly respectedngangkari (traditional healer) and senior LawMan, and still carries that knowledge whilehaving retired from practising. He is the oldestman in Ernabella, and is both loved and reveredby the whole community.

Dickie remembers his early life as a child travelling with hisparents across the country that is now known as AnanguPitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands, making him one of thesmall number of Indigenous Australians still living who followeda traditional hunter gatherer life. His family first came toErnabella before the Mission days, and Dickie is able to pointout landmarks such as rocky outcrops, waterholes and caveswhere his family camped then.

He also remembers the first European coming to Ernabella,the first building and the entire establishment of the ErnabellaMission. He remembers the shock of seeing the first sheep andgoats, which were to become a big part of his life as he spentmany years working hard as a shearer and a shepherd.

Dickie began painting at Ernabella Arts in late 2005. Hiswork has a strong, raw edge that tells the story of his life in pre-contact times, his position in ceremony, and how it is used toprotect the ancestral beings of his country; namely the rockwallaby, kangaroo, euro, stone curlew and emu.

When Dickie paints he sings inma to himself as heremembers the places he has been. He remembers his decadesof walking his country. He remembers his childhood, growing upin the bush, seeing a white person for the first time, and laterworking for white men, herding sheep and cattle. He recalls

Dickie MinyintiriA Man With a Huge History

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later still working as a policeman. When Dickie paints Tjukurpa,he is painting law. When Dickie paints inma, he is putting downthe steps of the dance, the songs that are sung, the places themen stand, the animals involved. When Dickie paints Country,he is mapping where things are – waterholes, tracks, secretplaces and the best places to find food. Lines overlap each otherin these complex, multi-layered compositions. Each layer andline is a memory of a journey. Country, Creation Beings,Tjukurpa, inma and increase ceremony are put down again andagain, coming together in one final incredible painting. Dickiefinishes nearly every work with a final layer under which allsecret law is hidden.

Dickie won the 28th Telstra National Aboriginal and TorresStrait Islander Art Award in 2011, the highest prize for anAboriginal painter.

Dickie Minyintiri, Watiku Tjukurpa, 122cm x 122cm, Acrylic on Canvas

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Celebrating NAIDOC2012 Belongings Exhibition

02 Jul – 31 AugAustralian High Commission, 25 Napier Road, Singapore

NAIDOC is a celebration of Indigenous Australianculture and an opportunity to recognize theachievements of its now internationally renownedartistic communities.

The 2012 Belongings Exhibition in Singapore showcases aunique curation of paintings and sculptures from two cornerstonesof the modern Indigenous art movement – the western and easterndesert. Whilst the two regions have distinct artistic traditions, thereare fascinating family, iconographic and historic similarities andparallels to explore. In this rich context, art for this exhibitionhighlights the importance of belonging – belonging to the land, tofamily, to the future – all paramount to cultural revival and survival.Artworks have come from several sources, including the dynamicnew Papunya Tjupi arts centre which has never before exhibited inSingapore; and showcases many styles and stories, emerging andestablished artists.

Gloria Petyarre, Bush Medicine, 183 cm x 183 cm, 2002

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Beirut Art Fair

05 – 08 JulBeirut International Exhibition Leisure Center (BIEL)

Beirut Art Fair, the art fair dedicated to modernand contemporary artists from the regionME.NA.SA. (Middle East, North Africa, SouthAsia), prepares its third installment with fortygalleries amassed by Laure d'Hauteville, PascalOdille and Jean-Marc Decrop.

Alongside the galleries, several exhibitions promise greatdiscoveries branded “ME.NA.SA.” in the domain of street art,VJing, comics, video, sculpture and installations.

Catherine David was invited by BEIRUT ART FAIR to devoteherself to one of the spaces of the fair for presenting a new projectthat has never been exposed as a part of an arts event. This is thecorrespondence of two big personalities of the Arab contemporaryculture: the Saudi writer Abdel Rahman Munif, notable author of“City of Salt”, a five-volume novel which analyzes the upheavalsexperienced by the discovery of oil in the Gulf countries and thepainter Marwan (Marwan Kassab Bachi), considered on thegreatest Arab artists.

This set of letters (largely illustrated in the case of Marwan) –accompanied from a series of watercolor preparations made byMarwan for the book covers of Munif – show a crossed reflectionon the literature and plastic, as far as the status of the intellectualand of the artist in the Arab and contemporary world.

The “Video Box” brings together the works of the mostremarkable video artists of the “ME.NA.SA.” region.

The exhibition “This is not wonderland” conceived by PascalOdille consists of monumental sculptures, visual and soundinstallations. A meandering takes place through a labyrinth, todiscover aspects of the contemporary Lebanese creations with theartists themselves as the only guides.

At these “events in the event” there is a series of conferencesand round tables which reaffirm the role of Beirut as the culturalcapital for the Arab world, Iran and Turkey.Forty modern andcontemporary art galleries representing creations of the“ME.NA.SA.” region in all its diversity through painting, drawing,sculpture, video, performance, street art, and comics move into thespaces of BIEL.

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This year the fair broadens its scope to design with theparticipation of several international galleries, who have chosen toexhibit the work of their creators in Beirut this July. The designgalleries exhibiting for the first time at BEIRUT ART FAIR includethe gallery Smogallery (Lebanon), Musk & Amber lifestyle conceptstore (Tunisia), Carwan Art Gallery (Lebanon), 20-21 Gallery(Lebanon).

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Lara Atallah, 'Abandoned School Series', 2011, 105 X 70 cm, Archival Print on Cotton PaperEdition of 5, Courtesy Ayyam Gallery - Lebanon - UAE - Syria

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Art News

02 Jun – 30 SepArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands, 10 Bayfront Ave

Beginning 2 June 2012, visitors of the ArtScience Museumat Marina Bay Sands will be swept away into the famouswizard’s magical world with Harry Potter™: The Exhibition. Forthe first time in Asia, fans will enjoy a firsthand look inside theHarry PotterTM films as they experience the amazingcraftsmanship of hundreds of authentic costumes and propsfrom the entire film series.

Harry Potter™: The Exhibition turns the masterfully craftedprops and costumes from the films into a memorable interactivejourney for Harry Potter™ fans of all ages, showcasing its grandcollection of items in wonderfully detailed settings inspired by thefilm sets. As they tour through the exhibition space, fans will enjoysome of their favorite props and costumes from all the HarryPotter™ films, including Harry’s iconic wand and eyeglasses,Professor Snape’s™ original costume, the Golden Snitch™ and theGryffindor school uniforms. Other key items to be featured includeSybill Trelawney’s crystal ball and exotic wardrobe; costumes andprops from Professors Lupin™, Lockhart™ and Umbridge™; itemsfrom the Yule Ball, including costumes from such notablecharacters as Harry, Ron, Hermione and Professor Dumbledore™;and life-size creatures, including centaurs, a caged dragon,Buckbeak™ the Hippogriff, and a giant Acromantula.

Keeping in line with the Harry Potter™ immersive movieexperience, visitors will be transported to some of their favoritelocations in the films via themed vignettes, including the Gryffindorcommon room, a Hogwarts classroom, Hagrid’s hut, the ForbiddenForest, the Great Hall, and more. Guests will also have theopportunity to pull a Mandrake from its pot in the Herbologyvignette, toss a Quaffle in the Quidditch area, and tour Hagrid’s hutas part of the exhibition’s highly interactive experience.

Also showing at ArtScience Museum is the world-debut ofAndy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal. The exhibition presents over260 artworks, including favorites such as Marilyn Monroe (1967),Campbell’s Soup Can (1961) and The Last Supper (1986).Journey through five decades of Warhol’s prolific career and comeface to face with the work that brought him eternal fame.

Enter the Magical World ofHarry Potter™

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Recreation of Hagrid's hut

Pull your own Mandrake in the Herbology vignette

Harry Potter™ and Ron Weasley™ costumes and artifacts that appeared throughout the Harry Potter films

Costumes worn during a Quidditch™ match

Buckbeak™ the Hippogriff as seen

in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of


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Perspectives in Transition The Crossroads of Melbourne and SingaporeBy Benedict Tan

For decades, scientists went to a painstaking extentto recover evidences of human evolution. Somebelievers wish that all men came from a single root;others were curious about how man has crossed theworld and became a supreme species.

People in the world travel and connect, migrate and immigrate,forming a modern force that drives the integration of cultures andsocieties; despite once in our time, mankind in scientific recordshas differentiated itself physically and ideologically, the currentglobalising force today brings us on a reverse route, finding the soulthat still persists in us all.

This is the basis linked to the thoughts of Tan Haur on anattempt to digitalise his perception on 'transnational motion', andwhich he sees as the crucial factor to formulate his proposition ofglobalisation and glocalisation – a view that is visible in “GlobalEyes” and several other series of his artworks.

This series of art is not going as far as to trace humanevolution, but we can see it as an initiative for the global dream.Tan Haur, a digital mixed media artist and a travel photographyenthusiast, took his perspective as an individual from thecosmopolitan city of Singapore, to investigate and lay questions tohuman existence and its fundamental cultures in relation to thetide of globalisation and glocalisation. Through photography as thebase medium, Tan Haur captures signifiers from humanenvironment and activities amid many facets of Melbourne andSingapore. And while digitally fusing both cities, he tactfully


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reveals the dimension of human lives from the parted co-existinggrounds on earth with the use of visual language.

While we are examining globalisation through the growingcross-countries culture and societal relationships, economicactivity in this context would exist in the background as it alwayshas a major involvement in the subject as a whole. Tradeexchanges in a worldwide scale begun significantly in historicnotes of the silk road and Tang dynasty ocean fleet, while westerncolonialisation effectively actualised its power, culture andarchitecture around major parts of South East Asia. This was theearly form of economic globalisation. At the same time the trademanaged to bridge people, lifestyles and cultures.

Global Eyes is a digital photo imaging art works series thatprovokes questions in the context of present globalisation. Busystreets of people chasing time, unnoticed corners of places withinbusiness districts and indicators on roads or pedestrian ways – TanHaur takes us to a journey of the synthesis of city scenes and


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overlapping avenue photos of Melbourne and Singapore by hisvisual art making, producing a channel that causes boundariesseparating the two nations to fade, or interlaced by a collage of twodifferent places. The presence of globalisation becomes evident inthe final visual effect when pieces of still moments are thrownforward – simultaneously being captured in their state of actuality.More than a photo journal of Tan Haur's photo travelogue, they addthoughts that create the pictorial scrutiny of practice, nature andobjects that have been adapted to a contemporary civilisation.

