Simply · 2 days ago · Simply...

Simply Speaking Jamestown Friends Meeting – 509 Guilford Rd – PO Box 2163 – Jamestown NC 27282 September 2020 Is it really Septem- ber? Ive lost track of time, days, and what month this is. This has been an unusual summer and an unusual year. However, one thing is for sure, the Light is always with us. Sometimes it is peeking out from behind a cloud (literally or figura- tively) reminding us that darkness is only fleeting and temporary, for light overcomes. The writer of The Gospel of John tells us that, What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldnt put it out. (John 1:4-5) Light always overcomes darkness, driving it out, bringing the fullness of the Light. This photo is from our recent family trip to Topsail Beach. Each morning I rose early to walk, with waves lapping at my feet, and the Light greeting me. Always, always the Light would peek around, burn through, and overcome any cloud or darkness in the morning sky. Today, after about six months of stay-in- place, of limited travel and visitation, of constant reminders of the pandemic that have cast a shadow over the whole of the world, I have gotten a little down; my mood is a little cloudy. With the unusual fall season we are entering, of online school, hybrid models of school, of colleges which have in-person classes and online options, of limited football, and of the campaign season, I and many of us may re- treat even more into the darkness of despair. However, we are not to live in despair. We are a faith of hope—a hope founded in the under- standing, knowledge, and experience that light overcomes the darknessin all aspects of our lives. Ours is a faith grounded in the understanding that the tomb could not hold back the power of res- urrection, the power of life over death, the power of light and life. In these days ahead, as the length of daylight hours grow shorter, as the nights grow deeper and longer, as the political and religious rancor grows, oftentimes personal, let us again call upon our faith and live in and into the promise and hope of the Light coming, the dawn coming, the light driving out darkness. I encourage us to look for the small glim- mers of light occurring around us: the neighbor of- fering a helping hand; the young person speaking up for justice; the offer of a meal to someone in need; the letter to a Representative or Senator supporting a bill to expand healthcare or to hold police accounta- ble for their actions. I encourage us to BE that small glimmer of light, by reaching to assist a stranger or neighbor, by supporting your local food pantry, by speaking for justice and calm in these trying times. We are light. The smallest light makes a dif- ference. This little light of mine, Im going to let it shine…” In the Light, Frank Massey pastoral minister 336-454-3813 Light Workers It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. ~Aristotle If light is in your heart, you will find your way home. ~Rumi Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light. ~Madeleine LEngle After darkness comes the light. ~Cornelius Nepos

Transcript of Simply · 2 days ago · Simply...

Page 1: Simply · 2 days ago · Simply Speaking Jamestown Friends Meeting – 509 Guilford Rd – PO Box 2163 – Jamestown NC

Simply Speaking Jamestown Friends Meeting – 509 Guilford Rd – PO Box 2163 – Jamestown NC 27282

September 2020

Is it really Septem-ber? I’ve lost track of time, days, and what month this is. This has been an unusual summer and an unusual year. However, one thing is for sure, the Light is always with us. Sometimes it is

peeking out from behind a cloud (literally or figura-tively) reminding us that darkness is only fleeting and temporary, for light overcomes. The writer of The Gospel of John tells us that, What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out. (John 1:4-5) Light always overcomes darkness, driving it out, bringing the fullness of the Light. This photo is from our recent family trip to Topsail Beach. Each morning I rose early to walk, with waves lapping at my feet, and the Light greeting me. Always, always the Light would peek around, burn through, and overcome any cloud or darkness in the morning sky. Today, after about six months of stay-in-place, of limited travel and visitation, of constant reminders of the pandemic that have cast a shadow over the whole of the world, I have gotten a little down; my mood is a little cloudy. With the unusual fall season we are entering, of online school, hybrid models of school, of colleges which have in-person classes and online options, of limited football, and of the campaign season, I and many of us may re-treat even more into the darkness of despair. However, we are not to live in despair. We are a faith of hope—a hope founded in the under-standing, knowledge, and experience that “light

