Shura kay Madani Phool - Dawat-e-Islami fileMadani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into...


Transcript of Shura kay Madani Phool - Dawat-e-Islami fileMadani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into...

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


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Markazi Majlis-e-Shura

Excellence of Salat-‘Alan-Nabi �

Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami,

‘Allamah Maulana Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas ‘Attar Qadiri Razavi ������ ���  � ��������� ��� ������� ��  ������

has written in his booklet ‘Ailing Worshipper’:

The Beloved Prophet ���� ����  �� �� � ��  ��� �� ���  �������  � �  ��! �" has said, ‘O People! Undoubtedly, on

the Judgement Day, one who attains salvation from its terror and accountability

will be the one who amongst you would have recited Salat upon me abundantly

in the world.’ (Al-Firdaus bima Sawr-ul-Khattab, vol. 5, pp. 277, Hadees 8175)

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Markazi Majlis-e-Shura

(The Madani pearls of Pakistan and Aalami Majlis-e-Mushawarat, Majlis Overseas

are also included.)

Faizan-e-Madinah, Bab-ul-Madinah (Karachi)

2 to 5 Zul-Qa’da-til-Haraam, 1436 AH (17 to 20 August, 2015)

Keep observing Fikr-e-Madinah (i.e. seeking explanation from yourself)

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


In verse 18 of Surah Al-Hashr, part 28, Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& has stated:

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Translation from Kanz-ul-Iman: O People who believe! Fear Allah, and every

soul must see what it has sent ahead for tomorrow.

(Part 28, Surah Al-Hashr, verse 18)

Regarding this verse it is stated in ‘Tafseer Ibn Kaseer’: i.e. Seek explanation

from yourselves before you will be called to account and ponder what you

are saving that you will have with you to the court of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�&. Remember!

Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& knows all of your deeds and conditions; your smallest and biggest

both deeds are not concealed from Him. (Tafseer Ibn Kaseer, vol. 8, pp. 106)

Regarding this verse, it is stated in ‘Tafseer Durr-e-Mansoor’: Delivering the

sermon Ameer-ul-Mu`mineen, Sayyiduna Siddeeq-e-Akbar ���'��&  �������  � �  � �(�) has

said, ‘O people! Remember you are advancing towards that death in the

morning and evening which is invisible to your eyes. If possible be ready

when death approaches you, but this cannot happen if Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& does not

enable you to do this. One group of people remembered the death of others,

but forgot their own death, therefore Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& has forbidden you to be like

them. In verse 19 of Surah Al-Hashr, part 28, Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& has said:

8 �H�I �J �K

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Translation from Kanz-ul-Iman: And do not be like those who forgot Allah –

He therefore put them into hardship making them forget themselves; it is

they who are the sinners. (Part 28, Surah Al-Hashr, verse 19)

Regarding this verse, it is sated in ‘Tafseer Durr-e-Mansoor’: Where are those

people today? Whom you called your brother; they have got access to those

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


things which they sent. Where are the despots who got forts constructed and

around the forts got strong walls built? Today they have been buried under

stony earth and mounds. This is the Book of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�&, whose wonders do

not perish and its Noor does not become fade. You with its Noor brighten

your today for upcoming dark tomorrow; seek advice from the Book of

Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& and His commandments because Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& has praised such

group of people in verse 90 of Surah Al-Anbiya of part 17:

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Translation from Kanz-ul-Iman: Indeed they used to hasten to perform good

deeds, and pray to Us with hope and fear; and used to weep before Us.

(Part 17, Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 90)

Ameer-ul-Mu`mineen, Sayyiduna ‘Umar Farooq-e-A’zam ���'��&  �������  � �  � �(�) has said:

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نفسكم ق

واحاسبوا ا ’ i.e. Seek explanation from your Nafs before you

are held accountable. (Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 4, pp. 208, Hadees 2467)

Avoid love for fame and respect

Try to protect yourself from the love for fame and respect. In his great book

named ‘Aashiqan-e-Rasool ki 130 Hikayaat ma’ Makkay Madinay ki Ziyaratayn,

Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ��� ��� ������� ��  ������������ ���  � ������ has written: Some people have the habit

of meeting ordinary people humbly and are very polite to them, but their attitude

to their parents, siblings, wife and children is very aggressive, unethical and

sometimes very heart-tormenting. Why? Because the demonstration of good

manners with people brings about fame, whereas there is not much hope for

gaining respect and fame if good treatment is made at home. Therefore such

people are very polite to people. Likewise, the Islamic brothers who whole-

heartedly make sacrifices for some Mustahab acts, are found negligent in

performing Faraaid and Wajibat. For example, they become negligent in

obeying to parents, teaching manners to children as per Shari’ah, and in

getting Fard ‘Uloom (mandatory knowledge). As a matter of fact, the acts

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


which bring about fame and praise, are performed easily despite them being

difficult because the pleasure which are obtained due to the love for fame

and respect, makes a very tough act easy. Remember! Love for fame and respect

is sheer destruction. Listen to two sayings of Beloved Mustafa ���� ���� �� �� ���  ��� �� ���  �������  � �  ��! �"

for admonition:

1. Avoid matching the worship of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& with the love of the praise

made by people, it may destroy your deeds.

(Firdaus-ul-Akhbar, vol. 1, pp. 223, Hadees 1567)

2. Two hungry wolves do not destroy the goat pen so much as the love for

fame and respect & wealth does to the religion of a Muslim.

(Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 4, pp. 166, Hadees 2383)

Important Madani pearls about love for fame and respect

Keeping the 3rd

volume of Ihya-ul-‘Uloom, page 616-617 in the front, some

Madani pearls about ‘Love for Fame and Respect’ are presented: Love for

fame and respect and ostentation are from those final acts which destroy

Nafs and from internal deception. Islamic scholars, worshippers and those

who think about the Hereafter are made to suffer; it is like this that such

people some time make great efforts in performing worship, controlling

Nafsani desires, and also succeed in protecting themselves from suspicions;

they also protect their parts of body from apparent sins, but get pleasure by

mentioning their righteous acts, religious achievements and the efforts they

make to spread the call towards righteousness such as I have done it, done

that, I have delivered Bayan there, delivered Bayan here, such and such dates

are booked for Bayanaat (delivering Bayan or reciting Na’at), I had been there

in the Madani Mashwarah till that time and that’s why due to taking no rest I

am tired, and I have lost my voice. I have to travel with a Madani Qafilah, I

have travelled with so many Madani Qafilahs or travelled so-and-so cities,

countries, etc. with Madani Qafilahs or for Madani activities. By disclosing

knowledge and practice to the creation they get fame and the pleasure of

reverence, applause and respect.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


When such a person starts getting popularity and fame so his Nafs wants to

disclose knowledge and practice more and more to the people, so that he

may get more and more respect. Hence he finds further ways to inform the

creation regarding his good deeds and educational skills and is not content,

knowing that Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& is aware of his deeds and He will give him the

reward. Instead he is happy with this that people praise and applaud him and

is not content with the praise he gets from Allah ��#�$�� ��%�&. Nafs knows this thing

very well that when people come to know this that so-and-so person has

given up Nafsani desires, avoids suspicions, spends much money in the way

of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�&, takes great pains in performing worship, weeps a lot in fear of

Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& and in the love of Mustafa � �  ��! �" ���� ����  �� �� ���  ��� �� ���  ������� , performs lots of

Madani activities, gets worried a lot for the reformation of the people, travels

and makes others travel a lot with Madani Qafilahs, observes the Qufl-e-

Madinah of tongue, eyes and stomach, daily gives so-and-so number of Dars

from Faizan-e-Sunnat, regularly attends Madrasa-tul-Madinah (adults),

performs Sada-e-Madinah, goes for area-visit for calling people towards

righteousness, so those people will praise him a lot.

They will see him with great respect. His meeting and his Ziyarat [sight] will

be considered a great privilege and the wealth for Hereafter. They will

request him earnestly to have two steps at their home or shop for attaining

blessings, to go for the Du’a, to have tea with them, to accept the food

invitation. They will consider it good for the both worlds if follow his advice.