The negative photographic turnabout acts like preservatives tokeep that place and time alive. The vibrancy of base colours indigital print akin to magenta, cyan and yellow appear strategicallyto place a dimension where two places meet. The deliberatedistortion of colours as a depiction of state of the place and time,or evoking emotions, is an indicator of post impressionism, andeven an evolution of that artistic style due to the characteristics ofimplementing digital media – if one would allow the term that isnot yet formalised but apparently imminent – is technically part ofthe existing mode of post-impressionism in digital1.

Post-impressionism is used to specify the style of art createdaround 1886 to 1905 with artists whom empowered the value ofcontour, colour, structure and composition as well as the emotionalvalue in art, and their imagery would appear more deliberateversus impressionism before them who focus on the physical worldand external appearance of things2. Van Gogh’s use of colour andsubject matter would probably be indications of his state of mindduring painting his impression along with preconceptions of theplace and time, such as the painting of The Red Vineyard in asentimental afternoon sunshine, instead of portraying the exploitedand wearied harvesters3.

Artist Tan Haur’s art works appear pausing time and providingus the pictography and sense of its spirit. It is thus not surprisingthat he sees his art works as 'time capsules' of a never permanentreality, encapsulating the spirit of foreign spaces and then havingthe liberty to reposition them to another; leading to the secondsubject matter of his art series which examines localtransformations to the state of global change – glocalisation.

We could hardly define glocalisation without first knowingglobalisation, just as Tan Haur places a familiar subjectprominently on a picture, not necessarily belonging to any countryparticularly, which subconsciously defines a latter focal point,

30 Singapore Art Gallery Guide


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31Singapore Art Gallery Guide

making it a secondary impression from the entire picture, the layerof location, adaptability and defining the characteristics of bothsubject matters. This can also be related strongly with economicsignificance as glocalisation would define local markets turninginto global changes in economy. Japan has the earliest practice inbusiness of this nature with their term dochakuka referring toglobal localisation5. From this perspective, businessmen wouldbuild a base of products and services through the local favour andempower them with a global mindset.

Culture and the arts have no lack in this concept. Tan Haur isone of the South-East Asian artists who certainly recognises theimportance of his roots while engaging in international artpractices, as he represents (and also questions) the local mindsetand identity to fuse with the contemporary, using his artisticexamination and implementation. As mentioned by art historianEls van der Plas (Artistic Director of the Gate Foundation), many


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32 Singapore Art Gallery Guide

artists who went overseas to the USA and Europe to study returnedto their Asian home to confront their own culture, viewing it withmixed feelings. Some would choose an expression of synthesisbetween the two cultures, others provided visual forms to thenational identity of their originating counties. In Singapore, VincentLeow’s artworks are distinguished by critical analysis of the societyaround him and reflect his feelings and identity living in Singaporeas well as his concern as a human being5.

Tan Haur chose Melbourne and Singapore as his places ofinterest for this series, both being former British colonies andhaving a significant amount of Chinese immigrants. He hasconstantly traveled to and fro both cities for several years,enhancing his project with the input of actual experience and studyof signifiers that could be identified visually by people on thestreets. Extending his view with his Singaporean entity and as aperson who seeks discovery around the globe, he works withdigital imaging, photography, drawing and painting as his media,a mode of visual language. Through the artworks, he attempts toreflect a multi-dimensional viewpoint of the existence he captures,deconstructing representational objects, activities, signifiers andenvironments to investigate and to question the fundamental valueof culture and human existence in relationship to globalisation andglocalisation.

References:1) Digital Post-impressionism/Post-impressionist in Digital is a self-explanatory term

that is used to describe an identifiable group of art techniques or style that utilises mainly digital and contemporary media such as digital imaging and photography, to achieve the effects of post-impressionism but with its own contemporary characteristics and capabilities. This term has not yet been widely recognised and researched on. References of such artistic experimentation can be found in several examples such as: a. Katie’s illustration

b. Van Gogh’s digitalised Starry Night

c. Digital post-impressionist paintings by students

d. Macro Photography Impressionist and Expressionist Art

2) The Know-it-all Book (2007), page 248, by David S. Kidder and Noah D. Oppenheim, Hodder & Stoughton.

3) Van Gogh (2000), pages 6 and 136, by Josephine Cutts and James Smith, Parragon Books.

4) Wikipedia on Glocalisation - 5) Asian Art Today Article.


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Sommerset MRT





way (CTE)



h R






Anthony Rd

Scotts Rd


enceau Ave N


Bukit Timah Rd

Keng Lee Rd

Kampong Java






Stevens Rd


l Rd



n R


Stevens Rd

Ardmore Park

Claymore Rd

Draycott P





ve Rd

Orange Grove Rd

Nassim Rd

Fernhill Rd

Dalvey Rd



Zion R


Ganges Ave

Jalan Bukit Ho Swee

lexandra Rd


ta R


rince Ph ilip Ave

Jervois Rd River Valley Rd

Nathan Rd


le Rd











tcc art boutique caffès close to the arts

1. Centrepoint C/3 176 Orchard Road, #01-102/103/1042. Isetan Scotts B/2 350 Orchard Road, Level 2 Shaw House3. Marina Bay Sands F/5 2 Bayfront Avenue, #B2-120/120A5. Peranakan Place C/3 182 Orchard Road6. Clarke Quay D/5 Blk 3E, River Valley Road, #01-017. Great World City B/5 1 Kim Seng Promenade, #01-29

11. Central D/5 6 Eu Tong Sen Street, #02-84/85/86 The Central12. Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts E/3 80 Bencoolen Street, #01-17/1813. Singapore Management University E/4 70 Stamford Road, #01-2214. Bugis Junction (Atrium + Main Boutique) F/3 80 Middle Road

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Short St.











en R


Clive S




KG Kap


Upp. WeldDickson Rd.

Sungei Rd.

Rochor Can

al R



d Rd.

Jln Sultan

Arab St.



Queen S



rloo S


Middle Rd.

Albert St. (Pedestrian Mall)

Haji Lane

Bali Lane


Middle Rd.


Coleman St.






St. And


s Rd.









Circular R





Raffles Blvd.

Purvis St.Seah St.

Hampshire Rd

Java Rd

Dorset RdHertford Rd

Cambridge Rd

Carlisle Rd



land R


Owen Rd

Rangoon Rd

Race C


e Rd

Race C

ourse R



ensoon R





Kinta Rd

Rowell Rd

Desker Rd

Kitchener Rd

Petain Rd

Horne Rd

Lavender St



r R


s R

Fort Canning Rd.



h R


Wilkie Rd

Mt Sophia

Sophia Rd



Keng Lee Rd

a Rd

Merchant RdHavelock Rd







35Singapore Art Gallery Guide








15. Beach Centre F/4 15 Beach Road, #01-01/02 Beach Center16. Millenia Walk F/4 9 Raffles Boulevard, #01-44/4517. Citylink Mall F/4 1 Raffles Link, #B1-2618. Funan DigitalLife Mall E/4 109 North Bridge Road, #01-34/35/3619. The Pier @ Robertson C/4 80 Mohamed Sultan Road, #01-01/0223. Suntec City F/4 3 Temasek Boulevard, #01-025/02724. PoMo E/3 1 Selegie Road, #01-02 & #02-2525. International Building B/2 360 Orchard Road, #01-0126. Wisma Atria B/3 435 Orchard Rd, #02-1827. Bugis Junction F/3 80 Middle Road, #01-92/93/94/95/9628. ION Orchard B/3 2 Orchard Turn #B2-49 ION Orchard

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36 Singapore Art Gallery Guide


The artwalks are listed by area.The venues are listed in numerical order (map numbers).

100 – 299 Marina Bay & Bugis Artwalk [Arts & Heritage District]

300 – 399 Tanjong Pagar, Chinatown & Raffles Place Artwalk

400 – 499 River Valley Artwalk

500 – 539 Orchard & Tanglin Artwalk

540 – 559 Wessex Estate & Holland Village Artwalk

600 – 699 East Coast Artwalk

001 – 099 Greater Singapore, outside the detailed maps

Marina Bay & Bugis Artwalk [Arts & Heritage District]

Art Venues: [ 1please see details in event section ]100. Esplanade F/5 1 Esplanade Drive, 1101. Public Art Space F/4 7 Raffles Boulevard102. Gallery NaWei Pte Ltd F/5 6 Raffles Boulevard, www.gallerynawei.com103. Marina Mandarin Singapore F/5 6 Raffles Boulevard104. Asian Civilisations Museum E/5 1 Empress Place, 1105. The Arts House E/5 1 Old Parliament Lane, 106. Victoria Theatre & Concert Hall E/5 9 Empress Place107. ART-2 Gallery E/5 140 Hill Street #01-03, ☎ 6338 8733108. Cape of Good Hope E/5 140 Hill Street, #01-06109. Element Art Space E/5 140 Hill Street #01-10/11/12, MICA Building 1110. Gajah Gallery E/5 140 Hill Street #01-08, MICA Building 1111. Mulan Gallery Pte Ltd E/4 36 Armenian Street #01-07112. Singapore Philatelic Museum E/4 23B Coleman Street 1113. The Substation E/4 45 Armenian Street 1114. National Museum of Singapore E/4 93 Stamford Road 1115. The Gallery, Singapore Management University D/3 90 Stamford Rd116. Singapore Art Museum (SAM) E/4 71 Bras Basah Road 1116. The National Art Gallery E/4 1117. YAVUZ Fine Art E/4 51 Waterloo Street, #03-01 1118. Forest Rain Gallery E/3 261 Waterloo Street, #02-43/44125. Artfolio Pte Ptd E/4 328 North Bridge Road #02-25, Chan Hampe Galleries E/4 328 North Bridge Road #01-20/21 1126. Ode To Art E/4 252 North Bridge Road #01-36e/f, www.odetoart.com127. National Library E/4 100 Victoria Street, 1128. MINT Museum of Toys E/4 26 Seah Street, www.emint.com129. Sculpture Square Limited E/3 155 Middle Road 1130. Night & Day E/3 139 A/C Selegie Road131. Art Galleries at NAFA E/3 80 Bencoolen Street 1132. Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore (ICAS),

LASALLE College of the Arts E/3 1 McNally Street 1133. Emily Hill E/2 11 Upper Wilkie Road, www.emilyhill.org134. Osage Gallery D/3 11B Mount Sophia #01-12, www.osagegallery.com135. The Picturehouse D/3 2 Handy Road, The Little Arts Academy E/3 1 Selegie Road, #05-01/02136. Art Seasons E/3 1 Selegie Road, PoMo #02-21/24137. 2902 Gallery D/3 11 Mount Sophia, Block B,#B2-09 1

