Sigo Gdpd Eating S 23/Bronxville NY...sell Ditzen. dine K. O'Neil of Bronxville; Mrs. William A*...

&«#?*?;?•?'. •^v-* ' «* m* 1 •" \*i f 5R0NXVILLE BJVIBW PRESS AND REPORTER, BRONXVILLE, N. Y , THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1964, l^LE^HONE BR 2-7580 Easter Lilies Wedding Background For Phyllis Salman, George Innes f: K<" The Oir-i)f the fcefofened Church w u linked with Easter liltet and dsfewood, and lighted w ith can4e& 0 ra Saturday when Mia* Phjdfii Howe Salman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phiffipe Carl Salman oTNdrtiisjate, Alger Coult, and George Leeser Innes, '*on of Mr. and Mrs. George Mills Innes of Needham, Mass.; were marled by the Rev. Lowell Rus- sell Ditzen. dine K. O'Neil of Bronxville; Mrs. William A* Morrill of Arl- ington, Va., Mrs. Clinton Vail of Forest Hills, Miss .Dorothy Mor- ris of New York City, and Miss Priseila A. Vxtm of Needham, fitter of « * Videfroom. The attendants wore ballerina- length frocks of aqua silk shan- tung and small corded coronets of the same color with matching nose veils. Miss Hayward car- ried Easter lilies, iris and white A wedding reception for 25a lilacs and the other attendants guests was held at the Siwanoy Country Club, following the 4 P.M. ceremony. Th# bride wore an ivory bouf- fant gown of Italian silk satin, designed with a portrait neck- line edged in lace. Her cap was tulle edged with pearls and her Brussels lace veil, which fell over a satin train, had been worn by the bride's mother at her weddftig. The bride's flowers were orchids, lilacs and brandywine rosea. She was escorted to the altar by her father. Miss Betsey Cranston Hayward of Maiden, Mass., cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. Also attending the bride were Miss Mary Arnold and Miss Gerai- gasp* F10RB4CE FOSTER JENKIKS Sins*!! and she's driving our service jvmnagcr crazy! FERRIS RADIO CO. tl PONDFIELD BD. i BrosurviDe carried cascade bouquets of Easter lilies. • *-* Luther Young of Amber, Pa., was ' best man for Mr. Innes, whose ushers were Roland X Dickson of Weston, Mass., cousin of the bridegroom; Phillips Cran- ston Salman and Rodger A. Sal- man, brothers of the bride; Al- lison K. May of Weehawken, N J., Ralph E. Wesley of Riverdale, and John W. Gilroy of New York, v After a wedding trip to Nas- sau, the Bahamas, Mr. and Bfrs. Innes wfll live in New York City where Mr. Innes Is associat- ed with the Jefferson Chemical Company, Inc. Mrs. Innes, a graduate of the Bronxville School and Bennington College, received 1ier M. A. de- gree from Columbia University. She Is a member of the New York Junior league. Her husband is a graduate of Harvard Univer- sity. > NEW ENGLAND WOMEN Mrs, F. Bradley Reynolds of 36 Avon Road will be hostess Mon- day at her home at 2:30 P.M. for the annual meeting of the Bronx- ville Colony el the National So- ciety of New England Women. Louise Gates .Gunsalus will give a talk on the "Romance of Old Quilts." WILLIAM AND MARY ffairdressers of Distinction SI M i w Ava. Sroiuvilla For Appointment Call BR. 2-3800 - 1688 E* >—i America's newest awning *& lis ii w Mvniifw n cfiwwwwii iwtmfs PUIS UtJMWtyRi MRwttfln (IremKTWl t I ——r - f i W fimkhnflE«tf 9-5700 i"> &:-: Ivertf rig, Sundays A Holiday* PLeasarrtvtlla Distrib*tor$ foti W lagile-Plcner Windows and ^s» ™^**EP"™ •^»wWfjP I ffs-^W M l • » WSJI # Coolalr Attic and Window Faao • Ctearvlaw Jalousies . " da ' ^SF No Down Payment Up to 5 Year* to Pay. Finrt Payment November 1ft ! tOCK WOOL INSULATION CO., Inc. j ISO Ferrl. Ave., White Plains, N. Y t PUssa havs yoor raonsan+ativa aafl Is # e M J sbRfaMaf attiuiata. I Nana _ I S*raa* * Naiabar I rONy Satisfying Westchester Homo Owners Since 1928 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i r l Jlf L INSULATION -'** v- IMP '•:• ,: .&v fe., I ; cnn> EgCHMS)CBaSHWSSVN|BSjBBsnBBBaflBBaBasaanaaBBBajBS MBS. GEOBGJE LESSER INNES, who before her mar- riage Saturday was the former Miss Phyllis Howe Salman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil- lips, Carl Salman Of Northgate, Alger Court. —- Robert Brown- ing Baker Photo. GOP Membership In Women's Club Hits Highest Mark Mrs. Otis C. Morrill, president of the Women's Republican Club of Bronxville announces that the recent membership campaign has resulted in the highest member- ship in the Club's history. Mrs. G. Wesley Gates, treas- urer, reDorts almost 600 mem- bers and added that she is con- tinuing to receive "a steady stream of applications." Membership chairman Mrs