SIMONE ISSER ABUNDANCE · am here to share with you the magical rituals I have learned or ... BEEN...


Transcript of SIMONE ISSER ABUNDANCE · am here to share with you the magical rituals I have learned or ... BEEN...

Page 1: SIMONE ISSER ABUNDANCE · am here to share with you the magical rituals I have learned or ... BEEN CHOSEN TO DO RITUALS: ... drawers to attract money.




Page 2: SIMONE ISSER ABUNDANCE · am here to share with you the magical rituals I have learned or ... BEEN CHOSEN TO DO RITUALS: ... drawers to attract money.




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Page 3: SIMONE ISSER ABUNDANCE · am here to share with you the magical rituals I have learned or ... BEEN CHOSEN TO DO RITUALS: ... drawers to attract money.


India from where I belong is all about Rituals. I love each andevery ritual my mom and grandmother use to do when I wasgrowing up. Rituals are a part of everyday life there, and now Iam here to share with you the magical rituals I have learned oryou can say Remembered after moving to west.

It’s a beautiful combination of East and West.

Rituals are the way to attract desire and dream to come toreality. Through Rituals you will engage with forces greater thatyou.

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You will engage and connect with 4 elements of Universe and those are:





Rituals help you create a way to set a FOCUS to help you MANIFEST your intentions, desires, and aspirations into your life. It’s the special effort you take each month that helps you move from intention into manifesting what you want.



The best time to do any ritual is Full moon or New Moon.

Though there is no set rule on when do to a ritual, it’s all about your intentions.

Sometimes when you are feeling down and need a good motivation, and a good shake up do a ritual that will make you happy, taking a long bath with your favorite candles and essential oils and salts, with your favorite music or a book.

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New moon and full moon have been chose to do more powerful rituals because that time the energies are much stronger to manifest and to let go whatever is not serving you.

New Moon is the Birthing cycle of the Moon’s various phases.

So this is the best time for seeding and planning your goals, dreams, desires and Intentions. Just like a farmers have to seed the farm before they can reap the fertilizations.

During a NEW moon you can plant seeds what you want to grow in the next 30 days.

To bring magic in to your Life, the life you have been desiring

To bring clarity

To harness the creative powers

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Intentions are the most powerful tool in any ritual. I am not a pagan, or witch or have any label, I absorb what I feel is right and what feels like just a remembering to me from past lives. There is some magic when you put your intention for something special to occur in your life. It can be anything, from love, wealth, health, prosperity etc. There are some other powerful tools which can assist you in performing your ritual and which can aid in brining your sub conscious mind to play with you. The main purpose of using these tools in form of essential oils, Candles, crystals and music is simply to engage with your subconscious mind. It’s not easy to get the attention of your sub conscious mind, many fail doing meditations because they cannot let go of the thoughts. So Rituals are a way to engage your sub conscious mind with manifesting for your dreams and desires.

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Creating a ritual is a way to focus your thoughts and your mind. The items you use need to have a special meaning to you, and in taking the time to prepare, you set your sub conscious mind on the path to working with your goals, hopes and dreams to become real.So Let’s Create a Ritual Kits which will be specially personalized to you to welcome Abundance and Prosperity into your life.


A sacred space For each ritual you need to choose a specific

candle Choose the right essential oil Choose the appropriate stone/crystal Sage for smudging

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Any size of candle will do. It’s best to choose one that resonates with you and has the correct symbolic color.


The more effort you will put in preparing for your rituals the more involve your subconscious mind will be in your actions.

And don’t worry about getting it done RIGHT. Most people think of rituals as something very difficult and scared to do whereas it is the most intimate thing you will ever experience with the Divine.

Remember Rituals are a part of your everyday life too. Every single religion and belief has their own rituals. From lighting a candle to taking a bath every morning when you wake up are all rituals, you are not just aware of these.

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The Following Color Candles are my Favorite to work with when Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity. Copper: Business success, passion, money, fertility, career growthGold: Fast luck, financial benefitsBrown: Attracts money, financial successGreen: Financial issues, money, prosperity, good fortunePurple: Represents ambition

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Essential oils…. Ummmm I love these, as they make me feel very special and kind of like a queen. Essential Oils help you align with the energy of what you need in order to make the ritual work. You have Choices either, you can buy an essential oil blend from a trustworthy source or you can make essential oil blend your own. You can also just use Patchouli essential oil. This Oil is associated with all the abundance and prosperity that the earth has to offer us.