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138. Sinema Old School D/3 11b Mount Sophia B1-12, www.sinema.sg139. Peranakan Museum E/4 39 Armenian Street 1140. The Luxe Art Museum D/3 6 Handy Road, #02-01, www.theLAM.sg141. Yisulang Art Gallery D/3 6 Handy Road, #01-01, www.yisulang.com143. Art Trove E/4 51 Waterloo St, #02-01/02/03 1143. M-Gallery E/4 51 Waterloo Street, #03-03B/#03-04 1144. Art Plural Gallery E/4 38 Armenian Street, 1153. Artcommune E/4 231 Bain Street. #02-43, Bras Basah Complex 1181. ArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands F/5 10 Bayfront Ave 1182. MODE [hair . gallery] F/5 8A Marina Boulevard #B2-22 1200. I Theatre F/5 27 Kerbau Road, www.itheatre.org201. W!LD RICE E/2 3A Kerbau Road, Bhaskar’s Arts Academy E/2 19 & 21 Kerbau Road203. Your MOTHER gallery F/2 91A Hindoo Road204. Post Museum F/2 107+109 Rowell Road, Xuanhua Art Gallery F/3 70 Bussorah Street,

Marina Bay & Bugis Artwalk [Arts & Heritage District]

Tanjong Pagar, Chinatown & Raffles Place Artwalk

Art Venues: [ 1please see details in event section ]300. The Fullerton Heritage E/5 1 Fullerton Square, www.thefullertonheritage.com301. iPRECIATION E/5 1 Fullerton Square, #01-08, 1302. tcc - Raffles Xchange E/5 5 Raffles Place #B1-63/64/65 1303. tcc - 'The Gallery' E/5 51 Circular Road 1305. tcc - 4 Robinson Rd E/6 4 Robinson Road, #01-01 1307. Galerie Belvedere (S) Pte Ltd D/7 168 Robinson Road 1308. MAAD Market D/7 28 Maxwell Road, www.maad.sg309. Red Dot Design Museum D/7 28 Maxwell Road 1310. ReDot Gallery C/8 Tanjong Pagar Distripark, 39 Keppel Road #02-06 1311. Fortune Cookie Projects C/8 39 Keppel Road #02-04311. L2 SPACE C/8 39 Keppel Road #02-02A,,311. Ikkan Art Gallery C/8 Artspace@Helutrans, 39 Keppel Road311. Light Editions Gallery C/8 Unit 02-02B, 39 Keppel Road312. Valentine Willie Fine Art C/8 39 Keppel Road #02-04313. Dahlia Gallery LLP C/8 69A Pagoda Street (2nd Level)314. Give Art Space C/7 65 Spottiswoode Park Road 1315. Red Crane Antiques C/6 19a Keong Saik Road 1316. Indigo Blue Art D/6 33 Neil Road, www.indigoblueart.com317. Jeremy Ramsey Fine Art C/6 16 Bt Pasoh Rd 1318. Vue Privée C/7 63 Spottiswoode Park321. Utterly Art Exhibition Space D/6 229A South Bridge Road322. Momentous Arts D/5 20 Lor Telok #02-01, www.momentousarts.com323. Instinc D/5 Eu Tong Sen Street, #04-163, www.instinc.com325. Eagle’s Eye Art Gallery D/5 42 Hongkong Street 326. NUS Baba House C/7 157 Neil Road, Galerie Sogan & Art D/6 33B Mosque Street, www.soganart.com328. Richard Koh Fine Art Pte Ltd D/7 71 Duxton Road, www.rkfineart.com329. Living Portraits D/7 31 Tanjong Pagar Road330. Art Xchange Gallery Singapore D/5 6 Eu Tong Sen Street #02-65 1

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38 Singapore Art Gallery Guide


tcc art boutique caffès close to the arts

8. Circular Road E/5 51 Circular Road9. Raffles Xchange E/5 5 Raffles Place #B1-63/64/65

10. NTUC Building @ One Marina Boulevard E/6 1 Marina Boulevard, #01-0111. Central D/5 6 Eu Tong Sen Street, #02-84/85/86 The Central20. 4 Robinson Road E/6 4 Robinson Road21. Samsung Hub E/6 3 Church Street, #01-01

Tanjong Pagar, Chinatown & Raffles Place Artwalk











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39Singapore Art Gallery Guide


River Valley Artwalk

Art Venues: [ 1please see details in event section ]401. TheatreWorks C/4 72-13 Mohamed Sultan Road 402. Singapore Tyler Print Institute C/5 41 Robertson Quay 1403. tcc - The Pier @ Robertson C/4 80 Mohamed Sultan Road 1404. DaTang Fine Arts Singapore D/4 177 River Valley Road 1405. FOST C/4 65 Kim Yam Road, www.fostgallery.com406. DBS Arts Centre C/4 20 Merbau Road - Robertson Quay,

Fort Canning Rd

Sommerset MRT





h R




Sophia Rd



h R






Merchant RdHavelock Rd



Zion R




tcc art boutique caffès close to the arts

1. Centrepoint C/3 176 Orchard Road, #01-102/103/1042. Isetan Scotts B/2 350 Orchard Road, Level 2 Shaw House5. Peranakan Place C/3 182 Orchard Road6. Clarke Quay D/5 Blk 3E, River Valley Road, #01-017. Great World City B/5 1 Kim Seng Promenade, #01-29

11. Central D/5 6 Eu Tong Sen Street, #02-84/85/86 The Central19. The Pier @ Robertson C/4 80 Mohamed Sultan Road, #01-01/0226. Wisma Atria B/3 435 Orchard Rd, #02-1828. ION Orchard B/3 2 Orchard Turn #B2-49 ION Orchard











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40 Singapore Art Gallery Guide

Art Venues: [ 1please see details in event section ]501. Opera Gallery B/3 2 Orchard Turn #03-05, www.operagallery.com502. Heng Artland C/3 290 Orchard Road#04-08503. Jasmine Fine Art C/3 290 Orchard Road #05-29504. Sin Hua Gallery C/3 290 Orchard Road #05-26 Paragon505. Drawing Gallery C/3 290 Orchard Rd #05-25, www.drawinggallery.net506. Art Forum Pte Ltd C/2 82 Cairnhill Road,,506. The Tolman Collection C/2 82 Cairnhill Road, www.tolmantokyo.com507. ArtSpace at Royal Plaza Hotel B/2 25 Scotts Road508. Third Floor Hermes B/2 541 Orchard Road, Liat Towers, HaKaren Art Gallery A/2 19 Tanglin Road #02-43510. Sun Craft A/2 19 Tanglin Rd #02-08 511. Yang Gallery Pte Ltd A/2 19 Tanglin Road #02-41 1512. Kwan Hua Art Gallery A/2 19 Tanglin Rd #02-09513. Peach Tree A/2 129 Tanglin Road, Tudor Court 1514. Pop and Contemporary Fine Art B/2 390 Orchard Road515. One East Artspace C/2 15 Scotts Road, #05-08/09, Thong Teck Building 1516. Li Fine Art A/2 19 Tanglin Road #03-32, www.lifineart.com516. Nanman Art Pte Ltd A/2 19 Tanglin Road ,# 02-56 & 65 1517. Asia Ancient Gallery A/2 19 Tanglin Road, # 03-28, Tanglin Shopping Centre518. The Gallery of Gnani Arts A/2 19 Tanglin Road, #01-17 1519. Galerie Joaquin A/2 The Regent Singapore519. GJ Asian Art A/2 The Regent Singapore, Ground Flr Unit 3520. *scape Youth Park C/3 113 Somerset Road #01-02, ArtBlue Studio C/3 26 Oxley Mansion, 26P Oxley Road 1522. Goethe-Institut Singapur C/3 163 Penang Road #05-01 Winsland House II523. Japan Creative Centre A/2 4 Nassim Road 1527. Boon's Pottery A/2 91 Tanglin Road, #01-02A Tanglin Place528. Bruno Gallery A/2 91 Tanglin Road #01-03, 1530. Pop and Contemporary Fine Art B/2 390 Orchard Road 1


Orchard & Tanglin Artwalk

Sommerset MRT





way (CTE)



h R







Claymore Rd

e Grove Rd

Nassim Rd




SB Shuttle Bus to/from Dempsey Artwalk





tcc art boutique caffès close to the arts

1. Centrepoint C/3 176 Orchard Road, #01-102/103/1042. Isetan Scotts B/2 350 Orchard Road, Level 2 Shaw House5. Peranakan Place C/3 182 Orchard Road

25. International Building B/2 360 Orchard Road, #01-0126. Wisma Atria B/3 435 Orchard Rd, #02-1828. ION Orchard B/3 2 Orchard Turn #B2-49 ION Orchard

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41Singapore Art Gallery Guide


Wessex Estate & Holland Village Artwalk

Art Venues: [ 1please see details in event section ]531. Linda Gallery - Dempsey Blk 15 Dempsey Road, #01-03532. RedSea Gallery Blk 9 Dempsey Hill #01-10, www.redseagallery.com533. Museum of Contemporary Arts (MOCA) 27A Loewen Road542. Ketna Patel 35 Jalan Puteh Jerneh, www.ketnapatel.com543. Sunjin Galleries (S) Pte Ltd 43 Jalan Merah Saga #03-62544. TAKSU Singapore 43 Jalan Merah Saga #01-72, www.taksu.com545. Aryaseni Art Gallery 43 Jalan Merah Saga #02-62, www.aryaseni.com551. d' Art Studio H/2 5 Westbourne Road #02-03 Blenheim Court 1553. Kelly Reedy – Studio Arts H/2 27 Woking Road, #01-01 1554. Marisa Keller H/2 Block 28 Woking Road # 03 - 05 1555. Barrosa Studio H/2 4 Woking Road #01-02 1556. Sealey Brandt H/2 1 Westbourne Road #01-02557. CdeM Atelier & Art School H/2 5 Westbourne Road #01-02

Art Services:546. Benaka Art Conservation 64 Taman Warna, Chip Bee Gardens









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42 Singapore Art Gallery Guide