R. A. Hohaus remarked that "The unprecedented success of this drive is ue to the new surge of interest Republican women are showing in government affairs It indicates their determination to keeo the Republican Party strong." On the membership committee are Mrs. Thomas C. Betts. Mrs, Harold B. Finn. Mrs. Gordon F. Fletcher. Mrs. Fred E. Hamilton, Mrs. N. Barry Hekma. Mrs. Her- bert D. Lent, Mrs. T. C. More- house Jr., Mrs. Lester A. Mount. Mrs. Colgate Phillips. Mrs. Greg- ory Pipeson. Mrs. William H Risley and Mrs. T>t B. Whitte- more. -, Mrs. William A. Smith will be hostess Tuesday at a membership tea to be held at the Village Library from 3 to & P.M., when the new members will be wel- comed Into the club. The 1954-55 Slate of officers "will be an- nounced at the tea. The annual luncheon has been postponed until May 25 when Robert Morris, counsel to the U. S. Senate's Subcommittee on Internal Security will speak. The luncheon was postponed in order that new members may attend , .—j Millers' Visitors Suffer Mishap On Plane Trip Easter for the Dr. J. Quinter Miller family of 10 "Manor Drive, Crestwood, was slightly marred when Mrs. Miller's. son, E. L. Semones and his family of Tulsa, Okla., did not arrive for an in- tended visit. En route, the Semones 1 family plane made a forced landing on a Shelbyville, Ky., farm. * However, as in Shakespeare, "All's well that ends well," for. while the plane was somewhat damaged, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Semones, and their three children who were with them, escaped injury. They were only slightly startled at the sudden landing made nec- essary by a low fuel tank. Mrs. Miller said this week when speaking of the accident, "They fly all the time and land- ing in a field is no novelty to them." Her son is head*of the National Buildings Materials Co., in Tuba. Because of the damaged plane the Semones returned home in- stead of continuing their trip East. But they expect to head East again in July when Miss Anita Lee Semones, daughter of Mrs. Miller, will be married to Donald Alan Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf of Hazen, N.D., who is now on the techni- cal staff of the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill N.J. Miss Semones lives with Dr. and Mrs. Miller in Crestwood. Disappointed as they were, Dr. and Mrs. Miller will not have to wait until July to see Mr. Semones and his family for they are leaving next month for,a trip West and* will stop in Tulsa for a visit* * * " ' A. i. i gin " _.•• i / SLC STUDENT ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Everett Edward Sherwin of Katonah, have an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Patricia Jill Sher- win, a former Sarah Lawrence College student, to Carl Hicks White Jr.» son of the late Mr. and Mn. White of Huttoa Park, N. Y., MISS MULLEN ELECTED V.P. Miss Judith Mullen* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mullen, 54 Sagamore Road, has been elected vice president at the In- ternational Relations Club at El- mira College for the coming year. She is a freshman at that college. PatriciaAnnHoge Is Fiancee rev caro Mrs. Gordon Hoge,of 100 Park- way Road has annoanced the en. gagement of her daughter, Miss Patsfcia Ann Hoge, to Anthony Joseph Vaccaro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Vaccaro of Mount Vernon. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Hoge, daughter also of the tote Mr. Hoge, was grad- uated from the Bromcvflle School and attended Penn Hall Junior College in Peimsylva)Ua. Her fu- ture, husband, who served two in the Army, attended Tech High 3cnooL HJtTerwftiigerJr. To Wed NJ. Girl < Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Greiner of Green tree Road, Marl- ton, N*. J. announce the betrothal of their daughter, Cretchen El^ len,'to H. John TerwiUiger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Ter- williger of 796 Bronx River Road and Kingston. .1 . • A late Summer wedding is planned. Miss Greiner is a junior at Wells College. M£ Terwilliger, who was grad- uated from the College of Agri- culture at Cornell University, is now studying at the Cornell Col- lege of Veterinary Medicine. SUMMER VACATIOi - $107 YES! You cap enjoy S nights and 7 days at a swank Miami Beach, Hotel for as littler as $107, which includes your transportation and also transfers from airport to hotel and return! Inexpensive holidays also available to San Juan, Nassau, Havana, Colorado, California, Canada and Virgin Isles. For information and