Simultaneous Equations II

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  • 7/24/2019 Simultaneous Equations II


    Simultaneous Equations

    Chapter 11 entitled Violating Assumption Four:

    Simultaneous Equations from the book by Peter Kennedy A

    Guide to Econometrics Wiley-Blackwell

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    Lets assume the following econometric model (1):

    Q is the equilibrium quantity exchanged on the market, P is the

    equilibrium price and Y is income of consumers.

    The variables Q and P are endogenous and Y is exogenous.

    s and s are parameters, us are random disturbances, and t

    represents a specific period of time.

    Note that both relations are needed for determining the values of

    the two endogenous variables, so that system is one ofsimultaneous equations.

    Equations given in model (1) are called the structural form of the

    model under study. This form is derived from economic theory.

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    The structural equations can be solved for the endogenous variables

    to give (2):

    The solution in (2) is called the reduced form of the model.

    The reduced form equations show how the endogenous variables are

    jointly dependent on the predetermined variables and thedisturbances of the system.

    We can see that the values of Q and P are fully determined by Yand

    us. The value of Yis determined outside of the market in question

    and to be in no way influenced by P and Q. The coefficient of Yin the reduced form equation for Q represents a

    total effect of Yon Q.

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    This effect consists of a direct effect of Y on Q given by the coefficienta3 of the demand equation in (1) and of an indirect effect of Y on Qthrough P defined as

    From the point of statistical inference, the single relevantcharacteristic of the simultaneous equation system, and the one thatrequires special consideration, is the appearance of endogenousvariables among the explanatory variables of at least some of thestructural equations.

    This leads to problems because the endogenous variables are, ingeneral, correlated with the disturbance of the equation in whichthey appear.

    Consider the supply-demand model of (1). In both equations the

    endogenous P appears as an explanatory variable. But from (2) wecan see that P is correlated with both disturbances because thefollowing is true:

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    The Identification Problem

    Knowledge of the reduced form of a system of equations is not

    always sufficient to allow us to discern the value of the parameters in

    the original set of structural equations.

    The problem of whether we can determine the structural equations,

    given knowledge of the reduced form, is called the identification


    Note that knowledge of the structural parameters is not absolutely

    necessary ifprediction or forecasting is our primary purpose,

    because forecasts can be obtained through the reduced-form

    equations directly.

    A system of simultaneous equations is said to be complete if it

    contains at least as many independent equations as endogenous


    For identification of the entire model, it is necessary for the model

    to be complete and for each equation in it to be identified.

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    We shall say that an equation is unidentified if there is no way of

    estimating all the structural parameters from the reduced form.

    An equation is identified if it is possible to obtain values of the

    parameters from the reduced-form equation system.

    An equation is exactly identified if a unique parameter value exists

    and overidentified if more than one value is obtained for some


    Consider first the following supply-demand time series model (3) in

    which there are no predetermined variables:

    When we try to estimate model (3) using market data we obtainmeaningless results.

    There is no way to ascertain the true supply and demand slopes given

    only the equilibrium data.

    Both demand and supply in (3) are unidentified.

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    This situation is depicted in the following figure.

    From the above figure it is apparent that any pair of demand and

    supply curves which are intersecting at point E could be the truedemand and supply curves.

    In other words there is an infinite number of structural models

    (demand and supply curves) which are consistent with the same

    reduced form (equilibrium value of P and Q). Note that the reduced form equations of the structural model (3)

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    Consider the following example of supply-demand system (4):

    Note that in this case income (Y) determines demand and becauseincome varies over time, we must account for the fact that the

    demand curve shifts over time. This situation is depicted in the

    following figure.

    From the above figure we can see that the equilibrium values traceout the path of the underlying supply curve.

    The supply curve is identified because the supply parameters can be

    deduced from the reduced form. Notice that it is the movement of Y

    over time for the identification of the supply equation.

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    The supply equation is identified because the exogenous variable Y

    was excluded from the supply equation.

    The demand equation is unidentified because prior information is not

    available which allows for the unique determination of the demand


    Now consider another model in which the supply relationship is

    determined by the temperature Tin the region and the demand

    curve is not, then the prior information about the excluded

    exogenous variable (temperature) in the demand equation wouldallow the demand curve to be identified.