Art Venues: [ 1please see details in event section ]601. Art Retreat K/2 10 Ubi Crescent, Ubi Techpark, Lobby C, #01=45/47 1602. Soobin Art Int’l K/2 10 Ubi Crescent UBI Techpark #04-90~95603. Telok Kurau Studios M/3 91 Lorong J Telok Kurau605. Art Mart Gallery 520 Sims Ave #01-01,,606. Linda Gallery Kaki Bukit L/1 Block 7 Kaki Bukit Road 1 #02-09/10607. theCURATOR K/1 33 Ubi Ave 3, #01-13, Vertex 610. Black Earth Culture Art Museum L/3 352 B Joo Chiat Road611. DLR Gallery L/4 22 Marshall Road, www.dlrgallery.com612. Metakaos Collections L/1 1 Kaki Bukit Road 1 #03-22 1613. The Necessary Stage M/4 278 Marine Parade Road, #B1-02621. Artists Alliance SG (AASG) K/4 90 Goodman Road 1621. Goodman Arts Centre K/4 90 Goodman Road 1693. Florenz Gallery 10 Changi South Street 1 695. Art Glass Solutions 30 Kuo Chuan Avenue 1

Art Services:698. Art Conservation K/2 10 Ubi Crescent, #04-28 Ubi Techpark

East Coast Artwalk











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tcc art boutique caffès close to the arts

4. Novena Square 238 Thomson Road, #01-56/5822. German Centre 25 International Business Park, #01-8029. Anchorpoint 370 Alexandra Road #01-07/08 30. Marina at Keppel Bay 2 Keppel Bay Vista #02-02A 31. Terminal 3 Arrival Changi International Airport

Art Venues: [ 1please see details in event section ]001. SOCIETE GENERALE Gallery C1 1 Sarkies Road 1003. TRCC - The Republic Cultural Centre Woodlands Avenue 9004. Collectors Contemporary 5 Jalan Kilang Barat #01-03005. Mercedes-Benz Center 301 Alexandra Road 1006. Australasian Arts Projects 303 Tanglin Road 1007. Art On Gallery Pte. Ltd. 26 Farrer Rd Hampton Blk Lobby B #03-02 1010. Galerie K Moeller - Vietnamese Art 343 Upper Bukit Timah Road011. Metakaos Collections 51 Goldhill Plaza, #23-04/07 1012. Artesan Pte Ltd 793 Bukit Timah Road #02-01013. AndrewShire Gallery 5 Swiss Cottage Estate014. Moni Gallery 263 Lavender Street, www.monigallery.com015. Aratong Galleries 26 Mount Pleasant Drive018. Lukisan Art Gallery 110 Faber Drive, www.lukisan-art.com020. NUS Museum, NUS Centre For the Arts 50 Kent Ridge Crescent 1021. NTU 81 Nanyang Drive022. The Art Gallery, National Institute of Education 1 Nanyang Walk023. Jalan Bahar Clay Studios 97L Lorong Tawas, Dynasties Antique & Art Gallery 18 Boon Lay Way #01-136036. White Canvas Gallery 78 Guan Chuan St

Art Services:099. Renate Kant Studio 8 Shrewsbury Rd

Greater Singapore, outside the detailed maps

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2902 Gallery11 Mount Sophia, Block B,#[email protected],

map no. 137 artists from

2902 Gallery is an artist-run establishment dedicated to the promotion and appreciationof local and international art photography.

44 Singapore Art Gallery Guide

SingaporeSouth East AsiaAmericaAustraliaAfrica Europe

Middle EastMalaysiaChina IndiaJapanIndonesia

Thailand Myanmar VietnamPhilippines UNPacific

The venues represent artists from:


Art and Printmaking StudioBlock 28 Woking Road # 03 - 05☎ 9653 5051 Fax 9653 [email protected],

map no. 554 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

12 – 6

The Nature of Print. Four Singapore basedprintmakers show original prints inspired by adialogue with the natural world: Mathew Ivey,

Marisa Keller, Lin Yushan, Alison Wilson. 07 – 24 JunVenue: GALERI NILA, 70 River Valley Road, (opposite Liang Court, Fort Canning Park)

Artists Talks 'The Nature of Print' at Galeri Nila. Alison Wilson: Nature inAquatint. 09 Jun, 3pm. Matthew Ivey: Reflections in Relief. 10 Jun, 3pm.

Marisa Keller: Etching Nature. 16 Jun, 3pm.To book call 9653 5051 or 97859914 or email [email protected]: GALERI NILA, 70 River Valley Road, (opposite Liang Court, Fort Canning Park)Tuesday – Friday 11am – 6pm Saturday and Sunday 11am – 8pm (Mondays closed


Workshop Movie Kids DanceTalk/ReadingLecture

Reception Exhibition Performance Guided Tour Music

artcommune gallery231 Bain Street. #02-43, Bras Basah Complex☎ 6336 4240 [email protected],

map no. 153 artists from

Here at artcommune we believe that good art need notcome with high prices, because our in-house artistscomb the art community to find hidden gems that haveyet been discovered!

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

12 – 7

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45Singapore Art Gallery Guide


Art Galleries at NAFA80 Bencoolen Street☎ 6512 [email protected],

map no. 131 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 7X

Objectives: To develop artistic and professional trainingin the field of visual and performing arts, to promotethe appreciation and practice of the multi-ethnic artsof Singapore, and to promote a Nanyang style ofartistic presentation.

Art Glass Solutions Pte Ltd30 Kuo Chuan Avenue☎ 6440 4957 [email protected]

map no. 695 artists from

art + glass + design + objects + installations +education. AGS Education offers educational programsabout glass art and glassmaking. Group Workshops &Introductory Classes are designed for beginners andcover a range of studio glassmaking techniques.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

☎ 6440 4957

Artists Alliance SG (AASG) 90 Goodman Road, Goodman Arts CentreBlk M, #03-51 [email protected]

map no. 621 artists from

Artists Alliance SG (AASG) is a Singapore-based artist-initiated entity established in 2010 to promotecontemporary Asian art to a global audience andmarket. AASG aims to connect and developpartnership with the arts, businesses and governmentorganisations.

Art On Gallery Pte. Ltd.26 Farrer Rd Hampton Blk Lobby B #03-02 Sutton Place☎ 6611 [email protected],

map no. 007 artists from

Our mission at ART ON is to provide you withcontemporary Korean art that best suits your space.Our strong network of artists in Korea range from youngpromising artists to established ones highly recognizedby collectors all over the world.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 10X

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46 Singapore Art Gallery Guide

Art Plural Gallery38 Armenian Street☎ 6636 [email protected],

map no. 144 artists from

Art Plural Gallery is a unique gallery dedicated tomodern, contemporary art and design.

Ian Davenport: Between the Lines. FormerTurner Prize nominee, Ian Davenport iscelebrated for his way of expressing the endless

possibilities of abstract art. The artist is recognised for his intense and unconventionalpainting practice, working with a crescendo of colours orchestrated in rows of lines. Hisdistinctive creative process involves the pouring of paint with an industrial syringe overthe body of a working surface, allowing the line of colour to ebb and flow into puddles.Till 07 Jul

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 7X

Art Retreat incorporating Wu Guanzhong Gallery10 Ubi Crescent, Ubi Techpark, Lobby C, #01=45/47☎ 6749 [email protected],

map no. 601 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 6X X

The Wu Guanzhong Gallery is the only place in the world to see an ongoing show of somany paintings by the acclaimed master of Chinese art of the modern era. The MainGallery features a temporary exhibition.

Art Trove Pte Ltd51 Waterloo St, #02-01/02/03☎ 6336 0915 Fax 6336 [email protected],

map no. 143 artists from

Art Trove is a key addition to the Singapore museumscene. The private museum specializes in displayingthe works of exceptionally talented artists whoseworks may not have received adequate recognitionowing to the vagaries of history.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

☎ 11 – 6.30 X X

Art Xchange Gallery Singapore6 Eu Tong Sen Street #02-65 The Central☎ 9027

map no. 330 artists from

Located in Surabaya/East Java and in Singapore, Art Xchange Gallery showcases the diversity of modernand contemporary artists from Indonesia.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 9X

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47Singapore Art Gallery Guide

ArtBlue Studio26 Oxley Mansion, 26P Oxley Road☎ 9752 [email protected]

map no. 521 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

☎ 9752 5458

ArtBlue Studio is one of Singapore’s leading suppliersof Vietnamese lacquer and oil paintings to clientsglobally.

ArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands10 Bayfront

map no. 181 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 10

Harry Potter™: The Exhibition. Peer into themagical world of Harry Potter and get up-closeto hundreds of authentic costumes and props

from all eight Harry Potter films. Featuring artifacts insettings inspired by the film sets, go on a journeythrough the famous wizard’s world and experiencefirst-hand all the wonders of Hogwarts™ such as theGryffindor™ common room, Hagrid’s hut, and the Great Hall. Along the way you can pulla Mandrake from its pot, toss a Quaffle in the Quidditch™ area, and encounter centaurs,Buckbeak™ the Hippogriff and a giant Acromantula spider in the Forbidden Forest. Ondisplay for the first time in Asia, Harry Potter™: The Exhibition features all your favoritecostumes and props like Harry’s wand and eyeglasses, Hermione’s Yule Ball gown, theGolden Snitch™, the Marauder’s Map and so much more. 02 Jun – 30 Sep

Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal. Covering Andy Warhol’s different artisticphases from the 1940's to 1980's, the exhibition features over 260 paintings,drawings, sculptures, film and video. Immerse yourself in a recreation of the Silver

Factory, Warhol’s studio in New York. Till 12 Aug

Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM)1 Empress Place☎ 6332, [email protected]

map no. 104 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1–7 9 – 7 9–9 9 – 7

Patterns of Trade – Indian Textiles forExport, 1400 – 1900 presents over seventyworks of strikingly patterned and brightly coloured

Indian trade textiles from a recently acquired collection.Till 03 Jun

The Tang Shipwreck: Gold and Ceramics from 9th century China. The AsianCivilisations Museum presents an exhibition of rare objects from the earliest andmost important Chinese shipwreck from the Tang dynasty (618–906) ever

discovered in Southeast Asia. Till 17 Jun

Shadow Spaces: Photographs of the Old Supreme Court. A new photographyexhibition at the Asian Civilisations Museum presents two iconic Singaporebuildings in a different light. Shadow Spaces: Photographs of the Old Supreme

Court showcases a series of photographs by Los Angeles-based photographer SeanDungan that capture spaces within the old Supreme Court and a large hangar at KallangAirport. Till 16 Sep

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Australasian Arts Projects303 Tanglin Road ☎ 9771

map no. 006 artists from

A regionally focused arts production company createdto entertain, inform and educate the general publicabout art, artists and artistic practice. Focus on visualart with exhibitions of contemporary abstract artists.

