THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY JUNE 10 1910 1 a T FOR TAFT INQUIRY item of 100000 Placed in Sundry Civil Bill OPPOSED BY MANY SENATORS Alma to Obtain Greater Economy and Efficiency- in the Government Service by a- More Effective Probe Into the Pres ent Methods of Business The Senate yesterday afternoon added to the sundry civil bill provision for an ap- propriation of 100000 to enable the Presi dent more effectively to Inquire Into the methods of transacting business In the several executive departments During the discussion which followed it was Senator Bacon of Georgia who made a tenstrike by remarking that the only economy practiced by the govern- ment as far as he is able to find out Is the discharge of faithful employes from the departments H denounced such economy and declared that the department clerks are the only employes of the government who have not had their salaries increased The purpose of the appropriation is to obtain greater economy and efficiency in the government service The President is authorized to employ accountants and experts to carry on the work Senator Hale chairman of the Appropriations Commltteo announced on the floor that the President desired the appropriation- in the belief that it would eventually moan a considerable eavlngr for the gov- ernment There was opposition however on the part of many Senators The Senator from Maine said he had his doubts as to the wisdom of the proposed inquiry but added that he was willing to make the experiment In the hope that good re suits would be obtained Tho only practical way In which to bring about economy in the government service declared Senator Clay of Geor- gia Is for the heads of departments to cut down expenses I remember that Congress a few years ago spent 1 X to investigate the Postoffice Depart- ment but no good ever came of It On the contrary the expenditures of the de- partment Increased Keep Commission Fraitlcss Senator Galllnger recalled that tho Keep Commission had been vary active several years ago but thtt no saving in money to the government had resulted from its labors Senator Hale agreed with this and re marked that there arc entirely too many commissions in the government service He believed in this case though that rtfee President should have a free hand to Tvark out a plan of economy To the suggestion from Senator Brls tow that a committee of Congress would b best qualified to undertake this work Senator Hale said that experience had shown that it is well nigh Impossible to gt committees of the two Houses to agree A Administration 1 I r L p p ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TffiLMAH RECOVERS RAPIDLY IP Has Xot the Slightest Idea of Quit ting ills Job Senator Tfllman of South Carolina has no intention of obliging some of his polit- ical enemies In South Caroline by resign- ing from the Senate The Senator left Atlanta yesterday where he has been unaar treatment In a sanatorium and want to his farm at Trenton S C Ta a close political friend from Wash- ington who went driving with him this weak Senator Tllhnan demonstrated that be was mentally as active as ever and was rapidly recovering his physical strength and he expects to be in his G at in the Senate the beginning of the next session DEFICIENCY BILL READY Sleniurc Carrying 97000000 Cpu talus Provisions for District i I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The general deficiency appropriation bill carrying approximately 57000000 was completed by the House Appropriations Committee yesterday It will be reported- to the House this morning Provision Is made in it for several District items Among them is an appropriation for the removal of prisoners of the District to the new penal Institutions in Maryland and Virginia and for their maintenance Maj Judson Engineer Commissioner and Superintendent of Prisons adow o the Department of Justice appeared be- fore the committee again yesterday In behalf of this appropriation LABOR PROVISO STRUCK OUT lively Debate In Senate on Sundry Civil Bill By a vote of 34 to 16 the Senate yester- day sustained the action of the Commlt tee on Appropriations in striking from the sundry civil bill the House proviso exempting labor organizations and labor ers from the provisions of the Sherman antitrust law This proviso which was attached to the amendment appropriating 900000 for the purpose of enforcing the antitrust law specifically declared that no part of the appropriation should be expended in the prosecution of any organization for entering into a combination or having in view the increasing of wages or shortening of hours or better ing the condition or labor or for any act dono in furtherance thereof not in Itself unlawful I i S r agree- ment ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ There was a lively debate over the question of eliminating the House pro- viso from the bill which was brought about by Senator Bacon of Georgia who maintained American to be permUted to assemble for the purpose of raising wages Senator Heyburn defended the action of the Senate committee He declared that no man would do more to better tho condition of labor but he halted when the destruction of property and the rights of others are Involved Plain Amendment Adopted The Senate yesterday adopted an amendment to the sundry civil appro priation bill authorizing the purchase of nil the land between the Capitol and the Union Station at a limit of cost not to exceed 3900000 An amendment was also agreed to authorizing an investiga tion under the direction of the President of the executive departments with a view of economy School Exhibit Opens Monday An exhibition of arts and crafts will be open to tho public at M street High School next Monday and Tuesday from 4 to 8 p m under the direction of T W Htmster assistant director of draw- ing in the local public schools Dill to RclmlinrHC Railroad Senator Smoot reported from the Com mitten on Claims of the Senate bill to reimburse the Southern Pacific Rail- road Company In the sum at 713647 for money the company expended between December 1 1906 and November 30 1907 in closing and controlling the overflow of the Colorado River and preventing the destruction of the Imperial Valley of California The original bill provided for an appropriation of 1663132 a I i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE GLOOMY PAST- A man went moaning through the town The past I can not live it down 1 My old dead sins rise up to vex and swat me in the solar plex The pasts a ghost with silent tread that stands and gibbers by my bed I smote him with a willow bough and sat a while upon his brow and said i The Gloomy Pasts all in with all it had of human sin in all this universe so vast theres nothing deader than the past Today is with us living strong a time of hope and faith and song Today is vital yesterday is in its coffin stark and gray Today a man may look ahead and see a hundred paths to tread bright paths that lead to greater heights- to useful days and restful nights to high achievement honored age to honest work and goodly wage But if he faces to the past and looks for ghosts that gibber fast and talks about their fleshless bones then some one weary of his groans will slug him with a stick of beech and sit upon his head and preach as I do now so go your way and get your clutches on Today Copyright 1910 by George Matthew Adams MASON I I s WALT HOBBIES OF WASHINGTONIANS No Ambassador Jnaserand The hobby of J J Jusserand tho Am bassador of France is English literature of whloh he has made a profound study and the subject of several books Here are some of them A literary history or the English peo pie The English novel in the time of Shakespeare English essays from a French pen Shalcespearo in France under the Ancient regime English wayfaring life in the Middle Ages XIV century- A French Ambassador atthe court of Charles II Piers Plowman A contribution to the history of English mysticism Tho romance of a Kings life Another particular hobby of his Is a collection of medals struck in commem- oration of all kinds of political events and he has in his possession several of great rarity nowadays such as the modal struck in a very limited issue after tho assassination of President Carnot by the Italian anarchist Cesare Casorlo Mr LafevrePontalis charge daffaires of the embassy is a connoisseur of the far East He has traveled extensively in IndoChina where he collected YESTERDAY IN CONGRESS JUNE 3 MM SENATE The S ote adopted the river and barter con- ference report ywUnbr by a Tote of U to It- SpeedKi ww Bwde M cppoattfcB If Senators Bftflw Stow Paynter Bereridee sad Mlwra Senator of Oklato aaaowced that today fca nrnU make a motion to instruct the on Prirflegw and BkcOon to reiMrt- UK reMtattofl proildteg for UK deeUon of Sena- tors to direct Tote of UM peopio and direct that the report be made on first day of the BUt solos of Congress wee Com t the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Senator Money resolution dimming the apjiotntmwt of a select eencaitle to inraatigate the of fet ra- wra sad the withdrawals of pwbifc lands fer forat purposes derated tfaaa two hems to oonaideraUoB ef Ute raodry eJiil appropriation MIL A Bomfett ef important nmenrimmta were agreed to The Senate agreed to the cebtaence report OB- UK togtabatire ciccjtiTe sod Jvticfal appropria- tion I HI antariUed hy S water Warren Senator Clay offered an amendaeat to the randt dri but striking eut UK apjwprlattew- at for contia t 8 the vtett el the tariff booM TIM Senate tdjwnwd at 5H9 p m until to day