Since They Moved the Foundations

Since They Moved the Foundations


A warning to be careful in these frigid conditions, where the world is going all out away from God, that we as the people of God don't get shifted.

Transcript of Since They Moved the Foundations

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Since They Moved the Foundations

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Since They Moved the Foundations

2 Since They Moved the Foundations

Copyright 2013 CCF Writers

Psalms 11:3 “If the foundations be de-

stroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Some things, some principles, some moral and ethical laws are so essential to the

maintaining of a civilized society as to be considered foundational; in other words

our society rest on them.

In the United States there were certain things that were a given. They were a part

of our culture from our very inception as a nation. There are certain things we put

down in writing so as to define who we were and to distinguish ourselves from the

rest of the world; these things being in place made America a fertile ground for

Christianity and faith in God; these laws and principles, along with certain customs

and practices being in place, aided in the rapid spread of the church of God in this


Women didn't work. It wasn't customary or lawful for them to do it. They stayed

home and raised the children while their husbands went out and worked.

Women didn't have children unless they were married. Of course there was sin

even in those times, but we're talking about what was the norm, what was the cus-

tomary state of affairs.

It was an honor and a privilege for a man to go out and work and provide for his

family. He was a husband and a father, not just someone who got a woman preg-

nant and left her to her own devices.

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Since They Moved the Foundations

3 Since They Moved the Foundations

Copyright 2013 CCF Writers

Men did an honest days work for an honest days pay. He didn't steal or take from

someone else because he realized that taking money from another man was taking

food out of his children's mouth. Again we're not talking absolutes, but in general

there were certain accepted principles.

There wasn't a lot of sympathy for criminals. A criminal was a low life that needed

to pay for his crimes. Right was right and wrong was wrong and the majority of

people could still distinguish between the two.

Certain things were not acceptable. Women wore dresses or skirts (and not mini-

skirts either). They didn't wear pants or cut their hair to look like a man. Decent

women didn't paint their face up to look like street walkers either. Those that got

close to the line were looked down upon, seen as loose and lewd. Not the kind of

girl you'd want to marry or bring home to meet your mother.

Times were hard and people were too. They didn't complain they did what it took

to get the job done and then got up the next day and did it again.

Decent, hard working, moral people went to church on Sunday. They respected the

house of God and the preacher and if they professed to be saved they at least tried

to live decent moral lives in the public view.

A majority of churches taught holiness or living free from sin, and not only taught

it, but enforced it; expecting their members to live lives above reproach or at least

not falling into gross immorality.

People seemed eager for real religion back then therefore the church of God spread

like a blazing fire sweeping across the nation.

But what will we do since the foundations have been moved? Since prayer is out of

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Since They Moved the Foundations

4 Since They Moved the Foundations

Copyright 2013 CCF Writers

school and God is not in all their thoughts.

What will we do now that Fathers and not in the home and women are having to

take a man's place both in the home and in the workplace?

What will we do?

Matthew 24:12 “And because iniquity shall abound,

the love of many shall wax cold.”

Jesus let us know here what would unfortunately be the end result of it. Because

the world has so turned their back on God; because they have so given themselves

to idolatry (worshipping people and cars, and gadgets) and lewdness; because they

have so destroyed the moral fabric of the country and changed or perverted the

right way, the love of many shall wax cold.

Many saints, many that had a true experience at one time, will get caught up in the

"iniquity of the city" (as the angels warned Lot). They'll dabble around in it rather

than crying out about it. It will cause some to see things differently.

2 Timothy 4:10 “For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world…”

He took his eyes off God and started looking around at all the splendor, at all the

distractions, all the involvements that were in the world and he got caught up in it.

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Since They Moved the Foundations

5 Since They Moved the Foundations

Copyright 2013 CCF Writers

He went after the image, he chased the illusion.

If Demas in that simple time could get shifted by the allurements of the world how

about us? How about now when the world is full of iniquity? Full of distractions

and diversions?

1 Timothy 6:11-12 “But thou O' Man of God, flee these things, and follow after

righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of

faith, lay hold on eternal life…”

Man of God, woman, child, whoever you are; flee these things.

1 John 2:16-17 “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the

eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world

passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forev-


Everything in this world is going to burn up and all that chase after this world will

likewise burn eternally, but those that do the will of God will abide forever.

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