2012 Belongings Exhibition. The 2012Belongings exhibition in Singapore showcases aunique curation of paintings and sculptures from

two cornerstones of the modern Indigenous art movement – thewestern and eastern desert. Whilst the two regions have distinct artistic traditions,there are fascinating family, iconographic and historic similarities and parallels toexplore. Exhibition venue: Australian High Commission, 25 Napier Road, Singapore.02 Jul – 31 Aug

Barrosa Studio4 Woking Road #01-02 ☎ 9047 [email protected]

map no. 555

We are a artist's collective, located in historic WessexEstate. Each artist has a distinct style and technique,with Praema Raghavan-Gilbert focusing on naturepainting, Laila Azra on abstracts, and Lee Gilbert mainlyon popular culture.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SunX X X X X X☎ 9047 2641

Chan Hampe Galleries Tanjong Pagar#01-20/21 Raffles Hotel Arcade 328 North Bridge Rd☎ 6338 1962 Fax 6338 [email protected]

map no. 125 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 7

Chan Hampe Galleries aims to create a platform forEast-West cultural exchange by exhibiting andpromoting contemporary art with a primary focus onSingaporean artistic practice.

Bruno Gallery91 Tanglin Road #01-03 ☎ 6733 0283 [email protected]

map no. 528 artists fromMon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

☎ 6733 0283

Bruno Art Group is a 3rd generation leading internationalcompany that specializes in art consulting for bothindividuals and companies. Bruno Gallery offers a widevariety of contemporary art including original paintings,and indoor and outdoor sculptures.

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A Beautiful Story by Jiang Zhen Guo inChinese Ink. Jiang Zhenguo was born inShenyang, China in 1942. He currently lives in

the USA as a distinguished artist. Some of his workshave been collected in the USA, Japan, Taiwan, andother countries. He has been engaged as a visiting professor at the University of Californiaand North West University in 1999 and 2001. Jiang Zhenguo’s works are utterly poetic,they present a type of elegant and beautiful sentiment. Beside the traditional essence ofChinese ink painting, he has blended in certain western elements in the aspects of artisticconception and colour usage. 01 – 10 Jun

DaTang Fine Arts Singapore177 River Valley Road, #02-09A Liang Court☎ 6333 9628 Fax 6333

map no. 404 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 7

Element Art Space140 Hill Street #01-10/11/12, MICA Building☎ 6883 2001 Fax 6883 [email protected],

map no. 109 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 7 11–5X

Drawn from Soobin Art Gallery's 20 years ofexperience, Element Art Space is now home toinnovative and singular exhibitions across variousmedia and genres.

Esplanade - Theatres On The Bay1 Esplanade

map no. 100 artists from

Esplanade aims to be a performing arts centre for everyone. Its programme line-upspans all genres to encompass music, dance, theatre and visual arts, with a specialemphasis on Asian culture.

Bitesize: Costume Design for Theatre 101 by Anthony Tan. Enter thewonderful world of costume design and explore how costumes are created andthe creative process that goes behind it. Find out more from our expert, Anthony

Tan, about the language and role of costume in theatre, as he shares with you the dosand don’ts in costume design. Tickets are available at S$15. 10 Jun, 2 – 4pm

Esplanade Presents Late Nite: What the Moon Said by Rosli Mansor. Aftera year-long hiatus, Rosli Mansor returns to tell us What the Moon Said. Armedonly with an electric and fretless guitar, his penchant for weaving intriguing tales

into song has given his music a unique quality that brings listeners on a soulful,intimate journey. 29 Jun, 9.30pm – 10.30pm

Bitesize: Introduction to Gig Photography by Aloysius Lim. If you have everdreamed of wielding a heavyweight DSLR with extra large zoom lens among the

best of photographers in a concert arena, this is where you start. Learn the basics oftaking good quality pictures of live-playing acts in a session with experiencedphotographer Aloysius Lim. Tickets are at S$15. 08 Jul, 2 – 4pm

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Galerie Belvedere168 Robinson Road#36-01 Capital Tower☎ 6423 [email protected]

map no. 307 artists from

Galerie Belvedere, established in 1996, is a leadingSingapore based art gallery and consultancy. We alsohandle commissioned works for corporate buyers.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

9.30 – 6 ☎ X

Gajah Gallery140 Hill Street #01-08, MICA Building☎ 6737 [email protected],

map no. 110 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 7 12 – 6

Gajah Gallery is a Singapore based art gallery thatexplores the diverse socio-cultural interests of Asiathrough art from the region. Established in 1996,Gajah Gallery is dedicated to the promotion ofSoutheast Asian Contemporary Art.

Give Art Space65 Spottiswoode Park Road☎ 9005,

map no. 314

Give Art makes contemporary art more affordable byenabling you to create art gift registries. Give Art'sstable includes critically acclaimed contemporaryartists from Southeast Asia and the UK, includingJustin Lee, Jason Wee and Sandrine Llouquet.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

☎ 12 – 6 ☎

Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore(ICAS), LASALLE College of the Arts1 McNally Street☎ 6496

map no. 132 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 6X

The Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore (ICAS) isthe curatorial division of LASALLE College of the Arts.It runs seven galleries, comprising some 1,500 squaremeters of gallery spaces.

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Jeremy Ramsey Fine Art16 Bt Pasoh Rd☎ 6227 [email protected],

map no. 317 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

☎ 6227 1198

Abstract and figurative works, drawing from life andprints by Britsh born Singapore citizen JeremyRamsey: vibrant colours, powerful lines and sensualforms.

iPRECIATION1 Fullerton Square, #01-08 The Fullerton Hotel☎ 6339 0678 Fax 6438 [email protected],

map no. 301 artists fromMon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 7 11 – 3

Specialising in modern & contemporary art,iPRECIATION represents renowned artists includingNobel Laureate Gao Xingjian, acclaimed Taiwanesesculptor Ju Ming, and Hong Kong artist Cheung Yee.


Japan Creative Centre4 Nassim Road☎ 6737

map no. 523 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 6

As a result of the Japan-Singapore summit meetingsheld in March and November 2007, an agreementwas reached to set up the Japan Creative Centre (JCC)in Singapore as a base for disseminating informationon Japan's culture and technologies.

4 Seasons 5 Eliments - A Photoraphy and Digital Art Exhibition by MarcusLim. In this exhibition, Mr. Marcus Lim aims to emphasize the beauty of naturethrough the eyes of his lens and digital images. He wishes for mandkind to

appreciate seasons and elements of nature rather than destroy them to quench materialdesires. He hopes that through his artwork, that people would be more aware of thenature and preserve it in as many efforts as possible before it is destroyed for good. 02 – 15 Jun

Travel Photography Quick Tips By Marcus Lim. A good photograph takenduring your travels can be the most memorable souvenir to cherish. In this one-hour talk, Marcus shares his travel photography experience in simple and practical

terms. This talk is not technical and does not cover the full extent of basic photography.It is an overview on travel photography. 02 Jun, 2 – 3pm


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Nothing compliments a fine home more than appealingart. Formerly Studio83, John Erdos Art showcases theworks of both local and international artists, rangingfrom paintings and sketches, to photographs andsculptures.

John Erdos Art6B Dempsey Road (next to John Erdos Home) ☎ 6735 5130 [email protected]

map no. 404 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 6

Kelly Reedy — Studio Arts27 Woking Road, #[email protected]

map no. 553 artists from

Recent Work. Artist Kelly Reedy offers visitorsa glimpse into her working space and creativeprocess at her Wessex Estate studio. Drop by to

visit her private gallery and view her recent mixedmedia paintings and prints. Kelly will participate inthe Graphic Poetry Exhibition 2012 at The ArtsHouse, June 12th - 24th, featuring the poetry of Jay Bernard. For more information, seealso 01 – 30 Jun

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

☎ 9367 7382

M-Gallery51 Waterloo Street, #03-03B/#03-04☎ 6338 0093 [email protected],

map no. 143 artists from

M Gallery is a specialist in contemporary Laotian art,featuring one of the widest selection of works by topLaotian artists.

PHANTASMAGORIA: Solo Exhibition byMontree Moungkun. This exhibition features abody of 20 selected artworks by Thai artist Montree Moungkun. With his creative

practice grounded strongly in the cultural research of folklore and spirituality, Montreehas developed an unrestrained approach of semi-abstraction, using vibrant colours andlanguid brushstrokes to create layered narratives of the mystical, the naive and thetwisted. Many of his large artworks on show, including a 6-meter long scroll, bearintriguing semblance to elements of phantasmagoria and fantasy. As an emerging tour-de-force in Thailand’s contemporary art scene, Montree has since completed his majorsolo exhibition at the National Art Gallery, Bangkok, and is in preparation for his secondshow slated with them in 2014. Till 17 Jun

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 7 12-5X X

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Mercedes-Benz Center301 Alexandra Road☎ 6866 1782 Fax 6866 [email protected]

map no. 005 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

8.30 – 7 10-6

The Mercedes-Benz Center is more than an ordinaryshowroom and service center. To date, it houses manycolourful and vibrant activities, ranging from fashion toarts & music.

Metakaos Collections51 Goldhill Plaza, #23-04/07☎ 6438 3880 Fax 6438 [email protected],

map no. 011 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 7

The Auspicious Series (inaugural collection of Chinesecalligraphy characters 'Fu', ' Lu', 'Shou' and 'Xi') andThe Power Series (modeled after powerful animals) areonly available at Metakaos. We are experienced inmanaging projects of a large scale.


MODE [hair . gallery] 8A Marina Boulevard #B2-22. Marina Bay Link Mall☎ 6834 3774 / 6834 [email protected],

map no. 182 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 9 11–8 11–5

Mode is a gallery in more ways than one. Here, hairdesign meets art meets fashion all under one roof.Mode will be on constant lookout for talented andunique local artists and designers with whom to forgecool collaborations.

Nanman Art Pte Ltd19 Tanglin Road, # 02-56 & 65 Tanglin Shopping Ctr☎ 9767 3189 / 8357 7781 Fax 6737

map no. 516 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 - 6

Nanman Art focuses on high quality original artworks;introducing oil paintings, water color, Chinese inkpainting, prints, calligraphy, sculpture & photography.