at K oclock After having been in wsfon eonUnuaely far too noon toe house at 8 octodc last uJuht- pMod the admtaistratkm postal sayings bank WIt tv a Tote of 196 to Mi Yesterdays seaMen waa dereted exctosiveiy to the postal sating milk bill The conference report on the riren and har- bors bUt was reported The nonce adjourned at 8 m until today at 12 odocfc CLASH ON WORKHOUSE BILL a S ate more Slf COO HOUSE p beet ma ¬ ¬ ¬ ExGov Swanson nnd Bishop Crans- ton Opposed nt Hearing Thorn was spirited debate yesterday before the railway subcommittee of the House District over the bill to permit tho Washington Warehouse Company to build a track over First street Into the block of ground across from the Lucy Webb Hayes National Training School for Missionaries and Deaconesses and the Sibley Hospital ExGov Claude A Swanson of Virginia and several Virginia Representatives ap- peared In support of the bill Gov Swanson said the property of the Washington Warehouse Company had been taken over from a former concern and that it aimed to encourage small dealers who desired to do a warehouse business In Washington The concern was capitalized by Virginians and ulti- mately would result in an expenditure of 600000 Tho object of the bill Is to the necessary track construction to connect with the square in which the warehouse is to be located Dr William H Wilder Bishop Earl Cranston former Congressman Hepburn and Representative Gardner of Michi- gan spoke In opposition to the bill on behalf of the religious Institutions They put up a lively debate with the advocates of the bill PLEA FOR THE HEBREWS Delegation Urges Favorable Report- on Harrison Resolution a Committee per- mit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A favorable report on the resolution In troduced by Representative Francis Bur- ton Harrison of New York tho persecution of the Jo s In Rus- sia and roquestng tho President to use his friendly offices with tho Russian gov- ernment to prevent a recurrence of the recent massacres was urged before tho House Foreign Affairs Committee by members of the HOuse and by representatives of Jewish organiza tions A hundred or more Hebrews at tended the hearing Mr Harrison Intro duced the resolution in question sqme months ago After the hearing the resolution was referred to a subcommittee consisting of Representatives Denby of Michigan Cooper of Wisconsin and Howard of Georgia Judge Saunders of New York repre senting Beth Abraham Louis Morris rep resenting Chvass Israel Louis Morris rep resenting Brith Shalon and Dr Abraham Simon representing the Central Confer ence of American Rabbis others made speeches urging favorable action on the resolution Would Extend Third Street Representative Reynolds introduced in the House yesterday a bill to extend Third street northwest from Shepherd road to Aspen street Damages for wavy Yard Accident The omnibus claims bill reported by the House contains an appropriation of 730 for Frederick J Ernst for injury sus- tained by the breaking of carboy of vitriol at the Washington Navy Yard September J2 190C As a rule a mile of railroad means about 270 tons of metal an a t condemn- ing yes- terday ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Chinese porcelain also In Siberia study- Ing the life and customs of the popula- tion ENCYCLICAL STIRS GERMAN CABINET Request Made that Vatican Counteract Evil Done Berlin June recent encycli cal of Pope Pius X on the tho tercentenary of St Charles Borromeo which was interpreted In Ger many as a hit at that country an asser tion which is denied by Vatlcai authorities was brought up in the Rolens tag today In the way of a number o- Interpellations to Chancellor von Beth mannHollweg The Vatican explanation which given out last night stated that pontiff in the encyclical Edltas Saepe meant to combat errors of modernists and had not the least intention of offend- ing nonCatholics in Germany It wa also asserted by the Ossenjatore Romano that inexact versions of the encyclical had been printed in Germany Replying to the Interpellations the chancellor said the encyclical contained references which were highly Injurious t the religious moral and social feeling of the German princes and peoples am the result was the serious risk of endan 9The occasion- of the was the ¬ goring denominational peace The government the chancellor eaid had therefore through the Prussian minister to the Vatican made to the holy see it which ho the hope that the papacy would find means of counteracting the evil which had been done The chancellor said that since these in been sent to Rome ho had been Informed that no answer could at present be received from the papacy He tile chancellor replied to the Inter pellations now because there was a great deal of unrest on the subject throughout- the country GOV VESSEY VICTOR Opposition Admits South Dakota Sioux Falls S Dak June latest sensation In South Dakota primaries was the posting this evening of a bulletin stating that Egan headquarters concede the renomination of Gov Veasey by a majority of 1300 Stalwarts also concede Vesseys renomination Stalwarts claim the renomination of Representatives Martin and Burke Burke- Is a strong supporter of Cannon Re turns tonight give them pluralities of between 3000 and 5000 It Is believed that until the official count is announced the result of the primary on the State ticket will not be definitely known The stalwarts however claim to have won out ex- pressed lUll Renomination- in 9The represen- tations ¬ ¬ ¬ GARY INSPECTS GARY Steel Magnate Visits Indiana Town Which Bears lIla Name Gary Ind Juno 9 Judge Elbert B Gary of New York chairman of tho United States Steel Corporation accom panied by Secretary of the Treasury Franklin MacVeagh today inspected this city The head of the steel corporation and the Cabinet member arrived in a special train from Chicago with a number of officers of subsidiary companies The Inspection of the steel plant and furnaces was made under the guid of General Superintendent W P Gleason of the local works The party then proceeded to the Kirk railroad yards where work has been completed- to house 10000 cars Visits were also paid to the coke ovens the plants of the American Bridge and the American Tin Plate and Sheet Tin companies which are being built MORE POLITICAL ARRESTS Lending Supporters of Madero Also Thrown Into Prison Saltlllo Mex June political ex- citement In this part of Mexico over tho arrest of Francisco Madero candidate for President against Dlaz has been intensi- fied by the arrest here of a number of his leading supporters who ara alleged to have participated in a political meet ing Many of laderos followers belong- to the wealthy class Kaisers Pay Is Raised Berlin June Lower House of the Prussian diet today adopted the bill in creasing tho Kaisers civil list by 2000000 marks blast 9The 9The A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PRESIDENT REFUSES TO SEE HARRISON Continued from Page One stltuents waiting to be ushered into the Inner office Ho so Informed tim Presi- dent Mr It is said Informed his sec ho did not care to see Mr Harrison Harrison had a Suspicion Mr Norton returned to his own office and sent one of the White House who asked Mr Harrison to leave the line which was about to enter the Presidents own office and come Into that of Mr Norton Mr Harrison went with the doorkeeper and Mr Norton in tho best way he could told him the plain truththat the President did not care to see him Mr Harrison s then reported as hav- ing said that ho could guess why He suggested to Mr Norton also It is re that there was no need of making public certainly no need of allowing tho men who came to the White House with him to learn of the unpleaaantness Mr Norton acquiesced and later when he learned that Mr Harrison had spoken gave his verlson of It Interview nt Bottom of It Mr Norton was not positive Just what Tat ret door- keepers pored ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ had caused the President to refuse Mr Harrison an audience but he know that it concerned the BallingerPlnchot In quiry When a suggestion was made he felt suro that it was over an Interview given out by Mr Harrison on May 13 charging bad faith on the part of the President and tho Attorney General in connection with the lattera memorandum on the Qlavis In that Interview Mr Tho President had transmitted to tho Senato in answer to a request for all the papers on which ho reached tho conclu- sion dismissing Glavis and giving Bal linger a clean bill of health an official review of the evidence with the sum- mary and conclusions by the Attorney General dated September 11 1000 The Attorney General has now admitted the truth of tho charge that his report with Its summary and conclusions tore writ- ten not on September 11 1900 the day of its date but weeks later This is one of the most serious admis sions ever made by a Cabinet officer The General offers a startlingly chares ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ lame excuse I doubt whether the coun- try will receive it with oven respectful consideration Warm Statement from Harrison Representative Harrison Issued a warm statement last night in which ho do that the White House will be a place If every one who Is Justly criticising the Taft administration is to be from It Said he for the President that n cannot criticism it is un- fortunate for that he cannot stand the truth My newspaper state- ment at which he offeoso was an exposition of the scandalous the President had sent to the Senate of tho United States an official document in