SIMO Consulting Market Research Intelligence


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Transcript of SIMO Consulting Market Research Intelligence

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Sistemas de Inteligencia en Mercado y Opinión, January 2010


Phone: Mexico: +52- 55- 5271-5112

+52-55- 5277-6099 Spain: +34- 902020617 +34-630855199 USA: +1- 202 290 660Brazil: +55 (48) 3234 8573

“Our service is to translate and interpret

valuable information”

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SIMO is a leading consulting firm, specialized in designing, generating and developing ad hoc studies in market and public opinion areas.

Our work is characterized by the combination of human behavior analysis with the research of social and institutional contexts. These tools allow us to have a comprehensive understanding of the market, the consumer and its context.

What is SIMO

¿What w



¿How we


¿What w



¿How we


¿What w



What is SIMO?

SIMOIntelligence Systems for Market

and Public Opinion Research

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We discover and understand what do people THINK, SEARCH and NEED. From there, we create SOLUTIONS.

We bring together quantitative and qualitative methods, applied to Market and Public Opinion Research.

Smart analysis: Our work team is specialized in social sciences, consumer psychology and Latin American Studies.

Three characteristics that make us special In SIMO

We offer strategic information to

facilitate intelligent choices.

What is SIMO

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What is SIMO?

We are a specialized team, high-skilled and in constant training.

Empowerment through research: we provide competitive advantages by generating useful, reliable and objective information.

Development of new trends of thought: we analyze and interpret all the information in order to help our clients to take intelligent choices.

Our academicals background includes the

following areas of expertise:

Political Sciences Communications Statistics Finance Market Research Public Opinion Political thought Public Politics International Relations Cognitive Theory History Sociology

What is SIMO

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Our way of working and generating strategies

In SIMO, we believe that the only way to generate the ideal strategy is to have a complete vision of the company, the product, the market and the client.

In order to do so, we study the target population from a double perspective:• Human behavior analysis • Research of social and

institutional contexts

This is how we generate strategies that will have an integral and complete vision of the consumer, his needs and his desires from the market and the public opinion.


Public Opinion

What is SIMO

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Analyzing the consumer from this 2 perspectives (market and public opinion) allow us to generate a research much more complex, objective and useful, that helps our client to locate his target in a more specific context, always understanding the WHY of the behavior and attitudes of their potential clients.

In this way, SIMO represents an innovative and alternative for market research analysis, as we offer:

A complete understanding of the market and the public opinion, The development of integral strategies that are specially design for our client´s requirements.

Understanding the consumer's behavior

How he


How he




What does

he buy

How he live

Why?Why SIMO

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SIMO has important headquarters in México, USA, Brazil and Spain, continuously developing research in America, as well as in Europe.

Where we are?




Where we are


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Market Research

Market Research

In SIMO we do not only ask people, we analyze their rational or intuitive behavior regarding their decisions.

To understand a consumer, we discovered that we require to be aware of its behavior and its social and economical context.

In order to do so, we use quantitative and qualitative techniques that assure us a great level of reliability and a complete understanding of our target.Our most meaningful difference is that we generate ad hoc studies, in accordance to our clients needs and their products.

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Specific research on medical studies

Segmentation studies

Users profile

Market fidelity

Design of Loyalty programs

Coorporative image

Communication tools analysis

Areas of specialization

Brand Experience analysis

Message recall


Analysis of consumer’s channels


Georeferential analysis


Concept TestProduct test

Feasibility studies

Conjoint Analysis

Customer Satisfaction

Market Research



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Some research techniques

Research methods



Quantitative techniques

Consumer habits and frequency of consumptionFace to face surveys Phone surveys (cati)On line surveysSurveys at inflow pointsMystery shoppingConjoint AnalysisChaidCorrespondence analysisPreference triangle

Qualitative techniques

Focus GroupsIn-depths interviewsIn and Out interviewsEthnographic diariesConsumer panelsViral researchCo-creation sessionsShadowingOn line panelsEthnographic interviewsProduct test and clinic

We use more than 30

ethnographic interviews

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Public opinion studies

In SIMO we develop Strategic Research Series to acquire relevant, expedient, intelligent and objective information. These studies are designed to facilitate the decision making process and to generate suitable strategies. The main objective of these studies consist in helping our clients to develop better strategies, in order to improve their communication, market and strategic planning. Through these series, we can combine the following processes:

