Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up...

A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church; Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion. 1 Mass Times 3 News & Events 4 Calendar 9 Readings & Intentions The Presentation Of The Lord February 2, 2020 Issue Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel.” - Lk 2:34a

Transcript of Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up...

Page 1: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions

A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church; Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion.

1 Mass Times

3 News & Events

4 Calendar

9 Readings

& Intentions

The Presentation Of The Lord

February 2, 2020 I s s u e

Simeon blessed them and said to

Mary his mother, “Behold, this

child is destined for the fall and

rise of many in Israel.”- Lk 2:34a

Page 2: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions


Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ,

40 Days Already?

“Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem

to present him to the Lord…

When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of

the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee,

to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew

and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of

God was upon him.”

This account of the presentation of the Lord is a

celebration of piety 40 days after Christmas. Re-

peatedly indicated in the readings, Mary and Jo-

seph were conforming to the prescriptions of the

Law. Two characters Simeon and Anna, who does

not belong to the ranks of temple personnel also

recognizes the Holy Child. This points out the fact

that religious insight can also come from faithful-

ness and genuine devotion and not just from any

privileged role. God’s ways are revealed to those

who have open their minds and hearts to the Lord.

When they return to Nazareth. The parents of Jesus

resumed their unpretentious life. Jesus grew up

like any other child, waiting for His time to come.

How is our life HINGED to the rituals, teachings,

and services

we do for All

Souls? How

do we make

use of God

gifts to us?

Fr. David Vivero

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

¿40 días ya?

“María y José llevaron a Jesús a Jerusalén

para presentarlo al Señor…

Cuando ellos cumplieron con todos los

mandatos del Señor, ellos regresaron a Gal-

ilea, su ciudad Nazaret. El niño creció y se

hizo fuerte, lleno de sabiduría; y el favor de Dios es-

taba en él.”

Esto es una representación de que Dios está cele-

brando la religiosidad de los 40 días después de

la Navidad. Repetidamente se ve en las lecturas,

María y José estaban cumpliendo con los man-

damientos de Dios. Dos personajes, Simeón y

Ana, que no pertenecen al personal del templo,

también reconocen al Santo Niño. Esto nos deja

saber que la percepción religiosa puede venir de

la lealtad y de la devoción genuina y no sólo de

la clase privilegiada. La voluntad de Dios es rev-

elada a las personas que abren sus mentes y co-

razones al Señor. Cuando ellos regresan a Naza-

ret, los padres de Jesús siguieron viviendo sus

modestas vidas. Jesús creció como cualquier otro

niño mientras esperaba que Su tiempo llegara.

¿Cómo está CONECTADA nuestra vida a los

rituales, enseñanzas y servicios que no-

sotros hacemos a nuestra iglesia All

Souls? ¿Cómo nosotros

podemos usar nuestros regalos

dados por Dios?

Church Location: 3280 W. 1st St. (SR #46), Sanford, FL 32771 Confession: (Sat) 3:45-4:45 pm Vigil Mass: (Sat) 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 9:30 am & 11:00 am , 12:30 pm (Spanish)

Chapel Location:

800 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 Mon.-Sat. Daily Mass: 8:30 am

Sunday Masses: 8:00 am and 2:00 pm

(Latin Tridentine)

Page 3: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions

Gospel Meditation

For Your Day

Now, Master, you may let your

servant go in peace, according to your

word, for my eyes have seen your sal-

vation, which you prepared in the

sight of all the peoples: a light for reve-

lation to the Gentiles, and glory for

your people Israel.” Very often, hav-

ing more light is not some-thing we

desire as it forces us to con-front

something we really do not want to

see. There can be comfort found in

darkness. It has an eerie sense of secu-

rity to it. We do not have to challenge

ourselves or be challenged and can

simply exist in some fabricated state

of self-fabricated blissfulness. Jesus

came to bring light, and it is a light

that is resisted by many and hated by

some. It is a light that causes us to see

things as they really are and not as we

would want or need them to be.

It is no wonder then that Simeon bold-

ly and honestly proclaims to Mary,

“Behold, this child is destined for the fall

and rise of many in Israel, and to be a

sign that will be contradicted

and you yourself a

sword will pierce so

that the thoughts of

many hearts may be

revealed.” We have

to take the Gospel

message as it is and

not just use those

parts that are useful

to us or more palata-

ble. Taking Jesus at

face value can and

will lead to turmoil

We Serve...