reser- vations, phone or .see MofiREfiOR TRAVIL SERVICE SS MMB'k. Am. WHM* Fifth* S-SSU ANN HOOK ROOSEVELT GRAD TO WED Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas LaCava of-^onkers have announced the engagement of their daughter. Blake-Halliday Wedding Planned ForJune 26 •I . . The engagement of Miss Eileen Blake to Robert William Halli- day of 80S Bronx River Road, son of Mrs. Teresa Halliday of Brooklyn and the late John C. Halliday Sr., of Bronxville, has been announced by Miss Blake's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Blake of 561 Upper Mountain Avenue, Upper Montclair, N. J. The wedding will take place June Miss Blake was graduated from Vermont Junior College and at- tended New York University. Mr. Halliday is attending Columbia University and expects to gradu- ate in June* Mrs. William K. Helling of 36 . Crestwood Avenue has sailed aboard the SS United States for i five-week visit to Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and France. Miss Eleanor Anne LaCava, a graduate of Roosevelt High School, to Sgt First Class Lewis John Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Millard J. Walker of Yorktown Heights. . They'll see you looking much lovelier than you looked yesterday i] Sigo Gdpd Eating S TANDING by She rids of tba fturkway bridge oa Pondfield SjMd, this sign point* die w«y to that wonderful Birch Brook food. Thousands heed its call regularly. They're people who appreciate good eating—who insist on a wide variety of choke, are fussy about quality, and enjoy a quiet, pleasant atmos- phere in which to dine. If you ate ' like them, Birch Brook is for you, too. Come soon. CocMttO» and Dinner from 8 to 9 P.M.; Bmtdayt and Holidays from Noon to 9 PJl. Closed Mondays. Phone BRonxvWe «-747i for reservation* BIRCH BROOK INN "W.rtch.$ttr'i Most Distinguished Feting Pieee" Just Off Brons River Parkway at Pondfield Road BRONXVILLE, N. Y. More than astonishing. I f a astounding} In 20 seconds you appear to haee suddenly grown aa entirely new andflawlessakin. Lanolin Plus Liquid Make-Up covers the sins of your own akin that well. And it makes you look so pert and vivacious because each of the five shades is a living color that looks alive. Also. Lanolin Plus Liquid Make-Up helps make your skin softer and smoother looking. $1 plus tai. IIQUID MAKE-UP •I The man you see in this breathtaking^on- vertible is learning a great and inspiring truth. And it makes him very happy. When he ordered his Cadillac, he ,aeri- ously doubted whether any motor car could be quite as good and wonderful and satis- fying as a Cadillac is reputed to&bc Sounded almost too good to be true. Well, he doesn't doubt it any morel He's five miles out on the road toward home— and he's ready to tell you that a Cadillac is every inch as great as its reputation. He sensed it the moment he accepted the keys from his dealer and turned c*r the ignition. That deep, soft, satisfying, re- sponse of the powerful V^cngine wa» too significant for anyone to misunderstand. •I , - . - , ! - - - He sensed it again when he touched the throttle and moved out into the street. The easy turn of the steering wheel—the soft, quick, positive reaction to the powerful brakes—the buoyant "lift" of the deep- tufted seats—"Yes* here's a car, all right!" - v And then he got past the comer light, arid out in the stream of traffic—and has admiration knew no bounds, v ' i feel so safe!"... *Tet, it's as light as a feather . . . and, oh, so agile and quick and responsive!" Then there was a break in the traffic^- and a stepped-up speed limit—and he bore down an inch or so on the throttle. But his foot came right bade up and went on the 1>rake! "Have to be a little easier, there!" And so it went—until he rolled up in front of the house—and sounded the horn for the happiest, most delighted family gathering in years. Yes, it's -true, what they say about Cadillac t And it will dawn truer and truer as the miles and the years go by. In fact, it is not unusual to find an owner who flatly refuses to part yith Jus old Cadillac. He just keeps it—and orders a new one-^to take advantage of the engi- neeringVftd designing progress. Why don't you come i n l a n d get the whole wonderful Cadillac story? We'd be happy to see you any ^rna. I *•%-< 1 BRENNAN'S MOTOR CORP. 14 North Columbus Arenua ^^r^^S?^*^?^^^ ^ Qhpwrooms open - ism** immm*mm*mm Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of Sigo Gdpd Eating S 23/Bronxville NY...sell Ditzen. dine K. O'Neil of Bronxville; Mrs. William A*...