the of which the date had been falsified by being predated My resolution of Inquiry drew out this In formation in a written confession by the Attorney General It is of no concern to me that I am not welcome at the White House but It is of concern to every Americas citizen that a statement of truth about the Pros Ident may render It impossible for Representative to discharge his duties- I visited White House not as a of pleasure but in the execution duty I went by appoint ment made with the Presidential office on May 31 to present a delegation of dis- tinguished Hebrews on an important pub- lic mission After a delay of forty at the very door of the Presidents I was told that the President would not receive me It Is not surprising that he did not care to meet face to face any- one who Is Instrumental in bringing to light tho desperate attempt to bolster the administration In the chot by manipulating public doc everyone who is Justly the Taft administration is clare barre stan morel a mater mi- nute mater crt takes con- troversy will- fully the BallingerPin ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ from the White House it will be lonely place Some of Mr Harrisons friends are say- ing that at least the Democrats of the House will resent the treatment accord ed him at tho White House It is said will take by Mr Harrison in his statement that It Is one of their duties to present visiting delegations to the President and that the President ought to disregard his personal likes and dislikes In the matter of of tho House fulfilling this PINCHOT VISITS GARFEELD Former Forester Stops in Ohio on Way to St Paul Cleveland Ohio June 9 Glfford Pin chot exChief Forester arrived hero and spent the afternoon with James R Garfield exSecretary of the his home at Mentor This Is the first meeting between Mr and Mr Pinchot since the tatters return from Europe where he conferred with ex President Roosevelt Mr Pinchot will leave tonight for St Paul where he will deliver an address GET and Queen of Italy Order All Relief Possible Rome June 9 King Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helena returned today from bare Thee De- mocrat member Interior- at Gar ola QUA AlO- ng to- day iRERS ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ± the province of Avelllno where they vis ited the scenes of the recent earthquake Before leaving Ciiiltrl the King Issued Instructions that everything possible be done for the relief of the sufferers there- Upon his arrival here the King said that the measures adopted would soon efface the consequences of the disaster except those entailed by death and bodily Injury NO WRONG WAS INTENDED Doctors Never Would Have Allowed Sensational Dance They Say St Louis June publication this afternoon of the details of a sensational dance by Fatlma a dancer before the surgery section of the Amer lean Medical Association now in conven- tion here at a stag entertainment Tues day night created a sensation among the visiting physicians- All connected with the arrangement of the entertainment denied responsibility for the dance and say Fatima must have done It of her own volition because they are sure they would never have allowed It had they known It was Intended Russia Bars Hammorateln St Petersburg June 9 Permission has been denied to Oscar Hammersteln the theatrical manager of New York to visit Russia It was Hammerstelns original Intention to come to St Petersburg to obtain Russian dancers Kaisers minister Resigns Berlin Juno resignation o Herr Dernberg as secretary for the colonies has been accepted Herr Lindequls the under secretary for the colonies Vlll BUC coed him 9The autch 9The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ RANDOM REMARKS- By TUB OBSERVANT PHILOSOPHER- It may sound like a very serious to military men but most of hans will smile at the idea put forward by an army officer and quoted with ap- proval by the Army and Navy Journal that the President of the United States as commanderinchiof of the army and navy should wear a uniform It is prob able that the idea came from the recent discussion as to what dress Col Roosevelt should appear in at the Euro- pean courts and especially at the funeral of King Edward for If as President he had been entitled to a gaudy uniform brilliant with goldlace and tinsel we presume aa exeommanderinchief he might still have worn IL This Is a vulgar age my brothers and there is a yearning for display but wo hardly think the time Is yet ripe for epauletas and a cocked hat and a shiny sword for our Chief Executive Surely for a time et the manly figure and the natty unlftCn of CapL Archie Butt may suffice Is ever so much harder to practice than to preach Our distinguished Afri can hunter advisor on Egyptian affairs and volunteer consultant concerning the South African proteotorates tells the Lon- don journalists that he Is impressed with the need of newspapers speaking softly about the affairs of other nations Wouldnt it be a bully Idea If the colonel could take his own advice mater S S S- It I 55 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ In Springfield the other day a judge ordered two unruly boys to be spanked and a leather paddlp was used with moral effect It Is a great pity there was not a judge of similar capacity- to handle those Wesleyan University sophomores that broke loose the other day These bad boys who are old enough to know better started In to Initi- ate some candidates to tho Theta Nu Upsilon fraternity They the town drunk they stole endangering the lives of scores of people they broke Into a Methodist church and stole the furniture loaded the pulpit chairs onto dray which already held- a barrel of beer and they proceeded to the cemetery where they pulled down and broke several tombstones Judge Landen of the town of Saybrook who tried to stop the desecration was sot upon and beaten Nice gentlemanly these Some of them and their parents paid the fines But what really was needed was a couple of husky reformers and some leather straps Even in the socalled higher education to the rod Is almost criminal care get parade a young ¬ ¬ lessness Among women tho higher education to Justify A Yas tho high jump record for women One question that seems to puzzle the social reformers those to be reformed thorn muckrakers is why In the bribery case did State Senator Iloltrclaw who is worth 250000 accept a paltry bribe of 2500 Why Per the selfsame reason that millionaires try to smuggle silks and jewels past the the same reason that the billion aire sugar trust cheats the government- on weight with false scales Just plain oldfashioned greed superinduced by a curious mental twisting of the text To him that hath shall be given You know Charles Gaston Is an awful ass about some things I was talking to him about Margaretta Drexol becoming Lady Maidstone another international match What made her a lady be asked She married a viscount I said A Norwegian asked Charlie No on Englishman Why I always thought a viking was one of thorn Scandinavian pirate It took me nearly an hour to that a viscount and a viking were of breeds We thought there was bound to bo a reaction in the of the emigration of the American to Canada There was a ported when the cheap wheat lands of Western Canada appealed BO strongly- to the farmers of Minnesota the Dakotas Montana that the emigration got to be a serious thing Last year for In- stance no less than 72343 Americans took up their residence In the Northern Do- minion But the tide has turned and sometime cal r 1 chap mater and Sc a itself S a as custom- house prob- ably dif- ferent ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ they are coming back to Gods Whether the lands were less less fertile than they had been repro seated we do not know but already this year 15000 of those who emigrated year COMo back many of th settle on the irrigated lands reclaimed by government enterprise farther south Un- doubtedly tho wheatgrowing plains of Canada will one day be settled but there is the disadvantage of cold of distance from civilization to say nothing of tho difference in the flag and we do not think that a great many American farm- ers will choose the plan of going to to better themselves There is a woman In Worcester who only thirtytwo cats and for that her husband wants a divorce Some men are so brutally unreasonabl- eIt is undoubtedly the era of the new woman Within a week there Is one woman who knocks a burglar on the head with a rolling pin and dropping him out of the converts him Into- a another woman a burglar with a seltzer bottle and saves her fathers life There Is bound to be something spectac- ular In the reward that will be given to Richard J Parr for services rendered In exposing the frauds of the sugar trust by which the government recovered ncr I eral millions It Is thought that he will get at least 100000 perhaps more and count lat have Canada tops widow god S S S a S S S S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the size of the reward will a demonstration of the old adage that honesty Is the best policy Such a practical success as comes to Mr Parr will certainly stimulate activity among other government employes Not the great bulk of government are pot already honest for we are sure that for every rogue discovered there are 00 efficient and honest men The reward that comes to Parr is uncommon because the circumstances surrounding the case were uncommon and It Is for these un common services not alone for his hon- esty and zeal which we are happy to believe are not exceptional qualities In government