Campaign Evaluation

Population profile

Demand Studies

Public politics: impact and assessment

Positioning Strategies for politicians and candidates

Social agenda: juncture and impact

Institutional perception studies

Political Agenda assessment

Communication Strategies

Geo-statistical analysis Tracking polls

Exit Polls and Quick Counts in Election Day

Ad-hoc Studies


Public Opinion


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Qualitative techniques

Focus GroupsIn-Depth InterviewsSemi-Structured InterviewsSemiotic StudiesCognitive interviewingEthnographic InterviewsCognitive MapsCommunication Studies

Quantitative techniques

Face-to-Face surveysPhone interviews (CATI)Online SurveysOnline MarketingSurveys at inflows pointsPolitical market segmentationExit Polls in Election DayQuick Count in Election DayTracking pollsPreference Triangle

Research methods


Some research techniquesWe use quantitative and qualitative techniques that assure us a great level of reliability and a complete understanding of our target.

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Topics for the Political ConsultancyAnalysis of the current political and social situationAnalysis of the current international situation and its impact in local contextsAnalysis of the current national situation regarding the economy, the government, social capital and public politics evaluation.

Identification of the national political forces.

Scope of the political consultancy

SIMO generates documents and appropriate recommendations , we establish contacts with experts and we develop ad hoc positioning strategies for politicians and candidates for present political situations.

In SIMO we developed a Political Consulting Area, in order to respond to the need for information, analysis and interpretation of the social, economical and political context of the world. This area is a complement for our Public Opinion Studies, as we required to have a complete understanding of the current political and economical situation and its impact in local contexts.


Political Consultancy: the perfect complementSIMOConsultin


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Our Services

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Strategic Research Series (SRS)

An Strategic Research Series is an useful option to acquire relevant, expedient, intelligent and objective information. These studies are designed to facilitate the decision making process and to generate suitable strategies.

In these series, we include baseline questions for our own agenda, but they are specially designed to include topics that our clients want to explore.

The SRS, also known as Omnibus surveys, are conducted periodically, in order to obtain: Periodical results, according to your needs

Continious evaluation of the target population Fixed dates of field survey Strategic information obtained from the statistical analysis


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SIMO’s Research Methods are designed to extract relevant information from the social reality. From this, we give a precise explanation of the social facts through observation, experimentation and analysis.

For Public Opinion studies, the use of surveys is one of the most popular methods to acquire the information that we require. This method can combine the use of several interviewing techniques.

Surveys and Interviewing Techniques are tools that allow us to understand how people think and feel, and they can reflect people’s feeling regarding topics of general interest.

As an example, in a pre-electoral survey, the data can show people’s mood and the knowledge of the candidate and the campaign in a precise moment in time.

In this way, an adequate survey with the proper analysis can help to define communication strategies and rapprochement with the electorate.

SIMO’s Research Methods


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Face to face SurveyIn quantitative research we use face to face surveys to generate statistical data. For the research, we employ a structured questionnaire as a measurement tool. The questionnaires are previously approved by our clients and are carried out by professional interviewers to assure the quality of our work.Further more, almost all questionnaires are previously supervised in order to guarantee quality and certainty.This kind of survey allow us to have national representativeness with all the socioeconomic levels included.

Phone InterviewAs in face to face surveys, we employ a structured questionnaire previously approved and carried out by professional interviewers. The only difference is that the questionnaire is applied by phone. This kind of survey allow us to focus on upper socioeconomic levels and target more specific population as can be businessmen, experts, etc.


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The Semi-Structured Interview combines open and closed questions. Its main objective consist in developing a specific topic through the ethnographic method in qualitative studies.

These interviews are based in the descriptive research method, looking to register in the best way human behavior regarding specific topics.

Semi-Structured Interviews

The In-Depth Interview technique is a qualitative approach to the opinion studies that allow us to deeply understand the reasoning process behind people’s opinions.

This technique is done individually and are applied to key persons that, from their knowledge or personal experience, can give us more relevant, efficient and adequate information.

These interviews offer the ideal opportunity to abstract specific information that is relevant for our clients.

In-Depth Interview


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These are individual interviews designed to study the cognition process, i.e. the psychological result of perception, learning and reasoning of the interviewee at the moment of answering the questionnaire.In these kind of interview, the answer is not really the issue: what really matters is the process of how the interviewee arrived to the answer.This method allow us to maximize the qualitative information such as the quantitative. For this, we require professional interviewers with great experience and a high level of education.