Wherever he is seen, he will be served and greeted [said Salam]; they will

become greedy for eating and drinking his leftovers; they will surpass each

other for getting the thing or gift which is touched by him; they will kiss the

thing which he has given; they will kiss his hands and feet. They will talk to

him humbly in a low voice with the appellations such as Hadrat! Hudoor! Ya

Sayyidi! etc.; they will beseech him earnestly with their hands together head

bowed for Du’a; they will stand up in Majalis [gatherings] for showing

reverence when he arrives; he will be made to sit on a reverent place; they

will stand before him with both hands tied; they will not start eating the meal

before him; they will humbly present him gifts and Nazranahs. While

entertaining him they will consider themselves very small (i.e. servant and

slave); during selling and buying goods and other matters they will show

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


kindness to him; they will sell good quality things in inexpensive prices or free

to him; for his work they will bow in submission to show respect. Nafs gets

much pleasure by such devotional manners of people and this is that

pleasure which dominates all the desires. Due to the pleasure of such

devotions, he considers sins a trivial thing to be given up because Nafs

instead of making this patient of love for fame and respect commit a sin

advises that if you commit a sin your devotees will get away from you.

Thus by the cooperation of Nafs and in order to maintain honour amongst

the devotees he feels ease in the intensity of steadfastness of worship

because he internally recognizes the best pleasure of all and the biggest lust

of all (i.e. the pleasure which is obtained by the devotion of people). He falls

in this misconception that he is spending his life for the sake of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& and according to His will, though he spends it according to that hidden desire

(love for fame and respect) which even extremely wise people could not

understand. He considers himself sincere in worshipping Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& and the

one who abstains from acts declared Haraam by Allah ��#�$�� ��%�&. As a matter of

fact, it is not like this, he is attaining lots of pleasure in front of people by

adornment and pretence. He is very content with whatever respect and

popularity he attains. In this way, he loses the reward of acts of worship and

good deeds and his name is written in the list of hypocrites and this naïve is

getting it that he has attained the closeness of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�&.

(‘Aashiqan-e-Rasool ki 130 Hikayaat ma’ Makkay Madinay ki Ziyaratayn, pp. 103-107)

Avoid displeasure of Allah for the sake of people

Umm-ul-Mu`mineen, Sayyidatuna ‘Aaishah Siddiqah ����'�&  �������  � �  � �(�) has said that I

heard the Beloved Prophet ���� ����  �� �� ���  ��� �� ���  �������  � �  ��! �" saying, ‘The person who seeks

Allah’s pleasure, along with the displeasure of people (i.e. Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& be pleased

whether people are pleased or displeased, he does not care.) Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& will

save him from the harm of the people and the person who wants to please

people, along with the displeasure of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�&, Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& will hand him

over to the people.’ (Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, Bab: 65, vol. 4, pp. 186, Hadees 2422)

Hujjat-ul-Islam, Sayyiduna Imam Abu Haamid Muhammad Bin Muhammad

Bin Muhammad Ghazali ����*� ��  ���, ����  �-� �.� �/ �)  ������ ���& has written: The person whose heart is

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


busy getting the pleasure of people and making his status in the eyes of the

people is in deception, because if he duly gets the gnosis of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�&, he will

come to know that creation cannot make him independent of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& about anything; his profit and loss are under the Divine control of Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& and there is no one the lord of profit and loss but Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& so if Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& is

displeased with him, then people are not pleased with him either. In fact, the

pleasure of creation cannot be judged, therefore to attain the pleasure of

Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& is excellent. (Ihya-ul-‘Uloom, vol. 2, pp. 300)

Bayt-ul-Maal and Maula Mushkil Kusha ����0�1 �� �2� ��  ������$��  ���������  ���, ����  �3

Ameer-ul-Mu`mineen, Sayyiduna ‘Ali-ul-Murtada �1 �� �2� ��  ������$��  ���������  ���, ����  �3 ����0 would

distribute the whole goods among the deserving people present in Bayt-ul-

Maal, then he   � �  � �(�) ���'��&  ������� would sweep the floor and offer two Rak’aat Salah.

When he ���'��&  �������  � �  � �(�) was asked for doing it, he ���'��&  �������  � �  � �(�) replied, ‘On the

Judgement Day, this place will witness that goods were not stored here nor

goods were stopped to be given to the deserving people.’

(Tareekh-e-Damishq, vol. 42, pp. 478)

Murshid’s choice is our choice

1. The words which our blessed Murshid does not like should not be uttered

by us. It is stated on page 127 of the book named ‘Adaab-e-Murshid-e-

Kamil’: Mureed should be acquainted with the nature of his Murshid so

that he may not do anything contrary to his nature. Instead he should occupy

himself with those acts more and more, which a perfect Murshid likes.

2. Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ��� ��� ������� ��  ������������ ���  � ������ likes that whenever a Haji is talked

about, so his name should also be mentioned, so that things can be

understood easily. For example ‘Haji Hassan’, ‘Haji Bilal’, etc.

Bayanaat and overseas journey of Abu Hilal Haji Muhammad

Bilal Raza ‘Attari Al-Madani

3. The son of ‘Attar, Haji Muhammad Bilal Raza Attari Al-Madani ������� ��  ����� �� �4 ��5��� will give time to deliver Bayan in those Kabinat which prepare one level

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


of 63-Day Madani Tarbiyyati Course (number of participants: at least 63

Islamic brothers). The responsibility of these Ijtima’aat is assigned to

Rukn-e-Shura Haji Muhammad Farooq Jeelani ‘Attari. He will also prepare

the schedule of Bayanaat.

4. The city where Haji Bilal Raza Attari Al-Madani is to deliver the Bayan, the

Nigran-e-Kabinat and Rukn-e-Shura of that city should also attend it.

5. From 11 September, 2015, the son of Attar Haji Bilal Raza ‘Attari

Al-Madani will travel with Madani Qafilah of Tanzania (Bilali countries),

��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$ �� ��%�& .

6. In order to get lots of organizational benefits from this opportunity, the

responsible Islamic brothers of all countries, in particular, the Nigran-e-

Kabinah and Nigran-e-Kabinat of nearby countries should make 12-

month and 1-month (30-day) Madani Qafilahs travel from their countries

during this schedule.

7. During this period of time, Madani Qafilah Majlis should arrange Madani

In’amaat and Madani Qafilah Course and Madani Tarbiyyati Course.

Bayanaat of members of Shura in different Shu’bajat


8. The Bayanaat of Arakeen-e-Shura Haji Abdul Habib Attari, Haji

Muhammad Azhar Attari, and Qaari Muhammad Saleem Attari will be

delivered in different departments. Haji Waqar-ul-Madinah Attari and

Haji Yafoor Raza Attari should deliver the Bayanaat in their own

departments, ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$ �� ��%�& .

Do your share of work yourself

9. An important responsible Islamic brother should have the sense of

proportion as to which work he has to do himself and which work he

has to assign to others.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


10. He may do some work himself and may assign some work (i.e. progress

of responsible Islamic brother etc.) to others. The work which one

should do himself, if assigned to others can be detrimental.

Parable: A king needed salt. He himself got up and went to get it. The

servants said, ‘Your Majesty! We will bring it to you.’ The king said, ‘I

need a small amount of salt, but you will get me sacks of salt’.

Madani pearls of Madani Mashwarah

11. When responsible Islamic brothers hold a Madani Mashwarah, they

should make this intention: I will think deeply about serving Islam and

Sunniyat and the solution of the problems Muslims are facing. Due to

this thought, moral standard will be raised and it will help take better

decisions. Otherwise, due to a lack of thought there is a fear of being


12. Where are we and where should we be? Understand the significance of

your position and power.

13. We should hold Madani Mashwarah after fixing time and deciding

advance Madani pearls properly. The result of unarranged Mashwarah

is not powerful.

14. It will be our privilege if we succeed in serving Islam and Sunniyat in any way.

Schedule and Madani Mashwarah

15. Advance schedule must be sent to your Nigran; it will help us adhere to

perform Madani activities.

16. Nigran-e-Kabinah should focus attention to 12 Madani activities in his

Kabinah; he should hold Madani Mashwarah in different divisions by

making a schedule to improve Madani activities and should participate

practically in Madani activities. Departments can be divided among

three active and strong members of Kabinah (apart from Nigran

Division Mushawarat) in order to strengthen departments on Kabinah

level. The departments which are alike should be combined together

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


and then be given to one responsible Islamic brother who should hold

monthly Madani Mashwarahs to improve the appointment of Islamic

brothers, schedule and the progress of the department.