Page 1: Sigo Gdpd Eating S 23/Bronxville NY...sell Ditzen. dine K. O'Neil of Bronxville; Mrs. William A* Morrill of Arl ington, Va., Mrs. Clinton Vail of Forest Hills, Miss .Dorothy Mor ris

&«#?*?;?•?'. • ^ v - *


« * m*


• " \ * i f


Easter Lilies Wedding Background For Phyllis Salman, George Innes



The O i r - i ) f the fcefofened Church w u linked with Easter liltet and dsfewood, and lighted with can4e&0ra Saturday when Mia* Phjdfii Howe Salman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phiffipe Carl Salman oTNdrtiisjate, Alger Coult, and George Leeser Innes,

'*on of Mr. and Mrs. George Mills Innes of Needham, Mass.; were marled by the Rev. Lowell Rus­sell Ditzen.

dine K. O'Neil of Bronxville; Mrs. William A* Morrill of Arl­ington, Va., Mrs. Clinton Vail of Forest Hills, Miss .Dorothy Mor­ris of New York City, and Miss Priseila A. Vxtm of Needham, fitter of « * Videfroom.

The attendants wore ballerina-length frocks of aqua silk shan­tung and small corded coronets of the same color with matching nose veils. Miss Hayward car­ried Easter lilies, iris and white

A wedding reception for 25a lilacs and the other attendants guests was held at the Siwanoy Country Club, following the 4 P.M. ceremony.

Th# bride wore an ivory bouf­fant gown of Italian silk satin, designed with a portrait neck­line edged in lace. Her cap was tulle edged with pearls and her Brussels lace veil, which fell over a satin train, had been worn by the bride's mother at her weddftig. The bride's flowers were orchids, lilacs and brandywine rosea. She was escorted to the altar by her father.