Cognitive Interview

A Cognitive interview has the following process:

It measures how much does the interviewee understand the questions, word comprehension and semantics. it investigate how long takes the interviewee to answer the questions as well as the level of remembrance. We look at the interviewee answer to see if the words are correct, with sense, etc. We look at the problems that the questionnaire might show before testing it at the survey camp.

It is very important to test the questionnaire before doing the survey as it is a fundamental tool to assure its quality.

SIMOIntelligence Systems in

Market and Public Opinion


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The Focus Group is a qualitative research technique that allow us to deeply understand the specific opinion that are behind people’s mind.

Each session (each group) is ideally composed by 8 to 10 participants, that have common characteristics but should not be acquainted among themselves.

During the session, a moderator guide the conversation and they discuss about the topic we want to extract information.

The discussion develops through a conversation based on a guide previously prepared.

The key of this technique is based on the interaction. From there, the participants generate ideas and share there knowledge. Next, we study their attitudes, behavior and process of thinking.

Focus Groups


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This tool is very useful as we can see: The distribution of the voting intention, Information about the second best option for the voters, also known as the swing vote

Electoral analysis tools

Analysis of political preferences

The Analysis of political preferences show us: The percentage of hard vote for each party or candidate: corners of the triangle (circle) The percentage of the best second option (rectangle in each corner) The percentage of people that could change their vote to another party or candidate, according to their best second option (gray circles) The percentage of undefined voters (circle in the middle)


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The correlation analysis is another quantitative technique used in SIMO. This analysis allow us to see in a perceptual map the association between a series of attributes, characteristics or concepts with candidates or products. Through the mapping we can easily see the association of ideas and distances between different concepts.

Reading of a perceptual map: those attributes that are closer to the object of study are those with greater association according to the survey answers.

Correlation analysis


Corrupt Indeciso

Buen Político



Fighting Poverty


Eduardo DuhaldeEduardo DuhaldeEduardo Duhalde

Fernando de la Rúa

Eduardo Duhalde

Buen Líder


Domingo Cavallo

In this example, the candidate Fernando de la

RúaIs associated with Honest,

Fighting Poverty, Manipulator and



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Geographical Information System

SIMO’s Geographical Information System is a complementary tool to present our quantitatives results. We create maps displaying relevant information from the survey.This maps are built according to our clients needs and can show different aspects of the population. They can be separated by boroughs, states, neighborhoods, etc.

This maps can show: poverty levels, education, green areas, urban infrastructure, public transportation, etc.


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Electoral tendencies at municipal levelRegionalization: Main segments

Regionalization:Historic voting Regionalization:

Main problem per section

Geographical Information System

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Communication StrategiesIn SIMO we do not only offer information. We also offer solutions. From our qualitative and quantitative techniques, we help our clients to speak to their public in a more direct and effective way. Our methods allow us to understand people’s needs and we test different means to create a clear, direct and convincing message. In short, we develop effective communication strategies to help our clients to speak to their audiences.


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The strategy is divided in two steps. We start with the analysis and abstraction of the information obtained through the quantitative and qualitative research. Next, we defined goals and objectives in order to set the necessary tools that will compose an effective strategy. This process will help us to build all the material for the communication strategy. That is: design of a logo, creation of slogans, writing of speeches, posters and media communication. The information required to develop a strategy includes:

Setting the target’s profile Defining characteristics and circumstances that might help to attract more people. Identifying emotional, rational and symbolic values that lead to decide between one political party and another Relevant information about the positive aspects of the political party or the candidate Audience analysis

Communication Strategies: how we do it?

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Online Political Campaign Analysis

Internet and electronic tools are changing how the politicians communicate with the electorate. Theses new tools are also improving the way of organizing their sympathizer.

In this sense, electronic tools are contributing to the improvement of democracy as they increase the interaction between governors and citizens.

It is crucial to consider these new elements in the campaign and the strategy.


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Consumer habitsThis study allow us to know and assess daily behavior and frequency of use or consumption of a product or a service.

Brand or product positioningIt creates a diagnosis of how the brand is perceive by the audience. From there we generate strategies to change it or keep it in this way.

Consumer satisfactionThrough this methodology we discover the level of satisfaction and consumption of a product, and how is perceive by the consumers.

Segmentation StudiesThese studies allow to discover market niches of a specific product or service. The segmentation helps to determine who is your target population.

