Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

A k r a m Y o u t h May 2015 | English Dada Bhagwan Parivar 12 Compassion love Salvation Simplicity


"The definition of ‘love’ and 'compassion' keeps on changing as we evolve and grow. But have we ever been able to truly understand it's meaning in exactness? Over centuries many great thinkers and philosophers have tried to decipher the true essence of love & compassion but just a couplet by Sant Kabir truly explains the significance of love, पोथी पढ़ पढ़ जग मुआ, पंडीत भयो न कोए.. ढाई अक्षर प्रेम के पढ़े तो पंडीत होए. (Simply studying the scriptures does not turn one into a scholar. The one who truly comprehends the word ‘love’ can be called a scholar in the true sense) To understand ‘love’ and ‘compassion’ better, we have complied many articles in this issue to highlight this unique virtue which can be seen only in a mother or saint besides ofcourse a 'Gnani' who is the embodiment of true love."

Transcript of Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Page 1: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Akram Youth May 2015 | English Dada Bhagwan Parivar 12



Page 2: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

The definition of ‘love’ and 'compassion' keeps on changing as we evolve and grow. But have we ever been able to truly understand it's meaning in exactness? Over centuries many great thinkers and philosophers have tried to decipher the true essence of love & compassion but just a couplet by Sant Kabir truly explains the significance of love,

(Simply studying the scriptures does not turn one into a scholar. The one who truly comprehends the word ‘love’ can be called a scholar in the true sense) To understand ‘love’ and ‘compassion’ better, we have complied many articles in this issue to highlight this unique virtue which can be seen only in a mother or saint besides ofcourse a 'Gnani' who is the embodiment of true love.

02 | May 2015

Dimple Mehta on behalf ofMahavideh FoundationSimandhar City, Adalaj -382421. Dist- Gandhinagar

Mahavideh FoundationSimandhar City, Adalaj -382421. Dist- Gandhinagar

Printed & Published by

Owned by

Printed atAmba Offset

Basement, ParshvanathChambers, Nr. RBI,Usmanpura, Ahmedabad-14.

Mahavideh FoundationSimandhar City, Adalaj -382421. Dist- Gandhinagar

Published atPublisher & Editor:Dimple MehtaPg. 24 - May 2015.Year: 3. Issue: 1.Cont. Issue: 25.

email: [email protected]:

Contact :Gnani Ni Chhayama (GNC),Trimandir Sankul, Simandhar City,Ahmedabad-Kalol Highway,Adalaj, Dist. Gandhinagar,Gujarat-382421Phone: (079) 39830100

Total 24 Pages with Cover page

SubscriptionYearly SubscriptionIndia :125 Rupees USA: 15 Dollars UK: 10 Pounds5 Years SubscriptionIndia : 500 Rupees USA: 60 Dollars UK: 40 PoundsIn India, D.D. / M.O. should be in favour of "Mahavideh Foundation”payable at Ahmedabad.


Akram Youth | 03

ÂôÍè ÂçÉU¸U ÂçÉU¸U Á» ×é¥æ, ¢çÇUÌ ÖØæ Ù ·¤ôØ,ÉUæ§ü ¥æ¹ÚU Âýð× ·¤æ, ÂÉð¸U âô ¢çÇUÌ ãôØÐ

- Dimple Mehta.

Dada’s Book Excerpt| Dadavani (April 2006)

Gnani an idol of Astonishment

Yuva 2015

Experiences | Yuva 2014





Story| Simplicity

Gnani's Scientific Solution

You Can be everything | Compassionate

Gnani with Youth

Glimpses of Great Souls| Mother Teresa

A to Z fo akramVignan


nts 04






Page 3: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

The definition of ‘love’ and 'compassion' keeps on changing as we evolve and grow. But have we ever been able to truly understand it's meaning in exactness? Over centuries many great thinkers and philosophers have tried to decipher the true essence of love & compassion but just a couplet by Sant Kabir truly explains the significance of love,

(Simply studying the scriptures does not turn one into a scholar. The one who truly comprehends the word ‘love’ can be called a scholar in the true sense) To understand ‘love’ and ‘compassion’ better, we have complied many articles in this issue to highlight this unique virtue which can be seen only in a mother or saint besides ofcourse a 'Gnani' who is the embodiment of true love.

02 | May 2015

Dimple Mehta on behalf ofMahavideh FoundationSimandhar City, Adalaj -382421. Dist- Gandhinagar

Mahavideh FoundationSimandhar City, Adalaj -382421. Dist- Gandhinagar

Printed & Published by

Owned by

Printed atAmba Offset

Basement, ParshvanathChambers, Nr. RBI,Usmanpura, Ahmedabad-14.

Mahavideh FoundationSimandhar City, Adalaj -382421. Dist- Gandhinagar

Published atPublisher & Editor:Dimple MehtaPg. 24 - May 2015.Year: 3. Issue: 1.Cont. Issue: 25.

email: [email protected]:

Contact :Gnani Ni Chhayama (GNC),Trimandir Sankul, Simandhar City,Ahmedabad-Kalol Highway,Adalaj, Dist. Gandhinagar,Gujarat-382421Phone: (079) 39830100

Total 24 Pages with Cover page

SubscriptionYearly SubscriptionIndia :125 Rupees USA: 15 Dollars UK: 10 Pounds5 Years SubscriptionIndia : 500 Rupees USA: 60 Dollars UK: 40 PoundsIn India, D.D. / M.O. should be in favour of "Mahavideh Foundation”payable at Ahmedabad.


Akram Youth | 03

ÂôÍè ÂçÉU¸U ÂçÉU¸U Á» ×é¥æ, ¢çÇUÌ ÖØæ Ù ·¤ôØ,ÉUæ§ü ¥æ¹ÚU Âýð× ·¤æ, ÂÉð¸U âô ¢çÇUÌ ãôØÐ

- Dimple Mehta.

Dada’s Book Excerpt| Dadavani (April 2006)

Gnani an idol of Astonishment

Yuva 2015

Experiences | Yuva 2014





Story| Simplicity

Gnani's Scientific Solution

You Can be everything | Compassionate

Gnani with Youth

Glimpses of Great Souls| Mother Teresa

A to Z fo akramVignan


nts 04






Page 4: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Akram Youth | 0504 | May 2015

was around 2.30 in the afternoon 19 year old Pawan was busy pressing clothes when he heard someone call out his name from downstairs. As he looked out of the window he saw Shravan. “Hey Pawan, where's Sahil?