    In this case both the demand and supply curve are identified. The

    following demand and supply model (5) has just this property:

    In this case it is not easy to depict the supply-demand relationship


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    Note that if Tand Yvary over time both demand and supplyrelationships will shift.

    The structural values of the demand and supply parameters can bedetermined uniquely.

    The shifting of the supply curve associated with changes in Thelps toplot out the demand curve at the same time that shifts in demand(changes in Y) plot out the supply curve.

    To reiterate, certain exogenous variables (which appear in thestructural system) are excluded from individual equations within thesystem that allows the equations to be identified.

    As a final model (5), consider the one given bellow, in which thedemand curve is a function not only of income but also of wealth.



    In this case the demand curve shits through time due to changes intwo variables. The supply equation is overidentified because thereare two exogenous variables in the system which are excluded from

    the supply equation.

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    The conditions for identification of one equation in a simultaneous system

    of equations can be generalized in two rules: 1) order condition and 2) rank


    Note that the order condition is a necessary condition but not a sufficient

    one and technically speaking the rank condition must also be checked. Notethat the rank condition much more complicated than the order condition.

    The order condition states that: For an equation to be identified the total

    number of variables excluded from it but included in other equations must

    be at least as great as the number of equations of the system less one.

    Let G=total number of equations (=total number of endogenous variables)

    K= number of variables in the model (endogenous and predetermined)

    M= number of variables, endogenous and exogenous, included in a

    particular equation.

    Then the order condition can be expressed as:

    (K-M) (G-1)

    (excluded variables) (total number of equations -1)

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    Two-stage least squares (2SLS) provides a useful estimation procedure

    for obtaining the values of structural parameters in overidentified


    Two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimation uses the information available

    from the specification of an equation system to obtain a unique

    estimate for each structural parameter.

    The first stage of 2SLS involves the creation of an instrument, while the

    second stage involves a variant of instrumental-variable estimation.

    Lets describe very briefly the workings of 2SLS.

    Consider the supply-demand model (5), which was provided previously.

    The structural model and the resulting reduced form equations are

    provided bellow:



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    The supply equation of (5.1) is overidentified so estimation of the

    reduced form equations (5.2) will not yield unique parameter


    The 2SLS procedure works as follows:

    1. In the first step the reduced-form equation for is estimated

    using ordinary least squares (OLS). This is accomplice by regressingp on

    all the predetermined variables in the equation system.

    From the first stage regression, the fitted values of the dependent

    variable are determined. The fitted values will by construction be

    independent of the error terms .

    Thus, the first stage process allows us to construct a variable which is

    linearly related to the predetermined model variables (through OLS)

    and which is purged of any correlation with the error term in thesupply equation.

    It seems reasonable to view this newly created variable as an


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    2. In the second-stage regression, the supply equation of the

    structural model is estimated by replacing the variable with the first-

    stage fitted variable .

    The use of OLS in this second stage will yield a consistent estimator of

    the supply parameter If additional predetermined variables appear

    in the supply equation, 2SLS would also estimate those parameters


    The 2SLS procedure is quite easy to use and is frequently used when

    overidentified equations are present. We also can use 2SLS when anequation is exactly identified.

    When the supply equation is not identified, e.g. when the variables y

    and wappear in the supply equation, then 2SLS is impossible. This

    happens because the fitted-value variable, , used in the secondstage-regression is a weighted average (or linear combination) of the

    predetermined variables in the system. When one attempts to

    regress in the second stage, the perfect collinearity

    between the three repressors will make estimation impossible.

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    Seemingly Unrelated-equations (SUR)

    The SUR model consists of a series of equations linked because the

    error terms across equations are correlated.

    Consider the two-equation model

    We assume that the model is a cross-section model and that N

    observations are available in the model. Under the assumption that and are correlated for identical

    cross-section units, we can improve upon the efficiency of ordinary

    least squares by writing the equation system as one combined

    equation, estimating that equation using generalized least-squaresestimation.

    In order to write the system as one large equation rather than two

    smaller equations, it is necessary to distinguish between observations

    associated with the first equation, and observations associated with

    the second equation of the system.

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    To do so, we shall relabel the observations, arbitrarily assigning

    observations 1 to N to the first-equation variables and observations

    N+1 to 2N to the second-equation variables. We now define four

    new variables.

    With this new notation the combined equation can be written as

    Applying the generalized least-square procedure to the abovetransformed equation allows us to obtain parameter estimates for

    and .