employes that he is to re ceive his uncommon reward Idea of public morality is so warped said Charlie Gaston that nowadays the successful burglar thinks he has as many rights as a bank a burglar In Cincinnati a woman Mrs Chris Hell who tried to hold him while she called the police She nearly tore the shirt off his back but ho got away Next day he telephoned to her What In the world for I asked He had the nerve to ask her to pay for the shirt she tore Before the Connecticut Valley Associa of Liberal some one read on of A local paper printed it Tho exigencies It was not so awful far from the mark after Nothing so well the advance that has been made in navigating the air as tho really serious discussion that Is pending In regard to aviation treaties Already in Europe the boundary lines be tat presIdent Hers ton Minister eugenic snows I S S- Our get- ting SIll all- S S S I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS THE ABSECON Formerly The Belmont VIRGINIA AVE NEAR BEACH FinEPnOOF A brick hotel with aU the con renicnm and comforU ot borne Newly renorated- throufbout entirely refurnished and new plumb IDE at an expenditure of 39090 Rootaa en suits I with bath Elerator from ttreet keel American plan 3 per day and up 10 up weekly European SI and up formerly of Hotel Abbey GALEN HALL HOTEL AND SANITARIUMO- wing to our Tonic and OuraUre Baths our de- cant comfort and exceptional table and amice w- are always F I YOUNG Oral Information Mr Poster opposite HOTEL RUDOLFATL- ANTIC COT N J AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PL 41 3 Early Spring Rates Mow Prevail Located directly on and Boardwalk H- P9t nTleir emma suite with or with Oct private baths Sea and fresh water in all baths San for WaihiDgtonlans in Atlantic City Writ to Rudolf for further Information or nhona Ham U 3093 JOEL HILLMAN PresUeat A 8 BUKETSER Mgr HOTEL ARLINGTON all year Improved and refurnished Elerator bathe Running water in rooms Open wrroflndings Write for booklet and special for June and Ownership management OSBOUNE SON HOTEL TRACYSo- uth Tennrwe are near Peso ConTcnient to pin delightful accommodation with home comforts moderate rates Beibert tc MacDonald Hotel Boscobel Siae Baths elerator One table Write for special jatei booklet menu and louTenlr pencil 22d season Capacity A B MARION MPRUIKP Fireproof New YOrk Aye 1st from Ocean and Pier Suites with bath Metal Beds Free lath houses 2 MTV 0 weekly Booklet KEKTOwrerProp Hotel and Sanitarium WtblMUnl Atlantis City NJ Splendidly appointed moderate superior table and cerrice Sea water and batba Book- let W ADinU Kentucky are Sd house Zion ocean derator to street sun steam heat booklet 8 K BONIFACE rooms en suite with j obstructed TCIT of Boardwalk N J Dan ear J Mange Dec rte Ju1 THE up THE cUre tic M- iNE THE Un CiTY busy 4 Michigan Arerme near Beach Capftdty 23 Private J IIliVfl Oe cud Mass an nitrate baths 112 no weekly ¬ JACOB B HAWK COUNTRY BOARD VUE Near HyattsviHe Md 49 sown magnificent grounds a limited of pleats will bo accommodated for the For terms a address IXJNGUB VCB Hrattsrillc Md tween the nations have been set at naught by the flying men and it will not be long on this Side of the water before some aviators will be flying into Canada or Mexico Already it Is sala that our State Department Is in com- munication with the IJexlcan government in regard to some Sort of an aviation treaty and soon the matter will have to be taken up with Whenever flying machines more practical there will undoubtedly be dan ger of illicit traffic across our borders but it is be a nice problem we Imagine on the subject M Poppoff a Russian aviator fell out of a Wright flying machine the other day To tackle the air with such a sig- nificant name as that seems to be daring Fate ROCKEFELLER JE KRBTJKEI Court Refuses to Discharge White Slave Grand Jury New York June S Judge OSullivan- in General Sessions today administered- a sharp rebuke to John D Rockefeller Jr as foreman of the extraordinary 55 up cUT toNGUE Dub Canada goIng treats S S S S ¬ ¬ ¬ = grand jury which been the socalled white slave traffic since the first of the year He refused to receive a presentment that was proffered and to discharge the grand Jury to Its request and held for two weeks He took this cause the jury had not consulted him regarding the scope of Its Young Mr Rockefeller seemed to greatly and painfully surprised The grand Jury has completed the Investigation It was charged to make and desires to be discharged and to read the following presentment said the foreman Judge OSulllvans hand came down very audibly on his desk The court refuses io receive the pre- sentment OF NEWS PRINT PAPER Shows Sharp Decline In Production and Drain on Stock Statistics of news print paper for April 1910 as complied by the American Paper and Pulp Association and flied with the Commissioner of Corporations show a sharp decline in production and a fur ther drain upon stocks The total supply on hand on April 30 was only 18060 tons a reduction of 1847 tons since April 1 On April 30 190Q the were 36133 tons Stocks have been decreasing ever since the end of last August when they exceeded 63000 tons As late as January 1 they were In refuse the more work STATS socks ¬ ¬ excess of 26600 tons The figures show a decrease in produc In April as compared with January tons whereas the same In 1909 shows an Increase of over 7700 tons The normal output for last month is 96533 tons the actual output therefore was only S3 per cent of this normal The decrease is chiefly attrib- uted to a strike In some of the large mills BANDIT GETS RANSOM Cuban Planter Pay 4000 for Re- lease of Ills Son and Nephew Havana June Sells alias Guerrillero a famous on whose head there is a he recently committed seized Manuel Lo pez a wealthy planter or Camaguey province his son and nephew He Lopez to get a ransom of 4000 and nephew which Lopez paid Tho rural guards are pursuing Guorrlllecp whose party is variously stated to consist of from four to ten men Guerrillero Is a veteran of the revolution and a former Havana policeman He has committed many robberies Decides Against Directors Portsmouth Va June 9 Judge Bain in the Court of Hustings today overruled the demurrers by directors of the failed Peoples Bank to the proceedings insti tuted against them for the recovery of losses through the failure amounting to about 500000 The receiver entered suit against the directors on the ground that the failure was due to their negligence and that the losses are recoverable from Largest Horning Circulation ton compari- SOn 9Innocente bandit re- lease on the z ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EXCURSIONS CHESAPEAKE BEACH Open for Season ALI AMUSEMENTS MAMMOTH BOARDWALK SitSIC DANCING Excellent Hotel nnd Cafes ROUND TRIPs Week Days S3c Sundays and Holidays 50o Train Schedule In R R Column For Additional Information Telephone Lincoln 1020 Norfolk Washington Steamboat Co Modern Palace Steamers Dally 645 p m for Old Point and Norfolk Special Rate Sat to Mon at Chumberlln Hotel Sat to Mon Saturday to Tuesday or Friday to Monday ii3U CITY TICKET OFFICE 720 14th St Bond Building Hth and X Y tie Main 1529 The most beautiful resort on the Po- tomac River all amusements 7th at wharf daily at 10 a ra and 630 p m FOR Daily except Sunday 10 a m and 230 P m fare round trip including ad mission to the grounds and 75e 350 Round Trip Including accom- modations 50 1 Steamer Macalester FOR MARSHALL HALL Laves MOUNT VERNON tickets ii ¬ ¬ The most popular resort on the Potomac River SALTWATER BATHING FISHING AND CRABBING Steamer St Johns SATURDAY 0 r M SUNDAY 0A 31 FAREs Dally Round Trip flOe Return Trip Ticket good un til end of season 100 FOOT OF SEVENTH STREET S W Fennn R R and Popes Creek Packet Company Union Station 745 A M Arrive Colonial Beach 1145 A M Effective 29 1910 H B Manager HEVY HASE BY LARGE SECTION Every Evening Including Sundays Weekday Evenings LSMrcWiraVfl Admission Free Colonial Beach COLONIAL BEACH VIRGINIA OWN CONCERT AT C LAKE S MARINE BAND GRIND vs ¬ St Patricks Parish Excursion To Hall 14 Orphans Day Childrens Day and Family Picnic Day DONT FORGET The Washington Saengerbund EXCURSION TO SUNDAY JUXE 12 SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAMME Steamer Maealester Iwea strtet wharf at 10 a UL 230 utd 6H5 p m ROUND TRIP 25 CENTS KENSINGTON Cars Zion lth and N Y are way qnrt r hour until 620 p m and then trim Loop Caoecct at Cher Chase Lake with Kensington RHODE ISLAND RESORTS THE NEW NARRAGANSETT PIER R I Marshal MARSHALL HALL See IAn MATH EWSO N Opposite Newport Open June 25 The most ideal Summer Resort on the Atlantic Coast a perfect combination of seashore and country the finest and saf- est surf bathing excellent by the oc an and through Golf Tennis and Fishing The Mathewson is a magnificent modern hotel for those who appreciate highclass service and environments situated directly facing the ocean Telephone in every room no annoy- ance from mosquitces spring water from famous Mathewson spring which has been pronounced by dis tinguished N Y chemist to be lutely free from pollution of any is the only water used Orchestra Send for booklet and rates Special rates to thoso coming In E I Mathewson Proprietors and Managers HAINE RESORTS MINERAL SPRING HOUSE KENNEBUNX BEACH MAINE OPEN JUNE 15 Under nor manassnietiU Mod- ern improTements On bill overlooking jano greens with unobstructed ocean view Alt table prodncta from own farms Famous mineral water used exclu Write for rates H EDGCO3IB Manager European drive abs June HOT James D I Msel Ii St1 S WSthQTOfi < ¬ ¬