What is he doing?” inquired Shravan. To this Pawan replied very innocently, “Oh! He's doing Engineering. Sahilbhai has opted for engineering course”. “Oh God! I know that. I meant what is he doing right now?” Shravan asked, irritation writ large on his face. “Oh! Right now? Well right now he's taking a nap” replied Pawan casually. Hearing this Shravan drove away and Pawan resumed his work. Pawan an innocent young fellow was unaware of the ways of the world having lost both his parents at a very young age. Saddened to see such a young child being orphaned, a muslim merchant friend of his father took the responsibility of Pawan's upbringing. He brought him home and treated him as his own son. Pawan very easily jelled with the new family and adopted their culture. But as he turned 18 his fate again took a new turn. The Muslim merchant was compelled to

migrate to Pakistan with his family. Not finding it right to take Pawan along with him, the merchant was in a dilemma and was then worried about Pawan's future. Being extremely weak in studies Pawan had dropped out of school from grade 7. Moreover he hardly had any ability to earn his own l iving. The merchant was weighing options for Pawan's future when he recalled his trusted friend Mr. Purshottam Upadhyay. He immediately called Mr. Upadhyay and briefed him of the situation requesting him to take Pawan's responsibility. Mr. Upadhyay willingly agreed and soon Pawan took to the new family and their culture like a fish takes to water. Being very straight forward and having a helpful nature, all the members of Mr. Upadhyay's family too took a liking for him. Here too he wil l ingly started helping with the household chores and never entered into arguments with anybody. Come month end all the servants were paid their salary whereas Pawan was given a monthly allowance just like Sahil, Mr. Upadhyay's son. Hardly had he finished pressing the clothes when he suddenly remembered that he was to repair Sahil's amplifier. Thus he immediately went to Sahil's room.

Sahil was engrossed reading a novel when Pawan very gently said, “I want to tell you something. Last night while trying to complete your project I messed up with certa in connect ions and now the instrument is not working. If you don't mind I would like to set it up so you can submit your project on time.” Hearing this Sahil immediately dumped the novel and screamed, “What have you done? Why did you touch the thing in my absence?” Looking at the amplifier he immediately realized that he would have to start all over again. He was very furious as the date of submission was only a few days away. Forgetting that Pawan had been a good help all through the project he yelled, “You just leave. I shall do it on my own. I don't need your help anymore. You just stay away from that amplifier.” In response Pawan said apologetically, “Dear brother, please forgive me” and walked out of the room. Getting over the incident without any grudges he soon got busy with his chores. Later that evening Sahil called out loudly, “Pawan, give me the emitter.” Realizing the urgency in Sahil's tone, Pawan ran over to Sahil and handed him the emitter. “Connect the emitter to the circuit board” ordered Sahil who was trying to make up for the lost time. Pawan did as he was told, completely forgetting that just a few hours back Sahil had reprimanded him and asked him innocently, “Is everything all right? Do you want me to connect the voltmeter?” “No, just do as you are told” replied Sahil. “Draw this circuit while I call Shravan.” Sahil added. Sahil returned shortly accompanied with Shravan who was informed about the mishap caused by Pawan. On seeing Pawan working on the project Shravan lost his cool, “Hey Pawan, what are you doing here? You have already messed up the thing once. Aren't you satisfied yet?” Pawan did not bother to look up and continued with his drawing saying, “I have been asked by Sahilbhai to draw the circuit. All is safe now as I have covered every detail and there are no

chances of my bungling up things once again.” Sahil soon intervened and asked Shravan to calm down, “Pawan is a gem of a person. He was real ly calm and composed while I scolded and abused him. Moreover when I called him back to help me, he sportingly came over without holding grudges.” After the celebrations that evening, everyone shared their experiences with Nilkanthbhai, the head of the family. Sahil's uncle asked, “Can you share with us something which might have made a lasting impression on you?” Without a moment's hesitation Purshottambhai looked towards Pawan and said, “I have been through many ups and downs in my lifetime, have come across various people and personalities, but it is Pawan from whom I have learnt a lot. His humbleness and politeness are something which we all should strive to imbibe. I have never seen him complain or argue with any member of our huge family.

He always makes compromises and adjustments to suit the needs

of all of us and never holds any malice in his heart.

If we achieve at least 10 % these virtues,

we will be much happier.

On hearing these compliments being showered on Pawan, a thought flashed through Shravan's mind, 'How can one survive in this ruthless world while holding such virtues? With survival for the fittest being the mantra of this age how can it be possible to be so straight forward and selfless? Won't people take advantage and brand us a fool?'…Let's see what Dadashri has to say on this…


Page 5: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Akram Youth | 0504 | May 2015

was around 2.30 in the afternoon 19 year old Pawan was busy pressing clothes when he heard someone call out his name from downstairs. As he looked out of the window he saw Shravan. “Hey Pawan, where's Sahil?

What is he doing?” inquired Shravan. To this Pawan replied very innocently, “Oh! He's doing Engineering. Sahilbhai has opted for engineering course”. “Oh God! I know that. I meant what is he doing right now?” Shravan asked, irritation writ large on his face. “Oh! Right now? Well right now he's taking a nap” replied Pawan casually. Hearing this Shravan drove away and Pawan resumed his work. Pawan an innocent young fellow was unaware of the ways of the world having lost both his parents at a very young age. Saddened to see such a young child being orphaned, a muslim merchant friend of his father took the responsibility of Pawan's upbringing. He brought him home and treated him as his own son. Pawan very easily jelled with the new family and adopted their culture. But as he turned 18 his fate again took a new turn. The Muslim merchant was compelled to

migrate to Pakistan with his family. Not finding it right to take Pawan along with him, the merchant was in a dilemma and was then worried about Pawan's future. Being extremely weak in studies Pawan had dropped out of school from grade 7. Moreover he hardly had any ability to earn his own l iving. The merchant was weighing options for Pawan's future when he recalled his trusted friend Mr. Purshottam Upadhyay. He immediately called Mr. Upadhyay and briefed him of the situation requesting him to take Pawan's responsibility. Mr. Upadhyay willingly agreed and soon Pawan took to the new family and their culture like a fish takes to water. Being very straight forward and having a helpful nature, all the members of Mr. Upadhyay's family too took a liking for him. Here too he wil l ingly started helping with the household chores and never entered into arguments with anybody. Come month end all the servants were paid their salary whereas Pawan was given a monthly allowance just like Sahil, Mr. Upadhyay's son. Hardly had he finished pressing the clothes when he suddenly remembered that he was to repair Sahil's amplifier. Thus he immediately went to Sahil's room.

