Silver Violet Flame

Silver Violet Flame Attunement The silver violet flame can be invoked, by simply stating 'I now invoke the silver violet flame to release the negative energy associated with (your perceived problem)'. It effectively can be used, with an open heart, mind and thanks to the universe, to reverse the effect of karma. Receive the attunement by saying: “I am prepared to receive the Silver Violet Flame being sent to me by Stephen Lovering.” Then sit, relax, and rest for about 15 minutes, or until you are signalled to quit. Using the Silver Violet Flame Energies Silver Violet Flame energies are highly transformational and can be used on both yourself and others. You can call upon the angels/guides of the Silver Violet Flame and also on St. Germain before going to sleep at night, asking them to work on whatever issue requires healing. By the morning, the issue is typically released, although for deeper problems you can repeat the procedure for up to 30 consecutive nights, for example to break through barriers, or to overcome addictions or deep-rooted fears. Painful memories can be healed using the Silver Violet Flame, and it can even help resolve difficulties in relationships. People who have directed the Silver Violet Flame into relationship problems report sensing a tremendous burden being lifted and feeling free to move on with their lives again. The Silver Violet Flame can also be used to cleanse and purify the aura and major chakras by invoking it on a daily basis. When using the Silver Violet Flame to heal others you should call upon the angels of the Silver Violet Flame and St. Germain, and then visualise yourself in a violet flame with them. Imagine yourself healing the person, and see the angels and the Silver Violet Flame transform their issues or illness. I AM a Being of Silver Violet Fire. I AM the purity God desires. Now, this is a Cleansing effect. You could say that the Silver Violet Flame Mantras are Spiritual antiseptics. You can flood your consciousness, your minds, your physical bodies, with this spiritual antiseptic and ALL will become clean. But, if you chant this Mantra in the mornings when in your bath or on the loo, you will find that it brings the Silver Violet Colour, the Silver Violet Energy into your space, into your living room and of course, this heightens the vibration, just use this Mantra in your daily lives, chant it a few dozen times a day and you will find that every thing starts to become Silver Violet. The vibration gets into the walls of your house, into the metal work of your cars, into the metals of your jewellery, into your energy system, both physical and spiritual. You will actually start shining Silver Violet!


Silver Violet Flame

Transcript of Silver Violet Flame

Silver Violet Flame AttunementThe silver violet flame can be invoked, by simply stating 'I now invoke the silver violet flame to release the negative energy associated with (your perceived problem)'. It effectively can be used, with an open heart, mind and thanks to the universe, to reverse the effect of karma. Receive the attunement by saying: I am prepared to receive the Silver Violet Flame being sent to me by Stephen Lovering.Then sit, relax, and rest for about 15 minutes, or until you are signalled to quit.Using the Silver Violet Flame EnergiesSilver Violet Flame energies are highly transformational and can be used on both yourself and others. You can call upon the angels/guides of the Silver Violet Flame and also on St. Germain before going to sleep at night, asking them to work on whatever issue requires healing. By the morning, the issue is typically released, although for deeper problems you can repeat the procedure for up to 30 consecutive nights, for example to break through barriers, or to overcome addictions or deep-rooted fears.Painful memories can be healed using the Silver Violet Flame, and it can even help resolve difficulties in relationships. People who have directed the Silver Violet Flame into relationship problems report sensing a tremendous burden being lifted and feeling free to move on with their lives again.The Silver Violet Flame can also be used to cleanse and purify the aura and major chakras by invoking it on a daily basis. When using the Silver Violet Flame to heal others you should call upon the angels of the Silver Violet Flame and St. Germain, and then visualise yourself in a violet flame with them. Imagine yourself healing the person, and see the angels and the Silver Violet Flame transform their issues or illness.

I AM a Being of Silver Violet Fire. I AM the purity God desires.Now, this is a Cleansing effect. You could say that the Silver Violet Flame Mantras are Spiritual antiseptics. You can flood your consciousness, your minds, your physical bodies, with this spiritual antiseptic and ALL will become clean. But, if you chant this Mantra in the mornings when in your bath or on the loo, you will find that it brings the Silver Violet Colour, the Silver Violet Energy into your space, into your living room and of course, this heightens the vibration, just use this Mantra in your daily lives, chant it a few dozen times a dayand you will find that every thing starts to become Silver Violet. The vibration gets into the walls of your house, into the metal work of your cars, into the metals of your jewellery, into your energy system, both physical and spiritual. You will actually start shining Silver Violet!

How to Give the AttunementYou may wish to bathe or ground yourself of excess energies before commencing the attunement procedure. Once you are ready, focus on the person to be attuned by thinking or looking at their name. Request the assistance of your guides, the angels of the Silver Violet Flame, the assistance of the attunees guides and St. Germain. They are the ones that actually make this attunement - you are only the antenna sending the signal to a particular person. Then visualise a violet flame around you, inside you, and all around.

Say the following either aloud or silently:I call upon the keepers of the Silver Violet Flame. I ask that St. Germain assist me here now in attuning (persons name, address) to the Silver Violet Flame.See the flame surround the person, entering their heart and chakras. Allow it to flow through them for a few moments. Then say:(Persons name), you have been attuned to the Silver Violet Flame, the fire of unconditional love and spiritual service. Go in peace and attune others to their spiritual flame.