Division of departments on Kabinah Level according to Nigran-e-

Kabinah and 3-member Majlis

� Departments according to Nigran-e-Kabinah

1. Majlis Madani In’amaat

2. Majlis Madani Qafilah

3. Majlis Maliyat

4. Majlis Progress

5. Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah (adults)

6. Majlis Madani work for Islamic Sisters

7. Majlis Weekly Ijtima’

8. Majlis Madani Donation Box

� Rukn-e-Majlis Makki Departments

1. Majlis Education Department

2. Majlis Doctors

3. Majlis Faizan-e-Murshid

4. Majlis Veterinary Doctors

5. Madani Channel Relay Majlis

6. Majlis Contact

7. Majlis Broadcast

8. Majlis Advocates and Judges

9. Majlis Medical Treatment

10. Majlis Homeopathic Doctors

11. Majlis Hakeem

12. Majlis Dar-ul-Madinah

13. Majlis Madani Muzakarah

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


� Rukn-e-Majlis Madani Departments

1. Majlis Hajj and ‘Umrah

2. Majlis Traders of Meat

3. Majlis Dars-e-Faizan-e-Sunnat

4. Majlis ‘Ushr & Surrounding Villages

5. Majlis Madani Parables

6. Majlis Tajheez-o-Takfeen

7. Majlis for Special Islamic Brothers

8. Majlis of Saints’ Shrines

9. Traders’ Majlis

10. Majlis Tahaffuz-e-Awraq-e-Muqaddasah

11. Majlis Courses

12. Majlis Izdiyad-e-Hub

13. Majlis Transport

� Rukn-e-Majlis ‘Attari Departments

1. Majlis Maktaba-tul-Madinah

2. Majlis Aimmah-e-Masajid

3. Majlis Khuddam-ul-Masajid

4. Majlis Booklets Distribution

5. Majlis Langer-e-Razawiyyah

6. Majlis Hifazati Umoor

7. Majlis Ta’wizat-e-‘Attariyyah

8. Majlis Property

9. Majlis I’tikaf

10. Majlis Faizan-e-Madinah

11. Majlis Collective Qurbani

12. Majlis Construction

13. Majlis Contact with Islamic Scholars and Mashaikh

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


� In order to focus great attention of Nigran-e-Kabinah to 12 Madani

activities, it has been decided in the Mashwarah of Markazi Majlis-e-

Shura of Dawat-e-Islami that the departments of Kabinah level will be

divided among 3 Islamic brothers in addition to Nigran-e-Kabinah. (The

detail of division is mentioned above.)

� In addition to the Nigran of Division Mushawarat, the Nigran of those 8

departments who Director Nigran Kabinah will deal with, will also attend

the Madani Mashwarah of Kabinah. Moreover, the 3 Islamic brothers

among whom the departments will be divided according to above-

mentioned division will also attend.

� The 3 Islamic brothers among whom Makki, Madani and Attari

departments will be divided, will hold the Mashwarah of the members of

Kabinah of their own departments one or two days prior to the Madani

Mashwarah of Kabinah. Duration: 2 to 2 and a half hours. The individual

progress of every member of Kabinah and collective progress of the

department will be analysed in this Madani Mashwarah and upcoming

targets will be set.

� The 3 Islamic brothers among whom departments will be divided will

participate with the overall progress of their departments in the Kabinah


� No one among these 3 Islamic brothers should be called Vice Nigran


� Nigran-e-Kabinah, as per need, can hold the Madani Mashwarah of any

one of the 47 departments.

� The members of departments, as per need, should contact the

responsible Islamic brother, who holds monthly Madani Mashwarah

(Makki, Madani, ‘Attari), if necessary, they can have Mashwarah with

Nigran-e-Kabinah as well.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


Division of departments according to Nigran-e-Kabinat and 4-

member Majlis on Kabinat Level

� Departments as per Nigran-e-Kabinat:

(1) Majlis Madani In’amaat (2) Majlis Madani Qafilah (3) Majlis Maliyat (4)

Majlis Progress (5) Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah for Adults (6) Majlis

Madani Activities for Islamic Sisters (7) Majlis Weekly Ijtima’ (8) Majlis

Madani Donation Box (9) Majlis Faizan-e-Madinah (10) Majlis of Traders

(11) Majlis Ijarah (12) Education Department (13) Majlis Jami’a-tul-

Madinah for boys (14) Majlis Jami’a-tul-Madinah for girls (15) Madrasa-

tul-Madinah for boys (16) Madrasa-tul-Madinah for girls (17) Maktaba-

tul-Madinah (18) Majlis ‘Ushr & Surrounding villages (19) Majlis Faizan-e-

Madinah (20) Majlis Construction (21) Majlis Faizan-e-Murshid.

� Rukn-e-Majlis Makki Departments:

(1) Majlis Property (2) Majlis Doctors (3) Majlis Veterinary Doctors (4)

Majlis Hakeem (5) Majlis Homeopathic Doctors (6) Majlis Medical

Treatment (7) Majlis Dar-ul-Madinah (8) Madani Channel Relay Majlis (9)

Majlis Madani Muzakarah (10) Majlis Traders for Meat (11) Majlis of

Advocates and Judges (12) Majlis Security (13) Majlis Broadcast

� Rukn-e-Majlis Madani Departments:

(1) Majlis Transport (2) Majlis Artist Reformation (3) Majlis Special Islamic

Brothers (4) Majlis Prisoners Reformation (5) Majlis Tahaffuz-e-Awraq-e-

Muqaddasah (6) Majlis Izdiyad-e-Hub (7) Majlis of Collective Animal

Sacrifice (8) Majlis of Players Reformation (9) Majlis of Madani Parables

(10) Majlis Langer-e-Rizawiyyah (11) Majlis Ta’wizat-e-‘Attariyyah (12)

Majlis I’tikaf (13) Majlis Taqseem-e-Rasaail

� Rukn Majlis Attari Departments:

(1) Majlis of Saints’ Shrines (2) Majlis of Contact with Islamic Scholars and

Mashaaikh (3) Majlis Aimmah-e-Masajid (4) Majlis Khuddam-ul-Masajid

(5) Majlis Dars-e-Faizan-e-Sunnat (6) Majlis of Funeral Rites (7) Majlis

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


Courses (8) Majlis Imamat Course (9) Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah

(courses) (10) Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah (online) (11) Majlis Madrasa-

tul-Madinah (boarding) (12) Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah (part-time) (13)

Majlis Al-Madinah Library (14) Majlis Hajj and ‘Umrah

17. Nigran Kabinat should get the Nigran of weak Madani activities to

attend the monthly Madani Mashwarah of active Madani activities

Kabinah; it will inspire them and they will become aware of the

methods to improve Madani activities.

18. Madani Mashwarahs will be held as per the dates of Mashwarahs which

have been fixed in the Madani pearls of Departments. One of the

means to improve Madani work is to hold Madani Mashwarah on time

regularly as per the set method.

19. Nigran is the one who encourages his subordinate Islamic brothers.

Madani pearls of Madani Mashwarah permission

20. Any responsible Islamic brother whose Mashwarah has to be arranged

anywhere, if the concerned responsible Islamic brother has to be called,

so Majlis Maliyat will pay his travel expenses as per decided, if he is


21. The Division of any responsible Islamic brother of any department if has

to go to Division and he gathers all the responsible Islamic brothers in

the Kabinah, so for this advance written permission is necessary from

the concerned Nigran Kabinah and department responsible Islamic

brothers of Pakistan level.

22. The Kabinah of any responsible Islamic brother of any department if has

to go to Kabinah and gathers all responsible Islamic brothers on Kabinat

level, so for this, advance written permission has to be obtained from

the concerned Nigran-e-Kabinat and the responsible Islamic brothers of

Pakistan Level.

23. The responsible Islamic brother of the department who has to go to

Kabinat if arranges a Tarbiyyati Ijtima’/Madani Mashwarah of all the

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


responsible Islamic brothers on Pakistan level, so for this it is necessary

to get written permission from the concerned Rukn-e-Shura and Nigran

Pakistan Intizami Kabinah.

Decided Madani pearls: The Nigran Majalis of departments (Pakistan) or

the concerned Rukn-e-Shura will arrange Madani Mashwarah of Pakistan

level Majlis every month—one month through internet and second

month face to face.

Venue of Madani Mashwarah

It has been decided about the venue of Madani Mashwarah that the venue

should be decided for all the attendees, which should be as far as possible in

the midst. Some responsible Islamic brothers call responsible Islamic brothers

of other cities to their city and arrange their Madani Mashwarah, that’s why

some may face troubles as well. Instead of this the middle path or easy venue

should be decided for the concerned responsible Islamic brothers so that

fares and time could be saved and those coming for the Madani Mashwarah

could face less troubles. For example, if all the responsible Islamic brothers of

Pakistan have to be gathered at one place, then after seeking permission it is

convenient to arrange Madani Mashwarah or Tarbiyyati Ijtima in Madina-tul-

Awliya (Multan) as it is the centre of Pakistan. Likewise, if it has to be

arranged on Kabinat level, so the centre of Kabinat should be selected

(normally where the Madani Markaz/Maktab of Kabinat are situated) and it

should be explained in permission letter.