Page 1: Siae MARSHALL HALLTHE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY JUNE 10 1910 1 a T FOR TAFT INQUIRY item of 100000 Placed in Sundry Civil Bill OPPOSED BY MANY SENATORS Alma to Obtain Greater Economy



a T


item of 100000 Placed inSundry Civil Bill


Alma to ObtainGreater Economy and Efficiency-in the Government Service by a-

More Effective Probe Into the Present Methods of Business

The Senate yesterday afternoon added tothe sundry civil bill provision for an ap-

propriation of 100000 to enable the President more effectively to Inquire Into themethods of transacting business In theseveral executive departments

During the discussion which followedit was Senator Bacon of Georgia whomade a tenstrike by remarking that theonly economy practiced by the govern-ment as far as he is able to find outIs the discharge of faithful employesfrom the departments H denouncedsuch economy and declared that thedepartment clerks are the only employesof the government who have not hadtheir salaries increased

The purpose of the appropriation is toobtain greater economy and efficiency inthe government service The Presidentis authorized to employ accountants andexperts to carry on the work SenatorHale chairman of the AppropriationsCommltteo announced on the floor thatthe President desired the appropriation-in the belief that it would eventuallymoan a considerable eavlngr for the gov-

ernmentThere was opposition however on the

part of many Senators The Senatorfrom Maine said he had his doubts as tothe wisdom of the proposed inquiry butadded that he was willing to make theexperiment In the hope that good resuits would be obtained

Tho only practical way In which tobring about economy in the governmentservice declared Senator Clay of Geor-gia Is for the heads of departmentsto cut down expenses I remember thatCongress a few years ago spent 1 X

to investigate the Postoffice Depart-ment but no good ever came of It Onthe contrary the expenditures of the de-

partment IncreasedKeep Commission Fraitlcss

Senator Galllnger recalled that tho KeepCommission had been vary active severalyears ago but thtt no saving in money

to the government had resulted from itslabors

Senator Hale agreed with this and remarked that there arc entirely too manycommissions in the government serviceHe believed in this case though thatrtfee President should have a free hand toTvark out a plan of economy

To the suggestion from Senator Brlstow that a committee of Congress wouldb best qualified to undertake this workSenator Hale said that experience hadshown that it is well nigh Impossible togt committees of the two Houses toagree

















Has Xot the Slightest Idea of Quitting ills Job

Senator Tfllman of South Carolina hasno intention of obliging some of his polit-

ical enemies In South Caroline by resign-

ing from the Senate The Senator leftAtlanta yesterday where he has beenunaar treatment In a sanatorium andwant to his farm at Trenton S CTa a close political friend from Wash-ington who went driving with him thisweak Senator Tllhnan demonstratedthat be was mentally as active as everand was rapidly recovering his physicalstrength and he expects to be in hisG at in the Senate the beginning of thenext session


Sleniurc Carrying 97000000 Cpu

talus Provisions for District





The general deficiency appropriationbill carrying approximately 57000000 wascompleted by the House AppropriationsCommittee yesterday It will be reported-to the House this morning Provision Ismade in it for several District items

Among them is an appropriation for theremoval of prisoners of the District tothe new penal Institutions in Marylandand Virginia and for their maintenanceMaj Judson Engineer Commissionerand Superintendent of Prisons adow othe Department of Justice appeared be-

fore the committee again yesterday Inbehalf of this appropriation


lively Debate In Senate on SundryCivil Bill

By a vote of 34 to 16 the Senate yester-day sustained the action of the Commlttee on Appropriations in striking fromthe sundry civil bill the House provisoexempting labor organizations and laborers from the provisions of the Shermanantitrust law

This proviso which was attached tothe amendment appropriating 900000 forthe purpose of enforcing the antitrustlaw specifically declared that no part ofthe appropriation should be expended inthe prosecution of any organization forentering into a combination or

having in view the increasing ofwages or shortening of hours or bettering the condition or labor or for any actdono in furtherance thereof not in Itselfunlawful


i S







There was a lively debate over thequestion of eliminating the House pro-viso from the bill which was broughtabout by Senator Bacon of Georgia whomaintained American to bepermUted to assemble for the purpose ofraising wages

Senator Heyburn defended the actionof the Senate committee He declaredthat no man would do more to bettertho condition of labor but he haltedwhen the destruction of property and therights of others are Involved

Plain Amendment AdoptedThe Senate yesterday adopted an

amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill authorizing the purchase ofnil the land between the Capitol and theUnion Station at a limit of cost not toexceed 3900000 An amendment wasalso agreed to authorizing an investigation under the direction of the Presidentof the executive departments with a viewof economy

School Exhibit Opens MondayAn exhibition of arts and crafts will

be open to tho public at M street HighSchool next Monday and Tuesday from4 to 8 p m under the direction of TW Htmster assistant director of draw-ing in the local public schools

Dill to RclmlinrHC RailroadSenator Smoot reported from the Com

mitten on Claims of the Senate billto reimburse the Southern Pacific Rail-road Company In the sum at 713647 formoney the company expended betweenDecember 1 1906 and November 30 1907

in closing and controlling the overflowof the Colorado River and preventingthe destruction of the Imperial Valley ofCalifornia The original bill provided foran appropriation of 1663132











A man went moaning through the town The past I can

not live it down 1 My old dead sins rise up to vex and swat me in

the solar plex The pasts a ghost with silent tread that stands

and gibbers by my bed I smote him with a willow bough and

sat a while upon his brow and said i The Gloomy Pasts all in

with all it had of human sin in all this universe so vast theresnothing deader than the past Today is with us living strong a

time of hope and faith and song Today is vital yesterday is in

its coffin stark and gray Today a man may look ahead and see

a hundred paths to tread bright paths that lead to greater heights-

to useful days and restful nights to high achievement honored

age to honest work and goodly wage But if he faces to the past

and looks for ghosts that gibber fast and talks about their fleshless

bones then some one weary of his groans will slug him with a

stick of beech and sit upon his head and preach as I do now so

go your way and get your clutches on TodayCopyright 1910 by George Matthew Adams MASON






No Ambassador JnaserandThe hobby of J J Jusserand tho Am

bassador of France is English literatureof whloh he has made a profound studyand the subject of several books Hereare some of them

A literary history or the English peopie

The English novel in the time ofShakespeare

English essays from a French penShalcespearo in France under the

Ancient regimeEnglish wayfaring life in the Middle

Ages XIV century-A French Ambassador atthe court of

Charles IIPiers Plowman A contribution to the

history of English mysticismTho romance of a Kings life

Another particular hobby of his Is acollection of medals struck in commem-oration of all kinds of political eventsand he has in his possession several ofgreat rarity nowadays such as the modalstruck in a very limited issue after thoassassination of President Carnot by theItalian anarchist Cesare Casorlo

Mr LafevrePontalis charge daffairesof the embassy is a connoisseur of thefar East He has traveled extensivelyin IndoChina where he collected


SENATEThe S ote adopted the river and barter con-

ference report ywUnbr by a Tote of U to It-SpeedKi ww Bwde M cppoattfcB If SenatorsBftflw Stow Paynter Bereridee sad Mlwra

Senator of Oklato aaaowced thattoday fca nrnU make a motion to instruct the

on Prirflegw and BkcOon to reiMrt-UK reMtattofl proildteg for UK deeUon of Sena-

tors to direct Tote of UM peopio and direct thatthe report be made on first day of the BUtsolos of Congress


Com t







Senator Moneyresolution dimming the apjiotntmwt of a selecteencaitle to inraatigate the of fet ra-

wra sad the withdrawals of pwbifc lands ferforat purposes

derated tfaaa two hems tooonaideraUoB ef Ute raodry eJiil appropriationMIL A Bomfett ef important nmenrimmta wereagreed to