Angel Tree Giving Brings Happi-ness To Little Ones In Need

Three-year old Olivia and four-year

old Barrett live with their mom in a

Sanford motel they call their week-to-

week home. Thanks to your generosi-

ty, we were able to provide Christmas

gifts to them through the Angel Tree

Program. Olivia loves her fuzzy uni-

corn blanket and Barrett wraps him-

self in his blanket, too. Thanks to your

donations, we

were able to

provide a mini-

mum of three

gifts, or gift

cards, to 154

children from

59 area fami-

lies. All told, we provided nearly $3,500 in gifts. We are truly blessed!

All Are Welcome Here If you are alienated or

upset, we welcome

you lovingly. If you are in need of

forgiveness, Jesus forgives you

completely—with unconditional

love. If you have been hurt by the

Church, we are truly sorry. If you

are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If

life has become burdensome, we are

here to support you. We are happy

you are here and want you to stay.

We would like to share our lives

with you. Come join us each week

so we can worship God together.

All Souls Loves Visitors! We accept anyone who wants to

share in the life of the parish

regardless of where they live.

Please register as an affirmation of

your wish to share in the

community life of All Souls.

Registration cards may be found in

the narthex of the church or chapel,

the parish office during the week,

or online at our parish website: Why not sign

up today? We love new members!

Register Today at:


and dissention. Hearts will be pierced.

Whether we like it or not, Jesus’ procla-

mation of what the world God created

really ought to look like has real and

absolute social implications.

It has a lot to say about how we treat

our brothers and sisters: spiritually,

personally, economically, and global-

ly. It has everything to do with the

poor, the immigrant, the scared, the

unborn, the vulnerable, the sick, and

the broken. The light opens us to a

challenging, table-turning experience

that may not be something we want to

see but shows us where we need to be. ©LPi


All Souls

Catholic Church


School and

Jesus Christ


All Souls



All Souls

Historic Chapel

Michael Gilardi

All Souls SVDP “Angel Tree” program brings happiness to little ones at Christmas

Page 4: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions

Why The Feast of The

Presentation Matters Excerpt from “My Catholic Life”

The various names, meanings, and traditions overlapping in

today’s Feast churn like the crystals in a kaleidoscope, reveal-

ing one image and then another with every slight rotation of

the tube. The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple is, rotate,

also the Purification of Mary. But, rotate, it’s also known as the

Meeting of the Lord in the Christian East. And, rotate, it’s also

the Feast of Candlemas, marking forty days after Christmas,

the end of that liturgical season. The multiple names and mean-

ings of today’s Feast have given birth to surprisingly broad and

varied cultural expressions. The biblical account of the Presen-

tation is the source for the “two turtle doves” in the carol “The

Twelve Days of Christmas,” for the sword piercing Mary’s Im-

maculate Heart in Catholic iconography, for the Fourth Joyful

Mystery of the rosary, and for the Canticle prayed by all the

world’s priests and nuns every single night of their lives. The

Presentation is even the remote source of the frivolous Ameri-

can folkloric tradition of Groundhog Day.

Behind all of these names and meanings are, however, a few

fundamental theological facts worth reflecting upon. The Lord

Jesus Christ, forty days after His birth, in keeping with the bib-

lical significance of the number forty and with Jewish custom,

was presented in the temple in Jerusalem by His parents, Mary

and Joseph. Saint Luke’s Gospel recounts the story. After the

Presentation, Jesus was to enter the temple again as a boy and

later as an adult. He would even refer to His own body as a

temple which He would raise up in three days. Jesus’s life

was a continual self-gift to God the Father from

the very beginning to the very end. His parents did

not carry their infant Son to a holy mountain, a sacred spring, or

a magical forest. It was in His temple that the God of Israel was

most present, so they brought their son to God Himself, not just

to a reflection of Him in nature.

Did You Know... Christ is the light of the nations, hence the blessing and procession of candles

on this day. The blessing of candles is especially celebrated whenever February

2nd falls on a Sunday (as it does this year). Additionally, many Catholics

practice the tradition of keeping out the Nativity creche or other Christmas

decorations until this feast. A Candlelight Procession usually marks this feast.