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To make Money, Abundance Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice

Base Oil: This should be one of the following: Safflower Grapeseed Jojoba Sunflower Almond

Add the following: 5 drops Sandalwood 5 drops Patchouli 2 drops Ginger 2 drops Vetivert 1 drop Orange

As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.

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The one thing you need to understand is what you focus onis what you will get, and the rituals does exactly the same,they bring your focus on the thing you want to manifest inyour life. Again attracting your sub conscious mind to make ithappen that is why it has been called the Magick.

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Page 13: SIMONE ISSER ABUNDANCE · am here to share with you the magical rituals I have learned or ... BEEN CHOSEN TO DO RITUALS: ... drawers to attract money.

Law of attraction has been discussed in various forms, in variousbooks by various leaders and healers.They all tell you what LOA does, but they didn’t tell you how todo it.I am a big fan of LOA but for many years it didn’t work out forme for many years Until I started doing Rituals and starting toinvolve my sub conscious mind in manifesting.You might also be at the same place where I was few years back,regarding LOA.You might also be wondering how in the world you can justchange your thoughts.How you can manifest your desired life?You must be trying too hard to manifest and just get out of thatstuck feeling but nothing is working...If you are feeling the same way, I am here to tell you the REAL

SECRET which no one wants to tell.


See LOA only works when you sub conscious mind is trainedenough to think what you need it to think and act.It can only happen when you are focused.And you can only be focused when your conscious mind knowthat you are actively doing something physically, when you aresending the same message to your both minds again n again.

Rituals are the tools to focus on your manifestation !

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They are a channel to align Mind, body, soul and spirit with theDivine power. And this is the REAL SECRET no one ever tell.

There are 7 laws of attraction and Each Laws of attractionproves a concept. As you know we all have 7 Major Chakrasystem, which is btw is the most powerful thing in your bodywhich you can use for manifestation.

Each Chakra is associated with a concept and each concept andChakra has a specific stone which it respond to.

As we are creating an Abundance and Prosperity kit, I will tellyou which Chakra is associated with Abundance and Prosperityand this will help you choose a proper stone for manifestation.

Solar Plexus is the major chakra which helps you manifestabundance, prosperity and Money.

This chakra helps you being centered and to be creative.

The energy of the chakra is about your personal power, self-worth, clarity, ego, creativity.

When you improve energy flow of this chakra you are clearingmany problems, blocks, that have been creating limitations inyour life.

The Energy of this Chakra also helps you bring the energy offinances and helps you manifest Abundance and Prosperity.

The color of solar plexus is Yellow, so the stones which hasyellow, golden shades are the best to use.

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A Gems and stones help anchor the energy to earth. Choosing the stone appropriate to your desire, wish, and aspiration will help it manifest more easily. Make sure your stone is cleared. As you are creating a kit for abundance and prosperity the stones which are recommended to play along in rituals are:

My top favorite crystal for bringing in wealth and abundance is Citrine. It is known as the Merchant's Stone.Here is few other Crystals you can choose to start creating your Abundance kit with:Natural green apple opal

Yellow aventurine

Bloodstone:Use bloodstone in magical workings related to general healing, as well as fertility and abundance, both physical and financial.Green AventurineGreen Aventurine is known as the good luck stone and is often used in rituals with green candles, or kept in cash boxes or drawers to attract money.

Raw and Untreated Citrine: The BIG POWERHOUSE for Abundance. This is also one of the best crystals of abundance, especially if you are new to Rituals and LOA.This crystals brings creativity and is a tool to clear whatever is not serving you from your life.

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MalachiteMalachite is a stone of abundance and prosperity. It is a protector, lending balance, healing and positive transformation to the wearer.

Tiger's Eye:(Recommended to keep this in Wealth corner of you house or your room )

Tigers Eye is a stone of abundance and protection, a power stone. It has a wonderful, powerful energy.

Topaz, especially golden topaz, is an abundance stone although beware the fakes out there. It is also a calming and balancing stone.

Opal is said to be a stone of abundance that both attracts and also retains what you attract.

Yellow Sapphire is a stone associated with wealth and also a beautiful stone to wear in fine jewelry.

Ruby can stimulate abundance, especially red ruby.. A beautiful and powerful stone to wear to attract wealth.

Ruby encourages one to follow their bliss/passion

GOLDEN Rutilated Quartz,

This crystal can attract wealth quickly; Also a stone of amplification and can be placed next to another abundance stone like citrine or tigers eye to amplify the effects of abundance. The more rutile (threads or angel hair) in the quartz, the stronger it can attract wealth.