The Senate agreed to the cebtaence report OB-

UK togtabatire ciccjtiTe sod Jvticfal appropria-tion I HI antariUed hy Swater Warren

Senator Clay offered an amendaeat to therandt dri but striking eut UK apjwprlattew-at for contia t 8 the vtett el the tariffbooM

TIM Senate tdjwnwd at 5H9 p m until today at K oclock

After having been in wsfon eonUnuaely fartoo noon toe house at 8 octodc last uJuht-

pMod the admtaistratkm postal sayings bankWIt tv a Tote of 196 to Mi Yesterdays seaMenwaa dereted exctosiveiy to the postal satingmilk bill

The conference report on the riren and har-bors bUt was reported

The nonce adjourned at 8 m until todayat 12 odocfc



S ate more









ExGov Swanson nnd Bishop Crans-ton Opposed nt Hearing

Thorn was spirited debate yesterdaybefore the railway subcommittee of theHouse District over the billto permit tho Washington WarehouseCompany to build a track over Firststreet Into the block of ground acrossfrom the Lucy Webb Hayes NationalTraining School for Missionaries andDeaconesses and the Sibley HospitalExGov Claude A Swanson of Virginiaand several Virginia Representatives ap-

peared In support of the billGov Swanson said the property of the

Washington Warehouse Company hadbeen taken over from a former concernand that it aimed to encourage smalldealers who desired to do a warehousebusiness In Washington The concernwas capitalized by Virginians and ulti-mately would result in an expenditure of

600000 Tho object of the bill Is tothe necessary track construction to

connect with the square in which thewarehouse is to be located

Dr William H Wilder Bishop EarlCranston former Congressman Hepburnand Representative Gardner of Michi-gan spoke In opposition to the bill onbehalf of the religious Institutions Theyput up a lively debate with the advocatesof the bill


Delegation Urges Favorable Report-on Harrison Resolution










A favorable report on the resolution Introduced by Representative Francis Bur-

ton Harrison of New Yorktho persecution of the Jo s In Rus-

sia and roquestng tho President to usehis friendly offices with tho Russian gov-

ernment to prevent a recurrence of therecent massacres was urged before thoHouse Foreign Affairs Committee

by members of the HOuse andby representatives of Jewish organizations A hundred or more Hebrews attended the hearing Mr Harrison Introduced the resolution in question sqmemonths ago

After the hearing the resolution wasreferred to a subcommittee consisting ofRepresentatives Denby of MichiganCooper of Wisconsin and Howard ofGeorgia

Judge Saunders of New York representing Beth Abraham Louis Morris representing Chvass Israel Louis Morris representing Brith Shalon and Dr AbrahamSimon representing the Central Conference of American Rabbis othersmade speeches urging favorable actionon the resolution

Would Extend Third StreetRepresentative Reynolds introduced in

the House yesterday a bill to extendThird street northwest from Shepherdroad to Aspen street

Damages for wavy Yard AccidentThe omnibus claims bill reported by the

House contains an appropriation of 730

for Frederick J Ernst for injury sus-

tained by the breaking of carboy ofvitriol at the Washington Navy YardSeptember J2 190C

As a rule a mile of railroad meansabout 270 tons of metal


















Chinese porcelain also In Siberia study-Ing the life and customs of the popula-tion



Request Made that VaticanCounteract Evil Done

Berlin June recent encyclical of Pope Pius X on the

tho tercentenary of St CharlesBorromeo which was interpreted In Germany as a hit at that country an assertion which is denied by Vatlcaiauthorities was brought up in the Rolenstag today In the way of a number o-

Interpellations to Chancellor von BethmannHollweg

The Vatican explanation whichgiven out last night stated thatpontiff in the encyclical Edltas Saepemeant to combat errors of modernistsand had not the least intention of offend-ing nonCatholics in Germany It waalso asserted by the Ossenjatore Romanothat inexact versions of the encyclicalhad been printed in Germany

Replying to the Interpellations thechancellor said the encyclical containedreferences which were highly Injurious tthe religious moral and social feelingof the German princes and peoples amthe result was the serious risk of endan






goring denominational peaceThe government the chancellor eaid

had therefore through the Prussianminister to the Vatican made

to the holy see it which hothe hope that the papacy would

find means of counteracting the evilwhich had been done

The chancellor said that since these inbeen sent to Rome ho

had been Informed that no answer couldat present be received from the papacyHe tile chancellor replied to the Interpellations now because there was a greatdeal of unrest on the subject throughout-the country


Opposition AdmitsSouth Dakota

Sioux Falls S Dak June latestsensation In South Dakota primaries wasthe posting this evening of a bulletinstating that Egan headquarters concedethe renomination of Gov Veasey by amajority of 1300 Stalwarts also concedeVesseys renomination

Stalwarts claim the renomination ofRepresentatives Martin and Burke Burke-Is a strong supporter of Cannon Returns tonight give them pluralities ofbetween 3000 and 5000 It Is believedthat until the official count is announcedthe result of the primary on the Stateticket will not be definitely known Thestalwarts however claim to have wonout



lUll Renomination-in







Steel Magnate Visits Indiana TownWhich Bears lIla Name

Gary Ind Juno 9 Judge Elbert BGary of New York chairman of thoUnited States Steel Corporation accompanied by Secretary of the TreasuryFranklin MacVeagh today inspected thiscity The head of the steel corporationand the Cabinet member arrived in aspecial train from Chicago with a numberof officers of subsidiary companies

The Inspection of the steel plant andfurnaces was made under the guidof General Superintendent W P

Gleason of the local works The partythen proceeded to the Kirk railroadyards where work has been completed-to house 10000 cars Visits were alsopaid to the coke ovens the plants of theAmerican Bridge and the American TinPlate and Sheet Tin companies whichare being built


Lending Supporters of Madero AlsoThrown Into Prison

Saltlllo Mex June political ex-

citement In this part of Mexico over thoarrest of Francisco Madero candidate forPresident against Dlaz has been intensi-fied by the arrest here of a number ofhis leading supporters who ara allegedto have participated in a political meeting Many of laderos followers belong-to the wealthy class

Kaisers Pay Is RaisedBerlin June Lower House of the

Prussian diet today adopted the bill increasing tho Kaisers civil list by 2000000marks













Continued from Page One

stltuents waiting to be ushered into theInner office Ho so Informed tim Presi-dent

Mr It is said Informed his secho did not care to see Mr

HarrisonHarrison had a Suspicion

Mr Norton returned to his own office

and sent one of the White Housewho asked Mr Harrison to leave

the line which was about to enter thePresidents own office and come Into thatof Mr Norton Mr Harrison went withthe doorkeeper and Mr Norton in thobest way he could told him the plaintruththat the President did not care tosee him

Mr Harrison s then reported as hav-ing said that ho could guess why Hesuggested to Mr Norton also It is re

that there was no need of makingpublic certainly no need of

allowing tho men who came to theWhite House with him to learn of theunpleaaantness Mr Norton acquiescedand later when he learned that MrHarrison had spoken gave his verlsonof It

Interview nt Bottom of ItMr Norton was not positive Just what










had caused the President to refuse MrHarrison an audience but he know thatit concerned the BallingerPlnchot Inquiry

When a suggestion was made he feltsuro that it was over an Interview givenout by Mr Harrison on May 13 chargingbad faith on the part of the Presidentand tho Attorney General in connectionwith the lattera memorandum on theQlavis In that Interview Mr

Tho President had transmitted to thoSenato in answer to a request for all thepapers on which ho reached tho conclu-sion dismissing Glavis and giving Ballinger a clean bill of health an officialreview of the evidence with the sum-mary and conclusions by the AttorneyGeneral dated September 11 1000 TheAttorney General has now admitted thetruth of tho charge that his report withIts summary and conclusions tore writ-ten not on September 11 1900 the day ofits date but weeks later

This is one of the most serious admissions ever made by a Cabinet officerThe General offers a startlingly







lame excuse I doubt whether the coun-try will receive it with oven respectfulconsideration