Sahil was engrossed reading a novel when Pawan very gently said, “I want to tell you something. Last night while trying to complete your project I messed up with certa in connect ions and now the instrument is not working. If you don't mind I would like to set it up so you can submit your project on time.” Hearing this Sahil immediately dumped the novel and screamed, “What have you done? Why did you touch the thing in my absence?” Looking at the amplifier he immediately realized that he would have to start all over again. He was very furious as the date of submission was only a few days away. Forgetting that Pawan had been a good help all through the project he yelled, “You just leave. I shall do it on my own. I don't need your help anymore. You just stay away from that amplifier.” In response Pawan said apologetically, “Dear brother, please forgive me” and walked out of the room. Getting over the incident without any grudges he soon got busy with his chores. Later that evening Sahil called out loudly, “Pawan, give me the emitter.” Realizing the urgency in Sahil's tone, Pawan ran over to Sahil and handed him the emitter. “Connect the emitter to the circuit board” ordered Sahil who was trying to make up for the lost time. Pawan did as he was told, completely forgetting that just a few hours back Sahil had reprimanded him and asked him innocently, “Is everything all right? Do you want me to connect the voltmeter?” “No, just do as you are told” replied Sahil. “Draw this circuit while I call Shravan.” Sahil added. Sahil returned shortly accompanied with Shravan who was informed about the mishap caused by Pawan. On seeing Pawan working on the project Shravan lost his cool, “Hey Pawan, what are you doing here? You have already messed up the thing once. Aren't you satisfied yet?” Pawan did not bother to look up and continued with his drawing saying, “I have been asked by Sahilbhai to draw the circuit. All is safe now as I have covered every detail and there are no

chances of my bungling up things once again.” Sahil soon intervened and asked Shravan to calm down, “Pawan is a gem of a person. He was real ly calm and composed while I scolded and abused him. Moreover when I called him back to help me, he sportingly came over without holding grudges.” After the celebrations that evening, everyone shared their experiences with Nilkanthbhai, the head of the family. Sahil's uncle asked, “Can you share with us something which might have made a lasting impression on you?” Without a moment's hesitation Purshottambhai looked towards Pawan and said, “I have been through many ups and downs in my lifetime, have come across various people and personalities, but it is Pawan from whom I have learnt a lot. His humbleness and politeness are something which we all should strive to imbibe. I have never seen him complain or argue with any member of our huge family.

He always makes compromises and adjustments to suit the needs

of all of us and never holds any malice in his heart.

If we achieve at least 10 % these virtues,

we will be much happier.

On hearing these compliments being showered on Pawan, a thought flashed through Shravan's mind, 'How can one survive in this ruthless world while holding such virtues? With survival for the fittest being the mantra of this age how can it be possible to be so straight forward and selfless? Won't people take advantage and brand us a fool?'…Let's see what Dadashri has to say on this…


Page 6: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth





You can

his is a beautiful and touching story of compassion and perseverance. I have always Tsupplemented my income by teaching piano lessons - something I have done for over 30 years.

During my years as a piano teacher I found that children have many levels of musical ability. And although I have never had the pleasure of teaching a prodigy, I am proud to say that I taught some very talented students. However, I have also had my share of what I call 'musically challenged' pupils - one such pupil being Prakash. Prakash was 11 years old when his mother (a single parent) dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer that students (especially boys) begin at an early age, which I explained to Prakash. But Prakash said that it had always been his mother's dream to hear



Questioner: “Simplicity” originates in a natural

way, isn't it?

Dadashri: Yes, you may project dislike through

facial gestures. But those are momentary. When he calls

you back the second time, you remain natural and do not

protest. The key is not to bear any 'grudge' against that

man despite being harassed so many times and to

maintain willingness to interact as normally as possible

as though nothing has happened. To remain 'rigid' in

negative mode is the greatest ego.

Simplicity is when one just opens out his ‘baggage’

(heart.) He allows you to look at whatever is in there

without hiding anything. Whereas un-natural or artificial

behavior is like showing only a part of the possessions

and hiding other facts.

Questioner: But if we remain so simple and natural

then people will take advantage of us. Will it be advisable

to get befooled or leave aside straight forward frank

attitude and become artificial?

Dadashri: Simplicity and straight forwardness is

invaluable. It is our accumulated virtue of the past lives.

We shouldn't let it perish at some peoples behest.

People will even provoke us to act un-naturally. It may

seem that they make a fool of you and take advantage of

your simple attitude, but they will be doing it at their own

risk. We should not lose our composure. It is very difficult

to adjust with disturbing elements. It is not easy. Our

focus should always be upfront where our goal is.

Gnani's Scientific

Solution Dadashri: Natural means

simple and straight forward. For

example - if you pick ladyfinger fresh

from the farm, what wil l you

observe? That they are very soft and

you can bend them as per your will.

But if kept in a refrigerator for a

coupe of days, what will happen?

They will become hard. Then they

become rigid and you can't bend

them any more. That is called ‘un-

natural.’ Natural means like gold, it

can be bent and moulded easily to

any shape or size.

Suppose you have planned a

journey out of town taking a lift in

your neighbour's car. Then suddenly

the owner comes and asks you to

get down from the car as he now has

some other person to take along.

What will you do? You will get down.

Then as you walk a few steps ahead

he calls you again and asks you to sit

on the front seat beside the driver.

A g a i n a f t e r a w h i l e s o m e

acquaintance is seen on the road

asking for a ride. So he asks you to

g e t d o w n f r o m t h e c a r t o

accommodate him. He may go on

repeating this few times but if you

m a n a g e t o r e m a i n c a l m a n d

composed and do not react, then it

can be said that you are ripe for

spiritual salvation.

Akram Youth | 0706 | May 2015

Page 7: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth





You can

his is a beautiful and touching story of compassion and perseverance. I have always Tsupplemented my income by teaching piano lessons - something I have done for over 30 years.

During my years as a piano teacher I found that children have many levels of musical ability. And although I have never had the pleasure of teaching a prodigy, I am proud to say that I taught some very talented students. However, I have also had my share of what I call 'musically challenged' pupils - one such pupil being Prakash. Prakash was 11 years old when his mother (a single parent) dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer that students (especially boys) begin at an early age, which I explained to Prakash. But Prakash said that it had always been his mother's dream to hear



Questioner: “Simplicity” originates in a natural

way, isn't it?

Dadashri: Yes, you may project dislike through

facial gestures. But those are momentary. When he calls

you back the second time, you remain natural and do not

protest. The key is not to bear any 'grudge' against that

man despite being harassed so many times and to

maintain willingness to interact as normally as possible

as though nothing has happened. To remain 'rigid' in

negative mode is the greatest ego.

Simplicity is when one just opens out his ‘baggage’

(heart.) He allows you to look at whatever is in there

without hiding anything. Whereas un-natural or artificial

behavior is like showing only a part of the possessions

and hiding other facts.

Questioner: But if we remain so simple and natural

then people will take advantage of us. Will it be advisable

to get befooled or leave aside straight forward frank

attitude and become artificial?

Dadashri: Simplicity and straight forwardness is

invaluable. It is our accumulated virtue of the past lives.

We shouldn't let it perish at some peoples behest.

People will even provoke us to act un-naturally. It may

seem that they make a fool of you and take advantage of

your simple attitude, but they will be doing it at their own

risk. We should not lose our composure. It is very difficult

to adjust with disturbing elements. It is not easy. Our

focus should always be upfront where our goal is.

Gnani's Scientific

Solution Dadashri: Natural means

simple and straight forward. For

example - if you pick ladyfinger fresh

from the farm, what wil l you

observe? That they are very soft and

you can bend them as per your will.