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National Museum of Singapore93 Stamford Road☎ 6332

map no. 114 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 6

NUS MuseumUniversity Cultural Centre, 50 Kent Ridge Crescent,National University of Singapore☎ 6516 8817 [email protected],

map no. 020 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 7.30 10-6X

Camping and Tramping Through the ColonialArchives: The Museum in Malaya. The termCamping and Tramping is inspired by a lesser

known 19th Century document compiled by a Britishofficer describing the field work and travails of his time with the colonial office inMalaya. ongoing

Sculpting Life: The Ng Eng Teng Collection. Ng Eng Teng (1934 – 2001) was apainter and potter by training but is most recognised for his sculptural piecesfeaturing humanist themes. ongoing

Ways of Seeing Chinese Art features over 200 objects including ceramics, jadesand bronzes from the Lee Kong Chian Collection. ongoing

One East ArtSpace15 Scotts Road, #05-08/09, Thong Teck Building☎ 6737 1819 Fax 6737 1859 [email protected],

map no. 515 artists from

One East Asia is a Singapore-based international artmanagement organisation which champions Asian Artthrough its diverse and dynamic programs andeducational activities. One East Asia also managesOne East ArtSpace.

La La Land by Andre Tan, Soni Irawan, Lee Rui Xiang and Joyce Lee. La LaLand features works that are influenced by music, design, street and pop cultures

by young artists from the region. The exhibition features four artists: Andre Tan(Singapore, b. 1978), Soni Irawan (Indonesia, b. 1975), Lee Rui Xiang (Singapore, b.1989) and Joyce Lee (Singapore, b. 1986). Till 07 Jun

SAKATO: Behind the Surface examines the works of three Indonesian artistsStefan Buana (b.1971), Rudi Hendriatno (b. 1980) and Afdhal (b. 1982) thatchallenge the notion of perception and invite us to look into other possibilities of

meanings behind what is presented before our eyes. Stefan Buana, Rudi Hendriatno andAfdhal are members of SAKATO Art Community, a group consisting of artists thatoriginally comes from West Sumatra, but study, live and work in Yogyakarta. Theirworks, although individually differ in style and subject-matter, carry the traditionalphilosophy of the Minang's (the West Sumatra’s ethnic group) culture where duality,poetry and playfulness come together. 05 – 19 Jul

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 6 10–3.30X

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Peach Tree129 Tanglin Road, Tudor Court☎ 6836 6339

map no. 513 artists from

Works by Local Artists: Henry Chen Ke Zhan, Jimmy Ong.Thai Artists: Attasit, Budies, Dusit, Seri,

Somkiat.Indonesian Artists: Gusti Agung Galuh, Krijono, Judo.As well as Lifestyle Objects, Chinese Collectibles,Buddha Images. ongoing

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 7

Peranakan Museum39 Armenian Street☎ 6332

map no. 139 artists from

The Peranakan Museum presents a Southeast Asian-wide view of Peranakan culture.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1–7 9 – 7 9–9 9 – 7

Red Crane Antiques19a Keong Saik Road☎ 6224 [email protected]

map no. 315 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

☎Red Crane Antiques specialises in Chinese blue-and-white porcelain antiques circa 1880, which were usedas decoration and status symbols by wealthy Chinesefamilies during that period.

Pop and Contemporary Fine Art390 Orchard RoadPalais Renaissance #03-12 ☎ 6735 0959

map no. 530Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11.30 – 6.30 12-5

Spots & Dots – Yayoi Kusama and DamienHirst exhibition. This summer, the spotlightturns upon itself quite literally with the opening

of the blockbuster “Spots & Dots”– Damien Hirst andYayoi Kusama exhibition at Pop and ContemporaryFine Art. Damien Hirst’s spots could not be more different from Kusama’s polka dots interms of tone, sizes and visual style. Unlike Kusama’s monochromatic field of polkadots, no colour is repeated within each of Hirst’s spot paintings. Arranged with in a grid-like formation, with the diameter of each spot being identical to the spaces between, thespots of Damien Hirst exhibit consummate control and a military precision. Don't missthis unique opportunity, this Summer, to get spotted at Pop and Contemporary Fine Art.04 Jul – 04 Sep


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ReDot Fine Art GalleryTanjong Pagar Distripark39 Keppel Road Unit #02-06☎ 6222 1039 Fax 6222 [email protected],

map no. 310 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

12 – 7X X

The gallery represents artists from areas across theNorthern and Western Deserts of Australia where themajority of the Aboriginal Art Centres are located.

“Nganampa Ngura” (Our Place). Thisexhibition boasts an exciting group of master works painted mostly by the seniormen and women from the Ninuku Art Centre. They are the traditional owners of the

land and they hold the stories of the country deep within their hearts. Till 21 Jul

“Tjukurpa Mulapa' (True Stories). Ernabella artists dabbled in painting since the1980s, it’s only in the last five years that they have taken to the medium inearnest. With its embrace has come a newfound emphasis on artworks which do

relate to Jukurrpa (Dreaming) and which do tell significant stories. Dickie Minyintiri, oneof the most senior men painting on the APY Lands, won the coveted General PaintingAward and Overall Prize Winner of the 28th Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander Art Awards (NATSIAA), the highest accolade for an Aboriginal painter. ‘Dickieworks by building layers’, says Julian Green, Ernabella Arts Coordinator. ‘Each layer,sometimes each colour is a different memory the tracks of different animals, waterholes,a fragment of song, the steps in a dance, the many paths that he has walked across hiscountry.' 25 Jul – 01 Sep

“Tjukurpa Mulapa' (True Stories). Opening Reception. 25 Jul, 7.30 – 9.30pm

56 Singapore Art Gallery Guide

red dot design museum28 Maxwell Road, red dot traffic, ground floor☎ 6327 8027

map no. 309 artists from

With a collection of over 1000 exhibits, the red dotdesign museum in Singapore is the largestcontemporary design museum in Asia.

The best of design today. A watch or abracelet, a mobile phone or a television set, afood processor or a car. Every one of us possesses a multitude of different objects,

and each of those objects is a living example of our product culture. ongoing

The design of persuasion. Whether consciously or unconsciously, you would haveseen, heard, read, touched or even participated in various advertising campaigns,brochures and media. These have shocked you, touched you or made you laugh out

loud. Learn the design of persuasion through the compelling messages by the bestdesigners and design agencies in the world. At the red dot design museum, you will seethe best of communication design from editorials, websites, posters to TV commercials.ongoing

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 6 11 – 6 11 – 8X X

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Singapore Art Museum (SAM)71 Bras Basah Road☎ 6332

map no. 116 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 7 10-9 10 – 7

Lee Wen: Lucid Dreams in the Reverie of the Real. Lee Wen is amultidisciplinary artist & one of Singapore’s most internationally recognisedcontemporary artists. Till 10 Jun

Learning Gallery, SAM at 8Q. The Learning Gallery is dedicated to presentingartworks from SAM’s collection for the young visitor.

PANORAMA: Recent art from contemporary Asia. The PANORAMA series ofexhibitions offers a wide lens to examine our world & allows for a diversity ofperspectives, charting issues which are pervading contemporary art-making in Asia

today. This first edition of PANORAMA features 23 artists from 8 countries working invarious mediums. Till 25 Dec

Singapore Philatelic Museum23B Coleman Street Singapore 179807☎ 6337 3888,

map no. 112 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1–7 9 – 7

Message Me explores the importance ofcommunication and its development from theStone Age to modern day through the museum’s

permanent collection of over 200 postage stamps andcommunication equipment. Till 03 Jun

Imagine Dragons. The year 2012 is the Year ofthe Dragon. Singapore Philatelic Museum is bringing dragons to life with stamps

and interactive displays. Till 01 Dec

SOCIETE GENERALE Gallery1 Sarkies Road☎ 6833

map no. 001

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – 7 11 – 5X

The gallery showcases various genres of artwork byinternational artists. Our goal for the gallery is tobridge artistic expressions and promote culturalexchange.

Recording China By Marc Rambeau (France / Australia). Recording Chinaexhibits the story of an encounter: that of the painter Marc Rambeau with Chinaalmost twenty years ago. In 1995 China had just begun its economic development,

thouroughfares were not flooded with cars but bicycles. That year Marc Rambeau alsodiscovered a material which would prove essential to his art: rice paper. However naturalit may be to an Asian artist, rice paper was a totally new medium for the Westernpainter who arrived empty-handed in Beijing in order to experiment new expressiveavenues. And his art was transformed by it. Marc Rambeau has his own way to use ricepaper: when the work on paper is complete the sheet is pasted onto fine Belgian linen,then covered with varnish for protection. Most of the works currently exhibited have beendesigned using this specific process. 30 May – 09 Jun

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tcc - 4 Robinson Road4 Robinson Road, #01-01☎ 6438

map no. 305 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

7.30 – 8X X

tcc is about being artistic and professional. The tccexperience blends art and lifestyle to let our guestsenjoy gourmet food and innovative beverages that ispalatable to the senses and artistic in its creations. Justas an artist would create great works of art, it ismasterpieces that we want our guests to take time andindulge in at tcc.

tcc-artshowcase MyFatherMyArt. tcc – The Connoisseur Concerto, the leadingpurveyor of gourmet coffees in Singapore, in

collaboration with the Centre for Fathering Singapore(CFF), an organization that has dedicated ten years to promoting responsible fatherhoodin Singapore, is pleased to announce a new collaborative art project entitled “My FatherMy Art: a joint artistic collaboration”. This family themed art project is aimed atstrengthening and showcasing the varied and unique platforms that exist between afather and his child. For all artwork sold, 70 percent of the proceeds will go to a localcharity association. Till 04 Jul

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 – midnight 11 – 2am 11-12

tcc - 'The Gallery'51 Circular Road☎ 6533

map no. 303 artists from

Illucynation: Opening the Mind’s Eye ToSophie’s World. tcc – The Connoisseur Concerto is pleased to

present Illucynation: Opening the Mind’s Eye ToSophie’s World, a painting exhibition by threetalented Singapore-based artists, Sarah Bridget, RudyDjoharnaen and Erzan Adam based on the popularphilosophical Norwegian novel ‘Sophie’s World’ byJostein Gaarder. An assembly of their abstractillustrations will be displayed at tcc ‘The Gallery’. Theexhibition is intended to rouse the interest of ordinaryteenagers and parents by painting a vividrepresentation of the book to motivate the public towards living in Sophie’s shell anddeliberate slightly more about the seemingly regular world they reside in. Whileintended for young adults, ‘Sophie’s World’ is an intriguing read for all ages, serving asa reminder or introduction to the intricate essence that is philosophy. Till 02 Jul