Market StudiesServices

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Product TestThis method allow us to test a product or service in several ways: its fisical aspect, it appearance, taste, smell and packing. It can be a pilot test (before getting in to the market), a post test (after launching in the market). Concept TestThis method allow us to test the concept of a brand a product or an advertisement. We ask questions that will expose ideas, feelings and emotions that the consumer associate with the product, the brand or the advertisement. This study is precede by a qualitative study. BenchmarkingA tool very popular in market analysis because it compares the performance of a brand, product or service in comparison with the competition.


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Mystery ShoppingThe mystery shopper acts as if it was a regular client and simulate to buy a product or a service. This helps to evaluate the quality of different parameters.At the end of this simulation, the Mystery shopper give a report with all the information that our client required.  ConjointIt helps to measure in a realistic way, how the particular attributes of a product affect consumers preferences. From there, we can measure each attribute in the context of a collection of attributes, and determine what are the most important attributes of the product. TrackingThis is a periodical study in which we measure different aspects of a product, such as sales, perception of the product, advertising remembrance, etc.


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Some examples

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An example of what SIMO can do in electoral analysis

Segmentation Study for a Candidate to the presidency of the Football Club Barcelona.

We were ask to do an electoral segmentation study for a candidate for the chair of the executive committee of the FC Barcelona. The main objectives of this study was to: evaluate how the candidate was perceived, investigate preferences and needs of the electorate.

SIMO Consulting proposed a complete study that allow us to get enough information to design an adequate communication strategy for the candidate.

With our analysis, the candidate will have enough elements to distinguish his target group, speak in the right tone, direct his messages, select the contents of his speeches. The aim is to obtain a greater number of votes.

Public Opinion

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We proposed the following study:

• Qualitative analysis, obtained through the use of Focus Groups. This will help us to build effective strategies for the research.

Analysis of communication materials

• Study that will allow to identify the profile of the electorate, in order to differentiate their tastes and preferences.Segmentation

• From our tools, we obtained rational, emotional and symbolic inputs about the perception of the candidate. This will help us to distinguish positive and negative attributes of our character.

Perception, Positioning and Creation of an image for the


• This model is generated by questions that measure attitudes and behavior. The idea of this concept is to prioritize in the analysis those voters who are more willing to go and vote in the election day.

Possible Voters Model

• With all the previous work, we can select and outline our Target population. This group would be the one with the greater number of possible voters.

Identification of the Target Population

Effective communication strategies

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Example: Market Segmentation

Company: HERDEZ

We were ask to identify the market segments in Mexico, according to their eating habits.With the combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques, we distinguished the taste and preferences about food, brands and presentations.Through this, we get useful information to do a profile of the consumers and knowing their lifestyles regarding eating habits.As well, the study allow us to identify market niches, tendencies, expectancies and opportunities for the development of new brands.


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Another example of a Market Research Study

Exporting Mexican grapes to the European Union

This was a project financed by the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture, focus on understanding the market structure in Belgium, The Netherlands and United Kingdom, in order to export Mexican grapes to these countries. The study was developed in two stages: first, an economical analysis at national and international level of the table grape market; second, a survey camp that allow us to identify the values of the meta market and its requirements.


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Exporting Mexican grapes to the European Union (Cont.)

Through the survey camp we discover the importation process of table grapes into the European Union as well as the preferences in the market for this particular fruit. We settle 29 in-depth interviews with importers, distributors, retailers and wholesalers in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. This help us to identify the needs and requirements of the product as well as the buying process, commercialization and sales at all levels of the process: from the importation till the consumer presentation at the supermarket. This was complimented with face to face interviews and focus groups with regular consumers of table grape. We were able to identify their preferences, expenditures, consumption habits in the European Society.


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Our Clients

The need for information becomes essential when you require to make an intelligent decision. In SIM we generate inter-institutional and multidisciplinary networks in order to satisfy the information needs of our clients. Our success is based on our compromise with our clients and the precise supervision that we achieve at every level of the study.

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Thank you!


México Zitácuaro No. 5Col. Condesa 06170Tel. +52-55-5271-5112 +52-55- 5277-6099

SpainAlts Forns 37 4-3Barcelona, 08038Tel. 902-020-617 Fax. 902-020-619

USA1200 N Herndon st. Apt 361 Arlington Virginia 22201 USATel. +1- 202 290 660

BrazilRua Félix Kleis, 23. Santa Mônica - CEP 88035-330Florianópolis/SC - BrasilTel: +55 (48) 3234 8573