But if kept in a refrigerator for a

coupe of days, what will happen?

They will become hard. Then they

become rigid and you can't bend

them any more. That is called ‘un-

natural.’ Natural means like gold, it

can be bent and moulded easily to

any shape or size.

Suppose you have planned a

journey out of town taking a lift in

your neighbour's car. Then suddenly

the owner comes and asks you to

get down from the car as he now has

some other person to take along.

What will you do? You will get down.

Then as you walk a few steps ahead

he calls you again and asks you to sit

on the front seat beside the driver.

A g a i n a f t e r a w h i l e s o m e

acquaintance is seen on the road

asking for a ride. So he asks you to

g e t d o w n f r o m t h e c a r t o

accommodate him. He may go on

repeating this few times but if you

m a n a g e t o r e m a i n c a l m a n d

composed and do not react, then it

can be said that you are ripe for

spiritual salvation.

Akram Youth | 0706 | May 2015

Page 8: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

him play the piano, so I took him as a student. Well, Prakash began his piano lessons but from the beginning I thought it was a hopeless endeavour. As much as he tried, he lacked the sense of tone and basic rhythm needed to excel. But he dutifully reviewed his scales and some elementary piano pieces that I require all my students to learn. Over the months he tried and tried while I listened and cringed, yet tried to encourage him. At the end of each weekly lesson he would always say “My mom's going to hear me play someday”. But to me it seemed hopeless; he just did not have any inborn ability. I only knew his mother from a distance as she dropped Prakash off or waited in her aged car to pick him up. She always waved and smiled but never dropped in. Then one day Prakash stopped coming for his lessons. I thought of calling him, but then assumed that because of his lack of ability he must have decided to pursue something else. I was also glad that he had stopped coming - he was a bad advertisement for my teaching! Several weeks later I mailed a flyer recital to the students' homes. To my surprise, Prakash (who had received a flyer) asked me if he could be in the recital. I told him that the recital was for current pupils and that because he had dropped out, he really did not qualify. He told me that his mother had been sick and unable to take him to his piano lessons, but he had been practicing.

“Please Miss, I've just got to play” he insisted.

I don't know what led me to allow him to play in the recital - perhaps it was his insistence or maybe something inside me saying that it would be all right. Soon it was the night of the recital and the high school gymnasium was packed with parents, relatives and friends. I kept Prakash last in the list of performers so he would play just before I was to come up and thank all the students and then play a finishing piece. I thought that any damage he might do would come at the end of the program and I could always salvage his poor performance through my 'curtain closer'. Well, the recital went off without a hitch. The students had been practicing and it showed. Then Prakash came up on stage. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair looked as though he had run an egg beater through it. 'Why wasn't he dressed well like the other students?' I

wondered. 'Why didn't his mother at least make him comb his hair for this special night?’ Prakash pulled out the piano bench, and I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen to play Mozart's Concerto No. 21 in C Major. I was not prepared for what I heard next. His fingers were light on the keys; they even danced nimbly on the ivories. He went from pianissimo to fortissimo, from allegro to virtuoso; his suspended chords that Mozart demands were magnificent! Never had I heard Mozart being played so well by anyone his age.After six and a half minutes he ended in a grand crescendo and the entire audience was on its feet in wild applause! Overcome and in tears, I ran up onstage and put my arms around Prakash in joy “I have never heard you play like that Prakash,how did you do it?” Through the microphone Prakash explained: “Well, Miss ...... remember I told you that my mom was sick? Well, she actually had cancer and passed away this morning. And well ...... she was born deaf. So tonight was the first time she had ever heard me play and I wanted to make it special.” There wasn't a dry eye in the house that evening. As the people from Social Services led Prakash from the stage to be placed into foster care, I noticed that even their eyes were red and puffy. I then thought to myself how much richer my life had been for taking Prakash as my pupil. No, I have never had a prodigy, but that night I became a huge fan ....... of Prakash. He was the teacher and I was the pupil, for he had taught me the meaning of perseverance and love, of respect and believing in yourself, and may be even taking a chance on someone. So many seemingly trivial interactions between two people present us with a choice...

Do we act with compassionor do we pass up that opportunity and leave the world a bit colder in the process?

Akram Youth | 0908 | May 2015

Page 9: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

him play the piano, so I took him as a student. Well, Prakash began his piano lessons but from the beginning I thought it was a hopeless endeavour. As much as he tried, he lacked the sense of tone and basic rhythm needed to excel. But he dutifully reviewed his scales and some elementary piano pieces that I require all my students to learn. Over the months he tried and tried while I listened and cringed, yet tried to encourage him. At the end of each weekly lesson he would always say “My mom's going to hear me play someday”. But to me it seemed hopeless; he just did not have any inborn ability. I only knew his mother from a distance as she dropped Prakash off or waited in her aged car to pick him up. She always waved and smiled but never dropped in. Then one day Prakash stopped coming for his lessons. I thought of calling him, but then assumed that because of his lack of ability he must have decided to pursue something else. I was also glad that he had stopped coming - he was a bad advertisement for my teaching! Several weeks later I mailed a flyer recital to the students' homes. To my surprise, Prakash (who had received a flyer) asked me if he could be in the recital. I told him that the recital was for current pupils and that because he had dropped out, he really did not qualify. He told me that his mother had been sick and unable to take him to his piano lessons, but he had been practicing.

“Please Miss, I've just got to play” he insisted.

I don't know what led me to allow him to play in the recital - perhaps it was his insistence or maybe something inside me saying that it would be all right. Soon it was the night of the recital and the high school gymnasium was packed with parents, relatives and friends. I kept Prakash last in the list of performers so he would play just before I was to come up and thank all the students and then play a finishing piece. I thought that any damage he might do would come at the end of the program and I could always salvage his poor performance through my 'curtain closer'. Well, the recital went off without a hitch. The students had been practicing and it showed. Then Prakash came up on stage. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair looked as though he had run an egg beater through it. 'Why wasn't he dressed well like the other students?' I

wondered. 'Why didn't his mother at least make him comb his hair for this special night?’ Prakash pulled out the piano bench, and I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen to play Mozart's Concerto No. 21 in C Major. I was not prepared for what I heard next. His fingers were light on the keys; they even danced nimbly on the ivories. He went from pianissimo to fortissimo, from allegro to virtuoso; his suspended chords that Mozart demands were magnificent! Never had I heard Mozart being played so well by anyone his age.After six and a half minutes he ended in a grand crescendo and the entire audience was on its feet in wild applause! Overcome and in tears, I ran up onstage and put my arms around Prakash in joy “I have never heard you play like that Prakash,how did you do it?” Through the microphone Prakash explained: “Well, Miss ...... remember I told you that my mom was sick? Well, she actually had cancer and passed away this morning. And well ...... she was born deaf. So tonight was the first time she had ever heard me play and I wanted to make it special.” There wasn't a dry eye in the house that evening. As the people from Social Services led Prakash from the stage to be placed into foster care, I noticed that even their eyes were red and puffy. I then thought to myself how much richer my life had been for taking Prakash as my pupil. No, I have never had a prodigy, but that night I became a huge fan ....... of Prakash. He was the teacher and I was the pupil, for he had taught me the meaning of perseverance and love, of respect and believing in yourself, and may be even taking a chance on someone. So many seemingly trivial interactions between two people present us with a choice...