(The venue of Madani Mashwarah of Kabinah Division Level should also be

fixed with all those necessary facilities, which not only make things easy for

the visitors, but it should have the facility of Network etc. as well, so that if

needed, collective Madani Mashwarahs could also be arranged.)

Responsible Islamic brothers and courses

24. The departments in which courses are being offered should prepare

courses for those who are teaching these courses. Every teacher

teaching a course should take this course. (Teacher of the courses can

be appointed as an employee with the permission of the concerned

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


member of Shura; the basic Madani pearls for the Tarbiyyati course are

the targets of these courses; it is like what do you want to get from

those who take this course; how could these targets be achieved?

Moreover, the syllabus of course teachers should be designed: What

should be taught at what time? And how should it be taught? Only

courses should not be taught but mindset for the Madani activities of

Dawat-e-Islami should also be given. Course teachers should also

demonstrate their good company practically, then from time to time,

there should be the arrangement of test for those taking the course.

During the course, important organizational responsible Islamic brothers

such as Nigran-e-Kabinah and Nigran-e-Kabinat and members of Shura

should also be present.

25. All important departments (with the permission of the concerned

member of Shura) should make their own Majlis Course offering at least

6 courses in 12 months. Important personalities should also be persuaded

to attend them. Majlis Courses should decide the days and the time of

all the courses.

Attendance in Madani Muzakarah

26. All the Islamic brothers of Dawat-e-Islami must attend Madani

Muzakarah. ��� � ���  �� � � � �� � ��� �� �� ����� , Madani Tarbiyyat is done and motivation and

development of Madani mindset for different Madani activities are also

done in it.

27. All the responsible Islamic brothers should attend the weekly Madani

Muzakarah from beginning to end.

28. In the month of Ramadan, most people attended Madani Muzakarahs

in Muhammadi Kabinat (Kashmir).

29. Attendees should be in great number in the city, where the OB Van of

Madani Channel goes for the Ijtima’ of Madani Muzakarah. (Target of

Attendees: Per Zayli Halqah 12 Islamic brothers.)

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


30. All the responsible Islamic brothers of Dawat-e-Islami including Markazi

Majlis-e-Shura must watch ‘Madani News of Dawat-e-Islami’ a series of

Madani Channel of Dawat-e-Islami.

Madani Donation Telethon

31. On 1st

Muharram-ul-Haraam 1437 AH, a ‘Madani Donation Telethon’

will be telecast for Dar-ul-Madinah on Madani Channel. One unit will be

of Rs. 15,000 because it is one student’s six month fee.

32. Invite in particular, such people in this Madani Donation Telethon, who

want to spend money for education. Sit with them and get them to

write intentions and then keep in touch with them so that Madani

donations can be collected according to their intentions.

33. This Madani Donation Telethon of Dawat-e-Islami should be shown as

far as possible in every Dar-ul-Madinah collectively. It will make easy for

the local personalities, fathers and guardians to reach.

34. In the last ten days of Zul-Hijja-til-Haraam, through all the Madani children

send written invitation to their parents and guardians for ‘Madani

Donation Telethon’.

35. In the last weekly Ijtima of Zul-Hijja-til-Haraam, this Madani Donation

Telethon should be arranged. Moreover, responsible Islamic brothers of

Dawat-e-Islami should especially be persuaded to make great efforts for


36. The schedule of members of Shura should be made in 20 big cities of

Pakistan. For example, personalities should be gathered at 8 venues in

Markaz-ul-Awliya (Lahore). Members of Shura should visit every venue

one by one.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


Targets (Madani Donation Telethon) of Units

Majlis Units Majlis Units

Majlis Ta’wizat-e-Attariyyah 110 Majlis Broadcasting 512

Jami’a-tul-Madinah for boys 700 Madrasa-tul-Madinah (part-time) 313

Madrasa-tul-Madinah for adults 512 Madrasa-tul-Madinah for boys 786

Shrines of Saints 313 Madrasa-tul-Madinah for girls 512

Majlis Faizan-e-Murshid 313 Majlis Ijarah 112

Madani In’amaat 112 Majlis Contact 112

Madani Qafilah 112 Majlis for Players Reformation 112

Education Department 112 Jami’a-tul-Madinah (for boys) 786

Maktaba-tul-Madinah 112 Majlis Hajj and ‘Umrah 112

Madani activities for Islamic Sisters 786 Majlis for Prisoners Reformation 112

Majlis of contact with Islamic scholars and Mashaaikh 112 Security 112

‘Ushr & Surrounding Villages 526 Majlis Property 112

Servants of Masajid 112 Majlis Finance 786

Madani Donation Box 526 Majlis Advocates and Judges 112

Majlis Madani parables 112 Majlis Traders 786

Majlis Booklets Distribution 112 Majlis Dar-ul-Madinah 786

Special Islamic Brothers 112 Transport 112

Madani Channel Relay Majlis 112 Majlis Courses 112

Majlis Faizan-e-Madinah 526 Majlis Progress 112

Madrasa-tul-Madinah (courses) 112 Majlis Doctors 313

Majlis Medical Treatment 112 Majlis Homeopathic Doctors 112

Madrasa-tul-Madinah (residential) 526 Majlis Hakeem 112

Majlis Aimmah-e-Masajid 313 Majlis Veterinary Doctors 112

Majlis Weekly Ijtima’ 313 Majlis Constructions 112

Majlis Langer-e-Razawiyyah 112 Majlis Traders for Meat 313

Majlis for Artist Reformation 112 Majlis Imamat Course 112

Majlis for Blessed pages Safety 112 Majlis Funeral Rites 112

Al-Madinah Library 112 Majlis I’tikaf 112

Majlis Dars-e-Faizan-e-Sunnat 112 Majlis Collective Animal Sacrifice 112

Madrasa-tul-Madinah (online) 786 Majlis Izdiyad-e-Hub 112

Majlis Weekly Madani Muzakarah 112 Majlis IT 226

Majlis Dar-ul-Madinah College University 112 Majlis Madani Course 112

Madani Tarbiyyat Centre 112

Follow strong system and principles

37. Improve the system; assign task to your subordinates according to the

system; use them according to the system, not your mood.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


38. In order to bring further improvement in the system of Madani Marakiz

‘Faizan-e-Madinah’, things should be implemented 100% from the

beginning according to the Madani pearls decided by Majlis Faizan-e-


39. Member of Shura Haji Muhammad Ameen Attari should write the

system of Aalami Madani Markaz Faizan-e-Madinah (Bab-ul-Madinah,

Karachi) and present it to Nigran-e-Shura. Target: 7 days

40. The movement that sticks to its principles succeeds.

41. Responsibility always demands sacrifice.

42. It is the main responsibility of all the responsible Islamic brothers

including Markazi Majlis-e-Shura to act upon the Madani principles of

Madani movement themselves and make others act upon them after

implementing them.

Development of Madani activities

43. Our development hinges upon the development of Madani activities.

The shining sun of Madani activities shines us.

44. Dawat-e-Islami will keep growing stronger as the 12 Madani activities of

Zayli Halqah improve, ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$ �� ��%�& .

45. Masjid Dars is the fundamental and most important Madani activity of


46. Nigran-e-Kabinah and Nigran-e-Division Mushawarat should analyse the

progress area-wise; any area where Madani work is decreasing, they

should go to this area themselves or send some important responsible

Islamic brother and have Madani Mashwarah. They should try to

remove this weakness forthwith.

47. Everyone should be given some responsibility; if he is not made Nigran-

e-Majlis, then member of Majlis should be made so that he may

perform Madani work steady besides being associated with Madani

environment and the Madani work may progress.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


48. All the responsible Islamic brothers should participate practically in 12

Madani activities of Zayli Halqah.

Madani and Madinah should not be excluded in our conversation

(Madani Muzakarah 28 Zul-Qa’da-til-Haraam, 1436 AH, September 12, 2015)

Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct

Qafilah Madani Qafilah Environment Madani


Dress Madani dress

In’amaat Madani


Activity Madani activity Tarbiyyati





12-Day Course 12-Day Madani


Jami’ah Jami’a-tul-


Madrasah Madrasa-tul-


‘Ilmiyyah Al-Madina-tul-


Maktabah Maktaba-tul-


Guldastah Madani


Little boy Madani Little


Little girl Madani Little


Mashwarah Madani


Channel Madani


Pad Madani Pad Tarbiyyat Madani







Madrasah for



Madinah for





Madinah Online

Muzakarah Madani


Solutions to problems are necessary

49. Solutions to the problems are necessary along with Madani development

activities so that Madani activities can develop and the Madani

activities that have been already in progress can also be improved. It is

necessary to maintain the balance in the solutions of the problems and

development activities.