Miss Betsey Cranston Hayward of Maiden, Mass., cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. Also attending the bride were Miss Mary Arnold and Miss Gerai-



Sins*!! and she's

driving our service jvmnagcr



i BrosurviDe

carried cascade bouquets of Easter lilies. • *-*

Luther Young of Amber, Pa., was ' best man for Mr. Innes, whose ushers were Roland X Dickson of Weston, Mass., cousin of the bridegroom; Phillips Cran­ston Salman and Rodger A. Sal­man, brothers of the bride; Al-lison K. May of Weehawken, N J., Ralph E. Wesley of Riverdale, and John W. Gilroy of New York, v After a wedding trip to Nas­sau, the Bahamas, Mr. and Bfrs. Innes wfll live in New York City where Mr. Innes Is associat­ed with the Jefferson Chemical Company, Inc.

Mrs. Innes, a graduate of the Bronxville School and Bennington College, received 1ier M. A. de­gree from Columbia University. She Is a member of the New York Junior league. Her husband is a graduate of Harvard Univer­sity. >

NEW ENGLAND WOMEN Mrs, F. Bradley Reynolds of 36

Avon Road will be hostess Mon­day at her home at 2:30 P.M. for the annual meeting of the Bronx­ville Colony el the National So­ciety of New England Women. Louise Gates .Gunsalus will give a talk on the "Romance of Old Quilts."


MARY ffairdressers of Distinction

SI M i w Ava. Sroiuvilla

For Appointment Call BR. 2-3800 - 1688


> — i —

America's newest awning


lis i i w Mvniifw n cfiwwwwii iwtmfs

PUIS UtJMWtyRi MRwttfln (IremKTWl

t • I

— — r • -

fiW fimkhnflE«tf

9-5700 i">


Ivertf rig, Sundays A Holiday*


Distrib*tor$ foti — W lagile-Plcner

Windows and s» ™^**EP"™ •^»wWfjP I ffs-^W M l • » WSJI

# Coolalr Attic and Window Faao • Ctearvlaw Jalousies

. " da ' ^ S F

No Down Payment Up to 5 Year* to Pay. Finrt Payment

November 1ft

! tOCK WOOL INSULATION CO., Inc. j ISO Ferrl. Ave., White Plains, N. Y t

PUssa havs yoor raonsan+ativa aafl Is # e M • J sbRfaMaf attiuiata.

I Nana _

I S*raa* * Naiabar I rONy

Satisfying Westchester Homo Owners Since 1928

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

r l Jlf L INSULATION -'** v-

IMP ' • : •



I ;



MBS. GEOBGJE LESSER INNES, who before her mar­riage Saturday was the former Miss Phyllis Howe Salman,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil­lips, Carl Salman Of Northgate, Alger Court. —- Robert Brown­ing Baker Photo.

GOP Membership In Women's Club Hits Highest Mark

Mrs. Otis C. Morrill, president of the Women's Republican Club of Bronxville announces that the recent membership campaign has resulted in the highest member­ship in the Club's history.

Mrs. G. Wesley Gates, treas­urer, reDorts almost 600 mem­bers and added that she is con­tinuing to receive "a steady stream of applications."

Membership chairman Mrs R. A. Hohaus remarked that "The unprecedented success of this drive is ue to the new surge of interest Republican women are showing in government affairs It indicates their determination to keeo the Republican Party strong."

On the membership committee are Mrs. Thomas C. Betts. Mrs, Harold B. Finn. Mrs. Gordon F. Fletcher. Mrs. Fred E. Hamilton, Mrs. N. Barry Hekma. Mrs. Her­bert D. Lent, Mrs. T. C. More­house Jr., Mrs. Lester A. Mount. Mrs. Colgate Phillips. Mrs. Greg­ory Pipeson. Mrs. William H Risley and Mrs. T>t B. Whitte-more. -,

Mrs. William A. Smith will be hostess Tuesday at a membership tea to be held at the Village Library from 3 to & P.M., when the new members will be wel­comed Into the club. The 1954-55 Slate of officers "will be an­nounced at the tea.