overcomes the darkness” in all aspects of our lives. Ours is a faith grounded in the understanding that the tomb could not hold back the power of res-urrection, the power of life over death, the power of light and life. In these days ahead, as the length of daylight hours grow shorter, as the nights grow deeper and longer, as the political and religious rancor grows, oftentimes personal, let us again call upon our faith and live in and into the promise and hope of the Light coming, the dawn coming, the light driving out darkness. I encourage us to look for the small glim-mers of light occurring around us: the neighbor of-fering a helping hand; the young person speaking up for justice; the offer of a meal to someone in need; the letter to a Representative or Senator supporting a bill to expand healthcare or to hold police accounta-ble for their actions. I encourage us to BE that small glimmer of light, by reaching to assist a stranger or neighbor, by supporting your local food pantry, by speaking for justice and calm in these trying times. We are light. The smallest light makes a dif-ference. This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine…”

In the Light, Frank Massey

pastoral minister


Light Workers It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. ~Aristotle

If light is in your heart, you will find your way home. ~Rumi

Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light. ~Madeleine L’Engle

After darkness comes the light. ~Cornelius Nepos

Page 2: Simply · 2 days ago · Simply Speaking Jamestown Friends Meeting – 509 Guilford Rd – PO Box 2163 – Jamestown NC

Music Notes By Beth Massey

Our first OPEN choir ZOOM on Wed, Aug 19, 2020 was very enjoyable, and we look forward to the next 3rd Wed. gathering—on Sep 16, from 6-7pm (Join as early as 5:45. Leave meeting by 7:15.) Choir mem-bers have a good time singing and talking and laughing together each week. Our joy is increased when more folks join us on 3rd Wed. evenings! Another development in Jamestown Friends Meeting’s Music Ministry is the establishment of the Martha Mattocks Music Assistantship Fund. Contribu-tions given in 2019 in memory of Martha Carter Mat-tocks had been designated by the Music Committee for choral music. However, in light of pandemic re-strictions, when we will again use choral music for our choir is, unfortunately, an open-ended question. Con-versely, the pandemic has created lots of unemployed performing artists, with no idea when they will be able to resume making a living wage with their art. Therefore, the Martha Mattocks Music Assistantship Fund was pro-posed by the Music Committee and approved by the May 2020 Meeting for Business. Its purpose is two-fold:

First and for the time being, to pay a stipend to musicians who provide special music for our meetings for worship—either recorded in their homes, or in small ensemble (2 or 3) gatherings at the meeting house—as long as the coronavirus pandemic prevents our safely singing together as a choir.

Second, to offer financial assistantship to musi-cians in need after the crises and relative dangers of the pandemic are safely behind us—as substitutes when the choir director or pianist must be away, or as interns to help build new leadership for JFM’s music ministry.

With this dual purpose, the Music Committee believes we are addressing current and long-term needs to help sustain a vital music ministry for Jamestown Friends. We believe these purposes honor Martha and keep her memory and good works before us in ways that are inspiring and empowering as we go forward. Thank you, Martha! Thank you to Clarence and Wendy and Robyn and all of Martha’s family, including her par-ents! And thank you to those who have already donated to this fund, and who will donate in the future.

We are constantly learning ways to enhance our ZOOM music. The adventure continues! Jamestown Friends and friends are invited to contact Beth or Susan or Frank if you are willing to provide special music—either instrumental or vocal. If you know of someone you would like for us to ask, please let us know that as well. You may choose to receive the stipend described, or to donate it back to JFM.

In the past few weeks we have heard from many sources that they miss singing together. Quite a few of the online worship opportunities available nowadays are not interactive.

Therefore, opportunities to sing together are limited, and we are hungry for that expression of the soul! Remem-ber, all you have to do is call our meeting house phone number (336-454-3813), Frank’s mobile phone number (336-301-0082), or my mobile phone (336-963-1089) to arrange a time to come by the meeting house to pick up your hymnals, so you can sing with us no matter which hymns are selected on any given Sunday. COME (to your closest camera/screen, and) SING WITH US! It will feed your soul.

Frank Massey took a load of farmworker kits,

school kits, and infant kits from FEMAP to the Episcopal

Farmworker Ministry in Newton Grove, NC. They were

pleased to accept these donations!

Page 3: Simply · 2 days ago · Simply Speaking Jamestown Friends Meeting – 509 Guilford Rd – PO Box 2163 – Jamestown NC

By Kathy Adams

Congratulations to Susan Bulla on her recent re-

tirement! Susan worked for the same insurance company

from August 22, 1977 to August 7, 2020. That is almost 43

years! Susan retired from her position as insurance agent/

office manager. She is enjoying a rest after her long career.