50. If we do not resolve organizational problems, so they instead of being

sent to us will be sent to Nigran, thus the purpose of organizational

division will be defeated.

51. If a problem is not properly resolved itself, so the concerned Nigran-e-

Mushawarat should be contacted forthwith for the solution of it so that

organizational loss can be avoided.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


52. It is useful to arrange Tarbiyyati Ijtima’aat for increasing the knowledge

and practice and reducing the problems of responsible Islamic brothers.

(The permission of the concerned member of Shura is necessary.)

53. It is necessary for Nigran-e-Kabinah, Nigran-e-Kabinat and members of

Shura to be direct in all problems; wherever there is a possibility of the

solution to the problems through Majlis, so a Majlis consisting of

competent Islamic brothers should be formed to solve the problems.

54. Whenever a person brings a problem to you, so try your best to solve

his problem forthwith, otherwise people could have bad opinions and

sue you for slander etc.

55. Avoid making lame excuses because it is very difficult for the person

making lame excuses to be safe from a grave sin (lie).

Keep in touch

56. Nigran Islamic brother should strengthen their contact with their

subordinate Islamic brothers.

57. A responsible Islamic brother who does a lot of Madani work fails or is

in loss from organizational point of view, when he is not in contact with

his Nigrans and subordinate Islamic brothers. It is very essential to be in

contact for being active in Madani activities and for fulfilling

responsibilities effectively.

58. If you go to such an area, where no mobile network is found causing

difficulties to contact, so inform your responsible Islamic brothers prior

to going there.

Perform Madani work by protecting yourself from Shar’i and

organizational mistakes

59. Whatever you have to do, think about its all aspects so that you can

perform your Madani work being safe from Shar’i and organizational


Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


60. Overcome your or your subordinate’s first mistake, otherwise several

mistakes can be made.

61. Whatever activity we perform for Dawat-e-Islami, should be for the

purpose of getting reward. It is necessary that the work should be the

act of reward for reward.

62. It can also happen by the benefit of a perfect Murshid (spiritual guide)

that the Mureed becomes sensitive in the matters of religion and

becomes very careful. Therefore observe your habits yourself to see

how active you are in performing Islamic commandments and whether

you think about Halal and Haram or not.

63. It is the basic principle of Dawat-e-Islami that every work should be

performed as per Shari’ah.

64. Stick to organizational rules; we should not violate the rules.

65. Think about it before assigning anyone with the responsibility whether

he tries to act upon the Shari’ah or not.

66. One important responsibility of big level Islamic brothers is to

implement any Madani work as per organizational method after taking

Shar’i guidelines.

67. The responsible Islamic brother of higher level must be strong and

should not get nervous quickly.

How will departments be strong?

68. Departments cannot be strengthened unless Nigran Islamic brothers

help with the departments.

69. The department responsible Islamic brothers of Pakistan level must

make the schedule of entire Pakistan; they should do Madani Tarbiyyat

of the Majlis of their Islamic brothers so that they can become strong

from organizational point of view and can be busy and active in Madani


Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


70. It is easy for Nigrans to ask for Islamic brother for their department, but

when Islamic brothers have been appointed, it becomes difficult to get

work from them.

71. It is the most difficult task to find out capable and competent people. If

a Nigran-e-Majlis cannot perform this work, so he will not be able to

perform the work of his department as well.

Watch vigilantly

72. From time to time, responsible Islamic brothers should watch Madani

Marakiz, Madrasa-tul-Madinah, Jami’a-tul-Madinah, etc. from investigation

point of view not only in the days but also in the nights and whatever

weaknesses are found, should be overcome by implementing the Shar’i

commandment and organizational method in an easy way after seeking

guidelines as per Shari’ah.

I’tikaf of the month of Ramadan

73. The Islamic brothers who have to be made I’tikaf Nigran etc. during I’tikaf

(Ramadan 1437), Nigran-e-Kabinah should make their complete record

then e-mail it to Pakistan Intizami Kabinah Maktab. Target: 41 days

74. Try your best to persuade all responsible Islamic brothers to observe

I’tikaf (whole month of Ramadan/last ten days).

75. Members of Shura and Nigran-e-Majlis I’tikaf (Pakistan) should arrange

Madani Mashwarahs of the construction of I’tikaf Observing Masajid,

whole year organizational responsible Islamic brothers, teachers of

Jami’a-tul-Madinah and the students of high levels. They should be

persuaded to observe I’tikaf after telling them the virtues of I’tikaf.

Appoint Halqah Nigran or I’tikaf Nigran during I’tikaf right now.

76. Those who are ready for I’tikaf and, in particular, those who are to be

assigned with the responsibly of Halqah or area during the I’tikaf, Tarbiyyati

Ijtima’aat of such brothers should be arranged because those who are if

not trained themselves, how could they train other people then?

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


77. The I’tikaf arranged by Dawat-e-Islami provides a very good opportunity

to gain and impart Islamic knowledge and to practice it as well. All the

responsible Islamic brothers ought to observe I’tikaf and bless Islamic

brothers with their company.

78. Undoubtedly, I’tikaf arranged by Dawat-e-Islami has many advantages

for Islam and Sunniyat.

79. Majlis I’tikaf should present the accounts of Langer-e-Razawiyyah done

in the I’tikaf of all places and other matters to Ifta Maktab, and then

should act upon the Shar’i guidelines received from them.

80. After making efforts the whole year, Majlis I’tikaf should prepare one

hundred and 12 thousands Mu’takifeen and 2200 such trained

preachers who could train Mu’takifeen while observing I’tikaf themselves.

Matters of employees

81. It is a very important responsibility of responsible Islamic brothers to

see the matters, schedule and progress of the employees.

82. Nigran-e-Majlis Ijarah (Pakistan) Sayyid Muhammad Asad Attari will visit

Pakistan Intizami Kabinah Maktab to help Nigran Pakistan Kabinah for

the investigation of the schedule and progress of Pakistan level

employed Islamic brothers and Waqf. Nigran Pakistan Intizami Kabinah

should himself watch this important Madani work forthwith.

83. The possession of trust should be given to those who deserve it, and

those who do not deserve it should not be given at all.

Majlis Aimmah-e-Masajid

84. A Majlis will be formed for appointing Aimmah-e-Masajid in the Masajid

of posh areas and important societies; these Aimmah-e-Masajid besides

keeping their eyes on the constructions of Masajid will search Aimmah

Kiraam of pre-requisite conditions from different departments such as

Jami’a-tul-Madinah, Dar-ul-Madinah, Madrasa-tul-Madinah, etc. (Member

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


of Shura Haji Yafoor Raza ‘Attari will do this work in consultation with


85. The target of Majlis Jami’a-tul-Madinah is to prepare 150 Aimmah-e-

Masajid, who should have Islamic and worldly knowledge, from the

current Daura-e-Hadees. ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$ �� ��%�& , member of Shura Haji Haafiz

Asad ‘Attari Al-Madani will give the progress of this Madani work to

Nigran-e-Shura and Nigran-e-Pakistan Intizami Kabinah every month.

86. In Madina-tul-Awliya (Multan), Rukn-e-Shura Qaari Muhammad Saleem

‘Attari will teach ‘Faizan-e-Tajweed and Qira`at Course’. In this course,

specific Islamic brothers fulfilling the prerequisites of this course may

take admission. The method of delivering Bayan and the manners of

performing the Madani work of Dawat-e-Islami should also be taught;

pocket money will also be given to course-taking Islamic brothers; how

long is the course? What are the prerequisites? These things will be

decided by members of Shura themselves. (Member of Shura Qaari

Muhammad Saleem ‘Attari will send its progress to Nigran-e-Shura and

Nigran-e-Pakistan Intizami Kabinah in 19 days.)

87. It is a fact that Islam can be served a lot through Mimber (pulpit) and


Jami’a-tul-Madinah (boys)

88. Careful attention should be paid to the First Level of Jami’a-tul-Madinah

(boys). Members of Shura should deliver a Bayan for 25 minutes at least

once a week, the same should be done by Madani Islamic brothers of

Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat and teachers of Daura-e-Hadees so that

students may take interest in Jami’a-tul-Madinah and can be trained in

a better way. (These Bayanaat can be delivered in the weekly Tarbiyyati

Ijtima (Haafilah) of Jami’a-tul-Madinah.)