Do we act with compassionor do we pass up that opportunity and leave the world a bit colder in the process?

Akram Youth | 0908 | May 2015

Page 10: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Gnani Youth

with Questioner: What is the difference between love and attachment? When somebody says that I love my mother very much, is it a fact?


In the case of attachment there are lot of fluctuations in emotional levels as per the situation. Affection turns to h a t r e d t h e m o m e n t t h e r e i s misunderstanding. But in case of pure l o v e t h e r e a r e n o q u a r r e l s o r misunderstandings. There is no blaming, there are no expectations. It is s h e e r l o v e . I t r e m a i n s s t a b l e irrespective of how the other one behaves – be it good conduct worthy of praise or bad conduct worth criticizing. Now if your conduct is good and to her liking then she will feel proud and happy but how would she react when you are up to some mischief or you misbehave? Would she remain loving or would she scold you? If she happens to get upset and scold you over it then it can't be termed as pure love. Similarly if we express our love towards her when she prepares delicious food and then

There is a vast difference between love and attachment.

Attachment is basically a


hurt her or abuse her if the food prepared is not to our liking, then again it's not true love. Do you get the point? The crux of the matter is that there are no highs and lows in pure love; it's like a plateau serene and stable throughout. Neither are there any expectations nor are there any faults seen. Rest all can be termed as weakness. Attachment is a kind of weakness. What does one get out of such attachments? Nothing else but quarrels and disputes. Now if you were to quarrel with your friend then that too would not be friendship out of true love because in case of true friendship there wouldn't be any fights or disputes even after being together for twenty long years. Have you ever experienced such a thing? Do you love your mom truly? Have you ever entered into arguments with her?

Questioner: Not always. But at times when she reprimands me I do enter into an argument with her.

Pujyashri: Hmm. So it's not pure love. Your conduct is good if she does as per your wish and you misbehave the moment she doesn't do so, isn't it ?

Questioner: Yes

Pujyashri : So you see, it's not pure love then. Pure love is possible only after atta in ing self real izat ion. On self realization when one overcomes 'raag – dwesh' (attachement – abhorment) and becomes 'vitraag', then only true and pure love is possible. So it’s only after self realization the seeds of pure love are sown. And as one overcomes the feelings of attachment, pure love increases gradually. All this is mere 'raag' and it always results in 'dwesh'.

Akram Youth | 1110 | May 2015

Page 11: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Gnani Youth

with Questioner: What is the difference between love and attachment? When somebody says that I love my mother very much, is it a fact?


In the case of attachment there are lot of fluctuations in emotional levels as per the situation. Affection turns to h a t r e d t h e m o m e n t t h e r e i s misunderstanding. But in case of pure l o v e t h e r e a r e n o q u a r r e l s o r misunderstandings. There is no blaming, there are no expectations. It is s h e e r l o v e . I t r e m a i n s s t a b l e irrespective of how the other one behaves – be it good conduct worthy of praise or bad conduct worth criticizing. Now if your conduct is good and to her liking then she will feel proud and happy but how would she react when you are up to some mischief or you misbehave? Would she remain loving or would she scold you? If she happens to get upset and scold you over it then it can't be termed as pure love. Similarly if we express our love towards her when she prepares delicious food and then

There is a vast difference between love and attachment.

Attachment is basically a


hurt her or abuse her if the food prepared is not to our liking, then again it's not true love. Do you get the point? The crux of the matter is that there are no highs and lows in pure love; it's like a plateau serene and stable throughout. Neither are there any expectations nor are there any faults seen. Rest all can be termed as weakness. Attachment is a kind of weakness. What does one get out of such attachments? Nothing else but quarrels and disputes. Now if you were to quarrel with your friend then that too would not be friendship out of true love because in case of true friendship there wouldn't be any fights or disputes even after being together for twenty long years. Have you ever experienced such a thing? Do you love your mom truly? Have you ever entered into arguments with her?

Questioner: Not always. But at times when she reprimands me I do enter into an argument with her.

Pujyashri: Hmm. So it's not pure love. Your conduct is good if she does as per your wish and you misbehave the moment she doesn't do so, isn't it ?

Questioner: Yes

Pujyashri : So you see, it's not pure love then. Pure love is possible only after atta in ing self real izat ion. On self realization when one overcomes 'raag – dwesh' (attachement – abhorment) and becomes 'vitraag', then only true and pure love is possible. So it’s only after self realization the seeds of pure love are sown. And as one overcomes the feelings of attachment, pure love increases gradually. All this is mere 'raag' and it always results in 'dwesh'.

Akram Youth | 1110 | May 2015

Page 12: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Abhedta Bhaav Vignan

Darshan Eternal Happiness



Flawless Vision A to ofZ Akram Vignan



Heartily inner Peace Jagat Kalyan Karuna

Laghuttam BhavManav




eQuanimity Rajipo Sincerity

Unodari Tap Vitraag World’s

VyavasthitSelf RealiZation


Akram Youth | 1312 | May 2015

Page 13: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Abhedta Bhaav Vignan

Darshan Eternal Happiness



Flawless Vision A to ofZ Akram Vignan



Heartily inner Peace Jagat Kalyan Karuna

Laghuttam BhavManav




eQuanimity Rajipo Sincerity

Unodari Tap Vitraag World’s

VyavasthitSelf RealiZation


Akram Youth | 1312 | May 2015

Page 14: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

“By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.” Small of stature, rocklike in faith, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was entrusted with the mission of proclaiming God’s thirsting love for humanity, especially for the poorest of the poor. This luminous messenger of God’s love was born in 1910, in Skopje, capital of the Republic of Macedonia. At a very young age she felt a calling to be a nun and serve through helping the poor. She took her formal religious vows in 1931, and chose to be named after St Therese of Lisieux – the patron saint of missionaries. On her arrival in India she began by working as a teacher. However on September 10, 1946 Mother Teresa experienced what she later described as ‘the call within the call’ while travelling by train to Darjeeling from Calcutta,"I was to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them. It was an order. To fail would have been to break the faith." This second calling would forever transform her life and led to her starting a new order called ‘The Missionaries of Charity’. The whole of Mother Teresa’s life and labour bore witness to the joy of

loving, the greatness and dignity of every human person, the value of little things done faithfully and with love, and the surpassing worth of friendship with God.The primary objective of this mission was to look after people who nobody else was prepared to look after. As she once said, “Love cannot remain by itself — it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.”