We are pleased to report that Ken Huggins is re-

covering at home after his recent hospitalization. Rudy and

Carla Padron are also regaining their strength after their

recent bouts of illness.

Susan, Patrick, and Patty Morton moved into a

new home in August. Their new address is: 2156 Chester

Ridge Drive, Apartment E, High Point, NC 27262.

The virtual baby shower for Olivia and Baby

Zayden was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who

participated and gave such generous gifts.

Linda Willard reports that she has been invited by

the High Point Museum to submit a blog. Her first blog will

be divided into three parts. The title of the first blog is The

Wise Men. It is about the contributions of Alfred J. Griffin,

Edward E. Curtright, and Samuel E. Burford. The first part

will be posted in October. The museum posts a blog every

6 weeks, so the next part will come out in November.

Brenda and Chester Haworth have recommenda-

tions for television viewing during the time that we are shel-

tering in place. Brenda says, “Chester and I have watched

more movies during this Covid time than in the past 5

years! Here are some that we’ve particularly en-

joyed. Anne with an E—a series of 30 episodes based on

Anne of Green Gables; Mr. Rogers Neighborhood; Quar-

tet—a story about retired musicians who live together at a

retirement home specifically for them. Many of the cast

were really residents at this place and the music was beauti-

ful; Fifth Floor with Diane Keaton and Morgan Freeman—

perhaps you’re noticing that we like to watch old people

movies. Somehow we relate. Green Book was a good mov-

ie about something I didn’t know existed—a Green Book

which told people of color where they could stay on a

trip. And finally, Hamilton. I’m afraid it wasn’t one that

we “oldie goldies” could relate to. Thankfully, we already

knew the story but the play was really a rap opera. Rap is

rapid fire poetry. I noticed the younger people would laugh

and I knew I had missed something. I got a word about

every 10 words. But it was good and very well done and

amazing that the actors had learned their very verbose


And now you know!

Congratulations to the Farlow Family!

Sylvena Kae Farlow, pronounced Syl-veh-na Ka-eh Farlow, made her appearance on August 14, 2020. She weighed 8 pounds and measured 20 inches long. Her parents Carl and Allison Farlow along with her grandparents Mark and Martha Farlow are thrilled! Carl and Allison report that Syl-vena is eating well and growing quickly! Mom and Dad are also doing well and taking turns with day shifts and night shifts.

Page 4: Simply · 2 days ago · Simply Speaking Jamestown Friends Meeting – 509 Guilford Rd – PO Box 2163 – Jamestown NC

September USFW Projects

Membership Apportionment $5.00 per active member

NCUSFW Scholarship Fund

* If you would like to contribute to USFW, send

your check to Jamestown Friends Meeting and

mark your check for USFW.

Lynne Gray will pick up and deliver donations for Backpack Beginnings on Friday, September 18. These items are needed: individually packaged items with pop tops, baby food, disposable diapers, and snack bars. You may bring your donations to the meetinghouse and leave them in the yellow room or in the crate in the drive-through.

Dear Friends, We at Open Door Ministries are so grateful for your ongoing support, especially this year in light of Covid-19. The needs are greater than ever, and it has become more difficult to meet these needs. Despite more restrictions, we continue to serve our community with your help:

• Father's Table--5000 meals served per month

• Food boxes given to individuals and families--14 boxes per day

• Men in our Emergency Shelter--39 on average per month

• Transitional housing for veterans--25 served this year

• Emergency Financial Assistance--528 individuals and families served this year

• Individuals and families permanently housed-- 399 this year

Our supporting churches, like yours, have gone above and beyond in helping provide meals in our Fa-ther's Table, donating food to our food pantry, as well as providing volunteers to paint our facility and donate oth-er much-needed supplies such as face masks. We are also very grateful for your ongoing financial support, without which we could not continue to provide the ser-vices we do in the community.

With your help, we will continue to do our best to serve those who are struggling in our communi-ty. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTING CHURCHES! Sincerely, Leigh Wagner, Marketing & Development

Prayer for a Pandemic

May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those

whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors remember those who

are most vulnerable.