Things You Can Do:

• Ask a priest to bless the candles that you will be using on your home altar this year.

• Have a family Candlemas procession.

• Read Luke 2:22-35 (about the presentation), including the Canticle of Simeon.

• Meditate on the constant fiat of Our Lady of Sorrows, who embraced the will of

God even as Simeon predicted that a sword would pierce her heart.


Progress On the Journey

"Our Parish, Our Future" continues to make great progress! To-

gether, we are working hard to create the Parish you want and of

Our Lord’s vision. Here are some of our first steps…

You may have noticed that the bulletins have more relevant con-

tent and a new design. The content of the All Souls Website has

also been updated, and plans are in the works to make it more

comprehensive and easier to use. We celebrated a joyful Advent

and Christmas season together, during which your spiritual gift

cards to the Baby Jesus overflowed the offering basket. We hope

to provide another opportunity during Lent for spiritual reflec-

tion and advancement on our individual journeys. For Lent, our

Liturgy Team is hard at work putting together an uplifting pro-

gram, which will be enhanced by some recent improvements in

the Church’s sound system. All Souls Catholic School hosted a

wonderful Open House during the celebration of Catholic Schools

Week. And, the Parish and School are collaborating to develop a

unified identity, within the first quarter of the New Year. These

are just our first baby steps as together we seek to learn Our

Lord’s will, follow in His footsteps, and grow in His grace.

May God bless you in every way,

Your All Souls Team

Progresando En La Jornada ¡"Nuestra Parroquia, Nuestro Futuro" continúa haciendo grandes

progresos! Juntos, estamos trabajando duro para crear la parro-

quia que usted desea y de la visión de Nuestro Señor. Estos son

algunos de nuestros primeros pasos ...

Es posible que haya notado que los boletines tienen contenido

más relevante y un nuevo diseño. El contenido del sitio web de

All Souls también se ha actualizado, y se están trabajando en pla-

nes para hacerlo más completo y fácil de usar. Celebramos juntos

una alegre temporada de Adviento y Navidad, durante la cual

sus tarjetas de regalo espirituales para el Niño Jesús desbordaron

la canasta de ofrendas. Esperamos brindar otra oportunidad du-

rante la Cuaresma para la reflexión espiritual y el avance en nues-

tras jornadas individuales. Para Lent, nuestro equipo de liturgia

está trabajando arduamente para elaborar un programa edifican-

te, que será reforzado por algunas mejorias recientes en el sistema

de sonido de la Iglesia. La Escuela Católica All Souls organizó

una maravillosa Casa Abierta durante la celebración de la Semana

de las Escuelas Católicas. Y, la Parroquia y la Escuela están cola-

borando para desarrollar una identidad unificada, dentro del pri-

mer trimestre del Año Nuevo. Estos son solo nuestros primeros

pasos pequeños, ya que juntos buscamos aprender la voluntad de

Nuestro Señor, seguir Sus pasos y crecer en Su gracia.

Que Dios los bendiga en todos los sentidos,

Tu Equipo de All Souls

Page 5: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 ALL DAY 1st Eucharist Welcome Rite……All Masses ALL DAY Presentation of The Lord……...All Masses ALL DAY CCW Bunco Ticket Sales…….....All Masses

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 8:30 AM Feast of St. Blaise.........................School Mass 5:30 PM Youth Ministry COR Planning...Social Hall 6:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry.................Conf Rm 7:00 PM SVDP Meeting..............................KofC Hall 7:15 PM Spanish Prayer Group.................Chapel

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 6:00 PM Spanish Choir...............................Choir Rm 7:00 PM Adult/Parent Bible Study..........Room 4 7:00 PM Jr DAWG……………………………...Gym/Soc Hall 7:00 PM CCW General Meeting...………..KofC Hall 7:00 PM Parish Choir………………………….Choir Rm 7:00 PM RCIA w/Fr. Ken……………………...TRC

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 6:30 PM Gr 1-5 Faith Format….……….…..Sch/Chapel 6:45 PM DAWG……………………….…………Social Hall 7:00 PM RCIA Spanish WC……….……...…Conf Rm

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 7:00 PM Confirmation Session 1...............Church 6:30 PM Contemporary Choir...................Choir Rm

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 8:30 AM Mass………………………………...…Chapel

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 12:00 PM Bunco Fundraiser……….……......Social Hall 3:45 PM Confessions..................................Church


Share Your Story... As a child of God, you have a powerful story to tell. Sharing how you came to Jesus and the difference he’s made in your life can help others discover how they, too, can know God personally.