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ‘for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitutes a threat to peace.’ She didn’t attend the ceremonial banquet, but asked that the $192,000 fund be given to the poor. When Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize she was asked, “What can we do to promote world peace?” She answered “Go home and love your family.” In later years she was more active in western developed countries. She commented that though the west was materially prosperous, there was often a spiritual poverty. She said, “In the West we have a tendency to be profit-oriented where everything is measured according to the results and we get caught up in being more and more active to generate results. In the East — especially in India — I find that people are more content to just be, to just sit around under a banyan tree

A li

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d f




is n


a li


Glimpses of Great Souls

Akram Youth | 1514 | May 2015

Mother Teresa

Page 15: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

“By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.” Small of stature, rocklike in faith, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was entrusted with the mission of proclaiming God’s thirsting love for humanity, especially for the poorest of the poor. This luminous messenger of God’s love was born in 1910, in Skopje, capital of the Republic of Macedonia. At a very young age she felt a calling to be a nun and serve through helping the poor. She took her formal religious vows in 1931, and chose to be named after St Therese of Lisieux – the patron saint of missionaries. On her arrival in India she began by working as a teacher. However on September 10, 1946 Mother Teresa experienced what she later described as ‘the call within the call’ while travelling by train to Darjeeling from Calcutta,"I was to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them. It was an order. To fail would have been to break the faith." This second calling would forever transform her life and led to her starting a new order called ‘The Missionaries of Charity’. The whole of Mother Teresa’s life and labour bore witness to the joy of

loving, the greatness and dignity of every human person, the value of little things done faithfully and with love, and the surpassing worth of friendship with God.The primary objective of this mission was to look after people who nobody else was prepared to look after. As she once said, “Love cannot remain by itself — it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.”

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ‘for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitutes a threat to peace.’ She didn’t attend the ceremonial banquet, but asked that the $192,000 fund be given to the poor. When Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize she was asked, “What can we do to promote world peace?” She answered “Go home and love your family.” In later years she was more active in western developed countries. She commented that though the west was materially prosperous, there was often a spiritual poverty. She said, “In the West we have a tendency to be profit-oriented where everything is measured according to the results and we get caught up in being more and more active to generate results. In the East — especially in India — I find that people are more content to just be, to just sit around under a banyan tree

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Glimpses of Great Souls

Akram Youth | 1514 | May 2015

Mother Teresa

Page 16: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

for half a day chatting to each other. We Westerners would probably call that wasting time. But there is value to it. Being with someone, listening wihtout a clock and without anticipation of results teaches us about love. The success of love is in the loving — it is not in the result of loving.”“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. ‘When once a chairman of a multinational company came to see me to offer me a property in Bombay, he first asked: “Mother, how do you manage your budget?" I asked him who had sent him here. He replied: “I felt an urge inside me.” I said: “Other people like you come to see me and say the same. It was clear God sent you, Mr. A, as He sends Mr. X, Mrs. Y, Miss Z, and they provide the material means we need for our work. The grace of God is what moved you. You are my budget. God sees to our needs as Jesus promised.” I

Help Others

Let’s have an attitude of selflessly serving all beings,

knowing others

to be an extension of ones own Self.Akram Youth | 1716 | May 2015

accepted the property he gave and named it Asha Daan (Gift of Hope).Following Mother Teresa’s death, the V a t i c a n b e g a n t h e p r o c e s s o f beatification, which is the second step on the way to canonisation and sainthood. Mother Teresa was formally beatified in October 2003 by Pope John Paul II and is now known as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.By 2013, there were 700 missions operating in over 130 countries.

The greatest science in the

world; in heaven and on earth;

is love.

Page 17: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

for half a day chatting to each other. We Westerners would probably call that wasting time. But there is value to it. Being with someone, listening wihtout a clock and without anticipation of results teaches us about love. The success of love is in the loving — it is not in the result of loving.”“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. ‘When once a chairman of a multinational company came to see me to offer me a property in Bombay, he first asked: “Mother, how do you manage your budget?" I asked him who had sent him here. He replied: “I felt an urge inside me.” I said: “Other people like you come to see me and say the same. It was clear God sent you, Mr. A, as He sends Mr. X, Mrs. Y, Miss Z, and they provide the material means we need for our work. The grace of God is what moved you. You are my budget. God sees to our needs as Jesus promised.” I

Help Others

Let’s have an attitude of selflessly serving all beings,

knowing others

to be an extension of ones own Self.Akram Youth | 1716 | May 2015

accepted the property he gave and named it Asha Daan (Gift of Hope).Following Mother Teresa’s death, the V a t i c a n b e g a n t h e p r o c e s s o f beatification, which is the second step on the way to canonisation and sainthood. Mother Teresa was formally beatified in October 2003 by Pope John Paul II and is now known as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.By 2013, there were 700 missions operating in over 130 countries.

The greatest science in the

world; in heaven and on earth;

is love.

Page 18: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

By Grace of Dadashri, Niruma became Embodiment of Auspiciousness for theSalvation of the World

The Firm Goal of Salvation of the WorldDadashri : Tell me why you have you studied so much.Niruben : To tell the truth Dada, from my very childhood while studying I had thoughts that the purpose of my entire education should be to serve and not for personal livelihood. Later after meetingDada, everything has changed.Dadashri : Did your education teach you

18 | May 2015


Book Excerpt

the way to serve?Niruben : Yes.Dadashri : Later on did you have any desire to earn money?Niruben : No, the desire to earn money has never arisen.Dadashri : What work is to be done? What is your goal? Is it your goal to be with Dada or is there any other goal?Niruben : It is to be with Dada and work for the salvation of the world. The non-contradictory speech of the Gnani This Niruben earned the degree of M.B.B.S., the qualifying degree of a medical doctor. She met me at the age of twenty-four. In the four years that have passed she has understood the entire

science. She can easily make a couple of hundred educated mahatmas like you understand this science and that too without any contradictions.Giving the understanding of worldly interactions through Gnan Niruben's prakruti (natural constitution and temperament) is ushnavat (energizing with radiance and inner heat) She has very deep understanding. This deep understanding leads to new understanding. Amongst the ladies, this Niru has the potential to become a Prime Minister.

The worship of the Gnani Purush in nine ways Since three years Niruben is with me - the Gnani Purush - every moment of the day. There is no difference in opinion whatsoever. Leave alone difference in opinion, she has never even raised her voice. Has such pervasive desire to serve ever seen in anyone else amongst so many here? This is the result of tremendous past life merit karma. This is the expression of tremendous devotion and worship in nine ways and folds. Niru has developed a great intent coming to fruition of surrender of all that is not the Self. With the prevalence of such deep surrender, the fruits are indeed very great.

Motherly nursery for DadaQuestioner : Dada, Niruben does the work of a man as well as of a woman too. Here (in America) one has to lift bags and luggage, run around and do all the chores personally.Dadashri : Yes, she does all the work like a man.