89. The level of competent students should be made in the beginning of

Daura-e-Hadees after conducting ‘Mudarris Test’ and some part of

Teaching Course should be taught daily for some time.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


90. ��,� ���  �5� �. �;�� �� � ��# �$ �� ��%�& , this year (1436 AH) the number of female students for

Daura-e-Hadees in Jami’a-tul-Madinah (Girls) is 715 and male students

for Daura-e-Hadees in Jami’a-tul-Madinah (boys) is 359.

Majlis Khud-Kifalat (self-sufficiency)

91. The responsibility of Majlis Khud-Kifalat has been given to member of

Shura Haji Muhammad Farooq Jeelani ‘Attari.

92. A Tarbiyyati Ijtima’ should be arranged for self-sufficiency.

93. Shar’i, organizational and moral Madani pearls should be made. (Majlis

Madrasa-tul-Madinah has made Madani pearls for Self-sufficiency;

benefit can be obtained from them.)

Madani Qafilahs

94. Punctuality of schedule should be focused in Madani Qafilahs and the

Madani Tarbiyyat of Ameer-e-Qafilah should be done.

95. The date of 1st

Muharram (1437 AH) for making 12-month Madani

Qafilahs travel has been set. Nigran-e-Kabinah, Nigran-e-Kabinat and

Nigran-e-Majlis (Pakistan) and, in particular, the members of Shura and,

in general, all Islamic brothers should persuade more and more Islamic

brothers and then send them to Aalami Madani Markaz Faizan-e-

Madinah (Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi) till this date. Target: Per Kabinah

and per department at least 12 Islamic brothers

96. The fortunate devotees of Rasool, who will travel for 12 months from


Muharram (1437 AH), will first of all have the privilege of attending

Madani Muzakarahs of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ��� ��� ������� ��  ������������ ���  � ������ for 10

days (from 1st

to 10th

Muharram) ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$ �� ��%�& .

Majlis Faizan-e-Madinah

97. Different maps should be drawn for Madani Marakiz (Faizan-e-

Madinah) in accordance with the cities and area. Majlis Faizan-e-

Madinah should complete this Madani work in 63 days and then send it

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


to the concerned member of Shura and the concerned member of

Shura should present its progress to Nigran-e-Shura and Nigran-e-

Pakistan Intizami Kabinah.

Majlis Faizan-e-Murshid

98. A Salah Ijtima’ of Majlis Faizan-e-Murshid was held in Aalami Madani

Markaz Faizan-e-Madinah (Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi). In this Ijtima’, the

rulings of Salah were especially taught.

Madrasa-tul-Madinah for adults

99. Different topics of Fard ‘Uloom Course with changes should be done

through audio for 15 to 20 minutes in Madrasa-tul-Madinah for adults.

A monthly short written test should be conducted from the attendees

for whatever they hear. Remember! Dar-ul-Ifta has not given permission

to play a video inside the Masjid and in Fina-e-Masjid, so only audio

should be played.

Progress of Madani Donations

100. This year (1436 AH), in the Madani donations of Rajab, Sha’ban,

Ramadan till 25 Shawwal, Ghazali Kabinat in Kabinat (Gulzar-e-Taybah

(Sargodha), Mianwali, Bhakkar, Layyah etc.) in terms of percentage and

in term of increase in money the department of Hajwayri Kabinat

(Markaz-ul-Awliya, Lahore etc.) in departments Madrasa-tul-Madinah

for boys stands first, second Majlis Madani Work for Islamic Sisters and

third Jami’a-tul-Madinah (for boys).

Skins of animals sacrificed at Eid-ul-Adha

101. In the month of Zul-Hijja-til-Haraam, all the responsible Islamic brothers

have especially one task: ‘This time we have to collect more skins than

anyone else.’ For this, make those responsible Islamic brothers active

who did not use to collect skins in the past, thus increasing the number

of Islamic brothers collecting skins will increase skins as well.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


Reduce expenses

102. Nigran-e-Kabinah, Nigran-e-Kabinat and members of Shura as far as

possible without violating anyone’s right should reduce organizational

expenses wherever it is possible.

103. Majlis Maliyat should establish the department of reducing expenses.

Target: 41 days (Sayyid Ibraheem ‘Attari will make the Madani pearls

for this department. Target: 19 days).

Few suggestions for reducing expenses

� Check the system of the Makatib affiliated to Madani Marakiz (Faizan-e-

Madinah) from time to time.

� The use of AC should be checked in the departments or Makatib where

AC is permitted.

� The use of fans and lights should be checked in Madani Marakiz (Faizan-

e-Madinah); it should also be checked whether lights and fans are on

more than the need during Salah timings, prior to Salah and after Salah,

in particular, after Salat-ul-Fajr.

104. Majlis Maliyat should make a collective plan for buying things for Madani

Marakiz (Faizan-e-Madinah), Madaris-ul-Madinah, and for Jami’aat-ul-

Madinah etc. so that good things could be bought in less prices. There

will be no fear of buying extra things. Likewise, the system of stores

situated at different places should be made strong; after seeking Shar’i

guidance, the things which can be sold, should be sold and the things

which can be reused after being repaired should also be used.

105. With the help of Majlis Property Protection the system of stores can be

further organized and strengthened in a proper manner.

106. Internet/Madani Channel should not be provided to the Makatib of

Madani Marakiz in which they are not needed.

107. Avoid fancy and expensive constructions; there is also a kind of beauty

in simplicity.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


108. The expenses of the kitchen of Jami’a-tul-Madinah and residential

boarding Madrasa-tul-Madinah should be checked by the concerned

Kabinat responsible Islamic brothers. Moreover, they should think

about the possibility of reducing the expenses where it is possible and

then get it finalized with Nigran-e-Majlis or the concerned member of


109. The metres of electricity and gas should be increased wherever they are

needed, so that the bills can be controlled. Majlis Jami’a-tul-Madinah

(for girls and boys), Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah (for boys and girls) and

Majlis Faizan-e-Madinah, in particular, should think of it.

110. Members of Shura, Nigran-e-Kabinat and Nigran-e-Kabinah should

carefully see the schedule of responsible Islamic brothers, the system of

Madani Mashwarahs and the expenses of Langer-e-Razawiyyah.

Do wear helmet while riding motorcycle

111. All the Islamic brothers including members of Shura must wear a

helmet while riding a motorcycle or scooter. Those sitting behind

should also wear a helmet; do not allow anyone to sit behind you

without the helmet. Blessed ‘Imamah if be adjusted under the helmet,

it is alright, otherwise wear helmet after removing the ‘Imamah.

Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ���� ��� ������� ��  ������������ ���  � ������ has laid great emphasis on the

law of wearing helmet.


Aalami Majlis Mushawarat

Faizan-e-Madinah, Bab-ul-Madinah (Karachi)

4 Zul-Qa’da-til-Haraam, 1436 AH (20 August, 2015)

112. The significance of Aalami Majlis Mushawarat for Islamic sisters can be

judged properly from the fact that Aalami Majlis Mushawarat is

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


responsible and accountable for the efforts of reforming Islamic sisters

throughout the world and responsible for all other Madani activities

and departments.

113. All Madani activities and organizational rules are decided in

consultation with Aalami Majlis Mushawarat for Islamic sisters; Aalami

Majlis Mushawarat is responsible for their implementation on the

Islamic sisters of the entire world.

114. More than half (approximately 52%) of the population of Muslims

consists of Islamic sisters; therefore more Madani activities are needed

in Islamic sisters.

115. Members of Aalami Majlis Mushawarat should themselves have the

company of ‘Bint-e-‘Attar Baaji’ and should benefit the subordinate

Islamic sisters by their company; they should also be given Madani

Tarbiyyat. Remember! Transformation can also be brought by company.

Protect yourself from being controversial

116. Protect yourself from being controversial; the problem which can be

solved after forming a Majlis, should be solved by the Majlis.

117. The bigger responsibility a person has, the more he has to be careful.

The Islamic sisters of high level should keep this thing in mind where to

go and where not to go. There are many parties which are not the right

places to go.

118. It is not easy to fulfil the demands of justice, therefore, Imam-e-A’zam

���� ���  �������  � � �-� �< �) did not accept the post of Chief Justice.

Movement of Qufl-e-Madinah

119. Try your best to implement the movement of Qufl-e-Madinah among

Islamic sisters. Introduce the practice of being quiet to them; be silent

so that backbiting and tell-tale can be avoided.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


120. Whenever you go to anyone’s home, be very careful not to say anything

that may hurt their feelings.