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Smoky Quartz is excellent for abundance especially if it has some reddish, orange tones in it.. A very grounding stone that is light in character, this stone can center you and bring luck..


A hard to find stone in its genuine nature. Many are selling a fake peridotite.

It has a power to open up many opportunities and attract money to you.

It also helps in opening your heart to receiving from the universe. Being green, it is a heart stone that can heal emotions, heal the heart, and bring more compassion.

As stated a difficult stone to find .

Yellow and Green Jasper are beautiful stones of abundance and are not expensive and easy to find. Some people overlook this option.

Yellow jasper can be placed in the area of wealth in the house

The darker the stone the more powerful the energy is.

Yellow and Orange Calcite are inexpensive abundance stones which work with the solar plexus chakra..

If you cannot find real Citrine orange Calcite is your option

Carnelian is a stone of strength and courage

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A wonderful and Powerful Crystal for those who are empaths, shy, introverts and can directly attract if anyone has some limiting beliefs regarding money.

Red Garnet: This stone stimulates the base chakra, helps to boost confidence and energy, and also aids in attracting wealth.

Fluorite: is an abundance stone.

Fire Agate: This Crystals offers a strong shield of protection and is excellent for releasing any kind of fear, a stone that transmutes energy and attracts wealth.

Jade is well known for being a stone of both abundance and health.

MOSS AGATE: Agate is excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy, and in harmonizing Shiva and Shakti, Yin and Yang, the positive and negative forces of the universe.

Moss Agate is also a stone of wealth, attracting abundance in all forms.

This is a stone of new beginnings.

This can bring new proposals, new contracts, and as it said new beginnings.

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A smudge kit contains herbs, a "bowl" or shell, and a feather to direct the smoke. The entire kit can be carried in a medicine bag.

Each part of the smudge kit and the smudging process signifies one of the four elements, that, when used, evokes the fifth element, life energy.

Smudge Kit

- The shell represents WATER - The unlit herbs and ashes represents the EARTH- The lit herb represents the FIRE- The smoke represents the AIR

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CedarFor cleansingSageFor driving out negativity and for healing.Sweet grassSweet grass is used for blessing after sage has been used. You can Include White sage in your kit to clear the energy before and after the Rituals.

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For your Kit you can have a feather to direct your smudge, if not you can use your hand.

Charcoal: to light your sage, another option is to burn a leaf only.

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Creating your

Ritual Space

This is your sacred space, make sure that you choose an area that will not be disturbed by other people or pets. Some of my clients find that just setting boundaries with their loved ones and family members around having this specific space helps transform their life in meaningful ways.

Your sacred space is to meet your higher self and as sacred as your higher self is so should be your sacred space where you can meditate and manifest what you desire.

Your Sacred space is important to renew your connection with your inner wisdom and your soul.

This can be a separate room or even a corner, with your favorite things which touches your soul.

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The Set Up:

Convert a room, attic or even a corner into your Soul room,place. This area you are dedication to your inner self, your Soulfor re-connecting and manifesting what you desire.

Every women loves to be a queen, so throw some fancy thingslike pillows, shams and whatever along these lines makes youfeel good. I find curtain beads make me feel Magical.

Setting up the mood. Again this room can be your meditationroom, writing room or a Red tent to just come and sit down byyourself.

You can place pillows on the floor or get a meditation chair todo your meditations.

This step is the most important step in creating your sacredspace. That is creating an Altar.

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Creating an Altar

An altar helps to set your focus for rituals and to create magik. This space should be filled with Divine energies. In other words, don't use it just for decoration or to display decorative items. Items that are used in each ritual and items that provide you focus and inspiration should be maintained on your altar.

Your abundance kit which you created to bring abundance in your life should be kept in the altar.

This is your work space and it should be large enough for you to conduct your Soul work upon. My office is my sacred space and I have created my Altar in my office in one of the corners.

Set up your Altar according to your personal beliefs. This is a spiritual altar and you'll want to honor your beliefs, values and the Divine energies that are present in you.

If your beliefs are aligned with Celtic practices, give your altar a Celtic feeling. If you work with specific Gods or Goddesses, place their statues, idols in your Altar.

When you have all these together you have your own personalized Abundance kit ready to create Magic.


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Do let me know what your experience is while you create your own ritual kit.

I am very passionate about serving my soul purpose by helping women like you to monetize your divine gifts.

To help you bring Spirit in your Business and feel more connected.

I would like to invite you to our private group on Facebook to interact with other soul sisters . Click on the link below !! It’s a free sacred space I created for you.

Passive Income for Spiritual Entrepreneurs


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