Questioner : She can get everything done without any help.Dadashri : No one else can do my complete seva. Niruben is doing lots of all kindsof seva.Become the embodiment of love If someone insults you then too you must be the embodiment of love. You see me as the embodiment of love. How long have you been with me? Now do you want tobe so?Niruben :I want to be so, Dada.Dadashri : When can that happen? It is possible only when one apologizes for all the mistakes that have happened in interactions with anyone in life so far. Then only true love arises. do you want to attain that level of love?Niruben : Dada, it is very easy to ask for forgiveness.Dadashri : Otherwise how so ever profusely you ask for forgiveness, even by touching the feet, is all useless. Do it according to Dada’s ‘aagna’, that, 'no one else has committed the fault, but since I felt so, then it is my own fault.' This is for all those who yearn to rouse pure love with others. They have to let love awaken thus. Then love will arise within. Do you want to awaken this kind of pure love or not?Niruben : Yes, Dada.Dadashri : It should be my way. The way I have crossed over, I will guide you accordingly. Did you feel good?Niruben : Yes, I feet much light—relieved of the burden Dada.Dadashri : You will let love awaken in abundance, won't you? When one becomes the embodiment of love, one has oneness with the other person. This is how

Akram Youth | 19

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English Gujarati

Page 19: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

By Grace of Dadashri, Niruma became Embodiment of Auspiciousness for theSalvation of the World

The Firm Goal of Salvation of the WorldDadashri : Tell me why you have you studied so much.Niruben : To tell the truth Dada, from my very childhood while studying I had thoughts that the purpose of my entire education should be to serve and not for personal livelihood. Later after meetingDada, everything has changed.Dadashri : Did your education teach you

18 | May 2015


Book Excerpt

the way to serve?Niruben : Yes.Dadashri : Later on did you have any desire to earn money?Niruben : No, the desire to earn money has never arisen.Dadashri : What work is to be done? What is your goal? Is it your goal to be with Dada or is there any other goal?Niruben : It is to be with Dada and work for the salvation of the world. The non-contradictory speech of the Gnani This Niruben earned the degree of M.B.B.S., the qualifying degree of a medical doctor. She met me at the age of twenty-four. In the four years that have passed she has understood the entire

science. She can easily make a couple of hundred educated mahatmas like you understand this science and that too without any contradictions.Giving the understanding of worldly interactions through Gnan Niruben's prakruti (natural constitution and temperament) is ushnavat (energizing with radiance and inner heat) She has very deep understanding. This deep understanding leads to new understanding. Amongst the ladies, this Niru has the potential to become a Prime Minister.

The worship of the Gnani Purush in nine ways Since three years Niruben is with me - the Gnani Purush - every moment of the day. There is no difference in opinion whatsoever. Leave alone difference in opinion, she has never even raised her voice. Has such pervasive desire to serve ever seen in anyone else amongst so many here? This is the result of tremendous past life merit karma. This is the expression of tremendous devotion and worship in nine ways and folds. Niru has developed a great intent coming to fruition of surrender of all that is not the Self. With the prevalence of such deep surrender, the fruits are indeed very great.

Motherly nursery for DadaQuestioner : Dada, Niruben does the work of a man as well as of a woman too. Here (in America) one has to lift bags and luggage, run around and do all the chores personally.Dadashri : Yes, she does all the work like a man.

Questioner : She can get everything done without any help.Dadashri : No one else can do my complete seva. Niruben is doing lots of all kindsof seva.Become the embodiment of love If someone insults you then too you must be the embodiment of love. You see me as the embodiment of love. How long have you been with me? Now do you want tobe so?Niruben :I want to be so, Dada.Dadashri : When can that happen? It is possible only when one apologizes for all the mistakes that have happened in interactions with anyone in life so far. Then only true love arises. do you want to attain that level of love?Niruben : Dada, it is very easy to ask for forgiveness.Dadashri : Otherwise how so ever profusely you ask for forgiveness, even by touching the feet, is all useless. Do it according to Dada’s ‘aagna’, that, 'no one else has committed the fault, but since I felt so, then it is my own fault.' This is for all those who yearn to rouse pure love with others. They have to let love awaken thus. Then love will arise within. Do you want to awaken this kind of pure love or not?Niruben : Yes, Dada.Dadashri : It should be my way. The way I have crossed over, I will guide you accordingly. Did you feel good?Niruben : Yes, I feet much light—relieved of the burden Dada.Dadashri : You will let love awaken in abundance, won't you? When one becomes the embodiment of love, one has oneness with the other person. This is how

Akram Youth | 19

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English Gujarati

Page 20: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

This memorable instance took place in the 70's. One gentleman used to attend Dada's satsang

regularly. All of a sudden he stopped attending satsang altogether. When Dadashri came to know that

this person was sulking without any obvious reasons, Dada started paying him visits to give 'satsang'. This continued for 4

years after which this man realized Dada's compassion and resumed attending satsang as before. Another such instance which exhibits Dadashri's amazing humbleness can be seen in the way He dealt with one of his relatives. Once it so happened that one of Dadashri's relatives

after taking 'gnan' and attending satsang for a few days started feeling offended. He started feeling negativity for satsang. Eventually, one fine day he approached Dadashri. Returning all the books he had with

him he said, “Take back your books. I don't want your 'gnan'”. Dadashri maintained His composure and humbly taking back

the books said, “Thank you. It is so nice of you to return these books. What could we have done had you thrown them on

the streets?” This shows Dadashri's wonderful ability of maintaining equanimity in all situations. He used to say,

“Our efforts to liberate you all are akin to that of a mother wanting to feed her newborn baby out

of her own need to do so.”

Gnani An Idol Of


it has happened with me. The entire method has now been laid open by us.

Sown the seeds of compassion thus… Just as I have empathy for each and everyone, you too are to have the same. Do I need to say anything? I will not need to comment any more on this, will I?Niruben : No.Dadashri : Will it change? When?Niruben : Right away. Now it will start to change, Dada.Dadashri : Outside, once the deep inner intent of people change then all is accomplished with ease. We have love for all, do we not? You have seen that even in themidst of the worst health, have you not?Niruben : Yes, I have seen it.Dadashri : What did you learn after seeing it ? It is I who has to sit and do the Vidhi-(inner auspicious blessing of the Gnani for the seeker's salvation) even if the leg is tremulous from weakness, the deepest empathy is the force that wants to do


NirubenYou have to become the mother of the entire world.

Youth | 2120 | May 2015

everything for him. And let this body get consumed like an incense stick. What are you going to do with it? It is nothing but a mere garbage bag. You want to become totally pure. For that purity, from here on do this. Begin from today. For all living beings simply harbor kindness and empathy and for these human beings what will you harbor?Niruben : Karuna-compassion.

You have to become the mother of the entire world!Dadashri : What is Dada telling you? He is saying you are like a mother, saying you are like 'Ba' (mother) isn't it? What is He telling you?Niruben : Your love is like that of Zaverba's (Dadashri's mother).Dadashri : You are like Zaverba! Niruben, you have nursed me like a mother, cared for me like a daughter, and served me like a nurse. Niruben, you have to become hte mother of the entire world.