System of Madani Mashwarahs in Islamic sisters

121. Monthly Madani Mashwarahs on Kabinat level should be arranged in

which Kabinat responsible Islamic sisters should have face to face

Madani Mashwarah of Kabinah responsible Islamic sisters. Current

progress, inquiry about set targets, problems and their solutions,

analysis of progress and decline, appreciation of good performance,

distribution of Madani gifts, and discussion in a proper manner for

upcoming targets and advance and progress schedule.

122. Besides Kabinah responsible Islamic sisters, department Zimmahdar

Islamic sister on Kabinat level should also attend the Madani

Mashwarah of Kabinat Zimmahdar Islamic sister every month. After

every three months, Nigran-e-Pakistan Intizami Kabinah Abu Rajab Haji

Muhammad Shahid ‘Attari and member of Shura and Nigran-e-Majlis

Madani work for Islamic sisters Haji Abu Majid Muhammad Shahid

‘Attari Al-Madani will attend it via the internet.

123. The Kabinah Responsible Islamic sisters of the entire country should

come to Bab-ul-Madinah once in twelve months to get Madani pearls

from Bint-e-Attar Baaji, Aalami Majlis Mushawarat responsible Baaji

and Pakistan Majlis Mushawarat Zimmahdar Baaji. The Islamic sisters of

Aalami Majlis Mushawarat should give them Madani pearls and

encourage on their better performance as well as notify and train them

as needed.

124. After every four months, Pakistan Majlis Mushawarat Zimmahdar

Islamic sister should arrange a face to face Mashwarah of the entire

Kabinat Zimmahdaran of Pakistan and the department responsible

Islamic sisters of Pakistan level in Madina-tul-Awliya (Multan) or

Sardarabad (Faisalabad). The Nigran Pakistan Intizami Kabinah and

member of Shura and Nigran-e-Majlis Madani work for Islamic sisters

should attend this Mashwarah via the internet.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


125. Every member of Aalami Majlis Mushawarat should have this detail of

the appointment as to how many Islamic sisters under them have

responsibilities, for example, there are 10 Divisions in 1 Kabinah, so out

of these 10 Divisions how many Divisions have the Zimmahdaran.

Likewise, there should be the detail of areas, Halqahs and Zayli Halqahs.

Majlis Courses (Islamic sisters)

126. Up to now the courses which have been taught under Majlis Courses

(Islamic sisters), their brief progress such as course name, course date,

number of Islamic sisters taking the course, number of Islamic teachers

teaching the course, and their progress such as how many teachers

were there? How many preachers? How many became ‘Attariyyah?

How many have started giving Dars at home and how many Islamic

sisters have started wearing Madani Burqa’ etc. should be emailed to

Aalami Majlis Mushawarat Zimmahdar, member of Shura Abu Majid

Haji Muhammad Shahid ‘Attari Al-Madani. Target: 26 days

127. A course should be designed for the Islamic sisters teaching the courses.

128. A strong method of checking the standard of the course should be


129. Islamic sisters taking a course should be given organizational

responsibility during the course. Such a system be made that during the

course the Islamic sisters getting their names written for Bay’at could

be given Maktoob-e-‘Attar (Bay’at Namah). Without affecting the

syllabus of the course, organizational Islamic sisters should attend the

course and make the mind of course-taking Islamic sisters for 8 Madani

activities and they should also be assigned with some organizational

responsibility as per their status.

130. In Madani environment, improvement is made by virtue of responsibility

that grants steadfastness as well. It also brings improvement in Madani


Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


Qurbani skins and household Sadaqah Box

131. Islamic sisters (through their Maharim) should also try their best to

collect skins of animals sacrificed and to place household Sadaqah Box at

homes. Furthermore, they should also persuade others to do these acts.


Majlis Overseas

Faizan-e-Madinah, Bab-ul-Madinah (Karachi)

4 Zul-Qa’da-til-Haraam, 1436 AH (30 August, 2015)

132. ��,� ���  �5� �. �;�� �� � ��# �$ �� ��%�& , on 30th

August, 2015, member of Shura and Nigran-e-Majlis

Overseas Haji Abdul Habib ‘Attari and member of Shura Haji Muhammad

Bilal Raza Attari had a Madani Mashwarah via the internet with Overseas

Nigran and members of Kabinah/Kabinat, Zimmahdaran of departments

and preachers of Dawat-e-Islami. Their questions were also answered.

133. Maktab Overseas received the attendance of the countries attending this

Madani Mashwarah by Skype/Whatsapp: ‘Blessed Arab, India, Bangladesh,

South Africa, Tanzania, C-Lanka, South Korea, France, Holland, Hong Kong,

Oman, UK, Australia, Uganda, Mauritius, Greece, UAE, Bahrain.’

Members of Shura gave the attendees of Madani Mashwarah the

following Madani pearls:

134. In the last Madani Mashwarah of Markazi Majlis-e-Shura of Dawat-e-

Islami, this Madani pearl was decided that the distribution of Madani

activities of members of Markazi Majlis-e-Shura should be in such a

manner that members of Shura for the Madani activities of Pakistan

should be separate and separate should be the members of Shura for

Madani activities of Overseas. Good news for the Overseas Islamic

brothers that ��, � ���  �5� �. �;�� �� � ��# �$ �� ��%�& , keeping in mind the above-mentioned

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


Madani pearls Markazi Majlis-e-Shura has made a 38-member Majlis

Overseas for Overseas for the development of Dawat-e-Islami.

Details of division of countries are as under

1 Member of Shura Haji Abdul

Habib Attari

(Nigran Majlis Overseas)



UK (England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales)

2 Member of Shura Haji Bilal

Raza Attari

(advisor of Nigran Majlis




North and Latin America (Brazil, Argentine, Chili, Uruguay, Paraguay,

Colombia, French Guyana, Guyana, Sernem, Venezuela, Trinidad,

Tobago, El Salvador, Ecuador, Panama, Haiti, St. Keats, Bahamas,

Barbados, Jamaica, Peru, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba, America,

Canada, Green Land, Fake Land, Bermuda, Belles, Cost Arica, Dominica,

Grenada, Guatemala, Nicaragua, St. Lussa, St. Vincent)

3 Member of Shura Haji Bilal

Raza Attari



India, Nepal, Bhutan

4 Member of Shura Haji

Ameen Qafilah Attari



Eastern and Central Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia,

Djibouti, Eretria, Congo, Republic Central Africa, People Republic

Congo, Gabon, Angola, Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Mali, Burkina

Faso, Ghana, Mauritania, Ivory Cost, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia,

Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Western Sahara, Burundi)

5 Member of Shura Haji

Azhar Attari



Europe (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia,

Bulgaria, Cyprus, Check Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece,

Hungry, Iceland, Italy, Kosovo, Malta, Macedonia, Monaco,

Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Spain,

Switzerland, Vatican, Netherland, Norway, Turkey)

6 Member of Shura

Muhammad Rafee Attari



For East (Mongolia, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Philippine,

Vietnam, Macao, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Laos,

Cambodia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, East Timor, Indonesia, C

Lanka, Maldives)

7 Member of Shura Haji

Muhammad Ali Attari




8 Member of Shura Qaari

Muhammad Saleem Attari



Lower Africa (South Africa, Lesotho, Swazi Land, Madagascar, Mauritius,

Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Bassas

da India, Rwanda)

9 Haji Muhammad

Shahab Attari



UAE, Oman

10 Haji Muhammad

Masood Attari



Arab countries (Blessed Arab, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria,

Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya, Aljazair, Morocco,


11 Haji Muhammad

Imtiyaz Attari



Iran, Afghanistan

12 Muhammad Atif Bapu Bukhari


Russian Estates (Russia, Bella Russia, Ukrainian, Georgia, Armenia,

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,

Tajikistan, Estonia, Latoya, Lithonia, Finland)

13 Muhammad Abdul

Waahid Attari



Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Fiji,

Solomon, Marshal Iceland, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Micronesia, Tonga,


Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


135. Keeping in touch with the newly made responsible Islamic

brother/member of Shura and former responsible Islamic brother,

Overseas Kabinah/Country Islamic brother should spread the Madani

activities of Dawat-e-Islami a lot in their Kabinah/country.

136. Eid-ul-Adha is very near, so wherever sacrificed animals skins are being

collected, the responsible Islamic brothers of those places should pay

special attention and try to collect more and more skins as compared to

previous years.

137. ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$ �� ��%�& , like every year, this year also under the Majlis Overseas,

collective Qurbani will be arranged for the facility of devotees of Rasool

in foreign countries. Majlis Ijtima’ee Qurbani (Overseas) has emailed

the details of it to the responsible Islamic brothers of Kabinah/Kabinat.

