Sightseeing. LOGO Contents 1 Traffic 2 Sightseeing Tour 3 Emergency situation 4 Travel planing.

Sightseein g

Transcript of Sightseeing. LOGO Contents 1 Traffic 2 Sightseeing Tour 3 Emergency situation 4 Travel planing.

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Sightseeing Tour3

Emergency situation 4

Travel planing

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Some Question

• Why do you like travel?

• where do you wanna to go?

interesting exciting relaxing enjoyable

enrich my life a wealth of memories

New York Washionton Beijing Dubai

St. Louis(Saint Louis) Phuket (普吉岛)

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New York's Empire State Building

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The Gateway Arch In St. Louis

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Burj Dubai

The Washington Monument

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The Statue of Liberty

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Logis Atlantis Hotel (亚特兰蒂斯酒店)

In Dubai

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Temple of Heaven

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The Imperial Palace (故宫)

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Useful words

•tour 旅游















Travel planing

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Some Useful Sentences

1.I want to do a little bit of traveling.

*I wonder what kind of places I could travel to.

2.I'm thinking of visting .....

3.How long does the trip last?

I'm thinking of visting the West Lake.

How many nights do you want to stay in .....

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Some Useful conversations

Topic: What should we bring with us?

A: What should we bring with us ?B: You should first list everything you'll need ,and then decide what to bring.

A: If the weather is unpredictable,what clothes should I pack?B: It 's better to bring summer clothes and a poncho( 雨披 ) for when it rains.

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Some Useful conversations

A: I want to be prepared for anything.B: Here is your itnerary( 旅行路线) .It has info for your flight times.

A: Thank you so much.Is there a way I can be kept updated on travel conditions?B: Yes ,you may subscribe to our email list serve for info about your destination.

A: I'd like to subscribe to that,thank you.Can you also give us some maps?B: Yes,I can.Here you are.

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Useful words

•Asking for Direction

•Taking a Plane

•Taking a Train

•Taking a Bus

•Taking a Subway

•Taking a Taxi

•Driving a Car( 自驾)

•Paking and Refueling•Riding a Bicycle

•Traffic Accident


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Taking a Plane airsick 晕机的

tarmac 停机坪

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Useful words

•airway( 航线) •stewardess (空姐)•airline company

•ramp (扶梯)•airsick (晕机的)

•take-off ( 起飞)•tarmac (停机坪)

•terminal (航空站)•circle (盘旋)•delay (延误)

Taking a plane

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Taking a Plane

luggage check-in baggage claim

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Taking a Plane

boarding pass security check

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Taking a Plane

Lounge (候机处)

Gates (登机口)

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Some Useful Sentences

1.Excuse me , could I make a reservation

2.What's the fare to ...,economy class?

3.Where is the check in?

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Some Useful Sentences

4.What's the departure time? 起飞时间是什么时候?

5.Will the flight be delayed ?这次班机会延误吗?

6.Where is the luggage pickup spot?

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Useful words








•dizzy 眩晕的•water fall

•admission fee






Sightseeing Tour

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Some Useful Sentences

1.I've never that before.

*I felt as if I had been in a different world.

2.The view is breathtaking. 这景色看起来太惊险了

3.I like this beautiful Folk Culture village (民俗文化村) .

From here,we can have a bird's eye view of the city.

This is the famous Empire State Building.

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The view is breathtaking. It makes me dizzy!

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Some Useful conversations

Topic: Visiting a city ( 城市游览)A: Excuse me?where can I find a tour guide for the city ? ( 打扰一下,我在哪里可以找到这座城市的导游)B: The hotel reception desk can provide you with information.

A: Thank you.Can you offer any advice about visiting the city?B: Sure,I would recommend visiting the beach.It is a quick drive down Main Street. Alternatively( 另外) you could walk down the High Street for all your shopping needs.

A: Thank you ,have a wonderful day.

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Emergency situation

For example:

If you lost your

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Emergency situation

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Emergency situation

You should do next:

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Emergency situation

Chinese embassy

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Emergency situation

If You Lost Some Other Things

I lost my credit card 我丢了我的信用卡

I left my bag in the taxi 我把钱包忘在出租车上拉

My wallet was taken by a pickpocket. 我的钱包叫扒手偷拉

Where is the lost-and-found? 失物招领处在哪?

I left my bag here but it was gone when I came back. 我把包放在这拉,但是我回来就不见拉

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Emergency situation

If you are sick.

I have a fever 我发烧

I feel chilly 我很冷

I feel languid 我全身无力

I have a poor appetite 我没有胃口

I have a diarrhea 我痢疾

I have a sore throat 我嗓子疼

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Emergency situation

If You And Your Friends Are Sick

I have difficulty breathing 我呼吸困难

I feel nauseous 我恶心

My friend is seriously injured 我朋友伤的很重

He is bleeding heavily 他大量流血

I have allergies 我得了敏感症

I sprained my ankle 我扭了脚踝

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Emergency situation

Dialog : Seeing a Doctor

A:Good afternoon, Mr. Shen. 下午好,沈先生。 B:Good afternoon, Dr. Wilson. Thank you for seeing me so quickly. 下午好,威尔逊医生,谢谢你这么快就可以看我。 A:Please sit down over here. Now, according to what you told the nurse this morning, you had a severe pain in your abdomen last night. 请这边坐,根据你今早所告诉护士的,昨晚你肚子痛得很厉害。B:That's right, doctor. I couldn't sleep all night. 对,医生,我整夜都无法睡觉。

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A:Are you still in pain? 还痛吗? B:No, I'm not in as much pain as I was. 不,不像原先那么痛了。

A:Would you please disrobe behind the screen and lie down on the sofa with the sheet?请你在屏风后面脱去衣服,然后躺在沙发上用被单盖好好吗? A:Hmmm... it doesn't seem to be serious. I would guess you had an intestinal disorder last night. In plain English, a stomachache.嗯.好像不太严重,我猜你昨夜肠胃不好,通俗点说就是肚子痛, B:It's a common complaint of travelers. I'll give you a prescription for some medicine. Take two of these pills after ever meal. 这是游客的通病,我会开给一些药,每顿饭后吃两粒。

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Wish you will

have a good trip on vacation

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Yi Jing & Zhu Hua