Maybe you’re afraid to share your story or faith because you don’t

know what to say. Remember that God does not call the equipped;

He equips the called—and as Christians, we are all called to share

what Christ has done in our lives.

Email your personal witness to: [email protected]. Keep stories short, about 175 words or less. If your story is selected, we’ll publish it (anonymously if you prefer) in a future issue of this Bulletin. Thank You!

Comparte Tu Historia... Como hijo de Dios, tienes una historia poderosa que contar. Com-

partir cómo llegaste a Jesús y la diferencia que ha hecho en tu

vida puede ayudar a otros a descubrir cómo ellos también pueden

conocer a Dios personalmente.

Envíe un correo electrónico su testigo personal a: [email protected]. Mantenga historias cortas, alrededor de 175 palabras o menos. Si seleccionamos su historia, la publi-caremos (de forma anónima, si lo prefiere) en una próxima edición de este Boletín. ¡Gracias!

Lord Jesus, as an infant

You were brought to

the temple by Your

parents out of reli-

gious duty. Help

all parents to take

their duties to

God seriously, to

inculcate their faith

in the next genera-

tion by their words and

by their actions, so that the faith will be hand-

ed on where the faith is first learned—in the

family and in the home.

Page 6: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions

We Give Together

Food Pantry Needs of the Week 18 oz. Jelly and/or Deodorant. NOTE: We’re not able to accept fresh or frozen meats and cheeses or any perishable items that must be refrigerated. Thank you for your non-perishable donations. LAST WEEK: 133 items donated with a retail value of $392. Thanks!

Souper Supper - Mardi Gras Style! We’re serving up a feast of tasty soups

on Saturday, February 29th at the Social

Hall. Join us for all-you-can -eat soups,

bread, dessert and bever-ages. The price

can’t be beat: $8 for adults and kids un-

der 12 are free. Doors open at 6 pm and

we’ll serve until 8 pm (while supplies

last!). Join us for a night of great soups

and even better company!

News From St. Vincent De Paul Orlando Learn more about the good works of the Society on the TV show, “Our Faith in Action: Today’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul.” Episodes air on EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) or find Episodes on:

St. Vincent De Paul (1581—1660)

In the Gospel, we

hear Simeon say to

Mary: ...your own

soul shall be pierced

with a sword - so

the thoughts of

many hearts may be

laid bare.” Your gen-

erosity enables the

Society of St. Vin-

cent de Paul to bring

hope to parents

whose hearts are

burdened with wor-

ries and concerns. ”


All Souls Stewardship of Treasure 1/19 Offertory ··································· $14,046.64

1/19 Debt Reduction····························· $1,471.64

1/19 St. Vincent De Paul ·························· $946.64

1/19 Church Mortg. Prin. Bal.········· $1,624,987.42

1/19 OCA Raised To Date ·················· $218,671.52

1/19 Over Goal ·································· $44,332.21

Stewardship Opportunities

Parish Office Volunteers Are you a student, retired, or looking to dust

off your job skills? Want to do a little work

around the office? All Souls is looking for

volunteers to help with the phones, greeting

parishioners, and general office duties. Ad-

ministrative skills and bi-lingual proficiency

are helpful, but not required. Our staff is

warm and our hearts are welcoming.

Call Us Today! 407-322-3795

Share Your Talents

All Souls is in immediate need of volunteers

to help us in our Communications mission.

If you have a background in any of the fields

listed below, please send us your infor-

mation: [email protected]

• Writing and/or Editing

• Graphic Design

• Market Research/Data Analysis

• Photography

• Promotions/Events

• Social Media Management

• Video Production

• Web Design/Production

This is a great opportunity to work with a

highly motivated, fun, and focused team of

faithful Christians, in bringing Christ to

others. Write us Today!