� Last date of booking (shares) for Collective Qurbani: September 20, 2015

� Cow per share: 9900/PKR

� One goat/sheep: 15000/PKR

� E-mail ID: [email protected]

� Contact: 0092-21-34921394

138. Overseas responsible Islamic brothers should make lots of efforts for

collective Qurbani and send the details of the shares of Qurbani from

their own countries till the due date.

139. Collecting the shares of Ijtima’ee Qurbani also has its advantages:

� The more shares you send after collecting, the more the Qurbani of

your country’s Muslim will be correct as per Shari’ah and it will be

performed in a better way because by the blessing of Ameer-e-Ahl-

e-Sunnat ���� ��� ������� ��  ������������ ���  � ������, following the Shar’i guidelines of Ifta

Maktab, in the Madani environment of Dawat-e-Islami with Shar’i

cautions Ijtima’ee Qurbani is performed.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


� The meat of Qurbani will be sent to Islamic brothers, causing them

to feel pleased.

� The more you advertise Ijtima’ee Qurbani, the more people will

contact you for Ijtima’ee Qurbani, it means that they will contact

you, and then their records will be saved with you and then later on

you may associate them with the Madani environment of Dawat-e-


� The more shares Ijtima’ee Qurbani has, the more skins Dawat-e-

Islami will get, benefiting more to Dawat-e-Islami.

140. Remember! No responsible Islamic brother is allowed by Madani

Markaz to perform Ijtima’ee Qurbani in any other country except

Pakistan. Further, Ijtima’ee Qurbani is not performed in blessed Arab

even during the days of Hajj.

141. ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$ �� ��%�& , on October 16, 2015 (Wednesday, Muharram-ul-Haraam)

the Madani Channel series Telethon for Dar-ul-Madinah will be held. A

Madani Mashwarah of Overseas responsible Islamic brothers regarding

this will be held regularly via the internet after Eid-ul-Adha.

142. Preachers of Dawat-e-Islami should think about their day and night

activities; they should try to protect themselves from the attacks of

Nafs and Satan. Internet, mobiles, laptops are all very destructive things

and sometimes these things throw a person in that ditch that his career

is destroyed these things create such problems for a person which

destroy his whole career.

143. Remember! It takes a long time to make reputation, but takes no time

to destroy it.

144. Have the company of those who practice Madani In’amaat; include

yourself in the movement of Nafli fasts.

145. Protect your gazes; control those matters, which may lead to astray by

Nafs and Satan.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


146. In the eyes of people we are serving Sunnah a lot leaving our home,

homeland, but due to our heedlessness may we not become deserving

of Hell.

147. All the responsible Islamic brothers should take the 12-day Madani

Course, a favourite of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ���� ��� ������� ��  ������������ ���  � ������, as soon as


148. ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$ �� ��%�& , from September 11, 2015, the prince of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-

Sunnat, preacher of Dawat-e-Islami Haji Abu Hilal Muhammad Bilal Raza

Attari will travel to Tanzania (East Africa) for Madani activities. The

responsible Islamic brothers of the entire world should make the most

of it and have the company of the prince of Attar. More information

about it can be obtained from Maktab Overseas.

149. ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$ �� ��%�& , the Madani Muzakarahs of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat

���� ��� ������� ��  ������������ ���  � ������ will be held from 1st

Zul-Hijja-til-Haraam to 10th

of Zul-

Hijja-til-Haraam (begins from September 14, 2015) in Aalami Madani

Markaz Faizan-e-Madinah. It will be telecast live on Madani Channel.

150. On the 2nd

week of November, 2015, Nigran-e-Markazi Majlis-e-Shura and

preacher of Dawat-e-Islami Haji Abu Haamid Muhammad Imran Attari will

travel to Makki countries (UK etc.) and Attari countries (Europe). During

this journey, a 3-day Tarbiyyati Ijtima’ will also be held. Responsible

Islamic brothers from all over the world may attend this Ijtima. Its proper

schedule will be mailed from Maktab Overseas, ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$�� ��%�& .

151. ��, �����678�9  �:�� ��# �$�� ��%�& , in the month of Zul-Hijja-til-Haraam 1436 AH, the member

of Majlis-e-Shura Haji Abu Kumayl Muhammad Fuzayl Raza ‘Attari will

travel to Nepal where two 12-day Madani Courses will also be conducted;

first course will begin on 12th

October 2015, second course on 14th

October 2015. The Nigran-e-Kabinah/Kabinat of India will also attend

them. If responsible Islamic brothers from other countries except India

and Nepal also want to attend them, they should contact Maktab

Overseas in advance so that arrangement can be made for them.

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


152. ��, � ���  �5� �. �;�� �� � ��# �$ �� ��%�& , Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat’s booklets have been translated into

35 languages by Majlis-e-Tarajim of Dawat-e-Islami. Further, work of

translation into 3 to 4 languages is in progress. Regarding this, Overseas

Islamic brothers should help such Islamic brothers of their own

country/Kabinah who take interest in the translation of books/booklets

to contact Tarajim Maktab through Maktab Overseas.

153. The Islamic brothers who want to come to Aalami Madani Markaz

Faizan-e-Madinah Bab-ul-Madinah (Karachi) for the training of Madani

Muzakarahs or other courses, their advance schedule be emailed to

Maktab Overseas so that their arrangements of accommodation and

schedule etc., can be managed in a proper manner.

154. You can email your Madani Mashwarahs and suggestions to Maktab

Overseas for performing Madani activities in a much better way in

overseas countries by teaching language courses for different languages

to preachers.

155. Overseas responsible Islamic brothers and preachers should regularly

attend the Madani Muzakarahs of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat.

156. Preachers and responsible Islamic brothers of Dawat-e-Islami should

include study in their schedule. They should include those books, in

particular, which Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat has mentioned many times and

are also included in the syllabus of Madani In’amaat. They should be

included in the schedule.

157. When should one study? How should things be memorized after the

study? 18 Madani pearls about study regarding this can be obtained

from a booklet about the Seerat of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat named


158. Responsible Islamic brothers should make only the Bayan their standard

which is taken from Al-Madinah-tul-‘Ilmiyyah, its English translation

done by Majlis-e-Tarajim that is sent to the Overseas responsible

Islamic brothers by Maktab Overseas every week. (Responsible Islamic

brothers may contact Majlis-e-Tarajim through Maktab Overseas to get

this Bayan translated into other languages.)

Madani Mashwarah – August, 2015 Translated into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim (Dawat-e-Islami)


Madani request

��, � ���  �5� �. �;�� �� � ��# �$ �� ��%�& ! For many years, from time to time, Madani Mashwarahs of the

Markazi Majlis-e-Shura of Dawat-e-Islami are held and continue for many

days in the Aalami Madani Markaz Faizan-e-Madinah, Madina-tul-Murshid,

Bab-ul-Madinah (Karachi); whatever is decided after mutual Mushawarat, is

written briefly and then with necessary amendment and modification is sent

to the responsible Islamic brothers. After gaining massive advantages from

these Madani pearls not only implement them in your countries, divisions,

cities, and departments, but also give us your valuable suggestions.

Please, send these Madani pearls within 7 days to the concerned responsible

Islamic brothers and receive its confirmation. Further, inform your Nigran as


May Allah ��#�$�� ��%�& enable us to be the slave of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat and

remain steadfast with sincerity and safety on Dawat-e-Islami.

مي ا( ب

مي باه ال�ل ا

يه وا


تعا� ا��

�م صل

� وسل

Schedule of coming Madani Mashwarah of Markazi Majlis-e-Shura:

Arrival time of the members of Shura at Aalami Madani Markaz Faizan-e-

Madinah Bab-ul-Madinah (Karachi): November 3, 2015 – Maghrib.

Date (Hijri) Date (Gregorian) Day Timing Participants

19 Muharram 3 November Thursday ‘Isha Nigrans and members of Markazi Majlis-e-Shura

20 4 Wed Zuhr to Maghrib Nigran Kabinat Pakistan and members of Markazi


“ ” “ ” “ ” ‘Isha “ ”

21 5 Thursday Zuhr to Maghrib Majlis Overseas

“ ” “ ” “ ” After Ijtima’ Nigran Kabinat Pakistan and members of Markazi

Majlis-e-Shura, members of Majlis Overseas

23 7 Saturday Morning 9 to

afternoon 1

Aalami Majlis Mushawarat

Issue Date:

8 Zul-Hijja-til-Haraam, 1436 AH (September 23, 2015)