Warm Statement from HarrisonRepresentative Harrison Issued a warm

statement last night in which ho dothat the White House will be aplace If every one who Is Justly

criticising the Taft administration is tobe from It Said he

for the Presidentthat n cannot criticism it is un-

fortunate for that he cannotstand the truth My newspaper state-ment at which he offeoso was

an exposition of the scandalousthe President had sent to the

Senate of tho United States an officialdocument in the

of which the date had beenfalsified by being predated My

resolution of Inquiry drew out this Information in a written confession by theAttorney General

It is of no concern to me that I amnot welcome at the White House but Itis of concern to every Americas citizenthat a statement of truth about the ProsIdent may render It impossible forRepresentative to discharge his duties-

I visited White House not as aof pleasure but in the execution

duty I went by appointment made with the Presidential officeon May 31 to present a delegation of dis-tinguished Hebrews on an important pub-lic mission After a delay of forty

at the very door of the PresidentsI was told that the President would

not receive me It Is not surprising thathe did not care to meet face to face any-one who Is Instrumental in bringing tolight tho desperate attempt to bolsterthe administration In thechot by manipulating public doc

everyone who is Justlythe Taft administration is










troversy will-fully















from the White House it will belonely place

Some of Mr Harrisons friends are say-ing that at least the Democrats of theHouse will resent the treatment accorded him at tho White House

It is said will takeby Mr Harrison in his statement

that It Is one of their duties to presentvisiting delegations to the President andthat the President ought to disregard hispersonal likes and dislikes In the matterof of tho House fulfilling this


Former Forester Stops in Ohio onWay to St Paul

Cleveland Ohio June 9 Glfford Pinchot exChief Forester arrived hero

and spent the afternoon with JamesR Garfield exSecretary of the

his home at Mentor This Is the firstmeeting between Mr and MrPinchot since the tatters return fromEurope where he conferred with exPresident Roosevelt

Mr Pinchot will leave tonight for StPaul where he will deliver an address


and Queen of Italy Order AllRelief Possible

Rome June 9 King Victor Emmanueland Queen Helena returned today from


Thee De-mocrat



Gar ola

QUA AlO-ng









the province of Avelllno where they visited the scenes of the recent earthquakeBefore leaving Ciiiltrl the King IssuedInstructions that everything possible bedone for the relief of the sufferers there-

Upon his arrival here the King saidthat the measures adopted would soonefface the consequences of the disasterexcept those entailed by death and bodilyInjury


Doctors Never Would Have AllowedSensational Dance They Say

St Louis June publication thisafternoon of the details of a sensationaldance by Fatlma a dancerbefore the surgery section of the Amerlean Medical Association now in conven-

tion here at a stag entertainment Tuesday night created a sensation amongthe visiting physicians-

All connected with the arrangement ofthe entertainment denied responsibilityfor the dance and say Fatima must havedone It of her own volition because theyare sure they would never have allowedIt had they known It was Intended

Russia Bars HammoratelnSt Petersburg June 9 Permission has

been denied to Oscar Hammersteln thetheatrical manager of New York to visitRussia It was Hammerstelns originalIntention to come to St Petersburg toobtain Russian dancers

Kaisers minister ResignsBerlin Juno resignation o Herr

Dernberg as secretary for the colonieshas been accepted Herr Lindequls theunder secretary for the colonies Vlll BUC

coed him








By TUB OBSERVANT PHILOSOPHER-It may sound like a very serious

to military men but most ofhans will smile at the idea put forwardby an army officer and quoted with ap-

proval by the Army and Navy Journalthat the President of the United Statesas commanderinchiof of the army andnavy should wear a uniform It is probable that the idea came from the recentdiscussion as to what dress ColRoosevelt should appear in at the Euro-pean courts and especially at the funeralof King Edward for If as President hehad been entitled to a gaudy uniformbrilliant with goldlace and tinsel wepresume aa exeommanderinchief hemight still have worn IL

This Is a vulgar age my brothers andthere is a yearning for display but wohardly think the time Is yet ripe forepauletas and a cocked hat and a shinysword for our Chief Executive Surelyfor a time et the manly figure and thenatty unlftCn of CapL Archie Butt maysuffice

Is ever so much harder to practicethan to preach Our distinguished African hunter advisor on Egyptian affairsand volunteer consultant concerning theSouth African proteotorates tells the Lon-

don journalists that he Is impressedwith the need of newspapers speaking

softly about the affairs of other nationsWouldnt it be a bully Idea If the colonelcould take his own advice


S S S-


I 55






In Springfield the other day a judgeordered two unruly boys to be spankedand a leather paddlp was used withmoral effect It Is a great pitythere was not a judge of similar capacity-to handle those Wesleyan Universitysophomores that broke loose the otherday These bad boys who are oldenough to know better started In to Initi-ate some candidates to tho Theta NuUpsilon fraternity They thetown drunk they stoleendangering the lives of scores of peoplethey broke Into a Methodist church andstole the furniture loaded the pulpitchairs onto dray which already held-a barrel of beer and they proceeded tothe cemetery where they pulled down andbroke several tombstones Judge Landenof the town of Saybrook who tried tostop the desecration was sot upon andbeaten Nice gentlemanlythese Some of them andtheir parents paid the fines But whatreally was needed was a couple of huskyreformers and some leather straps Evenin the socalled higher education to

the rod Is almost criminal care








Among women tho higher educationto Justify A Yas

tho high jump record forwomen

One question that seems to puzzle thesocial reformers those to be reformed

thorn muckrakers is why In thebribery case did State Senator

Iloltrclaw who is worth 250000 accepta paltry bribe of 2500 Why Per theselfsame reason that millionaires try tosmuggle silks and jewels past the

the same reason that the billionaire sugar trust cheats the government-on weight with false scales Just plainoldfashioned greed superinduced

by a curious mental twisting of thetext To him that hath shall be given

You know Charles Gaston Is an awfulass about some things I was talking tohim about Margaretta Drexol becomingLady Maidstone another internationalmatch

What made her a lady be askedShe married a viscount I saidA Norwegian asked CharlieNo on EnglishmanWhy I always thought a viking was

one of thorn Scandinavian pirateIt took me nearly an hour to

that a viscount and a viking were ofbreeds

We thought there was bound to bo areaction in the of the emigrationof the American to Canada Therewas a ported when the cheap wheat landsof Western Canada appealed BO strongly-to the farmers of Minnesota the Dakotas

Montana that the emigration got tobe a serious thing Last year for In-

stance no less than 72343 Americans tookup their residence In the Northern Do-

minion But the tide has turned and


cal r





Sc a


S a as












they are coming back to GodsWhether the lands were lessless fertile than they had been reproseated we do not know but already thisyear 15000 of those who emigratedyear COMo back many of thsettle on the irrigated lands reclaimed bygovernment enterprise farther south Un-

doubtedly tho wheatgrowing plains ofCanada will one day be settled but thereis the disadvantage of cold of distancefrom civilization to say nothing of thodifference in the flag and we do notthink that a great many American farm-ers will choose the plan of going to

to better themselves

There is a woman In Worcester whoonly thirtytwo cats and for that

her husband wants a divorceSome men are so brutally unreasonabl-

eIt is undoubtedly the era of the newwoman Within a week there Is onewoman who knocks a burglar on thehead with a rolling pin and droppinghim out of the converts him Into-a another woman

a burglar with a seltzer bottleand saves her fathers life

There Is bound to be something spectac-

ular In the reward that will be given toRichard J Parr for services rendered Inexposing the frauds of the sugar trustby which the government recovered ncr

I eral millions It Is thought that he willget at least 100000 perhaps more and













the size of the reward will ademonstration of the old adage that

honesty Is the best policy Such apractical success as comes to Mr Parrwill certainly stimulate activity amongother government employes Notthe great bulk of governmentare pot already honest for we are surethat for every rogue discovered there are00 efficient and honest men The reward

that comes to Parr is uncommon becausethe circumstances surrounding the casewere uncommon and It Is for these uncommon services not alone for his hon-esty and zeal which we are happy tobelieve are not exceptional qualities Ingovernment employes that he is to receive his uncommon reward

Idea of public morality isso warped said Charlie Gaston

that nowadays the successful burglarthinks he has as many rights as a bank

a burglar In Cincinnatia woman Mrs Chris

Hell who tried to hold him while shecalled the police She nearly tore theshirt off his back but ho got away Nextday he telephoned to her