Family Life Coordinator

The Family Life committee is in need of

a new coordinator! The Coordinator

leads the Family Life committee in plan-

ning social, spiritual, and service events

for the parish. These events in-clude

managing Kids Games at the Harvest

Festival and planning the An-nual East-

er Egg Hunt. The Family Life committee

has great potential for growth. New ide-

as and enthusiastic leadership is encour-

aged! Mentoring and support would be

provided by the outgoing leader and

current com-mittee. Please prayerfully

consider joining the team! For more

infor-mation, please contact Holly

Hooton at [email protected].

Page 7: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions


United States Department of Ed-

ucation National Blue Ribbon

School of Excellence in Catholic


If you are interested in a Catholic

school education for your stu-

dent, we would love to introduce

you to our campus! Please con-

tact our school office and sched-

ule a tour today.

Barbara Schirard | Principal

Mary Moran | Asst. Principal

810 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771

Phone: 407.322.7090

Fax: 407.321.7255 Website:

Are you looking for technology

friendly FREE VPK for your child?

All Souls Catholic School is current-

ly enrolling new students! With

some of the highest “readiness

Rates” in Seminole County, our

VPK students are Kindergarten

ready! Call us and come tour our

campus. Phone: 407.322.3795

All Souls Catholic School

At All Souls Catholic School,

our students are immersed in

their faith journey daily. Stu-

dents deepen their relationship

with Jesus throughout the day as they

speak with Him through prayer at the beginning

of the day, throughout the day and to end each

day. Our students experience the living Christ

during school re-treats, student-led prayer ser-

vices and weekly Mass. Students are well pre-

pared to receive their sacraments.

Why Choose All Souls School?

School Mission: All Souls

Catholic School is guided

by the Trinity to empower

our school community to

live, love, and learn

through Christ. We are

committed to excellence in

education while preparing

our students for a life of

service, leadership and


All Souls Catholic School faculty strives to en-

gage all students with meaningful learning expe-

riences that recognize diversity and optimize

every student’s academic potential. Our goal is

to create life-long learners steeped in the Catho-

lic faith and values. Catholic school students

know that academic excellence is an expectation

as they are challenged to use God’s gifts to their

fullest potential.

All Souls Catholic School students grow in

grace as they learn to lead and serve others.

At every grade level, our students make a

difference in their world through a variety

of service and social justice projects that

help those in the school, local, and global

communities. Our students are charged to

lead, serve and practice compassion.

All Souls Catholic School promotes

self-discipline through the teachings

of Christ, not simply to follow the

rules. Our faculty, staff and students

look to our school mission statement

as our reference for all we do, includ-

ing discipline. Our students are ex-

pected to behave as children of God.

Tuition is always a con-

cern. If your family be-

lieves, as we do, that Cath-

olic education is a priority,

please do not view tuition

as an obstacle. We will do

everything we can to

guide you toward the

scholarships that are avail-

able so your child can join

our growing family.

Page 8: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions

Confirmation Preparation for 8th Graders or Higher

Information was mailed Thanksgiving week to all those

families who potentially have an 8th grader (or older) who is

eligible to prepare to celebrate the sacrament in April 2020.

Your son/daughter is invited to prepare for the sacrament if…

• They were Baptized Catholic (or Welcomed into the Catholic Church)

• Celebrated 1st Reconciliation and First Eucharist (prior to September 2019)

• Is in 8th grade or higher

• Attended formal faith formation (or Catholic School) in 2018/2019

Any families of children/teens that meet this criteria but did

not receive the paperwork in the mail should call Holly

Hooton at 407-322-3795.

And The Bible Says... Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this

child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a

sign that will be contradicted--and you yourself a sword will

pierce--so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

- Lk 2:34-35

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

Simeón los bendijo, y a María, la madre de Jesús, le anunció: “Este

niño ha sido puesto para ruina y resurgimiento de muchos en Isra-

el, como signo que provocará contradicción, para que queden al

descubierto los pensamientos de todos los corazones. Y a ti, una

espada te atravesará el alma”. - Lc 2, 34-35

Leccionario II © 1987 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.

S aint Blaise is revered in the Eastern Churches, in

England, by Germans and Slavs, and honored in the

United States.