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tcc - Raffles Xchange5 Raffles Place #B1-63/64/65MRT Station ☎ 6438

map no. 302 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

7.30 – 10 7.30–6.30X

tcc-artshowcase MyFatherMyArt. tcc – The Connoisseur Concerto, the leading

purveyor of gourmet coffees in Singapore, incollaboration with the Centre for Fathering Singapore(CFF), an organization that has dedicated ten years topromoting responsible fatherhood in Singapore, ispleased to announce a new collaborative art projectentitled “My Father My Art: a joint artisticcollaboration”. This family themed art project is aimedat strengthening and showcasing the varied andunique platforms that exist between a father and hischild.Spokesperson’s Mr Richard Hoon, Centre for Fathering, states, "We have initiated manyfather child bonding experiences, however this is the first time we have an event thatfocuses on art. We hope this event created and organized by willencourage fathers to seek more thoughtful and creative ways to have memorableexperiences and time with their children.” Till 04 Jul

tcc-artshowcase Loh Khee Yew. Born in 1933,Mr Loh Khee Yew is one of the pioneers ofSingapore’s design movement. In 1966, he left

for Canada to study design at the Alberta college of Arton a Colombo Plan scholarship, graduating with amajor in advertising. Later he pursued photographyand printmaking at the Vancouver school of Art. Hewas the Dean of Design Faculty at LASALLE-SIA,College of the Arts (1992-1995)

The exhibition showcases the sculptural splendour oftree forms. Employing his signature technique, Mr Lohtraces the organic form of nature's bounty in a truly unique and fascinating way. Thisexhibition is a celebration of nature and an invitation to discover the very essence of thebeauty of trees. Till 04 Jul

tcc - The Pier @ Robertson80 Mohamed Sultan Road, #01-01/02☎ 6733

map no. 403 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

8 – 10.30 8 – 2

The Arts House1 Old Parliament Lane☎ 6332 [email protected],

map no. 105 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri SatSun

12 – 9

Big Eyes, Big Minds: Singapore International Children’s Film Festival. With 5new lineups of the best short films from around the world, for kids, about kids andby kids. Don’t miss an extra special treat for the kiddos - exclusive Sesame Street

compilations straight from the Jim Henson vault. Till 02 Jun

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The Gallery of Gnani Arts#01-17, Tanglin Shopping Centre, 19 Tanglin Road☎ 6735 [email protected],

map no. 518 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 7 10–6

Founded in 2003, The Gallery of Gnani Arts curates anexceptional collection of South Indian contemporary art.

Seeing the Kite Again Series II. Thisexhibition, entitled Seeing the Kite Again, isinspired by the late master Wu Guanzhong’s

metaphor of a kite and how it expresses theconnection between an artist, his life and the peoplearound him. By bridging Chinese and Westernaesthetics, Wu blazed the trail for the modernisation ofChinese art. Till 12 Nov

The National Art Gallery,

map no. 116 artists from

The Substation45 Armenian Street ☎ 6337

map no. 113 artists from Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

12 – 9

Unheard Voices of the Red Light District. Wesee them along the streets. We watch themthrough the car window. We wonder. Unheard

Voices of the Red Light District is an installation thatbrings us deeper into the lives of Singaporean sexworkers. 06 – 15 Jun

Architectural Design Competition Exhibition By MINUS. The competitionengaged students, as participants, in designing innovative ideas to reconfigure theexisting first storey layout of The Substation, using the basis of universal

accessibility and enhancing the vibrancy of the place, as starting points. 14 – 17 June,Reception: Thursday 14 June, 7.30pm

Darshan. The exhibition Darshan is a result of a six-month long collaborationbetween Catalan artist, Mariona Vilaseca and Singapore-based Indonesian artistKelvin Atmadibrata. Darshan explores sight as a means of spiritualisation. The

exhibition is part performance, part installation, created out of the residue of a fireceremony. 21 – 29 Jun, Reception: Thursday 21 June, 7.30pm

Faces, Hands, Feet & Little Things by CHIN features a collection of paintings,drawings and small-scale installations based on the artist’s acute observations ofthe very basic things in everyday life - the faces that she sees, the hands that she

touches, the feet that she passes by and the little things in general, on the streets, thatthe public sometimes overlooks. 06 – 15 Jul, Reception: Thursday 5 July, 7.30pm

Departing The Departed by PANG + KANAKO is a site-specific installationwork in The Substation Gallery. The gallery floor is covered by thousands of smallwhite porcelain flowers, each individually handmade and sculpted by the artists.

20 – 29 Jul, Reception: Thursday 19 July, 7.30pm

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YAVUZ Fine Art51 Waterloo Street, #03-01☎ 6338 7900 Fax 6338 [email protected],

map no. 117 artists from

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

☎ 10 – 7 12–5X X

The gallery is an art destination where exceptionalregional and international artists’ works can bediscovered and where contemporary artisticstatements will be nurtured and displayed.

Yang Gallery Pte Ltd19 Tanglin Road #02-41☎ 6721

map no. 511 artists from

Yang Gallery is one of the most prestigious art galleriesfeaturing Chinese Contemporary Art in Singapore &Beijing.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 – 7

Mocca: Life Keeps On Turning A Documentary by ARI RUSYADI andNICHOLAS YUDIFAR. Mocca is an eclectic indie pop band comprised ofmembers Arina (vocals), Riko (guitar), Toma (bass) and Indra (drum). 22 Jul

I Want You When You Say No – The Substation Love Letters Project.The Substation's Love Letters project presents 12 writers – 1 writer each month –writing on the themes of desire and belonging. 01 Jun, 9am

Light, Darkness and the Between-s. Come and share this Special ButohExperimental Demonstration with Syv Bruzeau. 01 Jun, 7.30 – 8.30pm

There’s Something About Me: Dixie Chan. During her days as a PoliticalScience student, Dixie Chan developed an interest in documentaries centred onsocial issues and human rights. About 2 years ago, she became a volunteer of

Project X which advocates the rights of sex workers in Singapore. She hopes to deepenher knowledge of filmmaking and produce films that can inspire people to be more activein social issues. . 06 Jun, 8.30 – 9.30pm

The 3rd Experimental Film Forum. 07 – 10 Jun

There’s Something About Me: Kaizan Crew by Zaki Razak. Kaizan Crew, aname devised by Osman Abdul Hamid, one of the pioneers and principalchoreographers in Malay dance, comprises different personalities from diverse

groups exploring new modes of practices in contemporary Malay dance. 04 Jul, 7.30 – 9.30pm

Other Singapores: Intercultural Stories. Nearly twenty years have passed sinceArt vs Art, and while the arts scene in Singapore has changed dramatically, manyof the issues that were debated back then, about the mainstream and the margins,

about art and its communities, remain as important to engage as ever. This series ofconferences is convened and moderated by Lee Weng Choy. 07 Jul, 11am – 5pm

Mind Eater (co-presented by Gumbo and The Substation. Mind Eater is theGUMBO masterpiece, which won the special commendation award at the 2003Melbourne Fringe Festival. 26 Jul, 8pm

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62 Singapore Art Gallery Guide

Art Services


art-management.comMy Mail Box 889794 Singapore 919191☎ 6479 2445 Fax: 6491 [email protected], is a dedicated company thatpromotes and manages visual and performanceartists both in Singapore and overseas. We cover allartistic services from representing to promotingartists, renting out art, organising exhibition openingsand art based corporate events. Our expertise inorganising and promoting can now be seen in thearea of events management as well. We are knownfor our approach to create events with uniqueconcept and venue.

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We are professionally trained to handle a magnitude of artworkdegradation problems and are well acquainted with aesthetics andpractices function in both artistic as well as in a scientific manner.

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64 Singapore Art Gallery Guide

Art Glass Solutions Pte Ltd was formed in January 2008 toenliven, enrich and provide new opportunities for art glasscreativity in Singapore.

Art Glass Solutions Pte Ltd39 Kuo Chuan [email protected]☎ 6440 4957

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Art Organisations

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65Singapore Art Gallery Guide


Crown Fine Arts, a division of the CrownWorldwide Group, has been providingspecialised fine arts packing and transportation services since 1989. With our extensivenetwork, we are able to serve all domestic and major global locations requiring thishighly delicate and specialised service. Our personal approach to every project hasgarnered the appreciation and trust of clients ranging from world-renowned museumsand major art galleries to private collectors.

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Transportation & Crating

Agility Fairs & Events is the recognized leader in full-service, end-to-end management ofvisual & fine arts logistics. We are the first logistics company in Singapore & Asia to beISO-certified specifically for visual & fine arts logistics.

Agility Fairs & Events Logistics Pte. Ltd7, Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596227☎ 6463 9868 Fax 6467 [email protected]

Rhema’s Fine Arts Logistics Specialists move sensitive & priceless artworks and artefacts.We provide sensitive handling, special packings and cratings, installation work, climate-controlled transportation & warehousing, and special insurance. Rhema is appointed as aPanelist of Service Providers for the “Provision of Art Handling, Air-Ride and CoveredTruck and Local Transportation for the National Heritage Board, Singapore”

Rhema Events & Arts Services Pte Ltd10 Changi South Street 3#05-01, Tang Logistics Centre Singapore 486147☎ 6545 0111 Fax: 6785 [email protected]

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Your Art … Our Passion

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66 Singapore Art Gallery Guide

AAdriana Molder Art Plural Gallery Adrinalia Art Xchange Gallery SingaporeAffandi Element Art SpaceAgapetus A Kristiandana Element Art SpaceAhmad Sadali Element Art SpaceAhmad Zakii Anwar Gajah GalleryAlphonso Doss The Gallery of Gnani ArtsAndy Warhol Pop and Contemporary Fine ArtAng Ping Ping Chan Hampe GalleriesAng Song Nian 2902 GalleryApril Ng Kiow Ngor Artists Alliance SGArron Teo D'Peak Art Space

BB. Jane Cowie Art Glass SolutionsBasoeki Abdullah Art Retreat, Galerie BelvedereBlanchard, Jean-Pierre art-management.comBlanco Antonio Galerie BelvedereBob Lee 2902 GalleryBogel Art Xchange Gallery SingaporeBoo Sze Yang Artists Alliance SGBunga Jeruk Sculpture Square LimitedBurton Morris Pop and Contemp. Fine Art

CCastronovo Ian art-management.comChankerk Chan Hampe GalleriesCarol Ho MODE [hair . gallery] Chen ShiFa Wai's Art GalleryChen, Henry Ke Zhan Peach TreeChen Wen Hsi Wai's Art GalleryChen Xiongxun Nanman Art Pte LtdChen Zhuo + Huang Keyi Yang GalleryCheung Yee iPRECIATIONChiew Sien Kuan Artists Alliance SGChoi Young Wook Art On GalleryChoiruddin Art Xchange Gallery SingaporeChua Boon Kee METAKAOS COLLECTIONSChua Ek Kay Gajah GalleryChua Say Hua Telok KurauChye, Dick Lim d’Art StudioClarence Aw 2902 GalleryClemens Briels Bruno Gallery