    Since the algebra involved is substantial we shall simply present the

    results as provided bellow:

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    The application of generalized least squares necessitates obtainingestimates of the error covariances between equations.

    These estimates are obtained by first estimating each single equation usingordinary least squares.

    The variances and covariances of the estimated residuals then provideconsistent estimators of the error variances ad covariances.

    In our two-equation example, we would estimate


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    Three-stage least squares (3SLS) is a system method, that is itapplied to all the equations of the model at the same time and givesestimates of all the parameters simultaneously.

    It involves the application of the method of least squares in threesuccessive stages.

    It utilizes more information than the single-equation techniques, thatis, it takes into account the entire structure of the model with all therestrictions that this structure imposes on the values of theparameters.

    The single-equation techniques make use only of the variablesappearing in the particular equation, but they ignore the restrictionsset by the structure on the coefficients of other equations, as well as

    the contemporaneous dependence on the random terms of thevarious equations.

    In simultaneous equations models it is almost certain that the errorterm of any equation will be correlated with the error term of other

    equations. This fact is ignored by single-equation methods.

    Th l i i h f d i f 2SLS d

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    Three-stage least squares is a straightforward extension of 2SLS and

    involves the application of least squares in three stages.

    The first two stages are the same as 2SLS except that we deal with

    the reduced-form of all the equations of the system.

    The third stage involves the application of generalized least squares,

    that is, the application of least squares to a set of transformed

    equations, in which the transformation required is obtained from the

    reduced-form residuals of the previous stage.

    Suppose that we are left with a system in G endogenous and K

    predetermined variables. There are G equations in the system of the


    P l i l i h i b h K d i d i bl

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    Pre-multiplying each equation by the Kpredetermined variables we

    obtain a system of KG equations, that is, we have Kforms for each

    one of the G equations.

    The set of the K forms for the first structural equations is

    Set of K forms for the second structural equation

    Th t f K f f th Gth t t l ti i

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    The set of K forms for the Gth structural equation is

    We observe that the disturbances of these equations are

    heteroscedastic, since the composite random termtend to change together with thex variables.

    Hence the appropriate method for the estimation of the parameters

    of the system is generalized least squares.

    The transformation required involves the variances and thecovariances of the original error terms which however are


    We may obtain an estimate of these covariances by applying 2SLS to

    each one of the structural equations of the original model.

    B d th 3SLS ti ti t h i h th f ll i

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    Based on the 3SLS estimation techniques we have the following

    three stages of estimation:

    Stage I. In the first stage we estimate the reduced-form of all the

    equations of the system

    We thus obtain estimated values of the endogenous variables,

    Stage II. We substitute the above calculated values of theendogenous variables in the right-hand side of the structural

    equations and apply least squares to the transformed equations.

    We thus obtain the 2SLS of the bs and the s which we use for the

    estimation of the error term of the various equations.

    W fi d t f G t d b th l f l f th

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    We find a set of G errors computed by the usual formula of the


    The complete set of the variances and the covariances of the error

    terms is as follows

    Stage III. We use the above variances and covariances of the error

    terms in order to obtain the transformations of the original variablesfor the application of generalized least squares (GLS).

    Th t ti f th t ti f th thi d t b

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    The presentation of the computations of the third stage becomes

    extremely complicated with the use of simple alebra and

    summations and will not be presented here.

    However it should be restated that the third stage involves the

    application of generalized least squares to a set of transformed

    equations. In general lines the transformation is achieved as follows:

    1. First each single equation of the system is multiplied through

    (transformed) by the transpose of the matrix of observations on all

    the exogenous variables in the system.

    2. Then all the equations to be estimated stacked one on top of the

    other, and this stock is rewritten as a single, very large, equation.

    3. Finally, GLS estimation is applied to this giant equation taking into

    consideration the previous two stages.

    To summarize the process

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    To summarize the process:

    In the first stage of the process, the reduced form of the model

    system is estimated.

    The fitted values of the endogenous variables are then used to get

    2SLS estimates of all the equations of the system.

    Once the 2SLS parameters have been calculated, the residuals of

    each equation are used to estimate the cross-equation variances

    and covariances.

    In the third and final stage of the estimation process, generalized

    least-squares parameter estimates are obtained.

    The 3SLS procedure can be shown to yield more efficient parameter

    estimates than the 2SLS because it takes into account cross-equation