Bishop Blaise was martyred in his episcopal city of Sebas-

tea, Armenia, in 316. The legendary Acts of St. Blaise were

written 400 years later. According to them Blaise was a

good bishop, working hard to encourage the spiritual and

physical health of his people. Although the Edict of Tolera-

tion (311), granting freedom of worship in the Roman Em-

pire, was already five years old, persecution still raged in

Armenia. Blaise was apparently forced to flee to the back

country. There he lived as a hermit in solitude and prayer,

but he made friends with the wild animals. One day a

group of hunters seeking wild animals for the amphitheater

stumbled upon Blaise’s cave. They were first surprised and

then frightened. The bishop was kneeling in prayer sur-

rounded by patiently waiting wolves, lions and bears.

The legend has it that as the hunters hauled Blaise off to

prison, a mother came with her young son who had a fish

bone lodged in his throat. At Blaise’s command the child

was able to cough up the bone.

Agricolaus, governor of Cappadocia, tried to persuade Blaise

to sacrifice to pagan idols. The first time Blaise re-fused, he was

beaten. The next time he was suspended from a tree and his

flesh torn with iron combs or rakes. Finally, he was beheaded.


(d.c. 316)

The purpose of the CCW is to offer support, education, inspiration, and empowerment to the women of our par-ish, and to encourage them in their spiritual growth, leadership, and service to our community.

General Meetings: First Tuesday of the month (except July and August) at 7 pm.

Location: Knights of Columbus Social Hall, 2509 Myrtle Ave, Sanford, FL

32773. For more info:

Concilio de Mujeres Católicas de All Souls

Juntas Generales: Primer martes del mes (excepto julio y agosto) a las 7 p.m.

Ubicación: Salón Social de Los Caballeros de Colón, 2509 Myrtle Ave,

Sanford, FL 32773. Para mas información:

Page 9: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions


Parish Clergy

Fr. David P. Vivero | Parish Priest [email protected]

Fr. Ed McCarthy, Retired

Fr. Kenneth Metz, Retired

Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz, Latin Mass Celebrant

Rev. Mr. Wenny Cruz | Deacon [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Marty Mueller | Deacon [email protected]

Parish Staff

Henry Esparza Director of Operations [email protected]

Amy Scott Receptionist [email protected]

Beatriz Perez De Koeneke Hispanic Secretary [email protected]

Deacon Wenny Cruz Coordinator for Spanish Community [email protected]

Holly Hooton Parish Catechetical Leader [email protected]

Michelle Murphy Youth Minister [email protected]

David McGhee Director of Music & Liturgy [email protected]

Music Website:

Nancy Pfingsten Associate Director of Music [email protected]

Mary Valente Director of Cemetery Operations [email protected]

Eduardo Brenes-Montero Supervisor Facilities, Safety and Security [email protected]

Office Hrs: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm

Phone: 407.322.3795

FAX: 407.322.1131

Parish Website:

All Souls Parish Office Address: 301 W. 8th Street, Sanford, FL 32771

Our Faith Community

Bunco For Babies! The All Souls Council of Catholic

Women is sponsoring a Bunco fund-

raiser on Saturday, February 8, 2020.

Doors open at 12 Noon and games

begin at 1 pm. There will be door priz-

es, 50/50, basket raffles, a light lunch

and refreshments. Ticket donation $10.

Location: All Souls Social Hall, 810 S.

Oak Ave., Sanford, FL. Proceeds will

benefit Life Choices Medical Center in

Altamonte Springs. Bring your friends

and help us make a positive impact on

our beloved community. For more information contact Lynn Farrelly: [email protected] or 407-314-5293.

Bunco Para Bebés! El Consejo de Mujeres Católicas

patrocinará un evento de Bunco para

recaudar fondos el Sábado 8 de Febre-

ro del 2020. Las puertas se abrirán a las

12 del mediodía y los juegos comen-

zarán a la 1 de la tarde. Habrá premios

en la puerta, 50/50 y rifa de canastas, y

se servirá un almuerzo ligero y refrig-

eri-os. Traiga a sus amigos y ayúdenos

a hacer un impacto positivo en nuestra

querida comunidad. Para obtener más información comuníquese con Lynn Farrelly: [email protected] o 407-314-5293.