The annual luncheon has been postponed until May 25 when Robert Morris, counsel to the U. S. Senate's Subcommittee on Internal Security will speak. The luncheon was postponed in order that new members may attend

, .—j Millers' Visitors Suffer Mishap On Plane Trip

Easter for the Dr. J. Quinter Miller family of 10 "Manor Drive, Crestwood, was slightly marred when Mrs. Miller's. son, E. L. Semones and his family of Tulsa, Okla., did not arrive for an in­tended visit. En route, the Semones1 family plane made a forced landing on a Shelbyville, Ky., farm. *

However, as in Shakespeare, "All's well that ends well," for. while the plane was somewhat damaged, Mr. and Mrs.1 Semones, and their three children who were with them, escaped injury. They were only slightly startled at the sudden landing made nec­essary by a low fuel tank.

Mrs. Miller said this week when speaking of the accident, "They fly all the time and land­ing in a field is no novelty to them." Her son is head*of the National Buildings Materials Co., in Tuba.

Because of the damaged plane the Semones returned home in­stead of continuing their trip East. But they expect to head East again in July when Miss Anita Lee Semones, daughter of Mrs. Miller, will be married to Donald Alan Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf of Hazen, N.D., who is now on the techni­cal staff of the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill N.J. Miss Semones lives with Dr. and Mrs. Miller in Crestwood.

Disappointed as they were, Dr. and Mrs. Miller will not have to wait until July to see Mr. Semones and his family for they are leaving next month for,a trip West and* will stop in Tulsa for a visit* *

* • " • '

A. i. i gin • " _.•• i /

SLC STUDENT ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Everett Edward

Sherwin of Katonah, have an­nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Patricia Jill Sher­win, a former Sarah Lawrence College student, to Carl Hicks White Jr.» son of the late Mr. and Mn. White of Huttoa Park, N. Y.,

MISS MULLEN ELECTED V.P. Miss Judith Mullen* daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mullen, 54 Sagamore Road, has been elected vice president at the In­ternational Relations Club at El-mira College for the coming year. She is a freshman at that college.

PatriciaAnnHoge Is Fiancee

rev caro Mrs. Gordon Hoge,of 100 Park­

way Road has annoanced the en. gagement of her daughter, Miss Patsfcia Ann Hoge, to Anthony Joseph Vaccaro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Vaccaro of Mount Vernon. No date has been set for the wedding.

Miss Hoge, daughter also of the tote Mr. Hoge, was grad­uated from the Bromcvflle School and attended Penn Hall Junior College in Peimsylva)Ua. Her fu­ture, husband, who served two

in the Army, attended Tech High 3cnooL

HJtTerwftiigerJr. To Wed NJ. Girl < Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Greiner of Green tree Road, Marl-ton, N*. J. announce the betrothal of their daughter, Cretchen El len,'to H. John TerwiUiger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Ter-williger of 796 Bronx River Road and Kingston. .1 . •

A late Summer wedding is planned.

Miss Greiner is a junior at Wells College.

M£ Terwilliger, who was grad­uated from the College of Agri­culture at Cornell University, is now studying at the Cornell Col­lege of Veterinary Medicine.

SUMMER VACATIOi - $107 YES! You cap enjoy S

nights and 7 days at a swank Miami Beach, Hotel for as littler as $107, which includes

• your transportation and also transfers from airport to hotel and return!

Inexpensive holidays also available to San Juan, Nassau, Havana, Colorado, California, Canada and Virgin Isles.

For information and reser­vations, phone or .see MofiREfiOR TRAVIL SERVICE

SS MMB'k. Am. WHM* Fifth* S-SSU


ROOSEVELT GRAD TO WED Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas LaCava

of-^onkers have announced the engagement of their daughter.