Page 21: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

This memorable instance took place in the 70's. One gentleman used to attend Dada's satsang

regularly. All of a sudden he stopped attending satsang altogether. When Dadashri came to know that

this person was sulking without any obvious reasons, Dada started paying him visits to give 'satsang'. This continued for 4

years after which this man realized Dada's compassion and resumed attending satsang as before. Another such instance which exhibits Dadashri's amazing humbleness can be seen in the way He dealt with one of his relatives. Once it so happened that one of Dadashri's relatives

after taking 'gnan' and attending satsang for a few days started feeling offended. He started feeling negativity for satsang. Eventually, one fine day he approached Dadashri. Returning all the books he had with

him he said, “Take back your books. I don't want your 'gnan'”. Dadashri maintained His composure and humbly taking back

the books said, “Thank you. It is so nice of you to return these books. What could we have done had you thrown them on

the streets?” This shows Dadashri's wonderful ability of maintaining equanimity in all situations. He used to say,

“Our efforts to liberate you all are akin to that of a mother wanting to feed her newborn baby out

of her own need to do so.”

Gnani An Idol Of


it has happened with me. The entire method has now been laid open by us.

Sown the seeds of compassion thus… Just as I have empathy for each and everyone, you too are to have the same. Do I need to say anything? I will not need to comment any more on this, will I?Niruben : No.Dadashri : Will it change? When?Niruben : Right away. Now it will start to change, Dada.Dadashri : Outside, once the deep inner intent of people change then all is accomplished with ease. We have love for all, do we not? You have seen that even in themidst of the worst health, have you not?Niruben : Yes, I have seen it.Dadashri : What did you learn after seeing it ? It is I who has to sit and do the Vidhi-(inner auspicious blessing of the Gnani for the seeker's salvation) even if the leg is tremulous from weakness, the deepest empathy is the force that wants to do


NirubenYou have to become the mother of the entire world.

Youth | 2120 | May 2015

everything for him. And let this body get consumed like an incense stick. What are you going to do with it? It is nothing but a mere garbage bag. You want to become totally pure. For that purity, from here on do this. Begin from today. For all living beings simply harbor kindness and empathy and for these human beings what will you harbor?Niruben : Karuna-compassion.

You have to become the mother of the entire world!Dadashri : What is Dada telling you? He is saying you are like a mother, saying you are like 'Ba' (mother) isn't it? What is He telling you?Niruben : Your love is like that of Zaverba's (Dadashri's mother).Dadashri : You are like Zaverba! Niruben, you have nursed me like a mother, cared for me like a daughter, and served me like a nurse. Niruben, you have to become hte mother of the entire world.

Page 22: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Criteria:1. For boys only2. Regular in YMHT and/or Satsang3. Only for College going youth4. Prior permission of center YMHT co-ordinator is a must.

22 | May 2015


A 7-day camp exclusively for 17-21 years youth.Venue: Godhara TrimandirDate: 25th June to 1st July 2015

Fees : ` 1550/-

Last date of Registration 15th June 2015

Registration details,

[email protected]



Experiences | Yuva 2014

Youth | 23

YUVA - A special week long camp organised for the youth aged 15 to 21 years. I participated in one of those camps and trust me the experience was mind blowing. I learnt and gained a lot during that week. We were given practical understanding of audio – video, photography etc. Besides all this we played various games. We even cooked our own food and although we were doing so for the first time it was an amazing experience. The experiences of 'seva' shared by 'mahatmas' gave a new insight on the significance of 'seva'. Finally doing 'bhakti' and 'garba' on Dadashri's 'pads' too was a wonderful experience. Our days were packed with sessions and games. We had such a great time that even at the end of the day, which was always well past midnight, we were all charged up and did not wish to hit bed. I would only like to add, ‘YUVA – I love you.’

-Smit Godhani.

It is really a tough task to put the experience of the best seven days of my life in just a few words. I think those seven days spent at the YUVA camp were not the best days just for me but also for all the other participants who attended the camp. The camp included lot of interactive sessions and workshops. For the first time in my life I was able to attend and focus myself for 3 straight hours with complete interest during the workshop. The atmosphere was so charged up that even though we played till the wee hours every morning, we were able to wake up in time to attend 'prakshal' and 'puja' at 5.00 a.m. In the evenings we did 'arti' and 'bhakti' in the 'mandir'. To sum up I would only like to state that I am eagerly awaiting the next 'YUVA' camp.

- Jayant Mewara.

Page 23: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Criteria:1. For boys only2. Regular in YMHT and/or Satsang3. Only for College going youth4. Prior permission of center YMHT co-ordinator is a must.

22 | May 2015


A 7-day camp exclusively for 17-21 years youth.Venue: Godhara TrimandirDate: 25th June to 1st July 2015

Fees : ` 1550/-

Last date of Registration 15th June 2015

Registration details,

[email protected]



Experiences | Yuva 2014

Youth | 23

YUVA - A special week long camp organised for the youth aged 15 to 21 years. I participated in one of those camps and trust me the experience was mind blowing. I learnt and gained a lot during that week. We were given practical understanding of audio – video, photography etc. Besides all this we played various games. We even cooked our own food and although we were doing so for the first time it was an amazing experience. The experiences of 'seva' shared by 'mahatmas' gave a new insight on the significance of 'seva'. Finally doing 'bhakti' and 'garba' on Dadashri's 'pads' too was a wonderful experience. Our days were packed with sessions and games. We had such a great time that even at the end of the day, which was always well past midnight, we were all charged up and did not wish to hit bed. I would only like to add, ‘YUVA – I love you.’

-Smit Godhani.

It is really a tough task to put the experience of the best seven days of my life in just a few words. I think those seven days spent at the YUVA camp were not the best days just for me but also for all the other participants who attended the camp. The camp included lot of interactive sessions and workshops. For the first time in my life I was able to attend and focus myself for 3 straight hours with complete interest during the workshop. The atmosphere was so charged up that even though we played till the wee hours every morning, we were able to wake up in time to attend 'prakshal' and 'puja' at 5.00 a.m. In the evenings we did 'arti' and 'bhakti' in the 'mandir'. To sum up I would only like to state that I am eagerly awaiting the next 'YUVA' camp.

- Jayant Mewara.

Page 24: Simplicity | May 2015 | Akram Youth

Date of Publication: 22nd of Every MonthRNI No. GUJENG/2013/53112

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LPWP Licence No. CPMG/GJ/121/2014Valid up to 31-12-2016

Posted at Adalaj Post Officeon 22th of every monthAkram Youth

Pg. 24 - May 2015.Year: 3. Issue: 1.Cont. Issue: 25.


Printed and Published by Dimple Mehta on behalf of Mahavideh Foundation-Owner. Printed

at Amba Offset, Basement, Parshvanath Chambers, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad-38014

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