What In the world for I askedHe had the nerve to ask her to pay

for the shirt she tore

Before the Connecticut Valley Associaof Liberal some one read

on ofA local paper printed it Thoexigencies It was not so awful farfrom the mark after

Nothing so well the advancethat has been made in navigating theair as tho really serious discussion that Ispending In regard to aviation treatiesAlready in Europe the boundary lines be


presIdent Hers

ton Ministereugenic


I S S-

Our get-



all-S S S I







THE ABSECONFormerly The Belmont


FinEPnOOF A brick hotel with aU the conrenicnm and comforU ot borne Newly renorated-throufbout entirely refurnished and new plumbIDE at an expenditure of 39090 Rootaa en suits I

with bath Elerator from ttreet keelAmerican plan 3 per day and up 10 up weeklyEuropean SI and up

formerly of Hotel Abbey


wing to our Tonic and OuraUre Baths our de-cant comfort and exceptional table and amice w-

are alwaysF I YOUNG Oral

Information Mr Poster opposite



Early Spring Rates Mow PrevailLocated directly on and Boardwalk H-

P9t nTleir emma suite with or withOct private baths Sea and fresh water in all bathsSan for WaihiDgtonlans in Atlantic City Writto Rudolf for further Information or nhona HamU 3093 JOEL HILLMAN PresUeat


HOTEL ARLINGTONall year Improved and refurnished Elerator

bathe Running water in rooms Openwrroflndings Write for booklet and specialfor June and Ownership managementOSBOUNE SON

HOTEL TRACYSo-uth Tennrwe are near Peso

ConTcnient to pin delightful accommodation withhome comforts moderate rates Beibert tc MacDonald

Hotel Boscobel SiaeBaths elerator One table Write for special jateibooklet menu and louTenlr pencil 22d seasonCapacity A B MARION

MPRUIKP Fireproof New YOrk Aye 1stfrom Ocean and Pier

Suites with bath Metal Beds Free lath houses2 MTV 0 weekly BookletKEKTOwrerProp

Hotel and SanitariumWtblMUnl Atlantis City NJSplendidly appointed moderate superior table and

cerrice Sea water and batba Book-

let W

ADinU Kentucky are Sd house Zionocean derator to street sun

steam heat booklet 8 K BONIFACE

rooms en suite withj obstructed TCIT of Boardwalk


Dan ear








cUre tic M-





Michigan Arerme nearBeach Capftdty 23



IIliVfl Oe cud Mass an

nitrate baths 112 no weekly




VUENear HyattsviHe Md49 sown magnificent grounds a limitedof pleats will bo accommodated for theFor terms a address

IXJNGUB VCB Hrattsrillc Md

tween the nations have been set atnaught by the flying men and it willnot be long on this Side of the waterbefore some aviators will be flying intoCanada or Mexico Already it Is salathat our State Department Is in com-munication with the IJexlcan governmentin regard to some Sort of an aviationtreaty and soon the matter will haveto be taken up with Wheneverflying machines morepractical there will undoubtedly be danger of illicit traffic across our bordersbut it is be a nice problem weImagine on thesubject

M Poppoff a Russian aviator fell outof a Wright flying machine the otherday To tackle the air with such a sig-

nificant name as that seems to be daringFate


Court Refuses to Discharge WhiteSlave Grand Jury

New York June S Judge OSullivan-in General Sessions today administered-a sharp rebuke to John D RockefellerJr as foreman of the extraordinary

55up cUT










grand jury which beenthe socalled white slave traffic since thefirst of the year He refused to receivea presentment that was proffered and

to discharge the grand Juryto Its request and held for

two weeks He took thiscause the jury had not consultedhim regarding the scope of ItsYoung Mr Rockefeller seemed togreatly and painfully surprised

The grand Jury has completed theInvestigation It was charged to makeand desires to be discharged and to readthe following presentment said theforeman

Judge OSulllvans hand came downvery audibly on his desk

The court refuses io receive the pre-



Shows Sharp Decline In Productionand Drain on Stock

Statistics of news print paper for April1910 as complied by the American Paperand Pulp Association and flied with theCommissioner of Corporations show asharp decline in production and a further drain upon stocks

The total supply on hand on April 30

was only 18060 tons a reduction of 1847tons since April 1 On April 30 190Q the

were 36133 tons Stocks have beendecreasing ever since the end of

last August when they exceeded 63000tons As late as January 1 they were In

refuse themore






excess of 26600 tonsThe figures show a decrease in produc

In April as compared with Januarytons whereas the same

In 1909 shows an Increase of over 7700tons The normal output for lastmonth is 96533 tons the actual outputtherefore was only S3 per cent of thisnormal The decrease is chiefly attrib-uted to a strike In some of the largemills


Cuban Planter Pay 4000 for Re-

lease of Ills Son and NephewHavana June Sells alias

Guerrillero a famous on whosehead there is a herecently committed seized Manuel Lopez a wealthy planter or Camagueyprovince his son and nephew He

Lopez to get a ransom of 4000and nephew which Lopez

paid Tho rural guards are pursuingGuorrlllecp whose party is variouslystated to consist of from four to ten menGuerrillero Is a veteran of the revolutionand a former Havana policeman He hascommitted many robberies

Decides Against DirectorsPortsmouth Va June 9 Judge Bain

in the Court of Hustings today overruledthe demurrers by directors of the failedPeoples Bank to the proceedings instituted against them for the recovery oflosses through the failure amounting toabout 500000 The receiver entered suitagainst the directors on the ground thatthe failure was due to their negligenceand that the losses are recoverable from

Largest Horning Circulation

ton compari-SOn



lease on















Excellent Hotel nnd Cafes

ROUND TRIPsWeek Days S3cSundays and Holidays 50oTrain Schedule In R R Column

For Additional InformationTelephone Lincoln 1020

Norfolk Washington Steamboat Co

Modern Palace SteamersDally 645 p m for

Old Point and NorfolkSpecial Rate Sat to Mon

at ChumberllnHotel Sat to MonSaturday to Tuesday orFriday to Monday ii3UCITY TICKET OFFICE 720 14th St

Bond Building Hth and X Y tieMain 1529

The most beautiful resort on the Po-tomac River all amusements7th at wharf daily at 10 a raand 630 p m


Daily except Sunday 10 a m and 230P m fare round trip including admission to the grounds and75e

350 Round TripIncluding accom-

modations 501

Steamer MacalesterFOR








The most popular resort on thePotomac River


Steamer St JohnsSATURDAY

0 r MSUNDAY0 A 31

FAREsDally Round Trip flOeReturn Trip Ticket good un

til end of season 100FOOT OF SEVENTH STREET S W

Fennn R R and Popes Creek PacketCompany

Union Station 745 A M

Arrive Colonial Beach 1145 A M

Effective 29 1910H B Manager



Every Evening Including SundaysWeekday EveningsLSMrcWiraVfl Admission Free

Colonial Beach









St Patricks ParishExcursion

To Hall14

Orphans Day Childrens Day andFamily Picnic Day

DONT FORGETThe Washington Saengerbund



Steamer Maealester Iwea strtet wharf at10 a UL 230 utd 6H5 p m


KENSINGTONCars Zion lth and N Y are way qnrt r houruntil 620 p m and then trim Loop Caoecct atCher Chase Lake with Kensington









Opposite NewportOpen June 25

The most ideal Summer Resort on theAtlantic Coast a perfect combination ofseashore and country the finest and saf-est surf bathing excellent by theoc an and through

Golf Tennis and FishingThe Mathewson is a magnificent

modern hotel for those who appreciatehighclass service and environmentssituated directly facing the oceanTelephone in every room no annoy-ance from mosquitces spring waterfrom famous Mathewson springwhich has been pronounced by distinguished N Y chemist to belutely free from pollution of anyis the only water used OrchestraSend for booklet and rates

Special rates to thoso coming In

E I MathewsonProprietors and Managers



KENNEBUNX BEACH MAINEOPEN JUNE 15 Under nor manassnietiU Mod-

ern improTements On bill overlooking jano greens

with unobstructed ocean view Alt table prodncta

from own farms Famous mineral water used excluWrite for rates

H EDGCO3IB Manager