Blake-Halliday Wedding Planned ForJune 26

•I . . • •

The engagement of Miss Eileen Blake to Robert William Halli-day of 80S Bronx River Road, son of Mrs. Teresa Halliday of Brooklyn and the late John C. Halliday Sr., of Bronxville, has been announced by Miss Blake's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Blake of 561 Upper Mountain Avenue, Upper Montclair, N. J. The wedding will take place June

Miss Blake was graduated from Vermont Junior College and at­tended New York University. Mr. Halliday is attending Columbia University and expects to gradu­ate in June*

Mrs. William K. Helling of 36 . Crestwood Avenue has sailed aboard the SS United States for i five-week visit to Germany, Luxembourg, B e l g i u m and France.

Miss Eleanor Anne LaCava, a graduate of Roosevelt High School, to Sgt First Class Lewis John Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Millard J. Walker of Yorktown Heights. .

They'll see you looking much lovelier than you looked yesterday


Sigo Gdpd Eating STANDING by She rids of tba

fturkway bridge oa Pondfield SjMd, this sign point* die w«y to that wonderful Birch Brook food. Thousands heed its call regularly. They're people who appreciate good eating—who insist on a wide variety of choke, are fussy about quality, and enjoy a quiet, pleasant atmos-phere in which to dine. If you ate ' like them, Birch Brook is for you, too. Come soon.

CocMttO» and Dinner from 8 to 9 P.M.; Bmtdayt and Holidays from Noon to 9 PJl. Closed Mondays.

Phone BRonxvWe «-747i for reservation*

BIRCH BROOK INN "W.rtch.$ttr'i Most Distinguished Feting Pieee"

Just Off Brons River Parkway at Pondfield Road BRONXVILLE, N. Y.

More than astonishing. I f a astounding} In 20 seconds you appear to haee suddenly grown aa entirely new and flawless akin. Lanolin Plus Liquid Make-Up covers the sins of your own akin that well. And it makes you look so pert and vivacious because each of the five shades is a living color that looks alive. Also. Lanolin Plus Liquid Make-Up helps make your skin softer and smoother looking. $1 plus tai.


• I

The man you see in this breathtaking^on-vertible is learning a great and inspiring truth. And it makes him very happy.

When he ordered his Cadillac, he ,aeri-ously doubted whether any motor car could be quite as good and wonderful and satis­fying as a Cadillac is reputed to&bc Sounded almost too good to be true.

Well, he doesn't doubt it any morel He's five miles out on the road toward home— and he's ready to tell you that a Cadillac is every inch as great as its reputation.

He sensed it the moment he accepted the keys from his dealer and turned c*r the ignition. That deep, soft, satisfying, re­sponse of the powerful V^cngine wa» too significant for anyone to misunderstand.

•I , - . - , ! - • • - • -

He sensed it again when he touched the throttle and moved out into the street. The easy turn of the steering wheel—the soft, quick, positive reaction to the powerful brakes—the buoyant "lift" of the deep-tufted seats—"Yes* here's a car, all right!"

- v • And then he got past the comer light,

arid out in the stream of traffic—and has admiration knew no bounds,

v ' i feel so safe!"... *Tet, it's as light as a feather . . . and, oh, so agile and quick and responsive!"

Then there was a break in the traffic^-and a stepped-up speed limit—and he bore down an inch or so on the throttle. But his foot came right bade up and went on the 1>rake! "Have to be a little easier, there!"

And so it went—until he rolled up in front of the house—and sounded the horn for the happiest, most delighted family gathering in years.

Yes, it's -true, what they say about Cadillac t

• • •

And it will dawn truer and truer as the miles and the years go by.

In fact, it is not unusual to find an owner who flatly refuses to part yith Jus old Cadillac. He just keeps it—and orders a new one-^to take advantage of the engi­neering Vftd designing progress.

Why don't you come in land get the whole wonderful Cadillac story? We'd be happy to see you any ^rna.


*•%-< 1

BRENNAN'S MOTOR CORP. 14 North Columbus Arenua ^ ^ r ^ ^ S ? ^ * ^ ? ^ ^ ^

^ Qhpwrooms open

- —

ism** immm*mm*mm

Untitled Document

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069