DDao Minh Tri ArtBlue StudioDavid Gerstein Bruno GalleryDecember Pang One East ArtSpaceDick Lim Teck Chye d' Art StudioDjirna, I Made Gajah GalleryDo Duy Tuan ArtBlue StudioDo Ky Huy ArtBlue StudioDona Prawita Arissuta Art Xchange Gallery Dorit Levi Bruno GalleryDuong Sen ArtBlue Studio

EEdi Jatmiko Art Xchange Gallery Eko Prawoto Sculpture SquareErnst Neizvestny John Erdos ArtEubena Nampitjin ReDot Fine Art Gallery

FFan Xiaoyan Yang GalleryFebry Art Xchange Gallery Fehr, Kai Gallery Krisstel MartinFernando Botero Element Art Space,

Art Plural Gallery

GGADAI (YÉWO) Aspasia ReDot Fine ArtGAMA (MISASO) Lila ReDot Fine ArtGao Xingjian iPRECIATION

Geraldine Nowee ReDot Fine Art GalleryGnana P The Gallery of Gnani ArtsGoh Beng Kwon Peach Tree, Telok KurauGong Lilong Art RetreatGuanzhong, Wu Art RetreatGunarsa Nyoman Galerie BelvedereGung Man Galerie Belvedere

HHla Myint Swe John Erdos ArtHo Sou Ping artcommune galleryHuang Zhou Wai's Art GalleryHung Liu iPRECIATIONHusner Paul Galerie BelvedereHwang Hyun Seung Art On GalleryHwang Sun Tae Art On Gallery

IIdo Shemi Bruno GalleryI Nyoman Masriadi Gajah GalleryI Nyoman Sujana Kenyem D’Peak Art SpaceIrene Chou iPRECIATION

JJ. Ariadhitya Pramuhendra Gajah GalleryJafri Sacha Galerie BelvedereJagannath Panda Art Plural GalleryJanice Chin D'Peak Art SpaceJason Lim Sculpture SquareJendela Art Group Gajah GalleryJenny Sim Chan Hampe GalleriesJim Dine Pop and Contemporary Fine ArtJoan Miro Art Plural GalleryJoanna Chen Chan Hampe GalleriesJoel Yuen 2902 GalleryJohn Clang 2902 GalleryJose Maria Busto art-management.comJudo Peach TreeJulian Schnabel Art Plural GalleryJumaldi Alfi Element Art Space, Gajah GalleryJu Ming iPRECIATION

KKhanh Thoan ArtBlue StudioKeith Haring Pop and Contemporary Fine ArtKim Hyun Joo Art On GalleryKoo Seoung Yeon Art On GalleryKrijono Galerie Belvedere, Peach TreeKristiansen Oistein art-management.comKumari Nahappan Sculpture SquareKwan, Goh Beng Peach Tree

LLaila Azra Barrosa StudioLambrechts Marc art-management.comLee Gilbert Barrosa StudioLee Man Fong Element Art Space,

Wai's Art GalleryLee Wen Soobin Art Int’l Pte LtdLe Mayeur Adrien Jean Galerie BelvedereLeo Hee Tong Telok Kurau, Sun CraftLeonardo Lucchi METAKAOS COLLECTIONSLee Young Ji Art On GalleryLi Daixuan Nanman Art Pte LtdLi Jian Gang artcommune galleryLi Shaoran Wai's Art GalleryLi Zesong Nanman Art Pte LtdLim Soo Ngee Artists Alliance SGLim Teck Chye, Dick d' Art StudioLim Tze Peng artcommune galleryLing Yang Chang Artists Alliance SGLiu Hong Yang Gallery Pte LtdLiu Yue YAVUZ Fine ArtLoh Khee Yew

Artists and where their work can be found

Through the Studio Artists listings, art lovers can more easily visit artists' websites andstudio spaces for a personalized approach to art collecting. Artists themselves now havean affordable way to bring their work to the attention of a wider audience. For details on advertising rates visit our website at


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67Singapore Art Gallery Guide


Lumpur The Peach TreeLuo Brothers Yang Gallery Pte LtdLuo Yongjin YAVUZ Fine ArtLuong Khanh Thoan ArtBlue StudioLv Yanjun Yang Gallery Pte LtdLye Swee Koon Connoisseur Art GalleryLynn Lim Li Yin Artists Alliance SG

MM. Irfan Gajah GalleryMa Kang YAVUZ Fine ArtMackenzie Frank art-management.comManik The Peach TreeManolo Valdes Art Plural GalleryManop Suwanpinta Sculpture SquareMarc Quinn Element Art Space, Art Plural

Gallery, Marc QuinnMaria Indria Sari One East ArtSpaceMassimo Mercurio METAKAOS COLLECTIONSMelvin Ong Sculpture SquareMendler Hans art-management.comMetzler Kurt Laurenz Galerie BelvedereMichael Ong Sculpture SquareMihagui ArtBlue StudioMintio 2902 GalleryM Irfan Element Art SpaceMithu Sen Art Plural Gallery

NNandagopal S. Gajah GalleryNg Siok Hoon Artists Alliance SGNguyen Ba Tuan ArtBlue StudioNguyen Hong Son ArtBlue StudioNguyen Lam ArtBlue StudioNguyen Tan Cuong ArtBlue StudioNie Nanxiang Nanman Art Pte LtdNingura Napurrula ReDot Fine Art GalleryNiu Guozheng YAVUZ Fine ArtNora Wompi ReDot Fine Art Gallery

OOlga Bliznetsova Chan Hampe GalleriesOm Mee Ai Galerie BelvedereOng, Jimmy The Peach TreeOng Kim Seng Galerie Belvedere,Telok Kurau

PPablo Picasso Art Plural GalleryPan Dehai Yang Gallery Pte LtdParibartana Mohanty Art Plural GalleryPauline Polder Chan Hampe GalleriesPauline Sunfly ReDot Fine Art GalleryPaul Jamie art-management.comPearl Yang Substation - GalleryPeng Cheng Nanman Art Pte LtdPerumal P The Gallery of Gnani ArtsPhoon Poh Wai Wai’s Art GalleryPlatte, Ewald Art TrovePon Ragunathan The Gallery of Gnani ArtsPoon, Anthony NAFA, Telok KurauPrabhakara Jimmy Quek Galerie BelvederePraema Barrosa StudioPrompum Sirinudsomboon METAKAOS Putu Sutawijaya Element Art Space

QQiu Jie Art Plural GalleryQu Jinzhong Nanman Art Pte LtdQuinn Lorenzo Galerie Belvedere

RRajavelu S.K. art-management.comRamlan Abdullah Sculpture SquareRamsey, Jeremy Jeremy Ramsey Fine ArtRaymond Yap Artists Alliance SGReedy Kelly Kelly Reedy - Studio ArtsRen Zhe Yang Gallery Pte LtdRina Banerjee Art Plural GalleryRobert Indiana Pop and Contemporary Fine ArtRobert Longo Pop and Contemporary Fine ArtRobert Mihagui ArtBlue StudioRoy Lichtenstein Pop and Contemp. Fine ArtRudi Mantofani Gajah Gallery

SSeher Shah Art Plural Gallery

Selvaraj A The Gallery of Gnani ArtsShao Wenhuan YAVUZ Fine Art Shaoyinong & Muchen YAVUZ Fine ArtShi Lifeng Yang Gallery Pte LtdShin Dong Won Art On GalleryShin Sang Ho Art On GalleryShorty Jangala Robertson ReDot Fine Art Siew Hock Meng Element Art SpaceSmit Arie Galerie BelvedereSoh Chee Hui Artists Alliance SGSteven M. Jones METAKAOS COLLECTIONSStrawalde Art TroveSumantri Art Xchange GallerySung Young Rok Art On GallerySun Yu-Li Sculpture Square,

art-management.comSuwandi Art Xchange Gallery

TTakashi Murakami Pop and Contemporary Fine ArtTan Chee Seong Chan Hampe GalleriesTan Sock Fong METAKAOS COLLECTIONSTang Ling Nah Sculpture Square Teng Nee Cheong Gajah GalleryTerence Tan Chee Wah Artists Alliance SGTheresa Nowee ReDot Fine Art GalleryThinh Le Asian Art OptionsThukral & Tagra Art Plural GalleryTien Fu Aseana Gallery LLPTri Huu Luu John Erdos ArtTrung, Nguyen Gajah GalleryTse Yim On iPRECIATIONTung Yue Nang Sun Craft

VValeriu Sepi art-management.comVictor Tan METAKAOS COLLECTIONSVincent Chow Chan Hampe Galleries

WWang Chuan YAVUZ Fine ArtWang Jia Nan iPRECIATIONWang Xin Ke artcommune galleryWang Yuming YAVUZ Fine ArtWan Yun Hong Nanman Art Pte LtdWanna Orasaroaj METAKAOS COLLECTIONSWarhol Andy Galerie BelvedereWarlimpirringa Tjapaltjarri ReDot Fine Art Weaver Jack ReDot Fine Art GalleryWigman Ronald art-management.comWilliam Sim Chan Hampe GalleriesWisesa Aseana Gallery LLPWong Keen Galerie Belvedere,

artcommune galleryWucius Wong iPRECIATIONWu Mingzhong Yang Gallery Pte LtdWu Guanzhong Art Retreat, The National

Art Gallery

XXing Qin XIn artcommune galleryXu Beihong Wai's Art Gallery

YYaacov AGAM Bruno GalleryYap Wen Shan Chan Hampe GalleriesYayoi Kusama Pop and Contemporary Fine ArtYe Jian Qing iPRECIATIONYeo Chee Kiong METAKAOS COLLECTIONSYeo Kian Hwee Sun CraftYeo Siak Goon Artists Alliance SGYunizar Gajah GalleryYuval Mahler Bruno GalleryYves Dana Art Plural Gallery

ZZhang Jian-Jun iPRECIATIONZhang Xiangming Yang Gallery Pte LtdZhao Renhui 2902 GalleryZheng NaiGuang Wai's Art GalleryZhou Hongbin YAVUZ Fine ArtZhou Jixuan Chan Hampe Galleries Zhou Ming YAVUZ Fine ArtZhu Hao YAVUZ Fine ArtZhu QiZhan Wai's Art Gallery

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