7 Simple Acts of Kind-ness You Can Do in 2 Minutes or Less Excerpted from a Reader’s Digest Article by Susan Spencer

Here are inspiring ideas [for Lent] to brighten someone’s day in 120 seconds or less. Pass it on! An act of kindness, no matter how small, can go a long way. Take a tiny portion of your day to put a smile on someone’s face or give someone an unexpected surprise with these kind gestures. If you’re on a budget, these random acts of kindness don’t cost a cent.

Pay it forward If you’re not in a rush while grabbing your morn-ing coffee, offer to pay for the person behind you as well. This simple act of kindness might inspire them to pass along some good in the world as well.

Leave a letter Carry around a stack of sticky notes with you, and if you’re feeling inspired write an encouraging note and leave it on the mirror in a public bath-room or on the window of someone’s car. You never know who might need some inspiring words to put a smile on their face.

Plant a tree Say thank you to the earth by planting a few sap-lings in your local park or in your yard. If every-one took the time to do this think of all the green-ery we could enjoy.

Help an elderly neighbor If you notice an elderly person struggling with their groceries or to bring their trash can in from the curb, offer to help them. Chances are, they will be very appreciative, and this act of kindness will take less than two minutes.

Bring in treats for your co-workers Pick up a few extra goodies with your morning bagel and bring them in for your co-workers to enjoy. This can be a great mood booster during a stressful time a work. Take a few minutes to chat about your day and eat with them to take some of the pressure off.

Pass on some luck Give a lottery ticket to a stranger on the street. Win or lose, just receiving the ticket will surely brighten someone’s day. And who knows, your kind action may have just created a new millionaire!

Help a friend practice self-care Slip an envelope containing a tea bag into a friend’s purse with a note inviting her to take some relaxing time for herself. Your kind action is now causing another—your friend can now be kind to herself.

Page 10: Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold ... · “Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions

Mass Readings

1 Sat 2 Sun Mal 3:1-4/Ps

24:7, 8, 9, 10

[10b]/Heb 2:14

-18/Lk 2:22-40

or 2:22-32

3 Mon 2 Sm 15:13-

14, 30; 16:5-

13/Ps 3:2-3, 4

-5, 6-7 [8a]/

Mk 5:1-20

4 Tue 5 Wed 2 Sm 24:2, 9-

17/Ps 32:1-2,

5, 6, 7 [cf.

5c]/Mk 6:1-6

6 Thu 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-

12/1 Chr

29:10, 11ab,


12bcd [12b]/

Mk 6:7-13

7 Fri Sir 47:2-11/

Ps 18:31, 47

and 50, 51

[cf. 47b]/Mk


St. Ansgar The Presenta-

tion of The

Lord; World

Day for Conse-

crated Life

St. Blaise,

Bishop &


St. Joseph of


St. Agatha Virgin & Martyr

St. Paul Miki &



St. Colette

8:30am -

Angela Hosel Requested By:

Jeff & Paola


5:00pm - Church

Jaime Ortigas Requested By:

Maria Garcia

8:00am -

Requested By:

9:30am - Church

Requested By:

11:00am - Church

Pamela Vicencio

Requested By:

Vicencio Family

12:30pm - Church

Requested By:

Bermudez Family


Velia & Camillo


Requested By:

8:30am -


Provenzola Requested By:

Frank & Anita


8:30am - Anna Malloy Requested By:

Luz Ortiz & Family

8:30am - Nathelie Omeara Requested By:

Diane & Charles Bohn

8:30am -

Rosario Duran Requested By:

Ancona Family

8:30am -






Our Sanctuary Light burns at

the Church this week in loving

memory of Robert Platz, as

requested by Ivette Gonzalez.

May he rest in eternal peace.

This Week’s Catholic Resources Reliable sources to help you learn more and grow your faith .


Vatican Archives: Provided in hypertextualized text together with

wordlists and concordances.


The Catholic Faith On Demand. Get thousands of movies, programs,

audio, and books instantly—on your TV or mobile device.


The Magis Center provides comprehensive and systematic responses

to restore, reconstruct, and revitalize belief in God, the transcendent

dignity of every person, the significance of virtue, the higher levels of hap-

piness, love, and freedom, and the real presence of Jesus Christ.


Bringing Christ to the world through the media.


Brothers and sisters in Christ, please tell others about this list so they will

not have to spend hours looking for Marian Rosaries on audio. God Bless.


The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Images courtesy of: John Unrue, Photographer