May we who have the luxury of working from home,

remember those who must choose between preserving

their health and paying their rent.

May we who have the flexibility to care for our children

when their schools close remember those who have no


May we who have to cancel our trips remember those

who have no safe place to go.

May we who are losing margin money in the tumult of

the economic market, remember those who have no mar-

gin at all.

May we who settled in for a quarantine at home remem-

ber those who have no home.

As fear grips our country, let us remember love. During

this time when we can not physically wrap our arms

around each other, let us yet find ways to be the loving

embrace of God to our neighbors.


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Page 5: Simply · 2 days ago · Simply Speaking Jamestown Friends Meeting – 509 Guilford Rd – PO Box 2163 – Jamestown NC

September Message Schedule

September 6 Frank Massey

September 13 Frank Massey

September 20 Frank Massey

September 28 Frank Massey

* Join us for meeting for worship on Zoom at 11:00 AM on Sundays mornings.

Name That Quaker

By Linda Willard

Our marriage was the first recorded Quaker

marriage in North Carolina. Who were we and what meeting were we members of?

(Answer on a different page.)

Financial Statement

Reported by Ronnie Hicks

(Through July 2020)

Contributions/Revenues (actual) $34,982

Contributions/Revenues (budget) $43,319

Expenses (actual) $38,336

Expenses (budget) $40,358

Jamestown Middle School Project

As schools open this fall, most students will be attending classes virtually. Therefore, there is not a great need for school supplies such as pencils and note-books. However, Brittany Wells, the school social worker at Jamestown Middle School offered this as a way that we can support the students enrolled at the school:

From Brittany:

The start to our year has looked very different and for that reason we have been busier learning, sup-porting and ensuring our students have successfully and virtually started the school year. First of all, thank you for checking in with me and inquiring about our needs. We are SO fortunate to have you all supporting our stu-dents and families!

We are currently accepting donations for art supplies! Art tends to be a great outlet of expression for students and our AMAZING art teacher does a great job of fostering that for many of our students. Unfortu-nately, most students must be in the building to fully participate in art class and use the school’s art sup-plies. Our goal is to provide art supplies for students who do not have what they need at home to fully partic-ipate in the class and express themselves in art. Donors can respond to this need by ordering from the art teach-er’s Amazon Wish List at If you respond to the Wish List, please add a message that your gift is from a member of JFM.

The art teacher is also looking for basic items such as colored pencils, chalk, markers, crayons, un-lined journals or art paper, drawing pencils, pencil sharpeners, glue and big erasers.

The art teacher and I are planning to put sup-plies in mailboxes for students, once supplies have been collected.

If you would like to drop off art supplies at the meetinghouse o be delivered to the school, please leave items in the crate on the drive-through or in the yellow classroom. Please bring items by September 15. We would like to make the first delivery the week of Sep-tember 17. This will be an ongoing project.

Page 6: Simply · 2 days ago · Simply Speaking Jamestown Friends Meeting – 509 Guilford Rd – PO Box 2163 – Jamestown NC

September Birthdays

September 1 Jeanette Williams

September 2 Mary Griffin

September 3 Evan Altizer

September 4 Bill Jackman

September 6 Pam Hicks

September 6 Norris Bodenhamer

September 9 Cindy Hudson

September 17 Jewell Farlow

September 17 Alavaro Reyes Mendez

September 26 Kenneth Harris

September 26 Kate Suko Foreman

September 29 Ron Parks

September 29 Rudy Padron

Simply Speaking is published monthly for

Jamestown Friends Meeting

509 Guilford Road, PO Box 2163

Jamestown NC 27282

Phone: (336) 454 3813

E-mail: [email protected]

Editor: Kathy Adams; Managing Editor: Wallace Sills

Columnists: Frank Massey, pastor; Beth Massey

According to Susan...Bulla, that is

A minister, a priest and a rabbit go into a mo-

bile unit to donate blood. The rabbit says, “I think

I’m a Type-O.”

Answer to “Name That Quaker”

We were Ann Atwood and Christopher Ni-

cholson. We were members of Perquimans Month-ly Meeting.

Monthly Meeting for Worship and Business—

September 10

6:00 PM on Zoom